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Quarter: _______________ Week: ___________

Date:__________________ Day:_____________

I. Objectives

Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using the type of text clues Cause-and-Effect or
Reason-Result Clue

II. Subject Matter

a. Context Clues – Cause and Effect or Reason-Result Clue
b. Reference: PIVOT 4A Learner’s Materials
c. Materials: ppt presentation, video

III. Procedure:
A. Greetings
B. Procedure
1. Review
Read the statements below. Using context clues, identify
the meaning of highlighted words. Choose the letters of your answers.

1. The porridge we bought tasted bland unlike the tasteful soup that my
mom cooked for us.
A. sweet b. yummy c. delicious d. tasteless

2. The City of Santa Rosa hosted the mayors’ summit, a gathering of

people aiming to discuss key issues and concerns.
a. meeting b. peak c. water d. festival

3. The first set of hikers have reached the summit or top of Mount
a. festival b. meeting c. peak d. water

4. Sofia the First is a story of a young monarch or princess highlighting

her adventures.
a. royalty b. lady c. soldier d. adventurer

5. Coronavirus causes COVID-19, a disease that infects and weakens

human respiratory system.
a. vitamins b. illness c. remedy d. failure

2. Motivation
Ask: What can you see in the picture?
Who among you have seen a wolf in real life?
Are you afraid of wolves?
3. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Asks: Do you believe in the
saying, “Honesty is the best policy”?
What do you think will happen to you if you lie several times?

4. Presenting of the new lesson

Let us read a story entitled, “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time, in a beautiful village near lush rolling hills, there was a boy who
watched over the village’s sheep. Being alone up in the hills was very boring. To liven
up his day, the boy thought it would be fun to scare the villagers and scream, “Wolf,
wolf!” The villagers grabbed whatever they could, and ran up the hill to scare off the

When they reached the top, they realized they had been tricked by the mischievous
boy. He laughed and laughed until the villagers angrily walked back down the hill.
Even the sheep were not amused. The boy continued to call wolf, and the villagers
warned him that the next time they would no longer believe him. The boy shrugged
off the warning and laid down for a nap.

One lazy afternoon, the boy heard a terrible sound. Before he could even prepare
himself, a wolf appeared right before him, and was chasing all the village’s sheep!
The boy screamed, “Wolf, wolf!”, but having lied so many times, the people of the
village just ignored him. With no one to help him fend off the wolf, the sheep all ran
away, and the boy was left crying on the hill.

5. Comprehension Check-Up
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. When do you think the story happened?
3. Where did the story occur?
4. Why did the boy lie?
5. How did the lies of the boy affect what happened to him at the end of
the story?
6. What is the moral of the story?

6. Teaching Modelling
Look at the following sentences.
a. So he could liven up his day, the boy thought it would be fun to scare the villagers
and scream, “Wolf, wolf!”
b. The villagers warned him that the next time they would no longer believe him
because he keep on tricking them.

Asks: What are the highlighted words in the sentences?

What are the underlined words?
Looking at the highlighted words, how do we infer their meaning?
(We can infer their meaning by looking at the reason or result of an event or
action in the text.)
What do you call to the type of context clues that explains the reason or result
of an event or action in the text? (They are what we call the Cause-and-Effect
or Reason-Result-Clue)

The city government has implemented the community quarantine because
experts want to stop or slow down the increase in the number of COVID-19

7. Analysis
From the story, “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”, give sentences that show cause and
effect relationship.

Cause Effect

8. Engagement Activity

Identify the meaning of the highlighted unfamiliar words in the following sentences
using cause-and-effect or reason-result- clue.

1. Because the boy was alone up in the hill, he got bored.

2. Even the sheep were not amused because he kept tricking the villagers.
3. The villagers got fooled many times, so they didn’t believe the boy the next time
he called for their help.

9. Guided Practice

Infer the meaning of the following unfamiliar words using cause-and-effect or

reason- result-clue.
1. She wanted to impress all her dinner guests with the food she served, so she
carefully studied the necessary culinary arts.
2. Because we lingered too long at the restaurant, we missed the beginning of the
3. Because she chose not to do her homework, she received a consequence from her
4. Justin was unable to decipher the meaning of the word, so he was very
embarrassed when the teacher asked him for an answer.
5. The dress Kacey bought is such an elegant piece, so she decided that she must
not wear pieces of jewelry that would make her look unfit for the occasion.

IV. Evaluation

Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using the type of text clues cause-and-effect or
reason-result clue.

1. Due to the scarcity of foods in many places, some people struggle to eat a complete meal
a day.
2. Since it was raining outside, I used my bumbershoot to avoid getting wet.
3. Jared is called a maverick because he firmly believes that animals should not be kept in
the zoo, unlike most of his friends who just believe what is commonly believed already
about the animals in the zoo.

V. Assignment
Give 5 sentences that show cause and effect relationship. Underline the unfamiliar words
then give its meaning.

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