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Disturber Of The Hearts

Rabi' Awwal 22, 1445|October 6, 2023

Created by: Ummkutubah Samia Al’Garland

Disturber of the hearts worksheet

Answer the Following questions…

1. Why did the storytellers/preacher opt for made up stories?

2. Why will the people be submersed in sweat on the Day of Judgement?

3. Allah ordained to cut the most honorable part of your body, what is this body

4. What is one of the ways to ward off sins before they are committed?

5. What is the punishment of the backbiters?

6. What did Yazid Ibn Marthid’s wife say to him concerning his sadness?
7. Who was a neighbor of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab ( )?

8. What did Amir Ibn Abdullah say when he stood next to the grave?

9. What was in the bag that was entrusted to the servant of Umar Ibn Abdul-Aziz?

10. Why was the grave of man’s sister on fire?

11. When the angel hits the dead person everyone can hear except for whom?

12. What person will be dipped once in the fire, what are the four questions asked

and what was their response?

13. Give one example of the horrors of the Day of Judgement.

14. Who were the people the Prophet came across during his night with the two

15. Why is it that the Angel Mikail never laughed?

16. Who was the intimate friend of Allāh?

17. Which Sahâbah made this statement, “I fear that Allah will throw me into Hell and
He does not care.”?
18. What is the name of the person who had a home with a grave dug in it with

metal chains?
19. What is the punishment for the conceited and the egocentric person?
Copyright ©1445/2023 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.
Disturber Of The Hearts
Rabi' Awwal 22, 1445|October 6, 2023
Created by: Ummkutubah Samia Al’Garland

20. What were the questions the dead asked each other?

21. What is the state of the believer of this world?

22. What happens to the believer and the disbeliever in the grave?

23. How did Abdul-Rahman Ibn Abbān seek assistance from death?

24. Which are the places that Amr Ibn Qais could be found?

25. What will be the condition of the Sun on the Day of Judgement?

26. What should we do about some people whom we associate with that make our

hearts in a state of fear?

27. Who was appointed to lead the funeral of Amr Ibn Qais?

28. What are the ten cures from intoxication?

29. What was the ayah that caused Abu Hazim to become emotionally moved that

he started to weep?
30. What happens to the people of the Hellfire when Allah neglects them?

31. What are the three things that will follow the deceased person?

32. The people will be presented to Allah three times for Him to hear their

argument. What will happen on the third hearing?

33. From the three things that follow the deceased person, two of them return and

one stays with him/her. What are the two that return and the one that stays?
34. What did Sufyan “Abu Abdullah” fear that Allah may take from him before

35. What was the sin that caused Kahmas Ibn Al-Hasan to cry over for forty years

36. What was the reason behind the man’s salāh not being accepted for forty days?

37. What were Abu Musa’s conditions for his Will after his death?

38. How does a person become shy of Allah?

Copyright ©1445/2023 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.
Disturber Of The Hearts
Rabi' Awwal 22, 1445|October 6, 2023
Created by: Ummkutubah Samia Al’Garland

Provide the definition for the following vocabulary words…

1 Khalil:
2 Illiyun:
3 Sijjin:
4 Awliya:
5 Salaf:
6 Tannur:
7 Khabal:
8 Nutfah:
9 Alaqah:
10 Mudghah:
11 Riz:

Fill in the Blank…

1. Ma’ruf Al-Karkhi said, “ Hoping to _______________ who you insist on_____________.”

2. ________________ reported: The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “Beware of the _______________. The
example of the ________________is like that of a group __________________ to rest in a
valley. Then ______________brought in a __________. Another came up _____________ (and a
__________________) until with their _________________________________to cook their
food. _____________! If a _________________________________ (on the Day of Judgement)
for his ___________________, surely they will ____________him.”
3. Abdullah Ibn ____________narrated: The Messenger of Allāh (‫ )ﷺ‬said to us_______:
“__________________________of Him”. They said :________________( of Allāh), O Prophet
(‫”)ﷺ‬. He said, _____________” He who is truly ______________of Allāh, let him
____________________and what it ___________, let him preserve his ____________________
it desires, let him _______________________, and he who desires the
________________________________of this world. He who ______________is the one who is
Copyright ©1445/2023 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.
Disturber Of The Hearts
Rabi' Awwal 22, 1445|October 6, 2023
Created by: Ummkutubah Samia Al’Garland

Scholarly quote…

The Woman’s Duty to Her Deen

“The woman has [the same] duty as the man; so it is [incumbent] upon her to learn about her
duties and obligations until she is firm and sure how to preform them. If she has a father or
brother, or husband or any blood relation who can teach her the obligations of the religion and
instruct her in how to do her duties, that will suffice her. If there is no one there [among close
family] she must ask others [outside the family] and learn from them. If she is able to find a
woman who can teach her, she will learn from her. If not, she will learn from the old and elderly
men without privacy [chaperone]: and this will suffice with what is necessary [for her to
know]. After that, whenever any new situation arises about her religion she should ask and not
be shy; for Allah does not shy from the truth.”

Ibn Al-Jawzi (d. 597), Ahkam Al-Nisa: 131

Copyright ©1445/2023 Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club All Rights Reserved.

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