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Version 4.

1 (December 7, 2021)

### New functionality

- The ability to add partner shapes in the org chart mode

- The ability to add assistant shapes in the org chart mode
- The ability to add titles to lines in the default mode
- The ability to drag and drop shapes from one parent to another in Editor in org
chart and mind map modes. The shapes are dragged with their children items
- The ability to style target items in Editor in org chart and mindmap modes

### API

- New events of the Diagram object: emptyAreaDblClick, emptyAreaMouseDown,

lineTitleClick, lineTitleDblClick, lineTitleMouseDown
- New Shape properties specific for the org chart mode: assistant, partner,
catchItem, giveItem
- New Shape properties specific for the mindmap mode: catchItem, giveItem
- New Line properties specific for the default mode: title
- New methods of the Editor object: setViewMode(), zoomIn(), zoomOut()
- New events of the Editor object: beforeLineTitleMove, afterLineTitleMove,
lineTitleMoveEnd, itemTarget, beforeItemCatch, afterItemCatch
- New properties of the Editor object: itemsDraggable
- New HistoryManager methods: add(), disable(), enable(), isRedo(), redo(),
reset(), undo()
- New HistoryManager properties: disabled, saveDelay
- New Selection method: getSubId()

### Updates

- Updated events of InlineEditor: subHeaderId parameter has been changed to subId

- Updated events of Selection API: subId parameter has been added
- The default type of the shape in the default mode has been changed to "rectangle"

### Fixes

- The performance has been improved for all types of diagrams

- Fix of the incorrect work of undo/redo buttons in Toolbar of Editor

Version 4.0.1 (September 16, 2021)


### Fixes

- Fix the display of connectors when rotating the shape

- Fix the minified styles of the diagram
- Fix the work of the algorithm when adding new items into the diagram editor in
the "org"/"mindmap" modes
- Fix the work of the right panel of the editor when working with styles of the

Version 4.0 (September 7, 2021)


### New functionality

- New diagram items are added: Groups, Swimlanes

- New sections in the left panel of the Diagram Editor are added: Groups, Swimlanes
- New sidebar options are added in the right panel of the editor for Groups,
- The ability to edit Groups and Swimlanes via UI
- Extended list of locale options
- The ability to operate the cells of a swimlane via CellManager API
- The ability to edit the text of an item by double-clicking on it
- DHTMLX Diagram with Angular demo is added
- DHTMLX Diagram with React demo is added
- DHTMLX Diagram with Vue.js demo is added
- The ability to add identical items with different styles and settings to the left
panel of the editor

### API

- New CellManager API methods: add(), getCellId(), getCellIndex(),

getSubHeaderCellId(), getSubHeaderCellIndex(), getSubHeaderType(), move(),
remove(), resetSwimlane(), setSwimlane(), validation()
- New CellManager API events: afterCellsAdd, afterCellsMove, afterCellsRemove,
afterCellsValidation, beforeCellsAdd, beforeCellsMove, beforeCellsRemove,
- New events of the diagram object: afterSubmenuOpen, beforeSubmenuOpen,
groupClick, groupDblClick, groupHeaderClick, groupHeaderDblClick, groupMouseDown,
itemClick, itemDblClick, itemMouseDown, itemMouseOut, itemMouseOver, lineDblClick,
- New events of the editor object: shapeMoveEnd, beforeItemMove, afterItemMove,
itemMoveEnd, beforeGroupMove, afterGroupMove, groupMoveEnd
- New methods of the shape collection: eachChild(), eachParent(), getRoot(),
- New inline editing events: afterEditorClose, afterEditorEditing, afterEditorOpen,
beforeEditorClose, beforeEditorEditing, beforeEditorOpen
- New "editable" and "fixed" configuration attributes of the shape object

### Updates

- Improved keyboard navigation

- Redesigned shapes
- Updated events of the editor object: beforeShapeMove and afterShapeMove
- Upgraded structure of Shape Collection API

### Fixes

- Fix the incorrect work of TypeScript type definitions in the editor

- Fix the issue which caused the toolbar button pressed in the editor, which is
placed inside the HTML form, to trigger the form sending
- Now it is possible to resize an element only when the angle of its rotation is
equal either to 0 or 360 degrees.
- Significant optimization of Diagram styles

Version 3.1.0 (April 15, 2021)


### New functionality

- TypeScript Support
- New type of dhtmlxDiagram is added: Mind Map
- New CSS template for DHTMLX Diagram
- The ability to configure the direction of the child shapes relative to the root
shape in Mind Map via the typeConfig configuration property of the diagram object
- The ability to add custom event handlers for custom shapes via the
"eventHandlers" attribute of the addShape() method
- The ability to customize the toolbar for editing shapes in Diagram, Org Chart,
and Mind Map Editors
- New events of the Diagram Editor object: BeforeShapeIconClick and
AfterShapeIconClick, BeforeShapeMove and AfterShapeMove
- New events of the Org Chart Editor object: BeforeShapeIconClick and
AfterShapeIconClick, BeforeShapeMove and AfterShapeMove
- The ability to cancel sending CSS styles to the export service via the
exportStyles configuration option of the diagram object

### Updates

- The type configuration property of the diagram object is updated: new "default"
and "mindmap" values are added
- The collapseItem and expandItem method are updated: the second "dir" parameter is
- The BeforeCollapse, AfterCollapse, BeforeExpand and AfterExpand events are
updated: the second "dir" parameter is added

### Fixes

- Fix the issue with the selection module for all types of dhtmlxDiagram
- Fix the issue with the scroll of the diagram when applying the "showItem()"
method to the scaled diagram
- Fix the incorrect work of DOM Parser with HTML templates
- Fix the issue that caused the root shape to be collapsed after collapsing any
child shape
- Fix the issue with formatting of the shape text
- Fix the issue that appeared after adding long text into the textarea field of the
right panel of the editor
- Fix the issue with adding of special chars to the text of custom shapes
- Fix the issue with warnings shown in the console for custom shapes
- Fix the script error thrown after deleting the root shape in the editor
- Fix the issue with the error shown in the console after applying the "Auto
Layout" button in Diagram Editor when the editor is not configured
- Fix the issue that caused the type of the shape outline not to be applied after
its changing in Diagram Editor
- Fix the issue with tracking of the shape parameters in the right panel of Diagram
- Fix the issue with removing focus from the shape in Diagram Editor
- Fix the issue with setting connectors between the shapes in the necessary order
in Diagram Editor
- Fix the incorrect work of the "Ctrl+A" combination in Org Chart Editor
- Fix the issue that caused the shapes to be pasted without connectors when the
connected shapes are copied
- Now there is no the ability to remove the root shape from Org Chart Editor using
keyboard navigation

Version 3.0.4 (January 27, 2021)


### Fixes

- Fix the incorrect behavior of the shape selected in Diagram Editor when working
with the input field on the page
- Fix the issue that caused a collapsed/expanded item not to work with its parent
- Fix the incorrect work of the showItem() method when the child item is hidden

Version 3.0.3 (December 23, 2020)


### Updates

- The new "UndoButton" and "RedoButton" events are available in Diagram Editor
- Images now are converted to the base64 format before sending to the Export module

### Fixes

- Fix issue with Diagram export service

Version 3.0.2 (Jule 14, 2020)


### Fixes

- Fix issue with import data from JSON to Org Chart Editor
- Fix the incorrect work of the addShape() method while configuring Right Panel
- Improved behavior of historyManager in Editors (Undo/Redo buttons)

Version 3.0.1 (May 29, 2020)


### Fixes

- Fix issue with the autoPlace() method

- Fix issue with PNG/PDF export modules

Version 3.0.0 (May 12, 2020)


### New functionality

- New autoPlace method and autoplacement property are added for auto-arranging
connected diagram shapes in the hierarchical structure
- Ability to set the default configuration of a shape
- The addShape method for creating custom shapes in Diagram and Org Chart is added
- Ability to create custom shapes in Diagram Editor and Org Chart Editor via the
addShape method of Diagram
- New configuration properties of Diagram Editor: defaults, shapeSections,
shapeBarWidth, scalePreview, scale, gapPreview, controls
- New configuration property of Org Chart Editor: defaults, scale, controls
- The Grid Step sidebar option is added to Diagram and Org Chart editors
- Ability to hide/show any toolbar button of Editors as well as the Grid Step
sidebar option via the controls configuration property
- Ability to specify sidebar options for editing custom properties in the right
panel of Diagram Editor and Org Chart Editor via the properties attribute of the
addShape method
- Ability to create sections for structuring shapes in the left panel of the
diagram editor
- Possibility to customize the appearance of shapes rendered in the left panel of
Diagram Editor via the preview property of the defaults attribute
- Ability to select, copy, paste, delete, move several shapes in Diagram Editor and
Org Chart Editor
- Ability to select and delete several connectors in Diagram Editor
- Ability to import data from a JSON file to a diagram or org chart editor via the
"Import Data" button
- The destructor method is added
### Updates

- Ability to use custom HTML templates in IE

- Diagram and Org Chart Editor UI was updated and improved
- Ability to connect shapes from center to center
- A set of hotkeys for the editor mode is updated
- The ability to set a connector line to the text shape of Diagram Editor
- Auto-fit of the content width of the text shape is added

Version 2.2.1 (December 30, 2019)


### Fixes

- Fix issue with IE support for image loader in Diagram editor

Version 2.2 (November 27, 2019)


### New functionality

- Ability to create custom types of shapes for Diagram and Org Chart via using SVG
and HTML templates
- Ability to build mixed diagrams and org charts
- Ability to export data from the Diagram Editor and Org Chart Editor to the JSON
- The showExport option and ExportData event are added in Diagram Editor and Org
Chart Editor

### Fixes

- Fix issue with exporting a diagram into the PDF and PNG formats
- Fix incorrect work of the mouse events
- Fix issue with deleting child shapes in org charts
- Fix the incorrect work of the right and left panels in Diagram Editor
- Fix issue with auto-generating of the unique id's of shapes and connectors

Version 2.1.1 (October 11, 2019)


### Fixes

- Issues with img-card in IE

Version 2.1 (May 22, 2018)


### New functionality

- Handy Diagram editor for building clear-cut diagrams

- Enriched set of config options for shapes and connectors
- Greater possibilities for customization

### Updates

- Hotkeys are added for editing Diagram in the editor

- New event emptyAreaClick is added
- The lineGap configuration option is added
Version 2.0 (February 15, 2018)

### Breaking Change

- The API structure was totally reorganized and improved to simplify work with it.
Follow the [Migration](https://docs.dhtmlx.com/diagram/migration/#11---20) article
to learn all the changes.

### New functionality

- Ability to create diagrams of any type and stylize them

- Variety of shapes and connectors
- Export to PDF and PNG formats

### Updates

- Ability to find necessary shapes

- Ability to filter shapes by specified criteria
- Ability to add a toolbar with icons for shapes to simplify interaction with them
- Enhanced performance
- Ability to adjust to any HTML container and built-in auto-sizing

Version 1.1 (December 5, 2017)


### New functionality

- Using Editor in the org chart mode

- Ability to save and restore the state
- Extended customization possibilities

### Updates

- Extended API: new methods, properties and events

Version 1.0 (September 29, 2017)


### Initial functionality

- Organogram mode
- Vertical and horizontal autoplacement strategies
- Loading data from JSON
- API to manage data and branch state

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