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Islamic Notes


Q1) How many names of Allah are mentioned in the Quran?

Answer: 99 names

Q2) Why can’t we numerate the names of Allah?

Answer: Allah withheld specific information from us, including all of his names.

Q3) A Muslim is forbidden to sit at a table where:

a) Vulgar language is present
b) Mockery of religion is present
c) Where wine is served
d) All of the above
Answer: D, all of the above.

Q4) The believer will inherit what from the disbeliever on the Day of Judgement?
Answer: he will inherit his place in Jannah

Q5) What did Prophet Zackariyah and Prophet Dawood inherit from their family?
Answer: Their Prophethood

Q6) What is the literal meaning of Athan?

Answer: The announcement

Q7) When was Athan legislated?

Answer: Upon migration to Madinah.

Q8) What does the Prophet mean by when they will have the longest neck?
a) Masters
b) Highest expectation of mercy from Allah
c) Prevented from drowning in their own sweat
d) All of the above
Answer: D, all of the above

Q9) What is the time frame between Athan and Iqamah?

Answer: There is no time frame between Athan and Iqamah; it is best to do 2 rakaat
(minimum) between instead.

Q10) Women can’t make Athan. When is this an exception?

Answer: It is an exception when there are only other women. There has to be a barrier
between the men and women as well.

Q11) What does it mean when Allah revealed to the bees?

Answer: Inspiration
Q12) What did the prophet say about good dreams?
a) Exaggerating the significance of good dreams
b) A part of the 46 parts of prophethood
c) It is from the soul
d) None of the above
Answer: B, a part of the 46 parts of prophethood.

Q13) When was the most difficult form of revelation for the Prophet?
Answer: The revelation which comes as the ringing of a bell.

Q14) Why did the Prophet compare revelation to the ringing of a bell?
a) It demonstrates the strength and intensity of the Quran and its revelation
b) It recognises the ease of revelation
c) It distracts the attention of the Sahabah
Answer: A, it demonstrates the strength and intensity of the Quran an it’s revelation4

Q15) What does it mean by Omar’s statements coincide with those of Allah?
a) Pure fitra
b) It was specific to Omar
c) It was given to all sahabah
d) None of the above
Answer: A, pure fitra


Q1) What is the role of sunnah in Islam?

Answer: The Quran gives the main idea, whereas the Sunnah gives clarification,
confirmation, and restricts what was mentioned in general. An example is that the Quran
talks about zakat and then the Sunnah expands on the specific amounts needed to donate.

Q2) What tree looks like the believer- its leaves never fall (showing strong faith)?
Answer: The palm tree.

Q3) Why was the Sahabah allowed to write the statements the Prophet (SAW) said even when he
was angry?
Answer: The Prophet (SAW) always said the truth. He never spoke from his own desires, only
the revelation of Allah.

Q4) How many years did Al-Bukhari take to combine his book of authentic hadeeth?
Answer: 16 years, and the number of hadeeth did not exceed 4000.

Question True/False
The prophet said: “We, the prophets, leave TRUE
behind inheritance for charity.”
Bilal was picked as muathin not only because of TRUE
his strong voice, but also because of his struggle
for Allah.
It is recommended to make Athan in the TRUE
Jibreel came in the form of a man. TRUE
The Prophet encouraged the ringing of the bells. FALSE
The Prophet didn’t warn against those who FALSE
neglect the Sunnah.
The disbelievers didn’t deny the attributes of FALSE
You can make the Athan while sitting TRUE
There are two types of revelation: from the TRUE
Shaytan and from Allah


Q1) What should you say when Athan is being made, and what should you say after Athan?
Answer: During Athan you repeat after it, and after the Athan you say: Wa ana Ash-Hadu an
laa ilaha illa-Allahu wah-dahu laa shareeka lahu, wa an Muhammadan 'Abduhu wa
Rasooluhu, Raditu billahi Rabban, wa bi Muhammad Rasoolan, wa bil-Islami Deenan.

Q2) What are the virtues of making Athan?

Answer: Whoever makes the Athan will have the longest neck on the day of judgement, and
anything that can hear the Athan would testify for them like the trees.

Q3) Why do some people attack the Sunnah?

Answer: The sunnah is the foundation of Islam. If you attack the Sunnah, Islam is also being

Q4) Why did we lose contact with Allah?

Answer: It is because people now ask other people for needs instead of Allah.

English Arabic
Revelation Al-Wahi ‫الوحي‬
Second source of legislation As-Sunnah ‫السّنة‬
Call for prayer Athan ‫اذان‬
Consensus Ijma’ ‫إجماع‬
Analogy Qiyaas ‫قياس‬
The Inheritor Al-Warith ‫الوارث‬
Idol names Al-Laat, Al-Uzza, Manaat ‫ مناة‬,‫ العّز ى‬,‫ااّل ت‬
First muathin Bilal (RA)
The Prophet that gestured to his people, these Prophet Zakariah (AS)
gestures were called ‘wahy’.
The Prophet that built the Kabah Prophet Ibrahim (AS)


Passage 1
It was narrated by Aisha (RA) that:
Al Harith bin Hisham asked the Messenger of Allah (SAW): How does the revelation come to you? He
said: “like the ringing of a bell, and this is the hardest on me. When it departs, I remember what he
said. And sometimes the Angel Jibreel appears to me in a form of a man and speaks to me, and I
remember what he said”. Aisha said: “I saw him when the revelation came to him on a very cold day,
and his forehead was dripping with sweat”.

Passage 2
Narrated by Al-Miqdam Ibn Ma’dikarib:
The Prophet (SAW) said: Beware! I have been given the Qur’an and similar to it with it (As-Sunnah),
yet the time is coming when a man replete on his couch will say: Keep to the Qur’an only; what you
find in it to be permissible treat as permissible, and what you find in it to be prohibited treat as

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