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Online Platform - is technologies that are grouped to be used as a base upon which other applications processes or technologies
are developed.
Presentation/Visualization - communicates information clearly and efficiently via statistical graphics, plots and information
Cloud Computing - the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data,
rather than a local server or a personal computer.
Social Media - are computer-mediated tools that allow people, companies, and other organizations to create, share, or exchange
information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks.
Web Page Creation - encompasses a number of important elements including color, layout, and overall graphical appearance.
File Management - is the storing, naming, sorting and handling of computer files.
Mapping - a transformation taking the points of one space into the points of the same or another space.
Online Platform is technologies that are grouped to be used as a base upon which other applications processes or technologies are


• Presentation/Visualization
• Cloud Computing
• Social Media
• Web Page Creation
• File Management
• Mapping
Presentation / Visualization - communicates information clearly and efficiently via statistical graphics, plots and information
• Prezi – helping to reinvent the art of presentation
• Zoho – an online project management app that helps you plan your work and keep track of your progress
• SlideShare – to build quickly from concise, well-presented content from top experts
• MindMeister – an online mind-mapping tool that lets you capture, develop, and share ideas visually
Cloud Computing - the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data,
rather than a local server or a personal computer
• Google Drive – keep all work in one secure place with online file storage
• Dropbox – keeps your files safe, synced, and easy to share
Social Media - are computer-mediated tools that allow people, companies and other organizations to create, share, or exchange
information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks
• Twitter – online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140- character messages called
• Facebook – is for-profit corporation and online social networking service
Web Page Creation - encompasses a number of important elements including color, layout, and overall graphical appearance.
• Wix - a cloud-based web development platform that allows users to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites through the
use of their online drag and drop tools
• Weebly – a web-hosting service featuring a drag and-drop website builder.
File Management - is the storing, naming, sorting and handling computer files
• Zamzar – web application to convert files
• word2pdf – convert Word files to PDF (Portable Document Format) with this online tool
Mapping - a transformation taking the points of one space into the points of the same or another space.
• Google Maps – a desktop web mapping service developed by Google

CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) - is a computer application (sometimes online or browser based) that allows you to
publish, edit and manipulate, organize and delete web content. CMS is used in blogs, news websites, and shopping
Blogs- is a discussion or informational website published on the web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries
("posts"). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web


Web Portals
A Web Portal is a specially designed website that provides information catered from various sources such as emails, online forums,
search engines on one platform, in a uniform way. It is a personalized and customized library that helps in navigation and
personalization of notifications that provide well-integrated information from diverse sources with advanced features such as task
management, collaboration, business intelligence, etc.

Online Collaborative Tools

Collaboration is the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing. More and more people,
especially at this time are going digital and enabling partially or completely remote workforces. Wikipedia defines collaboration
software as, “An application software designed to help people involved in a common task to achieve goals.” And for benefits, it goes
on to say: “A collaborative working environment supports people in both their individual and cooperative work thus evolving into a
new class of professionals, e-professionals, who can work together irrespective of their geographical location.”

Here are some of the collaboration tools available:

Facebook - You can use Facebook groups to create a group page that will allow people in your group to communicate your ideas
and send files.
G Suite (Google Suite) - It is a suite of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools, software and products developed by
Google. G Suite comprises Gmail, Hangouts, Calendar, and Currents for communication; Drive for storage; Docs, Sheets, Slides,
Keep, Forms, and Sites for productivity and collaboration.
Microsoft Teams - MS Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, video
meetings, file storage, and application integration.
Dropbox - It is a simple, reliable file-syncing and storage service with enhanced collaboration features. Dropbox lets anyone upload
and transfer files to the cloud and share them with anyone.
Lark - Lark combines a multitude of essential collaboration tools in a single interconnected platform, including Chat, Calendar,
Creation and Cloud storage.
Trello - Trello offers an online to-do checklist for your team. Users can create their task boards with different columns and move the
tasks between them. Typically, columns include task statuses such as To Do, In Progress, Done.
WordPress - The open-source software that allows multiple contributors to easily create a beautiful single website or blog.
Yammer - Yammer is a freemium enterprise social networking service used for private communication within organizations. Access
to a Yammer network is determined by a user's Internet domain so that only individuals with approved email addresses may join their
respective networks.

Advantages of using online collaborative tools

1. A Centralized hub for files, announcements, calendars, etc. Collaboration solutions innately offer a centralized hub wherein all
data is located and from which it is all accessed by the team. It also makes things more effective such as announcements and
calendars, as everyone can coordinate deadlines, milestones, appointments, and personal availability without fail.
2. File Sharing. Since everyone with access can write in the same document together in real-time, instant change reflection is
possible across all shared documentation.
3. Host Online Meetings. Online tools promote better participation in collaborative decision-making. Arranging these meetings
requires only marking the calendar and announcing them once. People can attend the meetings via their laptop, their mobile
device, or even their smart TV.
4. Live Chat. Chat and messaging tools are built-in features of most collaboration platforms currently on the market. With real-time
communication tied directly into the platform, it’s easy to coordinate properly and all conversations are properly and securely logged
for later recall.

Tips to have a successful collaborative tool:

1. Choose easy, intuitive online collaboration tools to increase adoption.
2. Pick a collaboration tool that supports all communication methods.
3. Ensure your choice has scheduling features to help keep projects on track.
4. Choose a dynamic file-sharing solution.
5. Choose a product with real-time collaboration.

Interactive multimedia is any computer delivered electronic system that allows the user
to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media, such as text, sound, video,
computer graphics, and animation.

1. Videos Through video hosting sites, you can take a video and show it to the entire world (e.g. YouTube)
2. Sound, Music or Audio If videos are too much for you, you can always record sounds. You can share your sound bites to the
entire world (e.g. SoundCloud).
3. Online Games Game developers now create what is called “browser-based games.” You do not need to install these games to
your computer as they run in most updated web browsers (Adventure Quest, Farmville, Candy Crush, BigFish)
4. Online Tests Online survey forms and tests that automatically display the results when finished (Online IQ and Personality
5. Courseware Online courses that simulate the classroom online (e.g., E-learning Courses using a Learning Management System)
6. Podcasts An episodic series of audio or text files streamed online (e.g., Stuff You Should Know, TED Talks, The Starters, Ear
7. Vodcasts An episodic series of video streamed online (e.g., YouTube series/shows like Video Game High School, Good Mythical


EDSA (PEOPLE POWER REVOLUTION) A major protest that took place along EDSA from February 22 to 25, 1986 involving 2
million Filipinos from different sectors.

EDSA DOS – Also known as 2001 EDSA Revolution, Happened during Jan 17-21, 2001, It was fueled after 11 prosecutors of then
President Joseph Estrada walked out of the impeachment trial. As a result, the people in EDSA grew over the course of a few days
through text brigades.

YOLANDA PEOPLE FINDER Recent storms in the Philippines gave birth to the People Finder database powered by Google.
During typhoon Yolanda, the People Finder was a vital tool for people across the globe to track the situation of their relatives. This
proved to be successful and is now adapted by more organizations to help people track relatives during calamities.

MILLION PEOPLE MARCH Million People March – a series of protests that mainly took place in Luneta Park from Aug 22 to 26,
2013. There were several demonstrations that happened around the key cities in the Philippines and some locations overseas.
It was to condemn the misuse of the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF). Though dubbed as the Million People
March, the number of total attendees was only around 400,000. The organizers and promoters of the protest used Facebook and as their mediums.
Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to express their views and concerns, access information and services,
defend and promote their rights and responsibilities.

CHANGE.ORG – is dubbed as the “world’s platform for change” where anyone from online community can create a petition and
ask others to sign it It gives access to more people by allowing the online community to affix their digital signatures on a petition.
Its mission is to help people from around the world create the change they want to see. Sample petitions raised were: economic
problems, criminal injustice, abuse of human rights, lack of education, environmental concerns, animal abuse, human health
concerns and world hunger.

Signing an Online Petition

1. Visit
2. If this is your first time to use, click Sign up or log in with Facebook. Otherwise, just input your log-in details.
3. You can then start your own petition, but for now, click on any petition you want under trending petitions.
4. Read the petition description to see if this petition matters to you. If it is, sign the petition by filling up the information on the right
side of the screen.
5. Share the Petition on Facebook to promote it.

DIGITAL CITZENSHIP is referring to the utilization of information technology (IT) in order to engage in society, politics, and
government. K. Mossberger, et al. define digital citizens as "those who use the Internet regularly and effectively".


Website Template- Also known as web template is a predesigned webpage, simply by adding your text and customization to create
your desired web page. It is usually built with HTML and CSS code.
WYSIWYG editor- It allows you to create and design a web page without any coding knowledge
WYSIWYG- the acronym for “What You See Is What You Get”
- This means that whatever you type, insert, draw, place, rearrange, and everything you do on a page is what the audience will see.
It shows and prints whatever you type on the screen.
Basic Web Page Creation
Creating a Website using Microsoft Word
1. Open Microsoft Word.
2. Type anything on the page like “Hello World!”
3. Click on File > Save As > Type any file name.
4. In the Save as Type, select “Web page (*.htm, *.html)”

Creating Your Own Website using Jimdo

Jimdo is WYSIWYG web hosting service. It offers free, professional, and business web hosting service . Jimdo also has an iOS and
Android app which you can use to manage your website whenever you do not have access to a PC. For this exercise you will create
own personal website that focuses on your passion or hobby.
Create an account on Jimdo by going to and clicking Create Your Website.
You will be instructed to choose a template. Pick any template that you want.
Chooses URL for your website. Enter your email and password.
Your website will be generated and soon you will end up in the site’s WYSIWYG editor.
The editor is pretty easy to use. The center shows the preview of your website. The design tools are located on the right. It is now
time to edit the website to your liking. Use the following tips to achieve it.

Tips in using the editor

By default, the home page is shown on your editor. To navigate to another page, simply click the page title on your navigator. The
site navigator contains a set of links going through the different pages of your website. The navigator currently available to you
depends on which template you used.


Rich Content Interface or Interactive media - refers to the transformative waysthat people share information
Evolution of Web Technologies
• WEB 1.0 The first iteration of the web represents web 1.0, which, according to Berners-Lee, is the “read-only web.” In other
words, the early web allowed us to search for information and read it. There was very little in the way of user interaction or
content generation.

• WEB 2.0 The term Web 2.0 was first used around 2004. Since the Internet technology became more interactive, it also
became more accessible and available for everyone. The users can now interact, contribute, and create their own Internet
space and content with web 2.0 technology.

• WEB 3.0 is described by Tim Berners-Lee (father of the WWW) as the read-write- execute web. It is referred to as the
semantic web or data-driven web content and response. Semantic markup refers to the communication gap between
humans and computerized applications. One of the biggest challenges of presenting information on the web is that
applications cannot provide context to data and, therefore, can’t understand what is relevant. Through the use of some
semantic markup (or data interchange formats), data could be put in a form not only accessible to humans via natural
language but able to be understood and interpreted by software applications as well. The context of the search of the user
is processed by a programming language to help the user by presenting options of what the person is interested in.
Principles of Interactive Media
✓ Media is rich with graphical and textual elements along with video and/or sound.
✓ Accessed or viewed thru a website, projector (movie), or other forms of delivery like in Smartphones.
✓ It is user-centered.
✓ It can be browsed and/or navigated.
✓ Media is more illustrative as it communicates messages through graphics.
✓ It is capable of transferring information easily.
✓ It usually has an orienting effect for the user such as it provides help and illustrates navigation and program features.
✓ Linear or non-linear. Linear active content progresses often without any navigational control for the viewer such as a cinema
presentation while the non-linear uses interactivity to control progress as with a video game or self-paced computer-based
✓ It promotes active learning.

The Importance of an Interactive Website

Increased Time on Website

The amount of time spent on a website is technically known as dwell time. When you add more features to your site such
as a video, the user may watch the video, get more familiar with your brand for example, and in return that user’s dwell time
is increased. The impact of this of course is that it would suggest to Google that people visiting your site are finding what
they are looking for and that it is good quality content, which means Google may then rank you higher for a particular keyword
or possibly a set of them.

Increased Conversion Rate

For those with businesses, one of the main objectives of having a website is to have your users convert and either purchase
a product or a service you provide. Having an interactive website can assist with this. For example, if you had a local
business that offered driving experiences, a video highlighting all the main experiences and showing previous customers
would not only increase your dwell time but also increase your social proof and brand trust as they are getting a much
greater insight into the service and are therefore going to be more likely to convert and may even potentially increase any
future sales through word of mouth, etc.
Improved User Experience
Overall, user experience is highly important for many reasons such as conversion rate, repeat business, as well as also
boosting a lot of other metrics such as average time per session and bounce rate. For instance, if you provided services
such as phone repairs, on your site you could have an online chat set up so that you could interact with customers directly
and answer any of their queries they may have.

Popular Types Online Content

Blog Posts
A blog is one of the most popular types of content marketing you can use to grow your brand. This is why it’s becoming
increasingly popular. According to Growth Badger, there are over 600 million blogs, out of the 1.7+ billion websites that
currently exist. A report by Statista indicated that there are about 31.2 million blogs in the United States alone.

Social Media Posts

If you want to reach your target audience faster, having social media as a strategy is a must. With social media platforms
like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, you can build relationships with your customers and reach new audiences.
The reason is simple. Social media is one of the most popular online activities that people engage in. In fact, according to
Emarsys, there are over 3.2 billion social media users in the world today.
If you want to engage your audience quickly and grab their attention, then you should
use video content as a strategy. This is because more people now view video content online than ever before. According to
Cisco, by 2022, 82% of internet traffic will be video. Additionally, 90% of consumers state that videos help them make
purchasing decisions. What this means is that no matter the industry you operate in, video is one of the best types of content
marketing to reach and engage your target customers. With videos, you can create different types of content in your industry.
This helps you to engage your target audience and leave them asking for more.

Case Studies
When people want to learn more about your business, they want to hear from other customers who have used your products
or services. This is why case studies are among the most valuable and powerful types of content marketing. With case
studies, you can let your prospects see the buyers’ journey from start to finish. You can do this by showing the exact steps
you took to help specific clients to get excellent results from using your products or services. Also, you can use case studies
to explain how to use some of your products and services. People prefer case studies before making a purchase online
because it helps them to understand your brand better. It also lets your consumers see if your product/service is something
that will add value to their business.
Infographics are also one of the most popular types of content marketing. This is because they’re a visual content marketing
format that can help your audience understand visual data better. Infographics are usually eye-catching, so anyone who
sees them processes and understands the information faster and better. With infographics, you can provide useful
information to your target audience. Also, you can educate your leads and customers more effectively.
Ebooks are also effective when providing value to your audience. It can be likened to long-form blog content that gives
potential customers valuable information. It’s similar to other types of content marketing because the essence of an ebook
is to build a relationship with your prospects. That way, they can know your brand better and build their trust.
One of the best types of content marketing you can use to provide value to potential customers is a checklist. A checklist
shows a step-by-step method that your audience can take to solve a particular problem. Also, it provides them with a list of
things they can do to achieve the desired outcome.
How to create a website with Google Sites
Google Sites is a website builder from Google that you can use to create fairly advanced websites in just minutes. The platform
uses a drag-and-drop editor, so you don’t even have to touch HTML code to build a new website.
Perhaps the best part about creating a Google Sites website is that it’s completely free. You just need a Google account to start
using it.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up a new website with Google Sites. To get started, just head over to the
Google Sites website at

1. Choose a Name And Address

The first thing you need to do to create a new website is to pick a name and URL. By default, the URL of your site will be Keep in mind that your site URL must be unique—you’ll get an error message if it is already
2. Select a Template And Theme
Google Sites offers eight templates to help kickstart your design. These are fully customizable, so don’t worry too much about this
Once you choose a template, you’ll be taken to the site editor. Select a theme for your site by clicking the Theme tab in the
navigation pane. The theme options modify the color palette, fonts, and overall look and feel of your website.
3. Edit Site Layout
Every page in Google Sites is divided into sections, each with its own layout. To create a new section with a specific layout,
navigate to the Insert tab of the editing pane. Under Layouts, you’ll find six basic page section types. Click on one and a new
section with that layout will be added to the bottom of the current page.

You can move sections up or down by dragging on the pattern of 10 dots that appears on the left side of each section. You can also
delete sections by clicking on the garbage can symbol.
4. Create a page
To add a new page to your website, navigate to Pages, hover over the plus symbol, and then click New Page. Give the page a
name and customize the URL address if desired. You can drag and drop the position of your new page within the editing pane to
customize how it appears in your site’s navigation.
5. Add content
You have a lot of options for adding content to your website. You can create text boxes and upload images or source them from
Google Drive. You can also select special elements, such as buttons, image carousels, or Google Maps displays, to add to your
Any content element you add to your site can be moved around by dragging and dropping it. You can also resize any content
elements simply by clicking and dragging on the edges.
6. General website management
Before you publish your new website, it’s a good idea to configure your site settings. Click on the gear icon to modify the style of the
navigational menu and to add a logo if you have one. You can also connect your site to Google Analytics so that you can track how
much traffic you’re getting.
7. Control access
By default, your newly published site will be accessible to anyone. But, you can also limit access to your website to only specific
individuals or those with a direct link. To invite specific people to view your site, click the sharing icon and enter emails into the box
labelled Add people and groups.
8. Track and revert changes
If you want to continue making changes to your website over time, you can. Google Sites automatically tracks the changes you make
so you can undo them at any time if needed. To see all past versions of your website, click on the three dots and select Version
history. To undo recent changes and restore an older copy of your website, select the desired version and click Restore this version.
Social Change - is way human interactions and relationships transform cultural and social institutions over time, having a profound
impact of society.
SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats)
are things that your proposed project does well, or in a way that distinguishes it from other existing projects. Think about the
advantages your project has over others. These might be the motivation of where you base your project, access to certain
materials, or a strong set of processes.
like strengths, are inherent features of your project, so focus on your people, resources, systems, and procedures. Think
about what you could improve, and the sorts of practices you should avoid. Remember be honest! Find out how other people
see your project. Do they notice weaknesses that you tend to be blind to? Take time to examine how and why projects are
successful or why did fail. What are the things lacking?
are openings or chances for something positive to happen, but you will need to claim them for yourself! They usually arise
from situations outside and require an eye to what might happen in the future. They might arise as developments in the
market you serve, or in the technology you use. Being able to spot and exploit opportunities can make a huge difference to
your project's ability to compete and take the lead in your market. Think about good opportunities you can spot immediately.
These do not need to be game changers: even small advantages can increase your project's competitiveness. What
interesting market trends are you aware of, large or small, which could have an impact? You should also watch out for
changes in government policy related to your field. And changes in social patterns, population profiles, and lifestyles can all
throw up interesting opportunities.
include anything that can negatively affect your project from the outside, such as supply chain problems, shifts in market
requirements, or a shortage of anything that could affect your project. It is vital to anticipate threats and to act against them
before you become a victim of them and your growth stalls.
Web Traffic
Just like traffic on a highway which refers to the number of cars traveling down the road, web traffic is the number of web users who
travel to any given website. Each person who logs on to a website is recorded as a visit or session, with a starting and ending point.
This is a common way to measure the success of your website and online business effectiveness at attracting an audience.
Monitoring Site Statistics on Different Platforms
You can find out how many people are interacting with your website. There are many tools that you can use to measure the success
of content on your website.
1. WIX You will see how much traffic your site is getting, where your visitors are coming from and more, with the Site Traffic
By understanding how visitors interact with your site and by checking in on your site's performance, you'll be better able to reach
your audience and respond to the changing trends.

Once you log in to your WIX account, click the Analytics tab in your site's dashboard.

In Wix, you can view the number of visitors, unique visitors, bounce rate, and forms submitted for the last 7 days.

Visits- refer to the number of visits to a website during the selected time frame, including multiple visits by the same visitor.
Unique Visitors- refer to the number of people who visited a website at least once within the reporting period.
Bounce Rate- refers to the percentage of people that visited in a website and left after viewing only one page.
Form Submitted- refers to the number of contact forms submitted by visitors.

2. Facebook Running a Facebook business page can help your reach and connect with your existing and potential customers. And
this is one of the inexpensive ways to promote your business online.
To access Facebook Page Insights, go to your Facebook Page and click the Insights tab in the top menu.

Facebook Page Insights gives you detailed analytics for your Facebook Page, so you can track what works, learn how people
interact with your content, and improve your results over time.

Facebook Page Insights TAB will give you more in-depth statistics. Overview: Overview gives you a bird’s-eye view of everything
that’s happening on your Facebook Page.

The Overview is broken down into different sections, starting with the Page Summary. Here, you’ll see a set of graphs with top-level
metrics for several categories.

3. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic, currently as a platform
inside the Google Marketing Platform brand.

Benefits of Website Analytics & Tracking Here are some benefits of advanced website analytics.
1. Know the visitors to the site.
2. Know exactly what the customers are looking for.
3. See what area customers are losing.
4. Find out how to improve the website.
5. Measure the success of other marketing activities and see the match rate rise.


ICT is one of the economic development pillars that expanded into national competitive improvement.
It can increase the quality of human life because it can be used as a learning and education media.
UX stands for “user experience” is the way a person feels about using a product, system or service, while UI stands for “user interface.”
User Interviews
A user interview is a UX research method during which a researcher asks one user questions about a topic of interest (e.g., use of a
system, behaviors and habits) with the goal of learning about that topic.
Feedback Forms
It is a way in which customer feedback is obtained. Feedback forms help in improving products or services, and even the fundamental
understanding of the business users. It is considered one of the most efficient and economical methods of understanding customers
and measuring customer satisfaction.
Analytics Data
Analyzing raw data in order to make conclusions about that information. Many of the techniques and processes have been automated
into mechanical processes and algorithms that work over raw data for human consumption.
Sustaining an ICT Project for Social Change
1. Update content regularly

Do not put off the updates to safety measure your web content. It is done to continue having life on your Website that keeps the
web content more captivating. By changing the site content often in essential to maintain the relevancy of the Website

2. Webpage Design

Web design is essential because it impresses how your audience sees your brand. The brand you make on them can either get
them to remain on your page and learn about your business and turn into a competitor. Good web design helps you to keep
advance on your page.
Make your website looks attractive by new images or a design renovation. Give it a makeover with some new photos or a design

3. Updated Links

Updated links and customized web search engines give the viewers appreciated and accessible information that leads to a
successful projects. One reason to update the links on your website will attract the user to easily navigate and search for your site.

Impact of an updated links:

• more visibility of webpage in search results
• receive traffic from other websites linked to you
• high quality incoming links means your site will be admired as a valuable resource
• link updating also helps in getting fast in search result quicker

4. Reply to inquiries
Providing a quick response to the viewer is vital to gather and collect feedback on web content, especially to enhance the support,
including forums, online communities, emails, blogs, and comments.
5. Website Management
A website management platform is integrated tools, and service that allow the team to create, design, develop, launch, manage,
administer, and monitor website content, web building involves web management, navigation support, homepage content writing
and design for multimedia.
6. Monitoring Tools
24-hour care tools are used to continuously track the status of the webpage in use to detect the earliest warning of failures, defects,
or problems, and to progress them. There are monitoring tools for servers, networks, databases, security, performance, Website and
Internet usage, and applications.

The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a theory maintaining that 80 percent of the output from a given situation or
system is determined by 20 percent of the input. Learn how the principle applies in almost every aspect of life.

Promotion, Traction, and traffic monitoring

Traction and traffic use to promote the Website have varied methods to attract visitors to get more shares, email subscribers, and
higher search rankings to support and validate products and keep growing of user and customer.
Digital Divide refers to the gap between individuals who have access to modern information and communication technology and
those who lack access.
Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT in Different Sector
Sector Advantage Disadvantage
1. Communication It is the • Information can be distributed • The benefit of ICT when it comes to
most crucial part of the role and accessed easily through distant communication may not be
of ICT in the delivery of various modes like chats, text accessible to some people,
accurate instructions in messages, e-mails, organization, or community
many forms. advertisements, posters, web due to several factors like
sites, and many other forms with or socioeconomic status, government
without an internet connection. rules, cultural norms, or place
• Digital Divide is a term
used that hinders them from gaining
access to the information due to the
unavailability of technology.
2. Education • These platforms may include but • Teachers and students may need to
It is not only a trend but a not limited to create or send online shift or transfer their traditional way
call to take advantage of presentations, collaborative tools, of learning to the online delivery
the ICT platform in distant use of Google applications, platform to continue education.
education, as Sec. Leonor utilizing social media, web page - This significance can also be a
Magtolis Briones said that creation, or even publishing challenge for teachers and
“Education must continue” journals online. learners who may need to equip
despite the crisis the • Students will have more and be knowledgeable in
Philippine is opportunities to access information manipulating the said platforms
experiencing. Our through the world wide web than to achieve its goal.
department and those who are in modular - Social interaction is different
government are doing instruction. than in a face to face delivery
their best to support distance mode.

3. E-Commerce • E-commerce has immensely There are disadvantages of e-

It is said that business is the evolved where the commerce when it comes to
blood of the economy. ICT approaches in buying, selling consumer’s product guarantee and
plays a vital role when it goods, products, and even services online data security.
comes to e commerce, where are now available online. E- • Consumers must be cautious in
most of the jobs operate commerce has become popular making transactions with
using different technologies. since there are different platforms unauthorized seller, likewise, be
available and accessible for most vigilant in every transaction by
online users and markets. visiting only a secured website.
• Advertisements can be Fraudulent activities like identity
created and posted quickly by theft and hacking may be at risk.
linking to other websites. One of the
in-demand postings of ads is the use
social media.

Most Common Internet Cybercrimes

1. Phishing/Spoofing – the act of sending multiple emails to multiple users in hopes of having a number of them clicking on the links
or malwares attached to the email.
2. Blackmail/Extortion – the act of using the Internet to threaten or damage someone’s reputation to extort money or anything else
of value. This can be avoided if you are aware of what you should post on the Internet.
3. Accessing Stored Communications – or hacking; the act of obtaining unauthorized access to data from a computer network.
4. Sports Betting – the act of wagering on any sports event over the Internet. In some countries, gambling (including sports betting)
is illegal even if you are doing it over the Internet.
5. Non-Delivery of Merchandise – the act of devising a scheme wherein a culprit posts an item or service for sale over the Internet
and once the transactions have been done, does not really give the item or service.
6. Electronic Harassment – the act of anonymously using the Internet to harass, abuse, threaten, or annoy other people.
7. Child Pornography – the act of using the Internet to show child pornography. This act is highly punishable by law.
8. Drug Trafficking – the act of selling illegal substances using the Internet.
9. Criminal Copyright Infringement – the act of piracy mainly for financial gain. In late 2014, the number one pirate website,
ThePirateBay, was raided for the second time due to years of pirating movies, music, games, books, and other software. These
kinds of websites earn money through advertising.
Combatting Cybercrimes
•Network Security. Before a hacker can get through the unauthorized files he or she is targeting, the hacker has to get through
several security measures like firewalls, secure connections, passwords, anti-malwares, and data encryptions.
•Investigation. URL tracing and logging are used by websites to track your unique IP addresses. This can be used by investigators
to trace hackers. In piracy, trackers are used to identify IP addresses currently sharing a pirated file.
•Penalties. More and more laws are being created and implemented today. Penalties include both a fine and imprisonment.

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