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Eliran Oved
In a cozy little house, at the edge of
Greenvale town, lived a boy named
Milo with hair of chestnut brown.
Curious and kind, with a heart so
grand, Milo found a magical
instrument, a lyre, in his hand.

This lyre, left by his grandma, who
once roamed lands afar, was said to
hold a secret, a melody to touch the
stars. Along with this lyre, a book,
old and worn, told tales of an
enchanted forest, where magic was

One night, by the flicker of a candle's
light, Milo read of the forest's plight.
"The heart of the woods, once bright
and fair, now silent and still, it gasps
for air. Only a melody, pure and
true, can awaken its spirit and make
it anew."

With courage in his heart and the
lyre in hand, Milo set off at dawn, to
the magical land. Past the meadows,
under the sky so blue, into the
whispering woods, where the
wildflowers grew.

As Milo ventured deeper, where the
light gently dims, he met a talking
owl, with wide, wise brims. "Who are
you, young traveler, in these parts so
rare?" asked the owl, as it ruffled its
feathers with care.

"I’m Milo," he said, "with a song to
share, to awaken the heart of the
forest, so fair." The owl nodded
wisely, "Then follow the stream,
where the water whispers and the
sunbeams gleam."

Through the thicket and thorns, Milo
journeyed on, until he met a troll, his
face long and wan. "None shall
pass," the troll did bellow. But Milo
played a tune, soft and mellow. The
troll's heart swayed, his mood took a
flight, and he danced away, into the

Deeper still, into the forest's
embrace, Milo found himself in an
open space. There stood the heart,
an ancient tree, its branches bare, as
far as he could see.

With a deep breath, Milo began to
play, notes soaring high, in the most
magical way. The melody twirled, it
danced in the air, it touched every
corner of the forest so fair.

The tree shuddered, its leaves began
to grow, from roots to the tips, it
started to glow. Birds came to sing,
animals to dance, the forest woke up
from its long, deep trance.

As the last note lingered, Milo knew
it was done, the heart of the forest,
bright as the sun. "Thank you," it
whispered, in a voice so mild, "for
the melody of hope, dear child."

With the forest now singing, its
magic restored, Milo felt a joy like
never before. It wasn't just the lyre,
or the notes he played, but the love
he shared, the friends he made.

As he returned home, under the
starlit sky, Milo knew this was just a
start, a hello, not goodbye. For in his
heart, he held the key, to adventures
new, in the enchanted tree.


And so ends our tale, of Milo and his

night, in the enchanted forest, where
he brought back the light.
Remember, a heart so kind, a spirit
so free, can make the world brighter,
just like Milo and his melody.

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Fairy images of Milo in the
Enchanted Forest
Milo in the Enchanted Forest
-Eliran Oved, november 2023

Milo meets the magic owl
-Eliran Oved, december 2023

Milo playing his melody
-Eliran Oved, 2023

fo rw ad
Loo k
for n ew
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M ilo
Coming Spring 2024
Coming Spring 2024
Meet Eliran Oved
Eliran Oved is an emerging children's author from
Israel, celebrated for his debut book "The Melody of
the Enchanted Forest." Drawing inspiration from
the beauty of his surroundings and the depth of his
personal experiences, Eliran crafts stories that
explore themes of kindness, adventure, and the
magic of nature. Living with his family and fueled by
a passion for running and exploring the world,
Eliran's writing reflects his love for adventure and
storytelling. As he continues to expand the
enchanting world of Milo, his work promises to
captivate and inspire readers of all ages.


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