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 Reading is indeed a part of almost all aspects of
human life.
 It is reading that makes us highly intellectual
beings who have ever existed on this planet.
 Many organisms exist alongside us; however,
only humans have the capability to read. Why are reading comprehension skills important?
 In reading, the eye serves as the scanner, and - Reading comprehension is important for several
the brain is the processor, in which both must
reasons and can provide many benefits.
work harmoniously to achieve comprehension.
- Being able to effectively read can improve both
 It is popularly known as an active dialogue
your personal and professional life and can
between the author and it is also known as the
basic tool for learning in all subjects. increase your overall enjoyment of reading.
 It is a subtle and complex process that involves - Knowing how to understand a text can help
sensation, perception, comprehension, boost your knowledge in certain areas and help
application and integration. you learn new skills and information faster.
 It is a process of thinking, evaluating, imagining,
reasoning and problem solving. The efficient
reader is expected to be able to perform these
mental activities with reasonable proficiency.  Being able to understand, analyze and respond to
documents and written communication in the
Miles Zintz (1972), however, illustrates the reading
process as follows: workplace
 Improved your ability to write clearly and effectively
Step 1: Word Perception – The ability to pronounce the word  The ability to comprehend and engage in current
as a meaningful unit. events that are in written form such as newspapers
 Increased ability to focus on reading for an extended
Step 2: Comprehension – The skill in making individual words
construct useful ideas as they are read in context.
 Better enjoyment of and motivation to read
Step 3: Reaction – A judgment on what the author has said.
Word perception involves sensation. The eyes see the
Step 4: Integration – The ability to assimilate idea or concept printed symbols with the aid of light rays that strike the
into one’s background of experience so that it is useful part of retina. Together the eyes move in a swift and well-
the individual’s total experience. coordinated manner, jumping from word to word in a series
of fixations. Reading takes place when the eyes pause or rest.
Reading Comprehension The eyes do not really see much nor read when they are
 the ability to comprehend or understand, what you constantly in motion.
are reading.
 an intentional and active part of reading and takes  The distance or the number of words between
place before, during and after you read something. fixation points is called the span of perception or
 By being able to comprehend what you are reading, recognition span.
you can extract meaning from the text and better  A good reader makes few fixations and fewer
realize what the author is trying to convey. regressions or backward eye movements. Therefore,
his perception span is much longer than that of a
 Word perception also involves the identification of
 Vocabulary knowledge
the printed symbol and the meaning intended by the
- the ability to understand the language being
author. For example, the reader identifies the
combination of the letter c-a-t as cat and not as cot
 Text comprehension
or cut. The printed word, then, acts as a trigger to
- is using this language to develop an awareness
release a meaning which the reader already
of what the meaning is behind the text.
possesses. To this task known as a decoding process,
one should possess certain skills that include:
1. Use of sight vocabulary and configuration memory
Comprehension is an important aspect of reading.
When you read, strive to understand and extract
meaning for better overall awareness of what you
2. Use of context clues to determine pronunciation and  Are there any themes that have consistently come up
meaning throughout the book? If so, what do they mean?
3. Determine pronunciation and meaning through an The more specific your questions, the more likely you
analysis of the structure or parts of a word consisting will gain further insight into the text and its meaning.
of its roots and affixes and inflected, or derived in
form 3. Use context clues - Using context clues is a great way to
4. Relate the sound of the spoken word to its visual or understand what you are reading even if you don’t know all
graphemic symbol, a process referred to as phonetic the vocabulary being used.
analysis; and - Context clues can be found in the words and sentences
5. Use of dictionary to determine pronunciation and surrounding the word that you aren’t familiar with. To use
meaning of words resistant to analysis through the context clues, you can focus on the key phrases or ideas in a
use of other skills. sentence and deduce the main idea of a sentence or
paragraph based on this information.
Comprehension requires the fusion of meaning of
separate words into a chain of related ideas. On the - You can also look for nearby words that are synonyms or
literal level, one reads to understand the passage – its antonyms of the word you don’t know.
main thought, specific details, sequence, and directions
4. Look for the main idea - Identifying the main idea of a
to be followed. The implied level involves making paragraph or article can help you determine the importance
inferences, sensing relationships, drawing conclusions, of the article.
and recognizing the author’s purpose, tone, and feeling.
These skills help the reader to grasp the total meaning - Understanding why what you’re reading is important can
give you a better comprehension of what the author is trying
of the passage.
to convey.
- When reading, pause every few paragraphs and see if you
can decipher what the main idea is. Then, try to put the main
1. Improve your vocabulary - Knowing what the words you idea in your own words for even further understanding.
are reading mean can improve your ability to comprehend the
5. Write a summary of what you read - A great way to
meaning of the text. To improve your vocabulary, you can:
increase your knowledge of what you have read is to write a
 Take an online vocabulary quiz to assess your current summary.
level of vocabulary understanding
- Summarizing requires you to decide what is important in the
 Use flashcards to quiz yourself on words you don’t
text and then put it in your own words.
know once or twice a week
 Make a point to use newly learned words in verbal - Summarizing allows you to determine if you truly
and written communication understand what you have read and better remember what
 Read as much as possible to improve your ability to you have read in the long term.
guess what a word means in a certain context
 Make a list of unfamiliar words as you read and look 6. Break up the reading into smaller sections - If you are
them up in the dictionary reading longer or more challenging text, consider breaking it
up into smaller sections. For example, you could read two
2. Come up with questions about the text you are reading - paragraphs at a time and then pause to quickly summarize
Asking questions about what you are reading can help what you just read in your mind. Breaking up what you are
improve your reading comprehension by allowing you to reading can help you feel less overwhelmed and give you a
become invested in the text. It can also broaden your overall better chance of truly comprehending the information in the
understanding of what you are reading by enabling you to text.
explore themes, motifs and other components of text that
you otherwise wouldn’t inquire about. The following are 7. Pace yourself - Pacing yourself is also an effective way to
examples of questions you could pose as you read: work on your reading comprehension skills by allowing you to
set realistic goals for your reading practice and habits.
 Why did the author begin the book at that location?
- This is especially true for books or other literature that you
 What kind of relationship do these two characters
find challenging.
 What do we know about the main character up to -Set a goal for yourself that you know you can meet each day.
this point in the book? For example, rather than saying that you want to read an
entire book in two days, say that you will read three chapters instruction, and vocabulary. The NRP suggests
a night. This allows you to reach your goals and also provides that there is a commonality in fluency research,
adequate time for you to process what you are reading stating that fluency develops through lots of
between each session. reading practice.
2. Vocabulary - knowledge of words and word meaning
- can be defined as the knowledge of words and
-includes the ability to judge accuracy, quality, or worth. their meanings.
These judgements are the results of critical reading and - The purpose of teaching vocabulary is for
experience. On the emotional level, reaction requires value children to understand words and to use them
judgments, background experiences, and the ability to to acquire and convey meaning.
recreate sensory images. - an important component of a literacy program
because the more words that a child knows and
-occurs only when comprehension is fully realized. One’s understands the more the child will comprehend
reaction is affected by culture. Out reaction toward divorce when reading.
and free love is different from the reactions of people of
western countries. Culture controls the quality and quantity Vocabulary is an important component in a successful
of experience available to the reader. Thus, experience literacy program because:
becomes the foundation stone of the reading process.
 Vocabulary knowledge increases comprehension,
Assimilation/ Integration which is vital to a child’s ability to do well in school.
 A greater vocabulary increases a child’s ability to
-determined by the reaction of the reader. If ideas are read and write with fluency.
accepted, they become a part of his total experience.
3. Reading Comprehension - engagement with text
-They are integrated with all previous related experiences. On
the other hand, wrong concepts are corrected, and new - refers to a child’s understanding of what they are reading.
insights are acquired. This not only includes reading, but also what is written.
Having students attain comprehension of what they are
-Integration also involves applying ideas acquired in problem reading and writing is very important. Comprehension is an
solving. important component of an effective literacy program for a
Rate few reasons:

-refers to the speed of recognition, comprehension, reaction,  to success in academic and personal learning.
and assimilation.  to becoming a productive member of society.
 in obtaining and maintaining a job and being
-flexible. successful in life.
-vary according to the reader’s purpose and the difficulty of TIPS TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR READING
Reading is a fundamental part of everyday life. The more you
FLUENCY, VOCABULARY, 7 READING COMPREHENSION incorporate and prioritize reading and understanding what
1. Fluency
you read, the better your overall reading comprehension will
- ability to read with speed, accuracy and vocal
become. These tips can help you make the most of your time
when practicing your reading skills.
- a child’s ability to effortlessly and correctly read,
speak, and write English.  Eliminate distractions
- Fluency in reading should include consistent - When you are distracted, your ability to
speed, accuracy, and the use of proper comprehend what you are reading is negatively
expression. impacted. When reading—even if it’s a simple
- achieved when a child is no longer focusing on email—eliminate distractions and focus solely on
how to read. Helping children read fluently is the text. This will help you learn to hold your
very important to a successful literacy program. attention to what you read and enable you to
- linked directly to comprehension, and once it is know whether you understand what you are
achieved, a student can start focusing on the reading.
meaning of what they read.
- can be achieved by using a literacy program that  Read a book below your reading level
combines phonemic awareness, phonics
- Starting with books below your reading level will As mentioned, reading comprehension is a vital skill most
allow you to develop a baseline of your reading employees need to do their jobs to a satisfactory level. Some
comprehension and build on that. Instead of of the main benefits you can expect from employing people
starting with books or other text that you find with excellent reading-comprehension skills are:
challenging, read something that is comfortable
1. Receiving and following instructions
and that you can easily comprehend. You can
- Every day, employees receive written
take an online quiz to establish the reading level
instructions from their superiors. If an employee
you are currently at.
has a poor understanding of the language they
 Re-read text to ensure understanding
are using, their work process will become
- If you finish a sentence or paragraph and realize
tedious and unproductive.
that you don’t understand what it was trying to
- Therefore, for employers, it is vital to have
convey, take the time to re-read it until you do.
employees with good reading comprehension
Try to read more slowly the second time around
skills so they can follow orders effectively.
and look up definitions for any words you don’t
2. Identifying important information
know the meaning of.
- Having a good understanding of a text will
 Read aloud
enable employees to locate the most important
- Reading aloud incorporates both visual and
part of a message and take action based on that
audio learning into your reading comprehension
practice. It also forces you to slow down and
- Most of the time, what we try to say can be
gives you more time to process what you are
summarized in a few words or sentences.
However, our line of thought doesn’t work like a
WHY IS READING COMPREHENSION IN THE computer, and when we write something or give
WORKPLACE SO IMPORTANT? instructions to someone, we may end up writing
 Proficient reading comprehension in the workplace is more than necessary.
a crucial skill every employee need so they can do - An employee with excellent reading
their job well. It’s vital across practically all industries comprehension can quickly analyze the structure
and sectors, but especially for office jobs of a text, perceive existing relationships between
 In essence, reading comprehension includes sentences, identify the most important
understanding written communication by identifying information, and summarize the whole thing
the main idea behind a message, analyzing it, into concrete actions to be taken.
recognizing what the author said, and taking action 3. Working in a team
based on that information. - Most jobs require some form of collaboration
 Nowadays, most people chat, email, or message between employees or different teams.
each other in their personal and working lives. - Since it is expensive and time-consuming to
 At the workplace, employees will receive tasks from schedule face-to-face meetings every time
their superiors communicated in writing, either via something in a project comes up, employees use
email or chat. In order for them to perform these writing to ask questions and move a project
tasks well, team members need excellent reading- forward.
comprehension skills. - If someone on the team cannot recognize what
 Employees who understand written instructions and their colleagues are saying, your organization
what is required from them without any problems will struggle to finish tasks and clients’ projects
will communicate better with colleagues and on time, which can lead to losses for your firm.
perform their duties to a higher standard. - However, when reading comprehension is high
 Therefore, as the hiring manager at your among all teams, employees can work together
organization, it is important to test prospective productively, resulting in more projects being
employees’ reading-comprehension skills during the completed on time and enhancing your
hiring process. organization’s performance.
 By using a reading-comprehension test, you will 4. Identifying errors
know if your next hire has difficulties following - Lastly, with excellent reading-comprehension
written texts and you can assign training courses to skills, employees can spot mistakes in a
alleviate any future problems. document or task, ask searching questions about
the meaning of a text, and take corrective
- Humans beings frequently make mistakes,
especially when we work on a text by ourselves.
Even if we go over something 100 times and edit
it meticulously, the chances of missing a comma
or saying something by mistake are still high.
- But good reading-comprehension skills enable
employees to correct their work and that of
their colleagues thoroughly in order to present
well-written and concise texts.


- Reading comprehension is a vital skill for any
role and every industry. There isn’t a field that
doesn’t require employees to understand even
the most basic written information.
- Of course, some jobs work specifically with
texts, documents, and statistics, including
diagrams, charts, graphs, and tables. That
includes any desk job that requires a compute.

To be more specific, the following list of jobs require strong

reading-comprehensions skills:

 Customer service
 Data analyst
 Translator
 Help-desk technician
 Editor
 Accountant
 IT specialist

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