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Name:____________________________ Comprehension Activity Sheet 1

Three Level Reading Guide – “The Shell” by Colin Thiele

Reading for Facts and Information.

1. Answer the following questions with full sentence answers.

a. Who are the main characters in this story?

b. Where is the story set?

c. From what point of view is the story told?

d. What did Ethel find in the rock pool?

e. What did Ethel set up on the beach? List the items she laid out?

f. Who met Ethel on the beach?

g. What were Harold and David doing up on the rocks, and what happened to them while there?

h. While searching the beach, what did the two policemen find?

Reading to draw conclusions and make inferences.

Name:____________________________ Comprehension Activity Sheet 1

2. Tick the statements you think are implied (suggested) in the story.

Harold and Ethel enjoy the outdoors

Ethel enjoys playing Bridge with her friends
Harold does not like playing Bridge
Ethel likes to be organised
Ethel is cautious
Harold likes to take risks
David wants to be brave and impress his father
Harold feels trapped being indoors
Harold is an experienced fisherman

Reading beyond the lines, making judgements

3a. Tick the statements you think are supported by the story.

The ocean needs to be respected.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.
You only live once.
Natural landscapes cannot be controlled unlike manmade environments.

3b. Are there any other themes or ideas evident in this story? If so, provide supporting evidence to explain

Extension (text-to-text connection)

Can you think of any other stories where the characters experience conflict with the landscape?

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