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8 INTEGER TYPE [ +4 , 0]

Q.1 A particle moving in a straight line covers half the distance with speed of 3 m/s. The other
half of the distance is covered in two equal time intervals with a speeds of 4.5 m/s and 7.5
m/s, respectively. Find the average speed of the particle during this motion.

Sol. 4

2v0 ( v1 + v 2 )
vavg =
2v0 + v1 + v 2

2 3(4.5 + 7.5)
= m/s
6 + 4.5 + 7.5

6 12
= m / s = 4m/s

Q.2 A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the foot of a tower. The ball crosses the top of
tower twice after an interval of 4 seconds and the ball reaches ground after 8 seconds from
the start, If the height of tower in meters is H , Then the value of [ H/10 ] will be ? (take g =
10 m/s2)

1 2
h = ut – gt

or gt2 – 2ut + 2h = 0

2h 2u
t1t2 = and t1 + t2 = =T
g g

(t2 – t1)2 = (t1 + t2)2 – 4t1t2

16 = 64 – 4 × h = 60 m
Q.3 Two men P & Q are standing at corners A & B of square ABCD of side 8 m. They start moving
along the tank with constant speed 2m/s and 10 m/s respectively. The time when they will
meet for the first time, in seconds is -

10 m/s C

2 m/s


Q.4 At the moment t = 0, a particle leaves the origin and moves in the positive direction of the x-
axis. Its velocity varies with time as v = v0 1 − where v0 = 10 cm/sec. The particle will be
at the distance of 10 cm from the origin at three different instants T1 , T2 and T3 [ T3 >T2 >T1 ]
X − Y
.If the value of [ T3-T2 ] is of the form where X and Y are some numbers and Y<
X.then the value of [ X-Y ]/ 10 will be ?

dx v t
Sol.[ 8] = v0 – 0
dt 5

v0 t 2
x = v0t –

where x can be either +10 or –10.

10 60
10t – t2 = 10 t=

10 140
10t – t2 = –10 t=

10 + 60
for 2nd event, t =

10 + 140
and for 3rd event, t =
Q.5 An insect moves with a constant speed v from one corner of a room to other corner which is
opposite of the first corner along the largest diagonal of room. If the insect can not fly
and has to crawl on the faces of room and dimensions of room is 4 × 2 × 1m, the minimum
time in which the insect can reach the opposite corner by crawling is T , if maximum possible
speed of crawling is 1 m/s for the insect , then the value of T will be?

Ans: 5

6. Consider a straight line passing through two points A and B. Position vectors of point A and B
are given by rA and rB respectively. There is another point C with position vector rC . If a
perpendicular is dropped on the line passing through A and B from the point C. Then foot of
perpendicular on straight line is given by point D with a position vector rD = x0ˆi + y0 ˆj + z0 kˆ if

rA = 4ˆi + 7 ˆj + kˆ

rB = 3ˆi + 5 ˆj + 3kˆ

rC = ˆi + 3kˆ

Then the value of x0 + z0 − y0 will be?

Ans: 5

7. A right circular cone with radius R and height H contains a liquid which evaporates at a rate
proportional to its surface area in contact with air (proportionality constant k > 0). Initially
cone is completely filled with liquid. If all the liquid gets evaporated after a time of T0 . If
H = 20, R = 10, K = 5 , then the value of T0 will be?

Ans: T0 = =4

8. If A, B, C and D are any four points in the space. The value of expression

( AB ) ( ) ( )
CD + BC AD + CA BD is N times the area of triangle ABC. Then the value of
N will be?

Ans: N = 4


Q.9 Choose the Incorrect options for the situation given below :

For a particle moving along a straight line, the position x depends on time t as
x = t3 + t2 + t + . The ratio of its initial acceleration to its initial velocity depends -

(A) only on and (B) only on and

(C) only on and (D) only on

Sol.[ A , C ,D] x = t3 + t2 + t +

v= = 3 t2 + 2 t +

(vini)t = 0 =

a= =6 t+2

(aini)t = 0 = 2

a ini 2
= =
v ini
Q.10 If it is given that the velocity of a body is constant during its motion, then what predictions can
be made based on the information given , here |x| represents the positive value of x .

(A) |Instantaneous Velocity vector| = Instantaneous speed

(B) |Average velocity vector| = Instantaneous speed

(C) Instantaneous Velocity vector = average velocity vector

(D) Instantaneous Speed = average speed


Q.11 A train accelerates in a straight line from rest for time t1, at a constant acceleration for
distance x. Then it decelerates to rest at constant retardation in time t2 for distance y.
Then choose the correct options -

x t1 x t1
(A) = (B) = (C) = (D) x = y
y t2 y t2

Sol. [A,B,C]

Q.12 A particle of mass m moves on the x-axis as follows : it starts from rest at t = 0 from the point x = 0, and
comes to rest at t = 1 at the point x = 1. No other information is available about its motion at
intermediate times (0 < t < 1). If denotes the instantaneous acceleration of the particle, then -

(A) cannot remain positive for all t in the interval 0 < t < 1

(B) | | cannot exceed 2 at any point or points in its path

(C) | | must be > 4 at some point or points in its path

(D) must change sign during the motion, but no other assertion can be made with the
information given


consider v-t graph and apply condition of area and slope .

Q.13 A particle moves in a straight line with an acceleration-time ( a–t )curve shown in figure. It is given that
The particle starts from origin and it is at rest at t=0 i.e. initial position and velocity are zero . Choose the
correct options .
2 10
0 t(s)

(A) The time at which the particle comes to rest again is 10 sec

(B) Velocity of particle at t = 2 sec is 8 m/s

(C) Distance travelled by particle before coming to rest is almost close/equal to 29.36 m

(D) Displacement of the particle before coming to rest is almost close/equal to 29.36 m

Sol. [A.B,C,D] Area under a-t curve :

v = Area 1 = 2 × 4 = 8


v = u + 8 = 0 + 8 = 8 m/s

v – v = Area 2 = − 8 2 = – 8 m/s

v =v–8=8–8=0

final velocity is zero at t = 10 sec

S = 0 + 8 [10 – 1] + (−8) 10 −

= 8 × 9 + −8

= 8 9−


= 8 × 3.666

= 8 × 3.67

S = 29.36 m
Q.14 A particle moving in a straight line with an initial velocity v0 and retardation v, where v is its
velocity at any time t and “ ” is a positive constant with proper dimensions. Assume this
retardation is continuously acting and is defined at all t >0. Then choose the correct options
regarding the situation described above . Assume standard SI units for all physical quantities if
you need .

(A) The particle will cover a total distance v0/ approximately.

(B) The particle will come to rest after a time 1 /

(C) The particle will continue to move for a very long time

(D) The velocity of the particle will become v0/2 after a time 1/

Sol. [A, C] v =– v

0 x0
or dv = − dx
v0 0

or x0 = v0/

dv v dv t
=– v or =− dt
dt v0 v 0

or v = v 0 e– t
v = 0 for t→

Q.15 For a particle moving in straight line .The position (x) of a particle depends on time (t) as :
x = t2 – t3 . Then choose the correct options regarding the motion of the particle .

(A) The particle will return to its starting point after time /

(B) The particle will come to rest after time 2 /3

(C) The initial velocity of the particle was zero but its initial acceleration was not zero.

(D) No net force will act on the particle at t = /3

Sol. [A,B,C,D]
x = t2 – t3

for x = 0, t2 – t3 = 0

t= .

= 2 t – 3 t2

Particle at rest v = 0

2 t – 3 t2 = 0


=2 –6 t
dt 2

at t = 0 a = 2 , at t = 0, v = 0

for no net force, (a = 0)

2 – 6 t = 0, t= .

Q.16 At t = 0, a particle is at a point P whose position vector is r = x î + y ĵ + z k̂ and starts with
→ →
velocity v = vx î + vy ĵ + vz k̂ . If point O is at r = 0, It is given that the particle is always
moving towards point O, i.e. particle is always moving along the line joining origin and point
P. Then choose the possible combinations of x,y,z, vx, vy, vz for which particle can always
move towards origin O .

vx vy v vx vy v
(A) = = z (B) . . z <0
x y z x y z

vx vy
(C) xvx + yvy + zvz < 0 (D) . >0
x y

Sol. [A,B,C,D] If body is always moving towards origin then,

→ →
v is antiparallel to r .

Passage # 1 (Ques. 17 to 18)

A particle is moving on a regular hexagon of side 'a' with constant speed 'u' as shown in figure.At
each corner there is an agent who is changing the direction of velocity , choose the most
appropriate answer for the information given .

D →
→ vC




Q.17 Magnitude of average acceleration between A to B will be ? consider the time instants for
average when particle just leaves A and just crosses B.

3 u2 u2
(A) (B)
a a

u2 3u2
(C) (D)
2a 2a

Q.18 Magnitude of average acceleration between A to C will be ? consider the time instants for
average when particle just leaves A and just crosses C.

3 u2 3 u2
(A) (B)
2a a

u2 2u2
(C) (D)
a a

Ans 17 . B

Ans 18 . A
Passage # 2 (Ques. 19 to 20)

acceleration “a” of a particle moving in a straight line can be related to velocity v ,

displacement x and time t by the given relation .

dv dv d2x
a =v = = 2
dx dt dt

by using the above relation of acceleration we can obtain the expression of different
combinations of a, v, x and t.

Q.19 Acceleration of a particle is given by a = (2x + 1) and at x = 0, v = 0. The velocity of particle at

x = x is -

(A) 2x2 + 1 (B) x2 + 1

(C) 2(x 2 + x) (D) None of these

Q.20 Acceleration of a particle is given by a = (2v + 1) m/s2 and at t = 0, v = 0. The velocity of

particle at t = t is -

e 2t – 1 e 2t
(A) (B)
2 2

(C) e2t –1 (D) v + 1

Sol. [C]

a = 2x + 1

v = 2x + 1 ]

v dv = (ex + 1) dx

= x2 + x

v2 = 2(x2 + x)

v= 2( x 2 + x )
Sol 20. [A]

a = (2v + 1)

= 2v + 1

v t
= dt
2v + 1
0 0

log (2v + 1) = t

log (2v + 1) = 2t

2v + 1 = e2t ; v = (t2t –1)/2



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