Chemistry Unit 3 - Solubility Eqilibrium-2

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Ionic vs Molecular Solutions

***Solubility - The ability to dissolve ( in H 2 O)***

- If something dissolves in water and makes charges, it can conduct electricity
- More ions = More electrictrical conductivity

Ionic - Metal + Non-metal

Molecular Solutions - Covalent ( 2 non-metals ) and Organic compounds

( Hydrocarbons )
***Exception: Organic Carboxylic Acids ( COOH )***
- Partially Soluble

Ex. C H 3 C H 2 C H 2 CH 2 OH - Organic, therefore molecular solution, so it doesn’t dissolve

Ex.C H 3 C H 2 C H 2 CH 2 COOH - Organic Carboxylic Acid, so it is partially soluble

+ ¿¿
−¿+ H ¿
Ex.C H 3 C H 2 C H 2 CH 2 COOH → C H 3 C H 2 C H 2 CH 2 CO O

Electrolyte = Substance that dissolves to produce an electrically - conducting solution

Dissociation Equation ( Dissolving )

+1 −1
- AgBrO3 ( s)→ A g (aq)+Br O3 (aq)

Crystallization / Precipitation Equation

+1 −1
- A g (aq)+ Br O3 ( aq)→ AgBrO3 ( s)

−¿( aq)¿

Ex. NaCl(s)→ N a+ ¿(aq )+C l ¿

Solvation Sphere

Saturation: Everything that can possibly be dissolved is dissolved

- Some undissolved material is present
- ≡ ‘ m exists between dissolved and undissolved material

+1 −1
AgBrO3 ( s)↔ A g (aq)+Br O3 (aq)

Ksp - The solubility Product Constant

Cu ¿ - low solubility
- Takes very little to form sat. solution
Cu ¿
When saturated, an ☰ ‘ m exists between dissociation and precipitation

Soluble = → Low Solubility = ↔

K = constant sp = solubility product

Ksp = ¿
Ex. Which is most soluble

AgBr : Ksp=5.4 ×1 0
AgCl : Ksp=1.8 ×1 0 Dis one is most soluble!
AgI : Ksp=8.5× 1 0

Ex. A saturated solution of Ba F 2 contains 4.59 × 10−2 M B a2+¿ ¿ and 2.00 ×1 0−3 M F −¿ ¿. Find
the Ksp.

Write the ☰ ‘ m and write the Ksp!

Ba F 2 (s )↔ B a2+¿(aq)+2 F
Ksp = ¿
Ksp = (4.59× 10−2)¿
Ksp = 1.84 × 10−7

Ex. A saturated solution contains 3.58 ×1 0 M Ba F2
Find the Ksp.


Ba F 2 (s )↔ B a2+¿(aq)+2 F ¿
X X 2X
Ksp = ¿
Ksp = (3.58 ×1 0−3)¿
Ksp = 1.84 × 10−7
Ex. Find ¿ in a sat. solution of Mg ¿

Mg ¿
X X 2X
Keq = ¿
Ksp = 5.6 ×1 0−12 (from Ksp table)
5.6 ×1 0 =(X ) ¿
= ( X )( 4 X 3 )
−12 3
5.6 ×1 0 4X
= 4


5.6 ×1 0−12

X = 1.1 ×1 0−4

Ex. How many grams of BaCr O 4 are present in 10.0 L of saturated solution?


BaCr O 4 ( s)↔ B a2 +¿(aq )+Cr O 4 (aq)¿

Ksp = 1.2 ×1 0−10

1.2 ×1 0 =( X )( X )
−10 2
1.2 ×1 0 = X
1.095 ×1 0 = X
......... g BaCr O4 =¿ 1.095× 1 0 mol × 253.3 g
×10.0 L= 0.028 g BaCr O 4
1L 1 mol

Trial Ksp ( TIP ) Q

Will a ppt form when 5.0 mL of 6.0 ×1 0−6 M A g mixes with 10.0 mL of 4.2 ×1 0−6 M
−¿ ¿

1. Write the ≡ ‘ m and write the Ksp

−¿(aq) ¿

AgCl(s)↔ A g+¿(aq)+C l ¿

Ksp = ¿

2. Find diluted [ ] ‘s after mixing

M 1 V 1= M 2 V 2
M 1 V 1 (6.0 ×1 0−6)(5.0 mL )
¿ 2 = = −6
¿ 2.0 ×1 0 M
V2 (5 mL+ 10 mL)
M 1 V 1 ( 4.2× 10−6)(10.0 mL)
¿ M 2=
= (15 mL)
¿ 2.8 ×1 0 M

Trial Ksp = [ ] ‘ s of a not necessarily saturated solution

Trial Ksp = (2.0 ×1 0−6)(2.8 × 10−6)

Q = 5.6 ×1 0 −12

3. Compare with Ksp

If Q > Ksp , a precipitate will form
If Q < Ksp , a precipitate will not form

Ksp AgCl=1.8 × 10−10

Q = 5.6 ×1 0−12
Q < Ksp

Try: Pg. 98,

Questions # 56-69


Dilution Calculation - M 1 V 1= M 2 V 2

Ex. If 900.0 mL NaCl is added to 500.0 mL H 2 O, find the final [ NaCl ]

(0.450)(900)=M 2 (1400)
= M 2=0.289 M =[NaCl ]

Ion Calculations

Ex. Find all [Ion] in a 1.5 M Na3 P O4 ( soluble, dissociates 100%)

3−¿(aq) ¿

Na3 P O4 (s)→ N a+¿(aq)+ P O 4 ¿

x3 x x
1.5 M 4.5 M 1.5 M


Precipitate Formation = solid / low solubility

Ex. Will a precipitate form when 0.2 M solutions of AgN O3 and NH 4 Br (if soluble,
separate ions) are mixed?

+¿¿ +¿¿
Ag NH 4
NO 3 B r−¿¿ AgBr has low solubility, will form a precipitate

Ag NO 3 (aq)+ NH 4 Br( aq)→ NH 4 N O3 ( aq)+ AgBr ( s)

Net Ionic Equations

Write the net ionic equation for the rxn between AgN O3 and Na2 CO 3
- Write the formula equation with the states
2 Ag NO 3 (aq)+ N a2 C O3 (aq) → A g 2 CO 3 (s )+ 2 NaN O3 (aq)
- Write the total ionic equation (dissociate all aqueous species)
2−¿(aq) → Ag2 CO 3 (s )¿

2 A g +¿(aq)+C O 3 ¿
−¿ ( aq) ¿
+¿ (aq ),2 N O ¿

−¿(aq), 2 N a+ ¿(aq) →2 N a ¿

2 NO3
cancel out of equation
2−¿(aq) → Ag2 CO 3 (s )¿

Net ionic equation = 2 A g +¿(aq)+C O 3 ¿

Maximum Ion Concentrations

Find the maximum ¿ in a saturated BaCO 3 solution where ¿ ¿ ¿

2−¿(aq) ¿
2+¿(aq)+CO3 ¿
BaCO 3 ( s)↔ B a

Try: Up to
Question 69

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