Tutorial-05 Effective Stress and Capillarity

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Q. 1 Calculate the effective stress for a soil element at depth 5 m in a uniform deposit of soil, as shown in
Figure. Assume that the pore air pressure is zero.

Q. 2 A soil profile consisting of three layers is shown in Figure. Calculate the values of total stress, pore water
pressure, and effective stress at points A, B, C, and D for all the cases as given in table.
In each case, plot the variations total stress, pore water pressure, and effective stress with depth.
Characteristics of layers 1, 2, and 3 for each case are given below:
Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Q. 3 Consider the soil profile shown in Figure:

a. Calculate the variations of total stress, pore water pressure, and effective stress at points A, B, and C.
b. How high should the groundwater table rise so that the effective stress at C is 111 kN/m2?

Q. 4 A borehole at a site reveals the soil profi le shown in Figure. Plot the distribution of vertical total and
effective stresses with depth. Assume pore air pressure is zero.
Q.5 (a) Plot the total and effective stresses and porewater pressure with depth for the soil profi le shown in
Figure for steady-state seepage condition. A porewater pressure transducer installed at the top of the sand
layer gives a pressure of 58.8 kPa. Assume Gs 5 2.7 and neglect pore air pressure.
(b) If a borehole were to penetrate the sand layer, how far would the water rise above the groundwater level?

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