Lovely Daywaw Bilingual

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roJjzL[m rkd;&moDudk rkef;w,f/ rkd;awG oJoJrJrJ &GmNyDqdk&if

pmoifcef;&JUaxmifhrSm pkd;&drfxdwfvefYpGm oGm;ykef;aewwfowJh/

q&mru 'gudk owdxm;rdawmh roJjzLudk ar;w,f/ rdk;&Gm&if
a'a0gBuD; vmwwfw,fvdkY olrsm;awG ajymzl;wmaMumifh
roJjzLu aMumufaewmvdkY ajymjyw,f/

Ma Thae Phyu hates the rainy season. She gets scared

when it rains heavily. So she hides in the corner of the
classroom. The teacher notices this and asks Ma Thae
Phyu why she is afraid. Ma Thae Phyu replies that she
is afraid because she has heard other people say that
the big Daywaw comes when it rains.
q&mru roJjzLukd
ausmif;pmMunfhwkdufqD ac:oGm;w,f/
roJjzLzwfzkdY ½kyfjypmtkyfwpftkyfukd
The teacher takes
Ma Thae Phyu to the school
library. She gives her a
picture book when they arrive.
npf zLu wfa½kewJ
h wHjyrfu
ufkd pzGinffhMu;av;[m
nfhvkdufawmh &J&Jawmuf
rra&uef aewJh awmh
em;a&muf toefYBudKufwJh rra&uefuawmh olY&JU MunfvifaewJh
aevkH;BuD;eJY yifv,fjyifBuD;ukd awG Yw,f/ aemufpmrsufESmukd
a&cs dK;cGifhawmif;w,f/
xyfvSefawmh yifv,fjyifBuD;xJuxGufvmwJh tcdk;taiGYeJY wdrfrnf;awG/
a&av;rSm wHjrufpnf;udk
Ma Thae Phyu opens the book and sees a bright red sun
a&csdK;cGifh ray;edkifygbl;/
and the ocean. She turns the next page and sees vapors ]]tdk npfywfwJh wHjrufpnf;
and black clouds rising from the ocean. oGm; oGm;}}
'DvdkeJY aeylylxJ oGm;&ifaemuf pmrsuf
; wHjruf pnfESm;av;[m
wdrfrnf;awGqDu rkd;a&pufawG[m
armvmwmrdkY opfyifBuD ;&Jh t&dyfatmuf
yifv,fjyifxJ usqif;aew,f/
em;cGifh awmif;w,f/ ]]atmifroJjzLr,f
f[m /
{nfhaumif; On aqmif
awGyJ she
em;wmuG /
sees water
rif;vdk npfywfdrops fall from
wJhaumif the black
ay;rem;Ed kifbl;}} clouds
ESifxkwfvdkufjyefyga&m/ back into the ocean.
Ma Thae Phyu was
very interested.
aeyljcif;? a&aiGUysHjcif;eJY rkd;&Gmjcif;oabmukd
roJjzL awG;rdw,f/ aemufpmrsufESmrSm
a'a0gBuD;ukd awGU&rSmvm;aygh/
'gayrJh olxifovdk a'a0gBuD; ukdrawGU&bJ
pdrf;pkdaewJh opfyifyef;yifawGukd awGU&w,f/
Ma Thae Phyu thinks about the water
cycle – how the sun’s heat evaporates
water into vapor, and then rains.
She thinks she will find the Daywaw
on the next page.
But she only sees
green trees
and plants.
NyD;awmh rkd;a&ukdaomufaewJh
wd&pmä efav;awG? a&mifpkHoufwHBuD;eJY
vSywJhwdrfawGukdawG Y&w,f/
pmtkyftqkH;xd zwfMunfhayr,fh
a'a0gBuD; ukdvnf;

She also sees animals drinking the rainwater,

a rainbow and pretty clouds. She reads the
entire book but does not see the Daywaw.
NyD;awmh zdk;zdk;[m wHjrufpnf;av;udk ac:NyD; pmtkyfukdydwfNyD;ausmif;pmMunfhwkduftjyifukd xGufvmcJhw,f/
tjyifukda&mufvdkY aumif;uifBuD;ukdarmhMunfhwJhtcg
a&uefBuD;em;wpf0dkufudk oefY&Sif;a&;vkyfzdkY xGufcJhw,f/
rkd;wdrfawG&JUatmufrSm ysHoef;aewJhiSufuav;awGukdvnf;awG Y&w,f/
wHjrufpnf;av;u rvkyfcsifbl;vdkY jiif;wmaygh/ iSufuav;awGuvnf; a'a0gBuD;ukd raMumufygvm;vkdY
Ma Thae Phyu closes the book and goes out of the
library. She looks up to the sky and sees birds flying
under the rainclouds. The birds are not afraid of
Daywaw too, she thinks.
trSefawmh a'a0gBuD; qkdwm wu,fr&Sdygbl;/ a'a0gBuD;qkdwm The truth is Daywaw is not real. Or he could be
rkd;ewfom;vnf; jzpfcsifjzpfrSmayghvkdY roJjzL awG;rdw,f/ an angel, thinks Ma Thae Phyu. When she gets home,
tdrfudka&mufawmh roJjzLu ararhudkajymw,f/ a'a0gBuD; u she tells her mother Daywaw is very cute.
araru ajymw,f/ a'a0gqdkwm rdk;ewfom;ygorD;a&/
rdk;a&xJuav;awG xGufaqmhMuwJhtcg acsmfvJNyD;
temw&jzpfrSm pdk;&drfNyD; vlBuD;olrawGu ajymcJhMuwm/
Her mother says Daywaw is actually an angel.
People scare children with Daywaw because
they do not want the children to slip in the rain
and get hurt.
arara&...a'a0gBuD; u odyfcspfzkdYaumif;wmyJ/
oluvSywJh t&mawGukd urmÇ BuD;twGuf zefwD;ay;w,f/
roJjzL[m ]]a'a0gBuD;a&}}vkdY atmfum oufwHBuD;udk MunfhNyD;
Mom, Daywaw is very cute. He creates beautiful
things for the world. Ma Thae Phyu calls out, “Hey,
Daywaw!” She looks at the rainbow and is happy.
uav;wkdY ajzqkd&ef ar;cGef;rsm; Questions for kids

roJjzLu rkd;&Gm&if bmjzpfvkdY ykef;wmvJ/ a'a0gBuD;qdkwm bmvJ/

Why does Ma Thae Phyu hide What is Daywaw?
when it rains?

roJjzLzwfwJh pmtkyfxJrSm bmawGygvJ/ uav;wkdY tBudKufqHk; &moDOwkudk ajymjyyg/

rSwfrdoavmuf ajymjyyg/ bmjzpfvkdY BudKufwmvJ/
What did Ma Thae Phyu Which season do you like the
see in the book? Tell us most? Why?
as much as you remember.

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