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yoreite (\ The unbalanced werttical fonet ousartds sd a beam 4 eatted~ section on defad of the —> chean force. ($F). o} A canlilvver beam % aubdecttd & porn} 1oacl WO cel freee end + What fy the SF aq freee End Q~ ° =o 4 pond — w. beam ‘6 gubdectsd Se the oF OF => A cantilever Qood wad fieae ends ushak aid poind 2- —_+ Ww. AY A canii lever beam 4 gublecwd a pond load W oak dreee end? shat % dhe oF ot tixed end + — we 5. A consiteven beam “6 Subdected 4 pond load w oat Freer ends ushak “16 tne maximum oF XQ - wharee Q- —y+ WwW a4 ot -ine Span. : \oN SFo so. fj % ome Sm. : Shee lon. Fp zl ON: — freer end DMp> p (away s) DMs 2 sXe ON-M: BMy 2 r10xs » GoN-—.| ot fixed poina).? Always mas pas nf foun we () “Me summa tion of Ine moment ant onigha oon Ufa of gration sf @ beam 16 Called~ nd Bending moment - (0) A candiliver beam 4 Qubtected ly 0 point Lod 4 04 freer ends Find bending moment o4 Aree ende —> Yen. (3) A camtilser beam ta suibaectid ln 0 pind load Wat freer end» Find bending meoregnd OF oid Span - + ww a : » (4) A Cantilever beam, 4. gubyectd “16% ptind lead © od freee ends Find marvimum bending memen QR ysherte - —» WL ad Pixed end: (5) A cant vere beam Wood frat end) THe 9, gubdecsd to 6 poins bad bending moment dig ram uit be- —> Ont Iniangl- pa 45 14 a beam 3 gubteckd -}o prind toad thendhe RM diagram 4s- — > Linear. » af a beam 4s buted (UdL) then Ihe SF —> Unean 2 parcabolie. ~ay Td a beam %, aubdecttd uniform vanny ing lead (uv) hen cthe SF A Bm diagram fo- — Parabolic Q cuble. 4) a4 dhe RM aiagram ‘¢ Shen -the loading fig- —> vUvL. Sher 2 BM both Ane ere gubaectd te uniformly disini- Bm agian 46 cubic ctreeteghy etch q at -tne freee end of ~/he fi f Candi lven when f4 if loaded on- +> Moot in ful span. @ vor In fur span & poinj stead oF mid Span, © SAladicatly detunminattd beam\— wowed SRR Ca) Cami ever. Pah Wo (b) Simply supponttd. =Vr tc) Over hanging beam. =mzsz0.- 64atle equilibrium equ’ @ Sdatically un de-lerrminatid beam! Sdodveany UN CRA a (a) Fixed beam. Cb Cominusus beam. Col Propped Carli uve beam. the reaction a he guppond canned be deteremined by Satie equi Wibrium equ, , aA. kaa) An JR 0 ee adi ED pat 2 2 axon he JS Td SF dSagram for porte ch apan 3 0 ort gent Une then the corres sponding, DM diagrarm ore —> Tnctined Line - oy. In which beam Ihe aupporis ores nat) oH Bre UnO fielce ca — + Overthanging beam. $4 one ugrich NOD- heam aupponts: ss A continuous tue Simple —> Mora -!han Ay usnich of Ane Poirousiny Ne / are ghaticatly heclerers. not beam —> © Coniiiver bear, ww Overrhanging beam: (® Simply quppomud beam: Enh eOH abort Spade unr S4aticany 5 Which of he fo \iousng Se] ores nak beam- / —» @fixed beam: @) Propped camitten bear @ Cominvsus beam. gon oj Saline Paf-6 7 o, ° ° Ap Neconding 7 Ant diguee. fing, marimar gr i pshich . part ah vine beam 16 fw] subdectd 10 maximum SF JON on 0 BR Dida BF_r 2M: tom 5m} Sfp {04212 ‘ dus fi ™ m : nn ful wad 4o midpink W tue {see wal ae JQ". OM drcom fixed Q end AD Sfp > ON. how mii dpoind: go 12 (1043 Oe Dip 26. Bes Kired ax) to Va BM Hh x0 HE om te. BMe= xe + OX w» TA = ton. > oa" BMpye 16X47 Oo" A Continuous 16 —> Mord thar Hd deelereii- ® ° Ay wich of tht Porrowing 'o/ A statically not beam : beam: (co) Dverrhanging beam: ud beam: Fit of to above —> (© Camiuven Siolieany SB ndeunrsi- © Simply supe er 6 5 vohich of the Lo \iowin4 Fo / ater nats beam- — Fixed beam: G9 Propped © @® Gpndinudus 7 beam. gm + = ake A ° maximum gr 2 in gamit ven beatn. paf-5 a fi gue find conding 10 tM NU Ge i . + Mah | dard sf dre beam fe Seed subdecld +0 AMOK THAT OF. JON oN o 4 BoD nl BFpy> 2M: ve 5 SFpy 2104 2>12N oy due fh m m fue UN ott fat sad te etdpe & toa {see el - 120. om. from ffxed QA end to pe ON. ey 8 Sh _ > 12m (1042), rr doin: @) DMp = 6. nee fired ad to Ya Mae HO KE BM oxo 2x10 = tohm. wn» °7A aint , We Find maximum PM R at which pina of nome bear subgecld jo maximum bendin4 mH — > FHONm ad fixed end pomp 0X0 H8.I% ° 7 JONm,. oy = xe 42%10 Me = 0 Nm. a oF 2 Be on me ae zy Fin sf, 22" Sty 220 -7ION. Fe 212 N° oO. Sm Mp > BoM Sp 2x6 = ION er yg viO4 wey = 204 -90Hm —> 6Fe\ON, BMe IbNm. es AS Find SFR Ram at Arne end JON ON e A Any Bre —>+SFe2N, RM 26 ° yj he gection Find sf& & eM oO > apar) Sreom fixed end- DMp> (0x2) 4 2x —» SF212N, mM > 34 Nm. (+42) 234Nm, S¥p>lo42e/2N- . Sfp > 2N S Faz 244>6N Sfer 6N- Fy = 8 GF > 2K4 28M QF, =eN- BM, 76 . 9» ; wor 2x47 Men LaDM py? oe z Mo 2,0x8 > 4EN-m- G(R 4U) = BxG>USNe (Coemenes u) = 846 > UBNierp ae ay ‘he! a Jon ren oM/n 20 * 0 B v 5 oa a m= 3 ' ; : ofy> lore = 18N ' , Sf 238 N. \ ) ; BM, 70 IDM eJEN-™ mM, alo x0) + (axa) = S2N-™- Bm, = (8x6) + (lo4x0) = 6e N-M =—_ UU f-§ oes * ‘) y whe 1g - tht maximum shoo Somers when oO ter beam ig loaded afrth UBL -nrsughoul > conti £8) v font n) wh Owl © now q forcet at Free end, vohen o gy) whol Sg Int sheor uftth UBL Thro Legh canti ber = beam 15 loaded owl? - —> Red. 4 she Shoorr Ponte of, tied span, whin oO beam ‘ig loaded usin ODL ainerougne ut 2 @ NTA f a beam shen *| a\ Whol candi ter ae. Owl @ 2 te pnear 0 Ane, 4) at SF lager Jooding 15> —y UPL: . &) Find, moximem aor, Aorcer (gf) of cine giver apne cantibyent peam 1? Sique: om — QOn: 8 © sone (Dasy CD) 15 v jection Am apand ° ) Fi cont ever peam— 1 Ot- O19 N+ an (a) 2 — B A 9) Find maximum qooment (em)- soe nen: © sonen @ 11oNm @ 100N amomend (am) of md Sh be \ mn we =) Find ‘pending Ng —> Oo NM: _ A) Find pending anoment ot freer end- — end. 5) Pind bending moment a1 2™ apand from dixed © Pd- ie oon — caAnm- h — bm. —>) wk d o PaF-8. 7 4) And maximum sp 2 mm af che given fique-, ons + ¢ ZS tC TH, —> SF Ion, DMs YoNm. _£ ip Tfeeeom a ‘ mh. Yeind SF & AM ai mid Span- cas SFE 1ON) BMeQ5Nm. 3) Find SF 2 BM od point D~ —* SF-10Ny M255 Nm. 4) find movimum or 2 Om- TT SFe 30M BM = 135 Nm. 5) Find SF. & BM. od mid. gpan- > SFe 30N, DBM. OBNm. i »@ Arta of Sfp Inateate ane PM of Ahad is} . LF © Rott of change tf bending moment = shear fone {P (D Rate of change of choarr forcen = Rok of loading (43) Wa OM Shear forcer. aK > Role of loading. Sienpl ya (4) pat a sae do ww Hooatng. = [maximum sf). a" SF diagram. (Tien reedangy) , BM, =O Simply _supponisd_beam guvteetd Jo 00C wij gf i A PAOLA TG py Ry? Ba? 5 })} wt — is __f¢ = fh, : - we PM max e DBMy. F oe Cay (be Cotes ov ot 2 ‘ca . 4p 8 2 Lup = ay wab g BM nae? ai 2 levab. 232, | 20 nab9 beam , dhe 2M at 4. Tn case gf Simply supportd guppon\ 1- : PPA woo ys Reno. QMaxtaow )Mtwoun (@ Moi wow sy rrintwurn . | ge ty case of 98m, tht SF Od ~Ine guppom) Are ~ —MEqual guppand rmaacdions. ” . Be qf 0 Simply Supported beam of Length L gubde cla oa poind load ‘yw’ od mid span then $end monmumn or & BM- O sr= 7h .eM= 4, sp = mly BHe- w/2, rom= wo /4LOSF mh eme whe Boe why, ° > L My pf aenen oe ly supportra beam ig subsea: 10 4 ond load in belween he Supporels then -the SF diagram 1S — Tone FeSiug he Oe got mea : Sat om ~ prt. reoelanglas: ff) one. urrtegle T t gle ; Ao , Be When a ssp 4 gubdectd a pdin-l load he-lwern the cupporas “hen the BM diagram Se Mone -Iniangle « (f) Twe recto ® Teo Ryu aupHt cron u ale te dag? ptr fiqe Bon - Son or & BM od point SFes0N ome 1M > 20M i som —— © sree (D t= 10N © Me al Now BM =15 New ein - =1D Ny } I \ n @o® 4 2 area under SF diagram ‘indicates \on' Bie ot thes pa OF seek put © @ sand pth at 3. Thy rote of change of DMM is cated - © Onn? ne DP. OHM DMoment roenkete of of doadin “te ate ef change of gr is called - i ~ Gros ef loading. (SF @em © Momud. Serewae SFo 0, tram, rm will be- : May be maximum or anntmu mG) Maximum (i) Mini mum PabAt: aie fe Find maximum ane Squat ar 2 -& morimum BM of oN wf aaa ee com = a Ont Son | sou S7SFs JON, Me Gnim- DSF: 20n,6M> 10 rota. re iit be- ge 14 OM YS maximum AN or AB Zero, Omosimw GMB NTF 3+ Jd pm is minimum -ihtn oF will be- Zeno, (Maximum @ mirivwm D NgTA i erp a4 ine trae end ofa othe SER OM OME conti vet beam, if 44 earentes —sOf8 Pani load ot mid ,poind Ly both OF} D bef UDL overt the uso Lng. & Nome of tue. ioads £ Udl_ be ver preagen-td ny 5 Houde pots QFD?- i bend seg porta Les © Posh ¢ tmp Lines trelined fi Gmelined Cin, (6) bine line ae Pag -12 te cea Shear fora nthe beam & “6 . Ft position - —s gn ot core A. rm & is A € B)S.Nm under ~The pond I) Ten 7 1 i, eee a oeeee eee in 2 ; 54 A Simply Supporud beam 4a ° Pind maximum ef & MM- 2 gpa 2h aa aint pm -22E. od aubdecud Ao Upy > aupponds, ! mid span. 4o LDL, 4° A simply suppor-ud beam te ht Sf diagram ust be- 4 kom 2 (DN %65 eubdectd Oa -ntang tt -O entra Oey Be A @ 880 fo gubsected $e VOL, AhTOUgheat: Find SF ak mid Span- . 6 sek igh GB merino © rine Geet teath rome Wb fy = i wa 78m = 7 2 cog Mnax? ab f wes TY aap aes a+b OP-rorns of eonitadigg-ture on poind of inflxion on aiciual biege Eo ora Were the (mM fe Qero on changes : ° De ete eee EN ene ov Evy ko (vz) , not SF- iene rine if hon dnod li une QO a ‘ nagrinh, salt ° txuns aT oem Sagging x Gate Overvanaang Beam .

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