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Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170

Effect of honey types and concentration on starch gelatinization

P.J. Torleya,*, R.P.G. Rutgersb, B. D’Arcya, B.R. Bhandaria
School of Land and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia
Division of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia
Received 17 March 2003; received in revised form 13 August 2003; accepted 14 August 2003


The complex and variable composition of honey, depending on source, season and processing, means different honey samples
could cause variation in the characteristics of the finished product. The objective of this study was to determine how the minor
components present in honey affect starch gelatinization. A Rapid Visco Analyser was used to measure changes in viscosity when
unmodified maize starch was gelatinized in a honey or model sugar solution. When honey was compared to equivalent blends of
sugars, there was an increase in starch viscosity with increasing levels of addition. However, at the same level, honey gave a lower
viscosity than the blends of sugars. Honeys from different sources (differing in pH and amylase activity) show a varied effect on
starch gelatinization, with starch viscosity increasing with addition level for six of the honeys, but decreasing with increasing
addition level for two honey samples. Varying the pH also produced variation in starch gelatinization patterns between honey types.
Between pH 3.0 and 4.0, starch viscosity was similar for all four honey types studied, while above this pH there were differences
between all honey types. As expected, starch viscosity decreased as the solution pH neared the optimum for honey amylase activity
(pH 5.3–5.6), though it did not increase as the pH moved away from the honey amylase activity optimum. Differences between
honey samples, and between honey and a model sugar mixture, in their effect on starch gelatinization was attributed to honey
amylase activity and the composition and concentration of minor organic compounds present.
Crown Copyright r 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. All rights

Keywords: Honey; Amylases; Starch; Gelatinization

1. Introduction (Mossel, 2003), with similar variation seen in other

constituents (White, 1992; Mossel, 2003).
Floral honey is a high sugar food product made by Various studies have looked at the application of
honeybees from the nectar of flowers. The major honey as an ingredient in starch-based foods, where it is
constituents of honey are fructose (on average 37.5 g/ a sweetener, flavour, humectant and source of reducing
100 g in 126 samples), glucose (28.1 g/100 g) and water sugars for the Maillard reaction (Clarke, 1991). These
(18.4 g/100 g) (Mossel, 2003), with the remainder made functional properties can be attributed to the high
up of a complex mixture of mono-, di- and tri- concentration of sugars present in honey; however, the
saccharides (Doner, 1977; Low & Sporns, 1988), minor constituents can also play a role, for example, as
enzymes (including invertase, a-amylase, glucose oxi- an antimicrobial (Bogdanov, 1997), antioxidant (Ghel-
dase) and a wide variety of minor organic and inorganic dof, Wang, & Engeseth, 2002), antibrowning (Chen,
compounds (White, 1992). The composition of honey Mehta, Berenbaum, Zangerl, & Engeseth, 2000) or
varies widely from sample to sample depending on the antistaling agent (D’Arcy et al., 1999). In a study of
botanical origin of the nectar. For example, in a study of staling in bread, the effect of ironbark honey was
15 types of Australian unifloral honeys, the average compared with a blend of sugars containing the main
fructose concentration varied from 32.6 to 41.7 g/100 g sugars found in honey (D’Arcy et al., 1999). It was
shown that adding 3 g/100 g honey had an antistaling
effect compared to both the control (no added honey or
*Corresponding author. Division of Chemical Engineering, The
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia. Tel.: +61-7-
sugar) and 3 g/100 g of the sugar blend. This difference
3365-3930; fax: +61-7-3365-4199. between honey and the sugar blend indicates that the
E-mail address: (P.J. Torley). minor constituents of honey might have contributed to

0023-6438/$30.00 Crown Copyright r 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology. All rights reserved.
162 P.J. Torley et al. / Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170

its antistaling effect. There are many compounds that samples of Light Amber blend, red gum, spotted gum,
can have an antistaling effect in bread, including stringybark and yapunyah honeys were donated by
amylases, emulsifiers and alcohols (Pateras, 1998). Capilano Honey Ltd (Richlands, Qld, Australia).
Honey can also have a negative effect on product Ironbark honey, a blend of New Zealand manuka and
quality, causing a loss of viscosity of starch-based foods Australian jellybush honeys and yellow box honey were
due to the naturally occurring amylase found in the purchased from retail outlets in Brisbane, Australia.
honey (Babacan, Pivarnik, & Rand, 2002). The RVA studies were performed with an unmodified
Two components of honey expected to affect starch maize starch donated by Penford Australia Ltd (3401C,
properties are sugars and amylase. Increasing sugar Lane Cove, NSW, Australia). The suppliers report that
concentrations increases the gelatinization temperature 3401C contains approximately 74 g/100 g amylopectin
(Ahmad & Williams, 1999), starch viscosity (Prokopo- and 26 g/100 g amylose. The starch sample contained
wich & Biliaderis, 1995) and alters the rate of starch 10.2 g/100 g moisture, measured by oven drying at
retrogradation (Katsuta, Nishimura, & Miura, 1992). 105 C overnight.
The type of sugar also influences starch properties, Fructose (>99 g/100 g), glucose (>99.5 g/100 g), su-
although the order of effectiveness of different sugars crose (>99.5 g/100 g) and maltose monohydrate (>90 g/
depends on the system being studied (Katsuta et al., 100 g, remainder glucose and maltotriose) were obtained
1992; Prokopowich & Biliaderis, 1995; Ahmad & from Sigma Aldrich Pty Ltd (Castle Hill, NSW,
Williams, 1999). Amylases hydrolyse starch, reducing Australia). The sodium acetate trihydrate and sodium
the viscosity of starch solutions (Babacan et al., 2002). hydroxide were analytical grade reagents. Phadebas
In the finished gel, the starch fragments produced by Amylase Test (Pharmacia Diagnostics AB, Sweden)
amylases can also reduce the rate of starch retro- tablets were obtained from Australian Laboratory
gradation (Leon, Duran, & Benedito de Barber, 1997). Services Pty Ltd. (Sydney Markets, NSW, Australia).
In addition to sugars and amylases, there are many The 0.1 mol/l hydrochloric acid solution was prepared
other compounds present in honey that may also affect from a Volucon standard (May and Baker, Dagenham,
starch. A wide variety of organic compounds could England). The 0.1 mol/l sodium hydroxide solution
affect starch properties because of their effect on ionic was obtained from Australian Chemical Reagents
conditions (e.g. pH, ionic strength, buffering capacity), (Moorooka, Qld, Australia).
or on some specific property of the solute (e.g. enzyme
inhibition or activation, emulsification). 2.2. Methods
The objective of this research was to determine whether
the minor components present in honey affect starch 2.2.1. Honey pH
gelatinization, by comparing honey with equivalent blends The pH of a honey solution (2 g of honey in 20 g of
of pure sugars and by comparing different honey types demineralised water) was measured with an Activon AS
with each other. The gelatinization (or pasting) of an 205 pH meter fitted with an Ionode IH20 electrode.
unmodified maize starch (about 26 g/100 g amylose) was
monitored with a Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) when it 2.2.2. Sugar content
was heated in solutions containing either honey or blends The concentration of fructose, glucose, sucrose and
of pure sugars (fructose, glucose and maltose). Initially, a maltose of Light Amber honey was measured using the
blended honey (Light Amber) was compared to blends of AOAC HPLC method 977.20 for sugar determination
pure sugars to find out whether the minor sugars and (AOAC, 1996).
other components present in honey can have a significant
effect on starch gelatinization. Secondly, eight honey types 2.2.3. Moisture content
were compared to see whether the natural variation in An Atago refractometer was used to measure the
composition produced any differences in starch gelatini- refractive index of the honey samples, which was used to
zation. Finally, the pH of four honey types were altered determine the moisture content (Bogdanov, Martin, &
over the range pH 3–8, which covers the range where Lullmann, 1997). Honey samples where sugar crystals
honey amylase is active, to see whether starch gelatiniza- had formed were heated in sealed containers at 60 C to
tion varied in a corresponding manner. dissolve the crystals and cooled to room temperature
before their refractive index was measured.

2. Materials and methods 2.2.4. Honey amylase activity

The amylase activity (a combination of a- and
2.1. Materials b-amylase activity) of the honey samples was measured
using the Phadebas method described by Bogdanov et al.
A total of eight honey samples were used in this study, (1997). In this assay, the amylase activity is determined
six unifloral and two blended honey samples. The by measuring the release of a blue dye from an insoluble
P.J. Torley et al. / Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170 163

cross-linked starch when incubated with a honey ingredients. In Pure Sugar Blend 1 (PSB1), the unknown
solution at 40 C for 15 min. The absorbance of the blue material was replaced with water (Table 1). In this case,
dye at 620 nm was measured (Jasco V-550 UV-Vis the unknown material was treated as a diluent, with only
Spectrophotometer and Spectra Manager for Windows the principle sugars assumed to have a significant effect
version 1.30.00; Jasco Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) and on starch gelatinization. In Pure Sugar Blend 2 (PSB2),
expressed as diastase number using the equation given the unknown material was replaced with additional
by Bogdanov et al. (1997). sugars in the same proportions as Light Amber honey
(Table 1). This maintained the same overall solids
2.2.5. RVA analysis content, with the unknown material assumed to have
The starch gelatinization studies were performed the same effect on starch gelatinization as sugars. If the
using a Rapid Visco Analyser RVA 4 (Newport effect of Light Amber honey on starch lies between the
Scientific Pty Ltd., Warriewood, Australia) controlled two model honeys (PSB1 and PSB2), the minor
by Thermocline for Windows version 2.2 (Newport components can be treated as having a similar effect
Scientific Pty Ltd., Warriewood, Australia). A 3.00 g to sugars on starch gelatinization, while if it is
sample of starch was weighed into a sample test canister substantially higher or lower greater care would be
and 25.00 g of liquid was added. The RVA impeller was required when using honey as a substitute for sugar in
jogged up and down at least ten times to suspend the starch-based foods.
starch in the liquid. The RVA canister and impeller To reduce the viscosity of the honey, and to simplify
were then positioned in the RVA and the trial started. dissolving the sugars in the PSB1 and PSB2 samples,
The test profile involved stirring at 960 rpm for 10 s at stock solutions were prepared. The honey stock solution
50 C, stirring at 160 rpm for 50 s at 50 C (stirring was was prepared by dissolving honey in demineralised
maintained at 160 rpm in all subsequent stages of the water (Table 2). The model honey sugar blends (PSB1
test), heating from 50 C to 95 C in 225 s, holding at and PSB2) were prepared by dissolving the appropriate
95 C for 300 s, cooling from 95 C to 50 C in 285 s and blend of sugars (Table 2) in demineralised water. For
holding at 50 C for 300 s. The total test time was 1170 s each RVA trial, the appropriate stock solution (Light
(19.5 min). Amber honey, PSB1 or PSB2) was further diluted with
The RVA curve was analysed using Thermocline for
Windows to determine the pasting temperature (tem- Table 1
The composition of Light Amber honey determined by HPLC and the
perature of the initial increase in viscosity), peak
proportions of sugars used to make up two model honey sugar blends
viscosity (maximum viscosity during heating to and
holding at 95 C), peak temperature (temperature at Light Amber PSB1 PSB2
peak viscosity), trough viscosity (minimum viscosity Honey (g/100 g) (g/100 g)
(g/100 g)a
that occurs after the peak viscosity) and final viscosity
(viscosity at the end of the test profile). Breakdown Fructose 38.7 38.7 46.5
(difference between peak viscosity and trough viscosity) Glucose 28.2 28.2 33.9
Maltose 2.5 2.5 3.0
and setback (difference between final viscosity and
Sucrose —b — —
trough viscosity) were calculated. Unknown 14.0 —c —d
Water 16.6 30.6 16.6
2.3. Experimental designs a
Determined by HPLC analysis.
Less than 0.1 g/100 g sucrose detected in Light Amber honey.
2.3.1. Experiment 1: Light Amber honey and pure sugar c
Unknown material in Light Amber honey replaced with extra
blends water.
The objective of this experiment was to see what effect Unknown material in Light Amber honey replaced with a blend of
the sugars present.
the ‘‘unknown’’ material in honey (e.g. sugars present at
low concentrations, enzymes, organic compounds)
(Mossel, 2003; White, 1992) have on starch gelatiniza- Table 2
tion. In this experiment, Light Amber honey was The stock solution formulation for Light Amber honey and two model
compared with two model honeys (prepared from a honey sugar blends
blend of the principle sugars found in Light Amber
Stock solution formulation (g/100 g)
honey) over a range of addition levels (0, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5,
15 and 20 g/100 g). The two factor experimental design Light Amber honey PSB1 PSB2
was replicated three times, giving a total of 63 RVA Light Amber honey 33.3 — —
trials. Fructose — 25.8 20.8
When Light Amber honey is compared to a model Glucose — 18.8 15.2
honey prepared from a mixture of sugars, the unknown Maltose — 1.7 1.3
Water 66.7 53.7 62.6
material in the honey must be replaced with one or more
164 P.J. Torley et al. / Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170

Table 3
The formulation of RVA samples for different addition levels for Light Amber honey and two model honey sugar blends

Addition level (g/100 g) Light Amber (g/100 g) PSB1 (g/100 g) PSB2 (g/100 g)

Honey solids Water Sugar blend solids Water Sugar blend solids Water

0 0.0 90.4 0.0 90.4 0.0 90.4

5 4.2 86.2 3.5 86.9 4.2 86.2
7.5 6.3 84.1 5.2 85.2 6.3 84.1
10 8.3 82.0 6.9 83.4 8.3 82.0
12.5 10.4 80.0 8.7 81.7 10.4 80.0
15 12.5 77.9 10.4 80.0 12.5 77.9
20 16.7 73.7 13.9 76.5 16.7 73.7

demineralised water to produce the target honey or honey, such as enzyme activity and the disassociation of
sugar blend level of addition in the sample canister organic acids. Differences between honey types could be
(Table 3). At the same level of addition, the PSB1 a result of a combination of these affects. In this
sample contained the same level of fructose, glucose and experiment, the effect of four honey types (Light Amber
maltose as the Light Amber honey sample, while the blend, stringybark, spotted gum and yellow box) on
PSB2 sample contained the same total solids as the starch gelatinization was studied from about pH 3.0 to
Light Amber honey sample. about pH 7.5.
A 12.51 g/100 g honey solids addition level (equivalent
2.3.2. Experiment 2: comparison of honey types to 15 g/100 g Light Amber honey containing 16.6 g/100 g
The objective of this experiment was to compare the moisture) was used in this experiment. Honey stock
effect of different honey types on starch gelatinization. solutions were prepared by mixing honey (approxi-
The composition of the minor components of honey mately 35 g/100 g) and demineralised water (approxi-
varies widely depending on floral source, and this mately 65 g/100 g). To obtain a 12.51 g/100 g honey
variation could cause differences in the effect of honey solids addition level, 16.34 g of honey stock solution was
on starch gelatinization. In this experiment, eight honey mixed with demineralised water and either 0.1 mol/l
samples (ironbark, Light Amber blend, manuka and NaOH or 0.1 mol/l HCl to give a total weight of 35.00 g.
jellybush blend, red gum, stringybark, spotted gum, The pH of this solution was measured, and then 25.00 g
yapunyah and yellow box) were compared at four levels was added to the 3.00 g starch in the RVA sample
of addition. Each combination of conditions was canister, giving a suspension containing 12.5 g/100 g
repeated three times. A total of 96 RVA trials were honey solids, 9.6 g/100 g starch solids and 77.9 g/100 g
performed. moisture.
Since the eight honey samples have a substantial
range of moisture contents (15.9–20.2 g/100 g), their 2.3.4. Statistical analysis
moisture contents were adjusted during sample prepara- All experimental data were analysed using the
tion to the equivalent of 16.6 g/100 g moisture (the level ANOVA and Regression data analysis tools in Micro-
in Light Amber honey). At the same level of addition, all soft Excel 2000 (Microsoft Corporation, Washington,
RVA samples contained the same concentration of USA).
honey solids (2.08, 4.17, 8.34, 12.51 g/100 g honey solids; Unless otherwise noted in the text, a Po0:05 level is
equivalent to adding 2.5, 5, 10 and 15 g/100 g of a honey used where values are described as being significantly
containing 16.6 g/100 g moisture). The results are pre- different.
sented as though all honey types contained 16.6 g/100 g
moisture to allow easier comparison with Experiment 1.
In Experiment 2, the method used for sample 3. Results
preparation and RVA measurement were the same as
those described in Experiment 1 for honey, except that 3.1. Honey characteristics
the stock solutions contained about 35 g/100 g honey
and 65 g/100 g demineralised water. The moisture content, pH and amylase activity of the
eight honey samples used in this study are presented in
2.3.3. Experiment 3: pH and honey type Table 4. The moisture content of the honey samples was
The objective of this experiment was to compare within the range of 13.2–20.2 g/100 g previously found
different honey types over a pH range from about 3 to for Australian honeys (Chandler, Fenwick, Orlova, &
about 7. Different honey types naturally differ in pH, Reynolds, 1974). The pH values of the honey samples
and pH affects the properties of minor components in varied from 3.95 to 5.03, and were similar to the average
P.J. Torley et al. / Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170 165

Table 4 increases the viscosity of gelatinized corn starch

The origin and characteristics of the eight honey samples analysed in (Schirmer, Toledo, & Reyes, 1986), and the differences
this study reflect the effect of the higher concentration of sugars
Honey type Moisture pH Diastase present in PSB2 samples than PSB1 samples (Fig. 1).
content number The difference in concentration between PSB1 and PSB2
(g/100 g) had a smaller effect on the pasting temperature
Ironbark 16.7 4.09 11.9 (significant difference only at 20 g/100 g level of addi-
Light Ambera 16.6 4.20 16.3 tion) or peak viscosity temperature (only a significant
Manuka and jellybush 18.6 3.95 5.0 difference as a main effect, not as an interaction between
Red gum 15.9 4.12 17.1
concentration and sugar source).
Spotted gum 20.2 5.03 26.4
Stringybark 17.0 4.36 39.1 When Light Amber is compared to the pure sugar
Yapunyah 16.3 4.35 14.3 blends it is apparent that the minor components might
Yellow box 16.2 3.97 11.5 have a significant effect on starch gelatinization. When
Honey types in this blend are unknown. the unknown material in Light Amber was replaced by
pure sugars (comparison between Light Amber and
PSB2), Light Amber gave a lower viscosity than PSB2
pH values reported by Mossel (2003), where the same for all of the RVA viscosity parameters (Fig. 1). At all
floral varieties were analysed. Spotted gum honey, which addition levels when compared to PSB2, Light Amber
was not analysed by Mossel (2003), had an exceptionally had a significantly lower peak viscosity, final viscosity
high pH compared to the other honeys being studied, (except at 12.5 g/100 g) and setback viscosity. By
though well below the highest value reported for contrast, Light Amber had a consistently higher pasting
Australian Eucalyptus honey of pH 6.32 (Chandler temperature than PSB2 at all levels of addition, though
et al., 1974). The average pH of the spotted gum samples the difference was only significant at the 10 g/100 g
analysed by Chandler et al. (1974) was 4.31. The addition level.
amylase activity, expressed as diastase number, of There was a more complicated relationship when the
the honey samples fell in the range 5.0–39.1. Two of unknown material was replaced with water (comparison
the values (stringybark and spotted gum) were excep- between Light Amber and PSB1). Light Amber viscosity
tionally high (Table 4) compared to the other samples in parameters were significantly lower than for PSB1 at
the study, though within the range reported for lower concentrations (peak and final viscosities at 7.5 g/
Australian honeys of 9–44 (Chandler et al., 1974) and 100 g addition level; setback viscosity at 5–12.5 g/100 g),
American honeys of 2–62 (White, 1992). but significantly higher at higher concentrations (peak
The concentration of fructose, glucose, sucrose and viscosity at 15 g/100 g level and final and setback
maltose in the Light Amber honey sample was viscosities at 20 g/100 g level). As with PSB2, the pasting
determined by HPLC (Table 1). Generally, the levels temperature of Light Amber was consistently higher
of sugars found corresponded to the average levels than PSB1, though the difference was only significant at
reported by Mossel (2003), except for sucrose, which the 20 g/100 g level of addition.
was present at a very low level. The only RVA parameter where Light Amber fell
between PSB1 and PSB2 was breakdown. While both
3.2. Experiment 1: Light Amber honey and pure sugar sugar source and addition level were highly significant
blends (Po0:0001) as main effects, their interaction was not
significant (P ¼ 0:1501). There was a significant differ-
The sugar source (Light Amber, PSB1 and PSB2) and ence in breakdown between Light Amber and PSB2, and
level of addition both affected starch gelatinization PSB1 and PSB2.
properties (Fig. 1); however, there was a significant The unknown material present in Light Amber honey
interaction between sugar source and level of addition is a complex mixture including minor di- and tri-
for only some RVA parameters (pasting temperature saccharides, organic acids, enzymes, ash and phenolic
and peak, final and setback viscosities). Since the compounds (White, 1992; Gheldof et al., 2002). If the
effect of sugar source and level of addition produced a unknown material had little effect on starch gelatiniza-
similar pattern of results for final and setback viscosi- tion, Light Amber would be expected to lie between
ties, only the results for peak and final viscosities are PSB1 and PSB2, as was seen with breakdown (Fig. 1).
presented in Fig. 1. However, for most RVA parameters Light Amber was
Not surprisingly, there were significant differences significantly lower than both PSB1 and PSB2, particu-
between PSB1 and PSB2 for many treatment combina- larly at lower levels of addition. Thus, the composition
tions, particularly at higher levels of addition (Fig. 1). and concentration of the unknown material is high
When the starch concentration is maintained at a enough that they can affect the whole starch gelatiniza-
constant level, increasing the sugar concentration tion process, from initial gelatinization of the starch
166 P.J. Torley et al. / Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170

5500 5500

5000 5000

Final Viscosity (cP)

Peak Viscosity (cP)
4500 4500

4000 4000

3500 3500

3000 3000

2500 2500
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Level of Addition (g/100 g) Level of Addition (g/100 g)

2400 85

Pasting Temperature ( C)

Breakdown (cP)




1000 70
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Level of Addition (g/100 g) Level of Addition (g/100 g)
Fig. 1. The effect of the level of addition of Light Amber honey or blends of pure sugars equivalent to honey on the gelatinization of maize starch.
Least significant difference (P ¼ 0:05 level): peak viscosity, 78 cP; final viscosity, 195 cP; breakdown, 102 cP; pasting temperature, 1.3 C. Legend:
, Light Amber honey; &, PSB1; n, PSB2.

(pasting temperature) to the increase in viscosity on Six of the eight honey types studied produced similar
cooling (final and setback viscosities). effects on starch gelatinization. Increasing levels of
The composition of honey varies widely, with addition of ironbark, Light Amber, manuka and jelly-
substantial variation seen in the levels of the major bush, red gum, yapunyah and yellow box samples all
components (fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose and gave similar changes in RVA viscosity and temperature
water) as well as the minor components present (White, parameters (Fig. 2), though there were some significant
1992; Gheldof et al., 2002). Depending on the origin of differences between honey types particularly at the
the effect of honey on starch gelatinization (in addition higher levels of addition. In general, these six honeys
to the established effect of the major sugars present), showed an increase in all viscosity parameters with
different honey types may produce similar or very increasing levels of addition.
different effects on starch gelatinization properties. The other honey types (stringybark and spotted gum)
showed a very different response to increasing levels of
3.3. Experiment 2: comparison of honey types addition. Stringybark and spotted gum gave atypical
results, when compared to either a blend of pure sugars
Different honey types have large effects on starch (Fig. 1) or the other honey types investigated (Fig. 2). At
gelatinization properties over a range of levels of addition levels of 5 g/100 g or higher, stringybark and
addition (Fig. 2). There was a highly significant spotted gum gave significantly lower peak, final and
interaction between honey type and level of addition setback viscosities, and peak viscosity temperature
for pasting temperature (P ¼ 0:0062) and very highly values than the other honey types studied. Notably,
significant interactions for all other RVA parameters each incremental increase in level of spotted gum honey
(Po0:0001). Since the effect of honey type and level of produced a significant decrease in final and setback
addition produced a similar pattern of results for viscosities.
trough, final and setback viscosities, only the results Regression analysis showed that there was a signifi-
for final viscosity are presented in Fig. 2. cant negative correlation between amylase activity and
P.J. Torley et al. / Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170 167

5000 5000

4500 4500

Final Viscosity (cP)

Peak Viscosity (cP)
4000 4000

3500 3500

3000 3000

2500 2500

2000 2000
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Level of Addition (g/100 g) Level of Addition (g/100 g)

2400 100

Peak Visocosity Temp. ( C)


Breakdown (cP)




1000 85
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Level of Addition (g/100 g) Level of Addition (g/100 g)
Fig. 2. The effect of the level of addition and honey type on the gelatinization of maize starch. Least significant difference (P ¼ 0:05 level): peak
viscosity, 73 cP; final viscosity, 149 cP; breakdown, 103 cP; peak viscosity temperature, 0.7 C. Legend: , control; B, ironbark; J, Light Amber; &,
manuka and jellybush; m, red gum; ’, stringybark; ~, spotted gum; n, yapunyah;  , yellow box.

peak viscosity (P ¼ 0:0172; R ¼ 0:80), as well as honey type. All honey types had similar effects on
amylase activity and peak viscosity temperature peak, trough, final and setback viscosities up to about
(P ¼ 0:0295; R ¼ 0:76). That is, as amylase activity pH 4.0 (Fig. 3, results for trough viscosity not shown).
increased peak viscosity and peak viscosity temperature Between about pH 4.0 and 5.0, the peak, trough,
decreased. Examination of the residuals found that final and setback viscosities all decreased with in-
the data from the spotted gum sample stood out as creasing pH, though the extent of the decrease in
having very large residuals for most RVA parameters. viscosity varied with honey type. Above pH 5.0,
When spotted gum honey data were excluded from peak, trough, final and setback viscosities all remained
the analysis, there was a significant negative correla- largely constant with increasing pH, though the actual
tion between amylase activity and peak viscosity viscosity differed substantially between the different
(P ¼ 0:0007; R ¼ 0:96), peak viscosity temperature honey types.
(P ¼ 0:0034; R ¼ 0:92), final viscosity (P ¼ 0:0028; Breakdown also showed variation with honey type
R ¼ 0:93) and setback viscosity (P ¼ 0:0262; and pH; however, the response was opposite, with, for
R ¼ 0:81). Similar correlations were also found example, stringybark honey producing the highest
between pH and the RVA parameters. Since the amylase breakdown, but lowest peak, trough and final viscosities
activity and pH values of the honey samples used in this (Fig. 3).
study were highly positively correlated with each other Pasting temperature was not affected by either honey
(P ¼ 0:0007; R ¼ 0:93), it is not possible to separate type or pH (results not shown), while variation in pH
their effects on starch gelatinization. produced marked differences in peak temperature
depending on honey type (Fig. 3), with the trends
3.4. Experiment 3: pH and honey type following a broadly similar pattern to the viscosity
The effect of varying the pH of the honey solution on When the correlation between RVA parameters and
starch gelatinization varied markedly depending on the amylase activity was examined at about the pH
168 P.J. Torley et al. / Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170

5000 5000


Final Viscosity (cP)

Peak Viscosity (cP)



3000 1500
2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
pH pH

2500 100

Peak Viscosity Temperature ( C)

Breakdown (cP)




1500 85
2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
pH pH
Fig. 3. The effect of pH and honey type on the gelatinization of maize starch. Legend:  , Light Amber; &, stringybark ; n, spotted gum; B, yellow

5000 100 positive correlation between amylase activity and break-

down viscosity (P ¼ 0:0360; R ¼ 0:96).
Peak Viscosity Temperature (oC)


Viscosity (cP)

3000 4. Discussion

The effect of honey on starch gelatinization may be

2000 due to a number of factors including the concentration
of added sugars, amylase activity and the minor
constituents present in the honey. Increasing the
concentration of sugars in the heating medium produced
an increase in starch viscosity and pasting temperature
0 85 (Fig. 1). However, the effect of Light Amber honey
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 differed significantly from those of the blend of pure
Diastase Number sugars, indicating that the effect of honey on starch
Fig. 4. The relationship between diastase number and RVA char-
gelatinization is not simply a result of adding sugar.
acteristics for Light Amber, stringybark, spotted gum and yellow box When the effect of different honey types on starch
honeys. Legend: n, peak viscosity; B, peak viscosity temperature; &, gelatinization was examined, large differences between
final viscosity; J, setback;  , breakdown. honey types were observed. Six of the eight honey types
examined had similar effects on starch gelatinization,
while two (stringybark and spotted gum) showed
optimum (pH 5.3–5.6; Babacan et al., 2002) for honey marked differences, in particular lowering peak, final
amylase activity (Fig. 4), significant negative correla- and setback viscosities, and peak viscosity temperature
tions were found for peak, final and setback viscosities, (Fig. 2). The high positive correlation between honey
and for peak viscosity temperature (P in the range pH and amylase activity (R ¼ 0:93) meant that their
0.0087–0.0478, R in the range 0.95 to –0.99) and a effects on starch gelatinization could not be isolated.
P.J. Torley et al. / Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170 169

When the pH of the honey solutions was varied by temperature and peak and final viscosities (Fig. 3). The
adding NaOH or HCl, the effect on starch gelatinization peak viscosity represents the point where the increase in
depended on honey type and the pH range being studied viscosity produced by the swelling of the starch granule
(Fig. 3). Increasing the pH from about 3.0 to 4.0 resulted and leaching of amylose from the granule, is balanced
in an increase in starch viscosity, while further increas- by the loss of viscosity caused by granule rupture
ing the pH from 4.0 to 5.5 resulted in a decrease in (BeMiller & Whistler, 1996). The decrease in peak
starch viscosity. Once the minimum starch viscosity level viscosity temperature could be a result of the honey
was achieved at about pH 5.5, further increases in pH amylase activity attacking the amylopectin in the starch
did not see any increase in starch viscosity. granule surface (Franco, Ciacco, & Tavares, 1998),
The effect of pH on starch viscosity may be a result of making it more susceptible to rupture, causing the
the combination of starch viscosity increasing naturally viscosity to reach a maximum at a lower temperature.
with increasing pH (Freeman & Verr, 1972) and honey Part of the effect of pH on starch gelatinization may
amylase activity (Babacan et al., 2002). The viscosity of also be explained by differences in the composition and
maize starch cooked to 95 C increases with increasing concentration of acids present in different honey types.
pH to a maximum at pH 5–6 (Freeman & Verr, 1972). Titration curves show differences between the four
The honey amylase activity is at a maximum at pH 5.3– honey types, with greater buffering capacity at lower
5.6, with no amylase activity at pH 3.6, and approxi- pH (Fig. 5). Low-molecular-weight organic compounds
mately 24% of peak amylase activity at pH 7.1 affect starch gelatinization (D’Appolonia, 1972; Deffen-
(Babacan et al., 2002). Up to pH 4.0, the increase in baugh & Walker, 1990; Singh, Singh, & Saxena, 2002),
viscosity with increasing pH may dominate over the increasing or decreasing starch viscosity. Possibly, the
decrease in viscosity produced by the relatively low exact composition of the organic compounds present, as
honey amylase activity. Conversely, above pH 4.0, the well as the charge on the acids, contributed in
decrease in viscosity caused by increasing honey amylase combination with amylase activity to the differences
activity may dominate over the increase in starch between honey type, and the difference between the
viscosity produced by an increase in pH. blend of pure sugars and Light Amber honey. Phenolic
Above pH 5.5, changes in viscosity do not seem compounds present in the honey (Andrade, Ferreres,
consistent with an explanation based on honey amylase Gil, & Tomas-Barberan, 1997) may also modulate the
activity (Babacan et al., 2002) and the effect of pH on properties of the honey amylase (Rohn, Rawel, & Kroll,
starch viscosity (Freeman & Verr, 1972). An increase in 2002). Further studies with amylase inhibitors would
pH should lead to a decrease in honey amylase activity, help clarify how honey affects starch gelatinization, in
resulting in the viscosity of the four honey types (Light particular the absence of an increase in starch viscosity
Amber, spotted gum, stringybark, yellow box) conver- above pH 5.5.
ging, in the corollary of the divergence between honey
types seen between pH 4.0 and 5.5. The reason that the
viscosity of the four honey types remains constant above 4
pH 5.5 is not clear. Since the pH of the honey solution
NaOH or HCl Addition (g/100 g)

was adjusted before it was added to the starch, the 2

action of amylase on starch during the time taken to
adjust the pH can be discounted. However, variation in 0
the heating medium pH has been shown to have a
complex effect on maize starch gelatinization depend-
ing on the type of starch and temperature (Freeman &
Verr, 1972; Schirmer et al., 1986), and limited manu-
facturers’ trials with the type of maize starch used in
this study have also shown that pH affects its vis-
cosity during gelatinization (Wilkinson, 2003, personal -6
Variation in honey type, pH and level of addition had -8
a similar effect on peak viscosity temperature as they did
on peak and final viscosities (Figs. 2 and 3). As observed -10
for peak and final viscosities, six of the eight honey types 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
studied had similar peak viscosity temperature, while pH
stringybark and spotted gum showed markedly lower
Fig. 5. The effect of adding 0.1 mol/l NaOH (positive values) or
peak viscosity temperatures (Fig. 2). When the pH of the 0.1 mol/l HCl (negative values) on the pH of four honey solutions.
four honey types was adjusted in Experiment 3, a similar Legend:  , Light Amber; &, stringybark; n, spotted gum; B, yellow
pattern of changes was produced in peak viscosity box.
170 P.J. Torley et al. / Lebensm.-Wiss. u.-Technol. 37 (2004) 161–170

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