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There was a girl named Lily who live in a small town.

She was
friendly and outgoing, and everyone thought they knew her well.
Lily was always a people pleaser and wanted to make everyone
happy. She was constantly trying to meet the expectations of her
parents, teachers, and friends. She would do everything they asked
of her even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness. However,
one day, something changed. Lily started to feel like she didn't
really know who she was. She began to question her identity and
her place in the world. She had spent so much time trying to be
what others wanted her to be that she had lost sight of her own
dreams and desires. She felt lost and alone, even though she was
surrounded by people who loved her. As she explored her thoughts
and feelings, she realized that the person she had been presenting
to the world was not the real her. She had been living her life
according to other people's expectations, and she had lost touch
with her true self.

It was as if her footsteps were still making a noise in the school

hallway and her heart still beat like a drum. The truth was, she
had grown tired of beating in so many other people’s time. When
she opened her locker there came a creak from down the hall. She
felt the hair stand up on her neck, and she turned to see Red –
that boy every one whispered about walking casually against some

They gazed at each other for a moment, then he withdrew, glancing

down at her with an expression of almost-anguish. What did he
want? At the same moment, she felt herself going red as Red
stepped away from the lockers with a peculiar smile. There was
mischief there but tonight it seemed there was something else
under his eyes, something ugly. She stepped back from him,
gripping the lock heavily.

It sent a shock through Lily so destructive that it shattered the

silence with a squeal of despair. She had started waking up to the
fact that she had been sucked into a twisted maze of lies. She had
started seeing through the fake façade she had worn for so long
to hide the sordid reality underneath it. She knew in her gut,
despite everything, that it was time to put aside her fears and
reclaim her real self.

Scampering back down the corridor, she must have made dinosaur
noise with her heavy footsteps, like a war-drum echoing her
determination to break free from the shackles of others'
expectations and embrace her true self. The world blurred around
her, but her resolve remained crystal clear.
Lily burst through the school doors, the fresh air filling
her lungs as she raced toward the horizon, her heart pounding with
renewed purpose. She had discovered that the most important person
she needed to please was herself, and in that revelation, she
found the strength to chart her own path, unbound by the chains of

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