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This assignment is focused on the application of Pedler’s leadership practices to real world
leadership challenges. We are looking for you to demonstrate your learning from the
module and show your understanding of the models and theories we have discussed. It is
important to choose to focus on issues which hold the greatest interest and relevance to

The assignment involves writing three short pieces showing how leaders can use Pedler’s 7
leadership practices to address challenges.

The word count is 2500 words +/-10%

The first piece is a Personal Reflection on your own leadership, drawing on Pedlers’ practice
of Leading Yourself.

Pieces 2 and 3 are opinion pieces showing how contemporary leaders are addressing
leadership challenges. An opinion piece is a fairly short, original piece of work that weaves
together ‘real life’ issues with theoretical awareness and your own point of view. Your
opinion pieces are an opportunity to demonstrate your applied understanding of the
leadership practices.

 An opinion piece is a thought-provoking piece of writing which puts forward your

views on a subject.
 Typically they will present an idea, question or situation and explore it.
 It can include personal opinion, but this needs to be supported by evidence from
good sources.
 It needs to be more than just personal opinion, though; it should provoke ideas and
 It needs to be critical so you present both sides of the issue

Each opinion-piece should critically discuss theories we have looked at on the module and
how they can help leaders and managers perform better.

The term critically discuss directs you to examine, analyze carefully, and present
considerations pro and cons regarding the problems or items involved.

You will be expected to present coherent arguments for and against the topic, presenting
evidence on both sides. You should draw on theories and models discussed in the lectures
bringing together different perspectives from the module. You should show that you have
conducted some research from outside the lectures to substantiate your arguments.
You must cite any sources, throughout your essay and include a full list of references in
alphabetical order at the end of the essay (this does not form part of your word count). You
must use the APA Referencing System.

Each opinion piece should be about 1000 words long and should include an introduction,
main body and conclusion.

Personal Leadership reflection

The first piece must be a personal reflection on how you have used the practice of Leading
Yourself to address a personal leadership challenge. Many graduate job application forms
require applicants to reflect on their own understandings and experiences in order to
demonstrate leadership skills. This assignment is your chance to practice this kind of
reflection within a theoretical framework.

You are asked to combine your reflective practice with a critical analysis of the theories and
material you have encountered on this course.

Identify a challenge you have experienced that required you to practice self-leadership.
This does not have to be huge and life-changing; it can be any challenge you have
experienced that required self-leadership. It may be the challenge of group work at school
or university, the challenge of overcoming personal limitations, the challenge of work;
anything where you felt you addressed a personal challenge. Then apply theories of self-
leadership to this challenge to evaluate and explore your response.

In your answer, you should:

 Include a brief description of your experience of self- leadership as a response to a

specific challenge (you can include more detail in your appendices if you want).
 Include theories on self-leadership to explore how you responded to the challenge.
Your response might have been successful or unsuccessful but you should include
theory to evaluate your response.

Opinion pieces 2 and 3

The final two pieces ask you to

Critically discuss how contemporary leaders are addressing a significant leadership


Choose 2 other leadership practices for this. You have already explored Practice 1 in your
first opinion piece, so choose two others from the list below. (Page numbers refer to Pedler
et al. (2010) A managers Guide to Leadership. 2nd edition)

Practice 1: Leading yourself page 115

Practice 2: Being on purpose page 133
Practice 3: Power page 158
Practice 4: Risk page 186
Practice 5: Challenging questions page 209
Practice 6: Facilitation page 232
Practice 7: Networking page 254

You should clearly identify the challenge in your introduction and you must justify why you
think this challenge is significant. You can link this to Pedler’s leadership challenges to help
explore the significance.

There are many ways of addressing this and it is up to you how you do this.

Remember to be focused! You are NOT expected to respond to each and every one of the
options above. It is important that you choose to focus on what holds the greatest interest
and relevance to you. We will be exploring the concept of an opinion piece during workshop
and lecture activities.

Structuring your work

Sub-headings will help to show where each opinion piece starts and ends


The introduction sets the context for your opinion piece, making it clear why you think this
is interesting or important.

It MUST include a clear and specific statement of your main aim or argument. This is
important so I will repeat it

The introduction MUST include a CLEAR and SPECIFIC statement of your main aim or

I want to hear what YOU think about the issue and this is the thing you want the reader to
know at the end of the opinion piece that they didn’t know at the start.

Main body

This is where you develop the arguments to support the main aim from the introduction.
Whilst I value your opinion, it is worth nothing unless you support it with evidence from
good academic sources. You should use academic journals, books and databases to provide
the evidence. All sources of evidence should be referenced using APA7th edition. Build your
argument logically, analysing and evaluating the evidence as you go so that your overall
conclusion is clearly supported by your discussion.


The conclusion is where you draw together all the points you have made throughout the
opinion piece in order to reach an overall conclusion. This must reflect the main
aim/argument you stated in your introduction. In fact, this can be a re-statement of this

If my main argument is the ‘Elon Musk is the greatest leader the world has ever seen’, I
would state this in my introduction. Then I need to evaluate evidence to support this
somewhat controversial view. I may state in my conclusion ‘So the evidence discussed
above really does show that Musk is the greatest leader the world has ever seen.’ See how
they link?

Some general guidelines


 You should refer to specific theories and authors from the reading lists to substantiate
your claims. Make sure that you analyse, rather than just reiterate the claims of these
 Be sure to reference any of your sources appropriately! Guidelines are available on ELE
and via the library.


This is your opportunity to demonstrate the critical thinking skills which show a deeper
understanding and analysis of the materials discussed in this module. Higher marks will be
given to answers which show critical analysis of your leadership practice. Assignments which
are merely descriptive (that describe, but do not question or evaluate) will receive lower

For example:

 If you refer to a specific leadership practice, perspective or theory, what

assumption(s) is the practice/perspective/theory based on?
 Are there circumstances when your chosen actions might not be appropriate?
 Might the actions you have selected prevent you from exploring or addressing the
challenge in other ways?
Make Links

Your answer should link your self-reflections to the ideas and theories we have discussed in
the module. How might the perspectives you explore help you to address your chosen
challenge and improve your leadership of self and/or others?

Be Focused

You have a limited word count for this assignment. You cannot address all the relevant

 Be focused, and make sure your words count!

 Be careful in your choices about what to ‘keep in’ and what to ‘leave out’.
 Give preference to analytical depth over descriptive breadth.
 Choose carefully how you complete the assignment. Make sure your answer is carefully
structured and written in a professional, academic tone. Remember to think through
your introduction and conclusion.

Additional Reading
Please note that for this assignment, you will be expected to read more widely than the core
text and the readings provided in the lectures. This is where the reading list provided early
in the module will come in useful.

You will be expected to conduct your own ‘literature search’ to find suitable readings which
help you to better understand and/or critique the leadership issues which you are
discussing. You are strongly encouraged to access the University’s Electronic Library
(http://www.library.ex.ac.uk/electronic/) and particularly the Electronic Journals in order to
do so.

You may wish to start with the EBSCO EJS, JSTOR, and Business Source Complete journal
collections. Using these databases, you can conduct keyword searches, which will help you
to identify relevant articles.

Alternatively, you can use Google Scholar (http://www.scholar.google.co.uk) to search for

articles using key words –but this is a less scholarly and weaker way of making sure that
your work covers key literature in the field.

References and Word Count

 Referencing must conform to APA 7th guidelines – click HERE for guidance on APA
 Your word limit is 2500 words, +/- 10%. This should be equally distributed between the
three opinion pieces
 The word limit includes in-text citations but does not include your reference list or any
 You can include appendices if you want. These may provide supporting information you
think is relevant but which cannot be included in the text. However, these will not be

How Will You Be Assessed?

You can see the University’s generic assessment criteria for this assessment on the ELE page,
or via this link. The following grid shows the marking allocation for each section.

A full guide to the marking criteria is shown on the next page.

BEM2037 Assignment marking guide

Criteria Fail (<40) Pass (40 – 49) Pass (50 – 59) Good pass (60 – 69) Very good pass (70+)
Introduction, context and No clear introduction. Short, unclear introduction, Clear introduction Clear introduction giving an Introductory paragraph
statement of aims. not in a separate paragraph. presented as a separate overview of the main giving a detailed overview of
No background context paragraph. argument to be presented. the main argument(s) and
Clearly explained aims and Little or no back ground the scope of the essay.
objectives, links to key No statement of aims or context. An attempt to provide some Presented in a separate
theoretical frameworks and objectives. context. paragraph. Concise but thorough review
a clear argument Vague statement of aim just of key literature to set the
repeating the question. Aims and objectives are context.
Maximum marks = 10 Aims are not specific and specific and clearly stated.
may be stated as a series of Aims and objectives are
rhetorical questions. specific and clearly stated so
the key argument is clear.
Assignment is descriptive Assignment is mainly Evidence for and against the All arguments and Arguments are clear and
Main body Pieces 2 and 3 with no attempt at analysis descriptive with little argument is described but statements are supported well thought through.
or evaluation of practice. analysis. not analysed. by evidence.
Clear evaluation of practice All arguments and
with reference to theory Personal views unsupported Evidence is one sided with Most arguments and Evidence for and against the statements are supported
and coherent narrative by evidence or some low no balance between statements are supported argument is discussed and by very high quality
quality evidence from non- opposing views. by evidence from other analysed. evidence.
academic, secondary sources.
Maximum marks = 40 sources. No evaluation of evidence Discussion of evidence is Evidence for and against the
20 marks for each piece Clear arguments are made balanced and demonstrates argument is analysed and
Arguments are simple and but do not show any insight understanding of the issue critically evaluated in detail.
presented in a confusing into the issue.
manner. The main arguments are Arguments are thought
Evidence is mainly from thought provoking. provoking and generate new
Evidence is from a small good academic sources insight into the issue.
range of sources, but most Evidence is from good
are non-academic Personal view expressed academic sources Evidence shows a wide
with some supporting range of reading using high
Personal view unsupported evidence Well argued personal view quality credible sources.
by evidence with good supporting
evidence Very well argued personal
view with excellent
supporting evidence

Main body – piece 1 Entries are just descriptive Includes description of General reflection on, and Demonstrates use of Demonstrates an in-depth
and impersonal events, and a little further personalization of, the reflective cycle and thinking reflection on, and
consideration behind the theories, and concepts about how theory can personalization of, the
Reflection (in Personal Only includes descriptions of events using a relatively discussed. underpin personal practice. theories and concepts
Leadership reflection) theoretical knowledge descriptive style of language discussed.
Showing satisfactory ability Shows good self-awareness
Ability to integrate learning No reflection is No evidence of using to relate acquired and deals with issues from Shows excellent levels of
into real-world experiences demonstrated beyond the multiple perspectives in knowledge to previous an emotional level emotional self-awareness
and analyse issues with a descriptions analysing the issues experiences and deep reflection on the
critical attitude Shows thinking about issues
demonstrating attempt to acquired knowledge of
Maximum marks = 20 analyse the issues from a theories and models and Clearly indicates how
number of different integrate them into different learning can be integrated
perspectives issues from wide range of into future activities
Some evidence of how
learning has affected Good evidence that the
student’s perceptions of learning has influenced
work future actions
Conclusion. No conclusion. No clear conclusion is Some attempt to summarise Good summary of the main Conclusion brings together
reached but there is an the main points raised. points. the main arguments of the
Clear summary of main attempt to bring together essay and reaches a clear
practice and theoretical elements of the discussion. New information is Conclusion is related to the overall conclusion.
findings introduced. introduction and is linked to
Conclusion does not flow the evidence presented. Conclusion logically follows
Maximum marks = 10 from the main body Overall conclusion is linked from the evidence
arguments. to the aims in the presented and goes beyond
introduction. restating the aims.
Presentation and Little or no structure to the Some attempt at structure is Structure has clearly laid out Essay has a logical The essay is well structured
referencing essay. evident. paragraphs but paragraphs paragraph structure, each and the logic of the main
are not in a logical order. dealing with a separate argument is clear and easy
Grammar, spelling, Many typographic, grammar Some typographic, grammar issue. to follow.
references and spelling errors and spelling errors Few typographic, grammar
Many statements, facts, and spelling errors No typographic, grammar Excellent presentation with
Maximum marks = 20 Very few references or theories and arguments are Most statements, facts, and spelling errors no typographic, grammar
citations not referenced. theories and arguments are Almost all statement, facts and spelling errors
supported by evidence and theories and arguments are All statements and
Referencing is inaccurate Citations are not linked to linked to references. supported by evidence and arguments are supported by
and insufficient. references. linked to references. good quality evidence from
APA Referencing is used primary academic sources.
References not in APA There are many inaccuracies throughout. Most references are
format. and missing references and relevant and up to date. All references are relevant
citations. There are some inaccuracies and up to date
in the referencing. Citations and references all
APA referencing is used but in APA format and are All citations and references
is inaccurate. generally accurate. are accurate and in correct
APA style.
Preparing for your essay by keeping a ‘learning log’.

Throughout the course of the module, both during class-time and in independent
study, you will be asked to complete various brief, non-assessed tasks or

Usually, these tasks and assignments will be designed so as to allow you to reflect on
your own emerging understanding of leadership and your own developing leadership
practice. You are advised to engage fully with these tasks and assignments, and to keep
hold of them, as these will form part of your ‘learning log’ throughout the module.

Please note that, although the ‘learning log’ itself is NOT compulsory or assessed,
you will be able to draw on it as you complete your final essay. Therefore, as part of your
‘learning log’ you may also wish to make notes (perhaps on a weekly basis) which will help
you to track your progress or learning through the module.

You may want to jot down any thoughts you are left with following a lecture or
workshop; and/or you may wish to capture some of the questions raised for you as
you complete the assigned reading; and/or you may wish to note any observations
or experiences of leadership from your day-to-day life. The ‘learning log’ is therefore
a collection of thought-pieces, notes, questions, and brief tasks or assignments
which will help you to document and understand your progress through the course,.

You will be given guidelines and advice on how to prepare and complete this
assignment throughout the course of the semester, and that Week 11 of the
semester will be dedicated to providing any additional help or support needed.

Format and Style

Please ensure that all assessed work is submitted in the following format:

 Submit the file as a Word document or as a PDF file. ELE may not accept
other file formats
 Use a clear font – I suggest Calibri or Ariel
 You DO NOT need to add pictures or graphics to make the document ‘pretty’.
You will not get any marks for this! It is an academic piece of work.
 You can use images or graphs as long as they are relevant to the point you
are making. They should be explained in your text.
 Include a title page
 You can include a contents page if you wish
 Divide your work into clear sections with sub-headings:
o Introduction to the whole essay
o Self-leadership reflection
o Opinion piece 1
o Opinion piece 2
o Overall conclusion
 Make sure you reference any images or graphs you use.
 References MUST be in APA 7th. No other referencing style is permitted.


For all work on this module you must adopt APA style referencing. Information is
available as a downloadable document on the module’s ELE page. You can find
details HERE

Marks will be deducted from assignments with incorrect or incomplete referencing.

Lecture notes are not an appropriate academic reference. Academic journal articles
and serious publications (online or print) are recommended.

Internet sites should only be used if you can be certain about the academic
credibility of the source. Wikipedia, Businessballs, tutor2u.net, netmba.com, or
similar websites are not acceptable academic references
Suggested Additional Indicative Reading

Ahn, N.Y. and Cunningham G.B. (2020) ‘Standing on a glass cliff? A case study of
FIFA’s gender initiatives’ Managing Sport and Leisure, Vol 25, Nos1-2, pp114-137

Balkundi, P. and Kilduff, M. (2006) ‘The Ties that Lead: A Social Network Theory
Approach to Leadership’ The Leadership Quarterly 17: 419 – 439.

Brown, A.D., Colville, I., and Pye, A. (2015) ‘Making sense of sensemaking in
organizational studies’ Organization Studies 36(2): 265-277

Cranmer, G.A., Goldman, Z.W., Houghton, J.D., (2019) ‘I’ll do it myself: self-
leadership, proactivity and socialization’, Leadership and Organization Development
Journal, Vol 40, No.6, pp 684-698

Flores, O.J. and Gunzenhauser, M.G (2019) ‘The problems with colorblind leadership
revealed: a call for race-conscious leaders’ , International Journal of Qualitative
Studies in Education, Vol 32, No 8 p963-981

Furtner, M.R., Tutzer, L. and Sachse, P (2018) ‘The Mindful Self-Leader: Investigating
the Relationship Between Self-Leadership and Mindfulness’, Social Behavior and
Personality, 46 (3) pp353-60

Larson, L and DeChurch, L.A. (2020) ‘Leading teams in the digital age: Four
perspectives on technology and what they mean for leading teams’ , The Leadership
Quarterly, 31, pp1-18

Maguire, S., & Hardy, C. (2013). Organizing processes and the construction of risk: A
discursive approach. Academy of Management Journal, 56(1), 231-255.
Ndalamba,K.K., Caldwell, C and Anderson, V., (2018) ‘Leadership vision as moral
duty’ Journal of Management Development, Vol 7, No 3pp 309-319

Neves, P., & Schyns, B. (2018). Destructive uncertainty: The toxic triangle, implicit
theories and leadership identity during organizational change. In Organizational
Change (pp. 131-141). Routledge.

Partlow, P. J., Medeiros, K. E., & Mumford, M. D. (2015). Leader cognition in vision
formation: Simplicity and negativity. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(3), 448-469.

Thoroughgood, C. N., Padilla, A., Hunter, S. T., & Tate, B. W. (2012). The susceptible
circle: A taxonomy of followers associated with destructive leadership. The
Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), 897-917.

Uhl-Bien, M., & Arena, M. (2018). Leadership for organizational adaptability: A

theoretical synthesis and integrative framework. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(1), 89-

Uhl-Bien, M., Riggio, R. E., Lowe, K. B., & Carsten, M. K. (2014). Followership theory:
A review and research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), 83-104.

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