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A = Amidst the beauty of Earth , let humanity move collectively with a scope ,

P = Planning a bright tomorrow with a new hope.

A = A wakening and Advancement be the leading factors for them ,
T = Tortuous , complex situations can’t behold anyone from fame.
H = Hoping to see light despite all darkness ,

T = Try to flap and flutter the wings of enlightenment with beauty of wind,
O = Optimism and Positivity will surely make everyone determined

E = Energizing the soul and Enpowering the mind .

N = Negating and ignoring the thorns of pessimism does bind .
L = Learning to be contended and being satisfied get a promote ,
I = Igniting and Illiuminating the rays of hope .
G = Garnishing the beauty of inner spirit and soul ,
H = Has anyone ever gave thought for this, taking HUMANITY as a whole?
T = To never give up even when the worse shall knock ,
E = Ebullience and speeding up the upliftment of action clearing all blocks.
N = Notify and raise up all men and the entire nation as a whole,
M= Mundane thoughts to be wiped off from each soul .
E = Educate and Guide the lesser known ones ,
N = New and refined network of sources ensure the problems are none.
T = Train the mind to live and cherish each and every moment of life to attain every-
thing for which all strive.

Self composed by -
T.G.T English

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