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OCTOBER 26, 2011

CONTACT: Amy Steele, 208-301-0846



President Obama Announces Major Student Loan Relief
Plan Today; Youth Expert, Activist and President of, Matthew Segal, Available for Comment
Organi:ation for Americans Under 30 Discusses Impact of Executive
Order on Millions of Student Borrowers, Believes Student Loan Debt is
a Primary Reason for Occupy Wall Street Protests

ASHINGTON, D.C. President Obama plans to use his executive authority to help ease the
burden oI student loan debt with a series oI initiatives he will announce today at the University
oI Colorado in Denver. The plans will allow some students to consolidate their loans into one
government loan, pay a smaller Iraction based on their income, and have loans Iorgiven earlier.

OUR a national, non-proIit organization standing up Ior Americans under 30 is
available Ior comment on the political implications oI the executive order, its impact on millions
oI student borrowers, and its intersection with the populist sentiment Iueling the Occupy Wall
Street and Occupy College movements.

'The President`s decision to expedite the cap reduction in income-based student loan repayment
is an imperative step in the right direction, given the near one trillion dollars oI student loan debt
our generations possesses, says Matthew Segal, co-Iounder and President oI
'Perhaps iI Congress was not in paralysis, we could also begin measures to address why higher
education is so expensive in the Iirst place, greatly outpacing the cost oI living.

Yesterday, Segal oIIered insight and analysis regarding his generation`s struggles with student
loan debt and their participation in Occupy Wall Street on MSNBC`s The Dylan Ratigan Show. and a group oI public policy students Irom StanIord University recently launched
a national petition to end special treatment Ior banks on college campuses. The 'Stop the Brain
Drain petition demands colleges and universities immediately cease the practice oI allowing
Wall Street recruiters preIerred access to students in exchange Ior Iinancial contributions to
career centers.

Over the past Iew months, has been outspoken on young Americans`
issues, polling its members on their support oI the 'BuIIett Rule, supporting the boycott oI
political contributions with Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz`s Upward Spiral Campaign,
and launching a petition in August entitled 'Vacation`s Over! calling on Congress to
'CANCEL their vacation, head back to Washington, and get to work on behalI oI their

``Media interested in booking Matthew Segal should contact Amy Steele at 208-301-
0846 or via email at `` is a national organi:ation founded and run by young Americans, leveraging pop
culture, business partnerships, and online organi:ing to drive civic engagement through
economic empowerment. To follow on Facebook go
to. http.// Or to follow on Twitter, go to.


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