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Sr# Questions

1 Tell me about your self

2 Why you are joining our company?
3 Tell me what you know about our company.
4 What is your greatest weakness?
5 What is your greatest strength?
6 What would you change about this organization?
7 Why we hire you?
8 in next 5 year where you want to see
9 What is your objectives of life
10 What are your objectives of professional life
What is:
1 Industrial Engineering
2 Method Study
3 Type of method study
4 Time Study
5 Elements of time study
6 Factors of Time Study
7 SAM _ Standard Allowed Minutes
8 SMV_ Standard Minute Value
9 BMV_ Basic Minute Value
10 VSM_ Value Steam Mapping
11 RCA_ Root Cause Analysis
12 AAMT_ Advance Analytical Method of Training
13 CAPA _ Corrective Action & Preventive Action
14 CM Cost_ Cut Manufactured Cost
15 CMT Cost_ Cut Manufactured and Trim Cost
16 CPM_ Cost Per Minute
17 CGS_Cost of Goods Sold
18 Carry Cost
19 Holding Cost
20 OEE_ Overall equipment effectiveness
21 DHU _ Defect per Hundred Unit
22 FPY _ First Pass Yield
23 RFT_ Right First Time
24 OQL _ Overall Quality Level
25 AQL _ Acceptable Quality Limit/Level
27 A3 Thinking
28 TPM_ Total Productive Maintenance
29 JIT_ Just In Time
30 3 MU
31 4 Ps
32 5M
33 6S
34 6 Sigma
35 6 Big Losses
36 7-0_ Quality Inspection System
37 7 QC Tools
38 8 Wastages
39 9 Point Inspection
40 Lean Manufacturing
41 Mass Production
42 Bulk Production
43 Kaizen _ Continuous Improvement
44 kaizen events
45 Types of Kaizen
46 Kaikaku _ fundamental and radical changes
47 Gemba Walk _Real Place
48 Andon
49 Jidoka _Autonomation
50 Poka- Yoke _ error-proofing
51 Yamazumi Chart_ Line Balancing Chat
52 Hoshin Kanri_ Policy Deployment
53 kanban
54 SMART Criteria
55 5 Why Analysis
56 Continous Flow
57 Heijunka_Production leveling
58 Bootleneck Analysis
59 Root Cause Analysis
60 Takt-time
61 Pitch Time
62 Cycle Time
63 Lead Time
64 Change over time
65 Change over Process Time
66 Just In Time
67 quality circles
68 Leader Standard Work
69 Minimum Stock Level
70 Maximum Stock Level
71 Average Stock level
72 Safety Stock
73 Buffer Stock
74 Preferred stock
75 Common stock
76 Beta stock
Difference between:
2 Efficiency vs Performance
3 Efficiency vs Performance vs Productivity vs. Utilization
4 Time study vs. method study
5 DHU vs. FPY
6 IE vs Lean
7 IE vs Six Sigma
8 IE vs lean vs six sigma
9 IE vs lean vs six sigma vs Agile
10 IE vs lean vs six sigma vs Agile vs 4.0
11 Automation vs Innovation
12 Kaizen vs Innovation
13 Kaizen vs Automation
14 Taktime vs Pitch time
15 skip stitch vs jump stitch
16 Seam slip vs uneven stitch
17 needle hole vs needle cut
18 needle hole vs fabric hole
19 Kaizen vs. Kaikaku
20 Pull vs. Push System

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