PK Movie Quiz

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Julianne Ruth Pamplona BSIT 2-A

1. Describe a scene which you like most. Why? Explain.

One scene that really resonated with me in "PK" was when the main character, PK,
questions why people follow different rituals and attire for worship. It struck a chord because it
humorously challenged the norm of blindly following traditions just because they've always been
that way. This scene made me think deeply about the essence of spirituality, emphasizing that
it's more about a personal connection rather than external symbols or practices.

2. Describe a scene which you dislike most. Why? Explain.

In the movie "PK," a controversial scene involves the protagonist, PK, humorously
questioning different religious practices while wearing only a transistor radio. This scene,
intended to critique blind faith and encourage critical thinking, can be discomforting for some
due to its satirical take on religious beliefs and practices. It potentially offends those who hold
their beliefs dear, as it challenges established norms, and the satire may be perceived as
disrespectful or mocking towards diverse religious sentiments, leading to disapproval from
certain viewers.

3. What is the overall moral lesson of the PK movie that you learned? Explain.

The main message of "PK" is that true spirituality goes beyond rituals and rules. It
teaches us to look beyond religious differences and find common ground in humanity. The
movie encourages us to question things that seem illogical or unfair in our religious practices
and traditions. It urges us to embrace empathy and understanding towards others, irrespective
of their beliefs. By promoting open-mindedness and critical thinking, "PK" inspires us to foster a
world where kindness and compassion prevail over religious divides. Ultimately, it highlights the
importance of empathy, unity, and a shared sense of humanity as the core essence of spiritual

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