English II Final Exam

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English II Final Exam

Name: Roll No:

Circle the right option. Marks: 30

1. Eva said, “But--------------- we are not reading”. Take pity

A Money
B Charity
C Sardines
D Cakes

2. “Be a painter, a janitor, a junk man, but get out of here before everybody is
a --------------“Take pity
A Ghost
B Salesman
C Census----taker
D Skelton

3. When Popova finally falls in love her feelings have changed. --------------
significantly symbolizes the shifting of emotions of Mrs. Popova in “The
A Nicolai
B Toby
C Luka
D Smirnov

4. What seems to be the only thing that is more important to Oliver than
money and success.” The Duchess and the jewelers
A Social respectability
B His past
C Duchess of Lambourne
D Better deals in business

5. What does Maupassant say “belong to no caste”.?

A Men
B Women
C The rich
D Poor

6. . What does M. Loisel expect Mme. Loisel to feel when he brings home the
A Angry
B Confused
C Worried
D Pleased

7. Maupassant’s popular work “The necklace” is known for its---------

A Opening
B Ending
C Symbolism
D Mockery

8. “ The Camel is dissatisfied with its lot:” Virginia Woolf uses animal
metaphor to show Oliver’s-------------------
A Inferiority complex
B Corruption
C Greed
D Great cheat
9. What association does the mention of Diana; s name arise for Oliver?
A Love
B Success
C Hatred
D Hypocrisy

10. Force is a dramatic work in which highly ------------- plot situations

are used for humor
A Probable
B Desperate
C Disputable
D Improbable

11. “Bric-a-brac” refers to a selection of items of modest value often

sold in street markets. What is the origin of this phrase?
A English
B French
C Latin
D Greek

12. When the play begins Popova is in deep ------------------.” The Bear”
A Mourning
B Bewilderment
C Confusion
D Jubilance

13. “The scene beneath his eye was empty. The strange plants were
sleeping in the nodding gently to one another”. Rappaccini’s Daughter. The
underline world is an example of ---------------- noun.
A Common noun
B Abstract noun
C Collective noun
D Concrete noun.

14. Circle the adjective phrase in the given sentences

A “What! Did I grow up sided by side with your father?”
B “ Beatrice possessed those terrible qualities, that deadly breath--------- a
Fine poison into his system”.
C “The thought crossed his mind that Lisabetta might perhaps be connected
with an experiment of Dr.Baglioni.

15. After reading Rappaccini’s Daughter what do you think Hawthorne’s

point of view in the story?
A Scientists should care more for science than for mankind.
B The scientists in his intellectual pride might destroy the natural blessing
that God has provided.
C Man master’s nature not by force but by understanding.
D Science is a place where what you find in nature pleases you.

Q.NO:1 Rosen was a man of almost complete human sympathy. Do you agree
that he was man of superb patience? Discuss in the light of “Take pity and
given textual references.

What is the relation between the jeweler and the Duchess in Virginia Woolf
short story? Give references from the text as well.

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