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Psychology 4th Edition Schacter Test

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1. The ability to store and retrieve information over time is called:
A) preservation.
B) memory.
C) elaboration.
D) storage.

2. _____ is the process of maintaining information in memory over time.

A) Memory
B) Encoding
C) Storage
D) Retrieval

3. The process of bringing to mind information that has been previously encoded and
stored in memory is known as:
A) memory.
B) encoding.
C) storage.
D) retrieval.

4. Your friend tells you her phone number. Hearing, thinking about, and translating the
phone number to place it in your memory is an example of which process?
A) semantics
B) encoding
C) storage
D) retrieval

5. You learned French in high school 10 years ago. You travel to Paris, and at the airport a
customs officer asks you a question in French. You recall the correct answer from your
study of the language and answer the officer. This is an example of which function of
A) semantics
B) encoding
C) storage
D) retrieval

Page 1
6. You are taking a biology class. During the lecture, you listen, take notes, and think
about how the information is related to you. These are examples of _____ information
into memory. When you rehearse this information, you are facilitating _____. During a
test, you must remember the information, which is called _____.
A) storing; retrieval; encoding
B) encoding; retrieval; storage
C) storing; encoding; retrieval
D) encoding; storage; retrieval

7. Jessica has problems concentrating and, as such, does not perceive the information she
reads in her textbook as well as she should. Jessica has a problem with _____ of
A) storage
B) encoding
C) retrieval
D) semantics

8. The process by which we transform what we perceive, think, or feel into an enduring
memory is called:
A) encoding.
B) remembering.
C) recalling.
D) storing.

9. Memories are made by:

A) transforming perceptions into sensory experiences.
B) combining existing information in the brain with new information from our senses.
C) recording information coming in from our senses.
D) creating exact duplicates of perceptual experiences in the hippocampus.

10. Memories are:

A) recorded into the brain.
B) duplicated by the brain into perceptual experiences.
C) transformed by the brain into elemental sensory components.
D) constructed by the brain.

Page 2
11. Making a new memory is MOST analogous to:
A) transforming a written message into binary computer code.
B) taking a picture.
C) altering a recipe to create a new dish.
D) recording a video.

12. Making a new memory is MOST analogous to:

A) composing a new musical composition.
B) translating from one language to another.
C) saving information on a computer.
D) recording a video.

13. When learning a new word, like amygdala, Angie will remember it BEST if she:
A) thinks about what the word means.
B) thinks of another word that rhymes with it.
C) pictures how the word itself looks.
D) writes the word in large block letters.

14. Gavin is asked to remember a list of 20 words. Some of the words are written in blue
ink, and some are written in red ink. A week later, he is asked to recall as many words
as possible. Gavin will probably do better on the task if, during the encoding phase, he:
A) thinks about the color of each word.
B) pairs each word on the list with a word with which it rhymed.
C) thinks about the meaning of each word.
D) spells each word silently to himself.

15. Actively relating new information in a meaningful way to knowledge already in

memory is the definition of _____ encoding.
A) visual
B) meaning
C) semantic
D) organizational

16. When Paul studies for a psychology test, he tries to remember important terms by
relating them to his past experiences and knowledge. He is using the strategy of:
A) semantic encoding.
B) visual imagery encoding.
C) organization encoding.
D) chunking.

Page 3
17. While cramming for a psychology exam, Hannah finds that, if she thinks about the
meaning of terms and tries to use them in examples, she learns them much better. What
technique is Hannah using to improve her memory of the terms?
A) organizational encoding
B) chunking
C) visual imagery judgments
D) semantic judgments

18. Which type of judgment has research shown results in better memory for words?
A) visual
B) semantic
C) rhyme
D) mnemonics

19. The MOST effective form of encoding appears to be linking new information to:
A) what it follows in serial position.
B) how it sounds, such as rhyming words.
C) how it relates to other knowledge in memory.
D) what it looks like in sensory memory.

20. Jorge relates new terms encountered in his biology class to biological terms he already
knows. fMRI studies reveal that the part of his brain likely to be MOST active during
this process is the:
A) amygdala.
B) parietal lobe.
C) frontal lobe.
D) hypothalamus.

21. Ava relates new terms encountered in her philosophy class to logical terms she already
knows. fMRI studies reveal that the part of her brain likely to be MOST active during
this process is the:
A) amygdala.
B) frontal lobe.
C) parietal lobe.
D) hypothalamus.

Page 4
22. Janet uses semantic judgment in encoding new terms encountered in her sociology class.
fMRI studies reveal that the part of her brain likely to be MOST active during this
process is the _____ lobe.
A) left temporal
B) right frontal
C) left parietal
D) right occipital

23. Semantic encoding is related to an increase of activity in which brain regions?

A) the lower left frontal lobe and the inner part of the left parietal lobe
B) the lower left frontal lobe and the inner part of the left temporal lobe
C) the lower right frontal lobe and the inner part of the left occipital lobe
D) the lower right frontal lobe and the inner part of the right parietal lobe

24. Storing information by converting it into mental pictures is known as _____ encoding.
A) photographic
B) visual imagery
C) semantic
D) organizational

25. Anthony is given a list of 20 objects to memorize in order. Anthony imagines a walk
from home to school and pictures one of the objects on each street corner. Which
memory technique is Anthony MOST likely using?
A) organizational encoding
B) chunking
C) semantic encoding
D) visual imagery encoding

26. Robert calls Darla and asks her to pick up soap, a new pair of slippers, and wine from
the store on her way home from work. Instead of making a list, Darla successfully
remembers the items to be purchased by picturing herself sipping wine in her slippers,
while Robert gives her a sponge bath. What memory technique is Darla MOST likely
A) visual imagery encoding
B) semantic encoding
C) organizational encoding
D) sensory memory encoding

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27. Which brain region would be LEAST involved in visual imagery encoding?
A) the frontal lobe
B) the temporal lobe
C) the parietal lobe
D) the occipital lobe

28. Unlike semantic encoding, visual imagery encoding shows activation of the _____ lobe.
A) frontal
B) temporal
C) parietal
D) occipital

29. Categorizing information based on relationships among the items in a series to be

remembered is the definition of:
A) semantic encoding.
B) visual imagery encoding.
C) organizational encoding.
D) chunking.

30. At the supermarket, Charlotte finds it much easier to remember the food items she needs
when she puts them into the categories of fruits, vegetables, and meat. What encoding
process is Charlotte using to create and recall memories?
A) organizational
B) transformative
C) semantic
D) visual imagery

31. After having spent half a day touring the Chicago Institute of Art, Emily had seen
hundreds of paintings. To maximize her potential for remembering as many paintings as
possible, she decides to categorize each painting depending on its artistic style:
neoclassical, realistic, romantic, impressionist, abstract, and so on. This method of
memorization is called _____ encoding.
A) semantic
B) organizational
C) survival
D) visual imagery

Page 6
32. Relative to semantic encoding, organizational encoding shows more activation of the
upper left _____ lobe.
A) frontal
B) temporal
C) parietal
D) occipital

33. Which area of the frontal lobe is activated during organizational encoding?
A) upper right
B) lower right
C) upper left
D) lower left

34. A waitress' brain is studied in an fMRI while she mentally engages in remembering the
food and drink orders or a table of six virtual people. Most likely, the MRI will reveal
which area of the frontal lobe to be the MOST active?
A) upper left
B) lower left
C) upper right
D) lower right

35. Recent research has suggested that _____ encoding subsequently results in the
GREATEST recall of information.
A) organizational
B) semantic
C) survival
D) visual imagery

36. The finding that encoding of survival-related information is subsequently easier to recall
than other types of information is MOST consistent with which psychological
A) psychodynamic
B) behavioral
C) humanistic
D) evolutionary

Page 7
37. Which statement would a person MOST likely remember later the same day?
A) Pablo Picasso represents the Cubist movement in art.
B) Kenneth Clark was the first member of a minority group to become president of the
C) Poe wrote, "The moon never beams without bringing me dreams of the beautiful
Annabel Lee."
D) A black-widow spider is crawling up your leg.

38. A stray cat would be LEAST likely to remember where it last:

A) found food.
B) encountered a mate.
C) found a toy.
D) encountered a dangerous predator.

39. An expert in wilderness survival participates in a memory study in which she is shown a
list of words. Later, she is asked to recall these words. Which words is she MOST likely
to recall?
A) freshwater
B) mountaintop
C) songbird
D) cool breeze

40. The encoding of survival-related information is effective because it often requires

participants to engage in:
A) extensive planning.
B) constructing a fear hierarchy.
C) chunking.
D) sensory integration.

41. Superior recall of a scenario is often observed when the scenario:

A) is pleasant.
B) is mildly annoying.
C) involves planning.
D) involves rhyming.

Page 8
42. Scenarios that involve planning to effectively encode information lead to superior recall
A) semantic encoding only.
B) survival-related information encoding only.
C) organizational encoding only.
D) semantic, survival-related, and organizational encoding.

43. Sensory information is kept for a few seconds or less in:

A) the rehearsal memory store.
B) the short-term memory store.
C) the sensory memory store.
D) working memory.

44. Sensory storage holds information for a maximum of:

A) a few seconds.
B) a few minutes.
C) hours to days.
D) days to years.

45. Sperling flashed a matrix of 12 letters for 1/20th of a second to participants. When asked
to recall the letters immediately after, Sperling found that MOST participants recalled:
A) none of the letters given the short presentation time.
B) fewer than three letters.
C) fewer than half of the letters.
D) more than half of the letters.

46. Sperling flashed a matrix of letters for 1/20th of a second to participants. Sperling found
that the participants:
A) attempted to encode the letters from left to right.
B) attempted to encode the letters from top to bottom.
C) automatically stored the entire matrix of letters but for only a brief moment.
D) automatically stored the entire matrix of letters for up to a minute after the

47. The store of auditory information that decays very rapidly is called _____ memory.
A) iconic
B) echoic
C) short-term
D) working

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48. The fast-decaying store of visual information that is forgotten in seconds if not attended
to is known as _____ memory.
A) iconic
B) echoic
C) anterograde
D) retrograde

49. Brittany is daydreaming in class when her instructor asks her a question. Brittany finds
that, even though she was not paying attention, she can replay in her "mind's ear" the
instructor's last words, taking advantage of a process called:
A) auditory memory.
B) visual imagery encoding.
C) iconic memory.
D) echoic memory.

50. A son is not paying attention to his father. His father asks sternly, "What did I just say?"
and the son can only meekly respond, "You just asked me, 'What did I just say?'" What
memory store was encoding this information, despite the son not paying attention?
A) auditory memory
B) working memory
C) iconic memory
D) echoic memory

51. Iconic memory is a fast-decaying store of:

A) memory of peoples' names.
B) visual memory.
C) echoic memory.
D) auditory memory.

52. Echoic memories last _____ iconic memories.

A) slightly longer than
B) approximately the same length of time as
C) slightly shorter than
D) much longer than

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53. Jessica Li held up three rows of four letters on a poster board to her high school class for
a fraction of a second. She then removed it and immediately asked the class to name the
12 letters they had just been shown. Which memory store is being tested?
A) echoic
B) iconic
C) working
D) limited capacity

54. Jessica Li held up three rows of four letters on a poster board to her high school class for
a fraction of a second. She then removed it and immediately asked the class to name the
12 letters they had just been shown. Based on previous research, about how many letters
would you expect individual students to recall?
A) 0
B) 5
C) 8
D) 10

55. Jessica Li held up three rows of four letters on a poster board to her high school class for
a fraction of a second. She then removed it and immediately asked the class to name the
letters in the top, middle, or bottom row. Based on previous research, about how many
letters in the row would you expect individual students to recall?
A) none
B) one
C) two
D) three or four

56. Iconic memories usually decay in about _____ or less.

A) 1 second
B) 7 seconds
C) 1 minute
D) 2 minutes

57. Echoic memories usually decay in about _____ second(s).

A) 1
B) 5
C) 30
D) 60

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58. You look up a friend's address for the envelope of a letter you're writing. Suddenly, the
phone rings. You abandon your address research to answer the phone, but it is a wrong
number. When you get back to writing down the address, you have forgotten it because
_____ memory has failed you.
A) long-term
B) short-term
C) sensory
D) iconic

59. Charlotte looks up a phone number on the Internet and says the number three times to
herself. As she reaches for her phone to dial the number, she is distracted by noise
coming from outside her office. When the noise ceases after about 30 seconds, she picks
up the phone but finds that she cannot remember the number. This is due to the limits of
_____ memory.
A) short-term
B) long-term
C) sensory
D) iconic

60. In a classic memory study by Peterson and Peterson (1959), participants were given
consonant strings to remember—such as DBX and HLM—and then were instructed to
count backward from 100 by 3. After a variable amount of time, the participants were
asked to recall the consonant strings. Asking participants to count backward effectively
A) sensory storage.
B) iconic memory.
C) short-term storage.
D) rehearsal.

61. In a classic memory study by Peterson and Peterson (1959), participants were given
consonant strings to remember—such as DBX and HLM—and then were instructed to
count backward from 100 by 3. After a variable amount of time (delay), the participants
were asked to recall the consonant strings. Which statement accurately describes the
results of the experiment?
A) There was no decrease in recall accuracy until the delay reached about 20 seconds.
B) A 3-second delay decreased accuracy by almost 80%.
C) A 20-second delay decreased accuracy by over 80%.
D) There was no decrease in recall accuracy until the delay reached about 7 seconds.

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62. In the absence of rehearsal, research has shown that information can be held in the
short-term memory store for _____ seconds or less.
A) 5
B) 7
C) 10
D) 20

63. The _____ memory store holds information for a maximum of 15 to 20 seconds in the
absence of rehearsal.
A) iconic
B) echoic
C) short-term
D) long-term

64. The process of keeping information in short-term memory by mentally repeating it is

A) rehearsal.
B) chunking.
C) memorizing.
D) mnemonic storage.

65. Jason looked up a telephone number on his desktop computer but his cell phone is in
another room. The easiest and perhaps MOST effective technique he can use to
remember the number until he can get to his phone is:
A) organizational encoding.
B) visual imagery encoding.
C) state-dependent retrieval.
D) rehearsal.

66. Kelly is at a local bar having a drink. A young man starts flirting with her and
approaches her. Kelly decides to tell him her number. He repeats the series of digits in
his head over and over again until he has a chance to write it down. This process is
known as:
A) encoding.
B) retrieval.
C) rehearsal.
D) short-term memory storage.

Page 13
67. Roger is using rehearsal to remember a telephone number. Each time he repeats the
numbers, he is "reentering" the information into his short-term memory, thus adding
about _____ to the shelf life.
A) 15 to 20 seconds
B) 60 seconds
C) 20 to 30 minutes
D) 1 hour

68. The first few and last few items in a series are more likely to be recalled than are the
items in the middle, a phenomenon termed the _____ effect.
A) primacy
B) serial position
C) recency
D) ordinal relation

69. The serial position effect predicts that, when recalling items in a previously learned list,
we are MOST likely to forget the items _____ of the list.
A) at the beginning
B) at the end
C) in the middle and at the end
D) in the middle

70. In recalling U.S. presidents, Channing can list the first five presidents and the last five
presidents but cannot remember many of the presidents in between. This BEST
illustrates the _____ effect.
A) recency
B) primacy
C) ordinal position
D) serial position

71. Renata can remember the first three books of the Old Testament in the Bible but cannot
recall the names of the other books. This BEST illustrates the _____ effect.
A) recency
B) primacy
C) ordinal position
D) serial position

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72. An instructor studies his class roll for 15 minutes on the first day of class in an attempt
to remember student names. The next day, he finds that he can only recall the names at
the beginning of the roll. This BEST illustrates the _____ effect.
A) recency
B) primacy
C) ordinal position
D) serial position

73. Short-term memory is limited in how long it can hold information and in the _____
information it can hold.
A) type of
B) utility of the
C) complexity of the
D) amount of

74. Short-term memory can hold approximately _____ meaningful items.

A) 3
B) 7
C) 12
D) 15

75. It is helpful that local phone numbers are only seven digits long because seven items is
the capacity of _____ memory.
A) sensory
B) iconic
C) short-term
D) long-term

76. Combining small pieces of information into larger clusters is known as:
A) rehearsal.
B) visual encoding.
C) elaborative encoding.
D) chunking.

77. Waitresses who use organizational encoding to organize orders into groups are
A) chunking the information.
B) rehearsing the information.
C) utilizing the serial position effect.
D) utilizing state-dependent learning.

Page 15
78. Short-term memory is to working memory as:
A) function is to structure.
B) sensation is to attending.
C) place is to process.
D) frontal lobe is to temporal lobe.

79. Short-term memory is to working memory as:

A) structure as to dynamic process.
B) sensation is to attending.
C) dynamic process is to place.
D) frontal lobe is to temporal lobe.

80. Active maintenance of information in short-term memory is referred to as:

A) working memory.
B) sensory storage.
C) active memory.
D) labor storage.

81. Active maintenance of information in _____ memory is referred to as _____ memory.

A) short-term; long-term
B) short-term; working
C) working; short-term
D) working; long-term

82. Working memory includes subsystems that store and manipulate:

A) visual and auditory sensory experiences.
B) iconic memories.
C) visual images and verbal information.
D) long-term memories organizationally encoded.

83. The visuo-spatial sketchpad is a subsystem of working memory that stores and
A) sensory experiences.
B) visual images.
C) verbal information.
D) numerical information.

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84. The phonological loop is a subsystem of working memory that stores and manipulates:
A) sensory experiences.
B) visual images.
C) verbal information.
D) numerical information.

85. The _____ integrates visual and verbal information from working memory subsystems
into a multidimensional code.
A) episodic buffer
B) visuo-spatial sketchpad
C) phonological loop
D) central executive

86. The _____ coordinates the subsystems of working memory along with the episodic
A) sensory memory store
B) visuo-spatial sketchpad
C) phonological loop
D) central executive

87. Brain imaging studies indicate that the executive functioning underlying working
memory is attributable to activity in the _____ lobe.
A) frontal
B) parietal
C) temporal
D) occipital

88. The _____ plays a critical role in recognizing new words because the task involves the
ability to link visual and verbal information.
A) visuo-spatial sketchpad
B) episodic buffer
C) rehearsal executive
D) phonological loop

Page 17
89. Which statement summarizing research on whether training working memory skills
improves cognitive performance on non–memory-related tasks is TRUE?
A) Over 50 years of research has clearly demonstrated that training working memory
skills increases overall cognitive performance.
B) Training working memory skills has not been shown to increase cognitive
performance on non–memory-related tasks.
C) More research is needed to determine if enhancing working memory leads to
increased cognitive performance on non–memory-related tasks.
D) Efforts to study this research question have been thwarted by the fact that working
memory skills cannot be improved with training.

90. The location in which information can be kept for hours to years is known as the _____
memory store.
A) sensory
B) short-term
C) working
D) long-term

91. Information can be kept for hours, days, weeks, or years in the _____ memory store.
A) working
B) short-term
C) sensory
D) long-term

92. In MOST people, the long-term memory store has:

A) no known capacity limits.
B) a finite capacity of 7 plus or minus 2 gigabytes of information.
C) capacity limits for verbal but not visual information.
D) considerably less capacity in adolescence relative to adulthood.

93. Callie visited a dance club where the songs were "oldies but goodies." Although she had
not gone dancing in more than 20 years, Callie remembered the lyrics to most of the
songs. This was MOST likely because:
A) the hippocampus ages more slowly than does the rest of the brain.
B) semantic memories are more easily recalled than are procedural memories.
C) the information was stored in her long-term memory.
D) the visuo-spatial sketchpad encoded this information.

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94. Marion can recognize the faces of almost all of her high school classmates 50 years after
graduation by retrieving the information from her:
A) working memory.
B) episodic buffer.
C) long-term memory.
D) phonological loop.

95. Research has indicated that, 50 years after graduation, people can accurately recognize
_____% of their classmates from yearbook photographs.
A) 7
B) 50
C) 75
D) 90

96. The famous patient who had a substantial portion of his hippocampus removed to stop
seizure activity and, as a result, could not form any new memories is known by his
A) MT.
B) HM.
C) HT.
D) TM.

97. Why did neurosurgeons remove portions of HM's temporal lobes?

A) to remove a tumor
B) to curtail the spread of a virus.
C) to stop seizure activity.
D) to treat an emotional disorder.

98. The case of HM is a documented case of a patient whose speech skills and intelligence
were unaffected by the removal of his hippocampus and parts of his temporal lobe but
who could not form new long-term memories. Which memory disorder was MOST
pronounced in HM?
A) transient amnesia
B) retrograde amnesia
C) prograde amnesia
D) anterograde amnesia

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99. The case of HM is a documented case of a patient who could not form new long-term
memories due to the removal of his _____ and parts of his temporal lobe.
A) hippocampus
B) amygdala
C) corpus callosum
D) cerebellum

100. People suffering from the same disorder as patient HM would MOST probably not be
able to:
A) play a song learned long ago on the piano.
B) remember the names of their high school classmates.
C) remember the plot to the movie that they watched a few hours ago.
D) recognize their immediate family members.

101. People suffering from the same disorder as patient HM would MOST probably not be
able to:
A) remember how to drive a car.
B) remember the names of their elementary school teachers.
C) remember yesterday's news.
D) recognize facial emotions.

102. The inability to transfer new information from short-term to long-term memory is
defined as:
A) normal forgetting.
B) retrograde amnesia.
C) prograde amnesia.
D) anterograde amnesia.

103. The inability to retrieve information acquired before a particular date, usually the date of
brain trauma or surgery, is termed:
A) consolidation.
B) retrograde amnesia.
C) reconsolidation.
D) anterograde amnesia.

Page 20
104. Robert, a successful businessman, was in a terrible car accident. He now cannot
remember any new pieces of information for more than a few seconds. However, he is
able to remember everything before the accident perfectly clearly. Robert's condition is
an example of:
A) suppression.
B) anterograde amnesia.
C) retrograde amnesia.
D) transience.

105. You are volunteering at a psychiatric ward for the summer. On your first day, a man
comes up to you and says you have very pretty eyes and asks your name. You thank him
and give him your name. For the next 4 days, the same man approaches you, says you
have pretty eyes, and asks for your name. After a week, you ask a doctor on the ward
about this man, and the doctor tells you that the man suffers from:
A) anterograde amnesia.
B) retrograde amnesia.
C) retroactive interference.
D) proactive interference.

106. Devin was recently injured in a car accident on his way home from school. Afterward,
he was physically fine and had just a couple scratches. However, he began to realize that
he did not remember anything for the 2 hours before the accident. Devin is
A) anterograde amnesia.
B) proactive interference.
C) memory consolidation.
D) retrograde amnesia.

107. While Carla is out with friends one night, she is hit by a speeding car. Carla is in a coma
for 3 weeks. When she finally wakes up, she has trouble not only remembering what she
was doing the night of the accident but also the names of her family and friends, her
address, and where she goes to school. She can, however, form new memories. Carla is
suffering from:
A) short-term memory loss.
B) anterograde amnesia.
C) retrograde amnesia.
D) iconic memory loss.

Page 21
108. The brain structure that is believed to act as an index linking information together is the:
A) frontal lobe.
B) pituitary gland.
C) hippocampus.
D) amygdala.

109. Research has shown that different aspects of a single memory are stored in:
A) the hippocampus and adjacent areas of the cortex.
B) primarily the hippocampus.
C) the brain's temporal lobe.
D) different places in the cortex throughout the brain.

110. Damage to the hippocampus is LEAST likely to cause a 30-year-old male to forget:
A) the make and model of the first car he bought when he turned 16.
B) what he ate for lunch that day.
C) a complex problem he had been trying to solve for the last week.
D) a meeting he has scheduled for tomorrow.

111. Forty-year-old Renard suffered a traumatic brain injury that injured his hippocampus.
He is LEAST likely to forget:
A) what he ate for breakfast that day.
B) the name of his first girlfriend.
C) whether or not he paid his bills last week.
D) a work deadline he must meet by tomorrow.

112. Some psychologists who study memory believe that the role of the hippocampus is to:
A) store sensory experiences that later become long-term memories.
B) store long-term memories.
C) index the bits and pieces of a single memory that are stored throughout the cortex.
D) recover well-remembered old memories such as your first kiss.

113. With respect to complex long-term memories, the hippocampus can MOST accurately
be conceptualized as a(n):
A) computer hard drive.
B) "cheat sheet" stating where the components of the memory are stored.
C) online "cloud" storage that frees the brain to process events necessary for survival.
D) video-recording device.

Page 22
114. _____ is the process by which memories become stable in the brain.
A) Rehearsal
B) Consolidation
C) Indexing
D) Storage

115. Memories are MOST fragile:

A) shortly after encoding.
B) immediately after consolidation.
C) years after consolidation.
D) immediately after reconsolidation.

116. Jacob cannot remember anything that occurred in the minutes leading up to the bicycle
accident that knocked him briefly unconscious. This mild form of _____ amnesia is
MOST likely due to the head injury preventing memory _____.
A) anterograde; consolidation
B) anterograde; rehearsal
C) retrograde; consolidation
D) retrograde; rehearsal

117. After her surgery, Sona cannot remember anything that occurred in the hour leading up
to the surgery in which she was anesthetized and rendered unconscious. This mild form
of _____ amnesia is MOST likely due to the head injury preventing memory _____.
A) anterograde; consolidation.
B) anterograde; rehearsal.
C) retrograde; consolidation.
D) retrograde; rehearsal.

118. The type of consolidation that occurs over a time scale of seconds to minutes involves
the transfer of memory from:
A) sensory memory to working memory.
B) short-term memory to long-term memory.
C) the cortex to the hippocampus.
D) the hippocampus to the cortex.

Page 23
119. The type of consolidation that occurs over a time scale encompassing years involves the
transfer of memory from:
A) sensory memory to working memory.
B) short-term memory to long-term memory.
C) the cortex to the amygdala.
D) the hippocampus to the cortex.

120. The process whereby memories can become vulnerable to disruption when they are
recalled, thus requiring them to be consolidated again is termed:
A) reconsolidation.
B) reformatting.
C) defragmentation.
D) deconsolidation.

121. Three groups of rats acquire a memory on day 1. On day 2, rats in group 1 are given a
drug that prevents initial long-term storage while they are actively retrieving the
memory. Rats in group 2 receive the drug but do not engage in memory retrieval. Rats
in group 3 actively retrieve the memory and are shocked 6 hours later when they are not
engaged in retrieval. On day 3, all three groups are assessed. Which group will show the
GREATEST impairments in memory?
A) group 1
B) group 2
C) group 3
D) groups 1 and 2

122. Which statement accurately summarizes the effects of sleep on long-term storage?
A) Sleep facilitates long-term storage because it protects us from encountering new
information that interferes with consolidation.
B) Sleep facilitates the consolidation of trivial information that might be discarded as
unimportant in the fully conscious state.
C) Sleep facilitates the consolidation of important and highly emotional memories.
D) Sleep facilitates long-term storage because it decreases emotionality that often
interferes with consolidation.

Page 24
123. Which statement accurately summarizes the effects of sleep on long-term storage?
A) Sleep facilitates long-term storage because it prevents proactive interference from
occurring that otherwise might interfere with consolidation.
B) Sleep facilitates the consolidation of trivial information that might be discarded as
unimportant in the fully conscious state.
C) Sleep helps strip memories of their emotionality, thereby aiding in their subsequent
D) Sleep helps us to remember what is important and discard what is trivial.

124. Professor Slate develops a drug that can erase specific memories of traumatic
experiences. When should this drug be administered?
A) while the patient is asleep
B) while the patient is recalling the traumatic experience
C) immediately after the patient awakens in the morning
D) while the patient is thinking about something pleasant

125. Which statement about long-term storage is TRUE?

A) Reconsolidation occurs when we fail to retrieve a memory.
B) Sleep interferes with long-term storage.
C) Once consolidated, memories exist indefinitely in long-term memory.
D) Each time a memory is retrieved, it becomes vulnerable to disruption.

126. Kredlow and Otto (2015) asked undergraduates at Boston University who lived near the
Boston Marathon site to recall their memories of the 2013 bombing. A minute later,
students read an unrelated story that was either positive, negative, or neutral. A fourth
group of students did not read a story (the control group). A week later, the students
were again tested on their memories of the bombing. Compared with the control group,
which statement MOST accurately summarizes the results?
A) Students who read the positive story recalled significantly more details about the
B) Students who read the negative story recalled significantly fewer details about the
C) Students in all three reading groups recalled significantly more details about the
D) Students in all three reading groups recalled significantly fewer details about the

Page 25
127. The small space between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another is termed
A) synapse.
B) vesicle.
C) terminal.
D) soma.

128. The synapse is defined as the space between:

A) the soma of one neuron and the axon on another.
B) the vesicle of one neuron and the axon terminal of another.
C) the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of another.
D) the dendrite of one neuron and the soma of another.

129. The result of sending a neurotransmitter across a synapse is MOST analogous to:
A) sending a toy boat across a pond.
B) asking for and receiving a divorce.
C) strengthening the relationship between two business partners.
D) a lost dog eventually finding its way home.

130. The statement "Cells that fire together wire together" implies that, as a result of
information exchange between two neurons:
A) the axons of the two neurons fuse into one.
B) further communication between the two neurons becomes more difficult.
C) the axon of one neuron comes to physically touch the dendrite of another.
D) communication between the two neurons is facilitated as connections are

131. Aplysia is a(n):

A) tapeworm.
B) sea slug.
C) amoeba.
D) rat strain.

132. Much of what we know about the neurological basis of long-term memory comes from
laboratory studies of:
A) octopi.
B) sea slugs.
C) amoeba.
D) Betta splendens.

Page 26
133. _____ won a Nobel Prize for his research on memory in Aplysia.
A) Miller
B) Jenkins
C) Schacter
D) Kandel

134. Eric Kandel won a Nobel Prize in 2000 for his research investigating:
A) the cognitive components of working memory.
B) the neural basis of long-term memory.
C) the fallibility, or "sins" of memory.
D) novel drugs that erase memories of traumatic events.

135. Kandel and colleagues stimulated the tail of an Aplysia with a mild electric shock,
which caused contraction of its gill. If the investigators were to immediately stimulate
the tail of the Aplysia again, the gill would contract more _____, indicating _____
memory of the shock.
A) quickly; short-term
B) quickly; long-term
C) slowly; short-term
D) slowly; long-term

136. Kandel and colleagues repeatedly stimulated the tail of an Aplysia with a mild electric
shock. They then successfully produced a long-term memory in the Aplysia by
demonstrating that the gill:
A) no longer contracted with another tail stimulation conducted a few seconds after
the first series of stimulations.
B) contracted after a single tail stimulation conducted days after the repeated
C) failed to contract after a single tail stimulation conducted weeks after the repeated
D) contracted with each successive tail stimulation conducted seconds apart.

137. Short-term storage is to long-term storage as:

A) enhanced neurotransmitter release is to increased neurotransmitter production.
B) growth of new synapses is to an increased number of receptor binding sites.
C) growth of new synapses is to increased neurotransmitter production.
D) enhanced neurotransmitter release is to growth of new synapses.

Page 27
138. Long-term storage is to short-term storage as:
A) enhanced neurotransmitter release is to increased neurotransmitter production.
B) growth of new synapses is to enhanced neurotransmitter release.
C) increased neurotransmitter production is to enhanced neurotransmitter release.
D) enhanced neurotransmitter release is to growth of new synapses.

139. The strengthening of synaptic connections with repeated neuronal communication that
results in more efficient information processing is known as:
A) flashbulb memory.
B) long-term potentiation.
C) transfer-appropriate processing.
D) neural networks.

140. Long-term potentiation has been studied primarily in which brain region?
A) the frontal cortex
B) the hypothalamus
C) the hippocampus
D) Broca's area

141. When rats are given drugs that block long-term potentiation (LTP) they:
A) develop stronger synaptic connections.
B) stop eating and grooming.
C) get easily lost in familiar mazes.
D) more easily recall where they've been.

142. Information from the outside world that is associated with stored information and that
helps bring it to mind is known as a(n) _____ cue.
A) storage
B) encoding
C) retrieval
D) iconic

143. Which definition BEST describes a retrieval cue?

A) information from the outside world that aids in the encoding of similar information
B) neuronal processes that underlie information recall from long-term memory
C) state-dependent events that modulate transfer of information between working and
long-term memory
D) external information that is associated with stored information and helps bring it to

Page 28
144. Caitlyn was blanking on who played Batman in the movie Batman v. Superman until her
friend gave her the hint that he was married to Jennifer Garner. Caitlyn correctly
identified the actor as Ben Affleck, and the hint is an example of a(n) _____ cue.
A) retrieval
B) encoding specificity
C) state-dependent
D) transfer-appropriate

145. Tess, a huge football fan, couldn't remember the name of the beautiful model who
walked the runway at the Rio Olympics until her friend reminded her that it was
quarterback Tom Brady's wife. Tess realized it was Giselle, and her friend's prompt
functioned as a(n) _____ cue.
A) transfer-appropriate
B) encoding specificity
C) state-dependent
D) retrieval

146. The effectiveness of retrieval cues demonstrates that information is often _____ but
momentarily _____ in memory.
A) available; inaccessible
B) unavailable; accessible
C) unavailable; consolidated
D) rehearsed; inaccessible

147. A retrieval cue is only going to be useful if the information to be recalled is _____ in
A) unavailable and inaccessible
B) available but currently inaccessible
C) available and already accessible
D) unavailable and not consolidated

148. The idea that an external retrieval cue can be an effective reminder when it helps
recreate the specific way in which information is initially encoded is termed:
A) state-dependent retrieval.
B) transfer-appropriate processing.
C) the encoding specificity principle.
D) state-dependent priming.

Page 29
149. While sitting at the kitchen table, Jenna thought of an extremely funny joke. She walked
into the living room to call her best friend, Cynthia. Unfortunately, on her way there,
she forgot the punch line of the joke. To help herself remember, she went back to the
kitchen table and remembered the line. What helped jog Jenna's memory?
A) chunking
B) maintenance rehearsal
C) encoding specificity
D) the flashbulb effect

150. Godden and Baddeley (1975) demonstrated that scuba divers who memorized a list of
words on the deck of a boat subsequently remembered more of those words when tested:
A) on the deck of the boat.
B) deep under water.
C) swimming on the surface of the water.
D) in a classroom with ocean scenery on the walls.

151. Godden and Baddeley (1975) demonstrated that scuba divers who memorized a list of
words underwater subsequently remembered more of those words when tested:
A) on the deck of a boat.
B) under water.
C) swimming on the surface of the water.
D) in a classroom with ocean scenery on the walls.

152. The BEST example of the use of a retrieval cue is:

A) learning the material so thoroughly that it can be easily retrieved at a moment's
B) sitting in your usual desk in your usual classroom when taking an exam.
C) using memory drugs to enhance neural processing.
D) drinking coffee while studying.

153. Recovering alcoholics tend to report a greater urge to drink when they visit places where
they used to drink. This is partly the result of:
A) transience.
B) encoding specificity.
C) state-dependent storage.
D) state-dependent retrieval.

Page 30
154. An alum first learned the words to her alma matter long ago at a football game and now
tends to only remember the words when attending games. Her ability to recall the words
only in the presence of this external context demonstrates the power of:
A) encoding specificity.
B) suggestibility.
C) state-dependent storage.
D) transfer-appropriate processing.

155. When learning vocabulary words, Jay uses a blue pen to write the definitions as he
attempts to commit them to memory. On the vocabulary quiz, Jay brings his blue pen to
write the definitions. By writing with the blue pen, Jay is attempting to use _____ to his
A) rehearsal
B) suggestibility
C) state-dependent storage
D) encoding specificity

156. The ability to recall information more efficiently when you are in the same state as
when the information was encoded is known as:
A) state-dependent encoding.
B) state-dependent storage.
C) state-dependent retrieval.
D) transfer-dependent state.

157. Whenever Andrea goes to the library to study, she takes a Red Bull energy drink with
her and drinks it while she studies. As the semester progresses, she notices that she does
considerably better on an exam when she drinks a Red Bull during it. She MOST likely
does better because of:
A) caffeine-enhanced sensory storage.
B) state-dependent retrieval.
C) the transience of retrieval.
D) state-dependent storage.

158. If you are in a good mood when you are studying for a test, you will remember the
material better on the test day if you:
A) are in a good mood.
B) study using elaborative encoding.
C) take the exam in a new classroom.
D) are in a bad mood.

Page 31
159. State-dependent retrieval and the knowledge that alcohol has detrimental effects on
test-taking would predict which study and then test context would produce the
LOWEST score?
A) study sober test sober
B) study sober test drunk
C) study drunk test sober
D) study drunk test drunk

160. Before Jane starts studying, she takes a few deep breaths to calm herself. She always
goes to the same part of the library and sits at the same table. Before her exam, she takes
a few deep breaths to bring herself back to the same frame of mind that she was in
during her study session. Jane is applying:
A) enhanced hypnotic retrieval.
B) state-dependent retrieval.
C) the emotional similarity principle.
D) state-specific encoding.

161. A memory acquired in one situation is more likely to be used in situations with similar
encoding and retrieval cues, a phenomenon known as:
A) state-dependent encoding.
B) transfer-appropriate processing.
C) organizational encoding.
D) suggestibility.

162. According to transfer-appropriate processing, we are more likely to recall information

A) there are strong social norms to know the information.
B) the information was originally encoded semantically.
C) the information was originally encoded semantically and visually.
D) the current situation is similar to that in which the information was originally

Page 32
163. Jerry is asked to think of a word that rhymes with "motor." Jimmy is asked to think
about how a motor works. The next day, both men are asked, "Hey, what was the word
that you heard yesterday that rhymes with 'voter'?" _____ will be more likely to recall
"motor" because _____.
A) Jerry; rhyme judgments almost always result in better encoding than do semantic
B) Jerry; the encoding context matched the retrieval context
C) Jimmy; semantic judgments almost always result in better encoding than do rhyme
D) Jimmy; the retrieval context was sufficiently dissimilar from the encoding context

164. McKayla is asked to think of a word that rhymes with "prime." Danielle is asked to
think about the mathematical meaning of prime numbers. The next day, both women are
asked, "Hey, what was the word that you heard yesterday that rhymes with 'time'?"
_____ will be more likely to recall "prime" because _____.
A) McKayla; rhyme judgments almost always result in better encoding than do
semantic judgments
B) McKayla; the encoding context matched the retrieval context
C) Danielle; semantic judgments almost always result in better encoding than do
rhyme judgments
D) Danielle; the retrieval context was sufficiently dissimilar from the encoding context

165. Retrieving information from the long-term memory store _____ subsequent memory of
that information.
A) will only improve
B) will only impair
C) will neither improve, impair, nor change
D) may improve or impair

166. Roediger and Karpicke (2006) studied performance on a memory test in two groups of
participants. In one group, participants studied the material twice (study-study). In the
other group, participants studied the material once and then were tested on the material
(study-test). A final test measuring recall was administered in both groups after various
retention intervals. Which statement about performance on the final test is TRUE?
A) Recall was better in the study-test group at all retention intervals.
B) Recall was better in the study-study group at all retention intervals.
C) Recall was better in the study-test group at long retention intervals.
D) Recall was better in the study-test group at short retention intervals.

Page 33
167. Which statement regarding the effectiveness of studying the same material twice versus
studying once and quizzing yourself once to enhance recall on a memory test is TRUE?
A) Studying twice may be slightly more effective if the memory test is administered in
the next few minutes.
B) Studying and then quizzing will yield higher recall, no matter when the memory
test is administered.
C) Studying and then quizzing will be much more effective if the memory test is
administered in the next few minutes.
D) Studying twice or studying and then quizzing are equally effective.

168. Which statement regarding the effectiveness of studying the same material twice versus
studying once and quizzing yourself once to enhance recall on a memory test is TRUE?
A) Studying twice yields higher recall only if the memory test is at least two days
from the study period.
B) Studying and then quizzing will yield higher recall, no matter when the test is
C) Studying and then quizzing will be more effective, as the time needed to retain the
information increases.
D) Studying twice or studying and then quizzing are equally effective.

169. A third-grader must learn the rules of multiplication (1 × 1 through 12 × 12) in 2 weeks.
The BEST advice to give this student is to:
A) devote a single day of memorization to each multiplier (for example, learn 2 × 1
through 2 × 12).
B) wait until the day before the test, memorize all of the problems and their answers,
and then get a good night of sleep.
C) make a list of all of the problems and their answers, and review this information
repeatedly each day.
D) make flashcards with the problem on the front (9 × 7) and the answer on the back
(63), and quiz yourself repeatedly each day.

170. Retrieval-induced forgetting refers to the:

A) loss of memory that occurs when the retrieval context is dissimilar to the encoding
B) loss of memory that occurs with the passage of time between encoding and
C) process by which retrieving an item from long-term memory impairs subsequent
recall of related items.
D) fact that a memory-erasing drug must be given while the particular memory is
being retrieved in order for the drug to work.

Page 34
171. A process by which retrieving an item from long-term memory impairs subsequent
recall of related items is termed:
A) retroactive interference.
B) transfer-appropriate processing.
C) transience.
D) retrieval-induced forgetting.

172. A participant studied the following word pairs: reptile-snake, reptile-turtle,

reptile-lizard, amphibian-frog, amphibian-salamander, and amphibian-newt. Then the
participant practiced recalling only the amphibian-salamander pair using the prompt
"amphibian-sala_____." Sometime later, the participant was given a memory test of the
words he had originally studied. Of these, which word would be MOST likely
A) salamander
B) frog
C) turtle
D) lizard

173. A participant studied the following word pairs: reptile-snake, reptile-turtle,

reptile-lizard, amphibian-frog, amphibian-salamander, and amphibian-newt. Then the
participant practiced recalling only the amphibian-salamander pair using the prompt
"amphibian-sala_____." Sometime later, the participant was given a memory test of the
words he had originally studied. Of these, which word would be MOST likely
A) salamander
B) snake
C) turtle
D) newt

174. A participant studied the following word pairs: reptile-snake, reptile-turtle,

reptile-lizard, amphibian-frog, amphibian-salamander, and amphibian-newt. Then the
participant practiced recalling only the amphibian-salamander pair using the prompt
"reptile-liz_____." Sometime later, the participant was given a memory test of the words
he had originally studied. Of these, which word would be MOST likely forgotten?
A) salamander
B) snake
C) frog
D) newt

Page 35
175. A participant studied the following word pairs: reptile-snake, reptile-turtle,
reptile-lizard, amphibian-frog, amphibian-salamander, and amphibian-newt. Then the
participant practiced recalling only the amphibian-salamander pair using the prompt
"reptile-liz_____." Sometime later, the participant was given a memory test of the words
he had originally studied. Of these, which word would be MOST likely forgotten?
A) salamander
B) frog
C) turtle
D) newt

176. Forty-year-old Eli was prompted to recall information about the first college football
game he attended as a freshman student some 22 years earlier. Specifically, he was
asked information about whether his team won, the weather, who accompanied him to
the game, and the size of the crowd at the game. Sometime later, Eli and his twin
brother William, who also was at the game but did not experience the initial interview,
were asked to recall as many details about the game as possible. What would Eli be
MORE likely than William to forget?
A) that the upper deck was half empty
B) that it began to rain in the second half
C) the name of the opposing school
D) that Gary, their mutual friend, became ill and left at halftime

177. A witness to a bank robbery was interviewed and asked to provide details about the
suspect's race, age, facial characteristics, height, weight, and clothing. Sometime later,
the witness was interviewed again and asked to provide additional details. Which would
the witness be LEAST likely to recall?
A) the size of the suspect relative to the average person
B) the color of the suspect's eyes
C) what was printed on the suspect's t-shirt
D) what the suspect said during the robbery

178. Participants in a study were asked to recall an episode from their memory. During this
recollection, new information somewhat related to the episode was presented to the
participants. During a follow-up memory test two days later, participants:
A) failed to remember even basic details about the original episode.
B) failed to remember any of the new information.
C) incorporated the new information into the original episode.
D) were more accurate in their description of the original episode due to a contrast

Page 36
179. If presented with similar but misleading information about an event during participants'
recollection of the event, participants are then more likely to incorporate the misleading
information into their future accounts of the event. This is probably due to the fact that
the misleading information was presented closely in time with the _____ of the event.
A) consolidation
B) reconsolidation
C) encoding
D) rehearsal

180. Trying to recall an event and successfully recalling one are:

A) the same process occurring in different parts of the brain.
B) exactly the same process with differences arising due to differences in
environmental retrieval cues.
C) different processes occurring in the hippocampus.
D) different processes occurring in different parts of the brain.

181. Trying to recall an event and successfully recalling one are:

A) the same process occurring in the hippocampus and frontal lobe, respectively.
B) exactly the same hippocampal process with differences arising due to differences in
environmental retrieval cues.
C) different processes occurring in the frontal lobe and hippocampus.
D) different processes occurring in the hippocampus.

182. When you try but fail to remember something, your _____ shows increased activity,
whereas when you successfully remember something, your _____ shows increased
A) hippocampus; left frontal lobe
B) hippocampus; right frontal lobe
C) left frontal lobe; hippocampus
D) right frontal lobe; hippocampus

183. When you successfully remember something, your _____ shows increased activity,
whereas when you try but fail to remember something, your _____ shows increased
A) hippocampus; left frontal lobe
B) hippocampus; right frontal lobe
C) left frontal lobe; hippocampus
D) right frontal lobe; hippocampus

Page 37
184. With respect to retrieving memories, search is to find as the _____ is to the _____.
A) right frontal lobe; hippocampus
B) hippocampus; left frontal lobe
C) hippocampus; visual cortex
D) left frontal lobe; hippocampus

185. With respect to retrieving memories, hit is to miss as the _____ is to the _____.
A) right frontal lobe; hippocampus
B) hippocampus; left frontal lobe
C) hippocampus; visual cortex
D) left frontal lobe; hippocampus

186. Angelika studies a set of pictures. The next day, she is asked to provide details about the
pictures. Which brain structures are MOST responsible for her accurate recall?
A) the left frontal lobe and the occipital lobe
B) the left frontal lobe and the right temporal lobe
C) the hippocampus and the occipital lobe
D) the hippocampus and the right temporal lobe

187. Angelika hears a story. The next day, she is asked to answer questions about the story.
Which brain structures are MOST responsible for her accurate recall?
A) the left frontal lobe and the occipital lobe
B) the left frontal lobe and the temporal lobe
C) the hippocampus and the occipital lobe
D) the hippocampus and the temporal lobe

188. In a retrieval-induced forgetting paradigm, the _____ actively works to suppress

answers that compete with the target response.
A) left frontal lobe
B) hypothalamus
C) hippocampus
D) primary visual cortex

189. A participant is shown 100 pictures. Sometime later, she is shown pictures in an fMRI
scanner and asked if they were part of the original set or not. Which area of the brain
would be LEAST active during this task?
A) the frontal lobe
B) the parietal lobe
C) the occipital lobe
D) the hippocampus

Page 38
190. Long-term memory can be broken up into two broad types: memory that requires
conscious recall, referred to as _____ memory, and memory that does not require
conscious recall, or _____ memory.
A) implicit; explicit
B) explicit; implicit
C) semantic; episodic
D) procedural; priming

191. Long-term memory can be broken up into two broad types: memory that does not
require conscious recall, referred to as _____ memory, and memory that does require
conscious recall, or _____ memory.
A) implicit; explicit
B) explicit; implicit
C) semantic; episodic
D) procedural; priming

192. _____ occurs when people consciously or intentionally retrieve past experiences.
A) Implicit memory
B) Explicit memory
C) Priming
D) Procedural memory

193. _____ memory occurs when past experiences influence later behavior and performance,
even without an effort to remember them.
A) Implicit
B) Explicit
C) Semantic
D) Episodic

194. Brittany states that she vividly remembers the day she turned 21. This is an example of
a(n) _____ memory.
A) explicit
B) procedural
C) implicit
D) iconic

Page 39
195. Susie was telling her best friend John about how awesome her summer vacation had
been. She told him everything she remembered that happened. What part of memory
was Susie using?
A) procedural
B) explicit
C) implicit
D) prospective

196. _____ memory refers to the gradual acquisition of skills as the result of practice, or
"knowing how" to do things.
A) Procedural
B) Explicit
C) Primed
D) Semantic

197. Memory for motor skills (e.g., how to play a guital) that you clearly know, even if you
cannot describe them, is known as _____ memory.
A) priming
B) episodic
C) semantic
D) procedural

198. After practicing how to tie her shoes for months with her mother, Sara can now easily
tie her shoes by herself without purposely thinking about the steps. This capability is an
example of:
A) explicit memory.
B) semantic memory.
C) procedural memory.
D) perceptual priming.

199. Remembering how to ride your bike is an example of _____ memory.

A) working
B) implicit
C) semantic
D) episodic

Page 40
200. Remembering how to ride your bike is an example of _____ memory.
A) working
B) explicit
C) procedural
D) episodic

201. Katie learns how to swim one summer. The next summer, she goes to the pool and
realizes that she still remembers how to swim. Katie is using _____ memory.
A) explicit
B) procedural
C) semantic
D) working

202. After several days of practice, a person learning how to play the guitar can finally play a
D chord fairly easily. Successfully playing this chord requires _____ memory.
A) explicit
B) primed
C) procedural
D) working

203. Monique Roberts wanted to find a fun way to help her students prepare for their
forthcoming history exam. She decided to create a game show with questions about
different countries and their governments. Which type of memory would the students
rely on to answer the questions?
A) implicit
B) explicit
C) priming
D) procedural

204. Tara, a professional ice skater, struggles to remember the names of the various people
she meets as part of her job but has no problem remembering elaborate skating routines.
This illustrates the difference between explicit and _____ memory.
A) episodic
B) flashbulb
C) procedural
D) semantic

Page 41
205. The enhanced ability to think about a word or object due to a recent exposure to that
same word or object is called:
A) priming.
B) episodic memory.
C) semantic memory.
D) procedural memory.

206. Priming is an example of _____ memory.

A) explicit
B) implicit
C) semantic
D) procedural

207. After watching a program about the Revolutionary War, participants were more likely to
associate electricity with Benjamin Franklin than Thomas Edison—even though this
was not discussed in the program—due to:
A) episodic memory.
B) procedural memory.
C) transference.
D) priming.

208. Which statement about priming is TRUE?

A) Damage to the hippocampus substantially reduces the effects of priming.
B) Priming is an example of explicit memory.
C) Your memory might be currently primed by events that took place years earlier.
D) Priming does not occur in people with anterograde amnesia.

209. An fMRI is conducted as a person is primed with a visual word cue. The next time the
person sees the cue, a second fMRI MOST likely will reveal _____ activation in the
_____ lobe relative to the first time the cue was presented.
A) more; occipital
B) less; left frontal
C) more; lower left temporal
D) less; left parietal

Page 42
210. Studies using fMRI have revealed that, the second time an object is viewed, there is
_____ activity in the visual cortex, suggesting that priming makes perception of the
object _____.
A) more; easier
B) more; more difficult
C) less; easier
D) less; more difficult

211. Conceptual priming is to perceptual priming as:

A) the frontal lobe is to the visual cortex.
B) the occipital lobe is to the frontal lobe.
C) more activation is to less activation.
D) explicit memory is to implicit memory.

212. Someone who is shown the word organism and then asked to memorize 50 words
subsequently might be more likely to incorrectly report that the word organize was on
the list, illustrating the effects of:
A) retrieval-induced forgetting.
B) conceptual priming.
C) perceptual priming.
D) episodic memory.

213. Someone who is shown a picture of Babe Ruth and then asked to complete the word
-ball will be more likely to respond "baseball" than "football" or "basketball,"
illustrating the effects of:
A) state-dependent retrieval.
B) conceptual priming.
C) perceptual priming.
D) encoding specificity.

214. _____ is a type of explicit memory that consists of a network of associated facts and
concepts that make up our general knowledge of the world.
A) Episodic memory
B) Semantic memory
C) Conceptual priming
D) Procedural memory

Page 43
215. _____ is a type of explicit memory that consists of a collection of past personal
experiences that occurred at a particular time and place.
A) Episodic memory
B) Semantic memory
C) Conceptual priming
D) Procedural memory

216. There are two types of explicit memory, _____ memory, which is for facts and
knowledge, and _____ memory for personally experienced events.
A) implicit; semantic
B) procedural; implicit
C) semantic; episodic
D) procedural; priming

217. There are two types of explicit memory, _____ memory, which is for personally
experienced events, and _____ memory for facts and concepts.
A) episodic; iconic
B) procedural; semantic
C) semantic; episodic
D) episodic; semantic

218. Rachel's 15th birthday is on Friday. Her mother and father ask her to choose between
Olive Garden and Red Lobster for her birthday dinner. Rachel remembers that she more
recently ate at the Red Lobster. Because of this, Rachel decides that she would like to go
to Olive Garden for her birthday dinner. What type of memory did Rachel utilize in
making her decision?
A) episodic
B) prospective
C) iconic
D) semantic

219. If you correctly recall that William James founded the functionalist school of
psychology, you are using your _____ memory.
A) episodic
B) implicit
C) working
D) semantic

Page 44
220. A man and his son were watching Jeopardy on TV. The man correctly answered the
questions in the category "World War II," and his son was impressed. The son then told
his father that he remembered watching a program on World War II once at a friend's
house. The man was using _____ memory, while the son was using _____ memory.
A) explicit; semantic
B) semantic; implicit
C) semantic; episodic
D) episodic, semantic

221. Don's parents suggest revisiting a vacation spot that they went to five years earlier. Don
recalls vividly an unpleasant experience on that vacation; he immediately refuses to go
this time and insists on going somewhere else. What type of memory does Don use to
arrive at his strong opposition to his parent's proposition?
A) semantic
B) procedural
C) implicit
D) episodic

222. You are in the hot seat on the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? game show. The question
is "Who was the fourth president of the United States?" What form of memory will you
use to answer this general knowledge question?
A) procedural
B) priming
C) episodic
D) semantic

223. Rachel was asked the following questions: "What is the biggest celebration you have
ever attended?" and "When does Labor Day occur?" Rachel answered that the biggest
celebration she had ever attended was her brother's bar mitzvah and that Labor Day was
the first Monday in September. Her answers to both questions were part of her _____
A) episodic
B) semantic
C) implicit
D) explicit

Page 45
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Meet Arna Bontemps. Jaqueline Shachter. 30 min., sd., b&w,
videotape (1/2 inch) (Profiles in literature) © Jaqueline Shachter;
28Mar74; MP25847.

Meet Ezra Jack Keats. Jaqueline Shachter. 30 min., sd., b&w,
videotape (1/2 inch) (Profiles in literature) © Jaqueline Shachter;
28Mar74; MP25848.

Gatecliff: American Indian rockshelter. National Geographic
Society in association with Educational Expeditions International. 24
min., sd., color, 16 mm. © National Geographic Society; 30Sep74;

Search for fossil man. National Geographic Society in association
with Educational Expeditions International. 24 min., sd., color, 16
mm. © National Geographic Society; 16Aug74; MP25850.

Reachin’ for the lightning. National Safety Council. Made by Pilot
Productions, Inc. 10 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © National Safety
Council; 28Dec73; MP25851.

Technique for lifting. National Safety Council. A Crocus
production. 10 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © National Safety Council;
29Oct73; MP25852.

Stop a fire before it starts. National Safety Council. 10 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. © National Safety Council; 28Nov73; MP25853.
The Movies go West. Geoffrey Bell. 14 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
Appl. states prev. reg. 1Nov73, MU8816. NM: revision. © Geoffrey
Bell; 15Jul74; MP25854.

Jump shots. Sports Instruction Aids. 5 min., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Sports Instruction Aids; 15Nov73; MP25855.

Schooling behavior of fishes. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color,
Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice:
1973); MP25856.

Conch fishing in the Coral Sea. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si.,
color, Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in
notice: 1973); MP25857.

The Coral reef at night. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color, Super
8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice: 1973);

Octopus behavior. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color, Super 8
mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice: 1973);

Fishes of the coral reef, 1. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color,
Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice:
1973); MP25860.

Fishes of the coral reef, 2. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color,
Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice:
1973); MP25861.

Locomotion in invertebrates. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color,
Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice:
1973); MP25862.

Urchins of the coral reef. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color,
Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice:
1973); MP25863.

Locomotion in fishes. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color, Super 8
mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice: 1973);

Coral reef environment. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color, Super
8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice: 1973);

Territoriality in reef animals. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color,
Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice:
1973); MP25866.
Shrimps of the coral reef. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color,
Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice:
1973); MP25867.

Escape reactions in the pink-lipped conch. Thorne Films, Inc. 4
min., si., color, Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.;
1Feb74 (in notice: 1973); MP25868.

Camouflage. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color, Super 8 mm. in
cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice: 1973); MP25869.

Molluscs of the coral reef. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color,
Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice:
1973); MP25870.

Crabs of the coral reef. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si., color, Super
8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in notice: 1973);

Cleaning symbionts, barbers of the sea. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min.,
si., color, Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in
notice: 1973); MP25872.

The Sargassum weed community. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si.,
color, Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in
notice: 1973); MP25873.

Unusual behavior patterns in fishes. Thorne Films, Inc. 4 min., si.,
color, Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Thorne Films, Inc.; 1Feb74 (in
notice: 1973); MP25874.

A Good thing. Paalo Cervantes, Ltd. 30 sec., sd., color, 16 mm.
Appl. au.: William Esty Company, Inc. © Paalo Cervantes, Ltd.;
19Nov73; MP25875.

Ice cream. Colgate-Palmolive Company. 30 sec., sd., color, 16 mm.
Appl. au.: William Esty Company, Inc. © Colgate-Palmolive
Company; 11Sep74; MP25876.

Little girl. Colgate-Palmolive Company. 30 sec., sd., color, 16 mm.
Appl. au.: William Esty Company, Inc. © Colgate-Palmolive
Company; 1Jul74; MP25877.

Love life—Steve Moynahan. Colgate-Palmolive Company. 30 sec.,
sd., color, 16 mm. Appl. au.: William Esty Company, Inc. © Colgate-
Palmolive Company; 6May74; MP25878.

Pam Higgins—cart ABC golf. Colgate-Palmolive Company. 30 sec.,
sd., color, 16 mm. Appl. au.: William Esty Company, Inc. © Colgate-
Palmolive Company; 4Feb74; MP25879.
Pam Higgins. Colgate-Palmolive Company. 30 sec., sd., color, 16
mm. Appl. au.: William Esty Company, Inc. Prev. reg. NM: revisions.
© Colgate-Palmolive Company; 26Feb74; MP25880.

Moran—bike ABC golf. Colgate-Palmolive Company. 30 sec., sd.,
color, 16 mm. Appl. au.: William Esty Company, Inc. © Colgate-
Palmolive Company; 4Feb74; MP25881.

Moran—bike. Colgate-Palmolive Company. 30 sec., sd., color, 16
mm. Appl. au.: William Esty Company, Inc. Prev. reg. NM: revisions.
© Colgate-Palmolive Company; 26Feb74; MP25882.

Woodcrafters Rowls NBC/CBS. Colgate-Palmolive Company. 30
sec., sd., color, 16 mm. Appl. au.: William Esty Company, Inc. ©
Colgate-Palmolive Company; 10Jan74; MP25883.

Monuments to erosion. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. Produced in cooperation with Department of the
Interior, National Park Service and Canyonlands and Arches
National Parks, Utah. 11 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (AGI-EBE earth
science program) © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation; 10Jul74; MP25884.

The Tale of King Midas. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. 18 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation; 30May74; MP25885.
Pandas: a gift from China. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. 14 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation; 10Jun74; MP25886.

John Keats: his life and death. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation. 55 min., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation; 20Aug73;

Storms: the restless atmosphere. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation. Produced in cooperation with the
American Geological Institute. 22 min., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation; 29Apr74;

The Greek myths. Part 1: Myth as fiction, history, and ritual.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation;
6Dec71; MP25889.

The Greek myths. Part 2: Myth as science, religion and drama.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation;
9Dec71; MP25890.

The Atmosphere in motion. 2nd ed. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation. Produced in cooperation with the
American Geological Institute. 20 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Prev. reg.
& pub. 30Dec44, 15984. NM: additional cinematographic work. ©
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation; 28Dec73;

The San Andreas fault. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. Produced in cooperation with the American Geological
Institute. 21 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (AGI-EBE earth science
program) © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation;
4Feb74; MP25892.

The Canadians: their land. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. Made by Visual Education Centre. 16 min., sd., color, 16
mm. © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation;
26Apr74; MP25893.

The Canadians: their cities. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. Made by Visual Education Centre. 16 min., sd., color, 16
mm. © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation;
26Apr74; MP25894.

The Bible as literature. Part two: History, poetry and drama in the
Old Testament. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation.
24 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Heritage of the humanities) ©
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation; 21Mar74 (in
notice: 1973); MP25895.

The Bible as literature. Part one: Saga and story in the Old
Testament. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation. 27
min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Heritage of the humanities) ©
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation; 21Mar74 (in
notice: 1973); MP25896.

The Secret sharer. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. 30 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (EBE humanities program)
© Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation; 27Feb73;

A Discussion of Joseph Conrad’s The Secret sharer. Encyclopaedia
Britannica Educational Corporation. 11 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (EBE
humanities program) © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation; 1Mar73: MP25898.

Exercise and physical fitness. 2nd ed. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation. Produced in collaboration with the
President’s Council on Physical Fitness. 17 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
Prev. reg. & pub. 19Dec41, M14212. © Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation; 7Dec73; MP25899.

John Keats: poet. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. 31 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation; 5Nov73; MP25900.

Energy: a matter of choices. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. 22 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation; 7Dec73; MP25901.
Learning with today’s media. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation. 35 min., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation; 28Jan74;

Central America: finding new ways. 2nd ed. Encyclopaedia
Britannica Educational Corporation. 17 min., sd., color. 16 mm. Prev.
reg. & pub. 22Sep44, M15908. NM: additional cinematographic
work. © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation;
19Apr74; MP25903.

Adventure in Venice. Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation. 25 min., sd., color, 16 mm:. © Encyclopaedia
Britannica Educational Corporation; 19Apr74; MP25904.

The Tale of Rumpelstiltskin. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation. 21 min., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation; 15Mar74;

Parental roles: Don and Mae. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Educational Corporation. 29 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Getting
together) © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation;
15Aug73; MP25906.

Adolescent responsibilities: Craig and Mark. Encyclopaedia
Britannica Educational Corporation. 28 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Getting together) © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation; 15Aug73; MP25907.

Teenage relationships: Venessa and her friends. Encyclopaedia
Britannica Educational Corporation. 19 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
(Getting together) © Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational
Corporation; 24Aug73; MP25908.

Arica rhythm. Arica Institute, Inc. 15 min., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Arica Institute, Inc.; 1Jul73; MP25909.

E-Z Open jar and bottle opener. E-Z Open, Inc. 60 seconds, sd.,
color, 16 mm. © E-Z Open, Inc.; 29Aug74; MP25910.

American tall tale heroes. Coronet Instructional Media, a division
of Esquire, Inc. 15 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Coronet Instructional
Media, a division of Esquire, Inc.; 12Aug74; MP25911.

Male and female in plants and animals. Coronet Instructional
Media, a division of Esquire, Inc. 10 min., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Coronet Instructional Media, a division of Esquire, Inc.; 13Aug74;

Germs and your body. Coronet Instructional Media, a division of
Esquire, Inc. 10 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Coronet Instructional
Media, a division of Esquire, Inc.; 14Aug74; MP25913.
Mammals that gnaw. Coronet Instructional Media, a division of
Esquire, Inc. 12 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Coronet Instructional
Media, a division of Esquire, Inc.; 20Aug74; MP25914.

Chassis and drive-line highlights: Trail Duster and Ramcharger.
Chrysler Corporation Training Center. Made by Ross Roy, Inc. 18
min., sd., color, Super 8 mm. © Chrysler Corporation; 19Aug74;

The New emission controls. Chrysler Corporation Training Center.
Made by Ross Roy, Inc. 18 min., sd., color, Super 8 mm. © Chrysler
Corporation; 24Sep74; MP25916.

The Man behind the dollar. Chrysler Coloration. Made by Ross
Roy, Inc. 18 min., sd., color, Super 8 mm. © Chrysler Corporation;
4Oct74; MP25917.

The Drug test. Avco Broadcasting Corporation. 55 min., sd., color,
videotape (2 inch) © Avco Broadcasting Corporation; 26Jan71;

A Time to heal. Child and family Service of Springfield, Inc. Made
by Gusfilms. 22 min., sd., b&w, 16 mm. Appl. au: Jeffrey Einstein. ©
Child and Family Service of Springfield, Inc.; 17Sep74; MP25919.

Threshold: the Blue Angels experience. Gardner-Marlow-Maes
Associates. 111 min., sd., color, 35 mm. Prev. reg. 5May72, LU3636.
NM: additional cinematography & editorial revision. © Gardner-
Marlow-Maes Associates; 5Dec73; MP25920.

Where have all the mothers gone? Avco Broadcasting Corporation.
49 min., sd., color, videotape (2 inch) Avco Broadcasting
Corporation; 21Mar72; MP25921.

Calories: enough is enough. Gilbert Altschul Productions, Inc.
Released by Journal Films, Inc. 12 min., sd., color, 16 mm. Appl. au:
Joel Altschul. © Gilbert Altschul Productions, Inc.; 26Jul74;

James A. Michener. Pt. 1–2. Jaqueline Shachter. 2 motion pictures
(31 min. each), sd., b&w, videotape (1/2 inch) (Profiles in literature)
Add. ti.: Meet James Michener. © Jaqueline Shachter; 28Mar74;

Skittles filled kids. Jack Candies, Ltd. 30 sec., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Jack Candies, Ltd.; 15Jul74; MP25924.

Obstetrics/gynecology health series. The Educational Division of
Milner-Fenwick, Inc. 8 motion pictures (9 min. each), sd., color.
Super 8 mm. Add. ti: Ob/gyn health series © Milner-Fenwick, Inc.;
1Jun74; MP25925.

Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay), champion, versus George Chuvalo,
challenger, for the heavyweight championship of the world. Maple
Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Canada, March 29, 1966. The Big Fights, Inc.
1 reel, sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti:
Muhammad Ali versus George Chuvalo for the heavyweight
championship of the world, March 29, 1966, Toronto, Canada. Appl.
au: William D. Cayton. © The Big Fights, Inc.; 15Apr66; MP25926.

Joe Frazier versus Oscar Bonavena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
December 10, 1968. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd.,
color, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Joe Frazier
versus Oscar Bonavena for the New York State heavyweight title,
December 10, 1968, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Appl. au: William D.
Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc.; 28Jan71; MP25927.

Muhammed Ali versus Henry Cooper for the heavyweight
championship of the world, London, England, May 21, 1966.
Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The Big
fights of the decades) Appl. au: William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights
of the Century, Inc.; 16Apr73; MP25928.

Floyd Patterson versus Joey Maxim, Brooklyn, New York, June 7,
1954. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., b&w, 16 mm.
(The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Floyd Patterson versus Joey
Maxim boxing contest, June 7, 1954, New York City. Appl. au:
William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc.; 7Jun69:

George Foreman versus Ionas Chapulos, Olympic Heavyweight
Championship, Mexico City, Mexico, October 23, 1968. Greatest
Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., color, 16 mm. (The Big fights of
the decades) Add. ti: George Foreman versus Ionas Chapulos for the
Olympic heavyweight title, October 23, 1968, Mexico City, Mexico.
Appl. au: William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc.;
10Feb73; MP25930.

Muhammed Ali versus Oscar Bonavena, New York, New York,
December 7, 1970. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd.,
color, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Muhammed Ali
versus Oscar Bonavena boxing contest, December 7, 1970, New York
City. Appl. au: William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the Century,
Inc.; 16Apr73; MP25931.

Muhammed Ali versus Jimmy Ellis, Houston Astrodome, July 26,
1971. The Big Fights, Inc. 1 reel, sd., color, 16 mm. (The Big fights of
the decades) Add. ti: Muhammed Ali versus Jimmy Ellis boxing
contest, July 26, 1971, Houston, Texas. Appl. au: William D. Cayton.
© The Big Fights, Inc.; 10Aug71; MP25932.

Official fight pictures, Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) versus Ernie
Terrell for the heavyweight championship of the world, February 6,
1967, Astrodome, Houston, Texas. The Big Fights, Inc. 1 reel, sd.,
color, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Cassius Clay
versus Ernie Terrell for the heavyweight championship of the world,
February 6, 1967, Houston, Texas. Appl. au: William D. Cayton. The
Big Fights, Inc.; 3Mar67; MP25933.

Muhammad Ali versus Henry Cooper, London, England, June 18,
1963. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., b&w, 16 mm.
(The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Cassius Clay versus Henry
Cooper boxing contest, June 18, 1963, London, England. Appl. au:
William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc.; 16Apr73;

Official motion pictures, Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) versus
Jerry Quarry, October 26, 1970, Atlanta, Georgia. The Big Fights,
Inc. 1 reel, sd., color, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Appl. au:
William D. Cayton. © The Big Fights, Inc.; 20Nov70; MP25935.

Joe Frazier versus Eddie Machen, Los Angeles, California,
November 21, 1966. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd.,
color, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Joe Frazier
versus Eddie Machen boxing contest, November 21, 1966, Los
Angeles, California. Appl. au: William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights
of the Century, Inc.; 16Apr73; MP25936.

Joe Frazier versus Bob Foster, Detroit, Michigan, November 18,
1970. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., color, 16 mm.
(The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Joe Frazier versus Bob Foster
for the heavyweight championship of the world, November 18, 1970,
Detroit, Michigan. Appl. au: William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of
the Century, Inc.; 28Jan71; MP25937.

Joe Frazier versus Manuel Ramos, New York City, New York, June
24, 1968. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., b&w, 16 mm.
(The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Joe Frazier versus Manuel
Ramos for the New York State heavyweight title, June 24, 1968, New
York City. Appl. au: William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the
Century, Inc.; 15Apr71; MP25938.

Floyd Patterson versus Pete Rademacher, Seattle, Washington,
August 22, 1957. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., b&w,
16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Floyd Patterson
versus Pete Rademacher for the heavyweight title of the world,
August 22, 1957, Seattle, Washington. Appl. au: William D. Cayton.
© Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc.; 15Aug72; MP25939.

Joe Frazier versus Jimmy Ellis for world heavyweight title, New
York, February 16, 1970. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel,
sd., color, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Joe Frazier
versus Jimmy Ellis for the heavyweight championship of the world,
February 16, 1970, New York City. Appl. au: William D. Cayton. ©
Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc.; 3Mar70; MP25940.

George Foreman versus Miguel Paez, Oakland, California, May 11,
1972. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., color, 16 mm.
(The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: George Foreman versus
Miguel Paez boxing contest. May 11, 1972, Oakland, California. Appl.
au: William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc.;
17Mar73; MP25941.

Joe Frazier versus Jerry Quarry, New York City, New York, June
23, 1969. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., color, 16
mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Joe Frazier versus Jerry
Quarry for the New York State heavyweight title, June 23, 1969, New
York City. Appl. au: William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the
Century, Inc.; 15Apr71; MP25942.

Jersey Joe Walcott versus Ezzard Charles, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, June 5, 1952. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1
reel, sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Jersey
Joe Walcott versus Ezzard Charles for the heavyweight
championship of the world, June 5, 1952, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Appl. au: William D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the
Century, Inc.; 15Feb72; MP25943.

Archie Moore versus Yvon Durelle for the light heavyweight
championship of the world, Montreal, Canada, August 12, 1959.
Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The Big
fights of the decades) Appl. au: William D. Cayton. Prev. pub.
20Apr67, MP17055. NM: additional cinematographic work. Greatest
Fights of the Century, Inc.; 16Apr73; MP25944.

Ike Williams versus Beau Jack for the lightweight title,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 12, 1948. Greatest Fights of the
Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd., b&w, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades)
Add. ti: Ike Williams versus Beau Jack for the lightweight
championship of the world, July 12, 1948, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Appl. au: William D. Cayton. Prev. pub. 21Jul68,
MP18573. NM: additional cinematographic work. © Greatest Fights
of the Century, Inc.; 8Sep73; MP25945.

Muhammad Ali versus Karl Mildenberger, Frankfurt, Germany,
September 10, 1966. Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc. 1 reel, sd.,
b&w, 16 mm. (The Big fights of the decades) Add. ti: Muhammad Ali
versus Karl Mildenberger for the heavyweight championship of the
world, September 10, 1966, Frankfurt, Germany. Appl. au: William
D. Cayton. © Greatest Fights of the Century, Inc.; 15Apr73 (in notice:
1971); MP25946.

Playbuoy for fun! for sport! For exercise! Gilbert Sacks
Enterprises. 4 min., si., color, Super 8 mm. Appl. au: Gilbert B.
Sacks. © Gilbert Sacks Enterprises; 13Sep74; MP25947.

Field interviews—interview or interrogate. Keyes Hardin
Productions & Woroner Films, Inc. Made by Woroner Films, Inc. 26
min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Woroner Films, Inc.; 4Nov74; MP25948.

Advanced network design techniques. Edutronics Systems
International, Inc. 10 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Data
communications) © Edutronics Systems International, Inc.;
17Oct74; MP25949.

Concepts of advanced network design. Edutronics Systems
International, Inc. 10 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Data
communications) © Edutronics Systems International, Inc.;
30Sep74; MP25950.

Keypunch formats. Edutronics Systems International, Inc. 14 min.,
sd., color, 16 mm. (Keypunch 1/0) © Edutronics Systems
International, Inc.; 16Oct74; MP25951.

Executing programs in VS. Pt. 1. Edutronics Systems International,
Inc. 10 min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Virtual storage concepts) ©
Edutronics Systems International, Inc.; 9Sep74; MP25952.

Data control techniques. Edutronics Systems International, Inc. 10
min., sd., color, 16 mm. (Data controls) © Edutronics Systems
International, Inc.; 15Oct74; MP25953.
Living river. Martin Moyer Productions. 21 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
Appl. au: Martin Moyer. © Martin Moyer Productions; 23Aug74;

A Pond. Entheos Communication Corporation. 6 min., sd., color,
16 mm. © Entheos; 15Nov72; MP25955.

Saint Peter’s Church: a people on the move. Saint Peter’s Lutheran
Church of New York City & George C. Stoney Associates. 29 min., sd.,
b&w, 16 mm. © Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church of New York City;
10Dec73; MP25956.

Season of fire. A Hamlin-Barney production. 15 min., sd., color, 16
mm. Appl. au: Jerome Hamlin & John Barney. © Jerome Hamlin &
John Barney (in notice: A Hamlin-Barney production); 30May74 (in
notice: 1973); MP25957.

Ambroise Pare, military surgeon. Yale University, School of
Medicine, The Department of Anatomy & Section of Orthopedic
Surgery. 19 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Yale University; 12Dec73;

Tonometry. American College of Physicians. 7 min., sd., color,
Super 8 mm. in cassette. (American College of Physicians medical
skills library) © American College of Physicians; 1Aug74; MP25959.


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