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Teaching and Teacher Education 67 (2017) 37e45

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Research paper

Educating digitally competent teachers: A study of integration of

professional digital competence in teacher education
Elen J. Instefjord a, *, Elaine Munthe b
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, P.O Box 7030, 5020 Bergen, Norway
Faculty of Arts and Education, University of Stavanger, Norway

h i g h l i g h t s

 Teacher educators' efficacy correlates positively with digital competence.

 35% of teacher educators believe they are good role models for use of technology.
 Pre-service teachers are critical of the HEI's emphasis on digital competence.
 The influence of management on technology integration should be explored further.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present study focuses on the integration of professional digital competence in initial teacher edu-
Received 26 August 2016 cation programmes. Data analysed are from three national questionnaire surveys conducted among
Received in revised form teacher educators, mentor teachers and pre-service teachers in Norway. The study shows that there are
9 May 2017
weak positive correlations between positive management, management's development support, and
Accepted 26 May 2017
Available online 7 June 2017
teacher educators' digital competence, but stronger positive correlations between teacher educators'
self-reported efficacy and digital competence. Results are discussed in relation to teacher education's role
in qualifying for professional work in digital classrooms.
Teacher education
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Digital competence
Pre-service teachers

1. Introduction and positive attitudes towards technology (Ertmer, 1999; Ertmer,

Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Sadik, Sendurur, & Sendurur, 2012; Kopcha,
As society has become more and more digitized, the demand for 2012).
digitally competent teachers has evolved, imposing the need for Being able to integrate and use technology for educational
new approaches when it comes to integration of technology in purposes involves having a set of generic skills suitable for all sit-
education. Teacher education is regarded as a natural place to start uations, both personal and professional, as well as specific
this integration (Kay, 2006), but recent research indicates that there teaching-profession skills. This is what is referred to as professional
is a mismatch between the digital demands that newly qualified digital competence for teachers (Lund, Furberg, Bakken, & Engelien,
teachers meet in their profession and the training in use of 2014). Teacher educators have a dual responsibility in this regard;
instructional technology provided during teacher education not only should they be able to use technology for their own
(Gudmundsdottir, Loftagarden, & Ottestad, 2014). Research in- teaching, they should also contribute to developing pre-service
dicates that in order for technology integration to take place, teachers’ professional digital competence. In a complex education
teachers need access to relevant equipment, workplace support like teacher education, where preparation of teachers takes place
both on campus and in field practice schools, the question of how
technology is integrated on each of these arenas becomes partic-
* Corresponding author. ularly important.
E-mail addresses: (E.J. Instefjord), This study is therefore concerned with the following question:
(E. Munthe).
0742-051X/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
38 E.J. Instefjord, E. Munthe / Teaching and Teacher Education 67 (2017) 37e45

How is professional digital competence integrated in initial teacher relationship between technology, content, pedagogy and changing
education? To investigate this question we will analyse results from contextual realities. Others, like Ertmer (1999), suggest that lack of
three national questionnaire surveys conducted among pre-service technology integration can be explained by barriers that have an
teachers, teacher educators, and mentor teachers in Norway. Pro- impact on teachers' use of technology in the classroom. Ertmer
fessional digital competence is studied from an organizational distinguishes between first and second order barriers to change.
perspective and an individual perspective. The main contribution of First order barriers are defined as external to the teacher, embracing
this study is the design that includes respondents from three areas such as access to resources, training, and support, while
stakeholder groups, allowing the possibility to compare results second order barriers are internal to the teacher, including teachers'
from all three groups, and to discuss integration of professional confidence, beliefs, and perceived value of technology (Ertmer
digital competence in a more holistic way. et al., 2012). A similar labelling is found in Drent and Meeliisen's
(2008) work where they distinguish between non-manipulative
2. Theoretical and empirical background and manipulative school and teacher factors. Non-manipulative
factors are factors that cannot be manipulated directly by the
There is an increasing demand for new kinds of teaching that school, such as teachers' age, teaching experience or computer
support students’ capacity building which includes the capacity to experience, or governmental policy and the availability of external
exploit technology to develop critical thinking, problem solving support for schools. Manipulative factors on the other hand, are, for
and communication skills (see e.g., Saavedra & Opfer, 2012). Many instance, teachers' attitudes towards technology, their skills in us-
schools have good access to computers and necessary technology ing instructional technology, or availability of technological support
infrastructure, but despite access to such tools, the pedagogical use and commitment in relation to implementation of technology in
of instructional technology varies (European Commission, 2013). school (Drent & Meelissen, 2008, p. 189). Similarly, Kopcha (2012)
Results from the IEA International Computer and Information Lit- summarizes that five barriers to technology integration are
eracy Study (ICILS), which examines the outcomes of student commonly found in research literature; lack of access to technology,
computer and information literacy, show that Norwegian students teachers' vision for technology, teachers' beliefs about usefulness of
score well above the international average on computer and in- technology, required time and lack of professional development in
formation literacy (Ottestad, Throndsen, Hatlevik, & Rohatgi, 2014). relation to the use of technology in the classroom (Kopcha, 2012, p.
However, while 75% of the students report using a computer at 1109).
home daily, only 8% report using computers at school on a daily Likewise, the will, skill, tool (WST) model of technology inte-
basis. Thus, despite the considerable effort and expenditure by the gration (Christensen & Knezek, 2008), was developed specifically to
Norwegian government to promote the use of instructional tech- explain the reality of technology integration in educational con-
nology in education, there still appears to be a gap between the texts. The model identifies three key elements for a high level of
amount of technology available in classrooms and use of technol- technology integration; teachers' will to use technology in the
ogy for educational purposes. Corresponding results are found by classroom (technology attitudes), his or her skills in using tech-
researchers worldwide, for instance in Switzerland (Petko, 2012), nology (digital competence) and having satisfactory access to
USA (Gray, Thomas, & Lewis, 2010; Kopcha, 2012; Zhao, Pugh, technology as a tool (access to technology) (Christensen & Knezek,
Sheldon, & Byers, 2002) and in the Netherlands (ten 2008). On the basis of previous research using the WST model,
Brummelhuis & Kuiper, 2008). Knezek and Christensen (2008) maintain that 90% of the variance in
The experience with use of technology that pre-service teachers level of technology integration in the classroom can be explained
acquire during teacher education, both through their own use and by these variables. The model also includes student achievement,
by observing teacher educators' use, is a crucial factor for their assuming that teachers' computer attitudes, technology skills, and
development of professional digital competence, and as access to technology have an impact on technology integration,
Christensen and Knezek (2008) found, for their attitudes. The which in turn affects student achievement. Christensen and Knezek
extent to which teacher educators choose to use technology in their (2008) argue that a positive attitude towards computers can be
teaching practice may thus directly influence their students’ atti- associated with greater computer use. Factors associated with the
tudes and dispositions towards integrating technology in their concept of will are thus related to teachers' attitudes towards
future classrooms. However, there is reason to believe that tech- technology (Morales, 2006, p. 20) and to what Ertmer et al. (2012)
nology is less frequently used in teacher education than in primary refers to as beliefs or internal barriers. Pajares (1992) suggested that
education (Wilhelmsen, Ørnes, Kristiansen, & Breivik, 2009). attitudes are formed by clusters of beliefs around a particular object
Moreover, analyses of curriculum documents for teacher education or situation, which in turn guide a person's behaviour (Ajzen,
in Norway confirm that digital competence and use of technology is 2001):
not effectively integrated into the curriculum neither at a subject
When clusters of beliefs are organized around an object or sit-
specific level nor at an overall programme level (Instefjord &
uation and predisposed to action, this holistic organization be-
Munthe, 2016).
comes an attitude. Beliefs may also become values, which house
Successful integration of technology in education has been an
the evaluative, comparative, and judgmental functions of beliefs
area of interest to researchers and educators for nearly as long as
and replace predisposition with an imperative to action. Beliefs,
technology has been available for educational purposes, but most of
attitudes, and values form an individual's belief system (Pajares,
the research has focused on primary and secondary education, not
1992, p. 314, p. 314)
tertiary. This research has arrived at several explanations for why
technology is still not integrated better in curriculum activities
(Zhao et al., 2002) which can be relevant for tertiary education as In this way, attitude can be seen as the sum of beliefs. A teacher
well, and we will therefore briefly address some of these results. can have many beliefs about using technology, about their self-
First off, Harris, Mishra, and Koehler (2009) explain the lack of efficacy as teacher educators, and about their students, both posi-
technology integration with the nature of how the use of technol- tive and negative. Ultimately, his or her attitude towards inte-
ogy has been conceptualized and supported. They argue that cur- grating technology in the classroom will be based on the overall
rent methods for integration of technology are technocentric, evaluation of these beliefs. In an extensive review performed by
focusing too strongly on technology skills and ignoring the complex Mumtaz (2000), attitude and self-efficacy were identified in several
E.J. Instefjord, E. Munthe / Teaching and Teacher Education 67 (2017) 37e45 39

studies as important predictors of teachers' use of technology. to technology integration (Ertmer et al., 2012), is defined as “the
Teacher self-efficacy has been defined as “their belief in their ability self-reported access and extent of use of technology in educational
to have a positive effect on student learning” (Ashton, 1985, p. 142). settings and at home” (Morales, 2006, p. 20). In a study, performed
Teachers' attitudes towards technology can also be seen in relation by Goktas, Gedik, and Baydas (2013), comparing the status of
to their perceived usefulness of technology. Studies have found that technology integration in 2005 and 2011, it was found that the
teachers who are unconvinced about the potential of technology on prominent barriers encountered in the integration in 2011 were
instructional productivity are less likely to use technology (Agyei & still related to access to technology. Lack of technology and limi-
Voogt, 2011; Kim, Kim, Lee, Spector, & DeMeester, 2013; Mumtaz, tations of both hardware and software were found to be the most
2000). Likewise, teachers' perceived advantages of using com- significant barriers to integration of technology (Goktas et al.,
puters, their willingness to use technology for information 2013).
dissemination, and their professional enhancement in the use of However, these findings from Goktas, Gedik, and Baydas should
computers are assumed to be central indicators of teachers’ atti- be seen in relation to contrasting studies claiming that lack of ac-
tudes towards technology (Petko, 2012). However, as noted by cess to computers no longer seems to be a relevant issue in many
Belland (2009), having positive attitudes towards technology does developed countries (Agyei & Voogt, 2011; Mueller, Wooda,
not necessarily lead to change in behaviour in terms of more or Willoughby, Ross, & Specht, 2008). According to Mueller, Wooda,
better integration of technology in the classroom. Seen from this Willoughby, Ross, and Specht (Mueller et al., 2008), the majority of
perspective, teachers can very well have positive attitudes towards teachers now have access to technology and use computers on a
technology, but still choose not to use it in the classroom. This regular basis making technical difficulties and lack of access less
emphasizes that attitude may also be related to a number of other problematic. This is certainly the case also for Norway where
variables that need to be considered. computer density in school is high in all levels of education. In
A number of studies have focused on the significance of mentor higher education, figures from a national survey on the use of
teachers as role models for the use of technology in teaching and instructional technology suggest that 86% of students report that
learning. For instance, Haydn and Barton (2007) found that they have their own computer (Ørnes, Wilhelmsen, & Solstad,
observing a mentor teacher use technology proved to be an 2011). In a similar study from 2008 covering all teacher education
important motivator for trainee teachers own use of technology. In institutions in Norway it was found that all institutions used
a study of student teachers' perceptions of factors that promoted or learning management systems to some extent, and all but one
hindered their use of instructional technology during field place- offered helpdesk function for students (Hetland & Solum, 2008).
ments periods, Sime and Priestley (2005) found that observing These figures indicate that access to technology is sufficient for pre-
teachers' use of technology contributed to making students more service teachers, and a study from 2013 by NIFU (Tømte, Kårstein, &
positive towards the role of instructional technology in teaching. Olsen, 2013) confirms that also teacher educators have satisfactory
Similarly, trainee teachers in Barton and Haydns study mentioned access to technology. However, they found that some teacher ed-
that modelling of instructional technology by a mentor teacher was ucation institutions still report to have a need for more interactive
vital for their use of technology (Barton & Haydn, 2006). According whiteboards and training in how to use these in an educational
to Bandura's self-efficacy theory, vicarious experience, or modelling, context. Similar results were found in a case-study of two teacher
is one of the four main sources (mastery experience, physiological education institutions in Norway, where both teacher educators
and emotional states, vicarious experiences, and social persuasion) and pre-service teachers who participated in the study expressed
that “alter efficacy beliefs through transmission of competencies concerns about their own lack of competence and access to inter-
and comparison with the attainment of others” (Bandura, 1997, p. active whiteboards (Instefjord & Munthe, 2016).
79). Within a context of teacher efficacy, a vicarious experience On the other hand, access can be more than simply the average
refers to an individual observing another individual teach, for number of computers or interactive whiteboards available. It is not
instance a pre-service teacher observing a teacher educator or satisfactory to have one computer per student if the available
mentor teacher use technology for teaching. The closer the technology does not work properly or if teachers and students do
observer identifies with the model, the more likely is it that it will not have access to relevant learning resources. Moreover, ease of
have impact on efficacy. However, vicarious experiences can go use as well as ease and flexibility of computer access in the school
both ways e observing a teacher succeed can lead pre-service can make a big difference as to whether teachers choose to inte-
teachers to believe that they can have the capability to be a suc- grate technology or not (Petko, 2012). In other words, if teachers on
cessful teacher under similar circumstances, while observing an a regular basis experience that the computers in lecture rooms do
experienced teachers' failure can lead them to believe that the task not function properly due to, for instance, missing cables or lack of
is unmanageable (Tschannen-Moran, Woolfolk Hoy, & Hoy, 1998). necessary software this may cause teachers to be more reluctant to
Likewise, the idea of vicarious experiences can also be linked to use technology despite their positive attitudes.
teacher educators. Modelling by teacher educators is found to be an Lack of on-site support for teachers is also found to be a factor
important means of changing the views and practices of future that prevents teachers from using technology (Mumtaz, 2000).
teachers (Lunenberg, Korthagen, & Swennen, 2007). While quite a According to self-efficacy theory, leadership is also strongly related
few studies explore the idea of mentor teachers as role models for to teacher efficacy (Tschannen-Moran et al., 1998). In a study of
the use of instructional technology, little is known about the factors impacting instructional use of laptops, Inan and Lowther
exemplary role of teacher educators and how they perceive their (2010) found that in addition to teacher beliefs, professional
own role in relation to this issue. Searches in Eric and Science Direct development, and technical and administrative support played an
for available literature on the role of teacher educators related to influential role in whether teachers felt prepared to use computers
technology, using different combinations of the search words in the classroom. When teachers felt that support was lacking or
teacher educator, modelling, instructional technology, and ICT insufficient they were less likely to use laptops for instruction.
returned very few relevant results, suggesting that literature Leadership in terms of administrative support is a central factor for
dealing with this is quite limited. There is therefore a need to study school development at lower levels, and for organizational learning
further how modelling by teacher educators contribute to the in all other kinds of organizations, yet administrative support as a
development of digital competence for pre-service teachers. factor in understanding the development of professional digital
Access to technology or tool, representing the external barriers competence among teacher educators is not widely researched.
40 E.J. Instefjord, E. Munthe / Teaching and Teacher Education 67 (2017) 37e45

One study from Norway was conducted by The Nordic Institute for MA and were taking the fourth year as a first year of a 2-year MA
Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) (Tømte et al., programme. The total population of possible respondents was 1436
2013). This was a large qualitative study involving leaders from all (The Panel for the teacher education reform, 2015), and the number
19 institutions that provide initial teacher education programmes of participants was 654, a response rate of 45.5%. Pre-service
for the compulsory school years, and they questioned conditions teachers from all 17 HEIs took part, but the response rate from
and operating parameters for the development of professional each HEI varied from 17.6% to 88.5%. The composition of the group
digital competence in teacher education. A main conclusion was of pre-service teachers’ respondents is comparative with the total
that such development was weakly rooted at the management population concerning gender, and is believed to be comparative on
level. According to Tømte et al. (2013), leaders of most of the Initial age as well. However, the distribution across age levels is not
Teacher Education (ITE) programmes were not involved in ongoing known for the total population at their fourth year due to the
efforts to make teacher educators use instructional technology number of early leavers that may have changed the age profile of
more actively for educational purposes, and there appeared to be the group since they started in 2010. Slightly less than 70% of the
little involvement and support from the leaders in relation to students in the current study were below 26, while slightly more
increasing teacher educators' professional digital competence. than 30% were above 26 years of age.
Moreover, they found that development of digital competence was Teacher educators on campus were reached via a contact person
to a great extent dependent on individual teacher educators’ ef- at each HEI who received a link to the online survey and forwarded
forts, and that few examples of integration of professional digital the link to all teacher educators who were involved in ITE during
competence could be found in the local curriculum documents spring 2014. Based on reports from all but one HEI, the total pop-
(Tømte et al., 2013). ulation of teacher educators was estimated to 810. 387 teacher
educators responded, giving us a response rate of 47.8%. The
3. Research questions response rate varied greatly from institution to institution, from
only 2.2% at the HEI with the lowest rate to 93.8% at the HEI with
As seen above, common barriers to the integration of technology the highest.
in education have been clearly identified and recognized in existing Obtaining a population number for the number of mentor
literature (Drent & Meelissen, 2008; Ertmer, 1999; Goktas et al., teachers per HEI turned out to be an impossible task. ITE pro-
2013; Mumtaz, 2000). Nevertheless, despite this knowledge, grammes initiate contracts with partner schools, and the principal
recent studies continue to report that use of technology and of each school is responsible for making sure that there are quali-
development of professional digital competence in teacher educa- fied mentor teachers for each group of student teachers that has
tion is still inadequate compared to what novice teachers report field practice at that school. What we have secured, from all but two
that they need. There are few studies that have investigated teacher HEIs, is the number of partner contracts per ITE programme. Based
educators' digital competence (not to mention mentor teachers’ on this, the number of possible participating schools in this survey
digital competence), and even fewer that have related this to is estimated to be 554. The number of schools that actually took
workplace support. part is 288, a response rate of about 62%. The response rate per HEI
The guiding question of the study is: How is professional digital varies from 37.5% to 100%. The survey went out to all teachers at the
competence integrated in initial teacher education? In order to participating schools, but all teachers were only requested to
answer this question we will address the following research answer about 1/3 of the survey. After about 1/3, only those who had
questions: actually been mentor teachers the past semester were asked to
continue. About 1000 teachers answered the first part of the survey,
(1) How do teacher educators perceive their own digital and 340 teachers continued and completed the questionnaire. The
competence, and how is this related to workplace support questions we are concerned with here, were only answered by
and their pedagogical efficacy? teachers who had been mentor teachers the past semester.
(2) How do mentor teachers perceive their own competence,
what they emphasize for students, and how do they perceive 4.1. Variables included in this study
the emphasis of digital competence in teacher education?
(3) How do pre-service teachers perceive the emphasis on dig- As shown in the review above, research indicates that in order
ital competence in teacher education? for technology integration to take place, teachers need access to
relevant equipment, workplace support, and should have positive
attitudes towards technology. This is also reflected in the study by
4. Research design and methods Inan and Lowther (2010) who found that teacher beliefs, profes-
sional development, and technical and administrative support
Three questionnaire surveys were sent out digitally to pre- played a role for integration of instructional technology. These
service teachers in 4- year concurrent Initial Teacher Education areas are reflected in the scales developed to measure “Teacher
(ITE) (response time frame: 23 April - 6 June, 2014), to teacher educators' digital competence” (1 sum score variable, see Table 2),
educators at all 17 Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Norway “Workplace support” (2 sum score variables, see Table 1), and
that provided four year initial teacher education programmes to “Teacher educators’ general pedagogical efficacy” (1 sum score
qualify for teaching in the compulsory school years (grades one variable, see Table 1).
through ten) (response time frame: 12 August e 4 November,
2014), and to participating partner schools and mentor teachers 4.1.1. Teacher educators’ digital competence
responsible for supervising pre-service teachers during their field Table 2 (below) shows the frequency distribution, mean scores,
practice (response time frame: 12 August e 4 November, 2014). The and standard deviation for each of the items that make up the sum
total national number of fourth year students, teacher educators, score variable “teacher educators' digital competence” (6 items,
and partner schools made up the population, and participation was a ¼ 0.87). The items are chosen from a universe of possible items
based on self-selection. (Hagtvet, 1997; Shavelson & Webb, 1991) and selected as indicators
Pre-service teachers who participated were all fourth year stu- of relevant areas identified in the research review above. Items
dents, completing their final year, or who had opted for a five-year reflect both technical and pedagogical competence in use of digital
E.J. Instefjord, E. Munthe / Teaching and Teacher Education 67 (2017) 37e45 41

Table 1
Overview of items and Cronbach's alpha for Positive management, Management's development support, and Teacher educators' general pedagogical efficacy.

Cronbach's alpha

Positive management 0.93

The leaders have given good support in the development of new plans for teacher education
Decisions are made at the level with best insight for those particular decisions.
When decisions are made, the right people are involved.
We have good information channels at this institution so that people who make decisions have the necessary information.
The management has worked hard to create good implementation systems for the reform.

Management's development support 0.80

My closest leader shows great interest in my teaching.

We have good possibilities for support to develop our teaching.

Teacher educators' general pedagogical efficacy 0.91

How much can you do to enhance students' learning?

How much can you do to motivate students when they are working on difficult tasks?
How much can you do to enhance students' memory and enable them to use what they have previously learned?
How much can you do to motivate students for increased effort?
How much can you do to promote collaboration among students?
How much can you influence students to work on the curriculum?
How much can you influence students' behaviour in class?
How much can you influence students' engagement in class?
How much can you influence students' engagement when working in collaborative groups?

Table 2
Teacher educators’ digital competence. Frequencies in percentage, mean values and st.d. (n ¼ 295e307).

1 2 3 4 5 6 M s.d,

In my teaching I emphasize educating students in the use of digital tools 6.6 19.9 21.9 21.5 20.5 9.6 3.58 1.43
I am a good role model for my students when it comes to the use of digital tools for teaching 2.3 10.8 25.6 27.2 24.6 9.5 3.90 1.23
I have a good understanding of the use of digital tools to promote pupils' learning 2.0 11.1 21.2 35.3 21.2 9.2 3.90 1.19
I have good competence in the use of interactive whiteboards (e.g. SmartBoard). 16.9 30.6 17.9 16.0 12.7 5.9 2.94 1.48
I can support students in their learning about digital tools for assessment of pupils 13.1 21.2 25.3 18.2 13.8 8.4 3.24 1.48
I emphasize ethical issues related to the schools' and pupils' use of social media 8.5 14.4 20.9 19.6 24.2 12.4 3.74 1.49

tools, as well as ethical questions. One item was chosen to indicate directly related to support concerning teaching, both through
availability and competence in use of hardware, and that is the use showing interest in the actual teaching going on, and making it
of interactive white boards (IWB). This choice was based on pre- possible to develop teaching further.
vious studies that have identified concerns about knowledge and
skills using IWBs (Instefjord & Munthe, 2016) and the prevalence of
hardware in teacher education institutions (The Panel for the
teacher education reform, 2013). The measure of teacher educa- 4.1.3. Teacher educators’ pedagogical efficacy
tors’ digital competence could have been developed as a second The belief variable included in this study is “Teacher educators’
order latent model with e.g. three first order latent variables, but for general pedagogical efficacy.” It consists of 9 items (see Table 1). It is
this study we have chosen to use one integrated variable. This will based on the Bandura efficacy scale (Tschannen-Moran et al., 1998)
be discussed further in the final section (see limitations). and is as such a fairly common measure of teacher efficacy.

4.1.2. Workplace support variables

Workplace support can be regarded as relational and as orga- 4.1.4. Variables included for pre-service teachers and mentor
nizational (i.e., that the organization takes action in creating sys- teachers
temic support). You may have positive relations and feel supported We have chosen to use single items when we investigate pre-
personally, but it is not certain that this is shown in action, e.g., by service teachers' perceptions of their teacher education and
providing support to develop your instruction and competence. We mentor teachers' reports on what they emphasize and how they
have therefore chosen to have two constructs under this variable; perceive the ITE programmes’ emphasis on digital competence
“Positive management” (see Table 1), and “Management's devel- related to what is needed in schools. Results reported will also be at
opment support” (Table 1). The main difference between these two a descriptive level. (See Limitations and future research, below.)
variables is that “Positive management” is a more general and Pre-service teachers have answered questions about experi-
relational variable, where respondents report on their perceptions ences with instructional technology on campus and in field practice
of positive support from management, while the variable “Man- as well as questions about their own competence in instructional
agement's development support” is directly related to actions taken technology (9 questions in total, see Table 4). Mentor teachers have
that can support the development of content and instruction. responded to questions about what instructional technology they
The “Positive Management” scale is based on work by emphasize during field practice and their own competence (5
Starnaman and Miller (1992) and has been used in studies since questions in total, see Table 5). Both pre-service teachers and
then (e.g., Midthassel, Bru, & Idsøe, 2000). “Management's devel- mentor teachers are asked whether field practice or campus
opment support” was developed for the present survey and is teachers emphasize the use of instructional technology more.
42 E.J. Instefjord, E. Munthe / Teaching and Teacher Education 67 (2017) 37e45

Table 3
Pearson's r correlation coefficients for relationships between positive management, management's development support, efficacy and teacher educators' digital competence
(n ¼ 295e307).

Positive management Management's development support Efficacy

Management's development support 0.768**

Efficacy 0.260** 0.160**
Digital competence 0.196** 0.156** 0.252**

**p < .001.

Table 4
Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of digital emphasis in ITE and their digital competence. Frequencies in percentage, mean values and standard deviations. (n ¼ 527e532).

1 2 3 4 5 6 M s.d,

Teachers at my university/college have taught me how to use digital tools 14.5 27.8 23.5 18.2 9.0 7.0 3.00 1.43
Teachers at my university/college are good role-models for the use of digital tools for teaching 20.0 30.6 21.6 16.8 7.4 3.6 2.72 1.35
I have a good understanding of how to use digital tools to promote pupils' learning 6.3 12.1 20.6 23.3 23.7 14.0 3.88 1.43
I have had good training in the use of interactive whiteboards (e.g. SmartBoard) on campus 54.0 21.5 10.9 6.8 4.0 2.8 1.94 1.32
I have had good training in the use of interactive whiteboards (e.g. SmartBoard) during field practice 17.8 16.7 16.9 17.2 17.2 14.2 3.42 1.69
Field practice schools expect more of my digital competence than what is emphasized in the teacher education programme 12.3 15.7 17.8 18.6 17.4 18.2 3.68 1.65
I can use digital tools to assess pupils' work 12.5 15.2 21.4 22.2 16.5 12.1 3.54 1.54
I have developed a good understanding of the use of digital tools for administrative work in school 24.3 24.3 20.3 19.2 6.6 5.3 2.75 1.45
The education programme has given me an understanding of ethical issues related to the schools' and pupils' use of social media 8.1 12.5 19.4 23.0 22.3 17.7 3.83 1.49

Table 5
Mentor teachers’ perceptions (n ¼ 340e343).

1 2 3 4 5 6 M s.d,

I have a good understanding of how to use digital tools to promote pupils' learning 0.6 2.9 12.3 29.5 32.2 22.5 4.57 1.09
Student teachers receive good training in the use of interactive whiteboards (e.g. SmartBoard) during field practice 16.6 9.0 5.2 14.0 28.6 26.5 4.08 1.81
I expect more from the student teachers' digital competence than what is emphasized in the teacher education programme 9.7 16.2 17.9 25.3 20.6 10.3 3.62 1.48
I discuss ethical issues related to the schools' and pupils' use of social media with the student teachers 2.3 5.8 14.3 26.3 34.5 16.7 4.35 1.22
I use digital tools to assess pupils' work 2.9 8.5 10.5 18.4 26.5 33.2 4.57 1.41

4.2. Analyses sum score variable “Teacher educators’ digital competence” is 3.54
with a standard deviation of 1.07. Each item frequency in percent-
In an ideal study, the response rate per higher education insti- ages as well as the mean value and standard deviation are reported
tution would have been higher, allowing for multilevel analyses below. The response scale is from 1 to 6 where 1 ¼ strongly
and comparisons across HEIs. However, previous research such as disagree and 6 ¼ strongly agree.
reported by Tømte et al. (2013) has found that development of About 30% of the respondents report that they emphasize
digital competence was, to a great extent, dependent on individual educating their students in the use of digital tools to a high degree
teacher educators’ efforts (see above). We have also investigated (values 5 and 6), about 35% report that they model their use to a
frequency distributions within HEIs for items included in the study, high degree, and that they have a good understanding of how to use
and have not identified any patterns that may indicate that there digital tools to promote learning in schools (about 30% use values 5
are systematic differences in perceptions among respondents ac- and 6). As mentioned above, when checking for patterns across
cording to which HEI they are affiliated with. Our conclusion is HEIs, similar results were found for all HEIs, indicating that there
therefore to analyse at the individual level for all respondent were no systematic differences between the individual institutions
groups. in relation to teacher educators’ digital competence.
Analyses conducted for this study include descriptive analyses Only 18.6% use values 5 and 6 to indicate their own proficiency
such as frequencies as well as explanatory analyses such as in the use of interactive smart boards. The item “I am a good role
regression analyses. All analyses have been carried out using IBM model for my students when it comes to the use of digital tools for
SPSS Software. teaching” received a slightly higher mean rating (M ¼ 3.90), with
77.4% of the respondents using values 3 (25.6%), 4 (27.2%) and 5
(24.6%). So, although about 35% report (values 5 and 6) that they are
5. Results
good role models concerning the use of digital tools for teaching,
15% fewer respondents strongly agree (values 5 and 6) that they can
Survey items were rated using a six point scale ranging from not
use a quite common tool in most schools. For this item, 47.5% have
at all (1) to a very high degree (6) or from (1) strongly disagree to (6)
chosen to use the two lowest ratings. A similar mean rating is found
strongly agree. Mean scores between 1 and 2.9 are interpreted as
for the item “I have good understanding for the use of digital tools
low, while scores between 3 and 4.9 are considered average and
to promote pupils’ learning. For this item, 77.7% of the teachers
mean scores over 4.9 are considered high.
have used values 3, 4, and 5 to indicate their agreement.
How teacher educators view the support they get from their
5.1. Teacher educators’ digital competence leaders concerning development of teaching and interest for how
and what they teach, varies within HEIs. One HEI, with only 3 re-
Teacher educators' digital competence was measured by a 6- spondents, has teacher educators who have chosen values 2, 3, and
item sum score variable (see Table 2). The mean score for the
E.J. Instefjord, E. Munthe / Teaching and Teacher Education 67 (2017) 37e45 43

5 to indicate interest from leader about their teaching (scale from 1 digital tools for administrative work in school” (M ¼ 2.75). For the
to 6 where 6 is the most positive). Another HEI, with 66 re- item related to use of digital tools for administrative work, 68.9% of
spondents, has teacher educators who have used values 1 (4 re- the students used values 1 (24.3%), 2 (24.3%), and 3 (20.3%).
spondents), 2 (18 resp), 3 (7 resp), 4 (14), 5 (13 resp), and 6 (10 The remaining six items received mean scores ranging from 3.0
resp). Perception of support concerning teaching/instruction ap- to 3.88. The item “I have good understanding for the use of digital
pears to vary within HEIs and appears to be more of an individual tools to promote pupils’ learning” had the highest mean score on
perception than an organizational. This might be an indicator of the the survey (3.88). 61% of the pre-service teachers rated this item
continued individuality at the HEI level, and perhaps also an indi- from 4 to 6.
cation that workplace support of this kind may be less developed. As previously presented, there appears to be great variation in
The sum score variable for “Management's development support” teacher educators’ perceptions within each institution, suggesting
(2 items) has a mean value of 3.60 (scale from 1 to 6) and standard that perceptions are more individual than organizational. The same
deviation of 1.32. is found in the student survey. For instance, at one institution with
The question of HEI workplace support has also been addressed 28 respondents, students have used all values from 1 to 6 for the
in the questionnaire using a total of five items that comprise the item “Teachers at my university/college are good role-models for
sum score variable “Positive management” (scale from 1 to 6 where the use of digital tools for teaching” (1 ¼ 4 resp, 2 ¼ 3 resp, 3 ¼ 5
6 is the most positive). The mean score for this variable is 3.67 with resp, 4 ¼ 5 resp, 5 ¼ 8 resp, and 6 ¼ 3 resp). A similar distribution is
a standard deviation of 1.07. found across the entire survey, indicating that differences in per-
As shown above, teachers’ beliefs have been a predictor of their ceptions are individual rather than institutional.
behaviours, e.g., that student-centred beliefs are related to student-
centred practices (Ertmer et al., 2012). For this study, we have not 5.3. Mentor teachers’ perceptions of their own competence, what
included technology beliefs, but have instead included a general they emphasize for students, and how they perceive digital
pedagogical efficacy (see Table 1, above). Teacher educators in this competence emphasis in the teacher education programmes
sample report a mean value for this sum score variable of 4.61
(scale from 1 to 6 where 6 is the most positive) and a standard Mentor teachers who work with pre-service teachers during
deviation of 0.74. This is the variable where teacher educators their field placement periods (a total of 100 days over four years)
respond most favourably, and where variance is least. were also asked some questions related to professional digital
Our next question is whether these variables matter for teacher competence (see Table 5). As seen in Table 5, all mean scores are
educators’ perceptions of their own digital competence. We have higher than 3, ranging from 3.62 to 4.57.
argued that general efficacy may be of interest, and could also The item “I expect more from the students' digital competence
represent a factor in understanding why some teachers are more than what is emphasized in the teacher education programme” has
oriented towards trying new things and daring to explore. As the lowest mean score (M ¼ 3.62). The items “I have good under-
shown in Table 3, efficacy is the variable that correlates the highest standing for the use of digital tools to promote pupils’ learning” and
with digital competence (r ¼ 0.252**), but although there are “I use digital tools for assessment of pupils” have the highest mean
positive correlations that are estimated to be statistically significant scores (M ¼ 4.57). For both of these items, a majority (84.2% and
at the p < 0.001 level, the coefficients are moderate in strength. 78.1%) of the scores were rated from 4 to 6. Among the remaining
Perceptions of one's own efficacy explain variance in perception items, the item “The students receive good training in the use of
of digital competence to a greater extent than the workplace sup- interactive whiteboards (i.e., SmartBoard) during field practice”
port variables. All combined, a linear regression analysis estimates received the lowest mean score (M ¼ 4.08). This item has the
that R ¼ 0.278** and R2 ¼ 0.077, indicating that only about 8% of the highest standard deviation (1.81).
variance in perceived digital competence is explained by the
workplace support variables and efficacy. 6. Discussion

5.2. Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the emphasis on digital We started by raising the question: How is professional digital
competence in teacher education competence integrated in initial teacher education? In order to
discuss this overarching question we addressed sub-questions
The teacher educators reported an average score of 3.54 on their related to teacher educators' perceptions of their own digital
own digital competence, and we have also seen that teachers who competence, workplace support and pedagogical efficacy, as well as
report higher degrees of efficacy, tend to report higher scores on mentor teachers and pre-service teachers’ views on the emphasis
digital competence. When we look at how pre-service teachers in on digital competence in teacher education.
their final year of their four-year programme perceive the educa- Our analyses showed that, at the mean level, teacher educators
tion programme's emphasis on digital competence and their own perceive their own digital competence at about the mid range on a
teachers' use of technology, it appears that they are fairly critical of 6-point scale, with M ¼ 3.54. However, the standard deviation is
the education, but favourable towards their own competence. 1.07, indicating a fair degree of variation in responses. As reviewed
Survey items in the student survey were rated using a six point earlier, a number of studies report that both access to and attitudes
scale ranging from not at all (1) to a very high degree (6). Results are towards technology, along with teachers' digital competence in-
reported in Table 4. fluence whether or not they decide to integrate technology in their
The item “I have had good training in the use of interactive teaching practice (Agyei & Voogt, 2011; Christensen & Knezek,
whiteboards (i.e., SmartBoard) on campus” received the lowest 2008; Drent & Meelissen, 2008; Ertmer et al., 2012; Kopcha,
mean score (M ¼ 1.94). 54% of the students used value 1 (not at all), 2012; Mumtaz, 2000). In our study, the item “I have good under-
while 21.5% used value 2 and 10.9% scored value 3, adding up to a standing for the use of digital tools to promote pupils’ learning”
total of 86.4% for the lower half of the scale. The item related to received among the highest mean score values for both teacher
teacher educators as role models was the second lowest rated item, educators (M ¼ 3.90), pre-service teachers (M ¼ 3.88), and mentor
with a mean score of 2.72. Adding up, 70.2% of the students used teachers (M ¼ 4.57). It is interesting that teacher educators and pre-
values 1, 2 or 3 for this item. A slightly higher mean score was service teachers score their own competence at about the same
computed for the items “I have good understanding for the use of level, but that mentor teachers in schools report higher values. It is
44 E.J. Instefjord, E. Munthe / Teaching and Teacher Education 67 (2017) 37e45

highly likely that mentor teachers also do have better knowledge models for pre-service teachers, but this question was related to
and skills concerning how to use digital tools to enhance learning in their general understanding, and not specifically related to
schools. As such, this can be an indication of one area where instructional technology. Further studies should therefore address
collaboration between teacher educators on campus and mentor the vicarious efficacy impacts of mentor teachers on pre-service
teachers in schools would be highly relevant. Teacher educators on teachers in relation to instructional technology.
campus could also learn from 1 to 10 teachers and might be able to Based on our analyses, it may still be the case that when it comes
transfer knowledge from schools into initial teacher education to teacher educators' digital competence and digital use, we are still
programmes. moving along on an individual basis, not at the organizational level.
On the other hand, there still appears to be one area of digital Previous research has indicated that teachers' decisions to integrate
competence where competence and training is lacking for all technology rely on the level of support they receive from the
groups, namely competence in the use of interactive whiteboards. management (Inan & Lowther, 2010; Kopcha, 2012). Our results
This is similar to what Instefjord and Munthe (2016) found in her indicate weak positive correlations between positive management,
interviews with teacher educators and pre-service teachers, and to management's development support, and teacher educators' digital
the results Tømte et al. (2013) reported after having interviewed competence. Thus, the results do support the relevance of work-
leaders at 19 ITE programmes in the beginning of 2013, and may place support, but it may be that support from the management in
thus be a reflection of the continued lack of certain tools. The item HEI is still fairly weak, or that management's support is still based
related to interactive whiteboards received the lowest mean rating on allowing those who are most favourable to develop their
in the survey from both teacher educators (M ¼ 2.94) and pre- competence further. Teacher educators' self-reported efficacy cor-
service teachers (M ¼ 1.94/3.42) and the second lowest rating relates positively with digital competence. A likely reason for this is
from mentor teachers (M ¼ 4.08). While teacher educators are that teachers with a higher sense of efficacy are more open to new
asked about their own competence in use of IWB, pre-service ideas. Another reason could be that teachers who experience
teachers are asked about the IWB training they have received on coping with new technology and have the necessary support to
campus and in field practice schools, and mentor teachers are asked develop their skills and knowledge within this area also see
if they believed pre-service teachers received good training in the themselves as more able to have positive effects on their students'
use of IWB during field practice. The low competence in use of IWB learning. Our results show that the question of what influences
among teacher educators may explain the low mean score for IWB teachers' digital competence is highly complex. HEI workplace
training received on campus by pre-service teachers. Hence, we support and teacher educators' efficacy (as measured in this study)
may argue that lack of competence among teacher educators may only explain about 8% of the variation in results.
serve as a barrier for development of certain areas of pre-service Mentor teachers who participated in the survey were consis-
teachers’ professional digital competence. tently positive with a relatively high mean score for all items in the
As noted by Bandura, modelling another individual is an effec- survey. It is interesting that the item with the lowest mean score is
tive tool for enhancing self-efficacy of an individual (Bandura, 1977, “I expect more from the students’ digital competence than what is
1997). Within the context of teacher education this occurs when emphasized in the teacher education programme” (M ¼ 3.62). This
the pre-service teacher observes a teacher educator or mentor was somewhat surprising considering that previous research has
teacher teach. During the vicarious experience the teacher educator indicated there is a mismatch between the digital challenges that
or mentor teacher has potential to influence the teaching efficacy of newly qualified teachers meet in their profession and the instruc-
the pre-service teacher (Wagler, 2011). In our study we were tional technology training provided in teacher education
interested in finding out to what degree the teacher educator (Gudmundsdottir et al., 2014). However, about 25% of the mentor
believed he or she had the potential to influence students’ learning. teachers used values 1 and 2 to indicate their agreement with this
Our results show that while teacher educators who completed the statement (1 ¼ disagree completely). This could also be a reflection
survey report their influence as good role models in relation to the of variance in use of technology in the schools, and a reflection of
use of technology at mean score of 3.90, pre-service teachers rated how mentor teachers are not necessarily expected to contribute to
their teachers considerably lower, with a mean score of 2.72. This the development of digital competence for pre-service teachers.
can indicate that pre-service teachers are less positive about their We have previously looked into how digital competence is
teachers as role models than the teacher educators themselves are. addressed in written plans for teacher education programmes in
Tschannen-Moran et al. (1998) argue that the closer the observer Norway, and have concluded there is still little evidence of tech-
identifies with the model, the stronger the impact on efficacy will nology integration in curriculum documents (Instefjord & Munthe,
be: “When a model with whom the observer identifies performs 2016). The results show that the use of instructional technology is
well, the efficacy of the observer is enhanced. When the model primarily mentioned in the curriculum documents in relation to
performs poorly, the efficacy expectations of the observer structure and working methods for pre-service teachers and only
decrease.” (Tschannen-Moran et al., 1998, p. 212). If pre-service infrequently found as part of the intended learning outcomes. This
teachers do not recognize their teacher educators as role models indicates that digital competence does not have a prominent po-
for the use of technology for educational purposes or identify with sition in the general programme descriptions or in subject specific
the teacher educator as role model, the impact on their efficacy can descriptions, nor is it found to be specifically mentioned as an ex-
be less evident and the less they may use technology themselves. pected learning outcome from field placement periods. Thus, there
Another interpretation of this difference can be that the two still appears to be a need for more focus on what professional
groups emphasize different aspects when reporting on being role digital competence means in teacher education and how this
models. Further research on what kinds of digital competence competence can be better integrated in teacher education pro-
teacher educators’ model both on campus and in practice schools grammes and field placement periods. Focus should therefore be
would be of interest, as well as studies that investigate their directed towards the interrelation between what pre-service
respective and relative importance for student teachers. There teachers learn within teacher education and during field place-
might be reason to believe that mentor teachers play an even ments periods in order for the two arenas for teacher training to
greater role as role models since they model the kind of work in better collaborate and support each other in the development of
schools that students will be carrying out as teachers. In our study, professional digital competence in initial teacher education (ITE)
mentor teachers were asked if they saw themselves as good role programmes.
E.J. Instefjord, E. Munthe / Teaching and Teacher Education 67 (2017) 37e45 45

7. Conclusions, limitations and further research integration reframed. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(4),
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in responses from HEIs. A study with a more balanced response Some lessons from the UK. Computers and Education, 49(4), 1018e1036.
design could also conduct other analyses, including multi-level Hetland, P., & Solum, N. H. (2008). Digital kompetanse i norsk lærerutdanning [Digital
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analyses to investigate workplace support variables’ influence on Studies in Innovation, Research and Education.
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second order latent measures to address the multidimensionality of impacting instructional use. Computers and Education, 55(3), 937e944.
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vided insight into the interrelated nature of development of pre- Kay, R. H. (2006). Evaluating strategies used to incorporate technology into pre-
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