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Past Continuous 2 Nocaywan v nostopu. 3aTem pa3birpaii cueHKy. What wasa spider doing on your computer screen? 1 id 7 It was making sawa spider on my computer aneb-site, screen yesterday. ~~ WAS / WERE + - ing-tpopma rnarona Yrpepxnenne Otpnuanne Tlonuaa cbopma Kparxaa cbopma | was walking | was not walking | wasn’t walking You were walking You were not walking You weren’t walking He was walking He was not walking He wasn’t walking She was walking She was not walking She wasn't walking it was walking it was not walking - It wasn't walking We were walking We were not walking We weren't walking | You were walking You were not walking Youweren’t walking | They were walking They were not walking They weren't walking | Bonpocst Was I/he/she it walking? I Kpatkne oTeetbt “Yes, Ine/shelit was. / No, Ihe/shelt wasn't Were weiyoulthey walking? “Yes, weiyoulthey were, / No, we/youlthey weren't, Mot ucnonbsyem past continuous, Korda roBopMM o AelicTBHH, KoTOpoe poMcxXoAMAD B NpouinoM B yKazaHHoe BpeMa, HM ABYK M Gonee AeticTBHAX, NPOWCKOAMBWLAX OAHOBpeMeHHO B NpOUIOM, He was studying for his Maths test at 9 o'clock last night. Mum was reading a book while Dad was watching TV. (q8a oHospemenHibix geiictaHa) Mb1 Taoxe ucrionb3yem past continuous, Kora roBopuM oO AelicTBMH, NpepRaANiom apyrum jelictenem. lpeppaBwee fericrene ynotpednserca 6 past simple. Kate was sunbathing when it started to rain. O6ctontenbctBa Bpemenu Cc past continuous: while, when, as, all day / night / morning, all day yesterday, etc. 81 @ Past Continuous @ Nocmotpw Ha KapTUHKy 4 HaNuUH, YTO NPOMCXOAMNO Nepeg TeM, Kak Norac ceer. UTo genan Kakabii u3 ntopen? Ucnonb3yi AaHHble H¥Ke raronbl ANS | OnncaHHa KapTHHKH. sleep on the sofa talk on the phone listen to music watch television eat a snack at the dinner table read a book 1 Grandfather Grandfather.was when, the. lights went out. 2 Hakim and Amir 3 Mum 4 Grandmother 5 Alisha 6 Dad B npouinyto cpeny Onueep 6bin B narepe. Mocmortpy Ha ero pacnopanoK aus. UTo oH Aenan B: 7:45 am*? 8:30 am? 42:45 pm*? 4:00 pm? 7:00 pm? 1 A: What.was. Oliver.doing at.7:45,am last Wednesday?. Wednesday April 23rd B: He. was, having. breakfast. 1 7:30am - 8:00 am: have 2h ? breakfast B 2 8:00am~- 12:00 pin: walk 3 2 inthe mountains Bi » | 8 12:00pm - 1:00 pm: have an ? lunch B: . 50, 5A: ° 3anomHu: am. = Ao NonyaHA, p.m. = nocne nonyaHA » Bnapax, pacckarkute apyr apyry, 4To Bb! Aenanu BYepa B yka3zaHHoe Bpema. 82 Past Continuous a2 Hanmi npegnoxkenns, ucnonb3ya AaHHbIe NOACKa3KH M past continuous. 3aTem onpegenn, novemy Hy»kHO 6bIN0 Hcnonb30BaTb past continuous. © OgHospemennpie Aeicreua ¢ [\nutenbHoe AelicTeve, npepBaHtoe Apyrim ¢ TautenbHoe peiicteve B onpeneneHHbiii MOMeHT B NpOLuOM (John/listen music/his parents/watch TV) John.was listening, te mugic while his parents were watching. TY. (onHoBpemenuble yelicTena), (Rosalie/cook/cutifinger) (Lizzy and Nadialplay basketball/5 o'clock/yesterday) Hanuuwn Bonpocoi c past continuous, kak 8 npuMepe. 3aTem Hanuun CBO OTBeTbI Ha 9TH BONPOCbl. 1 you / play football / at 3 o’clock yesterday? 3 you/ talk / on phone / at 8 o'clock yesterday A: playing 3.: evening? o'clock yesterday? OR B: .No,. | wasn’t..| was doing, my. t B: . . homework, : 4 you / watch / DVD / last Saturday morning? 2 you / have lunch / at 2 o'clock yesterday ‘ A afternoon? : B: A i B: . sare RT a) Nepesegn pa3roBop apy3ei M HANH, UTO TbI AeNan B 3TO Ke BpeMA. Mpveer! Ie Thi 6bin Buepa 4acoB B 6 BeYepa? Thi He OTBEHAN Ha Tene(pOHtie IMOLKH, 0,8 3T0 BpeMa A KaTasica Ha KOHbKaX B HOBOM CIOpTLeHTpe. Noxpasunoch? . Ete 6bi! B cneayrouyuit paz BMecte noiigem. A Tb 3a4em MeHs MCKAN? + AMbic apy3bamn 6bin Ha BbICTaBKe 1 CMOTpenM HOBbIe MO;CNIA MaluMit, Xora 1e6s1 Npurnacut. Buepa B 6 Yacos Beuepa A....... 83 2) Past Continuous vs Past Simple Past Continuous u Past Simple Mp1 ucnonbayem Past Continuous, korga: Mbi ucnonbayem Past Simple, korga: * nelicrene nponcxoguno 8 onpeneneHHoe © _eiicrsve nponsoulno # onpenenenHoe Bpems 8 npownom. Korga gelicrane pews 8 npownon, Hawanocb Win 3aKOHMANOCS, He ‘Simon went to camp last month. ykasbiBaetca. (Koraa Caiimon eaann 8 narepe? B npownom The girls were playing volleyball at five Mecaue) O'clock in the afternoon, (Korga onm Haan wrpate? Mbt He 3Haen.) © aga nnn Gonee aeiicrenii nponcxoqunnB = *_geiicrana nponsownn B npownom cpazy NpOwwOM ODHOBpeMeHHO. OfHO 3a ApyruM (nepeuncneHne The children were studying while their «= AeVtcrBuii). mother was cooking, First she made the pizza, then she put it in | the oven. © nelictene 6pino npepsavo apyrnm Aeiicrenem. [na npepsasulero pelicreHa ucnonbayem past simple. Mary was cooking when he burt her hand. O6crostenscrea spemeni c past continuous: — O6ctonrenbcrsa spemenn c past simple: while, when, as, all day / night / morning, all day ago, yesterday, last month / week / year, in yesterday, ete, 2005, then, ete. 5) Noguepknu HykHyto cbopmy rnarona. 1 I watched / was watching a DVD when my cat jumped / was jumping on me. 2 She was buying / bought a new dress last month. 3. Greg was sleeping / slept while Joanne listened / was listening to her MP3 player. 4 Mum cooked / was cooking dinner when someone knocked / was knocking on the door. 5 Sue was watering / watered the flowers when it started / start to rain. 6 They were walking / walked to school last Monday because there was no bus. 7 | ate / was eating a sandwich while my parents drank / were drinking coffee. Nloctasb rnaronbi, qaHibie B cKO6Kax, B past continuous wan past simple. | Jack ..was playing. (play) a video game when his brother, Tom, ... etered..., (enter) the room. 2 | (study) for my English test when my mother ........... (come) home from work. 3 | «+ (Pead) a book when my sister ....... + leave) for the cinema. | Emma <++.++ (Wash) the dishes when the telephone (ring). a (write) an email when the lights . +++ (Go) out. 84 Past Continuous vs Past Simple 42 @ Noctaeb rnaronbi, AaHHbIe B CKOG«Kax, B past simple unn past continuous. 1 A: What 1) ., were the children doing .. (the children/do) when you 2) ured, (retum) home last night? B: Kate 3) . vss (Watch) @ DVD and Andrew Mo. . tees oe + (do) his homework. A: How 4) oe . (Anne/break) her leg? B: She 2) . a . ... (tide) her horse when she 8) msn enies (fall) and 4) (land) on her leg. A: 5).. a vee (she/go) to hospital? B: Yes, she did. A: When 1) ..... 202-5004 se ij eve ao de = te ... (yousee) Peter? B: While 12) ..0..0....0008 cose . . (do) my shopping at the supermarket. Alt). secs. (call) you last night but you 2) eeve « (not/answer). Where were you? B: 13) =~ (fog) in the park. A). . (you/hear) what happened to George? B: No! Is he OK? A: Well, he 2)... (ide) his bike to school when a cat 3) —. ssseess. Gump) out in front of him. He 4) ..0.002.. Coo bvceeecceccssceeses (tty) to stop but he 5) . covcceseceeves (fall) against a wall. Luckily, he Qos . {not/be) hurt. ® Npoutu nucbMo uv enum nponyweHHble CioBa, no OAHOMY cnoBy B \ Ka>KgbIi Nponyck. Dear Georgia, I'm writing to you from my hotel room 1) . . in Berlin. You can’t imagino what happened to me yesterday! | was walking in Mitte at around noon 2) It started raining. 3) ... |was running back to the hotel, | saw a famaut actor who was eating in a restaurant. | went in and 4) ... hello and ha gave me two tickets to see his new film. Isn't that great? That's all for now. See you 5) ......... | get back! Love, ee .® ’ Rachel . " ° “3 ° se

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