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Language Hub Elementary

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1 For each sentence (1–5), f ind the error and correct it. If there is no error, put a tick (✔) next to the sentence. An
example (0) has been done f or you.

0 T here are a bath in my house.

There is a bat h in my house.

1 Is there any chairs near the table?

2 T here isn’t a coffee machine.

3 T here is two showers in the apartment.

4 Is there a lamp next to the bed?

5 T here aren’t any plant in the kitchen.

Score: /5

2 Select the correct word in italics in each sentence. An example (0) has been done f or you.

0 We don’t eat much/many bread at home.

1 How much/many eggs do you eat a week?

2 T here are a lot of/much glasses in the cupboard.

3 T hey don’t eat much/many red meat.

4 How much/many fruit do you eat in a day?

5 My father drinks a lot of/much coffee.

Score: /5

3 For each sentence (1–10), f ind the error and correct it. An example (0) has been done f or you.

0 Chef at my school is terrible.

The chef at my school is t errible.

1 Would you like some salads with your meal?

2 A waiters in this restaurant are very good.

3 How many money have you got?

4 I need a onion for this soup recipe.

5 T here are a carton of orange juice in the fridge.

6 We have a lot recipes for making cakes.

7 Do you eat a rice very much?

8 How many tea do you drink at work?

9 Our family eats much fruit and vegetables.

10 Is there any big supermarkets in your town?

Score: / 10

4 Complete the sentences with the correct word. An example (0) has been done f or you.

0 Do you want to have a snack?

1 I think I’ll have orange.

2 We have a lot milk so don’t buy any.

3 Would she like tea or coffee?

4 T here’s a box of cereal in cupboard.

5 I don’t eat potatoes.

Score: /5

5 For each sentence (1–5), f ind the error and correct it. An example (0) has been done f or you.

0 I don’t have many milk left.

I don’t have much milk lef t .

1 Are there some apples in that shop?

2 Can you buy a loaf of breads for me?

3 We already have the lot of juice.

4 T his recipe needs the onion.

5 T here are three egg on the shelf.

Score: /5

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