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Embedding Action

Research for
Reflective Teaching
The Teacher
We Remember

1. Take note of the following:
• Your Resource Teacher comments, facial expressions, gestures and actions in class
- My Resource Teacher uses right facial expressions, gestures and actions in class

• Students’ comments, facial expression, gestures and behavior in class

- In class #1, they behave properly while in class #2 some of students are not behaving
• How your Resource Teacher relates to you
- The Resource Teacher introduce us to her students.
• The classroom proceedings
- The learning process is smooth because the Resource Teacher can manage the class.
• The classroom atmosphere – relaxed of threatening?
- In class #1 the classroom atmosphere is not relaxing because aside from not having
bulletin boards, it’s also hot inside the classroom wherein the students can have diseases.


1. From the PPTs, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards and the TEDx videos that
you viewed, what competencies does a great teacher possess?
- According to the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPSTs), great teacher never
stops when it comes to learning. When the teacher gained the qualification on becoming
professional teacher, the next stage will be the becoming proficient that can turn to a highly
proficient teacher and finally a distinguished one. Whereas, based on the frameworks given by
Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards, great teacher knows and understands what to
teach, helping students learn, engaging to the community, and becoming a better teacher every
day. Engaging themselves to teaching profession means engaging to a wider role that goes
beyond the classroom. From the video that I viewed; great teachers have deep understanding to
their students. They should know how to listen and understand every learner because every
learner has their own way of thinking. Additionally, great teachers have a power to bring out the
best version of their students. They have also deep understanding and they can see the potential of
the learner’s despite of the struggles and challenges that may encountered by the learner. They
facilitate every learner that can help to their future decisions and dreams.

2. Are these competencies limited only to professional competencies?

- No, it is not only on professional competencies because personal qualities are also needed by
every teacher in order to carry out success in both teaching and learning. Giving accurate
knowledge to learners is important because the learners rely on what been taught to them.
However, personal qualities of a teacher have impact to students because of their ability to make
different ways on how they facilitate the learning process. They establish good professional
relationship within the learner and to the learning community. In learning environment students
don’t have always share same culture, religion, skills and it is always had diverse background, it
is important that a teacher can understand each of his/her learners because it enables to give the
needs of the learners along the process of learning.

3. For a teacher to be great, is it enough to possess the professional competencies to plan a lesson,
execute a lesson plan, manage a class, assess learning, compute and report grades? Explain your
- In my own perspective, professional competencies are not enough to be called a great
teacher because there are lot of qualities that can be possessed by the teacher that not required
professional competencies. Planning a lesson, executing a lesson plan, managing a class,
assessing learning, computing and reporting grades are part of professional competencies.
A great teacher doesn’t have always show their professional competencies. A great
teacher must possess also personal qualities such as ability to understand what is the learner’s
needs, interest, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. A great teacher who can understand their
learners will be able to support and have knowledge on how they will handle their every learner
along their learning process. It is important to know and understand every learner because it can
help to determine whether the learner is struggling in learning or not. Also, the ability to captures
the interest and willingness of a learner to learn because a great teacher is a great communicator.


Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I need improvement in?
- For me, both are important because professional competencies and personal qualities are
equally essential as a teacher. In order to be called great teacher both professional competencies
and personal qualities should be possessed by them. Professional competencies are necessary to
learn the basics of methods of teaching, techniques also to plan a lesson, execute a lesson plan,
manage a class, assess learning, compute and report grades. Personal qualities including being
good communicator and interpersonal skills are required so that teacher can understand the needs,
interests, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of a learner so that the learning process is

Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating?

- I have the knowledge on how to choose and create instructional materials to
accommodate students at different levels. This follows my knowledge of using varied teaching
strategies to help my students with different learning styles. I know that I can also be able to
assess and identify my students’ needs, interests, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. I can
also collaborate with others so we can learn from one another and grow into better teachers to
make the school a safe, effective learning environment for all students and to improve the overall
image of the school and the instruction.

In which competencies do I need to develop more?

- I need to develop more my digital skills because as we know that we are in the 21st
century of learning, as a teacher we should have the ability to find, evaluate, and know how to
communicate information through digital learning platforms. Also, we can help students identify
websites contain biased or misinformed material so they can avoid that information and find
reliable content from reliable sources by that we teach students effective strategies for finding
credible information.

Who are the teachers that we remember most?

- A teacher who we remember the most was the one who are makes us realize that we are
capable of everything when it comes to learning. A teacher that will never judge learners
learning difficulty. They keep on trying their best to help the learners to understand the lesson.
Also. they are concern about the path what you are going to. They will remind you that it is okay
to fail as long as don’t lose hope and you will try again. A teacher who will make an impact to
their students by inspirational talk and their experienced about their life.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. In assisting my Resource Teacher, I observed that personal traits such as understanding
each learner interests and professional competencies like managing class were least/ not
displayed and as a result, students were/ class was not behaving properly.

2. The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies (mentioned in #1) may be
caused by lack of connecting with students.

3. I would like to address this problem (mentioned in #2) by conducting action research on
the impact of behavior in their learning process of grade 7 students.
4. a.) The main objective of my action research is to identify the impact of behavior to the
learning process of the grade 7 students. b.) My specific research questions are:
- What is the student profile in terms of age, gender, and family monthly income?
- What does the teacher can suggest to help the behavior of students?
- What are the strategies inside the classroom to motivate learning?
c) To answer my research questions, I will use the descriptive method to answer my specific
research questions.

Work on my Artifacts
As a future teacher, both professional competencies and personal qualities should be
possessed because it can help to facilitate learners. Professional competencies are more on
planning a lesson, executing a lesson plan, managing a class, assessing learning, compute and
report grades. Also, personal qualities should be considered as a teacher because it includes being
good communicator and interpersonal skills that can understand the needs, interests, capabilities,
strengths and weaknesses of a learner so that the learning process is effective.
Teachers must provide both professional competencies and personal qualities enable to
have skills that will help them work collaboratively and know how to understand every learner,
and choose the right learning strategy for learners. Teachers need a wide range of different skills
such as communication, critical thinking, empathy, listening and also digital skills in order to face
the complex challenges of today’s world. A great teacher who can understand their learners will
be able to support and have knowledge on how they will handle their every learner along their
learning process. A teacher who we remember the most was the one who are makes us realize that
we are capable of everything when it comes to learning.
As a future teacher, I will not stop learning enable to give more learnings to my future
learners and improve my skills so that I can determine and be considerate to the needs and
interests of my future students. I will strive to be better teacher to make the school a safe,
effective learning environment for all students.

Mary Ann Orcio

Cooperating Teacher
Embedding Action
Research for
Reflective Teaching

Participate and Assist

List of Completed Action Research Titles Author/ Authors

Ex. Differentiated Instruction in Teaching English

Mary Joy Olicia
for Grade Four Class

1. Improvement of Reading Comprehension

through the use of Higher Order Thinking Noel R. Dauran
skills in Grade III students

2. Improvement of Students Academic Andrea Luz S. Englis

Achievement in Science through Strategic Rolan C. Eullaran
Intervention Materials

3. Project IRI: Increasing Reading Level of Brenda L. Pasquil

Primary Learners

4. Enhancement of Learners’ Reading and Randy D. Dunque

Numeracy Skills through Project Randy

Hazel E. Argoncillo
5. Enrichment of Learners’ Reading
Juacrisa D. Balbon
Comprehension through Project Hazel

Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s find
out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.
Questions My Answer

1. What have you noticed about the action research 1. Improvement of Reading Comprehension
titles? Do the action research (AR) titles imply through the use of Higher Order Thinking
problems to be solved? Yes ✓ No _ skills

If YES, identify the problems from the title you 2. Improvement of Students Achievement
have given. Answer in the space provided.
3. Increasing Reading Level

4. Enhancement of Learners’ Reading and

Numeracy Skills

5. Enrichment of Learners’ Reading


2. What interpretation about action research Title of the Action Research:

can you make out of your answer in Question No.
1? Effectiveness of Higher Order Thinking Skills to
Reading Comprehension of Grade III students

From the title, I think, the study aims to improve the

3. Write the Title and your interpretation of student’s reading comprehension by using higher
the study from the title. order thinking skills.

4. What do you think did the author/s do with the I think the author/s use strategic material to solved
identified problem as presented in their titles? the problem and use it as their basis to improve
reading comprehension of the students.


Key Questions My Answer

_Copied from research books
✓ From daily observation of their
1. From what source do you think, did the teaching practice.
authors identify the problems of their action
✓ From difficulties they observed of
their learners.
✓ From their own personal experience. _
From the told experiences of their coteachers.

✓ To find a solution to the problematic
2. What do you think is the teacher’s intention ___ To comply with the requirement of the
in conducting the action research? principal
✓ To improve teaching practice
___ To try out something, if it works
___ To prove oneself as better than others

✓ Prepare me for my future job
___ Get good grades in the course ✓
3. What benefit do you get as a student in FS Learn and practice being an action
2 in understanding and doing action research? researcher
___ Improve my teaching practice
✓ Exposure to the realities in the
teaching profession
___ Become a better teacher everyday

✓ By co-researching with my mentor

___ By assisting in the design of the
4. In what ways, can you assist your mentor in
✓ By assisting in the implementation
his/ her Action Research Activity?
of the
___ By just watching what is being done

Based on the readings you made and the previous activities that you have done,
1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?
I learned that action research is hard for me but it can help to improve the education of students.
Action research can identify ways to improve the teaching and learning process of the learners. It
also plays an important role in improving the delivery and quality of student’s education.

2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher? Yes ✓ No
__. If yes, complete the sentence below.
I realized that I realized that as a future teacher there is need to be an action researcher
because it can help to resolve significant problems in classrooms and schools. Also, it can help to
provide more opportunities on how we improve the quality of education

Write Action Research Prompts

• Write an example of problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.
- Some students have reading difficulty
• Write a probable solution to the problematic situation.
- Students with reading difficulty can partner to their peers who can read.
• As a future action researcher can plan for an appropriate intervention like reading classes.
• If will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be conducting reading
class in grade 7 students.
AR Concepts,
Process and

What concepts have been emphasized in the task and infographics? Give at least four
1. The main problems in the classroom that is needed to solve.
2. The models that will be using
3. The procedures and steps
4. Elements in a cycle
Since the 3 models are all action research, what are the common elements of the three?
- They have the same and elements like the McNiff and Whitehead models and Nelson Model, it
has common elements like Title and Authors, observe, reflect, plan and act. The said elements are
also the same to the DepEd model but the DepEd model elements are more specific and the
information needed is more emphasis rather than the two models.


• If you choose to compare with model B- Nelson, O. 2014, here are the
Titles and Author of the Action Research: Improvement of Reading Comprehension
through the use of Higher Order Thinking skills in Grade III students by Noel R.
Key Components Entry from your Sample AR

The researcher of this research have found

out that many of my pupils in grade III are
able to read fluently but still have
difficulty in answering the “how” and
“why” questions. I am hoping that by
OBSERVE incorporating higher order thinking skills
my pupils would be able to transfer and
make connections to reading. This is
important in order for a child to be
successful. I feel that incorporating
strategies and showing students how to
reflect about what they have read, would
improve their reading comprehension and
to become life-long learners. I am looking
forward to working on this area of
concern, and sharing my findings with my

The area of focus for my project is

improving Reading Comprehension.
Through the Use of Higher Order
Thinking Skill Activities. Without the
solid foundation of reading skill, the
researcher feels the children will be
struggle hard throughout their schooling
REFLECT and adult life. By learning the best
comprehension strategies and how to best
teach these strategies to the pupils, the
researcher hopes to provide the solid
foundation needed to succeed. Although
the school’s NAT result has meet or
exceed its expectation, still the researcher
has a thought of a way to improve it. In
reading class, the 3rd grade pupils scored
84% but the scores dropped in the 4th
grade. So, the researcher concludes that
the pupils score decreases because of the
pupils have very poor higher-order
thinking skills to increase reading test
scores and develop meaningful reading
experiences to the pupils.

The study covered the PHIL-IRI

assessment result of the school year
20112012 utilizing the post-test and
PLAN National Achievement Test (NAT). The
aspect is in Improving Reading
Comprehension that the present study will
look into the different reading strategies.
Predicting, making, connections,
visualizing, inferring, questioning and
summarizing are shown on this research to
improve reading comprehension.

The Meta-comprehension Strategy Index

had a total of 25 questions divided into
ACT three parts that asked about the strategies
used prior to reading a story, and the part
III of the MSI consist of statement about
the strategies used after reading the story.
As a future Teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing?
- Yes, because it will help to identify ways to improve the teaching and learning process of
the learners. Also, it can help to resolve significant problems in classrooms. Also, it can help me
to provide more opportunities on how improve the quality of education as a future teacher.
How can AR be useful for every classroom Teacher?
- Action research is a meaningful way for a teacher to find out why students perform the
way they do. Using action research in classroom allowed to involve students in the curriculum

Write Action Research Prompts

From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?
• I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a problematic
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.
- Lack of reading comprehension
What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve?
I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.
Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above.
- Use of higher order thinking skills
What strategies, activities, and innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve the
• As a future action researcher, I can plan for an appropriate intervention like conducting
higher order thinking activities
If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?
• If I will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be Improvement of
Reading Comprehension through the use of Higher Order Thinking skills in Grade VII students
Problematic Learning
Situation with
Probable Action

Participate And Assist

The problems I identified are:

1. Cooperation
- Lack of student cooperation can affect the teaching process.
2. Reading Difficulty
- There are students who have reading difficulty.
3. Comprehension
- Poor comprehension can result to reading difficulty.
4. Behavior
- The behavior of students can affect their ability to learn.
5. Motivation
- Create a safe learning environment to improve student motivation.

How can you assist your mentor, after knowing that the learners have difficulty in
Make a Choice for your ACTION.
C. Make a learning task to develop comprehension.

What about letter C as a SOLUTION to the same PROBLEM? Why?

- Learning tasks can improve comprehension because it helps student’s attention on

what they are to learn. It helps students to think actively. It also helps students to
review content and relate what they have learned to what they already know.

The Problem is: The Action is:

Difficulty in
Make learning tasks to
Comprehension of
improve comprehension
the students

What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one solution to
the problem? Yes. Explain.

- In this problem, there can be more than one solution to the problem because as
teacher we should focus on more possible solutions to the problem. In this problem
we can conduct tutorial, video lessons and learning tasks but I choose learning tasks
in this problem because its easily to do.


Scenario A
• Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem?

- Yes, one half of the students in class cannot classify animals into vertebrates and

Can you find a solution to solve her problem? Yes

• Give your two suggestions.
a. Show video presentation
b. Make a learning task to improve the understanding of the students

What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem? -

• Make a learning task or activity

Scenario B:

• Can you identify the most probable-teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir Ryan?
a. Low expectations of student
b. Lack of instructional coherence

• Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
Reflect - For low expectations of students, Sir Ryan should consider what is the need of his
students they can give programs such as advancement courses and gifted talented programs as well

as well as school systems that council students out of school. They need to provide access
to rigorous courses and increase academic support to students.

After reading the two scenarios given above, how would identifying problematic situations and
finding solutions to these problems help you to become a better teacher?
These two problematic situations can help me to become a better teacher because it gives me
experience how to solve these problems and it can help me in the future if I encountered this kind
of problem with my future learners.

Write Action Research Prompts

Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR prompts that follow:


What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?

- Reading difficulties or comprehension and lack of understanding about the lesson.


What changes do you want to achieve?

- Way of conducting activities


What strategies will you use to improve the situation?

- Use of higher order thinking activities
- Utilize visual imagery and use audio books


What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?
- Improving Reading Comprehension through the Use of Higher Order Thinking
Add: Solutions/Actions
- As a future teacher, I will conduct this study enable to help students. To be able to
conduct this study, I will propose it to the principal for approval and prepare the
necessary materials.

Check for Mastery

Problematic Situations Probable Solutions/Actions

F 1. Connectivity for On-line learning A. Rearrange classroom setting

D 2. Disruptive Classroom behavior B. Maximize use of varied instructional


B 3. Poor interest and motivation C. Regular parent-teachers circles

C 4. Parental non-involvement D. Use of rewards

A 5. At risk-students E. Group studies and Study Buddies

F. Use of flexible learning

G. Silent Reading Exercises

Work On My Artifacts
Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed Action Research.
I. Title of Action Research

Improving Reading Comprehension through the Use of Higher Order Thinking


II. Author/s: Noel R. Dauran

III. Abstract

This action research project was conducted to improve reading comprehension of grade III
pupils of Baya Elementary School, Ragay District, Division of Camarines Sur for the school
year 2011-2012. The researcher intends to improve the reading comprehension by using the
higher-order thinking skills such as predicting, making connections, visualizing, inferring,
questioning and summarizing. In his classroom the researcher modeled these strategies through
the think- aloud process and graphic organizers. This is followed by the pupils using these

strategies the whole class, small group, and independent practice.

The pre-experimental one-shot case method of research was utilized in which the treatment
was the instruction of Reading strategies. Documentary analysis was also employed since the
results of schools PHIL-RI and Meta-comprehension Strategy Index were used as the source of
data. The researcher gathered information prior to implementing the strategy interventions. The
comprehension Strategy Index indicated a lack of pupil’s knowledge of strategies to use
before, during, and after reading. The PHIL-IRI given to the grade III pupils identified 9 of the
16 pupils below target level.

The information gathered by the researcher after the intervention had been modeled and
practiced showed improvement with the grade III pupils. The post intervention scores for
the Meta-comprehension Strategy Index showed a significant increase in pupils’ knowledge of
the reading comprehension strategies. The Phil – IRI post intervention scores indicate only 2 of
the 49 pupils of the grade III pupils remained non-reader. The table on Level of reading
comprehension it shows that along frustration level, indicated a decrease of 32.65%, under
Instructional indicated an increase of 32.65% and 6.13% for Independent Level.

IV. Identify the Problem in the Study

The objective of this research project was to improve reading comprehension in the thirdgrade
pupils through teacher modeling and think aloud process using six strategies. The researcher
used to predict, making connections, visualizing, inferring, questioning, and summarizing
strategies. Beginning in September 2011, the strategies were introduced and practiced over a
sixteen-week period ending with an assessment at the end of January 2012. The strategies were
first modeled by the researcher through the think aloud process and the use of graphic
organizer. Next the strategies were practiced by the whole class then small groups, and finally
V. Identify the Action Taken in the Study One tool the researcher used to collect data, analyze pupils’
use, and pupils’ understanding of the reading strategies was an observation checklist. Beginning in
October 2011, once a month, the researcher used checklist to observe which reading comprehension
strategies were being used by the pupils in small groups. The researcher found two problems with
using checklists. The researcher observed that pupils had a problem using the strategies within the
group setting without a guide sheet to follow. Therefore, the researcher developed a group record
keeping sheet for the various strategies pupils were to use before, during and after reading the story in
their group. This record keeping sheet aided the researcher in monitoring pupils’ progress since
observing groups at one time was a second problem.
Following the teaching of the reading strategies, the researcher administered
Metacomprehension Strategy Index (MSI) to see if the strategies changed pupils approaches in
reading. The
MSI measures pupils’ knowledge of reading strategies used before, during, and after reading. The
researcher noted the new activities led to an increase in pupils’ knowledge of the reading strategies in
all parts of the MSI.

The Learning
Environment: An

Participate and Assist

What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in the
following conditions:

1. Bulletin Board Display

Bulletin board is important in any educational setting. They can be used to give
information to students, reinforce lessons, display student work, and more. I can assist
my mentor in setting up an effective bulletin board by incorporating a theme to it, such as
school events or holidays. I can also contribute an appealing design and structure that
would help attract students’ attention, and would encourage them to interact with what’s
displayed on the board.
2. Small Group Discussion

Small group discussion is a method wherein students are formed in a small group to help
each other learn. While the teacher serves as a facilitator, my role during this method is to
become a class moderator. It should be my responsibility as a moderator to prohibit the
students from disrupting one another or speaking at the same time. In that way, I can help
maintain a peaceful and successful small group discussion.

3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e., google meet or zoom)

In a virtual classroom, the teacher usually checks the attendance just like the way they
used to do in a face-to-face class. In this case, I can assist my mentor by keeping track or
a record of the student’s performance in terms of class-wise attendance and behavioral
analysis. By doing this, it eases the task of attendance and I could also help my mentor
manage data on real time basis.


Learning Environment 1:

• What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message of theme
does it convey?
- Mission and Vision of the school
- Health board

• What makes it attractive to the learners?

- The designs and content

• Does it help in the learning process? Yes

- It can
on about
a certain

Learning Environment 2:
• If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most
likely the learning space of the students?

- Home

• Can you describe?

- The learning environment can be distracting because of different barriers can occur in
the learning process.

• How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?

- In a distance delivery, I can ask help to parents of the learners in promoting creativity
and critical thinking, which are important life skills that students should inculcate
when they are in school. Also, in giving the modules or learning materials I have to
be more creative it also helps students to stay focused and refreshed when studying.
Lastly, by giving rewards because students learn best when they are motivated and a
great way to keep them driven is by rewarding achievements.


As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2.
Explain your choice: Why?
- I chose Learning Environment 1 because it depicts the learners in classroom and it
can make students to have the opportunity to ask questions during the learning
process. It also allows students to participate in small group discussions, school
activities and classroom participation.


Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that

a. Face to face learning is the best learning environment unlike distance delivery because it
allows learners or students to have the actual learning environment wherein the students can
learn something by collaborating with their peers.
b. I realized that conducive learning environment can impact the learning process of the learners.
c. Distance delivery can happen anytime because we are still on the midst of pandemic but the
teacher should be ready on how to make a conducive learning environment.
Write Action Research Prompts
What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?
For face-to-face learning, the following are the probable problems;
a. Travel time from home to school
b. Allowances
c. Learning resources
d. Tuition
For distance delivery, the following are the probable problems;
a. Power interruption
b. Technology
c. Different learning styles

What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?
To solve this problem, the teacher or the administrator should visit the homes of every student to
identify their problem and also how to solve them. The teacher also should have plans on how to
meet the learning outcomes of every learner’s and also to meet the needs and interests of learners.
Teachers should be creative and have the problem-solving skills.
How should I do it?
Enable to identify the problem of the students the teacher should coordinate with school
administrator, parents and also the students. The teacher should create all of necessary learning
materials. As a teacher, the needs of the students should be provided by possessing professional
competencies and personal qualities. Also, the teacher should exert efforts and willingness to help
the learners in their learning process.

Check for Mastery

Choose the best answer from the options given.

1. Learning environment is only confined to specific place called schools. This statement is

2. What kind of learning happens anytime, anyplace and anywhere? B. On-line learning
3. In which situation can learners with more physical presence and intervention of the
A. Face-to-Face

4. Which of the two kinds of learning environment encourages independence and

selfmanagement of the learners? Why? C. Both, because they can always shift from one
modality to another.

5. Of on-line or virtual learning environment is not applicable, the traditional face-to-face or

in-school will continue. How will you improve the physical learning environment? D. A,
B and C

Work on my Artifacts
In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “My Conducive Learning

“My Conducive Learning Environment”

As a future teacher, we should know how to make conducive learning environment. In

making conducive learning environment here is my plan. First is to build the environment, that
can help students to connect or collaborate in their learning process. I will make certain that the
arrangement of desks and work space, the attractiveness and appeal of bulletin boards, and the
storage of materials and supplies are all in their proper locations because students spend a
significant amount of their time in school and this encourages students to be more productive.
Second is to make their environment more creative by placing bulletin boards or clipboards it can
help the students to motivate and study. Clipboards can be used to motivate the students because
its function is to display the learner’s work.
Third, is the availability of resources. As a future teacher, I must remember that not only
will making the most of my resources save me time and money, but it will also benefit a child's
ability to learn and develop. For example, the use videos, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets,
folders and files, and books and dictionaries. This enables students to keep an organized
environment while also assisting them in making the most of their learning experience. Lastly,
having an award section because students learn best when they are motivated by giving reward
achievements. Playing games can also be use in a conducive learning environment because it
enables students to build relationship to their peers. Also, games can help to reduce stress
especially when examination is coming. As a teacher, I intend to make my classroom safe,
welcoming and accommodating to children. I'd like them to express their thoughts, ideas and as
well as their feelings. I'll also make certain that I can meet their expectations and increases their
attention and focus.
Enhancing a

Participate and Assist

Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and assist in a face-
toface learning environment?
- As a future educator, I can participate in and contribute to a face-to-face learning
environment by providing students with a conducive classroom environment in which
everyone can express themselves and participate in class. I will encourage students to
share their thoughts, interact with their peers and provide feedback on something or
the lesson. In addition, I will allow students to work independently as well
collaborate in groups to create and develop their social, creative, and critical thinking
skills. In this new curriculum, I will be able to employ a variety of teaching strategies
that will be use and assist in a face-to-face learning environment. Also, I can use
technology to engage my students in class and encourage them to reflect on and
explore their learning.


What changes have you noticed in the face-to-face classroom spaces?

Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now

Lots of bulletin board Lack of bulletin board

Classroom arrangement is good Classroom is not arranged properly

What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment now?
- I think the changes in the face-to-face learning environment as a result of the
incorporation of technology into the classroom, which provides effective learning
From the changes that you identify, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?
- The changes that I can do are the classroom environment; I can make my classroom
more creative by utilizing available technologies. I believe that I should focus on
things that remove distractions from the classroom and help students develop

Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face classroom will enable
the leaners to achieve better learning outcomes? Yes. Explain your answer.
- Conducive learning environment will enable the learners to achieve better learning
outcomes because it motivates the students to learn. Also, the students will
continuously absorb the learning by themselves or with peers, and they will learn
how to reflect and explore on the learning they received.

Write Action Research Prompts

What common problem have I noticed in the face-to-face learning environment?
- The overcrowding of students inside the classroom also when dismissal time. Lack of
classroom and improper ventilation. Also, some of students are not active in class.

Can I translate this problem into a question?

- What can we propose to solve this problem?

How would I solve the problem?
- By proposing a project proposal to help a safe learning environment. Will it improve
my teaching? Yes How?
- It can improve my teaching process because I provide a better learning process to
learners. It also allows students to be more focused on the lessons and allows
interaction with their peers.

What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.
- I will put bulletin board wherein the previous discussion is found there and students
can review it. I will design the classroom so that students are always motivated.
Students develop their morals, attitudes, and become more disciplined in a given
situation as a result of this.

Check for Mastery

Choose the best answer from the options given.

1. In a face-to-face learning environment, the most critical element is/are the B. Physical,
psychological and social considerations

2. The traditional classroom spaces are still considered valid and effective for as long as
these conditions exist. What are these conditions? D. III & IV

III. The presence of the teacher is needed in a given time to guide learning. IV. All
students should be heard in class discussion.

3. The best instructional material in the traditional classroom is the A. Blackboard.

4. Outdoor activities like group games, scavenger hunt and the like provide a positive A.
psychological environment

5. It is observed that different classrooms have different arrangement of chairs, tables and
benches because of B. different purposes

Work on my Artifacts

Title: The Face-to-Face Learning Environment

Describe the physical environment: In classroom#1, the learning environment is good and well
arranged. They have also bulletin boards. Learners are comfortable in terms of light ventilation.
In classroom #2, I observe that inside the classroom is hot because there’s not enough spaces
and also due to lack of ceiling fans or electric fans. They don’t have bulletin boards inside the
Describe the psychological environment: Both classroom #1 and #2 are following rules and
regulations when it comes to segregating wastes. Also, they are both motivated in learning but in
classroom #1 some students are lot active in class. Both of class that I observed have express
themselves and they have positive attitudes, behavior and respect.
Describe the social environment: Both classroom's environment supports positive interactions
between the learner and the teacher. There are also activities conduct outside the classroom
wherein the participates in practice of wellness dance and they are joined by different sections.
The differences of all students are considered they are treated equally and addresses the needs of
each student.

Making On-line or
Virtual Learning
Environment Safe
and Conducive

As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual class?
- It can happen anytime and anywhere.
How did the students show their active participation in the lesson ?
- By their attendance and they response if they called by the teacher. Students demonstrate
active participation by always participating in the class by raising their hands or clicking
the raise hand icon. They also, though not always, pay close attention, ask probing
questions, and actively participate in all activities

Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on-line learning environment?

✓ It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students.

✓ It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform

_ Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to make responses.
_Internet connectivity is great factor to support a conducive environment.

As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe if the learners are only
staying with their houses because in some cases if the internet connection is bad, they tend to go
outside to find better connection.
I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is really hard not only for students but also
for the teachers.

OBSERVE Identify the problems brought about by the online learning environment.

- Limited access to technology

- Low innovation
- Internet connection

REFLECT How would you solve this problem?

- This problem could be solved by implementing a strong innovation integration

strategy. As a future teacher innovation is important in order to help our student we
should know where we can to our students. Teacher can help to provide the tools and
knowledge to help learners to strategize what possible solution they can do to the

PLAN What initial plan do you intend to do to solve the problem?

- To solve this problem, students have stay in touch with teachers and keep them up to date
on what's going on. They should be understanding and accommodating of the situation,
even recording course sessions as a backup. Encourage students to do their best and
avoid distractions; try to stay away from anything that could interfere with your

Check for Mastery

1. What is common among the following learning environments: (a) remote learning, (b)
virtual learning, (c) on-learning learning? A. Presence of a teacher

2. If your co-teacher asks you to borrow your email address password for an urgent concern,
which action should you take as a safety measure? A. Open your email yourself and print
your friend’s email

3. Why should parents be involved and be a part of a safe on-line environment?

A. Parents should provide guidance in the selection of websites for children’s references.

4. In a virtual synchronous class, when a student would like to talk, which of the following
actions should be done? C. Raise hand or D. send message to chat box

5. Which would describe a safe and conducive virtual learning environment? D. A,B AND
Work On My Artifacts:
Name of Website Topics/Title of Content or Instructional

Classic flash-card and quiz-based website
that works well for individual or class-wide
test reviews, informal assessments, or quick
checks for understanding. Create your own
quiz let or select one from the vast library of
pre-existing reviews. Quizlet is ideal for 6-
12 educators looking for additional online
resources to assist students in understanding
difficult concepts and developing academic
2. Thousands of lesson plans organized by
subject, learning objective, grade level, and
theme in a massive online teacher resource
bank. These lesson plans, ranging from
kindergarten to 12th grade, are ideal for any
teacher looking for developed, clear, and
wellorganized lesson plans. This website will
be especially beneficial to English teachers
because it contains over 500 different fiction
and literature resources.
Hundreds of reading passages, exercises, and
worksheets designed to keep students
engaged while also developing critical
reading skills and comprehension. It is easy
to use and highly adaptable, making it
suitable for both in-person and distance
learning. We recommend Read Theory to any
teacher looking to improve their students’
reading skills because it has materials for
students in grades K-12.
4. Large database of no-nonsense,
uncomplicated lesson plans for grades K-12,
with a particular strength in Math due to its
massive collection of lesson plans ranging
from primary to high school math. Perfect for
both new teachers and seasoned veterans
looking for fundamental lessons.

5. Google classroom A suite of online tools that allows teachers to

set assignments, have work submitted by
students, to mark, and to return graded
papers. It was created as a way to get
eliminate paper in classes and to make digital
learning possible. It was initially planned for
use with laptops in schools, such as
Chromebooks, in order to allow the teacher
and students to more efficiently share
information and assignments.

6. LinkedIn Learning An educational platform that offers

professional courses in business,
technologyrelated and creative fields in the
format of video lessons.

7. Teachable An online teaching platform that serves the

everyday instructor. Teachable provides an
easy and simple solution for uploading your
learning content, customizing your online
school, and communicating effectively with
your students.

8. A video-based platform that allows teachers

to upload or choose their own YouTube
video and then have students respond to it.
Teachers can use the video to create quizzes
or tests and receive immediate feedback. Ed
puzzle also encourages student accountability
by allowing teachers to see if students are
watching the videos, how many times they’ve
watched each section, and if the content is
understood. Ideal for distance learning or
teachers in grades 612 who want to
incorporate more visual media into their

9. A free website with several features and

platforms for tracking, managing, and
improving student behavior and learning. It
includes messaging apps that can be linked to
both students and families, incentivized
learning opportunities, and much, much
more. This tool is ideal for 6-12 teachers
looking for a way to improve classroom
management and engagement.
10. The classic interactive and fun quiz style
game is always a hit with students. You can
use Kahoot to create your own assessment,
design your own questions, and get
feedback. To be sure, this is a teacher classic.
It's great for both in-person and online
learning, but it’s especially fun in the
classroom. All students in grades 6 through
12 should have Kahoot.

Establishing My Own
Classroom Routines
and Procedures in a
Face-to-Face/ Remote

Participate and Assist

We are given the opportunity to consult with our cooperating teacher about any possible
assistance or participation that we can offer to assist her with the class routines. She requests that
we assist in giving activity in the class.

List down the problems which you have encountered while implementing these routines.

- Misbehaved students
- Students who have lack of comprehension

After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures; state what you
noticed by answering the following questions:

• How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your procedures
in the classroom/remote learning?

- I feel complete because I can fulfill my duty as a field study student but I have to learn
more and practice handling a class.

• How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?
- They response actively by participating well in the routines and procedures.

• What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and

- The feedback of my resource teacher in my way of conducting the classroom routines and
procedures are good because she agreed also on how I handle the students because some
of them are lack of understanding and comprehension and they are really need to be
guided always.

• Was there a change in the classroom environment/teaching-learning process after you

have implemented your classroom routines and procedures?

- Yes, because they feel motivated when I give them help in their learning process.

• What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and

- The feedback of my resource teacher in my way of conducting the classroom routines and
procedures are good because she agreed also on how I handle the students because some
of them are lack of understanding and comprehension and they are really need to be
guided always.

1. What factors/conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and

- The learners' lack of comprehension was one of the factors that prompted me. I want to
motivate them to learn and improve themselves.

2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your

classroom routines?

- The eagerness to learn

3. Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer.

- Yes, the teaching-learning process has improved as a result of the learners'

What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
- The insights I gained during this learning episode, is to continue to improve more
my ways of conducting classroom routines because it will be good practice for my future.
It also gives me a general idea of how to interact with my students while implementing
the routines and procedures that have been developed.

Write Action Research Prompts


1. The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routine was really

important to improve because comprehension is one of the components when we are learning.


2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by supporting, motivating and
bringing out the best ideas of the students


3.Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are to incorporate
more engaging activities to activate the fun and excitement as we progress through our


4 .(Based on my answers in nos: 1-3), the possible title of my action research on this episode is
Improving the learning development of students in 7- NA3

Check for Mastery

1. Ms. Asuncion teaches English in Grade Six. She finds difficulty in getting her class settled and
ready for the daily lesson. Which of the following would be the best advice for her?

B. She should assign a group leader to monitor student’s discipline

2. The students of Ms. Dionisio were instructed to use the washroom gate pass whenever they
need to attend to personal necessities. This is an example of which of the following classroom
management techniques? B. the use of gate pass

3. Mrs. Esplana assigned daily prayer leaders and attendance monitor checkers in her class. What
is the benefit of having this practice?

A. Ensure discipline and responsibility in class.

4. During inclement weather one of the routines established by Ms. Returan is for her class to fall
in line along the corridors and not in the school yard. What must be the reason why she
implemented this?

C. To protect them from harm

5. Why is it best to establish routines at the beginning of the class?

B. To control unruly students

Work On My Artifacts:

Take some snapshots of your routines in the classroom or in remote learning and tell something
about them. You may also write down the procedures you have formulated and explain the
reasons for these.

- Checking of attendance and classroom greetings is the one that I established. Getting
supplies and materials, by doing this my cooperating teacher saves time.
Creating my
Management Plan

Participate and Assist

My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement

I will create a safe, enjoyable, and cooperative learning environment. Discipline will be applied
as soon as possible and as necessary. A well-designed remote learning provides opportunities
for learners to explore topics, piques their interest, and offers options for assignments the
learners find challenging and interesting.

Classroom Rules and Behaviors

To ensure the discipline of my students, I will establish classroom rules and procedures such as:

• Show your teacher respect and pay attention to what he or she is saying.
• Raise your hand to speak if you want to.
• Remain silent when your teacher speaks.
• Share new concepts
• Maintain a clean classroom at all times.
• Stick to the seating arrangement.
• Use positive language.
• Remain alert at all times.
• Obey all school regulations.
• Have a good behavior

Teacher-Student Relationship

In order to maintain positive relationships with my students, I will treat them equally and
having also respect for my students. I'll teach them to do the right thing and avoid wrong
doings. I will also teach them to have respect with one another. I find that using rewards rather
than punishments will keep them motivated. I'll teach them both how to speak and how to

Schedules and Timeframes

In terms of time and scheduling, I will organize my class schedule based on what the school
and I agreed upon. I should always consider my students' perspectives. I will make every
part of my lesson interesting and interactive in order to keep my students' attention on the task
at hand. I should always draw the attention of all of my students. I should also take into
account their emotions and circumstances.

Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements

I will provide materials that can help the development of my students in order to create a
conducive learning environment in my classroom. I will also include some technology that
we’ll use in class on a daily basis. Furthermore, in my classroom, I will eliminate anything that
can cause distractions and stress.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

To ensure the safety and security of my students, I will provide a medicine cabinet in case
something goes wrong. For security reasons, I will impose rules such as requiring students to
sign to logbook whenever they are going outside the classroom. They should notify or a
security guard if they have any concerns. Also knowing their parents or guardian contact
number in case of an emergency, and prohibiting students from leaving campus during class
hours to ensure their safety.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

I intend to impose class rules and procedures that will hold students accountable for their
actions, and I believe that students will comply if sanctions and rewards are attached to each

After reading and reviewing the classroom/learning management plan from different
sources and creating your own plan, answer the following question.

1. What salient components have you noticed?

- I noticed that as teachers, we should always be aware of each student's needs. In order for
students to learn and reflect, we must first know the needs of the students in order to
determine where we can help them. This episode will focus on classroom routines and

2. Why is there need to utilize the information to create your classroom management plan?

- I believe there is a need to use the information to create my Classroom management

plan because having different options for what rules and procedures are more
effective for students will help me as a teacher to have an effective classroom
management plan for diverse students.

3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were implementing your

- The most important thing I've discovered while putting my plan into action is that planning
is the key to having a well-managed and organized classroom. The Classroom
Management Plan assists students in focusing on learning and understanding what is
expected of them. One of the primary goals of this plan is to provide a conducive and
effective learning environment .

4. Were there items in your classroom / remote learning management plan which were not
tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on this?

- No, and I believe that in order to improve, I should focus on the items that they will use
rather than those that will only be displayed in the classroom

1. What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan were mostly

- The cleanliness of the classroom and the students' moral character were mostly followed;
respecting teachers and students, using positive language, and so on.

2. What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?

- Have a good behavior was the most difficult aspect of my plan to implement because
some students can’t control their behavior without the teacher.


What were your realizations after creating and implementing your classroom/ remote learning
management plan?

- I realize that creating and implementing classroom management plan is important. It

reminds students of their school responsibilities, but it also assists in the development of
the students in order for the student to have a good moral character. Lastly, it also helps
my students focus on their studies.
Write Action Research Prompts

1. The problems/ challenges I encountered in writing my classroom Management Plan is that
they are diverse; some of them have domestic responsibilities that may affect the
Classroom Management Plan.
2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by proposing an action research
project on the subject. I believe it will also help if I consult my plan with other teachers
and solicit their feedback and suggestions.
3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these
situations/problems by conducting action research on how to resolve this issue. In
addition, I will question my students about the issue and invite them to share their
thoughts and opinions. I will try to readjust and revise my strategy if necessary.
4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode
is "Assessing Classroom Management as a Strategy for Diverse Students"
To further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/ remote management plan, whether
in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help me
in these activities. (include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to your

Classroom Management Plan By

Indeed Editorial Team

Check for Mastery

1. Why is classroom management plan important?
D. To make the students responsible and accountable for their actions.
2. Why is there a need to make the classroom management clear and simple? A. For students to
understand and follow easily.
3. Why is there a need to have a classroom structure/lay out?
D. For the safety and security of students
4. When is the best time to make classroom management/remote learning plan? A. At the
beginning of the school year.
5. Which of the elements in the classroom management/remote plan must be given more
emphasis? A. Classroom Rules and Procedures

Work On My Artifacts
My Classroom Management Plan

Philosophical Statement

I will create a safe, enjoyable, and cooperative learning environment. Discipline will be applied
as soon as possible and as necessary. A well-designed remote learning provides opportunities
for learners to explore topics, piques their interest, and offers options for assignments the
learners find challenging and interesting.

Classroom Rules and Behaviors

To ensure the discipline of my students, I will establish classroom rules and procedures such as:

• Show your teacher respect and pay attention to what he or she is saying.
• Raise your hand to speak if you want to.
• Remain silent when your teacher speaks.
• Share new concepts
• Maintain a clean classroom at all times.
• Stick to the seating arrangement.
• Use positive language.
• Remain alert at all times.
• Obey all school regulations.
• Have a good behavior

Teacher-Student Relationship

In order to maintain positive relationships with my students, I will treat them equally and having
also respect for my students. I'll teach them to do the right thing and avoid wrong doings. I will

also teach them to have respect with one another. I find that using rewards rather than
punishments will keep them motivated. I'll teach them both how to speak and how to listen

Schedules and Timeframes

In terms of time and scheduling, I will organize my class schedule based on what the school
and I agreed upon. I should always consider my students' perspectives. I will make every
part of my lesson interesting and interactive in order to keep my students' attention on the task
at hand. I should always draw the attention of all of my students. I should also take into
account their emotions and circumstances.

Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements

I will provide materials that can help the development of my students in order to create a
conducive learning environment in my classroom. I will also include some technology that
we’ll use in class on a daily basis. Furthermore, in my classroom, I will eliminate anything that
can cause distractions and stress.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

To ensure the safety and security of my students, I will provide a medicine cabinet in case
something goes wrong. For security reasons, I will impose rules such as requiring students to
sign to logbook whenever they are going outside the classroom. They should notify or a
security guard if they have any concerns. Also knowing their parents or guardian contact
number in case of an emergency, and prohibiting students from leaving campus during class
hours to ensure their safety.
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

I intend to impose class rules and procedures that will hold students accountable for their
actions, and I believe that students will comply if sanctions and rewards are attached to each


Writing My

Participate and Assist

Lesson Plan in Esp.
Grade Level: 7
Learning Outcomes

Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag- unawa sa mga inaasahang kakayahan at kilos sa panahon
ng pagdadalaga/pagbibinata, talento at kakayahan, hilig, at mga tungkulin sa panahon ng

Learning Content
Modyul 1: Mga Angkop at Inaasahang Kakayahan at Kilos sa Panahon ng Pagdadalaga at

Learning Resources

Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 7, Modyul para sa Mag-aaral , pp. 1-14

Learning Procedures

- Playing a song about “Batang-bata Ka Pa” by Apo Hiking Society - Giving

- Processing answers to the activity
- Discussions
- Reinforcing the concept
- Summarizing the lesson
- Applying to new and other situations

1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson/learning plans?

- When developing my lesson/learning plan, I kept my learners' interest and capabilities in

activities I used that are appropriate for them because I want my students to be able to
express what they've learned in class. I want to make my lessons more engaging and
exciting so that my students are motivated to learn.

2. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson/learning plans?

- The difficulty that I met in writing lesson plan is that how can I present the lesson and what
activities I'll include in my lesson plan.

3. What feedback was/were given by your Resource Teacher in your first draft/succeeding
lesson/learning plans?

- HOTS questions are important in learning plans and lessons. Also, use engaging
motivational activities in learning process.

4. What were the best features/areas for improvement of your lesson/learning plans?

- In my opinion, the best part of my lesson is when I allow students to create their
own thoughts about the topic. I believe it has the potential to promote learning because
students will collaborate to explore and discover things on their own. Meanwhile, one
aspect of my lesson that I can improve is the manner in which I will conduct motivational
activities wherein a strategy to avoid boredom.

Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering the given matrix. Take
note that you must have provisions to do this lesson on a face to face, modular or through
online learning.
Questions Answers
1. How did you arouse students’ interest? By letting them a song about the lesson,
What motivational techniques did you because they can capture students’ attention
indicate in your plan? and help them fully understand the lesson.
Furthermore, asking questions or their opinion
in the classroom can enhance students' learning
experiences and allow them to create ideas in a
realistic setting.
2. How did you respond to the diverse I addressed the various types of learners by
types of learners? tailoring my examples and activities to
2.1 gender, needs, strength, interests and different genders, religions, indigenous groups,
experiences and so on. I also encouraged my students to
2.2 linguistic, cultural, socio-economic think of their own examples based on personal
and religious backgrounds experiences or interests. Furthermore, I used
2.3 with disabilities, giftedness and instructional and assessment strategies that
talents catered to the students' individual needs and
2.4 in different circumstances interests by allowing them to composed and
2.5 from indigenous groups reflect about themselves.

3. What instructional strategies will you

employ in face to face or in a remote learning Video presentations – because it helps students
delivery for this lesson? Explain. learn all subjects, but especially those that are
complex and/or highly visual, such as step-
bystep procedures and problem-solving
Group activities – because it can be an
effective means of motivating students,
encouraging active learning, and developing
criticalthinking, communication, and decision-
making abilities.
Written assessment – because it enables
students to demonstrate their abilities and
knowledge while also indicating their progress
toward meeting educational goals and
4. Was the language used appropriate to the Yes, because as a Filipino we are comfortable to
level of the students? Explain your answer understand our own language.
5. What types and levels of questions did you Higher-order thinking skills questions are the
formulate? Are they of higher order thinking types and levels of questions I formulate. In my
skills (HOTS)? Write two (2) examples. lesson, here are some examples of higher order
thinking skills questions:

1. Anong hakbang ang maari mong gawin

upang mas makagawa ng tamang kilos
bilang isang nagdadalaga o
2. Ano ang kahalagahan ng tamang kilos
bilang isang nagdadalaga at
6. What instructional resources will you use? Google Classroom – online tools that allows
Why? Cite the possible online resources that teachers to set assignments, have work
you can utilize whether done in the classroom submitted by students, to mark, and to return
or in remote learning. graded papers. It was created as a way to get
eliminate paper in classes and to make digital
learning possible. It was initially planned for
use with laptops in schools, such as
Chromebooks, in order to allow the teacher and
students to more efficiently share information
and assignments.
Teachable - an online teaching platform that
serves the everyday instructor. Teachable
provides an easy and simple solution for
uploading your learning content, customizing
your online school, and communicating
effectively with your students.
7. Are your modes of assessment aligned Yes, I believe my modes of assessment are
with your learning outcomes and activities? aligned with my learning outcomes and
Cite a specific example. activities because my learning outcome is
“Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag- unawa
sa mga inaasahang kakayahan at kilos sa
panahon ng pagdadalaga/pagbibinata, talento
at kakayahan, hilig, at mga tungkulin sa
panahon ng pagdadalaga/pagbibinata” and the
given activity are aligned to the learning
outcomes. For example, Lagyan ng titik T
kung angkop o tama ang kilos na pinapakita
bilang isang dalaga o binata at titik M naman
kung hindi angkop o mali ang pinapakitang
8. Will your performance task ensure the Yes, I believe that my performance tasks
mastery of the learning competencies? ensure the mastery of the learning
Explain briefly. competencies because I made a certain that my
performance task would allow learners to draw
and using words in expressing their learnings.
9. In a scale of 1-10, how will you rate your I will rate it 7 because I believe that my
learning plan(s)? Justify your answer. learning plan still needs to be improved, and
that I have a lot to learn, particularly about
how I present my lessons and create activities
that cater to the individual learning needs of
the learners.
10. If this lesson is not implemented face to This lesson can be used in both face-to-face
face, how are you going to do it remotely? and online classes. In an online class, I will set
up an online learning environment wherein
they can still do activities in their homes
without getting struggles.

Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?
- Lesson planning is an important part of the instructional cycle because it enables teachers
to plan ahead of time what they want their students to learn, what teaching and
learning activities they will use, and how they will assess understanding. It also
allows teachers to focus and to be guided on what they need for their lesson, what
they want to teach, and it establishes a time frame for what must be completed.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. The problem/challenges that I encountered in writing my learning/lesson plans

- The difficulty that I met in writing lesson plan is that how can I present the lesson and what
activities I'll include in my lesson plan.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems/challenges by interviewing some teachers
about the instructional strategies and learning resources they used.

3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/problems

- By interviewing some teachers about the instructional strategies and learning

resources they used.

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode is
“The effect of instructional materials on student learning process and engagement”
To further to enrich writing my learning/lesson plans whether in the classroom or in
remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help me in these activities,
(include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)

Better Lesson Plans, Better Lessons: Practical Strategies for Planning from Standards By
Ben Curran
Realizing the various skills that you need to master in preparing the learning/lesson plans
which are the most difficult? Conduct a simple survey from among your peers by requesting them
to answer this simple questionnaire.

INSTRUCTION: These are the basic skills in lesson plan writing. Rate yourself on the level of
difficulty in doing the following based on your experience.
4- very difficult
3- difficult
2- moderate in difficulty
1- not difficult

4- very 3- difficult 2- moderate 1-

difficult in difficulty not difficult

1. Stating the learning outcomes -

2. Identifying learning resources to -
be used
3. Sequencing the lesson in an -
engaging and meaningful manner
4. Planning specific learning -
5. Identifying strategies to be used -
6. Formulating higher order -
thinking skills questions (HOTS)
7. Integrating lesson concepts to -
real life situations
8. Integrating values in the lessons -
9. Formulating assessment tools -
10. Identifying performance tasks -
11. Giving assignments -
12. Planning for lesson closure/ -

13.Other, (please specify)

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Why are learning/lesson plans important? C. To ensure quality in instructions

2. Which is NOT in the cognitive domain? B. Differentiate nouns from pronouns

3. Why are attentions getters needed at the beginning of the class? A. To arouse students’

4. Which is considered high order thinking skills in the given question? C. How do take care
of plants?

5. Which of these objectives does not belong to the group? D. Give the moral lesson of the

Work on my Artifacts
Paste one (1) lesson plan and write your simple reflection.

I realized that as a teacher, I must prepare a lesson plan so that I am able to be guided on what I
have to in class. I also learned that the strategies, methods, and techniques used in lesson
planning must encourage engaging student-centered activities in order to promote higher learning
processes and ensure that students retain the lessons well. I also realized that creating a
lesson plan is essential because it serves as a road map for reaching your objectives. It serves
as a guide for completing the lesson objectives. Furthermore, the fact that lesson planning
entails preplanning your lesson gives me confidence to discuss the subject. A lesson plan forces
you to predict when you will be able to finish the entire unit of your lessons and if you don't have
a lesson plan, you're planning to fail at delivering the lesson.


Participate and Assist

Complete the given matrix by using Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, once a lesson is
assigned to you. Consult your Resource Teacher if your plans are ready for implementation or
your assistance is needed in any part of the lesson.
Segments of Events of Instruction Strategies and Activities Learning
Learning Used resources /
Preparation 1. Gaining Attention Edukasyon sa
Organizing activities Pagpapakatao book
2. Inform Edukasyon sa
Learning Describe the learning Pagpapakatao 7,
Objectives outcomes Modyul para sa
Mag-aaral , pp. 1-
3. Stimulate Recall of Edukasyon sa
Prior Learning Inquire about student’s Pagpapakatao 7,
knowledge about prior Modyul para sa
concepts Mag-aaral , pp. 1-
Instruction and 4. Present the Content Edukasyon sa
Practice Pagpapakatao 7,
Make content visible in Modyul para sa
blackboard Mag-aaral , pp. 1-
5. Provide Edukasyon sa
Learning Pagpapakatao 7,
Guides Using concept map Modyul para sa
Mag-aaral , pp. 1-
6. Elicit Performance Edukasyon sa
Create quizzes Pagpapakatao 7,
Modyul para sa
Mag-aaral , pp. 1-
7. Provide Feedback Evaluate result of the Edukasyon sa
quizzes Pagpapakatao 7,
Modyul para sa
Mag-aaral , pp. 1-
Assessment and 8. Assess Edukasyon sa
Transfer Performance Giving assignments Pagpapakatao 7,
Modyul para sa
Mag-aaral , pp. 1-
9. Enhance Retention Edukasyon sa
Clarifying the goal of lesson Pagpapakatao 7,
Modyul para sa
Mag-aaral , pp. 1-

Using Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, what did you notice in the following segments
of learning:

• How did the students react to activities/ various elements to arouse their interest?
- The students react actively to the activities
• Were the students focused when you were stating the learning objectives at the beginning
of the lesson?
- The students are focused.
• How did the new learning relate with what they really know?
- They have already idea in the stage of adolescence
• Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did you do?
- Yes, I give more examples
• Did the students find difficulty in applying the theories/ concepts learned to real life?
- No, they don’t find it difficult.
• How did your students react to your feedback?
- Most of them got high scores in the given quiz.
• What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had retention of learning?
- They know the learning objectives.

After planning your lesson(s) you may be requested by your Resource Teacher to deliver the
lesson(s). Your Resource Teacher will use the classroom observation sheet to evaluate the
delivery of your lesson(s). Schools use different tools in rating classroom/online observations.
Below is an example of a classroom observation form/sheet.
Areas of Strengths Areas of Improvement
1. Subject Matter Content
Students take part in Learning objectives should be
Demonstrates depth and activities. emphasized more.
breadth of the subject matter.

Shows mastery of the subject Allow students to share

matter. thoughts.

2. Organization of the lesson

Presents subject matter Checks attendance Interacts with every student

sequentially and logically. during teaching assignments.

States clear learning outcomes.

Enables students to feel
Synthesizes main points. motivated.

Meets at class scheduled time.

Regularly monitors classroom

on-line course.
3. Rapport/Interaction with
the Students
Ask students about their Interaction with the students
Holds interest of students. experience by giving them
Is respectful, fair and impartial.

Provides immediate feedback. Gives activities to promote

and encourages active
Encourages active participation.

Interacts with students.

Shows enthusiasm.
4. Teaching Methods and

Utilizes relevant Displays an enthusiastic Teaching difficult concepts

teaching attitude for teaching and well.
methods/strategies. learning the material.

Uses learning aids, materials,

and technology.

Employs cooperative/group Uses supportive learning

involvement in the classroom materials well explain the
and remote learning. concepts.
Uses examples that are simple,
clear, precise and appropriate.

Stays focused on and meets

stated learning outcomes.

5. Presentation of the lesson

Establishes online course or

classroom environment Tone of voice is easily heard Using proper techniques and
conductive to learning. and understood. information accurately and
Maintains eye contact.

Use a clear voice, strong

projection, proper enunciation. The material use is
Has good command of the

Uses language within the level

of students.
6. Classroom Management

Begins and end classes in time. Demonstrates and enforces Manage your allotment of
professional behavior when time.
Uses time wisely. interacting with students.

Attends to course interaction.

Demonstrates leadership Communicates with students

ability; maintains discipline in clear, open and timely way.
and control.

Maintains effective classroom

and e-platform managements.

7. Sensitivity to Students’

Exhibits sensitivity to Allows students to share their Know more about the
students’ personal culture, thoughts in class. student’s differences and
gender differences and weaknesses.

Responds appropriately in a Value their differences

non-threatening, pro-active
learning environment.

8. Support/Assistance to

Assists students with academic Encourages students to Give supporting materials to

problems. express their ideas. understand more the concept.

Clarifies points in the lessons

which are not clear to the Checks students if they
students. understand the lesson

Allots time for


9. Personal Competencies

Shows self-confidence. Maintains professional Improve more selfconfidence.

behavior when interacting
Maintains professional with students.
distance and professional
10. Physical Aspects of the

Oversees the Checks attendance Checking of distracting

physical attributes of materials or objects inside the
classroom (light, ventilation, classroom.
Checks and supervise in the
Checks number of students in cleanliness of the classroom.

Checks layout of room,

distractions, if any. Observes physical attributes
that can affect students
Lists any observations on how
the physical aspects of the
classroom affected content

Overall impression of teaching effectiveness: - The experience was positive and welcoming
because the students are cooperative and participative. They share their ideas, opinions and
thoughts about the lesson. The students are participating in the given activities.
Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperating School under the supervision of your
Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson do you need to improve?
- I need to improve my techniques in teaching and interacting with students during
teaching assignments. I need to improve summarizing of ideas and lesson. Also, I
have to learned more about teaching difficult concepts well.
Write Action Research Prompts
1. Problems/Challenges I encountered to delivering my lesson is having sufficient time because
on my final demo my cooperating school followed recap time schedule so the time in class is

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by planning more on how will I
deliver my lesson.

3. Some strategies/solution/means that I can employ to improve these situations/problems,

making activities that can be finish in less time.

4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research in this episode is
Importance of giving activities in the learning process of the learners

To further enrich my knowledge on delivering my instruction whether in the classroom or in

remote learning, these are some of the online resources which will help me in these activities
(include books, websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following characterizes a well-motivated lesson?
d. The students are highlight engaged in the activities.
2. In which part of the lesson does the learner give examples to connect the broader aspects of
c. Application
3. Why should teachers provide immediate feedback and reinforcement?
b. To motivate students to do more and learn more
4. Which of the following principles of learning applies when student’s age is considered in
presenting concepts and ideas in the lessons?
a. Law of readiness
5. Which part of the lesson is referred to when students give similarities and differences in the
concepts presented?
c. Comparison and Abstraction

Work on my Artifacts
Attach pieces of evidence of your delivery of (lesson plans, pictures, screen shots and the

Selecting Non-digital
or Conventional
Resources and
Instructional Materials

Participate and Assist

Fill out the table below.
Subject: EsP Grade Level: 7

Topic: Modyul 1: Mga Angkop at Inaasahang Kakayahan at Kilos sa Panahon ng Pagdadalaga

at Pagbibinata
Learning Objectives/Outcomes: Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag- unawa sa mga
inaasahang kakayahan at kilos sa panahon ng pagdadalaga/pagbibinata, talento at kakayahan,
hilig, at mga tungkulin sa panahon ng pagdadalaga/pagbibinata.
Resources/Instructional What is the use or purpose of Explain why you selected
materials you plan to resource/material? Describe how the resource/material based
utilize in the lesson. you will use the resource/materials on the guide points
to attain the learning mentioned above. How are
objectives/outcomes. these criteria met?

Text/Verbal Symbols The given words will serve as a I selected this resource
guide to answer a question. material because it can
motivate students to think

Pictures/ Visual Symbols A given activity will be utilize in I selected this resource
the learning and that picture will material because the
represent as themselves to visualize students can help more to
what they have to be act as an adult. imagine what they have to
do as an adolescence.

After you participated or assisted in using resources/instructional materials in teaching learning,
described what you observed and experienced by answering the items below.
1. How did you prepare for this activity?

- Planning carefully what should I use resource materials in my class.

2. Describe how you or the teacher utilized the resources/instructional materials. Narrate your
experience as you participated and assisted.

- The teacher used resources/instructional materials effectively because the students are
having active participation during the lesson.

3. What were your feelings and thoughts while you were assisting with the use of the

- I feel nervous and being challenged because for me it is really hard to decide what
instructional materials should be used.

4. Describe how the students responded and participated.

- They are active and responsive.

What worked well during the activity using the resources/materials?
- The activity worked well and the students are active in participating.

What part can be improved?

- The planning process for selecting instructional materials

What would you have done differently? What would I change? What make it better next time?
- I will improve and research how to develop my instructional materials.

How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using instructional materials?
- In selecting and using instructional materials it is important in what you know for us to be
easy to use or utilized.

1. How ready am I in selecting and developing resources/instructional materials in the
teaching-learning process?

- Well-prepared and easily to learn.

2. What do I still need to learn to select and develop resources/instructional materials in
teaching effectively?

- Interests of the students

- Time limits
- Affordability

3. What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of resources and instructional

- I will improve and research how to develop my instructional materials.

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed and reflected on to
come up with a possible topic to explore for action research.

1. Doing this episode on selecting and using resources/instructional materials, what

problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did I find? The choosing of right
instructional materials.


2. List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge/area of
Resource or Reference about the topic Key points/finding in what I read

Instructional Materials in Teaching Instructional resources and materials

should not be used blindly, even if they are traditional. Educators should
instructionalmaterials-teaching-components- evaluate the material they use based
evaluationexamples.html on several criteria. Teachers should
evaluate their instructional resources
for maximum effectiveness. They
should also align the resources they
use and create with all relevant
learning standards. Furthermore,
instructional materials should not be
used for their own sake. Educators
should ensure that the resources they
use to support learning fulfill that
purpose rather than distracting from
students' learning.
Teaching aids and Instructional materials: tools for Instructional materials also include
teachers and students assessment and testing methods.
Basically, any material, any information containing resources
andinstructional-materials-tools-for-teachers- which that the teacher uses while
andstudents/ instructing. Now testing materials
don’t necessarily contain
information, but they help the
retention and learning of
information, thus, they are
instructional materials. Sometimes,
they are a means to an end, the end
being the assimilation of
What Are Examples of Instructional Materials? Flexible instructional materials allow
content to be separated from the presentation of the content. Digital
instructional-materialsa59d523cdccf4494 texts, for example, can be
manipulated by enlarging words,
using a text-to-speech converter to
have the material read aloud or
embedding with additional clickable
information. Instructional materials
can also include online resources
used to convey information to
students, including open-source
material available for downloading.

On what theories/principles can this problem be anchored? Cognitive views of learning can be
anchored in this problem because learner have the control over their learning and their
participation towards the learning process.

3. What do I hope to achieve to address the challenge/area of improvement? What change

do I want to achieve? The availability of resources and instructional materials.

4. What strategies/solutions/means can I employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?

- More planning in what should materials be used in lesson planning.

5. If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in nos.

- The impact of the availability of learning resources and instructional materials to

teachers and students

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The Dale Cone of Experience can help a teacher be mindful of the choice of resources or
instructional materials in terms of ___.
c. Extent of being concrete or abstract

2. Miss Violo told the story of the Giving Tree in her toddler class. She used the book itself to
show the illustration to the two-year-olds and showed all thirty pages of the book. Miss Violo
struggled just to finish the book because the toddlers were not focusing. Some lay on the floor
stretching; others ran around the room. Which criterion did she fail to consider in choosing a
d. Developmental appropriateness

3. For a theme on Careers, Mr. Menggay let his students watch interview clips of successful
people in business who were all males. The clips seemd to send a message that only men
succeed in the business field. Mr. Menggay did have any follow-up discussion on the clips.
Which criterion in selecting resources/materials should the teacher have considered?
b. Inclusive and free cultural bias

4. Which of the following gives the learners the most concrete experience?
a. Watching a Theater play on The Death March

5. A teachers should consider all these criteria for choosing a resource or material, EXCEPT:
b. Is the most expensive therefore the most durable
Work on my Artifacts
Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.

Applications (Apps)
for Teaching and

Participate and Assist

Apps that I already know/have recently How can I utilize this in teaching – learning?
A suite of online tools that allows teachers to set
assignments, have work submitted by students, to
mark, and to return graded papers. It was created as
a way to get eliminate paper in classes and to make
Google classroom digital learning possible. It was initially planned for
use with laptops in schools, such as Chromebooks,
in order to allow the teacher and students to more
efficiently share information and assignments.
Zoom, one of the best cloud video conferencing
web apps that assist you in sharing schedules,
tutoring lessons, communicating with multiple
Zoom students, and so on. You can boost students’
participation during remote learning with amazing
features like one-click content sharing, digital
whiteboarding, etc.
Edmodo lays a perfect communicative foundation
between you and the students during distance
learning. It is easy to create online collaborative
Edmodo groups, provide lesson materials, create quick
questions, share digital assignments, analyze
student performance, communicate with parents and
much more.
When compared to Power-point presentations Prezi
presentations were found to be 25% more effective.
Prezi Prezi is one of the best e-learning web apps that
provides beautiful designer templates for creating
visually stunning presentations. Using Prezi
presentations in the online classroom, you can grab
the students’ attention and keep them focused on the
With the support of Quizlet’s free study sets, study
Quizlet modes, and in-class games you can instantly create
a highly interactive virtual classroom. This
powerful elearning web app offers several study
modes that make virtual learning effective.
Furthermore, you can use gaming activities, study
reminders, learning progress checkpoints, etc to
enhance the students’ learning experiences.

Level/ Grade of the Class: 7th grade

Lesson/Topic: Modyul 1: Mga Angkop at Inaasahang Kakayahan at Kilos sa Panahon ng

Pagdadalaga at Pagbibinata
Explain why you selected the
Apps you plan to utilize in What is the use or purpose of app, based on the five criteria
the lesson. using the app. Describe how of developmental
you or the teacher will use appropriateness, motivation,
each? instructional design,
engagement and accessibility

Teachers can set assignments, I selected this app because it

have work submitted by easily accesses and also
Google classroom students, to mark, and to motivates learner to submit
return graded papers. Also, it assignment and do activities
provides digital collaboration whether it is distance learning.
to classrooms. Also, it makes teaching more

The teacher can use it to In this app learning and

group discussion because it development is observed and
can deliver lesson effectively documented because it
Google meet and safely. They are able to facilitates open
meet via google meet because communication and motivation
they can be able to see
because of the camera.

It can be used as way of It encourages students to

Messenger sharing instructional explore and gain deeper
materials for teaching and knowledge. It helps the
learning process. For teacher to lessen their burden
example, soft copy of in sending important messages
modules, videos and etc. to
or concern because they can it
help students
via group chat messages.

How does this connect with that you know about selecting and using apps?
- As a future teacher, we have to know these apps because not all students can be able to
use this apps so as a teacher we have to utilize or use the app we can use to our students
that can be able to help them.

After you participated or assisted in the use of apps in teaching-learning, describe what you
observed and experienced by answering the items below.
1. Describe how you or the teacher utilized the apps. Narrate your experience as you
participated and assisted.

- Using apps are quite hard but we have to be flexible as a future teacher. We have to learn
everything enable us to help our learners. Utilizing these apps are challenging because of
the availability of the students who have the access using these apps.

What worked well during the activity using the apps?
- Imparting knowledge and disseminating information.
What part can be improved?
- Time gap due to connection
What would you have done differently? What would I change? What will make it next time?
- I will be more creative.
How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using apps?
- As a future teacher, we have to know these apps because not all students can be able to
use this apps so as a teacher we have to utilize or use the app we can use to our students
that can be able to help them.
1. How ready am I organizing and using aps in the teaching-learning process?

- Not fully ready because I still need to know more about using apps in the teaching –

2. What do I still need to learn in order to use aps in teaching effectively?

- I still need to learned about the possible effect of it to the students whether it is positive
or negative.

3. What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of educational apps?

- I can learn more about the techniques and features about the use of educational apps.

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, and
reflected on to come up with a possible topic for action research.
1. What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement prevailed in using aps?

- Access of students in technology.

Resource or Reference about the topic Key points/findings in what I read
The education industry has undergone a
Best Applications for Teachers paradigm shift. As mentioned earlier,
learning and teaching have been redefined. While it is difficult to coin a neat
forteachers/ definition for mobile applications for
teachers, a healthy one would be: “they
refer to any program, app, or technology
that can be accessed via an Internet
connection and enhance a teacher's ability
to present information and a student's
ability to access that information” Apps
that facilitate teaching and learning, that
simplifies the learning and teaching
process etc, qualify as mobile apps for
Educational apps are helpful in making
Educational Apps learning easy, fun, and convenient and
keeping students engaged. Whether you prefer fully online teaching or like to blend
appsfor-teachers-education/ tech and in-person learning, these apps can
In this golden age of educational apps,
technology has transformed the classroom,
Apps to Enhance Learning this post has 10 apps to enhance learning
in or out of the classroom. No one can deny the fact that these electronic gadgets
toenhance-learning/ offer unique learning opportunities to
students from greater classroom
engagement to an extensive learning
environment outside the
school. Recently the majority of the
schools have continued to integrate
technology into classrooms, but one thing
worth mentioning here is that the hardware
is only one part of the puzzle; teachers also
need the right array of apps to inspire
young minds.

1. On what theories/principles can this problem can be anchored

- This problem can be anchored to the principle of learning which is organization because
which explains that being actively organizing learning materials can be able help learners
to meaningful learning process. Just like in apps we have to choose that is fit both the
teacher and learner.
2. What do I hope to achieve to address the problem? (What change do you want to achieve?)

- The availability of the apps to students

3. What strategies/solutions/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the

- Conduct an survey to students in what possible apps they can manage to use or learn.

4. If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in nos,

- The impact of educational apps to the learning process of the learners.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of correct answer.
1. An application (app) can be described by all of the following, EXCEPT,
D. All need to be used online.

2. Teacher Ruth is excited to try this preschool math app with her kindergarten students. She
is happy because it has a feature where she can review how each child performed and
give her information about which skills she needs to reinforce more and which skills the
children have already mastered. Teacher Ruth has considered which criteria for selecting

C. Developmental Appropriateness

3. Ms. Peralta found two apps that were both appropriate for high school students taking
Physics. They both have assessment and feedback and were quite enjoyable to play. She
can use both on a free but limited arrangement but need to choose one that the school will
purchase for premium use. She eventually selected that on that linked Physics with
everyday life like Physics and the Internet or Physics in amusement park rides. She based
her decision on which criteria for selecting apps?

D. Motivation

4. From among several apps that focused on grammar, Ms. Tayag chose the one which
helped learners gain mastery through games where players earn tokens when they
succeed. Which criteria did Ms. Tayag consider?

B. Motivation

5. The Pedagogy Wheel can help teachers chose apps by all, EXCEPT,

A. It helps teachers identify apps for different grade level of the learners.


Utilizing Learning

Participate and Assist

Level/Grade of the Class:


Lesson or Topic:

Lesson objectives/learning outcomes:

Which LMS did the teacher use: Check one or /ore that were used.

✓ Google Classroom

What tasks did you participate or assist in? fill out the table below.

What components or parts were present in Under these LMS components or parts, what
the LMS used by the teacher? tasks dis you participate/assist in?

• Create and distribute assignments • I used it in terms of submitting

and activities activities and assignments.
• Share files
• Grade activities and assessments

After you participated or assisted in the LMS, describe what you observed and experienced by
answering the items below.
2. Describe the structure of the LMS utilized by the teacher. How was it organized? What
main components did you find?

• A suite of online tools that allows teachers to set assignments, have work submitted by
students, to mark, and to return graded papers. It was created as a way to get eliminate
paper in classes and to make digital learning possible. It was initially planned for use with
laptops in schools, such as Chromebooks, in order to allow the teacher and students to
more efficiently share information and assignments.
3. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities arranged? What
strategies did the teacher or you use to help students attain the objectives/outcomes?

• The content was delivered properly and the learning activities are organized. The teacher
put only the important details so that the students can focus on what outcomes or learning
they have to learn or attain.
4. What was your experience in participating and assisting?
• My experience is really good because it easily to use and learn.

1. What do you think are the best features of the LMS that the teacher used? How did these
features help the students learn the content?
• Organizing the activities and files

2. How did the teacher/or you use the LMS to implement the strategies/activities planned?
• The teacher can share different learning resources and makes learning easier by attaching

3. How did this connect with what you know about LMS and TPACK?

4. What problem or challenges did the teacher/you or the students encounter in working
with the LMS? How did it/they affect the teacher/leaners? What part/s of the LMS do you
think can still be improved? How can this/these be improved?

4. How ready am I organizing and using an LMS?
• I am ready in using an LMS but I still have to learn more about using and organizing LMS.
5. Enumerate the knowledge, skills and attitudes you already have to organize your virtual
learning environment and use an LMS:

Content: I can give accessible information using LMS

Pedagogical: Knows how to guide in using LMS

Technological: Knows how to plan what possible LMS can be used

to provide successful learning process

6. What do you still need to learn in order to use the LMS effectively?
• I still need to learn about using it effectively and also the techniques.

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, and
reflected on to come up with a possible topic for action research.
6. What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did you see while you
participated and assisted using an LMS?
• Effectiveness of Leaning Management Systems to the students
List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge.
Resource or Reference about the topic Key points/findings in what I read Learning can be challenging and is always

learningmanagement-systems-lms2206.html limited by time. Learning management
systems make the process of learning more
efficient. They’re designed to optimize
learning and hone the talents of an
organization's employees or an educational
institution’s students. The Department of Education (DepEd) is

learningmanagement-system-lms-electronic- preparing to release a Learning
selflearning-modules/ Management System (LMS) that can be
used by teachers and learners who would
like to adopt online classes as the modality
by which learning would be delivered. The
LMS is a software that will allow teachers
to create virtual classes where they can
assign the activities that the learners need to
go through, monitor if the activities have
been completed, grade submissions, and
conduct online quizzes to assess
comprehension in conditions where face-to-
face classes are not allowed. The LMS will
work hand-in-hand with the DepEd
Commons to benefit the more than 8 million
learners who are already accessing the
platform. The Department of Education (DepEd)

learningmanagement-system-lms/ Learning Management System (LMS) is a
software application or web-based
technology used to plan, implement, and
assess a specific learning process. It is
currently used by DepEd in its
implementation for its nationwide activities,
such as trainings, asynchronous seminars,
etc. Courses are made in the system that can
be configured to the type or mode of its
access. It is security wise that only
authorized user can access the platform. In
other words, LMS is a breakthrough in
teaching and learning. It supports efficient
distribution of materials, provides a number
of communication options, and produces a
variety of formats.

On what theories/principles can this problem be anchored?

•SAMR model, it is a framework created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. SAMR model is
designed to help educators infuse technology such as use of apps into teaching and
What do I hope to address - the problem/challenge/area of improvement in LMS use? What
change do you want to achieve?)

• In improving this, the teachers should have the balance in using the LMS because it allows
to facilitate and provide learners with more options in their learning process.
What strategies/solutions/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?

• The school itself should assist and supports the students as well as teachers in using LMS.
If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in nos, 1-3):

• Impact of Learning Management Systems to the students and teachers

Check for Mastery
Direction: Read the following questions then select the letter of correct answer.
1. Mr. Mahusay is ensuring using the polling feature of the LMS as a strategy to increase
participation of his students in their lesson on qualities of national larders. He is utilizing
his C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)

2. Ms. Del Rosario s careful to match the learning outcomes with the content and activities
she is going to do. She also sees to it that the assessment measures the attainment of the
learning outcomes. She is using her A. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)

3. Ms. Juan is utilizing the feature of the LMS to provide regular information updates on the
topic she and her students are exploring. She is using A. Technological Content
Knowledge (TCK)

4. All are true about learning management systems, EXCEPT, A. Microsoft office is an
example of this

5. Through the LMS, the teacher can do the following tasks, EXCEPT, D. Meet students
face to face

Work on my Artifacts
Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.
Utilizing Web-
Conferencing Apps
for Synchronous

After you participated or assisted in synchronous classes using a web-conferencing app.
described what you observed and experienced by answering the items below.

1. Which web-conferencing app did the teacher use for synchronous classes? Describe its
features and how you or the teacher used these features.

Web-conferencing App Feature Was it utilized? If yes, describe how it was

utilized in class.
Virtual background Not used.
Microphone icon on/off It is on when the students are being asked or
wants to recite and it is off when they are not
allowed to talk.
Camera icon on/off Yes, it is required when taking attendance and
during reporting
Screen share It was used when teacher present the lesson.
Reaction buttons It was used also in taking participation in
Spotlight Not used.
View (using different views) Not used.
Polling Not used.
Recording Recorded videos used also to understand more
about the learning concepts.
Screenshots It is used for proof of attendance and also,
they used it when saving information that
presented in the class

7. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities facilitated?
What strategies did the teacher or you used to keep the students engaged? How did the
students respond to the teacher? To the activities?

• Teacher is very flexible when it comes to teaching process. After the lesson they gave
soft copies of the lesson that can enable students to study again if they didn’t catch up
because of the internet connection.

8. What was your experience in participating and assisting in synchronous classes? What
were your thoughts and feelings while you participated and assisted?

• It is hard to facilitate and assist in synchronous classes because of the internet connection.

1. What do you think are the best features of a web-conferencing app that you or the teacher
used? How did these features help the teachers and the students?

• The apps should be low percentage of gigabyte

2. Referring to the Community of Inquiry Infographic, how well did the teacher/or you use the
web-conferencing app to establish: (Describe in detail.)

Teaching Presence
• The teacher knows what activity should be utilize and it gives additional information
about the lesson.

Social Presence
• Teacher uses also messenger to ask students progress because messenger is easily to

Cognitive Presence
• Teacher always motivate students and ensures students to learn effectively.
3. What problem or challenges did the teacher/ you or the students encounter during the
synchronous classes? How did it affect the teacher/learners? What part/s of synchronous
classes do you think can still be improved? How can this/these be improved?

• The low internet connection is one of the challenged I encounter. It can affect the
learning process of the students.
1. How ready are you in teaching an online synchronous class?

• Not much ready

2. Using a web-conferencing app, how else would you better establish:

Teaching presence
• Provide more ways to inquire knowledge about the lesson

Social Presence

• Using another app in establishing professional relationship with the students.

Cognitive Presence

• Conducting evaluation of learning through another app

3. What do you still need to learn in order to conduct an online synchronous class using a
web-conferencing app effectively?

• Providing another alternative method in imparting knowledge to students.

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, and reflected on to
come up with a possible topic for action research.


1. What problematic situation challenges /area of improvement did you see while you
participated and assisted using a web-conferencing app for synchronous learning?

List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge.

Resource or Reference about them Topic Key points/findings in what I read Web conferencing can be used to
learningresources/strategies-for-teaching-withtech/ support interactive learning or
instructional-video-and-webconferencing/benefits-of- studentcentered teaching and learning
teaching-with-webconferencing.html in a team-oriented, virtual
environment. Group projects may
include case studies and role plays, or
processoriented, guided inquiry
strategies. Web conferencing applications allow

you and your students to meet
virtually, in real-time. Think Skype or
Google Hangouts (which can be used
for web conferencing!). Hold live
video/audio meetings with your
students. Type comments or send
private messages in the attached chat
box. Record your sessions. Schedule
virtual office hours.
Give speaking tests from a distance.

Most tools allow you to share your

screen and your presentations. Many
let you draw or annotate on your
screen. More advanced tools let you
send live polls and knowledge checks.
You can even facilitate group work,
using the tool to set up “breakout
session” spaces for groups of students. The future of education is hybrid

great7-web-conferencing-tools-for.html education, a fact that is now more
evident than in any time before. The
larged scale disruptions caused by the
current pandemic resulted in a mass
electronic exodus. We have seen this
emigration first hand in the field of
education as teachers and educators
were suddenly forced to migrate all of
their work to the cloud.

On what theory/principles can this problem be anchored?

• SAMR model, it is a framework created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. SAMR model

designed to help educators infuse technology such as use of apps into teaching and learning.

What do I hope to address the problem/challenge/area improvement in web of
conferencing app use? What change do you want to achieve?

• The apps should be low percentage of gigabyte.

2. If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in
nos. 1-3):

• Factors that affect in using web conferencing apps


3. What strategies/solution/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?

• Know the student’s perception in using web conferencing apps.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Select the letter of the correct answer,

1. During an online synchronous class, Ms. Bonifacio greets her students cheerfully. She
allows time for the students to know more about their classmates through interesting polls. She
also provides opportunities for the students to work together and collaborate. She uses the
reaction buttons, smiley, heart, or clap to appreciate the students' effort and excitement to
participate. She was able to attain which essential element?

C. Social presence

2. During a two-hour online synchronous class, the Science teacher taught about centripetal
and centrifugal forces. She did not introduce the learning goals for the session. She shared on
screen the first PowerPoint she found on the internet and lectured about the topic to students
without engaging them to participate. They were passive the whole time. Some students turned
off their cameras. She ended the class with a quiz on the topic. The teacher did NOT effectively
demonstrate which essential element?

B. Teaching presence

3. The topic of the online synchronous session for the day was how the Philippines will
attain herd immunity from Covid 19 the fastest way. After introducing the topic, the teacher
explained to the student’s one learning outcome which for them to analyze the current situational
factors that may impede and hasten the Philippines' goal of attaining herd immunity. Another
learning outcome was for students to articulate suggestions on how the Philippines will succeed
on this goal. The teacher provided readings ahead of time and also placed the links on the chat
box. She allotted time for the students to go to the small group meeting rooms she arranged on the
web conferencing app for discussion. Later, students went back to the big group, and student
actively shared their outputs. The teacher fostered which essential element?

D. Cognitive presence

4.All are example of web-conferencing apps, EXCEPT,

D. Canva

5. When a teacher is mindful demonstrating teaching presence, social presence and

cognitive presence consistently, she is adhering to the model of

B. Community of Inquiry.

Work on my Artifacts
Attach pieces of evidence of what you accomplished in this episode.

Assessing FOR,
AS and OF



• Did the formative assessment tasks help students master what they were expected to
• Yes, the formative assessments help students to master learnings int the subject.
• Was students' response to formative assessment exercises favorable or unfavorable?
• It is favorable because the students respond well to the given assessment and the result
are good.
• Did the conduct of formative assessment and self-assessment affect student’s attainment
of learning outcomes? How?
• Yes, because they can now assess their learnings that they attained during the process of
• What was the effect of students assessing their own progress on their motivation to learn?
• They are learning how to realize and analyze their own learning in the lesson.

How would attainment of learning outcomes be affected if there were no formative assessments
nor self-assessments?
• The students will not be informed if their learnings are enough and also it can’t be
determined if they already understand the lesson.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. One thing that went well in the development use /administration of formative assessment
tasks (assessment for learning) is the students participate and understand well.

2. One thing that did not go very well in the development/ use/administration of formative
assessment tasks (assessment for learning) is some students can’t comprehend questions

3. One good thing observed in students' self-assessment (assessment as learning) is they

have idea and knows what to say.

4. One thing in students' self-assessment (assessment as learning) that needs improvement

based on what were observed is organizing their ideas.


The formative assessment activities went well because the students cooperate well. Also,
the teacher gives the assessment effectively.

The formative assessment activities process did not go well because some students can’t
comprehend well so the teacher have to repeatedly tell and explain the questions.

For the students, self-assessment worked because they know how to reflect to themselves.

For the students, self-assessment did not work because some of them don’t know what
they have to say an also, they can’t easily organize their ideas and thoughts.

To ensure that formative and self-assessment processes serve their purpose, to help
students learn, I will learn from other's best practices by researching on how I will give
assessments effectively to the students

To help improve formative and self-assessment practices, I plan to conduct action
research on Effectiveness of formative assessments to the students

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read each of the following then choose the letter of the correct answer

1. Assessment for learning refers to assessment that teachers give during instruction to ensure that
the intended learning outcomes are attained. Is the statement true?

A. Yes

2. A student monitors his own progress in relation to learning targets which he has set for

himself. Under which types of assessment does this fall?

C. Assessment as learning

3. To finally determine how well students have attained the learning outcomes by grading, in
which type of assessments is teacher engaged?

B. Assessment of learning

4. To ensure attainment of learning outcomes, which can teacher do in the process of instruction?

D. Do peer tutorial

5. Which is/are most likely the effect/s of self-assessment and formative assessment?

I. High percentage of students with passing grades

II. 100% passing
III. 50% with passing grades, 50% with failing grades

A. I only
Work On My Artifacts:
Compile activities/techniques in formative assessment and in self-assessment used by your FS
Resource Teacher in the classes you observed. Include your annotations/improvements on the
assessment tasks,

• Asking questions
• Concept map
• Homework
• Journals

Using Traditional and

Authentic Types of
Assessment for
Formative and
Summative Purposes

1. Take notice of:

• The alignment of the different assessment task/s both paper-and-pencil (traditional) and
non-paper –and-pencil tests (authentic) used to assess the learning outcomes.
• The quality of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks used (if constructed in
accordance with principles of test construction/ assessment tasks development.
• The students’ comments/ reaction /response/behavior while doing both traditional and
authentic assessment tasks • The CT’s comments/ reaction /response/behavior while
giving both traditional and authentic assessment tasks
• The assessment tasks used for formative purposes (to ensure lesson understanding and
mastery) and for summative (grading) purposes
• Your own feelings and thoughts as you assisted your CT:
- formulate the assessment task
- administer the assessment

1. Are the assessment tasks aligned with the learning outcomes?
- Yes, they are aligned

2. Did teacher make use of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks?

- Yes, they both use traditional and authentic assessment tasks.

3. Are the traditional and authentic assessment tasks (written tests) formulated in accordance
with principles of test construction?

- Yes
4. Were the assessment tasks for formative purposes also used for summative purposes? Why
or why not?

- No, because they not provide useful feedback.

5. Where were assessment results students better – in the results of traditional or authentic

- Authentic assessments were better because it is more valid when it requires higher-order
thinking skills.

6. Which assessment activity/ activities did the students like more? like least? Why?

- The least is quizzes because information can transferrable. The students like more
performance tasks because they can directly demonstrate what they learn.

How can I make the assessment-process more meaningful to and more acceptable to students?
- Use effective and many methods in assessments.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. One thing/ some things went well is/ are in the development/ use/ administration of
assessment tasks are the methods and strategies.
2. One thing/ some things is/ are that did not go very well in the development/ use /
administration of assessment tasks are none.

This part of the assessment process went well because the type of assessment is effective.
This part of the assessment process did not go well because some students failed in the
To ensure that the assessment process serves its purpose, to help students learn, I will read
researches on improving assessments in the class. Plan
To help improve assessment practice, I would like to conduct action research on Effectiveness of
Traditional Assessment in evaluating the learners.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Select the letter of the correct answer.
1. Teacher C made her students write a paragraph about their favorite food to check their ability
to pronounce words correctly, her intended learning outcome. Is the assessment task aligned
with the assessment tasked?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Somewhat
D. Almost

2. Here is an intended learning outcome: “To illustrate the principle of law and demand with a
concrete example.” Which assessment task is aligned with the learning outcome?
A. Give a concrete example to illustrate the principle of law and demand.
B. Illustrate with a diagram the law of supply and demand.
C. Chat is the law of supply and demand? Explain.
D. Is the law of supply and demands true at all times? Support your answer.
3. Here is a completion test: _____________ is an example of an invertebrate. Is the completion
test in accordance with the principles of test construction?
A. Yes
B. Somewhat
C. No
D. Yes, it is specific
4. For the course on Practice Teaching/ Teaching Internship, the College Supervisor of student
teachers required each student intern to compile his/ her lesson plans with comments from
their Cooperating Teacher and to write their reflections and lessons learned. Which type of
assessment are the student interns required?
A. Process
B. Product
C. Project
D. Portfolio

5. Teacher rated students’ project against 5 criteria which she explained to her students before
they worked on their projects. Which type of rubric did Teacher use to assess her students’
A. Holistic rubric
B. Analytic rubric
C. Scoring rubric
Grading and


1. Take note of: • The individual student’s scores in relation to established criterion of success or
cut-off score;
• Parents’/guardians’ participation and comments during Card-Giving Day / Parents’-
Teachers’ Conference
• Your own feelings and thoughts as you assisted your CT:
- Score tests and compute grades
- Prepare for PTC
- Respond to queries and other concerns raised in the PTC


1. What are the teaching implications of the students’ test scores and grades?
- Tests results and grades are the result in the evaluation of the assessments in
these results we can determine the student’s feedback about the lesson.
2. In what subjects did students perform best? Poorest?
- Math was the poorest as well as English and the best is Values.
3. How was the PTC attendance of parents and guardians? What does this imply?
- The PTC attendance was successful because they communicate well and
discussed all important matters that should be addressed.
4. What parents/guardians’/comments were most common during Card-Giving Day?
- They are happy to hear their child’s development and progress.


What personal message do I get from these students’ scores, grades and parents’/guardians’ PTC
attendance and comments?
- The teacher explained well the grades achieved on the assessments, activities
and performance to the students as well as to the parents. Write Action Research Prompts
1. One good thing that I observe in scoring/grading/Parents-Teachers Conference was all are
2. One thing that did not go very well in scoring/grading/Parents-Teacher Conference was
some of the parents can’t come to the conference.


The scoring/grading/Parents-Teachers Conference went well because they cooperated well.

The scoring/grading/Parents-Teachers Conference did not go well because some students can’t be
accompanied by their parents in the conference.

To ensure that the scoring, grading and the conduct of PTC serve their purpose, i.e. to ensure that
the students learn, I will read researches on … or view video on … Tips on improving parents
cooperation in terms of their child education.

To help improve scoring, grading practices and the conduct of PTC, I would like to conduct
action research on The role of teachers and parents to the improvement of the students

Check for Mastery

Direction: Select the letter of the correct answer.

1. In a test, Teacher A set a score of at least 48 out of 50 as the criterion of mastery or success: In
2 sections of 100 students, 30 got a score of 48 , 10 got a score of 49, 5 got a score of 50 but all
the rest scored from 10 to 47. Which conclusion can be derived?
A. 55% met the established criterion of mastery
B. 45% met the established criterion of mastery
C. 45% got a score of 45 and above
D. 55% got a score of %% and above

2. Nachielle, a Grade 5 pupil, got the following scores in Filipino for the first grading period: 1)
Written work – 40/50; 2) Performance task - 60/80 and 3) Quarterly assessment – 40/50. What
is her non transmuted grade?
A. 85 C. 77.5
B. 77 D. 85.5
3. Johann, a Junior high school student, got the following scores in Math for the second grading
period: 1) Written wok – 30/50; 2) Performance task – 50/80 and 3) Quarterly assessment –
30/50. What is his non transmuted grade?
A. 65.5 C. 66.5
B. 66 D. 65

4. Kenn, a Senior high school student in STEM, got the following scores in Work Immersion,
first grading period: 1)Written work – 20/30: 2) Performance task – 60/80 and 3) Quarterly
assessment – 15/30. What is his transmuted grade?
A. 78 C. 77
B. 76 D. 79

5. Which should you avoid in a Parents’-Teachers’ Conference in a Card Giving Day?

I. Blame the student for failure.
II. Compare a student’s grade with one who performed better and one who performed
III. Show students’ performance and assure the parent of child’s passing.

D. I, II and III

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