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คู่มือการใช้ งานตู้ Switch Board

Main distribution board (MDB)

Distribution board (DB)

◼รับผลิตและออกแบบตูไ้ ฟฟ้า ตูค้ อนโทรลทุกชนิ ด

◼จําหน่ายอุปกรณ์ไฟฟ้าแรงตํ"า (LV.) และแรงสู ง (HV.)
◼รับงานบริ การบํารุ งรักษาระบบไฟฟ้า
◊◊◊เราใส่ ใจรายละเอียดงาน นึกถึงความต้องการของลูกค้า โดยต้องคํานึงถึงความถูกต้อง มาตรฐาน
ความปลอดภัย และส่ งตรงเวลา โดยทีมงานวิศวกรคุณภาพ ประสบการณ์มากกว่า 5 ปี
◊◊◊ สนใจสอบถาม โทร.093-589-3476
คู่มือการใช้ อุปกรณ์ต้ สู วิทช์ บอร์ ดไฟฟ้า
ข้ อมูลทัวไปเกียวกับความปลอดภัยในการปฏิบัติงานตู้สวิทช์ บอร์ ด (Information Safety)
ตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดทีออกแบบและผลิตให้มีความปลอดภัยสูงต่อผูป้ ฏิบตั ิงานต่ออุปกรณ์ไฟฟ้า และต่ออาคารสถานที
ดังนันจะต้องปฏิบตั ิตามมาตรฐานต่างๆ ทีเกียวข้อง มาตรฐานทีนิยมใช้กนั มาก และแพร่หลาย คือ National Electrical Code
(NEC) สหรัฐอเมริ กา และ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) นอกจากนันจะต้องปฏิบตั ิภายใต้มาตรฐาน
การไฟฟ้าฝ่ ายผลิตแห่งประเทศไทย การไฟฟ้าส่ วนภูมิภาค และการไฟฟ้านครหลวงด้วย รวมทังจะต้องมีทีมงานวิศวกรใน
ภาคการออกแบบ การผลิต และการควบคุมคุณภาพ ทีจะทําให้การออกแบบ และการผลิตระบบไฟฟ้าให้มีความปลอดภัยได้
. ตู้สวิทช์ บอร์ ด และ โครงสร้ าง
สวิทช์บอร์ด (Switch Board)หมายถึง บอร์ดจ่ายไฟขนาดใหญ่ทีรับไฟฟ้าจากการไฟฟ้า หรื อหม้อแปลงด้าน
แรงดันตํา เพือไปจ่ายโหลด (Load) ต่างๆ บางครังเรี ยก Main Distribution Board (MDB) หรื อ Main Distribution Panel
(MDP)โครงตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ด (Enclosure) หมายถึง โครงตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดผลิตจากเหล็ก Cold Rolled Steel Sheet หรื อบางครัง
อาจผลิตจากเหล็ก Electro Galvanized (EG) สําหรับผลิตตูO้ utdoorบบแล้วผ่านกระบวนการพ่นสี ดว้ ยระ (Electro Static
Painting) โดยมีเนือสีเป็ นสารพวก Epoxy (กรณี ใช้งานในร่ ม)และPolyester ซึงโครงตูแ้ ละสีเคลือบ (กรณี ใช้งานกลางแจ้ง)
ผิวตู้ จะต้องมีคุณสมบัติทีสําคัญ เช่น ทนทานต่อการรับแสงทางกล ทนทานต่อการกัดกร่ อนและทนทานต่อความร้อนทีอาจ
เกิดจากความบกพร่ องในระบบ หรื อการอาร์คจากการลัดวงจร

คู่มือการใช้ อุปกรณ์ต้ สู วิทช์ บอร์ ดไฟฟ้า

ข้ อมูลทัวไปเกียวกับความปลอดภัยในการปฏิบัติงานตู้สวิทช์ บอร์ ด (Information Safety)
ตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดทีออกแบบและผลิตให้มีความปลอดภัยสู งต่อผูป้ ฏิบตั ิงานต่ออุปกรณ์ไฟฟ้า และต่ออาคารสถานที
ดังนันจะต้องปฏิบตั ิตามมาตรฐานต่างๆ ทีเกียวข้อง มาตรฐานทีนิยมใช้กนั มาก และแพร่หลาย คือ National Electrical Code
(NEC) สหรัฐอเมริ กา และ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) นอกจากนันจะต้องปฏิบตั ิภายใต้มาตรฐาน
การไฟฟ้าฝ่ ายผลิตแห่งประเทศไทย การไฟฟ้าส่ วนภูมิภาค และการไฟฟ้านครหลวงด้วย รวมทังจะต้องมีทีมงานวิศวกรใน
ภาคการออกแบบ การผลิต และการควบคุมคุณภาพ ทีจะทําให้การออกแบบ และการผลิตระบบไฟฟ้าให้มีความปลอดภัยได้
. ตู้สวิทช์ บอร์ ด และ โครงสร้ าง
สวิทช์บอร์ด (Switch Board)หมายถึง บอร์ดจ่ายไฟขนาดใหญ่ทีรับไฟฟ้าจากการไฟฟ้า หรื อหม้อแปลงด้าน
แรงดันตํา เพือไปจ่ายโหลด (Load) ต่างๆ บางครังเรี ยก Main Distribution Board (MDB) หรื อ Main Distribution Panel
(MDP)โครงตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ด (Enclosure) หมายถึง โครงตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดผลิตจากเหล็ก Cold Rolled Steel Sheet หรื อบางครัง
อาจผลิตจากเหล็ก Electro Galvanized (EG) สําหรับผลิตตูO้ utdoorบบแล้วผ่านกระบวนการพ่นสี ดว้ ยระ (Electro Static
Painting) โดยมีเนือสีเป็ นสารพวก Epoxy (กรณี ใช้งานในร่ ม)และPolyester ซึงโครงตูแ้ ละสีเคลือบ (กรณี ใช้งานกลางแจ้ง)
ผิวตู้ จะต้องมีคุณสมบัติทีสําคัญ เช่น ทนทานต่อการรับแสงทางกล ทนทานต่อการกัดกร่ อนและทนทานต่อความร้อนทีอาจ
เกิดจากความบกพร่ องในระบบ หรื อการอาร์คจากการลัดวงจร

คู่มือการใช้ อุปกรณ์ต้ สู วิทช์ บอร์ ดไฟฟ้า
ข้ อมูลทัวไปเกียวกับความปลอดภัยในการปฏิบัติงานตู้สวิทช์ บอร์ ด (Information Safety)
ตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดทีออกแบบและผลิตให้มีความปลอดภัยสูงต่อผูป้ ฏิบตั ิงานต่ออุปกรณ์ไฟฟ้า และต่ออาคารสถานที
ดังนันจะต้องปฏิบตั ิตามมาตรฐานต่างๆ ทีเกียวข้อง มาตรฐานทีนิยมใช้กนั มาก และแพร่หลาย คือ National Electrical Code
(NEC) สหรัฐอเมริ กา และ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) นอกจากนันจะต้องปฏิบตั ิภายใต้มาตรฐาน
การไฟฟ้าฝ่ ายผลิตแห่งประเทศไทย การไฟฟ้าส่ วนภูมิภาค และการไฟฟ้านครหลวงด้วย รวมทังจะต้องมีทีมงานวิศวกรใน
ภาคการออกแบบ การผลิต และการควบคุมคุณภาพ ทีจะทําให้การออกแบบ และการผลิตระบบไฟฟ้าให้มีความปลอดภัยได้
. ตู้สวิทช์ บอร์ ด และ โครงสร้ าง
สวิทช์บอร์ด (Switch Board)หมายถึง บอร์ดจ่ายไฟขนาดใหญ่ทีรับไฟฟ้าจากการไฟฟ้า หรื อหม้อแปลงด้าน
แรงดันตํา เพือไปจ่ายโหลด (Load) ต่างๆ บางครังเรี ยก Main Distribution Board (MDB) หรื อ Main Distribution Panel
(MDP)โครงตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ด (Enclosure) หมายถึง โครงตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดผลิตจากเหล็ก Cold Rolled Steel Sheet หรื อบางครัง
อาจผลิตจากเหล็ก Electro Galvanized (EG) สําหรับผลิตตูO้ utdoorบบแล้วผ่านกระบวนการพ่นสี ดว้ ยระ (Electro Static
Painting) โดยมีเนือสีเป็ นสารพวก Epoxy (กรณี ใช้งานในร่ ม)และPolyester ซึงโครงตูแ้ ละสีเคลือบ (กรณี ใช้งานกลางแจ้ง)
ผิวตู้ จะต้องมีคุณสมบัติทีสําคัญ เช่น ทนทานต่อการรับแสงทางกล ทนทานต่อการกัดกร่ อนและทนทานต่อความร้อนทีอาจ
เกิดจากความบกพร่ องในระบบ หรื อการอาร์คจากการลัดวงจร
คู่มือการใช้ อุปกรณ์ต้ สู วิทช์ บอร์ ดไฟฟ้า
ข้ อมูลทัวไปเกียวกับความปลอดภัยในการปฏิบัตงิ านตู้สวิทช์ บอร์ ด (Information Safety)
ตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดทีออกแบบและผลิตให้มีความปลอดภัยสูงต่อผูป้ ฏิบตั ิงานต่ออุปกรณ์ไฟฟ้า และต่ออาคารสถานที
ดังนันจะต้องปฏิบตั ิตามมาตรฐานต่างๆ ทีเกียวข้อง มาตรฐานทีนิยมใช้กนั มาก และแพร่หลาย คือ National Electrical Code
(NEC) สหรัฐอเมริ กา และ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) นอกจากนันจะต้องปฏิบตั ิภายใต้มาตรฐาน
การไฟฟ้าฝ่ ายผลิตแห่งประเทศไทย การไฟฟ้าส่ วนภูมิภาค และการไฟฟ้านครหลวงด้วย รวมทังจะต้องมีทีมงานวิศวกรใน
ภาคการออกแบบ การผลิต และการควบคุมคุณภาพ ทีจะทําให้การออกแบบ และการผลิตระบบไฟฟ้าให้มีความปลอดภัยได้
. ตู้สวิทช์ บอร์ ด และ โครงสร้ าง
สวิทช์บอร์ด (Switch Board)หมายถึง บอร์ดจ่ายไฟขนาดใหญ่ทีรับไฟฟ้าจากการไฟฟ้า หรื อหม้อแปลงด้าน
แรงดันตํา เพือไปจ่ายโหลด (Load) ต่างๆ บางครังเรี ยก Main Distribution Board (MDB) หรื อ Main Distribution Panel
(MDP)โครงตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ด (Enclosure) หมายถึง โครงตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดผลิตจากเหล็ก Cold Rolled Steel Sheet หรื อบางครัง
อาจผลิตจากเหล็ก Electro Galvanized (EG) สําหรับผลิตตูO้ utdoorบบแล้วผ่านกระบวนการพ่นสี ดว้ ยระ (Electro Static
Painting) โดยมีเนือสีเป็ นสารพวก Epoxy (กรณี ใช้งานในร่ ม)และPolyester ซึงโครงตูแ้ ละสีเคลือบ (กรณี ใช้งานกลางแจ้ง)
ผิวตู้ จะต้องมีคุณสมบัติทีสําคัญ เช่น ทนทานต่อการรับแสงทางกล ทนทานต่อการกัดกร่ อนและทนทานต่อความร้อนทีอาจ
เกิดจากความบกพร่ องในระบบ หรื อการอาร์คจากการลัดวงจร

แสดงโครงสร้ างส่ วนประกอบตู้ Switchboard
. อุปกรณ์ เครื องวัด (Metering Equipment)
2.1. Pilot Lamp
Pilot Lampเป็ นหลอดทีแสดงสถานะ การทํางานเพือบอกให้รู้ว่ามีไฟจ่ายเข้ามายังตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดหรือไม่
WHITH แสดง Phase L1,L2,L3

2.2. Digital Power Meter
V (V): แรงดันไฟฟ้า เฟส-เฟส, เฟส-นิวตรอน S (VA) :กําลังไฟฟ้าทีปรากฏ
I (A) : กระแสเฟส และ กระแสนิวตรอน P (W) ) : กําลังไฟฟ้าจริ ง
F (Hz) :ความถี Q (Var) : ) : กําลังไฟฟ้าเสมือน
PF :เพาเวอร์เฟคเตอร์ พลังงาน (Energy)kW.h, kVAR.h, kVA.h
ค่าความต้องการทางไฟฟ้า (Demand) ค่าความต้องการกระแส (Current Demand)
ค่าความต้องการทางไฟฟ้า(Demand และ Peak Demand)
Total Harmonic Distortion ของกระแสและแรงดันไฟฟ้า

2.3.Current Transformer (CT)

Current Transformer (CT)เป็ นอุป กรณ์ที ใช้ประกอบการวัดกระแสไฟฟ้ า โดยต่อร่ วมกับแอมป์ มิเตอร์ CT หรื อ
ดิจิตรอนมิเตอร์ ทีมีใช้ในท้องตลาดจะมี 2 กลุ่มคืออัตราส่วนต่อ 1 และอัตราส่วนต่อ5 ทีใช้ในตูส้ วิท์บอร์ ดนิยมใช้ อตั ราส่ วน
ต่อ 5 เช่ น50/5,1000/5, 3000/5 เป็ นต้ น ปกติจะเลือก CT ตามขนาดของเมนเบรคเกอร์โดยเลือกไม่ตากว่ ํ าพิกดั ของเมนเบรค
เกอร์ เช่น เมนเบรคเกอร์ทีมีขนาด 1000A ก็จะเลือก CT ขนาด 1000/5A.
ข้อควรระวังในการใช้ CT คือ ห้ามเปิ ดวงจรด้าน Secondary ของ CT เนืองจากจะเกิดแรงดันสู งตกคร่ อมขดลวด
และทําให้ CT ไหม้ได้หากไม่ใช้งานต้องลัดวงจรขัวทังสองของ CT เสมอ

3. อุปกรณ์ ป้องกัน (Protection Equipment)
3.1. ฟิ วส์ (Control Fuse)
ฟิ วส์ (Control Fuse) อุปกรณ์ป้องกันกระแสเกินและป้องกันการลัดวงจรฟิ วส์จะต่ออนุ กรมอยูก่ บั วงจรไฟฟ้ าและ
จะหลอมละลาย เมือกระะแสไฟฟ้าไหลผ่านเกินพิกดั หรื อลัดวงจรฟิ วส์มีคุณสมบัติทีตัดกระแสลัดวงจรได้ถึงพิกดั สู งสุ ดอีก
ทังมีคุณสมบัติสามารถจํากัดค่ากระแสลัดวงจรโดยให้กระแสไหลผ่านฟิ วส์ตากว่ ํ าค่ากระแสลัดวงจรทีจะขึนถึงสูงสุ ดนันก็
คือฟิ วส์จาํ กัดกระแสส่วนใหญ่ ฟิ วส์ ทีนํามาใช้งานจะมีขนาดพิกดั 2A, 6A, 10A เป็ นต้น

. . รี เลย์ควบคุม (Control Relay)

รี เลย์ควบคุม (control Relay) มีขนาดเล็กกําลังไฟฟ้าตํา ใช้ในวงจรควบคุมทัวไปทีมีกาํ ลังไฟฟ้าไม่มากนัก หรื อ
เพือการควบคุมรี เลย์หรื อคอนแทกเตอร์ขนาดใหญ่
หลักการทํางาน เมือมีกระแสไฟฟ้าไหลผ่านไปยังขดลวดสนามแม่เหล็กทีขากลางของแกนเหล็กจะสร้าง
สนามแม่เหล็กทีแรงสนามแม่เหล็กจะสามารถชนะแรงสปริ งได้ ดึงให้แกนเหล็กชุดทีเคลือนที เคลือนทีลงมาในสภาวะเปิ ด
(ON) คอนแทคทังสองชุดจะเปลียนสภาวะการทํางานคือ คอนแทคปกติปิดจะเปิ ดวงจรจุดสัมผัสออก และคอนแทคปกติ
เปิ ดจะต่อวงจรของจุดสัมผัส เมือไม่มีกระแสไฟฟ้าไหลผ่านเข้าไปยังขดลวด สนามแม่เหล็กคอนแทคทังสองชุดก็จะกลับ

. . ทามเมอร์รีเลย์ (Timer Relay) เป็ นอุปกรณ์ทีใช้ในงานควบคุมทีสามารถตังเวลาการทํางาน
ของหน้าสัมผัสได้ จึงนําไปใช้ในการควบคุมแบบอัตโนมัติ แบ่งลักษณะการทํางานของหน้าหน้าสัมผัสได้ 2 แบบคือ
3.3.1. แบบหน่วงเวลาหลังจ่ายกระแสไฟฟ้าเข้า (On–delay) แบบนีเมือจ่ายกระแสไฟฟ้าให้
กับทามเมอร์รีเลย์แล้ว หน้าสัมผัสจะอยูใ่ นตําแหน่งเดิมและเมือถึงเวลาทีตังไว้หน้าสัมผัสจึงจะเปลียนตําแหน่งเป็ น สภาวะตรงข้าม
และค้างตําแหน่งจนกว่าจะหยุดจ่ายกระแสไฟฟ้าให้กบั ทามเมอร์รีเลย์
3.3.2. แบบหน่วงเวลาหลังหยุดกระแสไฟฟ้าเข้า (Off–delay) แบบนีเมือจ่ายกระแสไฟฟ้าให้
กับทามเมอร์รีเลย์แล้ว หน้าสัมผัสจะเปลียนตําแหน่งเป็ นสภาวะตรงข้ามทันที เมือหยุดกระแสไฟฟ้าแล้ว และถึง
เวลาทีตังไว้หน้าสัมผัสจึงจะกลับอยูใ่ นสภาวะเดิม

4. Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB)

Molded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) :เป็ นอุปกรณ์ไฟฟ้าสําหรับ เป็ นสวิทช์ตดั ตอนอัตโนมัติ เพือป้องกันการ
ใช้กระแสไฟฟ้าเกินพิกดั )Overload) กระแสลัดวงจร )Short Circuit)
หลังการทํางาน การ ON และ OFF สังงานได้จากตัว Breaker เอง คือ ทีตัวของ Breaker นันจะมีกา้ นโยกเพือ
สังงานอยู่ 3 ระดับคือ On, Off, Trip โดยการ On จะต้องโยกก้านขึน การ Off จะต้องโยกก้านลง เมือเกิดการ Trip แล้ว
ต้องการ On จะต้องโยกไปทีตําแหน่ง Off ก่อนแล้วจึงสามารถโยกมาสัง On ได้
4.1. Shunt release: หรื อ Shunt Trip เมือมีไฟมาจ่ายที Coil ของ Shunt Trip ไม่สามารถ ON Breaker ได้ ส่ วน
ใหญ่ Shunt Tripจะทํางานใน Function TR.Trip เมื อมีสัญญาณAlarm หรื อ Trip มาจากหม้อแปลงเข้ามาสัง Shunt Trip ทํา
ให้ Breaker “Trip” ไม่สามารถ ON Breaker ได้ จนกว่าจะเคลียร์สัญญาณ Trip จากหม้อแปลงได้
4.2. Auxiliary Contact :Contact เสริ มของ Breaker นําไปประยุกต์ใช้งานตามความต้องการของผูใ้ ช้งาน

5.คาปาซิเตอร์ (Capacitor Bank)
5. . คาปาซิ เตอร์ (Capacitor bank) เป็ นอุปกรณ์ Power Quality เกี ยวกับการปรับ ปรุ งค่าพาวเวอร์ แ ฟคเตอร์ โดย
Capacitor Bank ช่วยให้ค่า Power Factor ไม่ตากว่
ํ า 0.85 ตามข้อกําหนดของการไฟฟ้ าแห่ งประเทศไทย ช่วยกรองแรงดัน
ให้มีความเสถียรกว่าเดิม แถมช่วยลดฮามอร์นิค ในระบบได้อีกโดยปกติการไฟฟ้าจะกําหนดให้ลูกค้าติดตัง Capacitor Bank
มีขนาดไม่น้อยกว่าหรื อเท่ากับ 30% ของขนาดหม้อแปลงไฟฟ้า ทังนีการกําหนดขนาดของ Capacitor Bank ทีเหมาะสมนัน
อาจพิจารณาจากลักษณะของ load ทีใช้อยูด่ ว้ ยซึงค่า Power Factor เปลียนแปลงไปตามการใช้ Load ซึง Load ทางไฟฟ้ามีอยู่
3 ลักษณะ คือ

. . ตูค้ าปาซิ เตอร์ ( Capacitor Bank) โดยทัวไปจะแบ่งส่วนประกอบ (Compasment) ออกเป็ น 3 ส่วน

ส่วนที1คือ ด้านหน้าส่วนบนจะติดตังชุดควบคุมและPower Factor Controller (PFC)
ส่วนที2คือ ด้านหน้าส่วนนอก (ฝาตู)้ และด้านหน้าส่วนล่างจะติดตัง Push button และ Pilot lampทีใช้
ในการควบคุมและแสดงผลนอกจากนันในช่องนีจะมี HRC Fuse และ Contactor ติดตังอยูด่ ว้ ย
ส่วนที3คือด้านในของตูจ้ ะติดตังตัวคาปาซิเตอร์(Capacitor)สําหรับการระบายอากาศของช่อง
CapacitorBankจะใช้พดั ลมดูดอากาศ (Exhaust Fan)ขนาด6 นิว ติดตังอยูด่ า้ นหลังเพือช่วยระบายอากาศได้ดียงขึ
ิ น
. . การทํางานของ Capacitor Bank แบ่งการทํางานบอกเป็ น 2 Mode มีดงั นี
5.3.1. Mode Auto โดยการปรับ Selector Switch ไปทีตําแหน่ง AutoตัวCapacitor Bank จะทําการปรับ
ค่า Power Factor โดยอัตโนมัติ โดย (PFC) จะปรับ ให้ไ ด้ตามค่าที กําหนดเอาไว้ ซึ งค่าที กําหนดจะเป็ นค่ าที ผูใ้ ช้ง านจะ
5.3.2. Mode Manualโดยการปรับ Selector Switch ไปทีตําแหน่ง Manual ซึงผูใ้ ช้งานสามารถปรับค่า
Power factor ได้โดยการกดปุ่ มPush Button Switch ของตัว CapacitorBank ของแต่ละตัวตามความเหมาะสมของปริ มาณ
การใช้งานไฟฟ้าอยูใ่ นขณะปัจจุบนั

6. ข้อควรปฏิบัติ ประการในการปฏิบัติงานตู้สวิทช์ บอร์ ด
6.1. ควรอ่านคู่มือการปฏิบตั ิงานของอุปกรณ์แต่ละตัวทีประกอบอยูภ่ ายในตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดให้เข้าใจก่อนการใช้งาน
และปฏิบตั ิตามคําแนะนําจากคู่มือของอุปกรณ์ไฟฟ้านันๆ
6.2. การตรวจสอบ หรื อ การบํารุ งรักษา ระบบไฟฟ้ าภายในตู ้สวิทช์บ อร์ ด จะต้องดําเนิ น การโดยช่ างไฟฟ้ าทีมี
ประสบการณ์มีความรู ้หรื อผูท้ ีได้รับการฝึ กอบรมการปฏิบตั ิงานตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดรวมถึงจะต้องรู้ถึงระบบการทํางานของระบบ
ไฟฟ้านันๆ เป็ นอย่างดี
6.3. การจะตรวจสอบหรื อ ตรวจบํารุ งรักษาภายในตู ้ จะต้องทําการ “OFF “แหล่งจ่ายไฟฟ้ าต้นทางก่อนทุกครั ง
แขวนป้ายเตือนภัย รวมทังใช้สัญญาณไฟ หรื อ LOCK เพือป้องกันการ “ON “
6.4. เมือต้องการจะซ่อมแซมหรื อแก้ไขอุปกรณ์ ทีต่ออยู่กบั หม้อแปลงกระแส (Current Transformer, CT) ก่อนที
จะทําการถอดอุปกรณ์นนออกให้ั Short-Circuit CT ก่อนทุกครัง เพือป้องกัน CT เสียหาย
6.5. ไม่ควรแก้ไขหรื อดัดแปลงรู ป แบบ หรื อการใช้งานของอุปกรณ์แต่ละตัวให้แตกต่างจากการใช้งานปกติของ
สวิทช์บอร์ ด และหากมีการแก้ไขจะต้องแจ้งให้บริ ษทั ผูผ้ ลิตทราบ หรื อตรวจสอบข้อมูล เบื อ งต้ น จ ากคู่ มื อ ก ารใ ช้ ง าน
อุปกรณ์แต่ละตัวให้ถูกต้องก่อน ไม่แนะนําให้ผปู้ ฏิบตั ิงานดัดแปลงการทํางาน หรื อ การใช้งานด้วยตนเอง
6.6. ตัวตูส้ วิทช์บ อร์ดและอุปกรณ์ทีติดตังอยู่ภายในตู ้ จะต้องมีการตรวจสอบอย่างน้อยปี ละ ครังและทําความ
สะอาด พร้อมทังตรวจเช็คระบบการทํางานของอุปกรณ์ต่างๆ ภายในตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ ด
6.7.เมือทําการเปิ ดตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดเพือทําการตรวจซ่อม หรื อตรวจบํารุ งรักษา จะต้องแขวนป้าย ห้ามผูไ้ ม่มีการตรวจ
ยังไม่แล้วเสร็ จ ให้ทาํ การปิ ดตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดไว้เหมือนเดิมก่อนทุกครัง เพือป้องกันอุบตั ิเหตุจากกระแสไฟฟ้า
6.8.หากมีการเพิมเติมอุปกรณ์ หรื อแก้ไขใดๆ เกิดขึนภายในตูส้ วิทซ์บอร์ดผูป้ ฏิบตั ิงานจะต้องดําเนิ นการแก้ไข
แบบหรื อ Diagram ประจําตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ ดให้เรี ยบร้อย และเป็ นปัจจุบนั ตามการแก้ไขนันๆ เพือเป็ นการสะดวก และป้องกัน
6.9.หากต้องมี การเปลี ยนแปลงอุปกรณ์ ใดๆอัน เนื องมาจากอายุการใช้งานหรื อเกิดการเสี ยหายของอุป กรณ์ นัน
ก่อนเปลียนให้ตรวจสอบรุ่ นของอุปกรณ์ก่อน หากรุ่น ยีห้อ หรื อผูผ้ ลิตต่างกัน ให้ตรวจ และพิ จ ารณาเปรี ยบเที ย บระบบ
ไฟฟ้าทีใช้ขนาดของโหลดทีรับได้ หรื อรายละเอียดอืนๆ ก่อน
6.10. เมือมี การเข้าตรวจสอบหรื อตรวจซ่อมภายในตูส้ วิท ช์บ อร์ ดก่ อนปิ ดตูแ้ ละทําการจ่ ายไฟฟ้ าให้ตรวจสอบ
ภายในตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดอย่างละเอียดครังสุ ดท้าย จนแน่ใจว่า อุปกรณ์ทีแก้ไขเสร็ จเรี ยบร้อย การจัดสายจุดต่อต่างๆ อยูใ่ นสภาพ
เรี ยบร้อยขันจนแน่นตึงดีแล้วรวมทังไม่ลืมเครื องมือ หรื ออุปกรณ์ทีไม่เกียวข้องกับการทํางานของตูส้ วิทช์บอร์ดไว้ในตู้

7. ปัญหาการ Trip ของ Circuit Breaker
การ Trip เป็ นส่ วนประกอบของ Circuit Breaker ส่ วนสําคัญส่ วนหนึ งทีจะให้สัญญาณ Circuit Breaker ตัดวงจร
ออก เมือเกิดความผิดปกติขึนในระบบไฟฟ้า กรณี ดงั ต่อไปนี
7.1 กรณี Main Circuit Breaker อยูใ่ นตําแหน่ง Trip
 กระแสไฟฟ้าเกินกว่าพิกดั ขนาด Amp.Trip (AT) ของ Circuit Breaker
 เกิดกระแสไฟฟ้าลัดวงจร (Short Circuit) ขึนในระบบไฟฟ้า
 เกิ ด Ground fault (กระแสไฟฟ้ าลัด วงจรลงดิ น ) ซึ งเกิ ด ขึ นบ่ อ ยมากประมาณ 75 % ของปั ญ หา
กระแสไฟฟ้าบกพร่ องทีเกิดขึนทังหมด
 เกิดเนืองจากได้ มีการติดตัง Phase Protection Relay เพือป้องกัน Main Circuit Breaker โดยการสั ง
Trip ผ่ านทาง Coil Under voltageหรื อ Shunt Trip ซึงอยู่ใน Main ACB ซึงกรณีทีจะทําให้ เกิดการ
Trip มีดังนี
- แรงดันไฟฟ้าไม่ครบเฟส
- แรงดันไฟฟ้าตก (Under Voltage Relay สามารถปรับได้ -20 % ของแรงดันปกติ)
- แรงดัน ไฟฟ้ าเกิน 15% ของแรงดันปกติ (Over Voltage Relay สามารถปรับ ได้ - %ของ
- แรงดันไฟฟ้าจากการไฟฟ้าดับ
- ลําดับเฟสการของการไฟฟ้ามาไม่ตรงเฟส ( Phase Sequence)

7.2 กรณี Branch Circuit Breaker จะอยูใ่ นตําแหน่ง Trip

 กระแสไฟฟ้าเกินกว่าขนาด Amp Trip ของ Circuit Breaker
 เกิดกระแสไฟฟ้าลัดวงจร (Short Circuit) ขึนในระบบไฟฟ้านัน

8. ปัญหา และแนวทางแก้ไข เบืองต้ นเกียวกับ Capacitor Bank

กรณี ไม่มีการต่อ Capacitor Bank เข้าระบบอาจมีสาเหตุมาจากกรณีดงั ต่อไปนี
9. . กรณี Selector Switch ไม่อยูใ่ นตําแหน่ง Auto ให้ทาํ การบิด Selector Switch ทีด้านหน้าตูม้ ายังตําแหน่ง Auto
9. .กรณีไม่มีการจ่ายไฟให้กบั PFC อาจเนืองจาก Control Fuse ขาดให้ทาํ การเปลียน Control Fuseโดยการเปิ ดฐาน
Fuse ออกมานํา Fuse ทีขาดออกนํา Control Fuse ตัวใหม่ใส่

การใช้ งานอุปกรณ์
Low voltage electrical distribution

Compact NS
Circuit breakers and switch-disconnectors
from 630 to 1600 A

User manual
User manual for circuit breakers Contents
and switch-disconnectors
Compact NS630b-1600 A

Discovering Compact NS 3
Safety information 3
Rating plate 4
Manually operated Compact NS with a toggle 5
Components 5
Opening, closing, reset 6
Testing the device 7
Locking the toggle 8
Manually operated Compact NS with a rotary handle 9
Components 9
Opening, closing, reset 10
Testing the device 11
Locking the rotary handle 12
Locking the switchboard door 14
Electrically operated Compact NS 15
Components 15
Opening and closing the device 16
Locking the controls 18
Compact NS chassis 20
Components 20
Matching a device with its chassis 21
Racking 22
Racking-in the device 23
Racking-out the device 24
Locking in the "disconnected" position 25
Locking the switchboard door 27
Locking the device when the door is open 28
Locking the safety shutters 29
Electrical auxiliaries 30
Electrical diagrams 30
Operation 36
Operating the Compact NS 37
Start-up 37
Environmental conditions 40
What to maintain and why 42
Maintaining the Compact NS during operation 48
What to do when the circuit breaker trips 53
Troubleshooting and solutions 55

51201640AA - 10/2017 1
2 51201640AA - 10/2017
Discovering Compact NS Safety information

Important notes Safety symbols and messages

Restricted liability Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to become familiar with
Electrical equipment should be serviced and maintained the device before trying to install, operate, service or maintain it. The following
by qualified personnel only. special messages may appear throughout this bulletin or on the equipment to warn
No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for of potential hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies
any consequence arising out of the use of this manual. a procedure.
This document is not intended as an instruction manual
Risk of electric shock
for untrained persons.

Device operation
The user is responsible for checking that the rated
characteristics of the device are suitable for its
ANSI symbol IEC symbol
application. The user is responsible for reading
and following the device operating and installation
instructions before attempting to commission or The addition of either symbol to a "Danger" or "Warning" safety label on a device
maintain it. Failure to follow these instructions can indicates that an electrical hazard exists, which will result in death or personal injury
affect device operation and constitute a hazard for if the instructions are not followed.
people and property.
Safety alert

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury
hazards and prompt you to consult the manual. Obey all safety instructions that
follow this symbol in the manual to avoid possible injury or death.

Safety messages

DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided,
will result in death, serious injury or property damage.

WARNING indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided,
could result in death, serious injury or property damage.

CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury or property damage.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.

51201640AA - 10/2017 3
Discovering Compact NS Rating plate

Manually operated device

Rated current

Performance level
Suitability for isolation
Type of device:
circuit breaker or switch-disconnector
Ui - rated insulation level
Uimp - rated impulse withstand voltage
Ics - rated service breaking capacity

Icu - rated ultimate breaking capacity

Ue - rated operational voltage

Icw - rated short-time withstand current


Electrically operated device



Rated current

Performance level
Suitability for isolation
Type of device:
circuit breaker or switch-disconnector
Ui - rated insulation level
Uimp - rated impulse withstand voltage
Ics - rated service breaking capacity
Icu - rated ultimate breaking capacity
Ue - rated operational voltage

Icw - rated short-time withstand current


For further detailed presentation of the Compact NS offer, refer to the Compact NS
catalogue (LVPED211021EN).

4 51201640AA - 10/2017
Manually operated Components
Compact NS with a toggle

Control auxiliary terminals


OF1 ON/OFF indication contact

OF2 ON/OFF indication contact
OF3 ON/OFF indication contact
SD trip-indication contact

MX opening voltage release

or MN undervoltage release

Control unit
SDE fault-trip indication contact Rating plate

Spring-charging handle
and ON/OFF toggle Device for padlocking the toggle
in all positions


"Push to trip" button

Device rating

Padlocking device for the

toggle in the OFF position

51201640AA - 10/2017 5
Manually operated Opening, closing, reset
Compact NS with a toggle with a toggle

Local opening and closing


bb OFF: breaker open, ON: breaker closed.


push to
to trip


Remote opening

Use either:
bb an MX opening release
bb an MN undervoltage release
bb a delayed MN undervoltage release.
When connected to the control panel, these releases may be used to remotely open
the device.

MX, MN MN delay unit



3 4 5
1 2

3 6
MN 1.5
3 MN
UVR r de R
dateu UV
Retar delay for
30 V Time
10 12

2 3

Resetting the device following a trip

bb The device trips.



bb Follow the recommendations for what to do when the circuit breaker trips (see
page 53).
bb Reset the device, then close it again.

1 ON

1 push

to trip


6 51201640AA - 10/2017
Manually operated Testing the device
Compact NS with a toggle

bb Close the device.





bb Press the "Push-to-trip" button.




bb Push the toggle down to reset the device, then back up to close it again.


push to

to trip


51201640AA - 10/2017 7
Manually operated Locking the toggle
Compact NS with a toggle

Locking the toggle in the OFF position using one

to three padlocks (shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm)

DB118627 push

Locking the toggle in the ON or OFF position using

one to three padlocks (shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm)


push push
to to
trip trip

The circuit breaker trips even when locked in the ON position.

8 51201640AA - 10/2017
Manually operated Components
Compact NS with a rotary

CAF early-make contact


CAO early-break contact

OF1 ON/OFF indication contact

OF2 ON/OFF indication contact
OF3 ON/OFF indication contact
SD trip-indication contact

MX opening voltage release

or MN undervoltage release

Direct rotary handle

Control unit

SDE fault-trip indication

contact Padlocking



"Push to trip" button

Padlocking device
Extended rotary handle

Door lock

Extended rotary handle

51201640AA - 10/2017 9
Manually operated Opening, closing, reset
Compact NS with a rotary with a rotary handle

Local opening and closing


bb OFF: breaker open, ON: breaker closed.


Remote opening

Use one of the following:

bb an MX opening release
bb an MN undervoltage release
bb a delayed MN undervoltage release.

When connected to the control panel, these releases may be used to remotely open
the device.

MX, MN MN delay unit



3 4 5
1 2

3 6
MN 1.5
3 MN
UVR r de R
dateu UV
Retar delay for
30 V Time
10 12

2 3

Resetting the device following a trip

bb The device trips.


bb Follow the recommendations for what to do when the circuit breaker trips (see
page 53).
bb Reset the device, then close it again.

reset ON

2 3

10 51201640AA - 10/2017
Manually operated Testing the device
Compact NS with a rotary

bb Close the device.



bb Press the "Push-to-trip" button.


bb Turn the handle to reset the device, then back to close it again.

reset ON

3 4

In the case of circuit breaker with direct rotary handle installed through door, the
opening of the door is only possible when the rotary handle is in ON or OFF

51201640AA - 10/2017 11
Manually operated Locking the rotary handle
Compact NS with a rotary with padlocks

Locking the direct or extended rotary handle in all


positions using one to three padlocks

(shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm)
bb In the standard configuration, the device may be locked in the OFF position.



bb Remove the ring as indicated below to enable locking in both the ON and OFF


bb Lock the handle.

4 5

bb The controls are locked.



The circuit breaker trips even when locked in the ON position.

The rotary handle can be equipped for locking by both padlocks and keylocks.

12 51201640AA - 10/2017
Manually operated Locking the rotary handle
Compact NS with a rotary with keylocks

Locking the direct rotary handle in all positions


using a keylock
bb Lock.



bb The controls are locked.



The circuit breaker trips even when locked in the ON position.

bb Unlock.

Two types of keylocks can be installed



51201640AA - 10/2017 13
Manually operated Locking the switchboard door
Compact NS with a rotary

Door locking when the device is in the ON position,

using the extended rotary handle
bb In the standard configuration, the door cannot be opened when the rotary handle
is set to the ON position.



rese d


1 3

bb It is possible, however, to defeat the door lock.



tripp ed

rese t



bb The door-lock function may be permanently disabled by removing the lock.


14 51201640AA - 10/2017
Electrically operated Components
Compact NS

Fixed device
SD trip-indication contact
MX opening voltage release

or MN undervoltage release
OF ON/OFF indication contacts

Charging handle for

SDE fault-trip indication contact the closing order

Control auxiliary terminals

Motor mechanism

Locking in the OFF position

using a padlock

Locking in the OFF position

using a keylock and a padlock

ON button
Control unit OFF button

Operation counter


Trip indication button used

to reset before closing

Rating plate

Locking by padlock, lead-seal cover

or screws for pushbuttons

Closing spring status indicator

Indicator for position
of the main contacts

51201640AA - 10/2017 15
Electrically operated Opening and closing the device
Compact NS With the motor mechanism

Local opening and closing

The electrically operated device allows local opening and closing via the buttons on

the front of the device.

Device open (OFF), Device closed (ON), discharged


h ON h ON
Pus Pus
Pus Pus

Device open (OFF), charged Device closed (ON), charged and


and ready to close not ready to close


h ON h ON
Pus Pus

Push Pus

Remote opening and closing

Compact NS is equipped as standard with a motor mechanism, allowing remote

opening and closing of the device via opening and closing releases.
Motor mechanism

Remote opening options

An MX opening release or an MN undervoltage release can be added as an option to
provide a second remote opening function. The MN undervoltage release can be
delayed by adding a delay unit.
MX, MN MN delay unit


3 4 5
1 2

3 6
MN 1.5
3 MN
UVR r de R
dateu UV
V Retar delay for
30 Time
10 12

2 3

16 51201640AA - 10/2017
Electrically operated Resetting the device
Compact NS With the motor mechanism

Manually reset the device following a trip


bb The device trips. The button pops out.



bb Follow the recommendations for what to do when the circuit breaker trips (see
page 53)
bb Reset the device, then, if necessary, recharge it using the charging handle before


h ON
h OF


51201640AA - 10/2017 17
Electrically operated Locking the controls
Compact NS
Disabling local or remote closing

Locking the device using one to three padlocks


(shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm)

bb Open the device. Keep the OFF button Install the padlock(s).
pressed and pull out the



Padlocks and keylocks may be used together. Push

bb The controls are locked.



Unlocking the device

bb Remove the padlocks. bb Push in the tab.



18 51201640AA - 10/2017
Electrically operated Locking the controls
Compact NS Disabling local or remote closing

Locking the device using a keylock and/or one to


three padlocks (shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm)

bb Open the device. Keep the OFF button Remove the key.
pressed and turn the key.






Padlocks and keylocks may be used together.

Locking using padlocks is identical to the system on the
previous page.

bb The controls are locked.



Unlocking the device

Insert the key. Turn the key. Push in the tab.

Two types of keylocks can be installed



51201640AA - 10/2017 19
Compact NS chassis Components

Carriage switch terminals


ON/OFF indication contact terminals

Control auxiliary terminals
Arc-chute cover Auxiliary terminal shield

Terminals for control-unit

and fault-trip indication
Carriage switch terminals

Racking interlock

Locking by keylocks
Locking by padlocks
"Connected", "test" or "disconnected" position indicator
Crank socket
Carrying grip Position release button

Mismatch protection Crank storage

Door interlock Crank

Disconnecting-contact cluster
Withdraw grip

Shutter locking blocks

Safety shutters


Side plate for

withdrawable Manually operated
device device with a toggle
Manually operated device
with a rotary handle

Electrically operated device

20 51201640AA - 10/2017
Compact NS chassis Matching a device with its

To set up a mismatch prevention combination for the The mismatch protection helps to ensure that a device is installed only in a chassis
device and the chassis, see the mismatch prevention with compatible characteristics.
installation manual.
The possible combinations are listed below.


1 A
2 B
3 C
5 D

ABC 45 BCD 15
ABD 35 BCE 14
ABE 34 BC 145
AB 345 BDE 13
ACD 25 BD 135
ACE 24 BE 134
AC 245 CDE 12
ADE 23 CD 125
AD 235 CE 124
AE 234 DE 123

51201640AA - 10/2017 21
Compact NS chassis Racking

For complete information on Compact NS handling and Extending the rails

mounting, see the installation manual(s).
Press the release tabs and To put the rails back in, press the release
Before mounting Compact NS, make sure it matches pull the rails out. tabs and push the rails in.
the chassis in terms of rated current and performance




Inserting the device

Open the device Position the device on the rails.
(in any case, it opens Check that it rests on all four supports.
automatically during




If you cannot insert the device in the chassis, check Push the device into the chassis, taking care not to push on the control unit.
that the mismatch protection on the chassis
corresponds to that on the device.











22 51201640AA - 10/2017
Compact NS chassis Racking-in the device

Prerequisites Racking-in the device from the "disconnected" to

To connect and disconnect the device:
bb the crank must be used "test" position, then to "connected" position
bb all chassis locking functions must be disabled (see
page 25).The chassis locking systems, padlocks The device is in "disconnected" position.
and the racking interlock inhibit use of the crank. Press the pop-up button and turn the crank.

The indicator on the front signals the position of the
circuit breaker in the chassis.

The device is in "test" position.

Remove the crank or continue to
"connected" position.

bb "connected" position The device is in "test" position.

Press the pop-up button and turn the crank.



bb "test" position

The device is in "connected" position.


bb "disconnected" position


51201640AA - 10/2017 23
Compact NS chassis Racking-out the device

Withdrawing the device from the "connected"

to "test" position, then to "disconnected" position
The device is in "connected" position.
Press the pop-up button and turn the crank.


The device is in "test" position.

Remove the crank or continue to
"disconnected" position.

The device is in "test" position.

Press the pop-up button and turn the crank.

The device is in "disconnected" position.

24 51201640AA - 10/2017
Compact NS chassis Locking in the "disconnected"
Using one to three padlocks

Combination of locking systems. Locking

It is possible to lock the device on the chassis in the
"disconnected" position using: Use padlocks with a shackle diameter of 5 to 8 millimetres.
bb one to three padlocks
Device in "disconnected" Pull out the tab.
bb one or two keylocks
bb a combination of both.


Note: 2
If specified when ordering the chassis, this locking function
may be adapted to operate in all positions ("connected", "test"
and "disconnected"), instead of in "disconnected" position
alone. Test

Insert the shackle The crank cannot be inserted.

(diameter 5 to 8 mm) of the


Remove the padlock(s). Release the tab.



The crank can be inserted.


51201640AA - 10/2017 25
Compact NS chassis Locking in the "disconnected"
Using one or two keylocks

Device in "disconnected" Turn the key(s).

1 22


Remove the key(s). The crank cannot be



Insert the key(s). Turn the key(s). The crank can be inserted.


1 2 3

Three types of keylocks can be installed



26 51201640AA - 10/2017
Compact NS chassis Locking the switchboard door

The locking option is installed on the left or right-hand side of the chassis:
bb when the device is in "connected" or "test" position, the latch is lowered and the
door is locked
bb when the device is in "disconnected" position, the latch is raised and the door is






Disabling door opening

Close the door. Turn the crank until the The door is locked.
device is in "test" or
"connected" position.


Enabling door opening

Turn the crank until the The door is unlocked.
device is in
"disconnected" position.




51201640AA - 10/2017 27
Compact NS chassis Locking the device when the
door is open




When the door is open, When the door is closed,

the crank cannot be inserted. the crank can be inserted.




28 51201640AA - 10/2017
Compact NS chassis Locking the safety shutters

Four locking possibilities inside the chassis using

one or two padlocks (shackle diameter 5 to 8 mm) for
each shutter
Top and bottom shutters not Top shutter not locked.
locked. Bottom shutter locked.


Top shutter locked. Top and bottom shutters locked.

Bottom shutter not locked.

51201640AA - 10/2017 29
Electrical auxiliaries Electrical diagrams
Fixed devices

The diagram is shown with circuits de-energised,

all devices open, connected and charged and relays
in the normal position.

Power Control unit Remote operation


Upstream cb Downstream cb
N L1 L2 L3






MN MX Motor-mechanism




24 V DC

Basic A E P Control unit Remote operation

b b b b E1-E6 communication MN : undervoltage release
b b b Z1-Z5 zone selective interlocking: MX : voltage release
Z2 = ZSI OUT ; Z3 = ZSI IN SOURCE Motor-mechanism module (*)
Z4 = ZSI IN ST (short time) A4 : electrical opening order
Z5 = ZSI IN GF (earth fault) A2 : electrical closing order
b b M1 = Vigi module input B4, A1 : power supply for control devices and motor
(Micrologic 7) mechanism

b b b T1, T2, T3, T4 = external neutral; (*) Spring-charging motor 440/480 V AC

b M2, M3 = Vigi module input (380 V motor + additional resistor)
(Micrologic 7)
b b b F2+, F1– external 24 V DC CN1 a - 440/480 V

9 11
power supply
b b VN external voltage connector
(must be connected to the neutral A4 A2 B4
with a 3P circuit breaker)

b M6C : 6 programmable contacts (to be

connected to the external module M6C) ext.
24 V DC power supply required Motor-mechanism
A : digital ammeter
E : energy
P : A + power meter + additional protection.

CN2 a - 440/480 V

30 51201640AA - 10/2017
Electrical auxiliaries Electrical diagrams
Fixed devices

Indication contacts Terminal block marking (manual operation)





Open Closed Fault Fault Closed Open
E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1
11 12 14
M1M2M3 F1 F2 D1/C1

Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 T1 T2 T3 T4


D2/C2 OF2
21 22 24

31 32 34

OF3 OF2 OF1 CAO2 CAO1 91 92 94









531 541 511 521 82
532 542 512 522 84

534 544 514 524 SDE

Indication contacts Terminal block marking (electrical operation)

OF3 / OF2 / OF1 : indication contacts




SDE : fault-trip indication contact

(short-circuit, overload, earth fault) E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1
SD : trip indication contact M1M2M3 F1 F2 D1/C1
(manual operation) Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z5 T1 T2 T3 T4
CAF2/CAF1 * : early-make contact
(rotary handle)

CAO2 / CAO1 : early-break contact

(rotary handle)
81 31 21 11

82 32 22 12

84 34 24 14

B4 A4 A2 A1

* CAF2 option is not compatible with M6C option.

51201640AA - 10/2017 31
Electrical auxiliaries Electrical diagrams
Withdrawable devices

The diagram is shown with circuits de-energised,

all devices open, connected and charged and relays
in the normal position.

Power Control unit Remote operation


Upstream cb Downstream cb
N L1 L2 L3






MN MX module





24 V DC

Control unit Remote operation

Terminal-block marking Com UC1 UC2 UwC3 M6C / CAF2 MN / MX MT2 MT1
E5 E6 Z5 M1 M2 M3 F2+ Q3 544 D2 C2 A4 A2

E3 E4 Z3 Z4 T3 T4 VN Q2 542 B4

E1 E2 Z1 Z2 T1 T2 F1 – Q1 541 D1 C1 A1

Basic A E P Control unit Remote operation

b b b b Com: E1-E6 communication MN : undervoltage release
b b b UC1: Z1-Z5 zone selective interlocking: MX : voltage release
Z2 = ZSI OUT; Z3 ZSI IN SOURCE Motor mechanism module (*)
Z4 = ZSI IN ST (short time) MT2 : A4 : electrical opening order
Z5 = ZSI IN GF (earth fault)
MT1 : A2 : electrical closing order
b b M1 = Vigi module input
(Micrologic 7) B4, A1 : power supply for control devices
b b b UC2: T1, T2, T3, T4 = external neutral; and motor mechanism
b M2, M3 = Vigi module input
(*) Spring-charging motor 440/480 V AC
(Micrologic 7) (380 V motor + additional resistor)

b b b UC3: F2+, F1- external 24 V DC CN1 a - 440/480 V


9 11
power supply
b b VN external voltage connector
(must be connected to the neutral A4 A2 B4
with a 3P circuit breaker)

b M6C: 6 programmable contacts (to be

connected to the external module
M6C) ext. 24 V DC power supply Motor-mechanism
required module
A : digital ammeter
E : energy
P : A + power meter + additional protection.

CN2 a - 440/480 V

32 51201640AA - 10/2017
Electrical auxiliaries Electrical diagrams
Withdrawable devices

Indication contacts Carriage switches




Open Closed Fault Fault Closed Open Disconnected Connected Test




















Indication contacts Carriage switches


Q3 544 534 84 94 524 514 34 24 14 824 814 334 324 314 914

Q2 542 532 82 92 522 512 32 22 12 822 812 332 322 312 912

Q1 541 531 81 91 521 511 31 21 11 821 811 331 321 311 911

Indication contacts Carriage switches

OF3 / OF2 / OF1 : indication contacts CD2 : disconnected CE3 : connected CT1 : test
CD1 position CE2 position position
SDE : fault-trip indication contact CE1
(short-circuit, overload, earth fault)

SD : trip indication contact

(manual operation)

CAF2/CAF1 * : early-make contact

(rotary handle)

CAO2 / CAO1 : early-break contact

(rotary handle)

* CAF2 option is not compatible with M6C option. (only one wire per connection point).

51201640AA - 10/2017 33
Electrical auxiliaries Electrical diagrams
Earth-fault protection

External sensor (CT) for residual earth-fault protection

Connection of current-transformer secondary

circuit for external neutral:
Compact equipped with a Micrologic 6 A/E/P:
bb shielded cable with 2 twisted pairs
bb T1 twisted with T2
bb maximum length 4 meters
bb cable cross-sectional area 0.4 to 1.5 mm2
bb recommended cable: Belden 9552 or equivalent.
For proper wiring of neutral CT, refer to instruction
bulletin 48041-082-03 shipped with it.
Do not remove Micrologic factory-installed jumper
between T1 and T2 unless neutral CT is connected.
If supply is via the top, follow the schematics.
If supply is via the bottom, control wiring is identical; for
the power wiring, H1 is connected to the source side,
H2 to the load side.
For four-pole versions, for residual earth-fault
protection, the current transformer for the external Shield Drain
neutral is not necessary.
Connection for signal VN is required only for power
measurements (3 Ø, 4 wires, 4CTs).

External transformer for source ground return (SGR) earth-fault protection

Connection of the secondary circuit:

Compact equipped with a Micrologic 6 A/E/P:

bb unshielded cable with 1 twisted pair Z1
bb maximum length 150 metres
bb cable cross-sectional area 0.4 to 1.5 mm2
bb recommended cable: Belden 9409 or equivalent.

Micrologic 6


12 5 6 7 10 11
H1 X1
1 MiDGF module 9
H2 X2 3 8
PE 13 14

34 51201640AA - 10/2017
Electrical auxiliaries Electrical diagrams
Earth-leakage protection
Neutral protection
Zone-selective interocking
Earth-leakage protection
N L1 L2 L3
Connection of the rectangular-sensor secondary

Compact NS equipped with a Micrologic 7 A/P:

use the cable shipped with the rectangular sensor.

Micrologic 7




Neutral protection
bb Three pole circuit breaker:
vv neutral protection is impossible with Micrologic A/E
vv with Micrologic P, an external neutral transformer is necessary; the connection diagram is the same as for residual earth-fault protection.
bb Four pole circuit breaker:
vv Compact NS equipped with Micrologic A/E/P
vv the current transformer for external neutral is not necessary.

Zone selective interlocking

Zone-selective interlocking is used to reduce the

Upstream A
electrodynamic forces exerted on the installation by circuit break tsd = 0.3
shortening the time required to clear faults, while
maintaining time discrimination between the various
A pilot wire interconnects a number of circuit breakers
equipped with Micrologic A/E/P control units, as Fault 1
illustrated in the diagram above.
The control unit detecting a fault sends a signal
upstream and checks for a signal arriving from
downstream. If there is a signal from downstream, the B
circuit breaker remains closed for the full duration of its
tsd = 0.2
tripping delay. If there is no signal from downstream,
the circuit breaker opens immediately, regardless of the
tripping-delay setting.
Fault 1.
Only circuit breaker A detects the fault. Because it receives no Fault 2
signal from downstream, it immediately opens in spite of its
tripping delay set to 0.3.
Fault 2.
Circuit breakers A and B detect the fault. Circuit breaker A Downstream
receives a signal from B and remains closed for the full duration circuit break
of its tripping delay set to 0.3. Circuit breaker B does not receive
a signal from downstream and opens immediately, in spite of its
tripping delay set to 0.2.

bb Maximum impedance: 2.7 W / 300 m.
bb Capacity of connectors: 0.4 to 2.5 mm2.
bb Wires: single or multicore.
bb Maximum length: 3000 m.
bb Limits to device interconnection:
vv the common ZSI - OUT (Z1) and the output ZSI - OUT (Z2)
can be connected to a maximum of 10 upstream devices
vv a maximum of 100 downstream devices may be connected
to the common ZSI - IN (Z3) and to an input ZSI - IN CR ( Z4) or
GF (Z5).

51201640AA - 10/2017 35
Electrical auxiliaries Operation
Indication contacts
Carriage switches

Indication contacts
The ON/OFF indication contacts signal the status of the device main contacts.

Name Contact Position of indicators and

number contacts
Device status – ON OFF Tripped (by
control unit)
Main contact position – Closed Open Open
Reset button position – IN IN OUT
OF indication contact 1–2 Open Closed Closed
1–4 Closed Open Open
SDE indication contact 1–2 Closed Closed Open
1–4 Open Open Closed

Carriage switches
The position of the device in the chassis is indicated remotely by the position of the
following carriage switches:
bb CE: connected position
bb CT: test position
bb CD: disconnected position.The device is in the disconnected position when the
minimum isolation distance between the main contacts and the auxiliary contacts is
The state of the carriage switches changes according to the device position during
racking-in and racking-out operations, as shown in the following diagram.

d e

device in separation of the test separation of the completely

connected position main contacts position auxiliary contacts disconnected
d > 10.9 mm e > 11 mm

1-4 open closed

1-2 closed open

1-4 closed open closed

1-2 open closed open

1-4 open closed

1-2 closed open

36 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS Start-up
List of checks and inspections

When starting up new equipment, or following lengthy downtime, a general check

takes a few minutes. Such a check helps to remove the risk of a malfunction due to
error or oversight.
Many malfunctions result from non-observance of the start-up instructions or lack of
knowledge concerning the equipment and/or switchgear procedures. Schneider
Electric instruction sheets, supplied with products and equipment, contain clear
instructions for operators or maintenance personnel on how to correct malfunctions.
The PDF files may be downloaded from the website.
Note: A check must be carried out with the entire switchboard de-energised.
In switchboards with compartments, only those compartments that may be ac-
cessed by the operators must be de-energised.

The table below indicates the checks and inspections to be performed according to
the event:

Checks and Inspections

Prior to start-up b b b b b b
Periodically during operation b b b
After carrying out work on the switchboard b b b b b
Periodically during lengthy downtime b b b
Following lengthy downtime b b b b
Following lengthy downtime and modification b b b b b b
to the switchboard
A Insulation and dielectric strength tests
B Inspection of the switchboard
C Compliance with the installation diagram
D Inspection of mechanical equipment
E Mechanical operation
F Check of electronic control units

CAUTION A: Insulation and dielectric strength tests

Insulation and dielectric strength tests are carried out before the switchboard is
RISK OF EQUIPMENT DAMAGE delivered. These tests are subject to the currently applicable standards.
Only a trained specialist is authorized to carry out
insulation and dielectric strength tests. Insulation and dielectric tests must be repeated immediately after delivery of the
switchboard. These tests are precisely defined by international standards and must
Failure to follow these instructions can result in
be directed and carried out by a qualified expert.
injury or equipment damage.
Prior to running the tests, it is absolutely necessary to:
bb disconnect all the electrical auxiliaries of the device (motor mechanism, MX, MN)
bb remove the long-time rating plug on the Micrologic E/P control units.
Removal of the rating plug disconnects the voltage measurement input.

B: Inspection of the switchboard

Check that the devices are installed:
bb in a clean environment,where no waste has been left behind from assembling the
equipment (wiring, tools, shavings, metallic particles, etc)
bb in a properly ventilated switchboard (unobstructed ventilation grilles).

51201640AA - 10/2017 37
Operating the Compact NS Start-up
List of checks and inspections

C: Compliance with the installation diagram

Check that the devices conform with the installation diagram:
bb identification of the feeds on the front of each device
bb rating and breaking capacities (indicated on the rating plate)
bb identification of the control unit (type, rating)
bb presence of additional functions (motor mechanism, Vigirex relay, toroid, rotary
handle, control or indication auxiliaries, locking, sealing)
bb protection settings (long time, short time, instantaneous, ground fault)
bb Micrologic electronic control unit: visually check the position of the dials or the
main settings and use the maintenance interface to check in detail
bb identification of the protected circuit marked on the front of each device.

D: Inspection of mechanical equipment

bb Check the following body parts (see page 43 for more information):
vv case
vv arc chute filters
vv main contacts.
bb Check the mounting and mechanical strength:
vv of devices in the switchboard and of power connections
vv of the following auxiliaries and accessories on the devices
- rotary handles or motor mechanisms
- installation accessories (terminal shields, escutcheons, etc.)
- auxiliary circuit connections (see page 46 for more information)
- chassis and its sliding connections (see page 44 for more information)
- terminal blocks
- electrical auxiliaries.
bb Check the tightening of power connectors and tighten any loose connections (see
page 44 for more information).
bb Check the arc chute filters (see page 43 for more information).

38 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS Start-up
List of checks and inspections

E: Mechanical operation
bb Check the following mechanical operations:
vv mechanical opening and closing
vv electrical opening and closing
vv tripping with the push-to-trip button
vv resetting
vv charging
vv complete closing of device poles.
bb Check the number of operating cycles by consulting the operation counter.
bb Check the locking and unlocking of locking accessories (for example, padlocks
and keylocks).
bb Check the operation of the motor mechanism (for electrically operated devices)
(see page 46 for more information):
vv general condition of the motor mechanism
vv motor mechanism charging time.
bb Check the operation of control auxiliaries (for electrically operated devices)
including (see page 46 for more information):
vv MX opening voltage release
vv MN undervoltage release
vv MNR delayed undervoltage release.
bb Check the auxiliary wiring and insulation of all auxiliaries (see page 46 for more
bb Check the correct operation of the indication contacts OF (see page 46 for more
bb Check the service life of all auxiliaries.

F: Operation of electronic control units and

communication system
bb Check the correct operation of the control unit of each device, by using the
respective user manual.
bb Check the communication module and accessories (optional) (see page 47 for
more information).
bb Test device control and uploading of contact status.
bb Test the uploading of the chassis position contacts and address synchronization
between BCM ULP and IO module.
bb Test data writing to the Micrologic control unit via the communication network.

51201640AA - 10/2017 39
Operating the Compact NS Environmental conditions

Ambient temperature

Compact NS devices can operate under the following temperature conditions:

bb the electrical and mechanical characteristics are stipulated for an ambient
temperature of -5 °C to +70 °C
bb circuit breaker closing is guaranteed down to -35 °C
bb Compact NS (without the control unit) can be stored in an ambient temperature
of -40 °C to +85 °C
bb the control unit can be stored in an ambient temperature of -25 °C to +85 °C.


Extreme atmospheric conditions


Compact NS devices have successfully passed the tests defined by the following
standards for extreme atmospheric conditions:
bb IEC 60068-2-1: dry cold at -55 °C
bb IEC 60068-2-2: dry heat at +85 °C
bb IEC 60068-2-30: damp heat (temperature +55 °C, relative humidity 95%)
bb IEC 60068-2-52 level 2: salt mist.

Compact NS devices can operate in the industrial environments defined by standard

IEC 60947-1 (pollution degree up to 3).

It is nonetheless advised to check that the devices are installed in suitably cooled
switchboards without excessive dust.


Compact NS devices have successfully passed testing in compliance with standard

IEC 60068-2-6 and IEC 60068-2-27 for the following vibration levels:
bb 2 to 13.2 Hz: amplitude ±1 mm
bb 13.2 to 100 Hz: constant acceleration 0.7 g.
Vibration testing to these levels is required by merchant marine inspection
organisations (such as Veritas and Lloyd’s).

Compact NS630b to 1600

Profile Reference
Vibrations, shocks and shakes in operational conditions 3M4 IEC 60721-3-3 compliant

40 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS Environmental conditions

Electromagnetic disturbances

Compact NS devices are protected against:

bb overvoltages caused by devices that generate electromagnetic disturbances
bb overvoltages caused by an atmospheric disturbance or by a distribution system
outage (e.g. failure of a lighting system)
bb devices emitting radio waves (radios, walkie-talkies, radar, etc.)
bb electrostatic discharges produced by users.

Compact NS devices have successfully passed the electromagnetic compatibility

tests (EMC) defined by the following international standards:
bb IEC 60947-2, annex F
bb IEC 60947-2, annex B (control units with earth-leakage function).

The above tests help to guarantee that:

bb no nuisance tripping occurs
bb tripping times are respected.

Altitude derating

Altitude does not significantly affect device characteristics up to 2000 m.

Above this altitude, it is necessary to take into account the decrease in the dielectric
strength and cooling capacity of air.
The following table gives the corrections to be applied for altitudes above 2000 m.
The breaking capacities remain unchanged.

Compact NS630b to 1600

Altitude (m) 2000 3000 4000 5000
Impulse withstand voltage Uimp (kV) 8 7.1 6.4 5.6
Rated insulation voltage (Ui) 800 710 635 560
Maximum rated operational voltage 50/60 Hz (V) 690 690 635 560
Rated current 40 °C 1 x In 0.99 x In 0.96 x In 0.94 x In
Intermediate values may be obtained by interpolation

51201640AA - 10/2017 41
Operating the Compact NS What to maintain and why

This chapter describes the maintenance that needs to be done on the fixed parts and

mechanisms of the Compact NS device and Micrologic control unit, and on

accessories, as well as why they need to be maintained.
The following topics are described:
bb Maintaining body parts (see page 43)
bb Maintaining connections (see page 44)
bb Maintaining mechanisms of the device and chassis (for the drawout version) (see
page 45)
bb Maintaining auxiliary circuits (see page 46)
bb Maintaining the communication system (see page 47).

42 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS What to maintain and why
Maintaining body parts

The main body parts to be maintained are:
bb case
bb arc chutes and filters
bb main contacts.

Maintaining the case


The case of the device provides the following functions:

bb functional insulation between adjacent phases and between the phases and the
exposed conductive parts for protection against transient overvoltage caused by the
distribution system.
bb an insulation barrier to prevent users from touching live parts.
bb protection against the effects of electrical arcs and overpressure caused by
The case also fulfills an operational function by supporting the entire pole operating
mechanism as well as the mechanical and electrical accessories of the switch-
On the case, there should be:
bb no traces of grime (grease), no excessive dust, and no condensation which all

reduce insulation.
bb no signs of burns or cracks which would reduce the mechanical solidity of the case
and thus its capacity to withstand short-circuits.
The case must be replaced if there are signs of burns or cracks.
Preventive maintenance for the case consists of:
bb a visual inspection of its general condition
bb cleaning with a dry cloth or a vacuum cleaner
bb measuring the case insulation resistance and the resistance of the breaking unit
input/output contact. It is advised to measure the insulation every five years and
following trips due to a short-circuit.
All cleaning products with solvents are strictly forbidden.

Inspecting the arc chute filters


During a short-circuit, the arc chute extinguishes the arc and absorbs the high level
of energy along the entire path of the short-circuit. Arc chutes also help to extinguish
arcs under rated current conditions.
Each time an arc is interrupted by an arc chute, the separator plates of the arc chute
are eroded. As the condition of the arc chute deteriorates, it is less effective at
clearing short-circuits completely. The device can be damaged or destroyed as a
Preventive maintenance for the arc chutes consists in regular inspection of the
filters, because blocked filters can cause overpressure. The filters can be slightly
blackened (due to the gases produced at In).
It is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner instead of a cloth to remove dust from
the outside of the arc chutes.

51201640AA - 10/2017 43
Operating the Compact NS What to maintain and why
Maintaining connections

This section describes how to maintain the connections of Compact NS devices:
bb power connections
bb sliding connections between the chassis and the device
bb fixed connections to the equipment.

WARNING Power connections

Power connections between the various distribution systems in a switchboard
RISK OF EQUIPMENT DAMAGE AND THERMAL (busbars, cables) and the switchgear are a major source of heat loss.
RUNAWAY Incorrect tightening can cause thermal runaway, which in turn can damage the
Do not use a combination of different materials for device or cable insulation and can cause a short-circuit and even a fire. Damage can
connections (for example, copper and aluminium). be due to disregard for installation requirements during switchboard assembly.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in
death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
Sliding connections between chassis and device
(for drawout devices)

The sliding connections between the chassis and device are made up of two parts:
clusters and disconnecting contacts. Grease between the clusters and the
disconnecting contacts facilitates the connection and avoids damaging the silver-
coated surface by reducing the racking-in friction.
The grease breaks down over time and it is therefore necessary to replace it
Preventive maintenance for the sliding connections consists in periodically removing
grease and applying new grease in compliance with grease types recommended by
Schneider Electric.
In sulphurous (corrosive) atmospheres (H2S/SO2), it is necessary to implement the
cleaning procedure using Thiourea solution, with mandatory regreasing using the
specified fluorinated grease. This type of grease protects the silver and copper-
coated contacts against sulphuration, which can cause a build-up of silver or copper
sulphide on the contacts. The insulating properties of silver or copper sulphide can
increase the resistance of the contact and lead to greater temperature rise.

Fixed connections

When connections using lugs or bars are made in compliance with Schneider
Electric instructions (tightening torque, class 8.8 steel hardware and contact
washer), no particular maintenance is required.
Otherwise, regularly check the temperature-rise points (change in color of copper or
tinning), disassemble the connections, clean, and scrape the contact surfaces. Then
reassemble the connections using new hardware.
Check the terminals.

44 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS What to maintain and why
Maintaining mechanisms for device and

This section describes how to maintain the moving parts of the chassis and the
charging mechanism of Compact NS devices.
Operation capability of the device is improved by dusting and general cleaning,
proper greasing, and regular opening and closing.
The device mechanism is used to open and close the main contacts.
The chassis mechanism is used to rack the main body in and out.


It is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust.

Cleaning must be done using a clean and dry cloth or brush. Do not use solvents.
Avoid greased parts of the mechanisms, except for grease on electrical contacts.
Recommendations for cleaning:
bb Non-metallic parts:
never use solvent, soap or any other cleaning product. Clean with a dry cloth only.
bb Metal parts:
clean with a dry cloth whenever possible. If soap or any other cleaning product must
be used, make sure that it does not come into contact with non-metallic parts.
General recommendations:
Never use pressurized cleaning products or products containing solvents
(trichloroethane or trichloroethylene) such as WD40.
Pressurized cleaning products can cause the following problems:
bb removal of grease from inaccessible lubrication points. These areas are greased
for the life of the product and cannot be regreased
bb corrosion of points that are not regreased
bb damage caused by the pressure applied by the cleaning product
bb temperature rise due to the presence of an insulating solvent in the contact zones
bb elimination of special protection
bb deterioration of plastic materials.


Do not use too much grease. When excess grease mixes with dust it can affect the
mechanism operation.
Greasing must be done after cleaning of some mechanical parts as described in the
maintenance procedures. Use only grease recommended by Schneider Electric.
bb The main contacts must not be greased.
bb Under normal operating conditions, the pole-operating mechanism does not need
to be regreased (greased for the life of the product).

Opening and closing cycles

The need to ensure continuity of service in an installation generally means that
power devices are rarely operated. An excessive number of operating cycles
accelerates aging and a lack of operation over a long period can result in mechanical
malfunctions. Regular operation is required to maintain the normal performance
level of all parts involved in the opening and closing cycles.

51201640AA - 10/2017 45
Operating the Compact NS What to maintain and why
Maintaining auxiliary circuits

This section describes how to maintain the connection system:
bb control auxiliaries
bb auxiliary wiring
bb indication contacts
bb Motor mechanism.

Control auxiliaries (for electrically operated


Control auxiliaries include:
bb MN and MNR delayed undervoltage releases
bb MX opening voltage release
bb XF closing voltage release.

MX opening voltage releases remotely open the device, and XF closing voltage
releases remotely close the device, when they receive an electrical order or an order
from a supervisor using the communication network.
The MN and MNR undervoltage releases are used to open the power circuit if the
distribution system voltage drops or fails (in the case of an emergency off
application, for example).
MX and XF communicating voltage releases and MN and MNR undervoltage
releases are continuously connected to the power supply. If the temperature of the
device increases, the internal electronic components can accelerate aging.
Preventive maintenance consists in periodically checking operation at minimum
values. It is advised to replace control auxiliaries after 15 years of use to avoid any
risk of non-operation when they are needed.

Auxiliary wiring

Auxiliary wiring is used to transmit the following information:

bb orders to the control devices
bb status condition information.
Incorrect connections or damaged insulation can cause unexpected opening or
non-operation of the device. The auxiliary wiring must be regularly inspected and
replaced as required, particularly in environments with vibrations, high ambient
temperatures, or corrosive atmosphere.

Indication contacts
Contacts indicate the following information:
bb ON/OFF: position of the main contacts (OF)


bb PF: the device is ready to close.

This information enables a remote operator to respond as necessary. Incorrect
indications can result in erroneous device operation.
Improper contact performance can be caused by vibrations, corrosion, or abnormal
temperature rises.
Preventive maintenance consists in regularly checking that contacts conduct or
isolate correctly, depending on their position.

Motor mechanisms (for electrically operated

The motor mechanism automatically recharges the operating mechanism springs as
soon as the device is closed.
The motor mechanism makes it possible to close the device immediately after
opening. The charging lever serves as a backup if the auxiliary voltage is interrupted.
Given the mechanical forces exerted to charge the mechanism, the motor
mechanism wears quickly. Periodic checks on the operation of the motor mechanism
and the charging time are required to help ensure the device closing function.

46 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS What to maintain and why
Maintaining the communication system

Communication module and accessories


Via the communication network, the communication module transmits data to a

remote site for use by various departments (maintenance, management,
production, etc.). A break in the transmission of data can result in:
bb production losses due to unawareness of the status of the device
bb financial losses due to incorrect system management
bb diagnostic errors.
Periodic checks on the orders (read, write, commands) transmitted by the
communication network are required to maintain a high degree of reliability and
confidence in the communication system.

51201640AA - 10/2017 47
Operating the Compact NS Maintaining the Compact NS
during operation
Recommended preventive maintenance
and time intervals
The electrical switchboard and all its equipment continue to age whether they
operate or not. This aging process is due mainly to environmental influences and
operating conditions.
To ensure that your Compact NS device retains the operating and safety
characteristics specified in the catalogue for the whole of its service life, it is
recommended that:
bb the device is installed in optimum environmental and operating conditions
bb routine inspections and regular maintenance are carried out by qualified

Normal conditions
The maintenance programme that must be carried out every one, two or five years
on Compact NS subassemblies and the level of competence required on the part of
service agents are described in the tables on page 50 (Level II), page 51 (Level
III), and page 52 (Level IV).
At the end of each five year period, the maintenance programme must be
systematically repeated.
These maintenance operations apply for normal operating and environment
conditions as defined below.

Normal operating and environmental conditions

Temperature Average annual temperature < 25 °C outside the switchboard
(Ti (1))
Percent load < 80 % of In 24/24 hours
Harmonics Harmonic current per phase < 30 % of In
Relative humidity < 70 %
Corrosive atmosphere Device installed in environment category 3C1 or 3C2
(IEC 60721-3-3)
Salt environment No salt mist
Dust Low level
Device installed in a switchboard equipped with filters or a
ventilated IP54 enclosure
Vibration Permanent vibration < 0.2 g

Beyond the above limits, the device can suffer accelerated aging that may rapidly
result in malfunctions. For this reason, periodic checks must be carried out at shorter
time intervals. On the other hand, when special efforts are made to improve the
operating and environment conditions, preventive maintenance operations can be
carried out less often.

Favourable conditions for device installed inside a

The time interval between two preventive maintenance visits can be doubled if all

the conditions presented below are met.

The only exception is the check-up program recommended for the fifth year.

Favourable operating and environmental conditions for device

installed inside a switchboard
Temperature Average annual temperature < 25 °C outside the switchboard
(Ti (1)). The device is installed in an air-conditioned room or in a
ventilated enclosure.
Percent load < 50 % of In 8/24 hours or 24/24 hours
Relative humidity < 50 %
Corrosive atmosphere Device installed in environment category 3C1 or in a closed room
that creates favourable conditions (air is conditioned and purified)
Salt environment None
Dust Negligible
Device installed in a switchboard equipped with filters or a
ventilated IP54 enclosure
Vibration None

Example depending on the conditions:

bb normal: check on charging time = 2 years
bb favourable: check on charging time = 2 x 2 = 4 years

(Ti), see the definition in the Compact NS catalogue (LVPED211021).

48 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS Maintaining the Compact NS
during operation
Recommended preventive maintenance
and time intervals
Harsh conditions and device not installed inside a

The time interval between two preventive maintenance visits must be reduced
by half if any of the conditions presented below are present.

Harsh operating and environmental conditions

Temperature Average annual temperature around the switchboard: 35 °C to
(annual average) 45 °C (Ti (1))
Percent load > 80 % of In 8/24 hours or 24/24 hours
Relative humidity > 80 %
Corrosive atmosphere Device installed in environment category 3C3 or 3C4 without any
particular protection
Salt environment Installation < 10 kilometers from seaside and device without any
particular protection
Dust High level
Device not installed inside an eclosure equipped with filters or a
ventilated IP54 enclosure
Vibration Continuous vibrations between 0.2 and 0.5 g

Example depending on the conditions:

bb normal: check on charging time = every 2 years
bb harsh: check on charging time = 0.5 x 2 = 1 (every year)

Device check-up
During the fifth year of operation, it is advised to run a complete check-up on the
device to determine its status condition.
This diagnostic check must be carried out by Schneider Electric Service or by
certified personnel having received Level IV training.
The complete diagnostic check must be systematically carried out following:
bb tripping due to a short-time or instantaneous short-circuit
bb five trips due to overloads.
See the Level IV program, see page 52.

Check after prolonged storage

Storage conditions
Devices must be stored in a dry, ventilated room, protected from rain, water and
chemical agents.
They must be well protected against dust, rubble, paint, etc.
If storage is for an extended period, the relative humidity in the room must be
maintained below 70 %.
Storage conditions:
bb devices without their control unit: -40 °C to +85 °C
bb devices with their control unit: -25 °C to +85 °C.
Devices must be stored in the open (OFF) position with the charging springs

Check and maintenance

After extended storage and if the conditions above are respected, the checks
below must be carried out to ensure correction device operation.
Storage ≤ 2 years
Run the Level II and III second year program on the subassemblies below:
bb mechanism
bb device and chassis locking
bb chassis (optional).
Storage > 2 years
Run the Level III and IV fifth year diagnostic program on the subassemblies below:
bb mechanism
bb control auxiliaries
bb device and chassis locking
bb chassis (optional).
If the devices are stored under harsh conditions (high temperature, corrosive
atmosphere), it is necessary to:
bb check the surface condition of the metal parts (zinc) and the copper parts (silver
coatings (Ag) or tinning (Sn))
bb check the greasing for the device and chassis.

(Ti), see the definition in the Compact NS catalogue (LVPED211021).

51201640AA - 10/2017 49
Operating the Compact NS Maintaining the Compact NS
during operation
Recommended preventive maintenance
and time intervals
Level II (yearly)
Minor preventive maintenance operations such as greasing and operating checks,
as well as repairs by standard exchange of certain assemblies, carried out by
a certified customer employee according to the manufacturer maintenance

Check Year Tool

Device 1 2 3 4 5 (1)

Check the general condition of the device b b b b b None

(escutcheon, case, chassis, connections, terminal
Open/close device manually and electrically b b b b b None
Charge device electrically b b b b b None
Check complete closing of device poles b b b b b None
Check number of device operating cycles b b b b b Operation
Breaking unit
Check the cleanliness of the filters b b b b b None

Control auxiliaries (electrical operated

Check auxiliary wiring and insulation b b b b b None

Device locking
Open and close keylocks installed on device b b b b b None
Open and close padlocking system installed on b b b b b None
Chassis (optional)
Remove device from chassis and put it back b b b b b None
Check operation of position contacts (CE, CT, CD) b b b b b None
Check operation of safety shutters b b b b b None

Chassis locking (optional)

Open and close keylocks installed on chassis b b b b b None
Operate padlocking system b b b b b None
(1) These checks will be carried out by Schneider Electric Services during the diagnostic
check every fifth year (see page 52).

50 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS Maintaining the Compact NS
during operation
Recommended preventive maintenance
and time intervals
Level III (every 2 years)
General preventive maintenance operations such as general adjustments,
troubleshooting and diagnosis of breakdowns, repairs by exchange of components
or functional parts, minor mechanical repairs, carried out by a qualified customer
technician using the tools and measurement/setting devices specified in the
manufacturer maintenance instructions.

Check Year Tool

Mechanism 1 2 3 4 5(1)
Check motor mechanism charging time at 0.85 Un b b b Stopwatch +
power supply
Check general condition of mechanism b b b Screwdriver

Control auxiliaries (electrical operated

Check operation of indication contacts b b b Ohmmetre
(OF / motor mechanism)
Check closing operation of control auxiliary b b b External
XF at 0.85 Un power supply
Check opening operation of control auxiliary b b b External
MX at 0.70 Un power supply
Check operation of control auxiliary MN/MNR b b b External
between 0.35 and 0.70 Un power supply
Check delay of MNR devices at 0.35 and 0.70 Un b b b External
power supply
Check MX tripping time b b b Tester

Chassis (optional)
Dust and regrease chassis b b b Mobilith
Regrease disconnecting-contact clusters (specific b b b Mobilith
case of SHC100
corrosive atmospheres)
Power connections
Check and tighten loose connections Only after a visual Dynamometric
inspection showing crank
overheating marks
(1) These checks will be carried out by Schneider Electric Services during the diagnostic check
every fifth year (see page 52).

51201640AA - 10/2017 51
Operating the Compact NS Maintaining the Compact NS
during operation
Recommended preventive maintenance
and time intervals
Level IV (every 5 years)
All major preventive and corrective maintenance work carried out by the Schneider
Electric after-sales support department.

Check Year Tool

Case 5 10 15 20 25
Measure insulation resistance b b b b b Ohmmeter

Breaking unit
Measure the voltage drop across main b b b b b Ohmmeter +
contacts for each pole injection unit
Control auxiliaries
Preventive replacement of control b None
auxiliaries (1)
Micrologic control unit
Micrologic replacement (1) b
Check DIN/DINF tripping using performer b b b b b Performer test
test tool kit
Chassis (optional)
Check connection/disconnection torque b b b b b Dynamometric
Communication module and
Test the device control, the uploading of b b b b b Magicbox +
contact status (OF, SD, SDE) operation of RCU software
optical link, by using the communication
Test by using the communication network: b b b b b Magicbox +
bb uploading of chassis position contacts RCU software
bb synchronisation of the address between
BCM ULP and IO module
bb forced replication of the BCM address
Test the writing of data into Micrologic by b b b b b Magicbox +
using the communication network RCU software
(1) For critical power applications it is recommended to replace the Micrologic control unit and
the control auxiliaries after 10 years. In case of harsh environmental conditions, it may be
required to reduce this time: please refer to «Harsh conditions and device not installed inside
a switchboard», page 49 of this manual. Schneider Electric will help you to define the most
appropriate and adequate maintenance plan specific to you application.

52 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS What to do when the circuit
breaker trips
Identifying the cause

Local and remote indication provides information on the probable cause of a trip. In
particular, the indications specific to the Micrologic control unit provide a high level of
certainty about the cause of the fault (see Micrologic control unit user manuals).
There are several types of cause:
bb faults on the installation
bb faults due to a malfunction
bb intentional tripping.

Note the fault

Faults are signalled locally and remotely by the indicators and auxiliary contacts
installed on devices (depending on each configuration). See page 36 in this
manual and the user manual of the control unit for information on the fault indications
available with your device.

Identify the cause of tripping

A circuit must never be reclosed (locally or remotely) before the cause of the fault
has been identified and cleared.
Depending on the type of fault and the criticality of the loads, a number of
precautionary measures must be taken, in particular the insulation and dielectric
tests on a part of or the entire installation. These checks and test must be directed
and carried out by qualified personnel.

Inspect the circuit breaker following a short-circuit

bb Check the tightness of connections (see the device installation manual).
bb Check the disconnecting contact clusters.

Reset the device

The device can be reset locally. See page 6, page 10 and page 16 in this
manual for information on how the device can be reset.

51201640AA - 10/2017 53
Operating the Compact NS What to do when the circuit
breaker trips

Maintenance of the equipment following trip on fault

The fact that the protection has tripped does not remedy the cause of the fault on the
downstream equipment.

Do not close the circuit breaker again without first inspecting and, if necessary,
repairing the downstream electrical equipment.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment

bb Apply appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow safe
electrical work practices.
bb This equipment must be installed and serviced by qualified electrical personnel.
bb Disconnect all power sources before performing maintenance inspections.
bb Assume that all circuits are live until they are completely de-energized, tested,
grounded and tagged.
bb Consider all sources of power, including the possibility of backfeeding and
control power.
bb Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm power is off.
bb Replace all devices, doors and covers before turning on power to this
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

Depending on the type of fault, maintenance inspections must be carried out on all or
part of the equipment where the fault occurred (see Start-up, page 37):
bb Minor faults:
vv Tripped by long time protection
vv Tripped by earth leakage protection
Following repairs, checks D, E and F must be carried out.
bb Serious or destructive faults:
vv Tripped due to unknown electrical fault
vv Tripped by short time protection
vv Tripped by ground fault protection
Following repairs, checks A, B, D, E and F must be carried out. The device that
tripped must be specifically checked (see Maintaining the Compact NS During
Operation, page 48) before being returned to service.
Note: Checks, tests and inspections must be carried out by qualified personnel.
If restarting is a high priority (for example, a safety installation), the defective part
of the installation must be isolated and locked in OFF position in order to carry out
this maintenance.

54 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS Troubleshooting and solutions
Manually operated Compact NS

Problem Probable cause Solutions

Device cannot be closed locally or remotely bb Device padlocked or keylocked in the «open» bb Disable the locking fonction
bb Device not completely connected bb Terminate racking in (connection) of the device
bb MX opening release permanently supplied with bb There is an opening order.
power Determine the origin of the order. The order must be
cancelled before the device can be closed
bb MN undervoltage release not supplied with bb There is an opening order.
power Determine the origin of the order.
bb Check the voltage and the supply circuit
(U > 0.85 Un).
If the problem persists, replace the release
bb Permanent trip order in the presence of a bb Disable these protection functions on the
Micrologic P control unit with minimum voltage and Micrologic P control unit
minimum frequency protection in Trip mode and the
control unit powered
Unexpected tripping bb MN undervoltage release supply voltage too low bb Check the voltage and the supply circuit
(U > 0.85 Un)
bb Load-shedding order sent to the MX opening bb Check the overall load on the distribution system
release by another device bb If necessary, modify the settings of devices in the
bb Unnecessary opening order from the MX bb Determine the origin of the order
opening release
Device cannot be opened remotely, bb Opening order not executed by the MN bb Drop in voltage insufficient or residual voltage
but can be opened locally undervoltage release (> 0.35 Un) across the terminals of the undervoltage
release. If the problem persists, replace the MN
Device cannot be opened locally bb Operating mechanism malfunction or welded bb Contact a Schneider Electric service centre
Impossible to insert the crank in connected, test or bb A padlock or keylock is present on the chassis or bb Disable the locking function
disconnected position a door interlock is present
Impossible to turn the crank bb The reset button has not been pressed bb Press the reset button
Device cannot be removed from chassis (optional) bb Device not in disconnected position bb Turn the crank until the device is in disconnected
position and the reset button is out
bb The rails are not completely out bb Pull the rails all the way out
Device cannot be connected (racked in) (optional) bb Chassis/device mismatch protection bb Check that the chassis corresponds with the
bb The safety shutters are locked bb Remove the lock(s)
bb The disconnecting-contact clusters are bb Reposition the clusters
incorrectly positioned
bb Chassis locked in disconnected position bb Disable the chassis locking function
bb The device has not been sufficiently inserted in bb Insert the device completely so that it is engaged
the chassis in the racking mechanism
Device cannot be locked in disconnected position bb The device is not in the right position bb Check the device position by making sure the
(optional) reset button is out
bb The crank is still in the chassis bb Remove the crank and store it
Device cannot be locked in connected, test, or bb Check that locking in any position is enabled bb Contact a Schneider Electric service centre
disconnected position
bb The device is not in the right position bb Check the device position by making sure the
reset button is out
bb The crank is still in the chassis bb Remove the crank and store it

51201640AA - 10/2017 55
Operating the Compact NS Troubleshooting and solutions
Electrically operated Compact NS

Problem Probable cause Solutions

Device cannot be closed locally or remotely bb Device padlocked or keylocked in the «open» bb Disable the locking fonction
bb Device interlocked mechanically in a source bb Check the position of the other device in the
changeover system changeover system
bb Modify the situation to release the interlock
bb Device not completely connected bb Terminate racking in (connection) of the device
bb The reset button signalling the fault has not been bb Clear the fault
reset bb Push the rest button on the front of the device
bb Stored energy mechanism not charged bb Charge the mechanism manually
bb If it is equipped with a motor mechanism, check
the supply of power to the motor. If the problem
persists, replace the motor mechanism
bb MX opening release permanently supplied with bb There is an opening order.
power Determine the origin of the order. The order must be
cancelled before the device can be closed
bb MN undervoltage release not supplied with bb There is an opening order.
power Determine the origin of the order.
bb Check the voltage and the supply circuit (U >
0.85 Un).
If the problem persists, replace the release
bb Closing release continuously supplied with bb Cut the supply of power to the closing release,
power, but device not "ready to close" then send the closing order again, but only if the
device is "ready to close"
bb Permanent trip order in the presence of a bb Disable these protection functions on the
Micrologic P control unit with minimum voltage and Micrologic P control unit
minimum frequency protection in Trip mode and the
control unit powered
Device cannot be closed remotely but can be bb Closing order not executed by the closing bb Check the voltage and the supply circuit (0.85
opened locally using the closing pushbutton release - 1.1 Un)
If the problem persists, replace the closing release
Unexpected tripping without activation of the reset bb MN undervoltage release supply voltage too low bb Check the voltage and the supply circuit (U >
button signalling a fault trip 0.85 Un)
bb Load-shedding order sent to the MX opening bb Check the overall load on the distribution system
release by another device bb If necessary, modify the settings of devices in the
bb Unnecessary opening order from the MX bb Determine the origin of the order
opening release
Unexpected tripping with activation of the rest bb A fault is present: bb Determine and clear the causes of the fault
button signalling a fault trip vv overload bb Check the condition of the device before putting
vv earth-fault it back into service
vv short-circuit detected by the control unit
Instantaneous opening after each attempt to close bb Thermal memory bb See the user manual of the control unit
the device with activation of the reset button bb Press the rest button
signalling a fault trip
bb Transient overcurrent when closing bb Modify the distribution system or the control unit
bb Check the condition of the device before putting
it back into service
bb Press the reset button
bb Closing on a short-circuit bb Clear the fault
bb Check the condition of the circuit breaker before
putting it back into service
bb Press the rest button

56 51201640AA - 10/2017
Operating the Compact NS Troubleshooting and solutions
Electrically operated Compact NS

Problem Probable cause Solutions

Device cannot be opened remotely, bb Opening order not executed by the MX opening bb Check the voltage and the supply circuit (0.7 -
but can be opened locally release 1.1 Un)
If the problem persists, replace the MX release
bb Opening order not executed by the MN bb Drop in voltage insufficient or residual voltage (>
undervoltage release 0.35 Un) across the terminals of the undervoltage
release. If the problem persists, replace the MN
Device cannot be opened locally bb Operating mechanism malfunction or welded bb Contact a Schneider Electric service centre
Device can be reset locally but not remotely bb Insufficient supply voltage for the motor bb Check the voltage and the supply circuit (0.7 -
mechanism 1.1 Un)
If the problem persists, replace the motor
mechanism release
Nuisance tripping of the device with activation of the bb Reset button not pushed in completely bb Push the rest button in completely
reset button sgnalling a fault trip
Impossible to insert the crank in connected, test or bb A padlock or keylock is present on the chassis or bb Disable the locking function
disconnected position a door interlock is present
Impossible to turn the crank bb The reset button has not been pressed bb Press the reset button
Device cannot be removed from chassis bb Device not in disconnected position bb Turn the crank until the device is in disconnected
position and the reset button is out
bb The rails are not completely out bb Pull the rails all the way out
Device cannot be connected (racked in) bb Chassis/device mismatch protection bb Check that the chassis corresponds with the
bb The safety shutters are locked bb Remove the lock(s)
bb The disconnecting contact clusters are bb Reposition the clusters
incorrectly positioned
bb Chassis locked in disconnected position bb Disable the chassis locking function
bb The reset button has not been pressed, bb Press the reset button
preventing rotation of the crank
bb The device has not been sufficiently inserted in bb Insert the device completely so that it is engaged
the chassis in the racking mechanism
Device cannot be locked in disconnected position bb The device is not in the right position bb Check the device position by making sure the
(optional) reset button is out
bb The crank is still in the chassis bb Remove the crank and store it
Device cannot be locked in connected, test, or bb Check that locking in any position is enabled bb Contact a Schneider Electric service centre
disconnected position
bb The device is not in the right position bb Check the device position by making sure the
reset button is out
bb The crank is still in the chassis bb Remove the crank and store it

51201640AA - 10/2017 57

58 51201640AA - 10/2017

51201640AA - 10/2017 59

60 51201640AA - 10/2017
© 2017 - Schneider All rights reserved

Schneider Electric Industries SAS As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation
35, rue Joseph Monier of the information given in this publication.
CS 30323
F - 92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex This document has been printed on ecological paper

Design: Schneider Electric

Photos: Schneider Electric

51201640AA-08 10-2017
Low voltage electrical distribution

Control units
2.0, 5.0 and 6.0

User manual
Micrologic Contents
Control units 2.0, 5.0 and 6.0

Discovering your control unit 2

Identifying your control unit 2
Overview of functions 4

Setting your control unit 8

Setting procedure 8
Setting the Micrologic 2.0 control unit 9
Setting the Micrologic 5.0 control unit 10
Setting the Micrologic 6.0 control unit 11

Fault and status indications 12

Resetting the fault indications and checking battery status on
Micrologic 6.0 12
Testing the control unit 13

Technical appendix 14
Tripping curves 14
Changing the long-time rating plug 16
Thermal memory 17

04443722AA - 04/2010 
Discovering your Identifying your control unit
control unit Designations

All Compact NS800-3200 and Masterpact NT and NW

circuit breakers are equipped with a Micrologic control
Micrologic 2.0: basic protection
unit that can be changed on site. t


Micrologic 2.0

Control units are designed to protect power circuits and

connected loads.

Micrologic 2.0 0 Ir Isd I


long time
.8 tr 8
Long time +
.7 .9 (s) 4 12
.6 .95 2 16
.5 .98 1 20
.4 1 .5 24
x In at 6 Ir


4 5
2.5 6
2 8
1.5 10
x Ir

Z Micrologic 5.0: selective protection

Micrologic 5.0 DB119397

X: type of protection
b 2 for basic protection
b 5 for selective protection
b 6 for selective + earth-fault protection
b 7 for selective + earth-leakage protection.

Y: version number
Identification of the control-unit generation.
0 Ir Isd Ii I
"0" signifies the first generation.
long time
tr alarm
Long time + Short time
+ Instantaneous
.8 8

Z: type of measurement
.7 .9 (s) 4 12
.6 .95 2 16
.5 .98 1 20
.4 1 .5 24
x In at 6 Ir

b A for "ammeter" Isd

short time

.4 .4 .3


b P for "power meter"

2 8 .2 .1 3 15
1.5 10 .1 2 0 2 off
x Ir on I t x In
setting delay

b H for "harmonic meter"

b no indication = no measurements.

Micrologic 6.0: selective + ground-fault protection

t t



Micrologic 6.0

I t on

I t off

0 Ir Isd Ii I 0 Ig I

long time
.8 tr 8
Long time + Short time Ground-fault protection
+ Instantaneous
.7 .9 (s) 4 12
.6 .95 2 16
.5 .98 1 20
.4 1 .5 24
x In at 6 Ir

short time instantaneous

Isd tsd Ii
4 5 (s) .4 .4 . 3 6
8 10
2.5 6 .3 .2 4 12
2 8 .2 .1 3 15
1.5 10 .1 2 0 2 off
on I t x In
x Ir
setting delay
D E F (s) . 4 .4 . 3
C G .3 .2
B H .2 .1
A I .1 2 0
on I t off
ground fault

 04443722AA - 04/2010
Discovering your Identifying your control unit
E51356A control unit Presentation



6. 0
c 2.0 logic
logi Micro

7 7

alarm alarm

time 8 12 time 8 12
long tr long tr
(s) 4 16 (s) 4 16
Ir .8 .9 Ir .8 .9
.7 2 20 .7 2 20
.95 .95
1 24 1 24
.6 .98 .6 .98
.5 Ir .5 Ir
.5 1 @6 .5 1 @6
.4 x In .4 x In

5 5
6 6

3 3
8 2 4

19 20 21 22

1 Top fastener
2 Bottom fastener Micrologic 2.0 Micrologic 6.0

3 Protective cover 23
4 Cover opening point
5 Lead-seal fixture for protective cover
6 Long-time rating plug
7 Screw for long-time rating plug
8 Connection with circuit breaker
9 Housing for battery
10 Terminal block for external connections

Adjustment dials

11 Long-time current setting Ir

12 Long-time tripping delay tr 18
13 Short-time pickup Isd Ir
long time
(s) 4
7 11
long time
(s) 4

14 Short-time tripping delay tsd 11 .6

.95 2
.98 1
15 Instantaneous pick-up Ii
x In
1 .5
at 6 Ir
5 12 .4
x In
1 .5 24
at 6 Ir

instantaneous short time instantaneous
Isd Isd tsd Ii
.4 .4 .3
16 Ground-fault pick-up Ig 2.5
3 4 5
.3 .2 4
.2 .1
17 Ground-fault tripping delay tg
2 8 2 8 3 15

13 1.5
x Ir
10 1.5
x Ir
.1 2 0
I t off
x In

14 Ig
F (s) .4 .4 .3
C G .3 .2
25 16 B
H .2
.1 2 0
.1 25
on I t off

Indications 17
ground fault

18 LED indicating an overload

19 LED indicating long-time tripping

Micrologic 5.0

20 LED indicating short-time tripping

21 LED indicating ground-fault tripping
22 LED indicating auto-protection tripping


23 Button for fault-trip reset and battery test

24 Test button for ground-fault protection
25 Test connector

long time
(s) 4
.6 .95 2 16
.5 .98 1 20
.4 1 .5 24

x In at 6 Ir

short time instantaneous
Isd tsd Ii
5 (s) .4 .4 .3 6
2.5 6 .3 .2 4 12
2 8 .2 .1 3 15
13 1.5
x Ir
.1 2 0
I t off
x In

setting delay


04443722AA - 04/2010 
Discovering your Overview of functions
control unit Current protection

Protection settings
Depending on the type of installation, it is possible to set the tripping curve of your
control unit using the parameters presented below.
Micrologic 2.0 Micrologic 5.0 and 6.0 Micrologic 6.0
t t t



I t on
2 2
2 I t on
I t off
2 1
3 2
I t off
4 2
3 5

0 Ir Isd I 0 Ir Isd Ii I 0 Ig I

1. Current setting Ir 1. Current setting Ir 1. Pick-up Ig (ground

(long time) (long time) fault)
2. Tripping delay tr 2. Tripping delay tr 2. Delay tg (ground fault)
(long time) for 6 x Ir (long time) for 6 x Ir
3. Pick-up Isd 3. Pick-up Isd (short time)
(instantaneous) 4. Tripping delay tsd
(short time)
5. Pick-up Ii

Long-time protection
The long-time protection function protects cables (phases and neutral) against
overloads. This function is based on true rms measurements.

Thermal memory
The thermal memory continuously accounts for the amount of heat in the cables,
both before and after tripping, whatever the value of the current (presence of an
overload or not). The thermal memory optimises the long-time protection function
of the circuit breaker by taking into account the temperature rise in the cables.
The thermal memory assumes a cable cooling time of approximately 15 minutes.

Long-time current setting Ir and standard tripping delay tr

Micrologic control unit Accuracy 2.0, 5.0 and 6.0
Current setting Ir = In (*) x … 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.95 0.98 1
Tripping betweeen 1.05 and 1.20 Ir Other ranges or disable by changing rating plug
Time setting 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
Time delay (s) tr at 1.5 x Ir 0 to - 30% 12.5 25 50 100 200 300 400 500 600
tr at 6 x Ir 0 to - 20% 0.7 (1) 1 2 4 8 12 16 20 24
tr at 7.2 x Ir 0 to - 20 0.7 (2) 0.69 1.38 2.7 5.5 8.3 11 13.8 16.6
(*) In: circuit breaker rating
(1) 0 to - 40%
(2) 0 to - 60%

Setting accuracy of the Ir setting may be enhanced by using a different long-time

rating plug.
See the technical appendix "Changing the long-time rating plug".

Overload LED



long time long time long time

Ir tr alarm Ir tr alarm Ir tr alarm
.8 8 .8 .8 8
.7 .9 (s) 4 12 .7 .9 (s) 4 8 12 .7 .9 (s) 4 12
.6 .95 2 16 .6 .95 2 16 .6 .95 2 16
.5 .98 1 20 .5 .98 1 20 .5 .98 1 20
.4 1 .5 24 .4 1 .5 24 .4 1 .5 24
x In at 6 Ir x In at 6 Ir x In at 6 Ir

instantaneous short time instantaneous short time instantaneous

Isd tsd Ii Isd tsd Ii
3 4 5
3 4 5 (s) .4 .4 .3 6 8 10 3
5 (s) .4 .4 .3 6
2.5 6 2.5 6 .3 .2 4 12 2.5 6 .3 .2 4 12
2 8 2 8 .2 .1 3 15 2 8 .2 .1 3 15
1.5 10 1.5 10 .1 2 0 2 off 1.5 10 .1 2
0 2 off
x Ir x Ir on I t off x In x Ir on I t off x In
setting setting delay setting delay
Ig tg
F (s) .4 .4 .3
C G .3 .2
B H .2 .1
A I .1 2 0
on I t off
ground fault

This LED signals that the long-time current setting Ir has been overrun.

 04443722AA - 04/2010
Discovering your Overview of functions
control unit Current protection

Short-time protection
b The short-time protection function protects the distribution system against
impedant short-circuits.
b The short-time tripping delay can be used to ensure discrimination with
a downstream circuit breaker.
b This function carries out true rms measurements.

b The I2t ON and I2t OFF options enhance discrimination with downstream
protection devices.
b Use of I2t curves with short-time protection:
v I2t OFF selected: the protection function implements a constant time curve
v I2t ON selected: the protection function implements an I2t inverse-time curve up to
10 Ir. Above 10 Ir, the time curve is constant.

Short-time pick-up Isd and tripping delay tsd

Micrologic control unit 2.0, 5.0 and 6.0
Pick-up Isd = Ir x … accuracy ±10 % 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10
Time delay (ms) setting I2t Off 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
at 10 Ir I2t On 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
I2t On or tsd (max resettable time) 20 80 140 230 350
I2t Off tsd (max break time) 80 140 200 320 500

Instantaneous protection
b The instantaneous-protection function protects the distribution system
against solid short-circuits. Contrary to the short-time protection function,
the tripping delay for instantaneous protection is not adjustable.
The tripping order is sent to the circuit breaker as soon as current exceeds
the set value, with a fixed time delay of 20 milliseconds.
b This function carries out true rms measurements.

Instantaneous pick-up Isd

Micrologic control unit 2.0
Pick-up Isd = Ir x … accuracy ±10 % 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10
Time delay (ms) tsd (max resettable time) 20
tsd (max break time) 80

Instantaneous pick-up Ii
Micrologic control unit 5.0 and 6.0
Pick-up Ii = In (*) x … accuracy ±10 % 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 15 OFF
Time delay (ms) tsd (max resettable time) 20
tsd (max break time) 50
(*) In: circuit-breaker rating.

04443722AA - 04/2010 
Discovering your Overview of functions
control unit Current protection

Neutral protection on four-pole circuit breakers

Protection of the neutral conductor depends on the distribution system.
There are three possibilities:
Type of neutral Description
Neutral unprotected The distribution system does not require protection
of the neutral conductor.
Neutral protection The cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is half that
at 0.5 In of the phase conductors.
b The long-time current setting Ir for the neutral is equal to half
the setting value
b The short-time pick-up Isd for the neutral is equal to half
the setting value
b The instantaneous pick-up Isd (Micrologic 2.0) for the neutral
is equal to half the setting value
b The instantaneous pick-up Ii (Micrologic 5.0 and 6.0) for the
neutral is equal to the setting value
Neutral protection at In The cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor is equal to that
of the phase conductors.
b The long-time current setting Ir for the neutral is equal
to the setting value
b The short-time pick-up Isd for the neutral is equal to the setting
b The instantaneous pick-ups Isd and Ii for the neutral are equal
to the setting value

Neutral protection on three-pole devices

Neutral protection is not available on three-pole devices.

Ground-fault protection on Micrologic 6.0

b A ground fault in the protection conductors can provoke local temperature rise at
the site of the fault or in the conductors.
b Ground-fault and neutral protection are independent and can therefore be
The purpose of the ground-fault protection function is to eliminate this type of fault.
b There are two types of ground-fault protection.

Type Description
Residual b The function determines the zero-phase sequence current, i.e.
the vectorial sum of the phase and neutral currents
b It detects faults downstream of the circuit breaker.
Source Ground Return b Using a special external sensor, this function directly measures
the fault current returning to the transformer via the earth cable
b It detects faults both upstream and downstream of the circuit
b The maximum distance between the sensor and the circuit
breaker is ten metres.

Ground-fault pick-up Ig and tripping delay tg

The pick-up and tripping-delay values can be set independently and are identical for
both the residual and "source ground return" ground-fault protection functions.
Micrologic control unit 6.0
Pick-up Ig = In (*) x … accuracy ±10 % A B C D E F G H I
In y 400 A 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
400 A < In y 1200 A 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
In > 1200 A 500 A 640 A 720 A 800 A 880 A 960 A 1040 A 1120 A 1200 A
Time delay (ms) setting I2t Off 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
at 10 In (*) I2t On 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
I2t On or tg (max resettable time) 20 80 140 230 350
I2t Off tg (max break time) 80 140 200 320 500
* In: circuit-breaker rating.

 04443722AA - 04/2010
Discovering your Overview of functions
control unit Micrologic 6.0 fault indications

The battery maintains the fault indications. Signals tripping due to an overrun of the long-time

Micrologic 6.0
If there are no indications, check the battery. current setting Ir.

Signals tripping due to an overrun of the short-time

Micrologic 6.0
pick-up Isd or the instantaneous pick-up Isd / Ii.

Signals tripping due to an overrun of the ground-fault


Micrologic 6.0
pick-up Ig.

Signals tripping due to the auto-protection function of


Micrologic 6.0
the control unit.
The auto-protection function (excessive temperature or
short-circuit higher than circuit breaker capacity) opens
the circuit breaker and turns on the Ap LED.

Important remark
If the circuit breaker remains closed and the Ap LED remains on, contact the
Schneider after-sales support department.

04443722AA - 04/2010 
Setting your control unit Setting procedure

Important remark Selecting the type of neutral protection

With the 4P 3D setting, the current in the neutral must
On four-pole circuit breakers, it is possible to select the type of neutral protection
not exceed the rated current of the circuit breaker.
using the three-position switch:
b Neutral unprotected

(4P 3D)
/2 b Neutral protection
4P 4D at 0.5 In (3D + N/2)
4P 3D b Neutral protection
at In (4P 4D).

Setting procedure
Using the adjustment dials


2.0 2.0 2.0
logic logic logic
Micro Micro Micro

1 2 3

Open the protective Select the desired setting. Close the protective
cover. cover and, if necessary,
install a lead seal to
protect the settings.

 04443722AA - 04/2010
Setting your control unit Setting the Micrologic 2.0
control unit

The rating of the circuit breaker in this example is 2000 A.


In = 2000 A
In =

See pages 4, 5 and 6 for information on the available Set the threshold values

long time
In = 2000 A Ir
Ir .8
.7 .9
.6 .95 Ir = 0.7 x In = 1400 A
.5 .98
.4 1 Isd = 3 x Ir = 4200 A
x In
3 4 5
2.5 6 0 I
2 8
1.5 10
x Ir

Set the tripping delay



long time tr = 1 second

tr alarm
4 12
2 16
1 20
.5 24 tr
at 6 Ir

0 I

04443722AA - 04/2010 
Setting your control unit Setting the Micrologic 5.0
control unit

The rating of the circuit breaker in this example is 2000 A.

See pages 4, 5 and 6 for information on the available Set the threshold values
I2t OFF curve I2t ON curve

long time In = 2000 A

Ir alarm
t t


.8 .9 Ir Ir
Ir = 0.7 x In = 1400 A
.5 .98
.4 1
Isd = 2 x Ir = 2800 A
x In
short time instantaneous Ii = 3 x In = 6000 A Isd Isd
Isd 4 5 Ii
3 6 8 10
2.5 6 4 12 Ii Ii
2 8 3 15
1.5 10 2 off 0 I 0 I
x Ir x In

Set the tripping delay

I2t OFF curve I2t ON curve

long time tr = 1 second

tr alarm
t t

(s) 8 12
2 16
1 20
.5 24 tsd = 0.2 seconds tr tr
at 6 Ir

short time
(s) .4 .4 .3 tsd tsd
.3 .2 I2t on I2t off
.2 .1
.1 2 0 0 I 0 I
on I t

10 04443722AA - 04/2010
Setting your control unit Setting the Micrologic 6.0
control unit

The rating of the circuit breaker in this example is 2000 A.

See pages 4, 5 and 6 for information on the available Set the threshold values
I2t ON curve I2t OFF curve

long time
In = 2000 A t t

Ir alarm

.8 Ir Ir
.7 .9
.6 .95
.5 .98
x In
1 Ir = 0.7 x In = 1400 A
short time instantaneous
Isd Isd
Isd Ii
3 4 5 6 8 10 Isd = 2 x Ir = 2800 A
2.5 6 4 12 Ii Ii
2 8 3 15
1.5 10 2 x In off 0 I 0 I
x Ir Ii = 3 x In = 6000 A
test t t

B Ig = 640 A
Ig Ig
ground fault

0 I 0 I

Set the tripping delay

I2t ON curve I2t OFF curve

long time
tr alarm t t

(s) 4
tr = 1 s
1 20 tr tr
.5 24
at 6 Ir

short time
tsd tsd tsd
(s) .4 .4 .3 tsd = 0.2 s
.3 .2
.2 .1
.1 2 0 0 I 0 I
on I t off I2t on I2t off
delay t t


.4 .4 .3
.3 .2
.2 .1 tg = 0.2 s
.1 2 0
on I t off
ground fault
tg tg

0 I 0 I

04443722AA - 04/2010 11
Fault and status indications Resetting the fault indications
and checking battery status on
Micrologic 6.0

The procedure for closing the circuit breaker following Resetting the fault indications
a fault trip is presented in the circuit-breaker user
manual. b Determine why the circuit breaker tripped. The fault indication is maintained until it
is reset on the control unit.
b Press the fault-trip reset button.

Micrologic 6.0

b Check the parameter settings of the control unit.

Checking the battery


Micrologic 6.0

b Press the battery-test button (which is the same as the fault-trip reset button) to
check the luminance of trip indicator light.
b If trip indicators are dim or there is no luminance, then the battery needs to be

If the battery needs to be changed, order a new battery Changing the control-unit battery
with the Schneider catalogue number 33593.
1. Remove the battery 2. Remove the battery.
b Lithium battery
b 1.2 AA, 3.6 V, 850 mA/h


b Service life ten years.

3.Insert a new battery. 4. Put the cover back in

Check the polarity. place. Press the battery-
test button to check the
new battery.


12 04443722AA - 04/2010
Fault and status indications Testing the control unit

See the user manual for the portable test kit. Testing the control unit
To test the control unit, connect the portable test kit via the test connector


logic log ic 2.0
Micro Micro

Testing the ground-fault protection on Micrologic 6.0

1. Charge and close the circuit breaker.
2. Using a screwdriver, press the test button for ground-fault protection.
The circuit breaker should open.

Important remark
If the circuit breaker does not open, contact the Schneider after-sales support


04443722AA - 04/2010 13
Technical appendix Tripping curves

Long-time and instantaneous protection -

Micrologic 2.0
10 000

5 000 Ir = 0.4…1 x In

2 000
1 000

100 tr = 0.5…24 s

Isd = 1.5…10 x Ir



.5 .7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 50 70 100 200 300
I / Ir

Long-time, short-time and instantaneous

protection - Micrologic 5.0 and 6.0
10 000

5 000 Ir = 0.4…1 x In

2 000
1 000
500 tr = 0.5…24 s


t(s) Isd = 1.5…10 x Ir
I2t ON
.5 0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
.2 0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
.1 I2t OFF
0 0
Ii = 2…15 x In . OFF

.5 .7 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 3 5 7 10 20 30
x Ir x In

14 04443722AA - 04/2010
Technical appendix Tripping curves

Ground-fault protection - Micrologic 6.0


04443722AA - 04/2010 15
Technical appendix Changing the long-time
rating plug

Select the long-time rating plug

A number of setting ranges for the long-time current setting are available on
Micrologic 2.0, 5.0 and 6.0 control units by changing the long-time rating plug.
The available rating plugs are listed below:
Part number Setting range for the Ir value
33542 standard 0.4 to 1 x Ir
33543 low setting 0.4 to 0.8 x Ir
33544 high setting 0.8 to 1 x Ir
33545 without long-time protection
Ir = In for the short-time protection setting

Important remark Change the long-time rating plug

Following any modifications to the long-time rating Proceed in the following manner.
plug, all control-unit protection parameters must be
checked. 1. Open the circuit breaker. 3. Completely remove the long-time
2. Open the protective cover of the rating plug screw.
control unit.


If no long-time rating plug is installed, the control unit 4. Snap out the rating plug. 5. Clip in the new rating plug.
continues to operate under the following downgraded


b the long-time current setting Ir is 0.4, whatever the

position of the adjustment dial
b the long-time tripping delay tr corresponds to the
value indicated by the adjustment dial.

time tr 8 12
(s) 4 16 long
time tr 8 12
Ir .8 .9 (s) 4 16
.7 2 20 Ir .8 .9
.95 2 20
1 24 .7 .95
.6 .98 1
.5 @ 6 Ir .6 .98 24
.5 1 .5 @ 6 Ir
.4 x In .5 1
.4 x In

6. Refit the screw for the long-time rating 7. Check and/or modify the control-unit
plug. settings

16 04443722AA - 04/2010
Technical appendix Thermal memory

Thermal memory
The thermal memory is a means to simulate temperature rise and cooling caused by
changes in the flow of current in the conductors.

These changes may be caused by:

b repetitive motor starting;
b loads fluctuating near the protection settings;
b repeated circuit-breaker closing on a fault.

Control units without a thermal memory (contrary to bimetal strip thermal protection)
do not react to the above types of overloads because they do not
last long enough to cause tripping.
However, each overload produces a temperature rise and the cumulative effect
can lead to dangerous overheating.

Control units with a thermal memory record the temperature rise caused
by each overload. Even very short overloads produce a temperature rise
that is stored in the memory.
This information stored in the thermal memory reduces the tripping time.

Micrologic control units and thermal memory

All Micrologic control units are equipped as standard with a thermal memory.

b For all protection functions, prior to tripping, the temperature-rise and cooling time
constants are equal and depend on the tripping delay in question:
v if the tripping delay is short, the time constant is low;
v if the tripping delay is long, the time constant is high.

b For long-time protection, following tripping, the cooling curve is simulated

by the control unit. Closing of the circuit breaker prior to the end of the time constant
(approximately 15 minutes) reduces the tripping time indicated
in the tripping curves.

Short-time protection and intermittent faults

For the short-time protection function, intermittent currents that do no provoke
tripping are stored in the Micrologic memory.
This information is equivalent to the long-time thermal memory and reduces
the tripping delay for the short-time protection.
Following a trip, the short-time tsd tripping delay is reduced to the value of
the minimum setting for 20 seconds.

Ground-fault protection and intermittent faults

The ground-fault protection implements the same function as the short-time

04443722AA - 04/2010 17

18 04443722AA - 04/2010

04443722AA - 04/2010 19

20 04443722AA - 04/2010
© 2010 - Schneider Electric - All rights reserved

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04443722AA-05 04-2010
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series
User Manual
Legal Information
The Schneider Electric brand and any trademarks of Schneider Electric SE and its
subsidiaries referred to in this guide are the property of Schneider Electric SE or its
subsidiaries. All other brands may be trademarks of their respective owners.
This guide and its content are protected under applicable copyright laws and
furnished for informational use only. No part of this guide may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise), for any purpose, without the prior written permission of
Schneider Electric.
Schneider Electric does not grant any right or license for commercial use of the guide
or its content, except for a non-exclusive and personal license to consult it on an "as
is" basis. Schneider Electric products and equipment should be installed, operated,
serviced, and maintained only by qualified personnel.
As standards, specifications, and designs change from time to time, information
contained in this guide may be subject to change without notice.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, no responsibility or liability is assumed by
Schneider Electric and its subsidiaries for any errors or omissions in the informational
content of this material or consequences arising out of or resulting from the use of the
information contained herein.
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Safety information
Important information
Read these instructions carefully and look at the equipment to become familiar
with the device before trying to install, operate, service, or maintain it. The
following special messages may appear throughout this manual or on the
equipment to warn of potential hazards or to call attention to information that
clarifies or simplifies a procedure.

The addition of either symbol to a “Danger” or “Warning” safety label indicates

that an electrical hazard exists which will result in personal injury if the
instructions are not followed.

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury
hazards. Obey all safety messages that accompany this symbol to avoid possible
injury or death.

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result
in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.

Please note
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced and maintained only
by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this material. A qualified person is one who
has skills and knowledge related to the construction, installation, and operation of
electrical equipment and has received safety training to recognize and avoid the
hazards involved.

NHA2778902-11 3
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at
his own expense.
The user is cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved
by Schneider Electric could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This digital apparatus complies with CAN ICES-3 (A) /NMB-3(A).

4 NHA2778902-11
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Table of Contents
Safety precautions ......................................................................................9
Introduction ................................................................................................ 11
Meter overview......................................................................................... 11
Meter Features......................................................................................... 11
Feature summary ..................................................................................... 11
Measured parameters...............................................................................13
Energy ...............................................................................................13
Non Reset energy ...............................................................................13
Demand .............................................................................................14
Power quality......................................................................................14
Data recording (PM2230) ....................................................................15
Input/output (PM2230).........................................................................15
Other measurements ..........................................................................15
Data display and analysis tools ..................................................................15
Power Monitoring Expert .....................................................................15
Power SCADA Operation ....................................................................15
Meter configuration ...................................................................................16
Hardware references ................................................................................17
PM2200 meter models and accessories .....................................................17
Supplemental information..........................................................................17
Panel meter .............................................................................................18
Meter mounting ........................................................................................18
Meter wiring considerations .......................................................................18
Direct connect voltage limits ................................................................18
Balanced system considerations ..........................................................20
RS-485 wiring ..........................................................................................21
Pulse output.............................................................................................21
Meter display .............................................................................................22
Display overview ......................................................................................22
LED indicators..........................................................................................22
Alarm / energy pulsing LED .................................................................22
Heartbeat / serial communications LED ................................................23
Notification icons ......................................................................................23
Meter display language .............................................................................23
Meter screen navigation ............................................................................23
Navigation symbols.............................................................................24
Meter screen menus overview .............................................................24
Setting up the display................................................................................25
Basic setup ................................................................................................26
Configuring basic setup parameters using the display .................................26
Configuring advanced setup parameters using the display...........................28
Setting the rate .........................................................................................29
Setting up regional settings .......................................................................30
Setting up the screen passwords ...............................................................30
Lost password ....................................................................................31
Setting the clock .................................................................................31

NHA2778902-11 5
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Viewing SnapShot page ......................................................................32
SnapShot setting ................................................................................32
Retrofit setting ....................................................................................33
Configuring Favorite Page.........................................................................33
Auto reset configuration ............................................................................34
I/O Modules................................................................................................35
Analog input applications ..........................................................................35
Analog output applications ........................................................................37
Status input (DI) applications .....................................................................39
Digital output applications .........................................................................40
Relay output applications ..........................................................................41
IO LED Indicator.......................................................................................43
Alarms overview .......................................................................................44
Alarm types..............................................................................................44
Unary alarms............................................................................................44
Available unary alarms ........................................................................44
Digital alarms ...........................................................................................45
Available digital alarms........................................................................45
Standard alarms .......................................................................................45
Example of over and under setpoint (standard) alarm operation..............46
Maximum allowable setpoint ................................................................47
Available standard alarms ...................................................................47
Alarm priorities .........................................................................................49
Alarm setup overview................................................................................50
LED alarm indicator ..................................................................................52
Configuring the LED for alarms using the display...................................52
Configuring the LED for alarms using ION Setup ...................................52
Alarm display and notification ....................................................................53
Active alarms list and alarm history log .......................................................53
Alarms counters .......................................................................................54
Resetting alarms using ION Setup .............................................................55
Meter logging .............................................................................................56
Logs overview ..........................................................................................56
Setting up the data log ..............................................................................56
Saving the data log contents using ION Setup ............................................56
Alarm log .................................................................................................57
Meter resets ...............................................................................................58
Meter resets .............................................................................................58
Meter initialization.....................................................................................58
Performing resets using ION Setup ......................................................58
Measurements and calculations .............................................................60
Meter initialization.....................................................................................60
Real-time readings ...................................................................................60
Energy measurements ..............................................................................60
Quadrant based VARh ..............................................................................61
Min/max values ........................................................................................61
Power demand .........................................................................................61

6 NHA2778902-11
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Power demand calculation methods .....................................................61

Block interval demand .........................................................................62
Synchronized demand.........................................................................63
Thermal demand ................................................................................63
Current demand .......................................................................................63
Predicted demand...............................................................................64
Peak demand .....................................................................................64
Timer .......................................................................................................64
Multi-tariff ...................................................................................................66
Multi-tariff implementation .........................................................................66
Command mode overview.........................................................................67
Time of day mode overview .......................................................................67
Time of day mode tariff validity .............................................................67
Time of day tariff creation methods .......................................................67
Example tariff configurations for a four-tariff system...............................68
Input mode overview.................................................................................69
Digital input assignment for input control mode......................................69
Active tariff control mode ...........................................................................70
Configuring time of day mode tariffs using the display ............................70
Configuring input mode tariffs using the display .....................................71
Power quality .............................................................................................73
Harmonics overview .................................................................................73
Total harmonic distortion %........................................................................73
Harmonic content calculations .............................................................73
THD% calculations..............................................................................73
thd calculations...................................................................................73
Viewing THD/thd using the display .......................................................74
Maintenance and upgrades .....................................................................75
Maintenance overview ..............................................................................75
Troubleshooting LED indicators .................................................................75
Meter memory ..........................................................................................75
Meter battery............................................................................................76
Viewing firmware version, model and serial number ....................................76
Firmware upgrades...................................................................................76
Technical assistance.................................................................................76
Verifying accuracy.....................................................................................77
Overview of meter accuracy ......................................................................77
Accuracy test requirements .......................................................................77
Verifying accuracy test ..............................................................................78
Required pulses calculation for accuracy verification testing ........................79
Total power calculation for accuracy verification testing ...............................80
Percentage error calculation for accuracy verification testing .......................80
Accuracy verification test points .................................................................80
Energy pulsing considerations ...................................................................81
VT and CT considerations..........................................................................81
Example calculations ................................................................................82
Typical sources of test errors .....................................................................83
Power and power factor ...........................................................................84
Power and power factor ............................................................................84
Current phase shift from voltage ................................................................84

NHA2778902-11 7
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Real, reactive and apparent power (PQS)...................................................84

Power factor (PF) .....................................................................................85
Power factor sign convention ...............................................................86
Power factor min/max convention.........................................................86
Power factor register format.................................................................86
Specifications ............................................................................................89
China Standard Compliance ...................................................................95

8 NHA2778902-11
Safety precautions EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Safety precautions
Installation, wiring, testing and service must be performed in accordance with all
local and national electrical codes.

• Apply appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and follow safe
electrical work practices. See NFPA 70E, CSA Z462 or other local
• Turn off all power supplying this device and the equipment in which it is
installed before working on or in the equipment.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm that all power
is off.
• Follow guidelines in the Wiring section of the related Installation Sheet.
• Assume communications and I/O wiring are hazardous live until determined
• Do not exceed the maximum ratings of this device.
• Do not short secondary terminals of Voltage Transformer (VT).
• Do not open secondary terminals of Current Transformer (CT).
• Ground secondary circuit of CTs.
• Do not use the data from the meter to confirm power is off.
• Replace all devices, doors and covers before turning on power to this
• Do not install CTs or LPCTs in equipment where they exceed 75% of the
wiring space of any cross-sectional area in the equipment.
• Do not install CTs or LPCTs in areas where ventilation openings may be
blocked or in areas of breaker arc venting.
• Secure CT or LPCT secondary conductors to ensure they do not contact live
• Use copper conductors only.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

NOTE: See IEC 60950-1 for more information on communications and I/O
wiring connected to multiple devices.

• Do not use this device for critical control or protection of persons, animals,
property or equipment.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

NHA2778902-11 9
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Safety precautions

• Change default passwords/passcodes to help prevent unauthorized access
to device settings and information.
• Disable unused ports/services and default accounts, where possible, to
minimize pathways for malicious attacks.
• Place networked devices behind multiple layers of cyber defenses (such as
firewalls, network segmentation, and network intrusion detection and
• Use cybersecurity best practices (for example: least privilege, separation of
duties) to help prevent unauthorized exposure, loss, modification of data and
logs, interruption of services, or unintended operation.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

10 NHA2778902-11
Introduction EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Meter overview
The PM2200 series meters are digital meters that offer comprehensive 3-phase
electrical instrumentation and load management facilities in a compact and rugged
The meters offer value for the demanding needs of your energy monitoring and
cost management applications. All meters in the PM2200 series range comply
with Class 1, or Class 0.5S accuracy standards and feature high quality, reliability
and affordability in a compact and easy to install format.

Meter Features
The PM2200 series meter supports many features, a few of the features are listed
• Self guided LCD display and navigation
• Energy accounting and balancing
• Measurement of both True PF and Displacement PF
• Active, reactive, and apparent energy readings
• Min/Max values of instantaneous parameters with timestamp.
• Cybersecurity: The meter supports the disabling of RS-485 port through front
panel keys to prevent unauthorized access. Toggle the RTU devices in case
of limited availability of nodes in software system.
• SnapShot: The meter features include snapshot, which captures values of
average voltage, average current, total active power, and delivered energy
based on configured time in HH.MM format.
• Suppression current: This is the minimum current at which the meter starts
functioning. The meter can be configured to disregard the measurement of
induced / auxiliary load current in the circuit. The suppression current
selection can be done through the front display and through communication.
The suppression current range is from 5 mA to 99 mA. The meter shows
measurement if applied value is above the suppression value. The default
suppression current is 5 mA.
You can use the meter as a stand-alone device, but its extensive capabilities are
fully realized when used as part of an energy management system.
For applications, feature details and the most current and complete specifications
of the PM2200 meters, see the EasyLogic PM2000 series technical datasheet at

Feature summary
Parameter PM2210 PM2220 PM2230
Accuracy Class for Wh Class 1 Class 1 Class 0.5S

Accuracy Class for VARh 1.0 1.0 1.0

Sampling rate per cycle 64 64 64

Current: � � �
• Per-phase and 3 phase average
• Calculated neutral current
Voltage: � � �
• V L-N - per-phase and 3 phase average

NHA2778902-11 11
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Introduction

Parameter PM2210 PM2220 PM2230

• V L-L - per-phase and 3 phase average

Power Factor True PF True PF True PF

• Per phase and 3 phase total
Displacement PF Displacement PF

Frequency � � �

Power: � � �
• Active power (kW) - Phase wise and total
• Apparent power (kVA) - Phase wise and total
• Reactive power (kVAR) - Phase wise and total

3 Phase unbalance Current Current Current

Voltage Voltage

Demand parameters (kW, kVA, kVAR, I) � � �

• Last demand
(no timestamp)
• Present demand
• Predictive demand
• Peak demand: Timestamp for peak demand

Energy: kWh, kVAh, kVARh (4 Quadrant) - Phase wise 1 and Delivered (D) Delivered (D) Delivered (D)
Received (R) Received (R) Received (R)
• Delivered (Import / Forward)
• Received (Export / Reverse) Total (D+R) Total (D+R) Total (D+R)

Net (D-R) Net (D-R) Net (D-R)

Last cleared (Old) 2 Last cleared (Old) 2

THD, thd: � � �
• Voltage L-N per phase
• Voltage L-L per phase
• Current per phase

Individual Harmonics — Up to 15th individual Up to 31st individual

harmonics harmonics
Min / Max with timestamp — � �
• V L-L average
• V L-N average
• Current average
• Neutral current
• Frequency
• Active power, Total
• Apparent power, Total
• Reactive power, Total
• Power factor, Total

Communication POP RS-485 Modbus RTU RS-485 Modbus RTU

Expandable Analog IO modules (1 input & 1 output) — — �

Expandable Analog IO modules (2 inputs & 2 outputs) — — �

Expandable Digital IO modules (2 inputs & 2 outputs) — — �

Expandable Relay Output modules (2 digital inputs & 2 relay — — �


Data Logging — — �
• Energy (Wh, VAh, VARh): Delivered / Received
• Power: Active / Apparent / Reactive (total)
• Demand (W, VA, VAR, A): Last

Retrofit — � �
For configuring legacy communication data models.

1. The Phase wise energy is applicable only for 3PH4W configurations.

2. Indicated features can be read through communication only.

12 NHA2778902-11
Introduction EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Parameter PM2210 PM2220 PM2230

SnapShot — � �

Multi-tariff — — �
Auto reset 3 — � �

Measured parameters
The meter provides bi-directional, 4-quadrant, Class 1 / Class 0.5S accurate
energy metering.
The meter stores all accumulated active, reactive, and apparent energy
parameters in nonvolatile memory:
The meter provides both per phase and total values of energy.
Total energy:
• kWh, kVARh, kVAh (delivered)
• kWh, kVARh, kVAh (received)
• kWh, kVARh, kVAh (delivered + received)
• kWh, kVARh, kVAh (delivered - received)
Per phase energy:
• kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3
• kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3
• kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3
(delivered + received)
• kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3
(delivered - received)
NOTE: Based on the energy scale selection, when kWh, kWh1, kWh2, kWh3,
kVARh, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3 (delivered) or
kWh, kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh, kVAh1,
kVAh2, kVAh3 (received) of the energy parameters overflow at 999.99 all energy
parameter value resets.
NOTE: The energy per phase displays on the HMI for the 3PH4W configurations
(3PH4W Opn Dlt Ctr Tp, 3PH4W Dlt Ctr Tp, 3PH4W Wye Ungnd,
3PH4W Wye Gnd, and 3PH4W Wye Res Gnd) only. For other configurations, the
energy per phase is not displayed on HMI and obtains as "0" through

Non Reset energy

Non Reset energy parameters are Wh, VAh and VARh for both Del and Rec. Non
Reset energy parameters are available on display in Diag page under
Maintenance and through communication..
These parameter values cannot be reset either through display or communication.
These Non Reset energy values will overflow automatically when they reach
maximum value based on overflow limit.

3. Indicated features can be read through communication only.

NHA2778902-11 13
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Introduction

Command Accumulated Non Reset Old energies

energies energies

Reset sub systems Clear No Clear Clear

Initialization Clear No Clear Clear

Reset all energies Clear No clear No clear (update with

Reset all accumulated Clear No clear No clear (update with

energies (total, per phase) Accumulated

The meter provides last, present, predicted, and maximum (peak) demand values,
and a timestamp when the maximum (peak) demand occurred.
The meter supports standard demand calculation methods, including sliding block,
fixed block, rolling block, thermal and synchronized.
Peak demand registers can be reset manually (password protected).
Demand measurements include:
• W, VAR, VA demand total
• Amps demand average

The meter provides highly accurate 1-second measurements, average values,
including true RMS, per phase and total for:
• Per phase and average voltage (line-to-line, line-to-neutral)
• Per phase and average current, and neutral current
NOTE: Neutral current is calculated.
• Per phase and total power (VA, W, Var)
• Per phase and average for true and displacement power factor
• System frequency
• Per phase and maximum of all three for voltage unbalance and current

Power quality
The meter provides complete harmonic distortion measurement, recording, and
real-time reporting, up to the 15th harmonic for PM2220 and up to 31st harmonic
for PM2230 for all voltage and current inputs.
The following power quality measurements are available:
• PM2220: Individual odd harmonics up to 15th order (Voltage and current, per
• PM2230: Individual odd harmonics up to 31st order (Voltage and current, per
• Total harmonic distortion (THD%) for current and voltage (displays line-to-line
or line-to-neutral, based on selected system configuration)

14 NHA2778902-11
Introduction EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Data recording (PM2230)

The meter stores each new minimum and new maximum value with date and
timestamp for all instantaneous values (average, total, and each phase).
The meter also records the following:
• Alarms (with 1s timestamping)
• Parameters configured for data logging
• Data, alarm history, and diagnostics logs

Input/output (PM2230)
The meter supports optional input and output capabilities.

Other measurements
Additional measurements recorded by the meter include several timers.
These timers include:
• I/O timer displays the powered ON duration of the input or output.
• Operating timer displays the powered ON duration of the meter.
• Active load timer displays the duration of the connected load, based on the
specified minimum current for the load timer setpoint setting.

Data display and analysis tools

Power Monitoring Expert
EcoStruxure™ Power Monitoring Expert is a complete supervisory software
package for power management applications.
The software collects and organizes data gathered from your facility’s electrical
network and presents it as meaningful, actionable information via an intuitive web
Power Monitoring Expert communicates with devices on the network to provide:
• Real-time monitoring through a multi-user web portal
• Trend graphing and aggregation
• Power quality analysis and compliance monitoring
• Preconfigured and custom reporting
See the EcoStruxure™ Power Monitoring Expert online help for instructions on
how to add your device into its system for data collection and analysis.

Power SCADA Operation

EcoStruxure™ Power SCADA Operation is a complete real-time monitoring and
control solution for large facility and critical infrastructure operations.
It communicates with your device for data acquisition and real-time control. You
can use Power SCADA Operation for:
• System supervision
• Real-time and historical trending, event logging

NHA2778902-11 15
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Introduction

• PC-based custom alarms

See the EcoStruxure™ Power SCADA Operation online help for instructions on
how to add your device into its system for data collection and analysis.

Meter configuration
Meter configuration can be performed through the display or PowerLogic™ ION
ION Setup is a meter configuration tool that can be downloaded for free at
See the ION Setup online help or in the ION Setup device configuration guide. To
download a copy, go to and search for ION Setup device
configuration guide.

16 NHA2778902-11
Hardware references EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Hardware references
PM2200 meter models and accessories
The meter is available in several different models with optional accessories that
provide various mounting options.

Meter models
Model Commercial reference Description

PM2210 METSEPM2210 Front panel mount, 96 x 96 mm form factor, EasyLogic VAF Power
and Energy meter with THD and POP. Complies with accuracy
class 1.
PM2220 METSEPM2220 Front panel mount, 96 x 96 mm form factor, EasyLogic VAF Power
and Energy meter with RS-485 communication and odd harmonics
up to 15th order. Complies with accuracy class 1.

PM2230 METSEPM2230 Front panel mount, 96 x 96 mm form factor, EasyLogic VAF Power
and Energy meter with RS-485 communication and odd harmonics
up to 31st order. Complies with accuracy class 0.5S.

Meter accessories
Model Commercial reference Description

2 Channel Digital Input METSEPM2KDGTLIO22 and Digital I/O module with 2 channel input and output.

2 Channel Analog Input METSEPM2KANLGIO22 and Analog I/O module with 2 channel input and output.

1 Channel Analog Input METSEPM2KANLGIO11 and Analog I/O module with single channel input and output.

2 Channel Digital Input METSEPM2K2DI2RO and Relay module with dual channel digital input and relay output.
and Relay Output METSEPM2K2DI2ROD

NOTE: The I/O modules are supported by PM2230 meter models only.
See the PM2000 series catalog pages, available from, or consult
your local Schneider Electric representative for information about mounting
adapters available for your meter.

Supplemental information
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the installation sheet that
ships in the box with your device and accessories.
See your device’s installation sheet for information related to installation.
See your product’s catalog pages at for information about your
device, its options and accessories.
You can download updated documentation from or contact your local
Schneider Electric representative for the latest information about your product.

NHA2778902-11 17
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Hardware references

Panel meter
The back of your meter supports various power system connections.

A Auxiliary power supply (control power) terminals (L1 / L+ , L2 / L-)

B Input voltage terminals (V1, V2, V3, VN)

C I/O card (PM2230R only)

D RS-485 communications (D0, D1, SHLD, 0V)

E Gasket

Meter mounting
For mounting instructions and safety precautions, see the installation sheet that
was shipped with your device
You can also download the latest copy at

Meter wiring considerations

Direct connect voltage limits
You can connect the meter’s voltage inputs directly to the phase voltage lines of
the power system if the power system’s line-to-line or line-to-neutral voltages do
not exceed the meter’s direct connect maximum voltage limits.
The meter's voltage measurement inputs are rated by the manufacturer for up to
277 V L-N / 480 V L-L. However, the maximum voltage allowed for direct
connection may be lower, depending on the local electrical codes and regulations.
As per installation category II / III the maximum voltage on the meter voltage

18 NHA2778902-11
Hardware references EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

measurement inputs should not exceed 277 V L-N / 480 V L-L for CAT III and 347
V L-N / 600 V L-L for CAT II.
If your system voltage is greater than the specified direct connect maximum
voltage, you must use VTs (voltage transformers) to step down the voltages.

Power system Meter setting Symbol Direct connect maximum (UL / IEC) # of VTs (if
description required)
Display Display Installation Installation
(meter) (communication) category III category II

Single-phase 2- 1PH2W LN 1PH 2Wire L-N ≤ 277 V L-N ≤ 347 V L-N 1 VT

wire line-to-

Single-phase 2- 1PH2W LL 1PH 2Wire L-L 480 V L-L 600 V L-L 1 VT

wire line-to-line

Single-phase 3- 1PH3W LL 1PH 3Wire L-L ≤ 277 V L-N / 480 ≤ 347 V L-N / 600 2 VT
wire line-to-line With N with N V L-L V L-L
with neutral

3-phase 3-wire 3PH3W Dlt 3PH 3Wire 480 V L-L 600 V L-L 2 VT
Delta Ungnd Ungrounded Delta

3-phase 3-wire 3PH3W Dlt 3PH 3Wire 240 V L-L 600 V L-L 2 VT
Delta corner Crnr Gnd Corner Grounded
grounded Delta

3-phase 3-wire 3PH3W 3PH 3Wire 480 V L-L 600 V L-L 2 VT

Wye ungrounded Wye Ungnd Ungrounded Wye

3-phase 3-wire 3PH3W 3PH 3Wire 480 V L-L 600 V L-L 2 VT

Wye grounded Wye Gnd Grounded Wye

3-phase 3-wire 3PH3W 3PH 3Wire 277 V L-N / 480 V 347 V L-N / 600 V 2 VT
Wye resistance- Wye Res Resistance L-L L-L
grounded Gnd Grounded Wye

NHA2778902-11 19
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Hardware references

Power system Meter setting Symbol Direct connect maximum (UL / IEC) # of VTs (if
description required)
Display Display Installation Installation
(meter) (communication) category III category II

3-phase 4-wire 3PH4W 3PH 4Wire 173 V L-N / 347 V 347 V L-N / 600 V 3 VT
open Delta Opn Dlt Ctr Center-Tapped L-L L-L
center-tapped Tp Open Delta

3-phase 4-wire 3PH4W Dlt 3PH 4Wire 173 V L-N / 347 V 347 V L-N / 600 V 3 VT
Delta center- Ctr Tp Center-Tapped L-L L-L
tapped Delta

3-phase 4-wire 3PH4W 3PH 4Wire ≤ 277 V L-N / 480 ≤ 347 V L-N / 600 3 VT or 2 VT
ungrounded Wye Wye Ungnd Ungrounded Wye V L-L V L-L

3-phase 4-wire 3PH4W 3PH 4Wire ≤ 277 V L-N / 480 ≤ 347 V L-N / 600 3 VT or 2 VT
grounded Wye Wye Gnd Grounded Wye V L-L V L-L

3-phase 4-wire 3PH4W 3PH 4Wire ≤ 277 V L-N / 480 ≤ 347 V L-N / 600 3 VT or 2 VT
resistance- Wye Res Resistance V L-L V L-L
grounded Wye Gnd Grounded Wye

Balanced system considerations

In situations where you are monitoring a balanced 3-phase load, you may choose
to connect only one or two CTs on the phase(s) you want to measure, and then
configure the meter so it calculates the current on the unconnected current
NOTE: For a balanced 4-wire Wye system, the meter’s calculations assume
that there is no current flowing through the neutral conductor.

Balanced 3-phase Wye system with 2 CTs

The current for the unconnected current input is calculated so that the vector sum
for all three phases equal zero.

Balanced 3-phase Wye or Delta system with 1CT

The currents for the unconnected current inputs are calculated so that their
magnitude and phase angle are identical and equally distributed, and the vector
sum for all three phase currents equal zero.

20 NHA2778902-11
Hardware references EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

NOTE: You must always use 3 CTs for 3-phase 4-wire center-tapped Delta or
center-tapped open Delta systems.

RS-485 wiring
Connect the devices on the RS-485 bus in a point-to-point configuration, with the
(+) and (-) terminals from one device connected to the corresponding (+) and (-)
terminals on the next device.

RS-485 cable
Use a shielded 2 twisted pair or 1.5 twisted pair RS-485 cable to wire the devices.
Use one twisted pair to connect the (+) and (-) terminals, and use the other
insulated wire to connect the C terminals
The total distance for devices connected on an RS-485 bus should not exceed
1000 m (3280 ft).

RS-485 terminals
C Common. This provides the voltage reference (zero volts) for the data plus and data minus

Shield. Connect the bare wire to this terminal to help suppress signal noise that may be
present. Ground the shield wiring at one end only (either at the master or the last slave
device, but not both.

- Data minus. This transmits/receives the inverting data signals.

+ Data plus. This transmits/receives the non-inverting data signals.

NOTE: If some devices in your RS-485 network do not have the C terminal,
use the bare wire in the RS-485 cable to connect the C terminal from the
meter to the shield terminal on the devices that do not have the C terminal.

Pulse output
NOTE: Applicable only for PM2210 meter model
The meter is equipped with one pulse output port (D1+, D1-).
You can configure the pulse outputs for use in the following application:
• energy pulsing applications, where a receiving device determines energy
usage by counting the k_h pulses coming from the meter’s pulse output port.
One pulse output can handle voltage less than or equal to 40 V DC (20 mA
maximum). For higher voltage applications, use an external relay in the switching




NHA2778902-11 21
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Meter display

Meter display
Display overview
The display (integrated or remote) lets you use the meter to perform various tasks
such as setting up the meter, displaying data screens, acknowledging alarms, or
performing resets.

A Navigation / menu selection

G F E buttons
B Heartbeat / communications
LED (green)

C Alarm / energy pulsing LED


D Navigation symbols or menu

D options
E Right notification area
B F Screen title

A G Left notification area

H Cursor

LED indicators
The LED indicators alert or inform you of meter activity.

A Alarm / energy pulsing LED

B Heartbeat / serial communications LED

Alarm / energy pulsing LED

The alarm / energy pulsing LED can be configured for alarm notification or energy
When configured for alarm notification, this LED blinks every one second
indicating that a high, medium or low priority alarm is tripped. The LED provides a
visual indication of an active alarm condition or an inactive but unacknowledged
high priority alarm.
When configured for energy pulsing, this LED flashes at a rate proportional to the
amount of energy consumed. This is typically used to verify the power meter’s

22 NHA2778902-11
Meter display EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Heartbeat / serial communications LED

The heartbeat / serial communications LED blinks to indicate the meter’s
operation and serial Modbus communications status.
The LED blinks at a slow, steady rate to indicate the meter is operational. The LED
flashes at a variable, faster rate when the meter is communicating over a Modbus
serial communications port.
You cannot configure this LED for other purposes.
NOTE: A heartbeat LED that remains lit and does not blink (or flash) can
indicate a problem. In this case, power down the meter and reapply power. If
the LED still does not blink or flash, contact Technical Support.

Notification icons
To alert you about meter state or events, notification icons appear at the top left or
top right corner of the display screen.

Icon Description

The wrench icon indicates that the power meter is in an overvoltage

condition or requires maintenance. It could also indicate that the
energy LED is in an overrun state.

The alarm icon indicates an alarm condition has occurred.

Meter display language

If your meter is equipped with a display screen, you can configure the meter to
display the measurements in one of several languages.
The following languages are available:
• English
• French
• Spanish
• German
• Portuguese
• Russian
• Chinese
• Turkish

Meter screen navigation

The meter’s buttons and display screen allow you to navigate data and setup
screens, and to configure the meter’s setup parameters.

NHA2778902-11 23
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Meter display

A. Press the button below the

appropriate menu to view
that screen
B. Press the right arrow to
view more screens
C. In setup mode, a small
right arrow indicates the
selected option
D. In setup mode, a small
down arrow indicates that
there are additional
parameters to display. The
down arrow disappears
when there are no more
parameters to display.
E. In setup mode, press the
button under Edit to
change that setting. If the
item is read-only, cannot
be configured with the
meter’s existing setup, or
can only be configured
using software, Edit

Navigation symbols
Navigation symbols indicate the functions of the associated buttons on your
meter’s display.

Symbol Description Actions

Right arrow Scroll right and display more menu items or move cursor
one character to the right

Up arrow Exit screen and go up one level

Small down Move cursor down the list of options or display more items
arrow below
Small up arrow Move cursor up the list of items or display more items
Left arrow Move cursor one character to the left

Plus sign Increase the highlighted value or show the next item in the
Minus sign Show the previous item in the list

When you reach the last screen, press the right arrow again to cycle through the
screen menus.

Meter screen menus overview

All meter screens are grouped logically, according to their function.
You can access any available meter screen by first selecting the Level 1 (top level)
screen that contains it.

24 NHA2778902-11
Meter display EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Level 1 screen menus - IEEE title [IEC title]

Amps [I] Volts [U-V] Power [PQS] Energy [E] PF Hz [F] THD Harm(+2)

Clock(+2) Maint Fav(+2) Rate Snap(+2) Timer(+2) I/O(+3) Alarm(+3) MnMx(+2) Unbal

Applicable only for PM2220/PM2230 meter models
Applicable only for PM2230 meter model

Setting up the display

You can change the display screen’s settings, such as contrast, backlight timeout,
and screen timeout .
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to HMI > Disp.
4. Move the cursor to point to the parameter you want to modify, then press
5. Modify the parameter as required, then press OK.
6. Move the cursor to point to the next parameter you want to modify, press Edit,
make your changes, then press OK.
7. Press the up arrow to exit.
8. Press Yes to save your changes.

Display settings available using the display

Parameter Values Description

Contrast 1-9 Increase or decrease the value to increase or decrease

the display contrast.

Backlight 0 - 60 Set how long backlight reduces its brightness after

Timeout (min) inactivity minutes. Default setting “0” disables the
backlight timeout feature (i.e., backlight is always ON).

Screen Timeout 0 - 60 Set how long the screen turns off after inactivity
(min) minutes. Default setting “0” disables the screen timeout
feature (i.e., display is always ON).

To configure the display using ION Setup, see the “PM2000” topic in the ION
Setup online help or in the ION Setup device configuration guide, available for
download at

NHA2778902-11 25
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Basic setup

Basic setup
Configuring basic setup parameters using the display
You can configure basic meter parameters using the display.
Proper configuration of the meter’s basic setup parameters is essential for
accurate measurement and calculations. Use the Basic Setup screen to define the
electrical power system that the meter is monitoring.
If standard (1-sec) alarms have been configured and you make subsequent
changes to the meter’s basic setup, all alarms are disabled to prevent undesired
alarm operation.

• Verify all standard alarms settings are correct and make adjustments as
• Re-enable all configured alarms.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

After saving the changes, confirm all configured standard alarm settings are still
valid, reconfigure them as required, and re-enable the alarms.
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to Meter > Basic.
4. Move the cursor to point to the parameter you want to modify, then press
5. Modify the parameter as required, then press OK.
6. Move the cursor to point to the next parameter you want to modify, press Edit,
make your changes, then press OK.

26 NHA2778902-11
Basic setup EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

7. Press Yes to save your changes.

Basic setup parameters available using the display

Values Description

Power System

Select the power system type (power transformer) the meter is wired to.

1PH2W LN Single-phase 2-wire line-to-neutral

1PH2W LL Single-phase 2-wire line-to-line

1PH3W LL with N Single-phase 3-wire line-to-line with neutral

3PH3W Dlt Ungnd 3-phase 3-wire ungrounded delta

3PH3W Dlt Crnr Gnd 3-phase 3-wire corner grounded delta

3PH3W Wye Ungnd 3-phase 3-wire ungrounded wye

3PH3W Wye Gnd 3-phase 3-wire grounded wye

3PH3W Wye Res Gnd 3-phase 3-wire resistance-grounded wye

3PH4W Opn Dlt Ctr Tp 3-phase 4-wire center-tapped open delta

3PH4W Dlt Ctr Tp 3-phase 4-wire center-tapped delta

3PH4W Wye Ungnd 3-phase 4-wire ungrounded wye

3PH4W Wye Gnd 3-phase 4-wire grounded wye

3PH4W Wye Res Gnd 3-phase 4-wire resistance-grounded wye

VT Connect
Select how many voltage transformers (VT) are connected to the electrical power system.

Direct Con Direct connect; no VTs used

2VT 2 voltage transformers

3VT 3 voltage transformers

VT Primary (V)

1 to 1,000,000 Enter the size of the VT primary, in Volts.

VT Secondary (V)

100, 110, 115, 120 Select the size of the VT secondary, in Volts.

CT on Terminal
Define how many current transformers (CT) are connected to the meter, and which terminals they are connected to.

I1 1 CT connected to I1 terminal
I2 1 CT connected to I2 terminal
I3 1 CT connected to I3 terminal
I1 I2 2 CT connected to I1, I2 terminals

I2 I3 2 CT connected to I2, I3 terminals

I1 I3 2 CT connected to I1, I3 terminals

I1 I2 I3 3 CT connected to I1, I2, I3 terminals

CT Primary (A)

1 to 32767 Enter the size of the CT primary, in Amps.

CT Secondary (A)

1, 5 Select the size of the CT secondary, in Amps.

Sys Frequency (Hz)

50, 60 Select the frequency of the electrical power system, in Hz.

Phase Rotation
ABC, CBA Select the phase rotation of the 3-phase system.

NHA2778902-11 27
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Basic setup

Basic setup parameters available using the display (Continued)

Values Description

This is the minimum current at which the meter starts functioning. The meter can be configured to disregard the measurement of induced /
auxiliary load current in the circuit.

5 to 99 Select the Threshold Current (Suppression Current), in mA.

NOTE: The default suppression current is 5 mA.

CT Sequence 4
Select the CT sequence based on the connection to the meter.
NOTE: The default value of CT sequence is I1 I2 I3.5

I1 I2 I3 3 CT connected in sequence of I1, I2, I3 terminals

I3 I2 I1 3 CT connected in sequence of I3, I2, I1 terminals

I3 I1 I2 3 CT connected in sequence of I3, I1, I2 terminals

I2 I3 I1 3 CT connected in sequence of I2, I3, I1 terminals

I2 I1 I3 3 CT connected in sequence of I2, I1, I3 terminals

I1 I3 I2 3 CT connected in sequence of I1, I3, I2 terminals

CT Polarity Correction 6
Select the CT for which the polarity is reversed.
NOTE: The default value of CT Polarity Correction is None.5

None None of the CT polarity is reversed.

I1 Polarity reversed for the CT connected to the I1 terminal.

I2 Polarity reversed for the CT connected to the I2 terminal.

I3 Polarity reversed for the CT connected to the I3 terminal.

I1 I2 Polarity reversed for the CT connected to the I1 and I2 terminals.

I2 I3 Polarity reversed for the CT connected to the I2 and I3 terminals.

I1 I3 Polarity reversed for the CT connected to the I1 and I3 terminals.

I1 I2 I3 Polarity reversed for the CT connected to the I1, I2, and I3 terminals.

Configuring advanced setup parameters using the display

You can configure a subset of advanced parameters using the display.
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to Meter > Advan.
4. Move the cursor to point to the parameter you want to modify, then press
5. Modify the parameter as required, then press OK.
6. Move the cursor to point to the next parameter you want to modify, press Edit,
make your changes, then press OK.

4. The CT sequence is applicable for 3PH3W and 3PH4W Power System Configurations and I1 I2 I3 CT on Terminal value. If you change
the Power System Configurations or CT on Terminal value, then the CT sequence resets to the default value.
5. The device complies with the accuracy class only when CT sequence and CT polarity parameters are set to the default value.
6. The CT Polarity Correction parameters are available based on the selected Power System Configurations and CT on Terminal value. If
you change the Power System Configurations or CT on Terminal value, then the CT Polarity Correction resets to the default value.

28 NHA2778902-11
Basic setup EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

7. Press Yes to save your changes.

Advanced setup parameters available using the display

Parameter Values Description

Label — This label identifies the device, e.g., “Power Meter”. You cannot use the display to
edit this parameter. Use ION Setup to change the device label.

Load Timer Setpt (A) 0 - 18 Specifies the minimum average current at the load before the timer starts. The
meter begins counting the number of seconds the load timer is on (i.e., whenever
the readings are equal to or above this average current threshold.

Pk I dmd for TDD (A) 0 - 18 Specifies the minimum peak current demand at the load for inclusion in total
demand distortion (TDD) calculations. If the load current is below the minimum
peak current demand threshold, the meter does not use the readings to calculate
TDD. Set this to “0” (zero) if you want the power meter to use the metered peak
current demand for this calculation.

Setting the rate

The Rate setup screens allow you to set the different rate parameters.
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to Rate.
4. Move the cursor to point to Rate1 or Rate2 to modify, then press Edit.
5. Move the cursor to point to Channel or Factor per (k__h) to modify, then
press Edit.
6. Modify the parameter as required, then press OK.
7. Press up arrow and press Yes to save your changes.
8. Press the up arrow to exit.

Parameter Values Description

Label Rate1 / Rate2 You can edit the label using ION Setup

Example: CO2
Energy Cost

Channel None, Active Select a channel from the list.

Del, Active Rec,
Active Del +
Rec, Reactive
Del, Reactive
Rec, Reactive
Del + Rec,
Apparent Del,
Apparent Rec,
Apparent Del +
Factor per (k__ 0.000 to You can edit the factor value between 0.000 to
h) 99999.999 99999.999.

To configure the Rate using ION Setup, see the “PM2000 series meter” topic
in the ION Setup online help or in the ION Setup device configuration guide,
available for download at

NHA2778902-11 29
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Basic setup

Setting up regional settings

You can change the regional settings to localize the meter screens and display
data in a different language, using local standards and conventions.
NOTE: In order to display a different language other than those listed in the
Language setup parameter, you need to download the appropriate language
file to the meter using the firmware upgrade process.
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to HMI > Region.
4. Move the cursor to point to the parameter you want to modify, then press
5. Modify the parameter as required, then press OK.
6. Move the cursor to point to the next parameter you want to modify, press Edit,
make your changes, then press OK.
7. Press the up arrow to exit.
8. Press Yes to save your changes.

Regional settings available using the display

Parameter Values Description

Language English US, Select the language you want the meter to display.
Russian and
Date Format MM/DD/YY, YY/ Set how you want the date to be displayed, e.g., month/
MM/DD, DD/ day/year.
Time Format 24Hr, AM/PM Set how you want the time to be displayed, e.g.,
17:00:00 or 5:00:00 PM.
HMI Mode IEC, IEEE Select the standards convention used to display menu
names or meter data.

Setting up the screen passwords

It is recommended that you change the default password in order to prevent
unauthorized personnel from accessing password-protected screens such as the
diagnostics and reset screens.
This can only be configured through the front panel. The factory-default setting for
all passwords is “0” (zero).
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to HMI > Pass.

30 NHA2778902-11
Basic setup EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

4. Move the cursor to point to the parameter you want to modify, then press

Parameter Values Description

Setup 0000 - 9999 Sets the password for accessing the meter setup
screens (Maint > Setup).

Energy Resets 0000 - 9999 Sets the password for resetting the meter’s
accumulated energy values.

Demand Resets 0000 - 9999 Sets the password for resetting the meter’s recorded
peak demand values.

Min/Max Resets 0000 - 9999 Sets the password for resetting the meter’s recorded
minimum and maximum values.

5. Modify the parameter as required, then press OK.

6. Move the cursor to point to the next parameter you want to modify, press Edit,
make your changes, then press OK.
7. Press the up arrow to exit.
8. Press Yes to save your changes.

Lost password
Visit for support and assistance with lost passwords or other
technical problems with the meter.
Make sure you include your meter’s model, serial number and firmware version in
your email or have it readily available if calling Technical Support.

Setting the clock

The Clock setup screens allow you to set the meter’s date and time.
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to Clock.
4. Move the cursor to point to the parameter you want to modify, then press
5. Modify the parameter as required, then press OK.
6. Press Yes to save your changes.
7. Move the cursor to point to the next parameter you want to modify, press Edit,
make your changes, then press OK.
8. Press the up arrow to exit.

NHA2778902-11 31
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Basic setup

9. Press Yes to save your changes.

Parameter Values Description

Date DD/MM/YY, Set the current date using the format displayed on
MM/DD/YY, YY/ screen, where DD = day, MM = month and YY = year.
Time HH:MM:SS (24 Use the 24-hour format to set the current time in UTC
hour format), (GMT).
or PM
Meter Time GMT, Local Select GMT to display the current time in UTC
(Greenwich Mean Time zone). To display local time, set
this parameter to Local, then use GMT Offset (h) to
display local time in the proper time zone.

To configure the clock using ION Setup, see the “PM2000 series meter” topic
in the ION Setup online help or in the ION Setup device configuration guide,
available for download at

NOTE: Applicable only for PM2220/PM2230 meter models
The meter supports recording of instantaneous values through snapshot using
HMI. This page enables capturing values of Voltage Average (Vavg), Current
Average (Iavg), Power Total (Ptot), and Energy Delivered (E Del). The time of
recording is defined by the time set for the snapshot feature. This can be
configured using HMI or ION Setup.

Viewing SnapShot page

1. Navigate to Snap.
2. Press Snap to view parameter values. SnapShot page displays below
• Voltage Average (Vavg)
• Current Average (Iavg)
• Power Total (Ptot)
• Energy Delivered (E Del)
3. Press SnpDT to view the SnapShot time in HH:MM and date.

SnapShot setting
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to Snap.
4. Press Snap. The SnapShot screen appears.
5. Press Edit to select the SnapShot time in HH:MM.
6. Press + to increment the active digit through the numerals 0-9.
7. Press ◄ to enter the selected character and move to the character on the left.

32 NHA2778902-11
Basic setup EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

8. Continue until all values are selected, then press OK to set the time.
– Press Yes to accept the changes and return to the previous screen.
– Press No to keep the existing configuration and return to the previous

NOTE: Applicable only for PM2220/PM2230 meter models
The retrofit communication mode in the meter provides you an option for
configuring legacy data models to communicate with the new models. The retrofit
register map selection can be configured using HMI.

Retrofit setting
The following settings are required to enable the Retrofit communication mode in
the meter.
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Press Comm. The Serial Port screen appears.
4. Press Edit to select the Accumulated parameter.
5. Press - or + to scroll to Retrofit.
6. Press OK to select the Retrofit configuration.
7. Press ▲ to return to the setup screen.
NOTE: The existing configuration will be lost when you make new
selection, so a confirmation screen appears.
– Press Yes to accept the changes and return to the Setup screen.
– Press No to keep the existing configuration and return to the Setup

Configuring Favorite Page

NOTE: Applicable only for PM2220/PM2230 meter models
The meter allows you to select 4 parameters and arrange them in required order
to be displayed in favorite page. These parameters can be selected only through
communication and are customer based requirements. Some parameter logs are
of utmost importance and navigating to those parameters takes time. For ease of
navigation and accessibility, the meter allows you to choose 4 parameters and
lock the page for easy reading.
The default Favorite Page parameters are:
• Aavg
• PFavg
• Ptot
• E.Del
1. Start ION Setup and connect to your meter.
2. Open I/O Setup and select the required parameter you want to configure.

NHA2778902-11 33
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Basic setup

3. Configure the parameter and click OK.

Below is the list of associated parameters which can be configured:
• Current Average (Iavg)
• Voltage L-L average (Vavg)
• Voltage L-N average (Vavg)
• Active Power total (Wtot)
• Reactive Power total (VARtot)
• Apparent Power total (VAtot)
• Power Factor Average (PFavg)
• Frequency (F)
• Active Energy – Del (Wh-Del)
• Reactive Energy – Del (VARh-Del)
• Apparent Energy - Del (VAh-Del)

Auto reset configuration

NOTE: Applicable only for PM2220/PM2230 meter models
Auto Reset feature enables the user to reset the Energy and Demand parameters
on a pre-programmed date and month (DD/MM). Month wise reset dates for 12
months can be configured.
On executing Auto Reset for Energy and Maximum Demand for those configured
date and month (DD/MM), the Energy parameters (kWh, kWh1, kWh2, kWh3,
kVARh, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3 (Del, Rec, D-R,
D+R)) will be transferred to OLD registers. Both Energy and Maximum Demand
will reset to 0. When Energy is cleared, Max Demand is also cleared
Auto Reset for Energy and Maximum Demand parameters can be configured only
through communication.

34 NHA2778902-11
I/O Modules EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

I/O Modules
NOTE: Applicable only for PM2230 meter model
This section supplements the optional I/O module installation sheets and provides
additional information regarding physical characteristics and capabilities of the I/O
The I/O modules are available in the following variants:
• Single channel analog I/O module
• Two channel analog I/O module
• Two channel digital I/O module
• Two channel digital input and relay output module

Analog input applications

The analog inputs interpret an incoming analog current signal from transducers.
The analog I/O module can measure current using standard 4 - 20 mA analog
For analog input operation, the meter takes an analog input signal and provides
the resulting scaled value. Analog inputs may show a value below zero scale if an
open circuit is detected on the input port.
You can set the analog input’s mode for current sensing.

Wiring the analog input

300 Ω

Q 1+ Q 1- A 1+ A 1-


4 - 20 mA

Wiring the dual analog inputs

300 Ω 300 Ω

Q 1+ Q 1- Q 2+ Q 2- A 1+ A 1- A 2+ A 2-

_ _

4 - 20 mA

You can configure the following analog inputs on your meter:

Code Unit Description

0 – No units
1 % Percentage

NHA2778902-11 35
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series I/O Modules

Code Unit Description

2 ºC Degrees Celsius

3 ºF Degrees Fahrenheit

4 Deg Degrees Angular

5 Hz Hertz
6 A Amperes

7 kA Kilo Amperes

8 V Volts
9 kV Kilo Volts
10 MV Mega Volts

11 W Watts
12 kW Kilowatts
13 MW Megawatts

14 VAR Volt-Ampere Reactive

15 kVAR Kilo Volt-Ampere Reactive

16 MVAR Mega Volt-Ampere Reactive

17 VA Volt-Amperes

18 kVA Kilo Volt-Amperes

19 MVA Mega Volt-Amperes

20 WH Watt-Hour
21 kWH Kilowatt-Hour
22 MWH Megawatt-Hour

23 VARH Reactive Volt-Ampere Hour

24 kVARH Reactive Kilo Volt-Ampere Hour

25 MVARH Reactive Mega Volt-Ampere Hour

26 VAH Volt-Ampere Hours

27 kVAH Kilo Volt-Ampere Hours

28 MVAH Mega Volt-Ampere Hours

29 Seconds Seconds
30 Minutes Minutes
31 Hours Hours
32 Bytes (RAM) Bytes

33 kBytes (RAM) Kilobytes

34 $ Dollars

35 gal Gallons

36 gal/hr Gallons/hour

37 gal/min Gallons/minute

38 cfm Cubic feet/min

41 L Liters
42 ton-hours Ton-hours
43 l/hr Liters/hour
44 l/min Liters/min
45 € Euros

36 NHA2778902-11
I/O Modules EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Code Unit Description

46 ms Milliseconds
47 m3 Cubic-meters
48 m3/sec Cubic-meters/sec
49 m3/min Cubic-meters/min
50 m3/hr Cubic-meters/hour
51 Pa Pascals
52 Bars Bar
53 RPM Revolutions/min
55 BTU/hr BTU/hour
56 PSIG Pounds/square inch gauge

57 SCFM Standard cubic feet/min

58 MCF Thousand cubic feet
59 Therm Therm
60 SCFH Standard cubic feet/hour
61 PSIA Pounds/square inch absolute

62 lbs Pounds
63 kg Kilogram

64 klbs Kilopounds

65 lb/hr Pound/hour
66 ton/hr Ton/hour
67 kg/hr Kilogram/hour

68 in. Hg Inch of Mercury

69 kPa KiloPascals
70 %RH Percentage of relative humidity

71 MPH Miles per hour

72 m/sec Meters/sec
73 mV/cal/(cm²/min) MilliVolts/calorie/(square centimeters/min)

74 in Inches
75 mm Millimeter
76 GWH GigaWatt-Hour

77 GVARH Reactive Giga Volt-Ampere Hour

78 GVAH Giga Volt-Ampere Hours

79 AH Ampere-Hours

80 kAH Kiloamp-Hours

81 Therm/hr Therm/hour

Analog output applications

The analog I/O module can send low current for standard 4 - 20 mA analog
For analog output operation, the meter takes an input value and scales it to the
appropriate signal value to send out the physical analog output port.

NHA2778902-11 37
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series I/O Modules

Wiring the analog output

300 Ω

Q 1+ Q 1- A 1+ A 1-

_ _

≤ 600 Ω 4 - 20 mA

Wiring the dual analog output

300 Ω 300 Ω

Q 1+ Q 1- Q 2+ Q 2- A 1+ A 1- A 2+ A 2-

_ _ _ _


≤ 600 Ω 4 - 20 mA

You can configure the following analog outputs on your meter:

Parameters Description

Current Current: Phase wise

Current Average

Current Unbalance: Phase wise

Current Unbalance Worst
Voltage Voltage L-L: Phase wise

Voltage L-L Avg

Voltage L-N: Phase wise

Voltage L-N Avg

Voltage Unbalance L-L: Phase wise

Voltage Unbalance L-L Worst

Voltage Unbalance L-N: Phase wise

Voltage Unbalance L-N Worst

Power Active Power: Phase wise

Active Power Total
Reactive Power: Phase wise
Reactive Power Total
Apparent Power: phase wise

Apparent Power Total

PF PF Total
Frequency Frequency

38 NHA2778902-11
I/O Modules EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Status input (DI) applications

Status inputs are typically used for monitoring the status of external contacts or
circuit breakers and multi-tariff applications.
The meter’s status inputs require either an external voltage source or whetting
voltage (provided in the meter) to detect the status input’s ON/OFF state. The
meter detects an ON state if the external voltage appearing at the status input is
within its operating range.

Wiring the status inputs

110 kΩ 110 kΩ

D 1+ D 1- D 2+ D 2- S 1+ S 1- S 2+ S 2-

18 - 36 V

Configuring status inputs using ION Setup

The status input ports (S1 and S2) can be configured using ION Setup.
1. Start ION Setup.
2. Connect to your meter.
3. Navigate to I/O configuration > I/O Setup.
4. Select a status input to configure and click Edit.
The setup screen for that status input is displayed.
5. Enter a descriptive name for the status input’s Label.
6. Configure the other setup parameters as required.
7. Click Send to save your changes.

Status input setup parameters available through ION Setup

Parameter Values Description

Label — Use this field to change the default label and assign a descriptive name to this
status input.

Control Mode Normal, Demand Sync This field displays how the status input functions.
• Normal: the status input is not associated with another meter function. The
meter counts and records the number of incoming pulses normally.
• Demand Sync: the status input is associated with one of the input sync
demand functions. The meter uses the incoming pulse to synchronize its
demand period with the external source.

Debounce 0 to 9999 Debounce is the time delay that compensates for mechanical contact bounce. Use
this field to set how long (in milliseconds) the external signal must remain in a
certain state to be considered a valid state change.

Associations — This field displays additional information if the status input is already associated
with another meter function.

NHA2778902-11 39
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series I/O Modules

Digital output applications

The meter is equipped with two digital output ports (D1, D2). You can configure
the digital outputs for use in the following applications:
Switching applications, for example, to provide on/off control signals for switching
capacitor banks, generators, and other external devices and equipment.
Energy pulsing applications, where a receiving device determines energy usage
by counting the kWh pulses coming from the meter’s digital output port.
Unary, digital and standard alarm configurations.

Wiring the digital output

110 kΩ 110 kΩ

D 1+ D 1- D 2+ D 2- S 1+ S 1- S 2+ S 2-

+ - + -
≤ 40V ≤20mA

Default digital output state

The default digital output state for I/O pin is high (switch closed). The digital output
state for I/O pin can be changed through communication.

I/O pin state External mode Alarm Display Comm Switch

0 0 OFF 0 Open

0 1 ON 1 Closed
0 0 OFF 0 Open

1 0 ON 1 Closed
0 0 OFF 0 Closed
0 1 ON 1 Open
0 0 OFF 0 Closed
1 0 ON 1 Open

Demand parameter for digital output

The associating demand parameters (Present demand (VA, W, VAR), Last
demand (VA, W, VAR) and Predict demand (VA, W, VAR)) can be configured for
digital output based on alarm events when exceeds the set upper limit. Only one
demand parameter can be set at a given time.
NOTE: The alarm set up is done through communication using ION setup.

Configuring digital outputs using ION Setup

You can use ION Setup to configure the digital outputs.

40 NHA2778902-11
I/O Modules EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

1. Start ION Setup.

2. Connect to your meter.
3. Navigate to I/O configuration > I/O Setup.
4. Select a digital output to configure and click Edit.
The setup screen for that digital output is displayed.
5. Enter a descriptive name for the digital output in the Label field.
6. Configure the other setup parameters as required.
7. Click Send to save your changes.

Digital output setup parameters available using ION Setup

Parameter Values Description

Label — Use this field to change the default label and assign a
descriptive name to this digital output.

Control Mode External, Alarm, Energy This field displays how the digital output functions.
• External: the digital output is controlled remotely
either through software or by a PLC using
commands sent through communications.
• Alarm: the digital output is associated with the
alarm system. The meter sends a pulse to the
digital output port when the alarm is triggered.
• Energy: The digital output is associated with
energy pulsing. When this mode is selected,
you can select the energy parameter and the
set the pulse rate (pulses/kW).

Behavior Mode Normal, Timed, Coil Hold • Normal: this mode applies when control mode is
set to External or Alarm. In the event of trigger
for External mode, the digital output remains in
the ON state until an OFF command is sent by
the computer or PLC. In the event of trigger for
Alarm mode, the digital output remains in the
ON state until the drop out point is crossed.
• Timed: the digital output remains ON for the
period defined by the On Time setup register.
• Coil Hold: this mode applies when control mode
is set to External or Alarm. For a unary alarm
that is associated with a digital output, you must
set Behavior Mode to Coil Hold. The output
turns on when the “energize” command is
received and turns off when the “coil hold
release” command is received. In the event of a
control power loss, the output remembers and
returns to the state it was in when control power
was lost.
On Time (s) 0 to 9999 This setting defines the pulse width (ON time) in
NOTE: In energy mode, the digital output pulse
ON time is fixed for 20 ms.
Select Alarms All available alarms Applies when Control Mode is set to Alarm. Select
one or more alarms to monitor.
Associations — This field displays additional information if the digital
output is already associated with another meter

Relay output applications

Relay outputs can be configured to be used in switching applications, for example,
to provide on/off control signals for switching capacitor banks, generators, and
other external devices and equipment.

NHA2778902-11 41
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series I/O Modules

Wiring the two digital inputs and relay output


8 mA MAX 36 V MAX 36 V MAX

(70)(71) (73)(74) +24 V -/C S1+ S2+ +24 V -/C S1+ S2+
(56) (57) (40) (42) (56) (57) (40) (42)

250 V AC, 2 A ~ LOAD
24 V DC, 2 A
- + +
18 - 36 V
Digital input wiring shown Digital input wiring shown
for internal voltage source for external voltage source

A Overcurrent protective device

B Relay 1 (70, 71), Relay 2 (73, 74)

C Whetting output (56, 57)

D Digital status inputs (40, 42, 57)

Configuring relay outputs using ION Setup

You can use ION Setup to configure the relay output ports (Relay 1 and Relay 2).
1. Start ION Setup.
2. Connect to your meter.
3. Navigate to I/O configuration > I/O Setup.
4. Select a relay output to configure and click Edit.
The setup screen for that relay output is displayed.
5. Enter a descriptive name for the relay output’s Label.
6. Configure the other setup parameters as required.

42 NHA2778902-11
I/O Modules EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

7. Click Send to save your changes.

Relay output setup parameters available through the ION Setup

Parameter Values Description

Label — Use this field to change the default label and assign a
descriptive name to this relay output.

Control Mode External, Alarm This field displays how the relay output functions.
• External: the relay output is controlled remotely
either through software or by a PLC using
commands sent through communications.
• Alarm: the relay output is associated with the
alarm system. The meter sends a pulse to the
relay output port when the alarm is triggered.

Behavior Mode Normal, Timed, Coil Hold

• Normal: this mode applies when control mode is
set to External or Alarm. In the event of trigger
for External mode, the relay output remains in
the closed state until an open command is sent
by the computer or PLC. In the event of trigger
for Alarm mode, the relay output remains in the
closed state until the drop out point is crossed.
• Timed: the relay output remains ON for the
period defined by the On Time setup register.
• Coil Hold: this mode applies when control mode
is set to External or Alarm. For a unary alarm
that is associated with a relay output, you must
set Behavior Mode to Coil Hold. The output
turns on when the “energize” command is
received and turns off when the “coil hold
release” command is received. In the event of a
control power loss, the output remembers and
returns to the state it was in when control power
was lost.
On Time (s) 0 to 9999 This setting defines the pulse width (ON time) in
Select Alarms All available alarms Applies when Control Mode is set to Alarm. Select
one or more alarms to monitor.
Associations — This field displays additional information if the relay
output is already associated with another meter

IO LED Indicator
The IO LED indicator alerts or informs you of meters’ IO activities. The LED blinks
at a constant pace when the IO module is attached to the meter.

A IO LED indicator (Green)

NHA2778902-11 43
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Alarms

Alarms overview
NOTE: Applicable only for PM2230 meter model
An alarm is the meter’s means of notifying you when an alarm condition is
detected, such as an error or an event that falls outside of normal operating
conditions. Alarms are typically setpoint-driven and can be programmed to
monitor certain behaviors, events or unwanted conditions in your electrical
You can configure your meter to generate and display high, medium and low
priority alarms when predefined events are detected in the meter’s measured
values or operating states. Your meter also logs the alarm event information.
The meter ships with some alarms already enabled from the factory. Other alarms
need to be configured before the meter can generate alarms.
Customize meter alarms as required, such as changing the priority. You can also
create custom alarms using the advanced features of your meter.

Alarm types
Your meters supports a number of different alarm types.


Unary 4 4 4 4

Digital — — — —

Standard 23 23 23 23


Unary 4 4 4 4

Digital 2 2 2 2

Standard 23 23 23 23

Unary alarms
A unary alarm is the simplest type of alarm — it monitors a single behavior, event
or condition.

Available unary alarms

Your meter has a set of 4 unary alarms.

Alarm label Description

Meter Powerup Meter powers on after losing control power.

Meter Reset Meter resets for any reason.

Meter Diagnostic Meter’s self-diagnostic feature detects a problem.

Phase Reversal Meter detects a phase rotation different than expected.

44 NHA2778902-11
Alarms EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Digital alarms
Digital alarms monitor the ON or OFF state of the meter’s digital / status inputs.

Digital alarm with setpoint delay

To prevent false triggers from erratic signals, you can set up pickup and dropout
time delays for the digital alarm.

∆T1 ∆T2


A Pickup setpoint (1 = ON) ΔT2 Dropout time delay (in seconds)

B Dropout setpoint (0 = OFF) EV2 End of alarm condition

ΔT1 Pickup time delay (in seconds) ΔT3 Alarm duration (in seconds)

EV1 Start of alarm condition

NOTE: To prevent filling the alarm log with nuisance alarm trips, the digital
alarm is automatically disabled if the digital / status input changes state more
than 4 times in one second or more than 10 times in ten seconds. In this case,
you must re-enable the alarm using the display or ION Setup.

Available digital alarms

Your meter has a set of 2 digital alarms.

Alarm label Description

Digital Alarm S1 Digital input 1

Digital Alarm S2 Digital input 2

Standard alarms
Standard alarms are setpoint-driven alarms which monitor certain behaviors,
events or unwanted conditions in your electrical system.
Standard alarms have a detection rate equal to the 50/60 meter cycle, which is
nominally 1 second if the meter’s frequency setting is configured to match the
system frequency (50 or 60 Hz).
Many of the standard alarms are three-phase alarms. Alarm setpoints are
evaluated for each of the three phases individually, but the alarm is reported as a
single alarm. The alarm pickup occurs when the first phase exceeds the alarm
pickup magnitude for the pickup time delay. The alarm is active as long as any
phase remains in an alarm state. The alarm dropout occurs when the last phase
drops below the dropout magnitude for the dropout time delay.

NHA2778902-11 45
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Alarms

Example of over and under setpoint (standard) alarm operation

The meter supports over and under setpoint conditions on standard alarms.
A setpoint condition occurs when the magnitude of the signal being monitored
crosses the limit specified by the pickup setpoint setting and stays within that limit
for a minimum time period specified by the pickup time delay setting.
The setpoint condition ends when the magnitude of the signal being monitored
crosses the limit specified by dropout setpoint setting and stays within that limit for
a minimum time period specified by dropout time delay setting.

Over setpoint
When the value rises above the pickup setpoint setting and remains there long
enough to satisfy the pickup time delay period (ΔT1), the alarm condition is set to
ON. When the value falls below the dropout setpoint setting and remains there
long enough to satisfy the dropout time delay period (ΔT2), the alarm condition is
set to OFF.

A Pickup setpoint

B Dropout setpoint
Max1 ΔT1 Pickup time delay period (in seconds)

EV1 Start of alarm condition

∆T2 ΔT2 Dropout time delay (in seconds)

EV2 End of alarm condition
ΔT3 Alarm duration (in seconds)
Max1 Maximum value recorded during pickup period

Max2 Maximum value recorded during alarm period

The meter records the date and time when the alarm event starts (EV1) and when
it ends (EV2). The meter also performs any task assigned to the event, such as
operating a digital output. The meter also records maximum values (Max1, Max2)
before, during or after the alarm period.

Under setpoint
When the value falls below the pickup setpoint setting and remains there long
enough to satisfy the pickup time delay period (ΔT1), the alarm condition is set to
ON. When the value rises above the dropout setpoint setting and remains there
long enough to satisfy the dropout time delay period (ΔT2), the alarm condition is
set to OFF.

A Pickup setpoint
∆T3 B Dropout setpoint

ΔT1 Pickup time delay period (in seconds)

EV1 Start of alarm condition
ΔT2 Dropout time delay (in seconds)
Min1 EV2 End of alarm condition
ΔT3 Alarm duration (in seconds)
Min1 Minimum value recorded during pickup period

Min2 Minimum value recorded during alarm period

46 NHA2778902-11
Alarms EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

The meter records the date and time when the alarm event starts (EV1) and when
it ends (EV2). The meter also performs any task assigned to the event, such as
operating a digital output. The meter also records minimum values (Min1, Min2)
before, during or after the alarm period.

Maximum allowable setpoint

The meter is programmed to prevent user data entry errors, with set limits for the
standard alarms.
The maximum setpoint value you can enter for some of the standard alarms
depends on the voltage transformer ratio (VT ratio), current transformer ratio (CT
ratio), system type (i.e., number of phases) and/or the maximum voltage and
maximum current limits programmed at the factory.
NOTE: VT ratio is the VT primary divided by the VT secondary and CT ratio is
the CT primary divided by the CT secondary.

Standard alarm Maximum setpoint value

Over Phase Current (maximum current) x (CT ratio)

Under Phase Current (maximum current) x (CT ratio)

Under Voltage L-L (maximum voltage) x (VT ratio)

Over Voltage L-N (maximum voltage) x (VT ratio)

Under Voltage L-N (maximum voltage) x (VT ratio)

Over Active Power (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Reactive Power (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Apparent Power (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Present Active Power Demand (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Last Active Power Demand (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Predicted Active Power Demand (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Present Reactive Power Demand (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Last Reactive Power Demand (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Predicted Reactive Power Demand (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Present Apparent Power Demand (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Last Apparent Power Demand (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Over Predicted Apparent Power Demand (maximum voltage) x (maximum current) x (number of phases)

Available standard alarms

Your meter has a set of standard alarms.
NOTE: Some alarms do not apply to all power system configurations. For
example, line-to-neutral voltage alarms cannot be enabled on 3-phase delta
systems. Some alarms use the system type and the VT or CT ratio to
determine the maximum allowed setpoint.

Alarm label Valid range and resolution

ION Setup Display ION Setup Display

Over Phase Current Over Current, Ph 0.000 to 99999.000 0 to 99999 A

Under Phase Current Under Current, Ph 0.000 to 99999.000 0 to 99999 A

Over Voltage L-L Over Voltage, L-L 0.00 to 999999.00 0 to 999999 V

NHA2778902-11 47
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Alarms

Alarm label Valid range and resolution

ION Setup Display ION Setup Display

Under Voltage L-L Under Voltage, L-L 0.00 to 999999.00 0 to 9999999 V

Over Voltage L-N Over Voltage, L-N 0.00 to 999999.00 0 to 9999999 V

Under Voltage L-N Under Voltage L-N 0.00 to 999999.00 0 to 9999999 V

Over Active Power Over kW 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kW

Over Reactive Power Over kVAR 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kVAR
Over Apparent Power Over kVA 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kVA

Leading True PF Lead PF, True -1.00 to -0.01 and 0.01 to 1.00 —

Lagging True PF Lag PF, True -1.00 to -0.01 and 0.01 to 1.00 —

Over Frequency Over Frequency 0.000 to 99.000 Hz

Under Frequency Under Frequency 0.000 to 99.000 Hz

Over Voltage THD Over Voltage THD 0.000 to 99 %

Over Present Active Power Over kW Dmd, Pres 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kW
Over Last Active Power Over kW Dmd, Last 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kW
Over Predicted Active Power Over kW Dmd, Pred 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kW
Over Present Reactive Over kVAR Dmd, Pres 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kVAR
Power Demand
Over Last Reactive Power Over kVAR Dmd, Last 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kVAR
Over Predicted Reactive Over kVAR Dmd, Pred 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kVAR
Power Demand
Over Present Apparent Over kVA Dmd, Pres 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kVA
Power Demand
Over Last Apparent Power Over kVA Dmd, Last 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kVA
Over Predicted Apparent Over kVA Dmd, Pred 0.0 to 9999999.0 0 to 9999999 kVA
Power Demand

Power factor (PF) alarms

You can set up a Leading PF or Lagging PF alarm to monitor when the circuit’s
power factor goes above or below the threshold you specify.
The Leading PF and Lagging PF alarms use the power factor quadrants as the
values on the y-axis, with quadrant II on the lowest end of the scale, followed by
quadrant III, quadrant I, and finally quadrant IV on the highest end of the scale.

Quadrant PF values Lead/Lag

II 0 to -1 Leading (capacitive)

III -1 to 0 Lagging (inductive)

I 0 to 1 Lagging (inductive)

IV 1 to 0 Leading (capacitive)

Leading PF alarm
The Leading PF alarm monitors an over setpoint condition.

48 NHA2778902-11
Alarms EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

I ∆T1

A Pickup setpoint ΔT2 Dropout time delay (in seconds)

B Dropout setpoint EV2 End of alarm condition

ΔT1 Pickup delay period (in seconds) ΔT3 Alarm duration (in seconds)

EV1 Start of alarm condition

Lagging PF alarm
The Lagging PF alarm monitors an under setpoint condition.

IV ∆T3
I ∆T2
-1 ∆T1

A Pickup setpoint ΔT2 Dropout time delay (in seconds)

B Dropout setpoint EV2 End of alarm condition

ΔT1 Pickup delay period (in seconds) ΔT3 Alarm duration (in seconds)

EV1 Start of alarm condition

Alarm priorities
Each alarm has a priority level that you can use to distinguish between events that
require immediate action and those that do not require action.

Alarm priority Alarm display notification and recording method

Alarm LED Alarm icon Alarm details Alarm logging

High Blinks while the alarm is Blinks while the alarm is Click Details to display Recorded in alarm log.
active. active. Alarm icon remains what caused the alarm to
displayed until pickup or drop off. Click
acknowledged. Ack to acknowledge the
Medium Blinks while the alarm is Blinks while the alarm is Click Details to display Recorded in alarm log.
active. active. what caused the alarm to
pickup or drop off.

Low Blinks while the alarm is Blinks while the alarm is Click Details to display Recorded in alarm log.
active. active. what caused the alarm to
pickup or drop off.

None No activity None None Recorded in event log only.

NOTE: The alarm LED notification only occurs if the alarm / energy pulsing
LED is configured for alarming.

NHA2778902-11 49
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Alarms

Multiple alarm considerations

If multiple alarms with different priorities are active at the same time, the display
shows the alarms in the order they occurred.

Alarm setup overview

You can use ION Setup to configure unary, digital or standard (1-Sec) alarms.
If you make changes to the basic meter setup, all alarms are disabled to prevent
undesired alarm operation.

• Verify all alarm settings are correct and make adjustments as necessary.
• Re-enable all configured alarms.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in incorrect alarm functions.

Built-in error-checking
ION Setup dynamically checks incorrect setup combinations. When you enable an
alarm, you must set up the pickup and dropout limits to acceptable values first in
order to exit the setup screen.

Setting up alarms using ION Setup

You can use ION Setup to create and set up alarms.
1. Start ION Setup and connect to your meter.
2. Open the Alarming screen.
3. Select the alarm you want to configure and click Edit.
4. Configure the setup parameters as explained in the different alarm setup
See the ION Setup Device Configuration guide for more information.

Unary alarm setup parameters

Configure the unary alarm setup parameters as required.
ION Setup controls are shown in parentheses.

Setting Option or range Description

Enable Yes (checked) or No (cleared) This enables or disables the alarm.

Priority High, Medium, Low, None This sets the alarm priority and notification

50 NHA2778902-11
Alarms EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Setting Option or range Description

Select Dig Output (Outputs) None Select the digital output(s) you want to
control when the alarm is triggered.
Digital Output D1

Digital Output D2

Digital Output D1 & D2

Behaviour Normal Select the required behaviour mode

Timed NOTE: When you select Normal value,

Digital Output is not triggered
Coil Hold

Digital alarm setup parameters

Configure the digital alarm setup parameters as required.
ION Setup controls are shown in parentheses.

Setting Option or range Description

Enable Yes (checked) or No (cleared) This enables or disables the alarm.

Priority High, Medium, Low, None This sets the alarm priority and notification

Pickup Setpoint (Setpoint Pickup) On, Off Use this setting to control when to trip the
alarm, based on the state of the digital input
(On or Off).

Pickup Time Delay (Delay) 0 to 999999 This specifies the number of seconds the
digital input must be in the alarm pickup
state before the alarm is tripped.

Dropout Time Delay (Setpoint Dropout 0 to 999999 This specifies the number of seconds the
Delay) digital input must be out of the alarm pickup
state before the alarm turns off.
Select Dig Output (Outputs) None Select the digital output(s) you want to
control when the alarm is triggered.
Digital Output D1

Digital Output D2

Digital Output D1 & D2

Standard (1-Sec) alarm setup parameters

Configure the standard alarm setup parameters as required.
ION Setup controls are shown in parentheses.
NOTE: It is recommended that you use ION Setup to configure standard
(1-Sec) alarms. ION Setup supports a higher resolution to allow you to specify
more decimal places when setting up the pickup setpoint and dropout setpoint
values for certain measurements.

Setting Option or range Description

Enable Yes (checked) or No (cleared) This enables or disables the alarm.

Priority High, Medium, Low, None This sets the alarm priority and notification

Pickup Setpoint mA (Pickup Limit) Varies depending on the standard alarm you This is the value (magnitude) you define as
are setting up the setpoint limit for triggering the alarm. For
“over” conditions, this means the value has
gone above the Pickup limit. For “under”
conditions, this means the value has gone
below the Pickup limit.

NHA2778902-11 51
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Alarms

Setting Option or range Description

Pickup Time Delay (Delay) 0 to 999999 This specifies the number of seconds the
signal must stay above the pickup setpoint
(for “over” conditions), or below the pickup
setpoint (for “under” conditions) before the
alarm is tripped.

Dropout Setpoint mA (Dropout Limit) Varies depending on the standard alarm you This is the value (magnitude) you define as
are setting up the limit for dropping out of the alarm
condition. For “over” conditions, this means
the value has gone below the Dropout limit.
For “under” conditions, this means the value
has gone above the Pickup limit.

Dropout Time Delay (Delay) 0 to 999999 This specifies the number of seconds the
signal must stay below the dropout setpoint
(for “over” conditions), or above the dropout
setpoint (for “under” conditions) before the
alarm condition is ended.
PU Set Point Lead/Lag (Lead, Lag) Lead or Lag Applies to PF (power factor) alarms only.
Use this to set the PF value and quadrant to
set the pickup setpoint for an over PF
condition (PF Leading) or under PF
condition (PF Lagging).

DO Set Point Lead/Lag (Lead, Lag) Lead or Lag Applies to PF (power factor) alarms only.
Use this to set the PF value and quadrant to
set the dropout setpoint for an over PF
condition (PF Leading) or under PF
condition (PF Lagging).

Select Dig Output (Outputs) None Select the digital output(s) you want to
control when the alarm is triggered.
Digital Output D1

Digital Output D2

Digital Output D1 & D2

LED alarm indicator

You can use the meter’s alarm / energy pulsing LED as an alarm indicator.
When set to detect alarms, the LED blinks to indicate an alarm condition.

Configuring the LED for alarms using the display

You can use the meter display to configure the alarm / energy pulsing LED for
1. Navigate to the Maint > Setup > LED.
2. Set the mode to Alarm, then press OK.
3. Press the up arrow to exit. Press Yes to save your changes.

Configuring the LED for alarms using ION Setup

You can use the ION Setup to configure your meter’s LED for alarming.
1. Open ION Setup and connect to your meter. See the ION Setup Help for
2. Navigate to Energy Pulsing.
3. Select Front Panel LED and click Edit.
4. Set the control mode to Alarm and click OK.

52 NHA2778902-11
Alarms EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

5. Click Send to save your changes.

Alarm display and notification

The meter notifies you when an alarm condition is detected.

Alarm icon
When a low, medium or high priority alarm is tripped, this symbol appears at the
top right corner of the display screen, indicating that an alarm is active:

For high priority alarms, the alarm icon remains displayed until you acknowledge
the alarm.

Alarm / energy pulsing LED

If configured for alarming, the alarm / energy pulsing LED also flashes to indicate
the meter has detected an alarm condition.

Alarm screens
If your meter is equipped with a display, you can use the buttons to navigate to the
alarm setup or display screens.

Active alarms
When a pickup event occurs, the active alarm list appears on the meter display’s
Active Alarms screen. Press Detail to see more event information.

Alarm details
Details about the alarms can be viewed using:
• the active alarms (Active), alarm history (Hist), alarm counters (Count) and
unacknowledged alarms (Unack) screens on the meter display, or

Active alarms list and alarm history log

Each occurrence of a low, medium or high priority alarm is stored in the active
alarms list and recorded in the alarm history log.
The active alarm list holds 40 entries at a time. The list works as a circular buffer,
replacing old entries as new entries over 40 are entered into the active alarms list.
The information in the active alarms list is volatile and reinitializes when the meter

NHA2778902-11 53
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Alarms

The alarm history log holds 40 entries. The log also works as a circular buffer,
replacing old entries with new entries. The information in the alarm history log is
nonvolatile and is retained when the meter resets.

Viewing active alarm details using the display

When an alarm condition becomes true (alarm = ON), the alarm is displayed on
the active alarms screen.
Alarms are displayed sequentially in the order of their occurrence, regardless of
priority. The alarm details show the date and time of the alarm event, the type of
event (for example, pickup or unary), which phase the alarm condition was
detected on, and the value that caused the alarm condition.
NOTE: Alarm details are not available if the alarm priority is set to None.
The alarm details (for low, medium and high priority alarms) are also recorded in
the alarm history log.
1. Navigate to Alarm > Active.
2. Select the alarm you want to view (the latest ones appear on top).
3. Press Detail.
NOTE: For unacknowledged high priority alarms, the Ack option appears
on this screen. Press Ack to acknowledge the alarm, or return to the
previous screen if you do not want to acknowledge the alarm.

Viewing alarm history details using the display

The alarm history log keeps a record of active alarms and past alarms.
When an active alarm condition becomes false (alarm = OFF), the event is
recorded in the alarm history log and alarm notification (alarm icon, alarm LED) is
turned off.
Alarms are displayed sequentially in the order of their occurrence, regardless of
priority. The alarm details show the date and time of the alarm event, the type of
event (for example, dropout or unary), which phase the alarm condition was
detected on, and the value that caused the alarm condition to turn ON or OFF.
NOTE: Alarm details are not available if the alarm priority is set to None.
1. Navigate to Alarm > Hist.
2. Select the alarm you want to view (the latest ones appear on top).
3. Press Detail.
NOTE: For unacknowledged high priority alarms, the Ack option appears
on this screen. Press Ack to acknowledge the alarm, or return to the
previous screen if you do not want to acknowledge the alarm.

Alarms counters
Every occurrence of each type of alarm is counted and recorded in the meter.

Alarms rollover value

The alarm counters roll over to zero after reaching the value 9999.

54 NHA2778902-11
Alarms EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Resetting alarms using ION Setup

Use ION Setup to reset alarms.
You can also reset alarms using the meter display.
1. Connect to your meter in ION Setup.
2. Open the Meter Resets screen.
3. Select the alarm parameters to clear and click Reset.

NHA2778902-11 55
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Meter logging

Meter logging
Logs overview
This chapter briefly describes the following logs of the meter:
• Alarm log
• User-defined data log
Logs are files stored in the non-volatile memory of the meter and are referred to as
“on-board logs”.

Setting up the data log

You can select 2 items to record in the data log and the frequency (logging
interval) that you want those values updated.
Use ION Setup to configure data logging.

Save the contents of the data log before configuring it.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in data loss.

1. Start ION Setup and open your meter in setup screens mode (View > Setup
Screens). See the ION Setup Help for instructions.
2. Double-click Data Log #1.
3. Set up the logging frequency and measurements/data to log.
4. Click Send to save the changes to the meter.

Parameter Values Description

Status Enable, Disable Set this parameter to enable

or disable data logging in the
Interval 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 Select a time value to set the
minutes logging frequency.

Channels Items available for logging Select an item to record from

can vary based on the meter the “Available” column, then
type. click the double-right arrow
button to move the item to
the “Selected” column.

To remove an item, select it

from the “Selected” column
then click the double-left
arrow button.

Saving the data log contents using ION Setup

You can use ION Setup to save the contents of the data log.
1. Start ION Setup and open your meter in data screens mode (View > Data
Screens. See the ION Setup help for instructions.
2. Double-click Data Log #1 to retrieve the records.

56 NHA2778902-11
Meter logging EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

3. Once the records have finished uploading, right-click anywhere in the viewer
and select Export CSV from the popup menu to export the entire log.
NOTE: To export only selected records in the log, click the first record you
want to export, hold down the SHIFT key and click the last record you
want to export, then select Export CSV from the popup menu.
4. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the data log file, then click

Alarm log
Alarm records are stored in the meter’s alarm history log.
By default, the meter can log the occurrence of any alarm condition. Each time an
alarm occurs it is entered into the alarm log. The alarm log in the meter stores the
pickup and dropout points of alarms along with the date and time associated with
these alarms. You can view and save the alarm log to disk, and reset the alarm log
to clear the data out of the meter’s memory.
The meter stores alarm log data in non-volatile memory. The size of the alarm log
is fixed at 40 records.

NHA2778902-11 57
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Meter resets

Meter resets
Meter resets
Resets allow you to clear various accumulated parameters stored on your meter
or reinitialize the meter or meter accessories.
Meter resets clear your meter’s onboard data logs and other related information.
Resets are typically performed after you make changes to the meter’s basic setup
parameters (such as frequency, VT/PT or CT settings) to clear invalid or obsolete
data in preparation for putting the meter into active service.

Meter initialization
Meter Initialization is a special command that clears the meter’s energy, power,
demand values, and meter operation timer.
It is common practice to initialize the meter after its configuration is completed,
before adding it to an energy management system.
After configuring all the meter setup parameters, navigate through the different
meter display screens and make sure the displayed data is valid then perform
meter initialization.
NOTE: You can perform meter initialization using ION setup and secured
command interface.

Performing resets using ION Setup

Resets allow you to clear all data of a particular type, such as all energy values or
all minimum/maximum values.
1. Start ION Setup.
2. Connect to your meter.
3. Navigate to Meter Resets.

58 NHA2778902-11
Meter resets EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

4. Select a parameter for reset and click Reset.

The selected parameter value gets cleared.

Reset parameters

Option Description

Meter Initialization Clears all data listed in this table.

Min/Max Clears all the minimum and maximum registers.

Active Load Timer Resets all active load timer logs.

Demands Clears all the demand registers.

Peak Demands Clears all the peak demand values.

Energies Clears all accumulated energy values (kWh, kWh1, kWh2, kWh3,
kVARh, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh, kVAh1, kVAh2,
kVAh3), and Run hours.

Digital Outputs Clears all digital output values.

Digital Output Counters Clears all the digital output counters.

Digital Output On Times Clears all the digital output on time logs.

Status Input Counters Clears all the input counters.

Status Input On Times Clears all the input on time logs.

Alarm Counters Clears all the alarm counters and alarm logs.

Data Log #1 Clears all the data logs.

NHA2778902-11 59
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Measurements and calculations

Measurements and calculations

Meter initialization
Meter Initialization is a special command that clears the meter’s energy, power,
demand values, and meter operation timer.
It is common practice to initialize the meter after its configuration is completed,
before adding it to an energy management system.
After configuring all the meter setup parameters, navigate through the different
meter display screens and make sure the displayed data is valid then perform
meter initialization.
NOTE: You can perform meter initialization using ION setup and secured
command interface.

Real-time readings
The meter measures currents and voltages, and reports in real time the RMS
(Root Mean Squared) values for all three phases and neutral.
The voltage and current inputs are continuously monitored at a sampling rate of
64 samples per cycle. This amount of resolution helps enable the meter to provide
reliable measurements and calculated electrical values for various commercial,
buildings and industrial applications.

Energy measurements
The meter provides fully bi-directional, 4-quadrant energy metering.
The meter stores all accumulated active, reactive and apparent energy
measurements in nonvolatile memory:
The meter provides both per phase and total values of energy.
Total energy:
• kWh, kVARh, kVAh (delivered)
• kWh, kVARh, kVAh (received)
• kWh, kVARh, kVAh (delivered + received)
• kWh, kVARh, kVAh (delivered - received)
Per phase energy:
• kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3
• kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3
• kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3
(delivered + received)
• kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3
(delivered - received)
NOTE: Based on the energy scale selection, when kWh, kWh1, kWh2, kWh3,
kVARh, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh, kVAh1, kVAh2, kVAh3 (delivered) or
kWh, kWh1, kWh2, kWh3, kVARh, kVARh1, kVARh2, kVARh3, kVAh, kVAh1,
kVAh2, kVAh3 (received) of the energy parameters overflow at 999.99 all energy
parameter value resets.

60 NHA2778902-11
Measurements and calculations EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

NOTE: The energy per phase displays on the HMI for the 3PH4W configurations
(3PH4W Opn Dlt Ctr Tp, 3PH4W Dlt Ctr Tp, 3PH4W Wye Ungnd,
3PH4W Wye Gnd, and 3PH4W Wye Res Gnd) only. For other configurations, the
energy per phase is not displayed on HMI and obtains as "0" through

Quadrant based VARh

NOTE: Applicable only for PM2220/PM2230 meter models
Quadrant based reactive energy values are available only on communication.
These are not available on meter display. These reactive energies are for Q1, Q2,
Q3, and Q4 quadrants.
On communication quadrant based reactive energies will be recorded as follows:
• Q1 (00 to 90 Degree) = Q1 VARh , Del
• Q2 (90 to 180 Degree) = Q2 VARh , Del
• Q3 (180 to 270 degree) = Q3 VARh, Rec
• Q4 (270 to 360 degree) = Q4 VARh , Rec
If energy is cleared, all quadrant based VARhs will be cleared.

Min/max values
When the readings reach their lowest or highest value, the meter updates and
saves these min/max (minimum and maximum) quantities in non-volatile memory.
The meter’s real-time readings are updated once every 50 cycles for 50 Hz
systems, or once every 60 cycles for 60 Hz systems.

Power demand
Power demand is a measure of average power consumption over a fixed time
NOTE: If not specified, references to demand are assumed to mean power
The meter measures instantaneous consumption and can calculate demand using
various methods.

Power demand calculation methods

Power demand is calculated by dividing the energy accumulated during a
specified period by the length of that period.
How the meter performs this calculation depends on the method and time
parameters you select (for example, timed rolling block demand with a 15-minute
interval and 5-minute subinterval).
To be compatible with electric utility billing practices, the meter provides the
following types of power demand calculations:
• Block interval demand
• Synchronized demand
• Thermal demand
You can configure the power demand calculation method from the display or

NHA2778902-11 61
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Measurements and calculations

Block interval demand

For block interval demand method types, you specify a period of time interval (or
block) that the meter uses for the demand calculation.
Select/configure how the meter handles that interval from one of these different

Type Description

Timed Sliding Block Select an interval from 1 to 60 minutes (in 1-minute increments). If
the interval is between 1 and 15 minutes, the demand calculation
updates every 15 seconds. If the interval is between 16 and 60
minutes, the demand calculation updates every 60 seconds. The
meter displays the demand value for the last completed interval.

Timed Block Select an interval from 1 to 60 minutes (in 1-minute increments). The
meter calculates and updates the demand at the end of each
Timed Rolling Block Select an interval and a subinterval. The subinterval must divide
evenly into the interval (for example, three 5-minute subintervals for
a 15-minute interval). Demand is updated at the end of each
subinterval. The meter displays the demand value for the last
completed interval.

Block interval demand example

The following illustration shows the different ways power demand is calculated
using the block interval method. In this example, the interval is set to 15 minutes.

Timed Sliding Block

Demand value is
Calculation updates the average for the
every 15 seconds last completed interval
15-minute interval

Time (sec)
15 30 45 60 . . .

Timed Block

Demand value is
the average for the
Calculation updates at
last completed
the end of the interval

15-minute interval 15-minute interval 15-min

15 30 45

Timed Rolling Block

Calculation updates at the end Demand value is

of the subinterval (5 minutes) the average for
the last completed
15-minute interval

15 20 25 30 35 40 45

62 NHA2778902-11
Measurements and calculations EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Synchronized demand
You can configure the demand calculations to be synchronized using an external
pulse input, a command sent over communications, or the device’s internal real-
time clock.

Type Description

Command This method allows you to synchronize the demand intervals of multiple
synchronized demand meters on a communications network. For example, if a programmable
logic controller (PLC) input is monitoring a pulse at the end of a demand
interval on a utility revenue meter, you can program the PLC to issue a
command to multiple meters whenever the utility meter starts a new
demand interval. Each time the command is issued, the demand readings
of each meter are calculated for the same interval.
Clock synchronized This method allows you to synchronize the demand interval to the meter’s
demand internal real-time clock. This helps you synchronize the demand to a
particular time, typically on the hour (for example, at 12:00 am). If you
select another time of day when the demand intervals are to be
synchronized, the time must be specified in minutes from midnight. For
example, to synchronize at 8:00 am, select 480 minutes.

NOTE: For these demand types, you can choose block or rolling block
options. If you select a rolling block demand option, you need to specify a

Thermal demand
Thermal demand calculates the demand based on a thermal response, which
imitates the function of thermal demand meters.
The demand calculation updates at the end of each interval. You can set the
demand interval from 1 to 60 minutes (in 1-minute increments).

Thermal demand example

The following illustration shows the thermal demand calculation. In this example,
the interval is set to 15 minutes. The interval is a window of time that moves
across the timeline. The calculation updates at the end of each interval.

90% Last completed
demand interval
% of Load


15-minute next
interval 15-minute

Current demand
The meter calculates current demand using the block interval, synchronized or
thermal demand methods.
You can set the demand interval from 1 to 60 minutes in 1 minute increments (for
example, 15 minutes).

NHA2778902-11 63
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Measurements and calculations

Predicted demand
The meter calculates predicted demand for the end of the present interval for kW,
kVAR, and kVA demand, taking into account the energy consumption so far within
the present (partial) interval and the present rate of consumption.
Predicated demand is updated according to the update rate of your meter.
The following illustration shows how a change in load can affect predicted demand
for the interval. In this example, the interval is set to 15 minutes.

1:00 1:06 1:15

A Beginning of interval E Change in load

B Demand for last completed interval F Predicted demand if load is added

during interval; predicted demand
increases to reflect increased demand
C 15-minute interval G Predicted demand if no load is added
D Partial interval H Time

Peak demand
The meter records the peak (or maximum) values for kWD, kVARD, and kVAD
power (or peak demand).
The peak for each value is the highest average reading since the meter was last
reset. These values are maintained in the meter’s non-volatile memory.
The meter also stores the date and time when the peak demand occurred.

The meter supports an active load timer, meter operation timer, and run time.

Active load timer

Active load timer shows how much time a load has been running, based on the
specified minimum current for the load timer setpoint setting.

Meter operation timer

Meter operating timer shows how long the meter has been powered up.

64 NHA2778902-11
Measurements and calculations EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Run time
Run time shows how much time a load has been running, based on accumulated
energy - received and delivered.
The run time can be read through communication only.

NHA2778902-11 65
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Multi-tariff

NOTE: Applicable only for PM2230 meter model
The multi-tariff feature allows you to set up different tariffs for storing energy
The energy values for different tariffs are stored in registers that correspond to
each of those tariffs.

Multi-tariff example
The multi-tariff feature can be used when a utility has set up tariff schedules with
different rates based on what day or time of day energy is consumed.




Tariff energy containers

T1 T2 T3 T4

T1 T2 T3 T4

In the above illustration, the area under the power curve equals the energy
Typically, the utility sets tariff schedules so the cost of energy is higher during high
demand or high energy consumption times. How these “tariff energy containers”
are configured determines how fast these containers fill, which correlates to
increasing energy costs. The price per kWh is lowest at tariff T1 and highest at
tariff T2.

Multi-tariff implementation
The meter supports configuration of up to 4 different tariffs to measure and
monitor energy usage that can be used in billing or cost applications.
There are three different tariff modes you can use to activate the multi-tariff
• Command mode
• Time of Day mode
• Input mode

66 NHA2778902-11
Multi-tariff EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Command mode overview

You can use command mode to send a Modbus command to the device which
sets the active tariff.
The active tariff is applied to the measured energy until you send another Modbus
command that sets a different tariff.
Search for your meter’s Modbus register list at to download the
Modbus map.

Time of day mode overview

You can use time of day mode to create a tariff schedule that specifies where the
meter stores energy or input metered data, based on the time of year (month,
day), the type of day (every day, weekend, weekday or a specific day of the week),
or time of day.
The data collected from the different tariffs can then be used in energy audits or
similar costing and budget planning purposes.

Time of day mode tariff validity

A valid time of day tariff has certain conditions and limitations:
• Each tariff must cover a unique time period (tariffs cannot overlap), but there
can be periods with no tariff.
• Any number of tariffs, from none to the maximum number of tariffs, can be
• Time of day tariffs do not adjust for daylight savings time.
• Time of day tariffs include February 29th in leap years (however, it is not
recommended to have February 29th as a start or end date, as that tariff
would be invalid for non-leap years.
• Except for leap years, tariff dates are not year-specific; if you wanted to
create a tariff that starts on the first Monday in August, you need to enter the
date for that year, then manually update the tariff information for the
subsequent years.
Your device performs validation checks as you enter tariff information; it prompts
you to change the information that you have entered or set the tariff to disabled if
the tariff configuration is invalid. These checks can include:
• Start and end times must be different (for example, you cannot create a tariff
that starts at 02:00 and also ends at 02:00).
• Start time can only be earlier than end time for tariffs that are applied every
day. You can create a daily tariff that starts at 06:00 and ends at 02:00, but
these times are only valid for the Everyday tariff and invalid for the other tariff
• Start day must be earlier than end day if the days are in the same month. You
cannot create a tariff that starts June 15 and ends June 12.

Time of day tariff creation methods

You can create time of day tariffs using one of the two methods, or a combination
of these methods:
• Time of year tariffs divide the year into multiple sections (usually seasons),
where each section has one or more day types. For example, a four tariff
configuration using this method could have Summer and Winter seasons that
also use different weekend and weekday tariffs.

NHA2778902-11 67
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Multi-tariff

• Daily tariffs can divide days by day of the week, a weekday, a weekend, or
every day, and can specify the time of day. For example, a four tariff
configuration could have every day in the year divided into six-hour tariff
periods or could have two tariffs for weekends and two tariffs for weekdays.
You can combine these methods if, for example you wanted to create a tariff that
applies on Mondays from January 1 to June 30, from 09:00 to 17:00. However,
since only one tariff can be applied at any time, you cannot use an everyday or
weekday tariff type because you already specified a tariff for the time periods
09:00 to 17:00.
Depending on how you configure the tariffs and the maximum number of tariffs
supported by your meter, you may not be able to assign tariffs for the entire year,
potentially leaving time gaps that do not have any tariff assigned to them.

Example tariff configurations for a four-tariff system

In these examples, four tariffs are used to cover the entire year (there are no time
periods that do not have an associated tariff).
Configuration 1: four tariffs with weekdays and weekends

Tariff Type Start date End date Start time End time

1 Weekend June 21 December 20 00:00 23:59

2 Weekend December 21 June 20 00:00 23:59
3 Weekday June 21 December 20 00:00 23:59

4 Weekday December 21 June 20 00:00 23:59

NOTE: The end time of 23:59 is actually 23:59:59, or just before midnight.
All weekend days fall into one of two different tariffs, depending on the date. All
weekdays fall into one of two different tariffs, depending on the date. This
configuration does not use tariffs based on the time of day, or any day types other
than weekend or weekday.
Example dates and corresponding tariffs:
• Friday, June 29 = tariff 3
• Sunday, November 28th = tariff 1
Configuration 2: one season for weekends, with off-peak and shoulder hours, two
seasons for weekdays, with shoulder hours

Tariff Type Start date End date Start time End time

1 Every day January 1 December 31 23:00 04:59

2 Weekdays May 1 September 20 00:00 22:59

3 Weekdays October 1 April 30 05:00 22:59

4 Weekends January 1 December 31 05:00 22:59

All days have a tariff applied between 23:00 and 04:59, corresponding to off-peak
hours. All weekend days have a tariff applied from 05:00 to 22:59, corresponding
to shoulder hours. All weekdays fall into one of two seasons (summer or winter),
and have two tariffs applied throughout the day.
Example dates and corresponding tariffs:
• Wednesday, March 21, 08:00 = tariff 3
• Tuesday, January 10, 21:00 = tariff 3
• Sunday, June 24, 14:00 = tariff 4
• Friday, August 17, 00:00 = tariff 1

68 NHA2778902-11
Multi-tariff EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Input mode overview

You can use input mode to have the digital inputs of the device set to know which
tariff is applied to the energy that is presently being consumed.
The number of different tariffs that can be applied is determined by the number of
available digital inputs and the total number of tariffs supported by your device.

Digital input assignment for input control mode

You need to assign one or more digital inputs with non-exclusive associations to
define the active tariff.
If a digital input is used for multi-tariff, it cannot be used for an exclusive
association (such as Demand Sync), but digital inputs can be shared with a non-
exclusive association (such as Alarms). To make a digital input available for
setting tariffs, any conflicting associations must be manually removed at the
source of the original association.
The digital inputs are used as binary counters to identify the appropriate tariff,
where off = 0 and on = 1, and most significant bit (MSB) is digital input 2 and least
significant bit (LSB) is digital input 1. By this definition, digital input 1 must be
associated with the multi-tariff feature in order to set the tariff to Input mode.

Digital input requirements for required number of tariffs

Number of Digital inputs required
tariffs required
Configuration 1 Configuration 2

1 1 (digital input 1) 1 (digital input 1)

2 1 (digital input 1) 2 (digital input 1 and 2)

3 2 (digital input 1 and 2) 2 (digital input 1 and 2)

4 2 (digital input 1 and 2) 2 (digital input 1 and 2)

Configuration 1: 2 tariff assignment using 2 digital inputs

NOTE: There is no inactive tariff with this configuration.

Tariff Digital input 2 Digital input 1

T1 0 0
T2 0 1

Configuration 2: 2 tariff assignment using 2 digital inputs

NOTE: Digital input configuration 00 means that there are no active tariffs (all
tariffs are disabled).

Tariff Digital input 2 Digital input 1

None 0 0
T1 0 1
T2 1 0

NHA2778902-11 69
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Multi-tariff

Active tariff control mode

The active tariff is controlled based on the tariff mode.
• When the meter is set to command mode, the active tariff is controlled by the
Modbus commands from your energy management system or other Modbus
• When the meter is set to input mode, the active tariff is controlled by the
status of the digital inputs.
• When the meter is set to time of day mode, the active tariff is controlled by the
day type, the start and end times, and the start and end dates.

Configuring time of day mode tariffs using the display

When the meter is set to time of day for tariffs, the active tariff is determined by the
day type, the start and end times, and the start and end dates.
The time of day tariff is not a calendar; the meter does not calculate the
corresponding day of the week to a specific date, but February 29th is considered
a valid date if you are programming the meter during a leap year.
When you enter tariff times using the front panel, be aware that the displayed
minute value includes the entire minute. For example, an end time of 01:15
includes the time from 01:15:00 through 01:15:59. To create a tariff period that
starts right after this, you must set the next tariff start time to 01:16. Although it
may appear that there is a gap between these tariffs, there is not.
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to Meter > Tariff.
4. Select Mode and press Edit.
5. Press + or - to change the setting to Time of Day, then press OK.

70 NHA2778902-11
Multi-tariff EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

6. Move the cursor to point to the tariff (Tariff 1 to Tariff 4) you want to modify,
then press Edit.

Parameter Values Description

Day Type Everyday, Weekday, Select which day the tariff is

Weekend, Monday, Tuesday, active. Only tariffs that are
Wednesday, Thursday, Everyday can have a tariff
Friday, Saturday or Sunday that includes midnight (for
instance, from 11pm to 2am).

Start Time 0000 to 2359 Set the time when the tariff
period starts, using the 24
hour clock format (00:00 to
23:59). The Start Time
cannot equal the End Time.

End Time 0000 to 2359 Set the time when the tariff
period ends, using the 24
hour clock format (00:00 to
23:59). The End Time cannot
equal the Start Time.

Start Month 1 to 12 Set the month that the tariff

period starts, where 1 =
January, 2 = February, 3 =
March, 4 = April, 5 = May, 6 =
June, 7 = July, 8 = August, 9
= September, 10 = October,
11 = November, 12 =
Start Day 1 to 31 Set the day of the Start
Month that the tariff period
starts. The Start Day must be
earlier than End Day if Start
Month equals End Month.

End Month 1 to 12 The month that the tariff

period ends, where 1 =
January, 2 = February, 3 =
March, 4 = April, 5 = May, 6 =
June, 7 = July, 8 = August, 9
= September, 10 = October,
11 = November, 12 =
End Day 1 to 31 The day of the End Month
that the tariff period ends.

7. Modify each parameter as required, then press OK to set.

Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to move between parameters.
8. Press the Up arrow to exit, then Yes to save your changes.
Repeat for the other tariffs as required.
The meter checks the configuration and display a message if any tariffs have
conflicting settings (overlapping tariff periods for example).

Configuring input mode tariffs using the display

Use the display to configure input mode tariffs. You can also configure input mode
tariffs using ION Setup.
You cannot configure any digital input tariff if digital input 1 is not available for
association. Likewise, digital input 2 must be available to select more than two
The status of the digital inputs is used to calculate the binary value of the active
tariff, where off = 0 and on = 1. The calculation of the number of tariffs value can
differ, depending on the number of digital inputs that can be selected (i.e., inputs
that can be associated with multi-tariff).
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.

NHA2778902-11 71
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Multi-tariff

2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.

3. Navigate to Meter > Tariff.
4. Select Mode and press Edit.
5. Press + or - to change the setting to Input, then press OK.
NOTE: If a digital input association error prompt displays, you must exit
from the tariff setup screens and remove the digital input association.
6. Navigate to Tariffs, then press Edit.
7. Press + or - to change the number of tariffs you want to set up and press OK.
The maximum number of tariffs that you can apply is determined by the
number of available digital inputs.
8. Navigate to Inputs, then press Edit.
If applicable, press + or - to change how many digital inputs you want to use
to control which tariff is selected (active). Press OK.
9. Press the up arrow to exit, then Yes to save your changes.

72 NHA2778902-11
Power quality EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Power quality
Harmonics overview
This section describes the meter’s power quality features and how to access
power quality data. The meter measures voltage and current harmonics up to the
15th harmonic and 31st harmonic, and calculates Total Harmonic Distortion (THD
Harmonics are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency of the power
system. Harmonics information is required for compliance to system power quality
standards such as EN50160 and meter power quality standards such as IEC
The meter measures fundamental and higher harmonics relative to the
fundamental frequency. The meter’s power system setting defines which phases
are present and determines how line-to-line or line-to-neutral voltage harmonics
and current harmonics are calculated.
Harmonics are used to identify whether the supplied system power meets required
power quality standards, or if non-linear loads are affecting your power system.
Power system harmonics can cause current flow on the neutral conductor, and
damage to equipment such as increased heating in electric motors. Power
conditioners or harmonic filters can be used to minimize unwanted harmonics.

Total harmonic distortion %

Total harmonic distortion (THD%) is a measure of the total per-phase voltage or
current harmonic distortion present in the power system.
THD% provides a general indication of the quality of a waveform. THD% is
calculated for each phase of both voltage and current.

Harmonic content calculations

Harmonic content (HC) is equal to the RMS value of all the non-fundamental
harmonic components in one phase of the power system.
The meter uses the following equation to calculate HC:

HC = (H2)2 + (H3)2 + (H4)2 ...

THD% calculations
THD% is a quick measure of the total distortion present in a waveform and is the
ratio of harmonic content (HC) to the fundamental harmonic (H1).
By default, the meter uses the following equation to calculate THD%:
THD = -------
- x 100%

thd calculations
thd is an alternate method for calculating total harmonic distortion that uses the
RMS value for the total harmonic content rather than the fundamental content.

NHA2778902-11 73
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Power quality

The meter uses the following equation to calculate thd:

thd = x 100
(H1)2 + (HC)2

Viewing THD/thd using the display

You can view THD/thd data using the display.
NOTE: Your meter’s Modbus map includes registers for total harmonic
distortion data for integration into your power or energy management system.
1. Navigate to THD to view the THD/thd Select screen.
2. Press THD to display values that use the calculation method based on the
fundamental harmonic or thd to display values that use the calculation
method based on the RMS value of all harmonics in that phase (including the

IEEE mode IEC mode Description

Amps I Total harmonic distortion data for per phase

and neutral currents.
V L-L U Total harmonic distortion data line-to-line

V L-N V Total harmonic distortion data line-to-neutral


3. Press the current or voltage THD or thd values you want to view.
The total harmonic distortion percentage values are displayed.
4. Press the up arrow to return to the main display screens.

74 NHA2778902-11
Maintenance and upgrades EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Maintenance and upgrades

Maintenance overview
The meter does not contain any user-serviceable parts. If the meter requires
service, contact your local Schneider Electric Technical Support representative.

• Do not open the meter case.
• Do not attempt to repair any components of the meter.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Do not open the meter. Opening the meter voids the warranty.

Troubleshooting LED indicators

Abnormal heartbeat / serial communications LED behavior could mean potential
problems with the meter.

Problem Probable causes Possible solutions

LED flash rate does not Communications wiring If using a serial-to-RS-485
change when data is sent from converter, trace and check that
the host computer. all wiring from the computer to
the meter is properly
Internal hardware problem Perform a hard reset: turn off
control power to the meter,
then re-apply power. If the
problem persists, contact
Technical Support.

Heartbeat / serial Internal hardware problem Perform a hard reset: turn off
communications LED remains control power to the meter,
lit and does not flash ON and then re-apply power. If the
OFF problem persists, contact
Technical Support.

Heartbeat / serial Display setup parameters Review display parameter

communications LED flashes, incorrectly set setup.
but the display is blank.

If the problem is not fixed after troubleshooting, contact Technical Support for help
and ensure you have your meter’s firmware version, model and serial number
information available.

Meter memory
The meter stores configuration and logging information in non-volatile memory
and a long-life memory chip.
The meter uses its non-volatile memory (NVRAM) to retain all data and metering
configuration values.

NHA2778902-11 75
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Maintenance and upgrades

Meter battery
The internal battery in the meter keeps the meter’s clock running when it is
powered down to help maintain the meter time.
The life expectancy of the meter’s internal battery is estimated to be over 10 years
at 25 °C under typical operating conditions.

Viewing firmware version, model and serial number

You can view the meter’s firmware version, model and serial number from the
display panel.
1. Navigate to Maint > Diag.
2. Press Info to view meter model, serial number, date of manufacturing, OS
version, and RS version.
3. Press St Edt to view Number of Edits, Date of Last Edit and Time of Last
Edit .
4. Press Up to exit.

Firmware upgrades
There are a number of reasons why you may want to upgrade your meter’s
• Improve meter performance (e.g., optimize processing speed)
• Enhance existing meter features and functions
• Add new functionality to the meter
• Achieve compliance to new industry standards

Technical assistance
Visit for support and assistance with lost passwords or other
technical problems with the meter.
Make sure you include your meter’s model, serial number and firmware version in
your email or have it readily available if calling Technical Support.

76 NHA2778902-11
Verifying accuracy EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Verifying accuracy
Overview of meter accuracy
All meters are tested and verified at the factory in accordance with International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) standards.
Your meter typically does not require re-calibration. However, in some installations
a final accuracy verification of the meters is required, especially if the meters will
be used for revenue or billing applications.

Accuracy test requirements

The most common method for testing meter accuracy is to apply test voltages and
currents from a stable power source and compare the meter’s readings with
readings from a reference device or energy standard.

Signal and power source

The meter maintains its accuracy during voltage and current signal source
variations but its energy pulsing output needs a stable test signal to help produce
accurate test pulses. The meter’s energy pulsing mechanism needs
approximately 10 seconds to stabilize after every source adjustment.
The meter must be connected to control power in order to conduct accuracy
verification testing. Refer to your meter’s installation documentation for power
supply specifications.

Verify the device’s power source meets the specifications for your device’s
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

Control equipment
Control equipment is required for counting and timing the pulse outputs from an
energy pulsing LED.
• Most standard test benches have an arm equipped with optical sensors to
detect LED pulses (the photodiode circuitry converts detected light into a
voltage signal).
• The reference device or energy standard typically has digital inputs that can
detect and count pulses coming from an external source (i.e., the meter’s
pulse output).
NOTE: The optical sensors on the test bench can be disrupted by strong
sources of ambient light (such as camera flashes, florescent tubes, sunlight
reflections, floodlights, etc.). This can cause test errors. Use a hood, if
necessary, to block out ambient light.

NHA2778902-11 77
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Verifying accuracy

The meter should be tested at the same temperature as the testing equipment.
The ideal temperature is about 23 ºC (73 ºF). Make sure the meter is warmed up
sufficiently before testing.
A warm-up time of 30 minutes is recommended before beginning energy accuracy
verification testing. At the factory, the meters are warmed up to their typical
operating temperature before calibration to help ensure that the meters will reach
their optimal accuracy at operating temperature.
Most high precision electronic equipment requires a warm up time before it
reaches its specified performance levels. Energy meter standards allow the
manufacturers to specify meter accuracy derating due to ambient temperature
changes and self-heating.
Your meter complies with and meets the requirements of these energy metering
For a list of accuracy standards that your meter complies to, contact your local
Schneider Electric representative or download the meter brochure from

Reference device or energy standard

To help ensure the accuracy of the test, it is recommended that you use a
reference device or reference energy standard with a specified accuracy that is 6
to 10 times more accurate than the meter under test. Before you start testing, the
reference device or energy standard should be warmed up as recommended by
its manufacturer.
NOTE: Verify the accuracy and precision of all measurement equipment used
in accuracy testing (for example, voltmeters, ammeters, power factor meters).

Verifying accuracy test

The following tests are guidelines for accuracy testing your meter; your meter
shop may have specific testing methods.

• Apply appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and follow safe
electrical work practices. See NFPA 70E, CSA Z462 or other local
• Turn off all power supplying this device and the equipment in which it is
installed before working on or in the equipment.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm that all power
is off.
• Do not exceed the maximum ratings of this device.
• Verify the device’s power source meets the specifications for your device’s
power supply.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

1. Turn off all power supplying this device and the equipment in which it is
installed before working on the device or equipment.
2. Use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm that all power is off.

78 NHA2778902-11
Verifying accuracy EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

3. Connect the test voltage and current source to the reference device or energy
standard. Ensure all voltage inputs to the meter under test are connected in
parallel and all current inputs are connected in series.

A1 A2 A3
V1 V2 V3 VN
+ - + - + -

A1 A2 A3
V1 V2 V3 VN
+ - + - + -

A1 A2 A3
+ - + - + -

V1 V2 V3 VN

A Reference device or energy standard

B Test voltage and current source

C Meter under test

4. Connect the control equipment used for counting the standard output pulses
using one of these methods:

Option Description

Energy pulsing LED Align the red light sensor on the standard test bench armature over
the energy pulsing LED.

Pulse output Connect the meter’s pulse output to the standard test bench pulse
counting connections.

NOTE: When selecting which method to use, be aware that energy

pulsing LEDs and pulse outputs have different pulse rate limits.
5. Before performing the verification test, let the test equipment power up the
meter and apply voltage for at least 30 seconds. This helps stabilize the
internal circuitry of the meter.
6. Configure the meter’s parameters for verifying accuracy testing.
7. Depending on the method selected for counting the energy pulses, configure
the meter’s energy pulsing LED or one of the pulse outputs to perform energy
pulsing. Set the meter’s energy pulse constant so it is in sync with the
reference test equipment.
8. Perform accuracy verification on the test points. Run each test point for at
least 30 seconds to allow the test bench equipment to read an adequate
number of pulses. Allow 10 seconds of dwell time between test points.

Required pulses calculation for accuracy verification

Accuracy verification test equipment typically requires you to specify the number
of pulses for a specific test duration.
The reference test equipment typically requires you to specify the number of
pulses required for a test duration of “t” seconds. Normally, the number of pulses
required is at least 25 pulses, and the test duration is greater than 30 seconds.
Use the following formula to calculate the required number of pulses:

NHA2778902-11 79
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Verifying accuracy

Number of pulses = Ptot x K x t/3600

• Ptot = total instantaneous power in kilowatts (kW)
• K = the meter’s pulse constant setting, in pulses per kWh
• t = test duration, in seconds (typically greater than 30 seconds)

Total power calculation for accuracy verification testing

Accuracy verification testing supplies the same test signal (total power) to both the
energy reference/standard and the meter under test.
Total power is calculated as follows, where:
• Ptot = total instantaneous power in kilowatts (kW)
• VLN = test point line-to-neutral voltage in volts (V)
• I = test point current in amps (A)
• PF = power factor
The result of the calculation is rounded up to the nearest integer.
For a balanced 3–phase Wye system:
Ptot = 3 x VLN x I x PF x 1 kW/1000 W
NOTE: A balanced 3–phase system assumes that the voltage, current and
power factor values are the same for all phases.
For a single-phase system:
Ptot = VLN x I x PF x 1 kW/1000W

Percentage error calculation for accuracy verification

Accuracy verification testing requires you to calculate the percentage error
between the meter being tested and the reference/standard.
Calculate the percentage error for every test point using the following formula:
Energy error = (EM - ES) / ES x 100%
• EM = energy measured by the meter under test
• ES = energy measured by the reference device or energy standard.
NOTE: If accuracy verification reveals inaccuracies in your meter, they may be
caused by typical sources of test errors. If there are no sources of test errors
present, please contact your local Schneider Electric representative.

Accuracy verification test points

The meter should be tested at full and light loads and at lagging (inductive) power
factors to help ensure testing over the entire range of the meter.
The test amperage and voltage input rating are labeled on the meter. Refer to the
installation sheet or data sheet for your meter’s nominal current, voltage and
frequency specifications.

80 NHA2778902-11
Verifying accuracy EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Watt-hour test point Sample accuracy verification test point

Full load 100% to 200% of the nominal current, 100% of the nominal voltage and
nominal frequency at unity power factor or one (1).

Light load 10% of the nominal current, 100% of the nominal voltage and nominal
frequency at unity power factor or one (1).

Inductive load (lagging 100% of the nominal current, 100% of the nominal voltage and nominal
power factor) frequency at 0.50 lagging power factor (current lagging voltage by 60°
phase angle).

VAR-hour test point Sample accuracy verification test point

Full load 100% to 200% of the nominal current, 100% of the nominal voltage and
nominal frequency at zero power factor (current lagging voltage by 90°
phase angle).

Light load 10% of the nominal current, 100% of the nominal voltage and nominal
frequency at zero power factor (current lagging voltage by 90° phase

Inductive load (lagging 100% of the nominal current, 100% of the nominal voltage and nominal
power factor) frequency at 0.87 lagging power factor (current lagging voltage by 30°
phase angle).

Energy pulsing considerations

The meter’s energy pulsing LED and pulse outputs are capable of energy pulsing
within specific limits.

Description Energy pulsing LED Pulse output

Maximum pulse frequency 35 Hz 20 Hz

Minimum pulse constant 1 pulse per k_h

Maximum pulse constant 9,999,000 pulses per k_h

The pulse rate depends on the voltage, current and PF of the input signal source,
the number of phases, and the VT and CT ratios.
If Ptot is the instantaneous power (in kW) and K is the pulse constant (in pulses
per kWh), then the pulse period is:
3600 1
Pulse period (in seconds) = =
K x Ptot Pulse frequency (Hz)

VT and CT considerations
Total power (Ptot) is derived from the values of the voltage and current inputs at
the secondary side, and takes into account the VT and CT ratios.
The test points are always taken at the secondary side, regardless of whether VTs
or CTs are used.
If VTs and CTs are used, you must include their primary and secondary ratings in
the equation. For example, in a balanced 3-phase Wye system with VTs and CTs:
VTp CTp 1 kW
Ptot = 3 x VLN x xIx x PF x
VTs CTs 1000 W
where Ptot = total power, VTp = VT primary, VTs = VT secondary, CTp = CT
primary, CTs = CT secondary and PF = power factor.

NHA2778902-11 81
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Verifying accuracy

Example calculations
This example calculation shows how to calculate power, pulse constants and
maximum pulse frequency, and how to determine a pulse constant that reduces
the maximum pulse frequency.
A balanced 3-phase Wye system uses 480:120 volt VTs and 120:5 amp CTs. The
signals at the secondary side are 119 volts line-to-neutral and 5.31 amps, with a
power factor of 0.85. The desired pulse output frequency is 20 Hz (20 pulses per
1. Calculate the typical total output power (Ptot):

Ptot = 3 x 119 x 480 x 5.31 x 120 x 0.85 x 1 kW = 154.71 kW

120 5 1000 W

2. Calculate the pulse constant (K):

3600 x (pulse frequency) = 3600 seconds/hour x 20 pulses/second
Ptot 154.71 kW

K = 465.5 pulses / kWh

3. At full load (120% of nominal current = 6 A) and power factor (PF = 1),
calculate the maximum total output power (Pmax):

Pmax = 3 x 119 x 480 x 6 x 100 x 1 x 1 kW = 205.6 kW

120 5 1000 W
4. Calculate the maximum output pulse frequency at Pmax:

Maximum pulse frequency = K x Pmax = 465.5 pulses / kWh x 205.6 kW

3600 3600 seconds/hour
Maximum pulse frequency = 26.6 pulses/second = 26.6 Hz
5. Check the maximum pulse frequency against the limits for the LED and pulse
• 26.6 Hz ≤ LED maximum pulse frequency (35 Hz)
• 26.6 Hz > pulse output maximum pulse frequency (20 Hz)
NOTE: The maximum pulse frequency is within the limits for LED energy
pulsing. However, the maximum pulse frequency is greater than the limits
for pulse output energy pulsing. Pulse output frequencies greater than 20
Hz will saturate the pulse output and cause it to stop pulsing. Therefore in
this example, you can only use the LED for energy pulsing.

Adjustments to allow energy pulsing at the pulse outputs

If you want to use the pulse output, you must reduce the output pulse frequency
so it is within the limits.
Using the values from the above example, the maximum pulse constant for the
pulse output is:

3600 x (pulse output maximum pulse frequency)

Kmax = = 3600 x 20
Pmax 205.6
Kmax = 350.14 pulses per kWh

82 NHA2778902-11
Verifying accuracy EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

1. Set the pulse constant (K) to a value below Kmax, for example, 300 pulses/
kWh. Calculate the new maximum output pulse frequency at Pmax:

New maximum pulse frequency = K x Pmax = 300 pulses/kWh x 205.6 kW

3600 3600 seconds/hour
New maximum pulse frequency = 17.1 pulses/second = 17.1 Hz
2. Check the new maximum pulse frequency against the limits for the LED and
pulse outputs:
• 17.1 Hz ≤ LED maximum pulse frequency (35 Hz)
• 17.1 Hz ≤ pulse output maximum frequency (20 Hz)
As expected, changing K to a value below Kmax allows you to use the pulse
output for energy pulsing.
3. Set the new pulse constant (K) on your meter.

Typical sources of test errors

If you see excessive errors during accuracy testing, examine your test setup and
test procedures to eliminate typical sources of measurement errors.
Typical sources of accuracy verification testing errors include:
• Loose connections of voltage or current circuits, often caused by worn-out
contacts or terminals. Inspect terminals of test equipment, cables, test
harness and the meter under test.
• Meter ambient temperature is significantly different than 23 °C (73 °F).
• Floating (ungrounded) neutral voltage terminal in any configuration with
unbalanced phase voltages.
• Inadequate meter control power, resulting in the meter resetting during the
test procedure.
• Ambient light interference or sensitivity issues with the optical sensor.
• Unstable power source causing energy pulsing fluctuations.
• Incorrect test setup: not all phases connected to the reference device or the
energy standard. All phases connected to the meter under test should also be
connected to the reference meter/standard.
• Moisture (condensing humidity), debris or pollution present in the meter under

NHA2778902-11 83
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Power and power factor

Power and power factor

Power and power factor
The sampled measurements taken at the meter’s voltage and current inputs
provide data for calculating power and power factor.
In a balanced 3-phase alternating current (AC) power system source, the AC
voltage waveforms on the current-carrying conductors are equal but offset by one-
third of a period (a phase angle shift of 120 degrees between the three voltage

Current phase shift from voltage

Electrical current can lag, lead, or be in phase with the AC voltage waveform, and
is typically associated with the type of load — inductive, capacitive or resistive.
For purely resistive loads, the current waveform is in phase with the voltage
waveform. For capacitive loads, current leads voltage. For inductive loads, current
lags voltage.
The following diagrams show how voltage and current waveforms shift based on
load type under ideal (laboratory) conditions.

Current and voltage in phase (resistive) Current leads voltage (capacitive) Current lags voltage (inductive)

Real, reactive and apparent power (PQS)

A typical AC electrical system load has both resistive and reactive (inductive or
capacitive) components.
Real power, also known as active power (P) is consumed by resistive loads.
Reactive power (Q) is either consumed by inductive loads or generated by
capacitive loads.
Apparent power (S) is the capacity of your measured power system to provide real
and reactive power.
The units for power are watts (W or kW) for real power P, vars (VAR or kVAR) for
reactive power Q, and volt-amps (VA or kVA) for apparent power S.

84 NHA2778902-11
Power and power factor EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

(+kVAR, +kVARh)

Quadrant 2 90° Quadrant 1

PF leading PF lagging
Power factor sign convention: Power factor sign convention:
IEEE = + IEEE = −
IEC = − IEC = +

Reactive power (VAR)

Reactive power (VAR)










Active power (W) Active power (W)
Exported/received Imported/delivered
-P +P
(-kW, -kWh) 180° 0° (+kW, +kWh)
Active power (W) Active power (W)

Reactive power (VAR)

Reactive power (VAR)

Exported/received Imported/delivered









Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
PF lagging PF leading
Power factor sign convention: Power factor sign convention:
IEEE = − IEEE = +
IEC = − IEC = +

(-kVAR, -kVARh)

Power flow
Positive real power P(+) flows from the power source to the load. Negative real
power P(-) flows from the load to the power source.

Power factor (PF)

Power factor (PF) is the ratio of real power (P) to apparent power (S).
PF is provided as a number between -1 and 1 or as a percentage from -100% to
100%, where the sign is determined by the convention.
PF = —

A purely resistive load has no reactive components, so its power factor is 1 (PF =
1, or unity power factor). Inductive or capacitive loads introduce a reactive power
(Q) component to the circuit which causes the PF to become closer to zero.

True PF and displacement PF

The meter supports true power factor and displacement power factor values:
• True power factor includes harmonic content.
• Displacement power factor only considers the fundamental frequency.
NOTE: Unless specified, the power factor displayed by the meter is true power

NHA2778902-11 85
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Power and power factor

Power factor sign convention

Power factor sign (PF sign) can be positive or negative, and is defined by the
conventions used by the IEEE or IEC standards.
You can set the power factor sign (PF sign) convention that is used on the display
to either IEC or IEEE.

PF sign convention: IEC

PF sign correlates with the direction of real power (kW) flow.
• Quadrant 1 and 4: Positive real power (+kW), the PF sign is positive (+).
• Quadrant 2 and 3: Negative real power (-kW), the PF sign is negative (-).

PF sign convention: IEEE

PF sign is correlates with the PF lead/lag convention, in other words, the effective
load type (inductive or capacitive):
• For a capacitive load (PF leading, quadrant 2 and 4), the PF sign is positive
• For an inductive load (PF lagging, quadrant 1 and 3), the PF sign is negative

Power factor min/max convention

The meter uses a specific convention for determining the power factor minimum
and maximum values.
• For negative PF readings, the minimum PF value is the measurement closest
to -0 for PF readings between -0 to -1. For positive PF readings, the minimum
PF value is the measurement closest to +1 for PF readings between +1 to +0.
• For negative PF readings, the maximum PF value is the measurement
closest to -1 for PF readings between -0 to -1. For positive PF readings, the
maximum PF value is the measurement closest to +0 for PF readings
between +1 to +0.
-0.8 1.0


-0.4 .4



Power factor register format

The meter performs a simple algorithm to the PF value then stores it in the PF

86 NHA2778902-11
Power and power factor EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

Each power factor value (PF value) occupies one floating point register for power
factor (PF register). The meter and software interpret the PF register for all
reporting or data entry fields according to the following diagram:

-0.5 +0.5

Quadrant 2 Quadrant 1
-1 ≤ PF < 0 0 ≤ PF ≤ 1

-1 +1

Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
-1 < PF < 0 0 < PF < 1

-0.5 +0.5

0 to -1 -1 to 0 0 to +1 +1 to 0
PF Value

0 -1 0 +1 0
Quadrant 3 Quadrant 2 Quadrant 1 Quadrant 4

Quadrant 2 Quadrant 3 Quadrant 1 Quadrant 4

-2 -1 0 +1 +2

PF register -2 to -1 -1 to 0 0 to +1 +1 to +2

-2 0

-1.5 +0.5

Quadrant 2 Quadrant 1
-2 ≤ PF register ≤ -1 0 ≤ PF register ≤ 1

-1 +1

Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
-1 < PF register ≤ 0 2 ≤ PF register < 1

-0.5 +1.5

0 +2

The PF value is calculated from the PF register value using the following formulae:

Quadrant PF range PF register range PF formula

Quadrant 1 0 to +1 0 to +1 PF value = PF register

Quadrant 2 -1 to 0 -2 to -1 PF value = (-2) - (PF
register value)

NHA2778902-11 87
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Power and power factor

Quadrant PF range PF register range PF formula

Quadrant 3 0 to -1 -1 to 0 PF value = PF register

Quadrant 4 +1 to 0 +1 to +2 PF value = (+2) - (PF
register value)

88 NHA2778902-11
Specifications EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

The specifications contained in this section are subject to change without notice.
For installation and wiring information, refer to the meter installation sheet.

Mechanical characteristics
IP degree of protection (IEC 60529-1) Front display: IP54 (Upgrade to IP65 with optional accessory kit METSEIP65OP96X96FF)

Meter body: IP30

Panel thickness maximum 6.0 mm (0.25 in) maximum

Mounting position Vertical

Display type LCD display: Monochrome graphical LCD

Keypad 4 button with intuitive navigation

Front panel LED indicators Green LED (heartbeat / serial communications activity)

Amber LED (alarm / energy pulse output)

Weight ~ 300 gms

Dimensions W x H x D 96 x 96 x 73 mm max
Relay 2 Form A electro-mechanical relay

Electrical characteristics
Measurement accuracy – PM2210 and PM2220

• IEC 61557-12: PMD/[SD|SS]/K70/1 (for firmware version 1.3.0 and higher)

Measurement type Class of accuracy as per IEC 61557-12 (for firmware version 1.3.0 Error
and higher)

Active energy Class 1 (Class 1 as per IEC 62053-21 at In = 5A nominal CT) ±1%

Reactive energy Class 2 (Class 2 as per IEC 62053-23 at In = 5A nominal CT) ±1%

Apparent energy Class 1 at In = 5A nominal CT ±1%

Active power Class 1 ±1%

Reactive power Class 1 ±1%

Apparent power Class 1 ±1%

Current Class 1 ±0.5%

Voltage (L-L) Class 1 ±0.5%

Voltage (L-N) Class 1 ±0.5%

Frequency Class 1 ±0.05%

Power factor Class 1 ±0.01 Count

THD and individual harmonics Class 5 ±5%

Measurement accuracy – PM2230

• IEC 61557-12: PMD/[SD|SS]/K70/0.5 (for firmware version 1.3.0 and higher)

Measurement type Class of accuracy as per IEC 61557-12 (for firmware version 1.3.0 Error
and higher)

Active energy Class 0.5S (Class 0.5S as per IEC 62053-22 at In = 5A nominal CT 7) ±0.5%

7. For 1 A CT nominal, additional error of ±1 % from 50 mA to 150 mA, ±2 % for current > 10 mA to < 50 mA. Partial standard compliance
for Class 0.5S meter type (energy test clause only)

NHA2778902-11 89
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Specifications

Measurement accuracy – PM2230 (Continued)

Reactive energy Class 2 (Class 2 as per IEC 62053-23 at In = 5A nominal CT) ±1%

Apparent energy Class 0.5 at In = 5A nominal CT ±0.5%

Active power Class 0.5 ±0.5%

Reactive power Class 1 ±1%

Apparent power Class 0.5 ±0.5%

Current Class 0.5 ±0.2%

Voltage (L-L) Class 0.5 ±0.2%

Voltage (L-N) Class 0.5 ±0.2%

Frequency Class 0.05 ±0.05%

Power factor Class 0.5 ±0.01 Count

THD and individual harmonics Class 5 ±5%

Voltage inputs

Parameter Range

VT primary 999 kV L-L max, starting voltage depends on VT ratio

V nominal 277 V L-N / 480 V L-L

Measured V with full range 35 - 480 V L-L (20 - 277 V L-N), CAT III

35 - 600 V L-L (20 - 347 V L-N), CAT II

Permanent overload 750 V AC L-L

Impedance ≥ 5 MΩ

Frequency 50 / 60 Hz nominal ± 5%

VA burden < 0.2 VA at 240 V AC L-N

Current inputs

Parameter Range

CT ratings Primary adjustable 1 A to 32767 A

Secondary 1 A or 5 A I-nominal

Measured current 5 mA to 6 A
Suppression current (to disregard 5 mA to 99 mA
negligible load)

Withstand Continuous 12 A; 50 A at 10 sec/hr, 500 A at 1 sec/hr

Impedance < 0.3 mΩ

Frequency 50 / 60 Hz nominal

VA Burden < 0.024 VA at 6 A

AC control power - PM2210/PM2220

Parameter Range

Operating range 44 - 277 V L-N ± 10%

Burden < 6 VA at 277 V L-N

Frequency range 45 - 65 Hz

Ride-through time 100 ms at 120 V AC

400 ms at 230 V AC

90 NHA2778902-11
Specifications EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

AC control power - PM2230

Parameter Range

Operating range 80 - 277 V L-N ± 10%

Burden < 8 VA at 277 V L-N

Frequency range 45 - 65 Hz

Ride-through time 100 ms at 120 V AC (standalone device)

50 ms at 120 V AC with IO modules

400 ms at 230 V AC (standalone device)

250 ms at 230 V AC with IO modules

DC control power - PM2210/PM2220

Parameter Range

Operating range 48 - 277 V DC ± 10%

Burden < 2 W at 277 V DC

Ride-through time 50 ms at 125 V DC

DC control power - PM2230

Parameter Range

Operating range 100 - 277 V DC ± 10%

Burden < 3.3 W at 277 V DC

Ride-through time 100 ms at 125 V DC (standalone device)

50 ms at 125 V DC with IO modules

Displays update

Parameter Range

Instantaneous 1s
Demand 15 s
Harmonics 5s

Wiring configuration

User programmable Configuration through both HMI and ION setup

1ph 2W, L-N

1ph 2W, L-L

1ph 3W, L-L with N (2 phase)

3ph 3W, Delta, Ungrounded

3ph 4W, Wye Grounded

3ph 3W, Delta, Corner Grounded

3ph 3W, Wye, Ungrounded

3ph 3W, Wye Grounded

3ph 3W, Wye, Resistance Grounded

3ph 4W, Open Delta, Center-Tapped

3ph 4W, Delta, Center-Tapped

3ph 4W, Wye, Ungrounded

3ph 4W, Wye, Resistance Grounded

NHA2778902-11 91
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Specifications

Digital I/O - PM2230

Parameter Range

Isolation 2.5 kV RMS

Digital (Status) Input

Voltage ratings ON 18 to 36 V DC

OFF 0 to 4 V DC
Digital Output

Load voltage ≤ 40 V DC

Load current ≤ 20 mA
On resistance ≤ 50 Ω
Pulse duration for digital output 8 [ 20, 25, 50, 100 ] ms

Analog I/O - PM2230

Parameter Range

Update rate 1s

Analog Input

Measurement scale 4-20 mA

Maximum source impedance > 500 Ω

Analog Output

Measurement scale 4-20 mA

Load impedance ≤ 600 Ω

Relay - PM2230

Parameter Range

Voltage ratings 250 V AC / 2A

24 V DC / 2A
Switching current 5 A, 250 V AC / 30 V DC (cos φ=1), 100 k cycles

2 A, 250 V AC / 30 V DC (cos φ=0.4), 100 k cycles

500 mA, 250 V AC / 30 V DC , 1 M cycles

Output frequency 0.5 Hz maximum (1 second ON / 1 second OFF)

Whetting Voltage 24 V DC / 8 mA maximum

Environmental characteristics
Parameters Range

Operating temperature -10 °C to +60 °C (14 °F to 140 °F)

Storage temperature -25 °C to +70 °C (-13 °F to 158 °F)

Humidity rating 5% to 95% RH at 50 °C (122 °F) (non-condensing)

Pollution degree 2

Altitude ≤ 2000 m (6562 ft)

Location Not suitable for wet locations

Product life > 7 years

8. Indicates the feature is configurable through communication.

92 NHA2778902-11
Specifications EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)+5

Electrostatic discharge IEC 61000-4-2

Immunity to radiated field IEC 61000-4-3

Immunity to fast transients IEC 61000-4-4

Immunity to impulse waves IEC 61000-4-5

Conducted immunity IEC 61000-4-6

Immunity to magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8

Immunity to voltage dips IEC 61000-4-11

Emissions (IEC61326-1) Emissions FCC Part 15 Class A/CE

+5 Tested as per IEC 61326-1 standard for Emission

Europe CE, as per IEC 61010-1 Ed-3

US and Canada cULus per UL 61010-1

CAN / CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1, for 600 V AC

Measurement category (Voltage and CAT III up to 480 V L-L

Current inputs)
CAT II up to 600 V L-L

Overvoltage category (Control power) CAT III up to 300 V L-N

Dielectric As per IEC / UL 61010-1 Ed-3

Protective Class II, Double insulated for user accessible parts

Other certification RCM

RS-485 communications
Parameter Range

Number of ports 1

Maximum cable length 1000 m (3280 ft)

Maximum number of devices (unit Up to 32 devices on the same bus


Parity Even, Odd, None (1 stop bit for Odd or Even parity; 2 stop bits for None)

Baud rate 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400

Isolation 2.5 kV RMS, double insulated

Pulse output
Parameters Range

Pulse output (POP) Max 40 V DC, 20 mA

20 ms ON time

Configurable pulse weight from 1 to 9999000 pulse / k_h (kWh, kVAh, or kVARh)

NHA2778902-11 93
EasyLogic™ PM2200 series Specifications

Real-time clock
Battery backup time 3 years
NOTE: When date and time is configured and meter is in off state.

94 NHA2778902-11
China Standard Compliance EasyLogic™ PM2200 series

China Standard Compliance

This product complies with the following standard(s) in China:

PM2210 / PM2220
IEC 61010-1:2010 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and
laboratory use - Part 1: General requirements

IEC 61557-12:2018 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V AC and 1 500
V DC - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 12: Power
metering and monitoring devices (PMD)

GB/T 17215.322-2008 交流电测量设备 特殊要求 第22部分:静止式有功电能表(0.2S级和0.5S级)

GB/T 17215.321-2008 交流电测量设备 特殊要求 第22部分:静止式有功电能表(1S级和2S级)

NHA2778902-11 95
Schneider Electric
35 rue Joseph Monier
92500 Rueil Malmaison
+ 33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00

As standards, specifications, and design change from time to time,

please ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.

© 2022 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.


Press and hold the test button for 3 seconds to

simulate an earth leakage trip condition.
When the DIN300/DIN300E detects absence of
zero-phase current transformet (ZCT) connec-
tion, it will blink the leakage indicators and delay










บริษัท เอ็นวายเค อิเล็คทริค ซิสเต็ม จํากัด (สํ านักงานใหญ่ )
72 ม.5 ต.หนองรี อ.ลําสนธิ จ.ลพบุรี 15190
TEL : 093-5893476 อีเมล์ :



Panel No. : MDB
COLOUR CODE : RAL 7035 หยาบ
DIMENSION CHECK : 1800x19000x650 mm.


DC 1000V for 60 sec. (NOT LESS THAN 1 M.OHM.) หมายเหตุ

AC 1890 VAC for 60 sec. (NOT MORE THAN 10 mA)
R-S 50 GΩ R-S 0.05 mA R-S 50 GΩ √
S-T 40 GΩ S-T 0.05 mA S-T 40 GΩ √
T-R 66 GΩ T-R 0.05 mA T-R 66 GΩ √
R-S-T-N 20 GΩ R-S-T-N 0.03 mA R-S-T-N 20 GΩ √
R-S-T-G 5 GΩ R-S-T-G 0.03 mA R-S-T-G 5 GΩ √

Details standard Details standard
Pass Not Pass Not
Protection Relay Control Metering √
Current Protection relay Control ATS
Push Botton Switch Control CAP
Starter Drawwing Control Motor Drawwing
Earth leakage √ Control PFC
Float Less Control Interlock √
Digital √ Pilot Lamp √

Test Result and Comment

10/10/2565 …………/…………../…………..

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