Large Group Lesson Plan 3

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School Counselor: Lyba Waraich

Name of Classroom/Large group: Going Against Bullying

Purpose: This activity is designed for use with a large group and is designed by the counselor.
This activity discusses what is bullying, who is a bully and what is a bystander with the different
types of bullying to promote bullying prevention through group exercise.
Modality: Group exercise
ASCA National Model Domain: Personal/Social
● B-SS 2. Students will demonstrate: Positive, respectful and supportive relationships
with students who are similar to and different from them
● B-SS 8. Students will demonstrate: Advocacy skills for self and others and ability to
assert self, when necessary
Deliver Via: large group lesson plan for one classroom guidance lesson
Age level: 3rd to 4th grade
Indications: This lesson plan is used indoors, and it is intended to be used to understand what
bullying is and what it means to be a bystander. It can be adopted to be used for educating
specifically about cyberbullying and peer conflict.
1. The students will identify at least 3 scenarios of bullying and being a bystander.
2. The students will learn to respond to different bullying situations and identify, via google
presentation as well as group discussion different types of bullying.
The goal of this lesson plan is to help students understand why it is important to identify bullying
when they or someone else is being bullied.
Ethical considerations: This small group lesson will be confidential, so group members can
discuss their thoughts without them being shared outside the group, and group norms will be
● Bullying powerpoint
● White board
● Desktop/computer & projector or screen
● Thinking about feelings worksheet (icebreaker)
● Is it Bullying? (worksheet)
● Scissors
● glue
● Exit ticket worksheet
Preparation: Before the group session starts, make a Google Slide that discusses the 5 types of
bullying and what defines a bully and a bystander. The students will be sitting at their desks, not
in a circle. Tell students that today’s topic will be discussing bullying and what it is.
1. Welcome everyone to the group lesson plan, introduce yourself and introduce the topic of
bullying while pulling up the slides.
2. Go over the group norms and expectations, and tell the students they have the option to
pass if they do not want to share.
3. Discuss the plan for the group counseling from the slides.
4. Ask students to think quietly about the different times others have made them feel good
and the times others have made them feel bad.
5. Then tell students to fill out the icebreaker which is a worksheet about “thinking about
your feelings.” This worksheet states On the top half of the heart, write positive behaviors
that make others feel good. This can include ideas to spread kindness, support someone
being bullied, and include others. On the bottom half of the heart, write negative
behaviors that may hurt. This can include bullying behaviors or things that might make
bullying worse.
6. Then tell students that bullying is not something to joke around about and that students
should understand each other’s feelings. Also, encourage them to share their responses.
7. Then ask students how they define “Bullying” and “Bystander.”
8. Then using the white board write their responses and come up with a collaborative
9. Use the Google Slides to present the definitions of bullying and bystander. Tell students
that bullying is when someone is hurt by unwanted words or actions, usually more than
once, and has a hard time stopping what is happening to them. It happens when someone
is purposefully trying to hurt someone else. Then tell the students that a bystander is
someone who witnesses bullying but does nothing about it.
10. Explain to the students that being a bystander is just as hurtful; as being a bully, when
someone knows that another person knows they're being bullied but does nothing.
11. Then using the google slides review the 5 types of bullying:
● Physical bullying
● Emotional bullying
● Social bullying
● Cyberbullying
● Verbal bullying

12. Then tell the students that the next activity connects to identifying different scenarios of
bullying and being a bystander.
13. Students will cut out the strips with the different scenarios. Then they will determine if it
is bullying or bystanding. If it is bullying or bystanding the students will put it in the
“penalty box,” rectangle. If it is NOT bullying or bystanding then glue it in the” winner’s
circle,” rectangle.
14. The school counselor will read each scenario and have students decide if it is a
bullying/bystanding or a positive behavior scenario.
15. Once students have finished gluing, then as a group, the school counselor will ask the
students their answers by having them raise their hand if they think it’s
bullying/bystander. The counselor will review the correct answers with the corresponding
16. Then facilitate a group discussion by encouraging students to think about a time they
were a bystander to bullying and what it was like.
17. Then encourage students to share their responses.
18. Tell the students that through this group exercise and group discussion, they can have
courage to stand up to bullying when they or someone else experiences it.
19. Closing Question: How did it feel after doing this activity? Do you feel you have a better
understanding of how to deal with bullying?
Specific Modification for special needs :
● For this activity, it can be adjusted for special education by showing videos of the
different scenarios and the students can check mark if it is a bullying/bystanding situation
or a positive behavior that is not bullying/bystanding on the worksheet. This can help the
special needs population whose reading comprehension does not match the certain grade
level, if they are behind on their reading comprehension.
Evaluation Plan:
● Do an exit ticket. Ask students, “What is one thing you learned from this lesson plan?”
and “What is one type of Bullying?”
Exit Ticket

1. What is one thing you learned from this lesson plan?


2. What is one type of bullying?

a. Playing together
b. Repeated verbal
c. Single harmful act
d. Including in a person in a group

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