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Mine’s a Mars bar

Jackie: For this week's we're looking back on our

favourite chocolate bars we ate as children. Richard, I know that you
like chocolate and I'm sure you ate a lot of chocolate bars [Richard
laughs] when you were a child. What was your favourite?

Richard: Ooh. I did eat lots of chocolate. I think my favourites… I had two. I
liked Mars bars…

Jackie: Right

Richard: …and I also liked Twix, Twix bars.

Jackie: Now there's a difference between the two, isn't there?

Richard: Of course, yes. Um… Mars bar, it's actually a very large bar I think
compared to a lot of the sweets.

Jackie: That's the reason I didn't like it, it was too big for me [Richard laughs]
and I remember when I ate a Mars bar as a child I felt sick afterwards.

Richard: Mmm, very rich. They've both got caramel in them, which I really
like, but the Mars bar is caramel and nougat and the Twix is caramel
and biscuit and they're both covered in chocolate.

Jackie: Yes. And as we said, the Mars bar is a big bar um… and the Twix…

Richard: Two, two er… long bars.

Jackie: Separate

Richard: Separate bars and I have to say I liked the Twix because I used to eat
the caramel off the biscuit first, so I used to eat the caramel first
and then I used to eat the biscuit afterwards.

Jackie: You didn't!

Richard: Yes, [Jackie laughs] very nice.

Jackie: So it took a long time to eat it.

Richard: Mmm. But the Mars, I just used to eat it all in one go.

Jackie: Urgh

Richard: What about you then, Jackie?

Jackie: Oh well, I love, love, love coconut so my favourite er… chocolate bar
as a child was Bounty.

Richard: I didn't really like the Bounty. That was also um… two bars as well,
wasn't it?

Jackie: Yes but two small bars so you see I could eat one bar in the morning
and one bar in the afternoon. So I could make it last a long time.

Richard: [laughs] Right. So the Bounty, any others you liked?

Jackie: Well, there's another chocolate bar which I really liked which is now
called Snickers but when I was, well, when we were children, it was
called Marathon and like Mars bar it has nougat and caramel in it but
it also has peanuts.

Richard: Yes. Very similar to the Mars bar.

Jackie: But it's a smaller bar.

Richard: Slightly smaller, yes.

Jackie: But of course, Richard, we’re adults now and we still eat chocolate,
don't we?

Richard: Yes

Jackie: But I think the one that we like to eat the most now is KitKat, isn't it?

Richard: Yes. It's a biscuit. A wafer biscuit covered in chocolate like all the

Jackie: It's very plain really.

Richard: Four bars but they're all joined together, aren't they?

Jackie: Four… four long bars joined together but that's nice because we can
then have two each.

Richard: And we can share it, yes.

Jackie: So what about you the listeners? What's your favourite chocolate bar
now or when you were a child? Why don't you write in and tell us?
We'd love to hear from you.

Richard: So that's the podcast. So now time for a break.

Together: Have a break, have a KitKat!


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