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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Computer Science

Taguig City University, General Santos Avenue

Central Bicutan, Taguig City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Ormita, Raven L.

Magno, Anne Marie R.

Delgado, Justine Harold D.

Navoa, Mike Oliver A.

Chapter I

Project Context

The focus of this study is to integrate the Barangay Central Bicutan E-Census and

Online Document Requisition system with a chatbot that uses the Natural language

processing. The implementation aims to provide residents with a more convenient,

efficient, and accessible system for accomplishing their census requirements and

requesting documents. By incorporating the chatbot technology, residents can easily

access the services without having to visit the barangay office in person.

The natural language processing will be used in the chatbot to guide residents

through the process of accomplishing their tasks. This algorithm is a fast and efficient

way to enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. NLP

helps computers process and analyze text or speech data, allowing them to perform

tasks like language translation, sentiment analysis, chatbots, text summarization, and

more. It bridges the gap between human communication and machine understanding.

The implementation of the chatbot using the natural language processing is

expected to greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of the E-Census and Online

Document Requisition system. The chatbot will be equipped with decision trees that will

help residents provide the correct information and ensure that their requests are properly

documented. This will help reduce errors and omissions in the data and minimize the

need for corrections and follow-up actions.


The study will analyze the impact of the Implementation of the chatbot with the

natural language processing on the efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of the

services. The results of this study will provide valuable insights for barangays and local

government units who are considering implementing similar systems and technologies in

their own communities. Ultimately, this research will contribute to the overall

improvement of government services and the promotion of e-governance in the


The system created through this study will enable residents to provide necessary

information such as name, address, contact number, and other requirements, which will

be used to generate the required documents. Residents will receive a text message on

when they can get their needed documents from the barangay, eliminating the need for

them to visit the barangay office in person.

Overall, this study aims to make the census and document requisition process in

Barangay Central Bicutan more convenient, efficient, and accessible through the

integration of a chatbot with the binary search algorithm.

Purpose and Description

The E-Census system includes features for managing surveys, managing human

resources, conducting Internet surveys, accessing housing registration data, conducting

post-enumeration surveys, and processing field data on the web.

It offers a database on which population and workforce predictions can be formed.

It offers the database required to research particular social issues to offer fundamental

information to the nation's sectors such as education, health, population, etc. By

adopting chatbots, residents can enhance their experience by relieving staff of the

burden of responding to routine inquiries, allowing them to concentrate on more complex

problems and offer superior customer service. Chatbots are capable of automating

routine and scheduled tasks. Residents won't have to wait for responses because of this,

which provides staff members more time to concentrate on higher priority work. Lastly, a

chatbot helps a community avoid significant amounts of data pollution by assisting in the

resolution of duplicate inquiries and directing users to the appropriate forums

A chatbot-enabled online document request form that enables residents to

schedule an appointment before visiting the barangay office to obtain the documentation

they require, such as barangay clearance, barangay identification, cedula, and other

associated documents. With the aid of this proposed application, interactions between

barangay residents and officials will be reduced, enabling citizens to complete

transactions more quickly. Both parties will gain from this because it will increase their

productivity, allowing them to focus on other tasks.

Objectives of the Study

General Objective

The general goal of the study is to design and develop E-Census and Online

Document Requisition with Chatbot in order to control and secure the information that

comes in and out, particularly in the various branches of government especially in


barangay. This is also one to expand knowledge, as the official inventory of people who

live in this specific barangay.

This research has to follow these specific objectives:

1. To develop a system that will facilitate information retrieval between residents and

staff of the Barangay

2. To develop a system that keeps the information safe and reliable for quickly

getting information and the number of people in your area.

3. To implement an online document requisition system and faster transaction to

process document request.

4. To integrate E-Census with the online document requisition with Chatbot

5. To evaluate the effectiveness of using e-census and online document requisition

with chatbot to the residents of Barangay Central Bicutan using ISO / IEC 25010 in terms


6.1 Functional Suitability

6.2 Performance Efficiency

6.3 Usability

6.4 Reliability

6.5 Portability

Conceptual Paradigm


Requirements “Implementation
Browser of Barangay
Analysis Central Bicutan
Laptop / Personal E-Census and
Computer Design Online
Implementation Document
Software Requisition with
Requirements Maintenance Chatbot”
.Laravel .Flutter .M


Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Scope and Limitations

The study aims to develop and evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of

integrating a newly developed E-Census and online document requisition system with a

chatbot in Barangay Central Bicutan. Specifically, the study will involve the development

of an E-Census and online document requisition system that can be integrated with a

chatbot to handle user requests, and the evaluation of the system's performance, user

satisfaction, and usability. The study will be conducted among the residents of Barangay

Central Bicutan who will be registered users of the new system.

The study has several limitations that should be considered when interpreting the

results. First, the development of the E-Census and online document requisition system

may face technical and resource constraints, which may affect the quality and

functionality of the system.

Second, the study will only be conducted in Barangay Central Bicutan, which

limits the generalizability of the findings to other barangays or cities.

Third, the study will not include a comparison group, which makes it difficult to

determine whether the new system is more effective than existing systems or


Fourth, the study relies on self-reported measures of user satisfaction and

usability, which may be subject to social desirability bias or other forms of response bias.

Finally, the study will only evaluate the system's performance and user satisfaction in the

short-term, which does not provide insights into the long-term sustainability or scalability

of the system.

Significance of the Study

This research will provide excellent service to the residents of Barangay Central

Bicutan. Each citizen who uses this application will benefit from it because it will be

simple for everyone to access the information they need and to ask questions that need

an immediate response. This research will offer excellent services to the residents of

Barangay Central Bicutan.

With this study, the community will become more aware of the benefits of using

this application as a substitute for reducing the number of walk-in residents who will

receive the services they require. This chatbot will also assist in providing general

information. Barangay officials may also think about rolling out this application to all of

the purok in this barangay as an alternative to walk-in

Also, the analysis offered in this study will provide important data for future studies

that examine the advantages of using online document requests with chatbots.

Definition of Terms

● Database - is a collection of data that has been set up to be easily accessed,

controlled, and updated.

● Residents - someone who has lived in a certain location for a long time or was

born there.

● Barangay Officers - The person in charge of the barangay's files and information

will ensure that they have quick access to the information they require.

● Technology - is the practical application of scientific knowledge to human life's

goals, and it makes life easier for us


● Requisition - is a written request that must be approved by the appropriate party in

order to obtain something that has been allowed but is not immediately available.

● Chatbot - is a conversational application that improves customer service,

engagement, and support by substituting or enhancing human support workers

with artificial intelligence (AI) and other automation technologies that can speak

via chat with end customers.

● Barangay - also known as a barrio in the Philippines, is the smallest administrative

division and the local Filipino term for a village, district, or ward.

● ID- a short form for "identity" or "identificationdocument, card, or other item

containing your name and other personal information about you, and which

frequently includes your photograph.

● Internet - a global network of connected computers that people use to

communicate with one another.




This chapter shows the relevant literature and studies on the topic at hand from

many authors that could aid in the development of the suggested research.

Foreign Study

According to Ghosh et al. (2020) that E-government services have become the

next stage in the evolution of e-business for governments. The functionality of e-services

is crucial, regardless of the technology used to develop them. One aspect of e-services

that has gained popularity is the use of chatbots. Standards for chatbots are still

evolving, and there are technical challenges that need to be addressed in order to

facilitate their adoption.

Existing standards for e-service development tend to focus on providing solutions

from a bottom-up approach, without addressing the hurdles and limitations that must be

overcome to achieve mass adoption. To ensure that e-services are universally accepted,

it is important that all initiatives cooperate in the development of standards. This is

because Internet standards focus on protocols rather than implementations.

According to Shehu and Xhina (2020) highlighted the evolving nature of online

government services and the process involved in designing and developing such

services. They noted that in Albania, there is a demand for studies that support the

translation of life events into public services and continuously adapt to innovations in

governmental structures and legislation. The authors explained the successful

development of a search tool based on the ontology OntoAL that enables citizens to

easily search for electronic public services using natural language. The tool also includes

a separate interface for employees to modify the ontology automatically. Shehu and

Xhina emphasized the use of ontology vocabulary to translate public services into life

events for easy citizen use. They also suggested further studies using unsupervised or

supervised learning algorithms to enhance the accuracy of the tool.

According to Dewi et al. (2018) In order to mitigate the impact of global population

growth on the economy and environment, accurate population records must be

maintained. As a major decision maker for the public, governments have a responsibility

to collect information about people's lives in order to make informed policies. Naikoten

II's government is seeking to modernize their public services by digitizing the village, and

currently uses the canvasser method with paper forms to collect census data, which

carries the risk of data loss. The primary objective of this study was to provide an

efficient solution for census officers to collect and manage population data using a web-

based application. The application was designed, implemented, and tested with a small

group of stakeholders who volunteered to provide feedback for possible improvements.

According to Porreca et al. (2018) the author’s paper suggests using chatbots as

a way for people to access open data published by organizations, specifically in public

administrations. Currently, people have difficulty accessing open data due to the lack of

user-friendly methods. However, people are familiar with chatting through social media

platforms, and by utilizing cognitive technologies, a chatbot was developed as a

prototype for the OpenCantieri dataset published by the Italian Ministero delle

Infrastrutture e Trasporti. The authors believe that this chatbot model can be expanded

to serve as an accessible way for people to access open data.


According to Sonurlekar er al. (2022) The current method of conducting censuses

requires physical surveys which involve a lot of manpower and paperwork. Even mobile

applications for conducting surveys have limitations as not all individuals can use them

and there is a lack of internet coverage in some remote areas. To address this issue, this

paper proposes an automated survey system that is faster and more authentic than the

traditional pen-and-paper method. The system collects data digitally and stores it in

datasets, making data storage and retrieval easier. Biometric sensors are used to

provide authenticity to the collected data.

Local Study

According to Lacasandile et al. (2020) BIPS or Barangay Information Profiling

System utilized to benefit from the application of technology for the barangay's budget

allocation and decision-making. By developing an aggregate form that can be seen on

the system dashboard, BIPS can assist barangay officials in using the information from

household profiling. The information may be used by the barangay authorities as the

foundation for budgeting and supporting documentation to develop further strategies for

improving the community-governed community's quality of life and wellness.

This paper's direction is supported by a survey of relevant literature and studies,

which also demonstrates the existence of concepts with a similar meaning and the

applicability of such technology. The IT experts advise citywide implementation of the

system to assess its acceptability and determine the constraints related to its

implementation in a city, eyeing for a bigger impact could be the nay. Since the system is

on its way for beta launching inputs from its target users can help to improve and

enhanced the initial version released and other areas, criteria and method for testing can

be explored as the system and this concept progress in the future. As we deal with

sensitive information about a home in the neighborhood, data analytics enhancement

and system security after a year of deployment are also necessary.

According to Bringula et al. (2022) Although community-level e-governance is

important, previous e-government frameworks concentrated on the municipal or national

levels. Due to the lack of a community-level e-government framework, it is impossible to

determine if proper community-based e-governance is being implemented. This mixed-

method study developed the e-barangay framework, which is a framework for

community-based online services software, to fill this gap. Based on this foundation, a

web-based system was created. The system's usefulness was also assessed. Thematic

analysis of the transcripts of the interviews with three local authorities revealed that the

primary components of the e-barangay framework were submitting complaints, seeking

documents, giving ideas, and publishing announcements. Prior e-government

frameworks prioritized the municipal or national levels despite the significance of

community-level e-governance. Using this framework as a basis, a web-based system

was created. Additionally assessed was the system's usability. The main components of

the e-barangay framework, according to a thematic analysis of the transcripts of

interviews with three local authorities, were submitting complaints, seeking documents,

giving ideas, and publishing notices. The findings of the subjective and objective usability

tests were encouraging. The design-related parameters were connected to the e-

barangay's usage frequency, according to Spearman Rank correlation. It has been


determined that the software met the demands of the stakeholders. Discussions are had

on the theoretical and practical ramifications.

According to Solivio et al. (2021) Throughout history, queues have been a

common problem for sectors dealing with products and services, causing negative

effects such as declining demand and low consumer satisfaction. The Philippine

Statistics Authority's birth certificate queueing system was evaluated by researchers and

found to be inefficient, with clients spending an average of 5.29 hours using the full

system to complete the procedure and waiting 5.21 hours to get their birth certificates.

To address this issue, the researchers employed the DMADV approach to pinpoint

bottlenecks and suggest modifications or alternative queuing systems. Two systems

were proposed, with the first option not being effective enough in reducing waiting times.

The second option, a hybrid queuing system integrating online processing and the

existing queuing system, was found to be the most efficient, reducing the number of

procedures from 19 to 8 and cutting lead and waiting times by 58.51% and 58.58%,

respectively. Using the hybrid queuing system was found to be the most effective and

efficient method for requesting birth certificates.

According to Pastoril (2023) A platform called the Unified Barangay E-Services

System was created to offer online services to the residents of Barangay Batasan Hills.

The system was created with the intention of increasing the community's access to

efficient government services. A user-friendly website had to be developed, multiple

government services had to be integrated, and people had to be trained to facilitate the

platform's use. The system's main feature is the usage of augmented analytics for data

analysis and presentation from the platform. With the aid of this technology, the

government is able to decide how to enhance and broaden the services provided

through the platform. For instance, it can pinpoint which services are most commonly

utilized by locals or pinpoint any locations that could require extra assistance or


Additionally, depending on their usage patterns, it may make tailored suggestions

to residents, enhancing their platform experience. The technology cut down on the time

and effort needed to obtain government services, according to a study of citizens who

used it. It is advised that other municipalities develop comparable platforms and use

augmented analytics to improve the accessibility and efficacy of government services.

The system can serve as a model for other communities wanting to improve the delivery

of government services to its inhabitants. To guarantee the efficiency of the Unified

Barangay E-Services System, it is also advised that these activities be continued.

Foreign Literature

According to Caldarini et al. (2022) reviewed the state of chatbot technology and

identified challenges despite advancements. Chatbots struggle to simulate human

speech due to flawed dialogue modeling and lack of open access domain-specific data.

For information retrieval chatbots, there is a lack of a learned AI model. Chatbot

applications have a gap between industry models and current advancements, and there

is no universal evaluation framework. The paper proposes smaller, more flexible models,

improved language models, and improved evaluation frameworks as steps forward in the

field. According to Sarangan (2023) The rapid growth of internet and information

technology has led governments worldwide to shift from traditional services to e-

government services, which offer faster and more convenient access to services and

information. However, some governments have not paid enough attention to the

effectiveness of these services and the needs of citizens. To address this, a study was

conducted to determine the relationship between e-government service quality and

effectiveness. The study used structured questionnaires to collect data from citizens who

accessed e-government services in 14 divisional secretariats in Batticaloa District. The

results show a positive relationship between e-government service quality and

effectiveness. The study suggests that governments should focus on developing and

implementing quality e-government services to provide better services to citizens. Future

research could explore local e-government projects on a national level.

According to Kayest and Jain (2019) state that document retrieval methods aim to

minimize the time it takes for a user to locate and analyze a document based on their

research goals. However, reducing the amount of space used through the exploitation of

repetitiveness is a challenging task. To address this, the authors propose a document

retrieval mechanism called Monarch Butterfly optimization-based FireFly (MB-FF), which

combines Monarch Butterfly Optimization (MBO) and Firefly Algorithm (FA). The

mechanism identifies keywords from pre-processed documents using stemming and stop

word removal, and uses Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) for

keyword extraction and holoentropy for selecting significant keywords. The selected

keywords assure the retrieval of relevant documents, which are processed through

cluster-based indexing using MB-FF and a two-level mod-Bhattacharya distance match.


Finally, the authors evaluate the performance of the MB-FF algorithm in document

retrieval mechanism using Precision, Recall, and F-measure.

According to Dutta et al. (2019) The proposed UIDOCS system automates the

collection and utilization of census data for e-governance applications. It is efficient,

effective, and cost-effective, with benefits such as reduced process time and improved

support for disaster recovery. However, the system must be verified using security rules

from the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) to address the risk of

cybercrime. To enhance decision-making functionality, the system can incorporate

techniques like cluster analysis and regression analysis, and can be integrated with

other departments such as health, food supply, and youth welfare. Additionally, linking

census information with citizen socioeconomic information like bank accounts, vehicles,

and property can provide integrated access to such data. Finally, an Enumerator

Management system can be designed to monitor enumerator performance.

According to Porogo & Kalusopa (2021) This study aimed to evaluate the

readiness of Botswana's Public Service for digital preservation, particularly in the context

of e-government, and to develop a strategic framework to ensure digital continuity. The

study was conducted using a pragmatic approach and a case study method, with six

selected ministries as the unit of analysis. The study involved distributing 79

questionnaires to 102 purposively sampled respondents from the six ministries,

conducting interviews with 21 staff members, and conducting formal participatory

observations of documents. The findings revealed that the Botswana public service

lacked a unified national information system for managing public sector records, leading

to some ministries adopting their own electronic records management systems. Only a

few ministries had implemented electronic records management systems, and most

digital records were not preserved due to the lack of preservation guidelines and

strategies. As a result, the study proposed a strategic framework to ensure digital

continuity and sustain e-government for the benefit of open government and increased

citizen participation.

Local Literature

According to Data Privacy Philippines (2022). The ability of chatbots or learning

computers to adapt to both easy and challenging tasks may determine the direction of

customer care in the future. Stakeholders and politicians should finally be able to identify

ethical and legal issues, solve them, and come up with solutions in order to assure the

security of using chatbots.

According to Imus et al. (2018) Therefore, the supporters conclude that the

Barangay Information Management System for Cities and Municipalities in the

Philippines have a crucial influence in deciding efficient work. The data collected,

including stakeholders, rules, necessary IT equipment, necessary barangay forms, and

Reports are crucial to the conduct of the study because They act as a check to make

sure the results of the study are accurate. At the municipal building and in the barrio, the

ensuing regulations are in effect: an essential component in proving its authenticity and

dependability. The advocate also mentioned the legislation in force in the to make it

possible for the barangay and city hall to carry out the prepared plan system.

According to Manhit (2020) that the bureaucratic obstacles preventing us from

taking use of the advantages of the digital economy must be firmly removed by the

government. Only by cooperation and a steadfast dedication to responsiveness and

openness can we move forward. We would be able to efficiently and effectively address

the genuine needs of residents, particularly the impoverished and underrepresented in

the COVID-19 crisis, through responsive and collaborative government.

According to Maines et al. (2021) Their research of the first year of BOB contacts

has demonstrated the chatbot's potential for prompt and efficient customer redress while

also identifying opportunities to enhance user interactions and broaden BOB's scope.

The scripts of BOB are currently being updated by BSP to improve its efficacy. By

converting individual conversations into data, IPA and BSP will increase the use of

natural language processing to track customer experiences and risks in financial

services. BOB has the potential to be used by the BSP to carry out its mandate under

Republic Act No. 11765, generally known as the Financial Consumer Protection Act,

which grants it the authority to oversee consumer protection compliance and market


According to Espey (2018) The article discusses the benefits brought by the

Philippine Statistics Authority, a well-resourced entity that coordinates statistics

production across government, promotes innovation, and ensures timeliness. Despite

the challenges encountered during the initial process of merging four agencies into one

and staff recruitment delays, the executive branch of government's trust in the PSA is

demonstrated by its responsibility in overseeing the new national ID program. The high-

quality financial information used to guide national accounts and tax reform highlights the

importance of an independent statistical office that can effectively coordinate across

government to meet increasing data demands associated with the SDGs.


The implementation of Barangay Central Bicutan E-Census and Online

Document Requisition with Chatbot aims to improve the delivery of e-government

services to citizens. Foreign studies have shown that chatbots are gaining popularity in

e-services, but technical challenges and evolving standards must be addressed to

facilitate their adoption. Furthermore, studies suggest the importance of developing

standards, utilizing technology, and modernizing public services to better serve

citizens. Local studies have shown the success of the Barangay Information Profiling

System (BIPS) to assist barangay officials in using household profiling data for

budgeting and developing strategies for improving the community's quality of life and

wellness. The e-barangay framework, a community-based online services software,

was also developed to address the lack of a community-level e-government framework.

Additionally, the Unified Barangay E-Services System was created to improve the

accessibility and efficacy of government services using augmented analytics for data

analysis and presentation.

Foreign literature suggests steps forward in the field of chatbots, such as

developing smaller, more flexible models, improved language models, and improved

evaluation frameworks. Governments should also focus on developing and

implementing quality e-government services to provide better services to citizens.


Other proposed solutions include a document retrieval mechanism called Monarch

Butterfly optimization-based FireFly (MB-FF) to reduce the amount of space used

through the exploitation of repetitiveness in document retrieval and a proposed

UIDOCS system for automating the collection and utilization of census data for e-

governance applications.

Local literature emphasizes the need for ethical and legal solutions to assure

the security of using chatbots for customer care. The Barangay Information

Management System for Cities and Municipalities in the Philippines is crucial for

efficient work, but there is a need for necessary IT equipment, barangay forms, and

reports. The government must also remove bureaucratic obstacles to taking advantage

of the benefits of the digital economy to efficiently address the genuine needs of

residents. The BOB chatbot shows potential for efficient customer redress, and the

Philippine Statistics Authority brings benefits by coordinating statistics production,

promoting innovation, and ensuring timeliness.

To implement Barangay Central Bicutan E-Census and Online Document

Requisition with chatbot, we propose using the binary search algorithm to efficiently

search and retrieve data from the census database. The algorithm can significantly

reduce search time and improve citizen satisfaction with e-services. Additionally, we

recommend the use of NLP to improve the accessibility and usability of the online

document requisition system.

In conclusion, this chapter provides a comprehensive review of the literature

related to e-government services, chatbots, document retrieval, and census data


collection. The chapter also proposes a solution for integrating Barangay Central

Bicutan E-Census and Online Document Requisition with chatbot using the binary

search algorithm to improve citizen accessibility and engagement with e-services.


Research Methodology

This chapter presents a description of the method to be used by the researcher

in this study. The presentation includes the research design, sampling scheme,

description of the respondents, instrumentation, validation of the instrument, data

gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Method Used

To conduct this study, the researchers will use a descriptive and developmental

strategy. In order to be more precise, the researchers will use a descriptive survey

approach to determine the perception of the Implementation of Barangay Central Bicutan

E-Census and Online Document Requisition with Chatbot. Simple random sampling is

used to determine frequency and percentage distributions. Mean will be used to

establish a system in accordance with ISO/IEC 25010, evaluate it, and seek suggestions

from barangay staff. Additionally, the researcher will create the system prototype using a

methodical process. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model will be used as

a guide during the process of system analysis and design, and the researcher will use

the project development technique to help them. AGILE is the SDLC methodology that

will be used. Because it allows for active participation, makes it easier to identify skills

that are deficient, offers quick feedback, is flexible, and is cost-effective, this strategy will

be used.

Population Frame and Sampling Scheme

Residents and officials from Barangay Central Bicutan in Taguig City make up

the population for this study.

In order to select participants from among the barangay staff and inhabitants, a

simple random procedure will be used. It means that each person in a bigger population

has a fair and equal probability of being chosen for a smaller sample. This kind of

sampling is the easiest sample selection technique.

To determine the sample size for the respondents, the researchers will use

Slovin's formula, which is a simple random sampling technique that calculates the

minimum sample size needed for a given population.

n= 2
1+ N e

Where: n = sample size

N = study population

e = Margin of error

Research Instruments

The researchers used a questionnaire as the data collection instrument for this

study. Measuring Usability with the use of questionnaire in regard to the overall

evaluation of the application in this research. This will be used to assess the barangay

personnel perception of their workload and the medium was through online means

where the people of the Barangay Central Bicutan is easy to assess.

The survey questionnaires divided into two sections. The first section includes

Yes / No questions for evaluating user requirements and the impact of the developed

online document requisition. Second, the respondents rate the produced system's

degree of acceptability based on its functional appropriateness, performance

effectiveness, usability, portability, security, dependability, and maintainability. The

researcher evaluated the system using the Likert scale in the surveys.

Data Gathering Procedure

In preparation, the researchers will write a letter request written to the Barangay

Central Bicutan Personnel to obtain permission to conduct preliminary interviews,

demonstrate and perform a survey, and evaluate the constructed system.

The survey questionnaire and assessment form will serve as the primary data

sources for this research. The researcher will gather preliminary data using the current

contact-tracing technique. The researcher will either give a presentation and

demonstrate the developed system or create a video demonstrating how the system

functions. After the system demonstration, the researcher will personally distribute

questionnaires. If time restrictions prevent the researcher from personally collecting data,

he or she may think about utilizing Google forms. An assessment form will be completed

and submitted by each respondent. It will then be combined, tabulated, and sorted

before statistical evaluation.

To determine whether all of the data acquired will be pertinent for the research,

the proponents must first compile the study's findings. To assess the information

gathered, identify the applicability of the responses, and assess their impact on the

system, the researcher will make use of statistical methods. In order for the researcher to

provide acceptable and reliable data using frequency and percentage distributions as

well as weighted mean, scaling procedures and formulas will be applied appropriately.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In assessing the outcomes of the information gathered, the researcher will make

use of various statistical tools, including Weighted Mean. These statistical methods are

used to evaluate how well the response's description and appraisal of the proposed

system correspond. We employed the following statistical tools:

1. Weighted Mean

The researcher adopted the weighted mean since the characteristics to be

investigated are abstract or continuous and cannot be tallied individually, such as

performance functional suitability, reliability, usability, performance efficiency,

compatibility, and security of the system.


Weighted Mean=


∑ = Summation Symbol

f = frequency

x = unit weight

n = total number of respondents

2. Four-Point Rating Scale

Table 2 shows the verbal interpretations of the four-point rating scale.

Table 2
Four-Point Rating Scale
Weight Mean Value Verbal Interpretation

1 1.00 – 1.50 Highly Not Acceptable

2 1.51 – 2.50 Not acceptable

3 2.51 – 3.50 Acceptable

4 3.51 – 4.00 Highly Acceptable


3. The Percentage Formula will be used to determine the percentage of how many

respondents agreed with an answer in the questionnaire.

P= ( ab ) x 100
P = Percentage

A = Amount

B = Total unit

Technical Requirements

A. Hardware Requirements

Laptop or Personal Computer (PC)

A programmable electronic device that receives data, rapidly conducts specified

mathematical and logical processes, and displays the results. Mainframes, desktop

and laptop computers, tablets, and cellphones are all examples of computers in

various shapes and sizes. Analog and digital computers are contrasted.

Software Requirements

Figure 2 : Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code, sometimes known as VS Code, is a source-code editor

developed by Microsoft using the Electron Framework for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code

refactoring, and embedded Git are among the features.

Figure 3 : MySQL

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that

is widely used in web development and other applications requiring efficient data storage

and retrieval. It is a powerful tool for managing large volumes of structured data and can

be easily integrated with a variety of programming languages such as Python, Java, and

PHP. MySQL supports various storage engines, including InnoDB, MyISAM, and

Memory, each with its own set of features and performance characteristics. With its

speed, scalability, and reliability, MySQL is a popular choice for building web

applications, e-commerce systems, and other data-intensive solutions.

Figure 4 : PHP

PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor. It was abbreviated previously as Personal Home

Page. It is a programming language widely used to build web applications or websites. It

is the server-side scripting language encoded with HTML to develop Dynamic website,

Static website or Web applications.


Figure 5 : FLUTTER

Flutter is a mobile app development platform created by Google. It allows developers to

create web, desktop, and cross-platform apps that run on Android and iOS devices.

Flutter uses a reactive programming language called Dart, making development faster

and easier than traditional methods.


Figure 6 : DART

Dart is used to build high-performance mobile or web applications. Some of its most

significant applications include: It's the basic programming language for the Flutter

framework—explained in further detail below—and is used to build scalable mobile


Figure 7 : XAMPP

XAMPP is an abbreviation where X stands for Cross-Platform, A stands for

Apache, M stands for MYSQL, and the Ps stand for PHP and Perl, respectively. XAMPP

helps a local host or server to test its website and clients via computers and laptops

before releasing it to the main server. It is a platform that furnishes a suitable


environment to test and verify the working of projects based on Apache, Perl, MySQL

database, and PHP through the system of the host itself.

Network Requirements

The system needs to require this network speed below to be accessible and to

use online:

- Broadband or 4G/LTE with a minimum speed of 5 Mbps

API Specifications

REST API – An application is referred to as a REST API (or RESTful API).

Programming interface (API or online API) compliant with REST’s restrictions

interaction with RESTful web services and an architectural style.

B. Project Design

Figure 8 : Chatbot Page

Figure 9 : Login Page

Figure 10 : Admin


Figure 11 : Staff Dashboard

In Figures 8 to 11 Flutter is used to create the front-end part of the web

application. It contains a Chatbot Page where the user / resident will chat the chatbot for

requesting documents and a Login Page where the barangay staff and admin can

manage the E-Census database and online document requests. The code for the

Barangay E-Census and Online Document Requisition is contained within Visual Studio



A. System Architecture

Figure 12 : System Architecture

Figure 12 shows the system architecture of the system, it shows that the user can

request online documents to the chatbot and it notifies the barangay staff and admin as it

searches the user’s name in the E-Census database and the staff can approve or reject

the said document request sent by the chatbot and it will notify the user if their document

request is approved or rejected

B. Data Flow Diagram


B.1. Context Level 0

Figure 13 – Data Flow Diagram of the System (Context Level 0)

Figure 13 shows the basic concept of the system of how the user, staff and admin

interacts with the system. The barangay staff and admin will receive the information

provided by the user that wants to get the documents needed.


B.2 Data Flow Diagram (Level 1)

Figure 14 : Data Flow Diagram of the System (Context Level 1)

Figure 14 shows the data flow diagram of the system that shows how information

flows through the system process. It also presents how the user can request public

documents to the chatbot and how the staff can respond to the document request of the

user depending on what public document the user requested.


C. Proposed Flowchart

Figure 15 : Chatbot Flowchart


Figure 16 :Census and Online Document Requisition – Admin Flowchart


Figure 17 : E-Census and Online Document Requisition – Staff Flowchart

Figures 15 to 17 shows the process on how to use the Chatbot for the User and

how to use E-census and Online Document Requisition for the Barangay staff and


D. Unified Modeling Language (Use-Case)


Figure 18 : Unified Modeling Language (Use-Case Diagram)

Figure 18 shows the unified modeling language diagram of the Barangay E-

Census and online document requisition with chatbot system., in which the data

gathered will be stored in the database, and the overview of the data types and values

received from both residents, staff, and admin.

E. Database Structure (E-R Diagram)


Figure 19 : Database Structure

Figure 19 shows the relationship of the tables used in the system and how they

are connected to each other as datatypes. It displays if what is the status of the

requested document by the user.

F. System Development

Figure 20 – Agile


Planning, When the team decides on the requirements, the work begins. Designers and

developers start working on the project, which aims to produce a useful product.

Requirements, it is crucial to outline the project's commercial potential as well as the

time and materials needed to achieve it. You can evaluate the technical and economic

viability based on these statistics.

Design, once the project has been selected, collaborate with stakeholders to define

needs. You can use a user flow diagram or a high-level UML diagram to show how new

features will operate and relate to your existing system.


Development, the product will undergo numerous phases of improvement, thus its

functionality is simple and modest.

Testing & Deployment, the quality assurance team evaluates the product's functionality

and looks for problems. During this stage, a team is released to work on a product for

the user's workplace.

Maintenance, after the item has been made available. The group gathers and analyzes

feedback on the product in this way.

Algorithm Discussion

G. Comparison of the Algorithm (Strength and Weakness)

Table 2. (Different Algo with Literature Strength and Weakness)

Algorithm Strengths Weaknesses

● NLP system offers ● NLP models typically

Natural Language exact answers to the lack common sense

Processing questions, no knowledge, making

unnecessary or it challenging for

unwanted some chatbots to grasp

information. implicit meanings,

humor, or cultural
● The accuracy of the
answer increases

with the amount of

● NLP models heavily
relevant information
rely on the quality
provided in the
and diversity of
training data. If the

● NLP process help training data is

limited or biased, the

chatbot may exhibit
communicate with a
similar limitations or
human in their
biases, leading to
language and scales
inaccurate or
other language-
skewed responses.
related tasks.

● Training NLP
● It is a faster
models for chatbots
customer service
often requires a
response time.
significant amount of

labeled data and


resources. This

process can be time-

consuming and

costly, especially

when frequent

updates or

adaptations are




Dear Respondents,
The undersigned is conducting a study entitled “INTEGRATION OF BARANGAY
CHATBOT”. You are the part of this endeavor by answering the questions that follow
based on your perception and opinion. The confidentiality of your responses is assured
by the researchers

Very truly yours,

Ormita, Raven L.
Magno, Anne Marie R.
Delgado, Justine Harold D.
Navoa, Mike Oliver A.

Name (Optional):___________________
IT Practitioners
Local Barangay Officials and Staff
Residents of Barangay Central Bicutan

PART I. Evaluation of Barangay Central Bicutan E-Census and Online Document

Requisition with Chatbot

Instruction: Please put a check (✔) to indicate your answer on the following. Only one
check is allowed per item.

Questions Yes No
1. Is a barangay information system an effective way to organize
barangay records and documents?
2. Is the requisition of documents through a barangay information
system faster than traditional methods?
3. Can a barangay information system ensure the security and
privacy of requisitioned documents?
4. Does a barangay information system provide a record of all
requisitioned documents and their status?
5. Is a barangay information system capable of handling a large
volume of document requisitions?
6. Can a barangay information system automatically generate
notifications for approved or denied document requisitions?
7. Does a barangay information system allow for remote
requisition of documents?
8. Is a barangay information system able to track the movement of
requisitioned documents within the barangay office?
9. Can a barangay information system restrict access to sensitive
documents based on user roles and permissions?
10. Does a barangay information system provide a search function
to easily locate requisitioned documents?
11. Provides a strong security when accessing the system?

12. Does the organization has the ability to keep the records of the
residents safe?

PART II. Evaluation of Barangay Central Bicutan E-Census and Online Document
Requisition with Chatbot

Instruction: Using scale below, please put a check (✔) to indicate your answer on the
following. Only one check is allowed per item.

1 – Highly Not Acceptable
2 – Not Acceptable
3 - Acceptable
4 – Highly Acceptable


1.1 Functional completeness. Does 4 3 2 1
the system cover all specified task
and user objectives?
1.2 Functional correctness. Can 4 3 2 1
systems provide correct results
with the needed degree of

4 3 2 1
1.3 Functional appropriateness. Does
the systems function facilitate the
accomplishment of specific tasks
and objectives?


2.1 Maturity. Does the system meet 4 3 2 1

the needs of its users under normal
2.2 Availability. Can a system be 4 3 2 1
operational and accessible at a
time needed for use?
4 3 2 1
2.3 Fault Tolerance. Can the system
operate as planned despite the
malfunction of hardware or
software existence?
2.4 Recoverability. During a disaster, 4 3 2 1
can the system recover and re-
establish the system to its desired


3.1 Appropriateness recognizability. Can 4 3 2 1
a system be easily recognized by
users as an appropriate product or
system to solve their needs?
3.2 Learnability. Can systems be learnt 4 3 2 1
more easily?
4 3 2 1
3.3 Operability. Can a system be easily
operated and controlled?
3.4 User error protection. Does the 4 3 2 1
system protect users against making
3.5 User interface aesthetics. Does the 4 3 2 1
system user interface look pleasant
and satisfactory?
3.6 Accessibility. Can a system be 4 3 2 1
accessed by specific users under
specified conditions?

3.7 Supportability. Can a system provide 4 3 2 1

basic operational instructions and
hints to its users when in operation?
3.8 Searchability. Can information be 4 3 2 1
easily searched, found or located with
the system?


4.1 Time Behavior. Can system 4 3 2 1
response and process faster?

4.2 Resource Utilization. Can a system 4 3 2 1

utilize information resources

4 3 2 1
4.3 Capacity. Do system parameters
meet their system requirements?

5.1 Co-existence. Can the system 4 3 2 1
perform its required operations
efficiently while sharing its
environment and information
resources with other products or
5.2 Interoperability. Can a system 4 3 2 1
interact with other systems or
software products?


6. SECURITY Rating
6.1 Confidentiality. Can a system 4 3 2 1
ensure that information resources
are accessible only to those
authorized to have access?
6.2 Integrity. Does the system prevent 4 3 2 1
unauthorized access to information
resources or modification of data?
4 3 2 1
6.3 Non-reputation. Can a system
prove an action or an event
believed to have taken place?
6.4 Accountability. Can a system 4 3 2 1
uniquely trace or account for an
action or event of an entity?

6.5 Authenticity. Can a system be 4 3 2 1

used to identify its users and
6.6 Achievability. Does the system 4 3 2 1
preserve and protect its past
record for future references?


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