Angelio Final Research

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Research Adviser
Chapter I


Background of the Study

Physical Education promotes healthy lifestyle and well-being

to not just the students but to the community as a whole. It has
traditionally been a key component in instilling healthy living,
enhancing physical skills and lifelong physical activity habits. It also
aims to develop or increase student’s physical competence,
knowledge of movement and understanding of safety. According to
J.R. Sharman, physical education is that part of education which
takes place through activities, which involves the motor mechanism
of human body which results in an individual’s formulating behavior

Physical Education focuses on the development of individual

human motor performance and the utilization of selected movement
learning media to achieve specified educational outcomes in
relational perception and orientation in space. (Jewett & Mullan,

However, the rapid growth and development of technology has

had significant effect on teaching different subjects as to physical
education as well.

The digital age has improved our quality of life evidently as

such technologies like smartphones, computers, virtual reality,
online apps, and any digital/online tools we used today It influenced
our lives by changing the way we interact and communicate with
one another. In the field of education, technological advancement
or digital tools rather have played a vital role in enhancing learning
and means of instruction. It helps students access different
information using internet, by just one click, different data are
provided. Technologies also helps teachers or educators tailor
interactive and informative instructional materials to meet an up-to-
date teaching-learning instruction.

Although the use of computer technology in classrooms is an

innovative approach to teaching, teachers with creativity might not
use technology as intensively as they use other creative strategies
in the classroom (Lih-Juan Chanlin, 2007). But as the immense
growth and development of technology, teachers need to adapt as
they must keep their skills up to date in the modern world.

According to (Baglley, 2015), technology integration in

education can be seen as an effort to get over both internal and
external obstacles. The ever-evolving nature of technology, a lack of
hardware and software, insufficient professional development, and
constant changing of technology are examples of external
impediments. Internal barriers include individual preconceptions,
understandings, and ideas about using technology, which can cause
anxiety, worry, and a lack of user confidence. As to why teachers
equipped their selves with the abilities and literacy in technology.

It’s sad to note that some physical education teachers have a

lack of technological skills and needs to further train or attend
seminar workshops to meet the student’s needs.

Moreover, the use of technology in Physical Education class

offers both challenges and opportunities. Using technology or digital
tools might increase students’ performance and engagement. On
the other hand, careful consideration of teaching methods, digital
literacy, and access to resources are necessary to incorporate
technology in physical education.
The results of this study would serve as an input to the
challenges and opportunities physical education teachers encounter
in integrating technology to physical education in the modern world.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on George Siemens and Stephen

Downes’s (2005) connectivism learning theory. This theory suggests
that students should combine ideas, theories, and general
knowledge. It recognizes that technology plays a significant role in
the learning process. Additionally, it encourages group participation
and discussions, allowing them to have different kinds of point of
view, decision making ability, problem solving skills, and better
understanding of information.

The proponents of this theory address the important role of

technology in the teaching and learning process and how the digital
age has increased the speed of disseminating information.

Physical Education teachers being the focal figure of teaching

education through the physical develop their digital literacy skills.
They adopt to certain changes and stay updated on the latest
advancements or development to incorporate or integrate
technology into their teaching methods or strategies.

This theory relates to the study as it hypothesizes that

physical education teacher’s integration of technology, adaptation of
technological tools, enhances the teaching and learning process. To
evaluate their technology-integrated instruction, they look for the
student’s engagement and performance in the classroom.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer the following:

1. What are the specific challenges does P.E.

teachers encounter when incorporating
technology into their lesson?
2. How does technology affect the students in
terms of:
a. Engagement
b. Performance
c. Skills
3. What opportunities do technology/digital tools
provide or offer to enhance P.E instruction?

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the results of the study would be

of great importance to the following.

School Administrators. This study would be of help to

improve teacher’s digital skills. Since the school administrators has
the privilege to plan and implement workshops, training, access to
resources that align with the needs and goals of P.E. teachers that
can help technology integration. They can also enhance the physical
education curriculum, guide its development and updates needed in
the modern world. They gain insights on how integration of
technology positively affects student’s engagement, performance,
and improvement of skills.

Physical Education Instructors. By understanding the

challenges and opportunities of incorporating technology, the
teachers can further improve their knowledge and skills making
them more confident and proficient in using technology. They can
also select training programs designed to address the specific
challenges found in this study.
Physical Education Students. This study can help ensure
that students may acquire digital literacy skills through the
integration of technology in their learning process. This also
identifies the engagement and performance of the students that
helps them to comply with the technological demands of the digital

Other Researchers. For further research, this study would

provide them relevant information that would help them conduct
follow-up studies in integrating technology and physical education in
the digital age.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the P.E. teachers of one of the national

high schools in Region VIII, Leyte, particularly in La Paz, Leyte. This
institution is known to meet expectations and comply to the
demands of the society. This study is delimited to the P.E.
instructors of the school.

Definition of Terms

Challenges. This refers to the problems or difficulties

encountered by the P.E. teachers in incorporating technology to
their teaching method.

Digital Age. Refers to the era where the widespread use of

technology such as smartphones, computer, internet is visible and

Digital Literacy. Refers to the ability of the P.E teachers to

use, navigate, or utilize technology in teaching physical education.
Engagement. Refers to the involvement or participation of
students during P.E classes where technology is integrated.

Integration. Refers to the intentional use of digital tools into

the teaching and learning process in P.E.

Performance. Refers to the measurement or assessment of

the student’s engagement in P.E. class where integration of
technology is evident

Physical Education. Refers to the course or program that

promotes physical fitness, healthy well-being, though structured
activities and exercise.

Skills Improvement. Refers to the enhancement and

proficiency of the students in a specific activity with the help of
technology integration in P.E. class.


Related Literatures

With the start of the 21st century came the quick

advancement of information technology and a rapid acceleration of
the process of global economic integration, which caused significant
historical changes in numerous aspects of my nation's social life and
economic sectors. The combination of technology and physical
education is becoming a popular topic in IT education, and the
process of digitizing education as a whole. Compared to the
standard teaching model, it produces a far superior teaching effect.
It can assist students in creating movement representations and
understanding movements more quickly, as well as more
successfully resolving the challenges presented in the textbook.
necessary elements to pique pupils' curiosity about learning (Yang,

The use of digital technology in the actual teaching and

learning process is becoming more and more common. Teachers
that are proficient in digital technology are critical to the integration
of this rapidly developing tool in education. Teachers felt that
students' proficiency with digital technologies in physical education
was far lower than expected. Teachers noted that obstacles from
both the home and the classroom were preventing digital
technology from being used in their physical education sessions,
and this was the outcome. We propose that the link between
pedagogy and technology is more nuanced than most digital
competence frameworks suggest, based on a comprehensive
perspective of the dichotomy. As a result, we believe that a limited
concept of teacher digital competency in physical education is
inaccurate (Jason K. Wallace, 2022).

According to (B. Pyle, 2014), across all subject areas, using

technology to improve the learning process has become the norm,
despite the fact that it has proven challenging to apply technology
because of the distinct characteristics of the physical education
classroom. Physical education (PE) and technology are frequently
seen as being at different extremes of the educational spectrum—
one needing activity, the other sedentary.

As mentioned by (Du et al., 2021), competitive competition

has been more intense due to the social economy's rapid
development and the digital age's quick changes. There is typically
more pressure on college students to succeed in their academics,
personal lives, emotions, and social growth. It is more important
than ever to increase the popularity of recreational sports among
college students. Unlike the rather dull approach of traditional
physical education, leisure sports place an emphasis on fostering
students' initiative and interest in sports, allowing them to learn on
their own, and increasing the enjoyment of physical activity. The
open and shared nature of connections in the information period
allows college physical education resources to transcend regional
and school boundaries. Colleges and universities should fully utilize
information technology in their physical education programs to
incorporate network shared physical education courses, MOOC
physical education courses, university video public classes, and
physical education videos on commercial websites. The online public
classes can be useful, particularly when instructing pupils on some
of the more intricate and challenging sports concepts.

The development of students' qualities has received more

emphasis as well-rounded education has been widely encouraged.
The benefits of physical education should be emphasized since kids'
physical makeup is crucial to the development of their character.
Physical education (PE) teachers need to be up to date with the
latest developments in the information age. In order to foster
students' enthusiasm in sports and enhance the benefits of physical
education instruction, PE teachers should become proficient in the
information technology-based physical education model (Jiang
Yong, 2021).

Despite the promise of technology in education, many

practicing teachers face a number of challenges when trying to
effectively integrate technology into their classroom teaching.
Additionally, while national statistics report significant
improvements in access to IT tools in schools, teacher surveys show
a steady decline in use and integrating IT technology to improve
student learning (Wachira, 2011).

Teaching and learning-related problems should be taken into

account in addition to technology integration. These concerns
include creating learning objectives, choosing teaching tactics,
providing feedback, and creating evaluation and assessment plans
that include follow-up exercises. When it comes to teaching and
learning, technology should not be viewed as an isolated entity, but
rather as an essential component of the curriculum. Taking a broad
view of technology integration will provide educators the
groundwork they need to successfully integrate technology into the
classroom (Okojie, 2006).

Related Studies

The national Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE)

standards were established in 2008 developed a more
comprehensive strategy for educating aspiring teachers about
technology and declared that applicants for teaching should be
capable of organizing and implementing technology enhanced
educational opportunities that fulfill curriculum goals. Considering
that the 2008 standards, it is the responsibility of PETE instructors
to design lessons that successfully integrate technological
advancements (Helena Baert, 2011).

According to (Krause, 2010), the results of her mixed-method

study revealed that throughout student teaching, self-efficacy to
use technology into physical education has improved. Furthermore,
the results indicated a favorable correlation between the self-
efficacy to integrate technology and experiences with technology,
such as social persuasion, vicarious experience, and mastery
experience. There was proof, specifically, that preservice teachers
were more confident in their ability to incorporate technology into
physical education when they had more successful technology
mastery experiences during their student teaching experiences and
higher levels of reported technology training before their student
teaching experience.

The lack of technical expertise and knowledge to set up,

operate, and troubleshoot when an error occurs, slow or
nonexistent internet connectivity, ignorance of the use,
manipulation, and implementation of multimedia technology, a
dearth of multimedia technology devices, and unstable or
nonexistent electrical connectivity within the classroom are the top
three (3) issues that the English teachers encountered. (Molines,

Neither paper-and-pencil nor computer-based standard

testing programs adequately address these components of
cognition. The investigation also examines methods for creating
multilevel, balanced assessment systems that take into account the
relationships between benchmark, summative, curriculum-
embedded, and district exams that are used in classrooms, districts,
states, and other locations. In light of the necessity for decision
support from a variety of participants operating at different
educational levels, it addresses the various roles that technology
can play in an assessment-based information system. The study's
analysis of the field's current situation and how technology can
usher in a new era of integrated, learning-centered assessment
systems comes to a close (Pellegrino, 2010).

Educators have been talking about using information

technology to improve teaching since the beginning of the modern
computing movement, but for most, true integration remains an
elusive goal catch. Class II integration of technology applications in
education helps find teachers who have successfully leveraged the
complexity, power, and affordances of today's technology to develop
new teaching strategies and better, despite the absence of effective
institutional infrastructure. Information technology in schools has
not yet realized its significant potential, because without a broad
educational support system, computers are often misused and not
meaningfully integrated into educational activities in class. But
some educators still struggle to implement Type II information
technology applications in their educational environments. Class
Integration on Use of Technology Type II in Education examines
their innovative methods of using computers to make teaching and
learning more effective (M., 2005).


This chapter presents the methodology applied in this study

that includes research design, research locale, respondents of the
study, data gathering techniques, research instrument, and
statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study utilizes the qualitative method of research by

Creswell (1994) to determine the challenges and opportunities that
occurs in the integration of technology in Physical Education.
Furthermore, this study employed descriptive method of research
suggested by Creswell (1994). Descriptive in the sense as this
describes the challenges and opportunities to both of teachers and
students in the integration of technology. Hence, the relationship
between the teacher’s digital literacy skills and the student’s
engagement, performance, and skills in the classroom. The
researchers used these methods as to determine, understand, and
to gather information on one’s perception about a specific social

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in one of the high schools in

Region VIII, Eastern Visayas, particularly in Leyte that Physical
Education. The selection of this institution is rooted in careful
considerations encompassing factors like the accessibility of the
location, participants availability, and the constrained financial
resources of the researchers. The respondents will be interviewed in
the school premises as to optimize the use of available resources
and respondent’s availability. This study will be conducted in the 1 st
semester of the academic year 2023-2024.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will focus on 10-15 participants

characterized as Physical Education instructors who are presently
teaching physical education and is using technology in their
instruction as suggested by Creswell (2013). By employing a simple
random sampling method, the researchers aim to enhance the
study by collecting or gathering data with reliability and

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will draft a questionnaire and will be validated

by the research adviser and also from the experts of this field. Then
the researchers will ask permission to conduct the study by writing
a formal letter to the administration and to the respondents where
the research will be conducted.

Once approved, the researchers will give the questionnaires to

the respondents which will be answered by them briefly. After, the
data will be collected with utmost confidentiality.

Research Instruments and Validation

The researcher uses a survey type questionnaire that consists

of two parts which are the respondent’s information and the survey
questions related to the integration of technology in physical
Part I of the questionnaire will ask about the specific piece of
information about the respondent’s profile. The questionnaire will
seek about their name, gender, number of years in service, and will
also determine if they use digital tools and integrate technology in
their instructions.

Part II of the questionnaire will seek for what challenges and

opportunities did the BPED instructors encounter in the integration
of technology in their day-to-day classes.

Data Analysis Procedure

After collecting the questionnaires, the researchers will

transcribe the collected data immediately. In this study, the
researchers will utilize the Reflexive Thematic Analysis approach
proposed by Braun and Clarke to analyze the collected data. This
approach illustrates our experience in applying the six phases of
reflexive thematic analysis as described by Braun and Clarke: (1)
familiarizing oneself with the data, generating codes, (3)
constructing themes, (4) reviewing potential themes, (5) defining
and naming themes, and (6) producing the report, and (6)
producing the report.

During the familiarization of data, the researchers will

immerse themselves in the data by repeatedly reading the answers
in the questionnaires and by reviewing it. Researchers will initially
make a draft note that will be used in the coding phase.

The generation of codes is crucial in organizing the data for

analysis. The Grounded theory coding. Following the approach
suggested by Strauss and Corbin, will be employed to break down
the data into smaller meaningful portions. Through this process,
initial codes are generated and compared to identify concepts,
which will then be refined. The notes are sorted, organized, and
arranged according to its relevance to each other to be used in
generating initial themes.

The next phase involved generating initial themes based

on the draft notes and sorted data. The researchers will group
together codes that exhibited similar patterns of meaning, forming
potential themes.

These themes will be reviewed in relation to the research

questions, ensuring they provided meaningful insights and
addressed the study's objectives which is "to determine the
challenges and opportunities in the integration of technology in
physical education". During this review, some themes will be
refined, while others will also be combined or discarded to improve
the coherence and relevance of the analysis.

These potential themes will be refined, the researchers

will move on to defining and naming each theme. This phase
determines the scope and focus of the themes, and formulating
informative names that accurately represent the content. The
themes will be aligned with the research questions to establish their
relevance to the study.

Finally, in producing the report, the researchers will

synthesize the analytic narrative and data extracts, contextualizing
the analysis within the existing literature.

Ethical Considerations

The following ethical guidelines were put into place for the
research period. The dignity and well-being of the participants will
be protected at all times. The respondent’s decision to participate in
this study is entirely voluntary, and they may refuse to complete at
any point during the research process. Hence, the participants may
withdraw from their participation at any time without penalty. Since
the researchers will be borrowing the respondents time, they will be
given a token of appreciation such as water and snacks. All
information taken from the study will remain at utmost
confidentiality. The name of the respondents will never be
associated with the study’s results or responses. Information that
would make it possible to identify any of the participants will never
be included in any type of report. The data will be accessible only to
those working on the study.

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