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Case No. 0001 Activity No.

Subject: Robbery with Homicide Time: 10:30 – 12:00 PM
For: The Chief, Homicide Section Date: December 2, 2023

This is the final report about the unidentified dead body which was found inside a black garbage
bag in Barangay, T. Padilla, near T. Villa Elementary School, Cebu City, about 10:00 a.m.,
November 22, 2023. This case was reported to the Office by Sgt. James Canete. Desk Officer
of Precinct No. 01. A copy of its initial report is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit “A”
At 3:00 p.m., November 24, 2023 the victim was identified as Neil O. Hopeless 14 years old,
single, Grade 9 students at Zapatera National High School, Resided with his parents at house
no. 119 Sikatuna, Zapatera, Cebu City. The Identification was made at morgue by Mr. and Mrs.
Hopeless, parents of the victim. A copy of the progress report is also enclosed herewith, marked
as Exhibit “B”
After viewing the body, the father inquired about the pieces of jewelry and valuable things of his
son. He revealed that every time Neil his son goes out, he always wears, his gold bracelet, his
diamond ring and Jordan Shoes (Customized)
Dr. Leaster Diola, the medical examiner who performed the autopsy, informed the father the
when his son was brought to morgue, he was only wearing his blue T- short and black short,
and without those described pieces of jewelry and Jordan Shoes. He disclosed that the victim
had many bruised, and was battered with presumably with brass knuckle, which caused of the
death, The medico legal report is attached in this report marked as Exhibit “C”
with the missing jewelry and the nature of the bruised and wounds inflicted on the victim, the
investigation of this case was pursued on the theory robbery with homicide, Daily reports of
pawnshops, starting November 22, 2023 were checked, It was later found that the Jordan
Shoes Of Neil O. Hopeless the victim was a customized and has a name and signature
embedded on both pairs of his shoe. With the help of this information sooner than expected the
description of the suspect was known
About 12:00 Midnight, November 27, 2023 he was apprehended while dancing in the middle of
the Barangay T. Padilla, Disco. When the suspect was apprehended, he was wearing the
Jordan Shoes of Neil O. Hopeless without the knowledge that it was customized and has name
and signature of the victim embedded on it.
In his signed Confession, the suspect identified aa Jhisryl Y. Ayo, 24 years old, single, native of
San Tander, Cebu doing odd jobs as laborer and trash boy at the T, Padilla Market, with no fixed
residence was arrested.
The suspect revealed that about 6: 40 a. m. November 21, 2023 after his labor in the T. Padilla
Public Market, he went smoking in the very tight spot near the said school, he noticed that a
young boy was making his way alone. A strong desire was formed in his mind to rob the boy of
his jewelry particularly the Jordan Shoes.

When his intended victim walked towards in the same tight spot, there was his opportunity.
There was no passer by the spot is very tight and no one would pass there often. He
approached his victim and punched in the face, the victim tried to fight but he was in shock, the
suspect forcibly taken the Jordan shoe and the jewelry and battered the victim with brass
knuckle. After the boy lost his consciousness, he put the victim inside a black trash bag and
throw it at the back near T. Villa Elementary School.
The next day November 22. 2023, through and acquaintance whom he knows only by the
nickname of “Tiboni” he had the gold bracelet for one-thousand (a1000) pesos. He gave Tiboni
one hundred pesos for his commission
About 7:00 p.m. November 26, 2023, through Ankol K. Mutabang, 28 years old,married, working
as the `head guard in the T. Padilla Market, native from Lorega, San Miguel St. Cebu City. He
Identified Dexter T. Palpak alias “Tiboni”, 26 years old, laborer residing at house no. 143 T. Villa
St. Cebu City. The person who tried to sell him the gold bracelet for one-thousand (1000) pesos,
he recognized the gold bracelet as birthday gift to his godson Neil O. Hopeless, the victim. He
immediately reported the matter to the police.
After taking down their respective written confessions, the following persons were placed under
1. JHISRYL Y. AYO, 24 years old, single, native of San Tander, Cebu with no fixed city
residence – arrested for Robbery with Homicide
2. Dexter T. Palpak, 26 years old, laborer residing at house no. 143 T. Villa St. Cebu City –
arrested as an accomplice (to be recommended as state witness)
In view of the aforementioned facts and circumstances concerning the arrest of the suspect, the
recovery of the stolen property and fatal weapon, this case is considered SOLVED/CLOSED.
The corresponding charges will be filed with the Prosecutor’s Office.

Det. Wensly B .Intong

Officer on Case
Approved and Forwarded:
Capt. Ravena Z. Ramos
Chief, Homicide Section

1. Judicial Affidavit/Signed Confession of Jhisryl Y. Ayo
2. Judicial Affidavit of Dexter T. Palpak
3. Affidavit of Witness (Mr. Joshua Olita)
4. Affidavit of Witness (Ankol K. Mutabang)
5. Medico legal-autopsy report of Dr. Leaster Diola
6. The fatal weapon (brass knuckle)
7. Photographs of victim
8. The recovered valuable property
(gold bracelet, diamond ring, customized Jordan shoes)
Republic of the Philippines
7th Judicial Region
Branch 23
Cebu City


Plaintiff, Crim. Case No. 0001

x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /

I, Jhisryl Y. Ayo, Filipino, 24 years old, single native of San Tander, Cebu,
Philippines, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby
depose and say:

1. That I am confessing as the accused in the above-entitled case;

2. That this Judicial affidavit is taken upon examination of ATTY. WENSLY B.

INTONG at his law office at INTONG LAW OFFICE, First Floor, Jy Square Mall,
Gorordo Avenue, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines, where my statements were taken;

3. That I am answering the questions asked of me, fully conscious that I am

doing this under oath and that I may face criminal liability for false testimony or
perjury if I state a falsehood in my testimony. The whole process has been done in
Visayan which language is understood by me, and translated into English and
explained to me;

4. That the following are the questions asked of me and answers that I gave to
the questions
[Question 1: What is your participation in this instant case?
Answer 1: I am the accused of the robbery with homicide of the
above case.
[Q2: Do you still remember on what happened on November 21, 2023 in the
A2 : Yes, I am smoking after my labor in a tight spot and I saw a young boy
making his way in the same spot mentioned and my desire to rob the
victim was formed in my mind

[Q3: What else did you do?

A3: The victim was trying to fight back so I use my brass knuckle to
batter the victim after he lost his consciousness, I divested the
valuable property he had.

[Q4: After the incident, what did you do?

A4: I, immediately get the trash bag (colored black) and put
the victim inside and throw it near the Elementary School in hopes to cover up my

[Q5: What did you do to the stolen property?

A5: later that day I sell it to my friend known as Dexter T. Palpak alias

[Q6: As of now, I have no more question. Is there anything else you want
to say?
A6: Nothing else sir

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this 27th of

November, 2023 in Cebu City, Philippines.

Jhisryl Y. Ayo
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 27th of November, 2023 in Cebu
City, Philippines, and I hereby certify that I have personally examined the affiant
and that I am convinced that he understood and voluntarily executed the Judicial



I, ATTY. WENSLY B. INTONG, hereby attest that faithfully recorded the

questions propounded and the corresponding answers given by the accused
JHISRYL Y. AYO. The whole process has been done in Visayan which language is
understood by the witness, and translated into English and explained by me. I did
not in any way coach or taught or instruct the witness on how to answer or any
other person or persons the present or assisting the witness regarding the latter’s

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my affixed my signature this

27 of November, 2023 in Cebu City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 27th of November, 2023in Cebu

City, Philippines.


Republic of the Philippines
7th Judicial Region
Branch 23
Cebu City


PHILIPPINES, Crim. Case No. 0001

-versus- For:
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I, Dexter T. Palpak, Filipino, 26 years old, residing at house no. 143 T.
Villa St. Cebu City – arrested as an accomplice, Philippines, after having
been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and say:

1. That I am confessing as the accomplice in the above-entitled case;

2. That this Judicial affidavit is taken upon examination of ATTY.

WENSLY B. INTONG at his law office at INTONG LAW OFFICE, First
Floor, Jy Square Mall, Gorordo Avenue, Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines,
where my statements were taken;

3. That I am answering the questions asked of me, fully conscious that I

am doing this under oath and that I may face criminal liability for false
testimony or perjury if I state a falsehood in my testimony. The whole
process has been done in Visayan which language is understood by me, and
translated into English and explained to me;

4. That the following are the questions asked of me and answers that I
gave to the questions
[Question 1: What is your participation in this instant case?
Answer 1: I am the accomplice of the robbery with homicide of
above case.

[Q2: Do you still remember on what happened on November 26,

2023 in the evening?
A2: Yes, I am the one who tried to sell the gold bracelet to the godson
of the victim whom I didn’t know that would recognize the

[Q3: What else did you do?

A3: I was trying to deny at first but he immediately called the

[Q4: After the incident, what did you do?

A4: I, tried to hide but later arrested for further

[Q5: What did you do to the stolen property?

A5: After the arrest I surrender it to the authority and identify the
suspect who sold me the gold bracelet

[Q6: As of now, I have no more question. Is there anything else

you want to say?
A6 : Nothing else sir

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this

27 of November, 2023in Cebu City, Philippines.

Dexter T. Palpak
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 27th of November, 2023 in
Cebu City, Philippines, and I hereby certify that I have personally examined
the affiant and that I am convinced that he understood and voluntarily
executed the Judicial Affidavit.



I, ATTY. WENSLY B. INTONG, hereby attest that faithfully recorded

the questions propounded and the corresponding answers given by the the
witness and private complainant, DEXTER T. PALPAK... The whole process
has been done in Visayan which language is understood by the witness, and
translated into English and explained by me. I did not in any way coach or
taught or instruct the witness on how to answer or any other person or
persons the present or assisting the witness regarding the latter’s answers.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my affixed my

signature this 27th of November, 2023 in Cebu City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 27th of November, 2023 in

Cebu City, Philippines.


Republic of the Philippines)

Cebu City ) S.S.


I, JOSHUA OLITA, 35 years of age, married, residing at Sitio Daspan, T.

Padiila, Cebu City, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to in
accordance with the law do hereby depose and say:

1. That I was present and personally saw the victim inside the black trash bag
and called for the security guard and then the police.

2. That on or about 22nd day of November, 2023 at about 8:30 o’clock in the
morning, at T. Villa, Elementary School, Cebu City, I was at the yard
cleaning that time
3. That the truth of the matter is hereby stated hereunder:

a. That the victim did not able to recognize by the curios unlookers and was
only wearing the blue short and black T-shirt
b. That I immediately call the security guard and then the police for help
and inform them the facts of the case.

4. That I am executing this affidavit to the best of my knowledge of the facts

and ccircumstances to support the filing of a case for ROBBERY WITH
HOMICIDE against JHISRYL Y. AYO in court and for whatever legal
purpose this may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my signature this 27th of

November, 2023 at Cebu City, Philippines.

Joshua Olita

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 27th of November,

2023, at Cebu City, Philippines. I hereby certify that I personally examined
the affiant and I am fully convinced that she understood her affidavit, which
was given by her freely and voluntarily.


Notary Public

Republic of the Philippines)

Cebu City ) S.S.

I, Ankol K. Mutabang, 28 years of age, married, residing at Sitio

Lorega, San Miguel, Cebu City, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to
in accordance with the law do hereby depose and say:

5. That I was able to recognized the gold bracelet of the victim since it was my
gift to him.

6. That on or about 26th day of November, 2023 at about 7:00 o’clock in the
evening, at T. Padilla Public Market, Cebu City, I was at the gate working as
security officer while Dexter T.Palpak tried to sell the gold bracelet to me.
7. That the truth of the matter is hereby stated hereunder:

a. That the victim was my godson and recognized the gold bracelet

b. That I immediately call the security officer and then the police for help
and inform them the facts of the case.

8. That I am executing this affidavit to the best of my knowledge of the facts

and ccircumstances to support the filing of a case for ROBBERY WITH
HOMICIDE against JHISRYL Y. AYO in court and for whatever legal
purpose this may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my signature 27th of

November, 2023 at Cebu City, Philippines.

Joshua Olita


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 27th of November,

2023, at Cebu City, Philippines. I hereby certify that I personally examined
the affiant and I am fully convinced that she understood her affidavit, which
was given by her freely and voluntarily.
Notary Public

Republic of the Philippines

Medico- Legal Region 7
Lumina, Bugrake, Helot City


Requesting Party: CANETE, PRECINCT NO. 01 Date: November 24, 2023

Name: ROLLETE TABOR y TAKLO Age: 37 years old Sex: Female
Address: House no, 119 Sikatuna, Zapatera St, Cebu City
Birth date: October 6, 1985 Status: Single HT: 4’11 Weight: 102 lbs
Alleged Case: Homicide
Alleged Time and Date of Commission: 7:00 a.m November 22, 2023
Time and Date of Examination: 4:00 p.m November 24, 2023
Suspect(s): JHISRYL Y. AYO

Purpose of Laboratory Examination:

To determine the cause of death


General Descriptions:
1. Bruises in recognizable shapes (brass knuckle shapes)
2. four external injuries on the cadaver of the victim

In the examination result, the cause of death of the victim is Intracranial
Hemorrhage Secondary to Skull Fracture.

Approved: Examined By:


Officer on Case Medical Examiner


(Brass Knuckle)

Recovered: 3 gold bracelet Recovered: 2 diamond ring

Recovered: 1 pair of customized Jordan shoes

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