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1. Haram and halal foods. ***& ALLAH SWT created us in the best form and has provided us with his countless bounties. ALLAH SWT refers to the Ummah as the best of nations and sent for us complete guidance in the form of the Quran and our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. Prophet Muhammad taught the Ummah, the way of living in the manner that ALLAH SWT wants us to live by following what is halal and forbidding what is haram in Islam. Halal and haram are Arabic words and form an integral part of how Muslim view all aspects of life. : Halal means Lawful/permitted and Haram means forbidden/unlawful. Allah SWT prohibits Muslims from eating a few things and made it haram for us and allows some of the things and made it halal for us. We must always follow these guidelines and should avoid eating the forbidden food until it is a matter of life and death. Allah SWT created human beings in such a way that everything they eat and drink has an impact on their body, soul, behavior, and even their thoughts. ALLAH SWT states in the Quran: “O believers! Eat from the good things we have provided for you. And give thanks to ALLAH if you truly worship him alone.” (Quran 2:172) Foods that come under the Halal category Halal animals that are slaughtered as per the Islamic rules prescribed by Quran and hadeeths. All farm animals are halal for Muslims. All poultry is allowed/halal. All the fruits and vegetables. Grains. Fish and other marine animals (need not be slaughtered) Dairy products excluding products made from non-halal animals Foods that come under the Haram category ¢ Animals meat that is not slaughtered according to the methods prescribed in the Quran and Sunnah. Alcoholic drinks and intoxicants. ¢ Hallugenic drugs and substances. ¢ Flowing blood or blood by-products. ¢ Carnivore animals/ birds. ¢ Animal gelatin. ¢ Pork. ¢ animals or birds that are dead by some natural cause /non slaughtered animals /birds ¢ Insects ¢ Animals that reside on both land and water such as frogs and newts. It is mentioned in the Quran that: In all of the above ayahs, ALLAH SWT clearly guides us about what is lawful and unlawful for us. So, consuming things that are haram knowingly is a major sin and every Muslim should refrain from it. Allah has provided us with various halal foods, and there is so much that we can enjoy, so we must make sure to stay away from that which is considered unlawful. It is also a sin if you neglect to find out whether the food is Halal or not, and it is best to stay away from foods that you are unsure of. 2.What is mahr? Who are mahrams?/ Ethical system of marriage. k*&*& Mahr : Mahr is the gift from the husband which is given to the wife to achieve her at the time of wedding. Mahram: In Islam, a mahram is a family member with whom marriage would be considered permanently unlawful (haram). One's spouse is also a mahram. A woman does not need to wear hijab around her mahram, and an adult male mahram may escort a woman on a journey, although an escort may not be obligatory. Maharim for women : Father Grandfathers Sons . Stepsons . Brothers . Nephews . Biological uncles from father . Biological uncles from mother . Small children who have no sense about woman's bodies. They are always maharim ~PONAARWNa System of marriage in Islam : Marriage is a contract between two people.A man and woman can be married with each other except maharim. There are some conditions for marriage. 1. Proposal 2. Acceptance 3. Mahr 4. Tow male witnesses or one male and two female witnesses. 5. Being both believers in Allah. 3. The names of days and months in arabic. MONTHS 1. Moharram 2. Safar 3. Robiul awal 4. Rabius sani . Jamadiul awal . Jamadius sani Rajab . Shaban 9. Ramjan 10. Shawal 11. Jelkad 12. Jilhajj Onan DAYS 1. Monday 334! (al-ithnayn) 2. Tuesday UU! (ath-thulathaa) 3. Wednesday «!23)5!! (al-arbi’aa) 4. Thursday «J! (al-khamees) 5. Friday 42a! (al-Jumu’ah) 6. Saturday cu. (as-Sabt) 7. Sunday +>! (al-ahad) 4. Bad impact of drug and gambling. The Muslims of today , especially the youth , are facing many problems and temptations that were not available previously. This is particularly problematic for us as a minority Muslim population in this country. The youth are easily distracted by activities such as addiction to TV, video games , gambling , dance parties , escort agencies and addiction to drugs. This brief article will explore the harmful effects of drugs on our youth , the family , the society and most important, on our Iman. Definition of drugs Allah says in the Quran:" 0 you who believe ! Intoxicants and gambling , (dedication of) stones and (divination by) arrows are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Avoid (such abominations) that you may prosper" (5:90). The Prophet Mohamed (peace and blessings be upon him) said :" Every intoxicant is Khamr, and every Khamr is Haram (forbidden).” The definition of the word intoxicate is to produce a state ranging from euphoria to stupor ; to stimulate , to excite ; to poison We can draw the following conclusions from the above : ¢ an intoxicant is anysubstance which may be a liquid, solid or gas, that is voluntarily taken into the body by swallowing , injection , inhaling or ingesting , which produces an effect on the brain resulting in changing an individual's mood. ¢ examples of intoxicants (Khamr) are alcohol, wine, beer, spirits, homemade alcoholic brews, all forms of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, dagga etc allintoxicants are totally forbidden in Islam irrespective of the quantity that is used. Even one drop of alcohol is Haram (forbidden). Similarly , even one puff of dagga is Haram ; it is not the quantity that is important - the substance itself is Haram. Anyone who associates in any way with any aspect of the intoxicants (whether alcohol or drugs) such as the person who uses it, or sells it, or makes it or delivers it is a partner with Shaytan , since all intoxicants are the handiwork of Shaytan. 5. What is ribaa? Bad impacts of indivorce *** Riba is an Arabic word that means “to increase" or “to exceed" and is commonly used in reference to unequal exchanges or charges and fees for borrowing. Interest is deemed riba, or an unjust, exploitative gain, and such practice is forbidden under Islamic law. Riba is forbidden because of the harmful effects that result from it, such as: Economic effects, e.g., keeping money idle and unproductive, and swelling the ranks of the poor; Social effects, e.g., cutting ties, creating enmity and hatred between the poor and the rich, and spreading corruption and promiscuity caused by need; Psychological and spiritual effects, e.g., arrogance, looking down on others, hard- heartedness and exploiting the needs of the poor. The above describes the effects of Riba on the individual level. On the state level, countries are weakened, their resources fall under the control of others, they end up following their enemies’ desires, they are robbed of their natural wealth and their problems get even worse. This is what we see happening in reality. We ask Allaah to keep us safe and sound.. 6. Ethical direction of divorce *** The most common is talaq, which literally means “release.” Talaq is a unilateral repudiation of the wife by the husband, and does not require the wife's consent. She must observe a waiting period of approximately three months to be sure that she is not pregnant; then she is free to remarry. System of divorce in Islam : Divorce is the most disliked lawful thing to Allah. The highest limit of divorce is thrice. A divorced woman shall wait for three menstrual periods after divorce. A husband has the better right to take his wife back in that period if he wishes for reconciliation. It is lawful for twice. It is not lawful to take her back after thrice unless she is married with another man.|f the second husband divorces her thrice the first husband will be allowed to be married with her. 7. Who are inheritors of Jannah Inheritors of Jannatul ferdous: 1. They who are humbly submissive during their prayer. 2. They who turn away from ill speech. 3. They who who are observant of self correction. 4. They who gaurd their private parts except from their wives and slave women. 5. They who are attentive to their trusts and promises. 6. They who carefully maintain their prayers. 8. Characteristics of ideal servants of Allah Characteristics of ideal servants of Allah’ 1. Walking on the earth with gentleness and sedateness. 2. Replying bad words with good words. 3. Spending the night before their Lord being prostated and stood. 4. Wishing shelter to their Lord from torment of Hell. 5. Spending being restrained and generous. 6. Abstaining from invoking not any other ilah along with Allah 7. Abstaining to killing such life as Allah has forbidden. 8. Abstaining from commiting illegal sexual intercourse. 9. What does hijab mean? Does it require covering the face? Write the inpact of hijab in muslim societyasr Hijab or Jilbab : Hijab or jilbab refers to any long and loose outer garment worn by some Muslim women in public. It requires to cover the face according to 59 verse of Suratul Ahzab. The rules of hijab : 1. The clothes worn should cover the extant of the body. 2. The clothes worn shouldn't reveal the figure. 3. The clothes worn shouldn't be transparent such that one can see through them. 4. The clothes worn shouldn't be so glamorous as to attract the opposite sex. 5. The clothes worn shouldn't be resemble of the opposite sex. 6. The clothes worn shouldn't be resemble of Non-muslim’s religious clothes. Impact of hijab in Muslim society : 1. It brings a woman a sense of confidence and identity. 2. It dignifies a woman 3. It protects a woman from harassment in most cases. 4, It protects the society to be created anarchy by women's beauty. 10. Techniques of suratul aasr/translate surapatience. Translation With the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful. ¢ (I swear) by the Time, ¢ man is ina state of loss indeed, ¢ except those who believed and did righteous deeds, and exhorted each other to follow truth, and exhorted each other to observe patience. Al Asr is a very beautiful and powerful surah, and encompasses many meanings inside it. It teaches us that time is very fleeting. So human is always under the pressure of time. It is a justification that nothing in this world is permanent, that's why every human feels deep grief when lose something or someone. In the other hand, it giving us hope, by telling that there are people that will be safe from the affliction of wordly life, and its deep grief. Those people are described in the 3rd ayah: firstly, those who sincerily believe in one Allah, secondly, those who do good in the best possible way, thirdly, those who keep Truth inside their hearts and act justly according to the truth, and finally, those who do everything with beautiful patience (with good manner, kindness, steadfastness and perseverance, keeping away from bad)

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