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Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Instructions

Ratings Classification Description

1 Required The requirement is necessary for efficient functioning
2 Most Critical The requirement must be satisfied in its entirety

BS - bidder Scores – The bidder would be required to provide an appropriate score to each
requirement requested for as per the following Table

BS Description Score

Standard feature .Required features readily 10

S available and to be provided by the bidder
A Alternative available 7

Customization required. bidder will

provide the customization with the 5
C stipulated date as informed by AIC

Unavailable. Functionality is not available 0

U and will not be provided by the bidder.
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - General Requirements

Sr. No. Particulars BS
1 General Requirements
The system should be able to deliver a comprehensive view of the workforce through out the
Hire-to-retire lifecycle of an employee. 2
The system should be able to define organization goals and evaluate employees against those
goals on ongoing basis. 2
Support defining organization hierarchies for transaction entry, consolidation, query and
reporting at any level 2

Support blocking of access to users in case of more than pre-defined unsuccessful attempts to
1.4 log in. Support revocation of the same user by the administrator. After each unsuccessful log-in
attempt, the waiting time until the next log-in prompt increases.

Support maker-checker functionality allowing entry, verification, committing, post commit

verification and audit by different users based on various parameters like designation.
1.6 Audit Trail which triggers the following activities:
1.6.1 • Types of change performed (Addition/deletion/updation) 2
1.6.2 • Date and time on which change was made 2
1.6.3 • User who authorized the change 2
1.6.4 • Date and time on which change authorized 2
1.6.5 • Old & New value of the field 2
The system should capture the details of assets & liabilities and Annual Property return
as furnished by the officers at the end of every year 2
1.8 System should be able to recognize duplication of data entry and caution the user 2
2 General Reporting and Inquiries
2.1 Enable users to define grouping, totaling on any field in the user defined reports 2
Support user defined page and column headers, footers, paper size etc. for all user defined
reports 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - General Requirements

Support capture and retrieval of employee‘s photograph, signatures, other necessary

documents 2
3 Report generation flexibility
Enable generation of management and related reports at user defined intervals viz. daily,
weekly, monthly, annual, any from to period reports 2
3.2 Facilitate generation of report on screen, print, file, export to PDF, XLSX, TXT, etc. 2
Support generation of consolidated reports across organization
hierarchy/structure/location 2
3.4 Enable publishing of reports to the web 1
Ability to send any message and any other information to the employees by e- mail, SMS,
attachment or any other form as required by the user etc. 2
The system should have single sign-on access across HRMS. Also should support single sign on
with AIC Internal Portal (on MOSS 2013) 2
The system should have enablement for defining various user access level e.g. data entry,
authorisation, viewing, etc. 2
3.8 The system should have Online Help 2
System should allow for attaching documents to the employee record including word files,
excel spreadsheets, pictures, PDF, etc 2
The system should support Multiple Location hierarchies (Head Office/Regional Office / One
Man Office/Branches/etc.) 2
The system should have Multiple Modules like PF, Pension, Payroll etc. detailed in functional
requirements. 2
The system should define rounding off rules for specific transactions (e.g. Pension payment,
interest etc.) 2
The system should allow generation of a unique reference number for each transaction like
leave, loan, advance, etc. 2
3.14 The system should provide Log/Record of transactions 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - General Requirements

The system should have on-line validation of fields such as employee codes, classification
3.15 codes, transaction types, etc. in any transaction/master and the on-line display of description of
code fields for visual verification 2
The system should maintain calendar definition for each location/Office within AIC, capturing
Weekly holidays, Public Holidays, restricted holidays, Unscheduled Holidays, other non
working days (if any). Cloning of calender should be available. Calender should be accessible
to users. 2
The system should support the publishing of HR Information. This should include but not
limited to HR policies, procedures, employee benefits. There should be an integration within
the HR system which can automatically update the same on a intranet/internet/KMS used by
employees once they are published in the HR system. 2
The system should be able to support an employee home page - where details of the individual
3.18 can be contained including their role, picture etc. It should function in a similar fashion to some
user friendly internet sites such as facebook. 2
Support generation of unique Employee Unique Identification Number (UIN) based on pre-
defined criteria (The UIN is being used as the ID number for all purposes) 2
4 Employee Self Service (HR)
Self Service should streamline HR activites (as per scope) and should comprise of Employee Self
Service and Manager/Reporting Officer self Service. Following is an indicative list of major self
service options required by AIC. Bidder shall indicate other areas of self service options
available in the system and offer as part of this RFP. 2
4.2 Ability for Manager/Reporting Officer to perform the following:
Ability to create the following process capabilities based on set rules / procedures etc. for
online submission of any specific information by employees and subsequent processing and
action based on online approvals as and when required without resorting to any
customization / coding:
4.3.1 escalation mechanism (tracking of auto and force escalations) , 2
4.3.2 alerts, 2
4.3.3 Approve training enrollments 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - General Requirements

4.3.4 Approve leave applications 2

4.3.5 All Payments and approvals - to be filled in 2
4.3.6 Approve any other requirement submitted by employee through self service mode. 2
Capability to remind the employee regarding modification or requirement of additional data in
case it is needed for approving any one of the above online request. 2
Facility to allow delegation of sanctioning powers for the specified period, while the
sanctioning authority is on leave. 1
For transactions having multi-level approvals, facility to push back the request to the previous
approver. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Employee Record Management

Sr. No. Particulars BS
Employee Record Management
1 Employee Personal Details:

The system should record basic Master Data for an Employee in the Contacts Management System/Database for
1.1 following areas along with all related and incidental information which contains at least the following (data fields 2
should be configurable to include drop down lists and logic to assist with rapid fill techniques):

1.2 System should automatically generate (with AIC specified format) the employee/salary id Number 2

1.3 The system should record details of the employee in the service of AIC such as (inlcuded but not limited to):

1.3.1 • Employee Id/No. 2

1.3.2 • Title 2
1.3.3 • Employee First name 2
1.3.4 • Employee Middle name 2
1.3.5 • Employee Last name 2
1.3.6 • Father‘s name 2
1.3.7 • Mother's name 2
1.3.8 • Spouse name 2
1.3.9 • Blood group 2
1.3.10 • Identification marks 2
1.3.12 • Mother tongue 2
1.3.14 • Employee‘s photo 2
1.3.17 • Scanned Signature 2
1.3.18 • Digital signature of the employee 2
1.3.19 • Branch/office where currently working 2
1.3.20 • Designation 2
1.3.21 • Date of birth 2
1.3.22 • Date of joining 2
1.3.23 • Probation period (From date - To date) 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Employee Record Management

1.3.24 • Date of confirmation 2

1.3.25 • Gender (3 options) 2
1.3.26 • Religion 2
1.3.27 • Category (SC/ST/OBC/GENERAL, PWD(VH/OH/HH), ex-serviceman, etc.) 2
1.3.28 • Class/Cadre 2
1.3.29 • Educational Qualification should be bifurcated into three heads viz.
1.3.30 • Basic qualification 2
1.3.31 • Professional qualification 2
1.3.32 • Technical qualification 2
• Education Qualifications – should capture the details of name of the examination passed, university/Institute,
1.3.33 2
month & year of passing, percentage of marks obtained, grade/class obtained etc.
• Previous employment details, Name of Organization, position held, Duration in Years & months, reason of
1.3.34 2
leaving, etc.

1.3.35 • Source of recruitment - directly, sports quota, compassionate ground, absorption into permanent staff etc 2

1.3.36 • Aditional responsibilities/special duties assigned in addition to job responsibilities 2

1.3.37 • Date/Month of Increment 2
1.3.38 • Posting Details - Place, Date of Joining, Designation, etc. 2
1.3.39 • Major health problems with provision to capture the details of sickness inlcuding type, duration, etc. 2
1.3.40 • Physical handicap status (nil/deaf/dumb/ortho/visually impaired etc) 2
1.3.41 • Insurance details 2
1.3.42 • Club memberships 2
1.3.43 • Details of submission of Assets & Liabilities statement 2
• Details promotion (history) –cadre/designation wise thereafter including details on individual promotion /batch
1.3.44 2
1.3.45 • Pension Optee details - PF optee/Penion Optee/New Pension Optee 2
1.3.46 • PRAN/PF No. 2
1.3.47 • Membership details of various schemes 2
1.3.48 • Status of the employee whether probation, confirm, In service , Retired, resign, VR, etc. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Employee Record Management

1.3.49 • Particulars of punishments if any, with the nature of punishment (major / minor) and a brief account of lapse 2

1.3.50 • Joining details - Office , state code, Initial Cadre, Initial Basic, Initial Designation etc. 2
1.3.51 Full transfer history of employee including
1.3.52 • Name of the branch/office with branch type (Rural, Semiurban, Urban, P.T, Metro) 2
1.3.53 • Nature of transfer (policy/request transfer) 2
1.3.54 • Date of joining and date of relieving at different branches/offices 2
1.3.55 • Number of times transferred but cancelled / kept in abeyance 2

1.3.56 • Present place of posting including name of the Branch/office, Region, Present designation, Scale, Department, etc. 2

1.3.57 The system should record previous posting details in AIC 2

1.3.58 The system should record Date of Retirement automatically based on DOB & as per AIC norms 2
1.3.59 Languages known, with details of speak, read and write separately 2

1.3.60 As per CDA Rules, The system should be able to track all stages of disciplinary actions, as per the workflow 2

The system should record Awards received by the employee including the name of the award, year of award, in
1.3.61 2
which discipline/filed and date of receipt of award
The system should allow employees to change their own details on the system after approval from HR department.
1.3.62 They should be able to view all captured data on their file (subject to legal requirements where they should attach 2
the relavant supportings)
Any changes to employee data should automate intimation to the employees Reporitng Officer and
1.3.63 2
appropriate HR person advising of the change.
1.3.64 Details of increments for qualifications acquired 2
1.3.65 Flexibility of additionally capturing any information relating to employee at a later date 2
1.3.66 Review of cases of officers after completion of X (e.g. 55) years of age /Y (e.g. 20) years of service. 2
Data on allotment of Signing Power No to all Officers, with effect from date, reference and provision to enter date
1.3.67 2
of suspension & date of restoration of Signing power
Maintenance of details of I.D. cards issued to employees, updation/deletion on resignation, death, retirement,
1.3.68 2
1.3.69 Online application for issue of ID card/upgration on promotion/duplicate or in case lost 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Employee Record Management

Provision for Appreciation letter to be generated by AIC in case of additional qualification achevied by
1.3.70 2
Details of residence- leased accomodation, company accomodation or own/rented House Details - House number,
1.3.71 1
rentals etc
2 Dependents Details:

The system should record details of spouse – name, name of the organization the spouse is working with, type of
2.1 2
organization (state government, central government, public sector, private sector, local body, own).

The system should record details of the dependents including relationship, their date of birth, studying in
2.2 2
school/college, monthly income/pension amount
2.3 The system should record details of the employee in the service of AIC such as
2.3.1 • Marital Status 2
2.3.2 • Spouse name 2
2.3.3 • Spouse Income 1
2.3.4 • Dependent information- name, relation, address 2
3 Contact Details:
3.1 • Hometown address 2
3.2 • Permanent address, 2
3.3 • Current address 2
3.4 • Emergency contact detail, 2
3.5 • Phone Numbers / Contact Information 2

3.6 Personal email addresses - the system should also be capable of intimating contact via this email address 2

4 Account Details:
4.1 • Mulitple Bank Account No. (tag for salary and other payments/deductions) 2
4.2 • Bank, Branch Name, IFS code and other details 2
5 Identification Details:
5.1 • UID No. 2
5.2 • Passport detail 2
5.3 • PAN Number 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Employee Record Management

5.4 • Vehicle details 2

5.5 • License details 2
6 Executive Information System
Powerful drill down facilities to access information of the employees at various levels- to go from organization level
6.1 2
to sub levels like Department level, Office level and employee level, etc.
6.2 Provides for up-to-date employee information viewing at a given time 2
6.3 Views of information on user-defined criteria but not limited to like
6.3.1 • date –wise 2
6.3.2 • cadre/category-wise 2
6.3.3 • qualification-wise 2
6.3.4 • experience-wise 2
6.3.5 •Gender wise 2
Generation of information on user defined criteria and facility to export such information to other
6.4 2
applications, if required
6.5 Provides high flexibility in designing queries and accessing the key data by the executives 2
6.6 Provision to define important/key parameters in the HR database that may need close monitoring 2
Provision to define maximum and minimum values for a key indicator and provision of an alert when the value
6.7 2
goes beyond the defined values
6.8 Provision to display the data in tabular form or text form, word, excel, PDF, powerpoint,etc. 2
6.9 Provision to display the data in graphical form 2
6.10 Provision to export the graph as a file in the desired format 2
6.11 The system should allow uploading scanned copy of letters, documents etc related to employee 2
The system should allow uploading/dowloading files(documents, images etc) in various formats
6.12 2
like .docx, .xlsx, .pdf, .jpeg, .jpeg, .gif, .pptx etc.
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Biometric Login & Attendance

Sr. AIC's
Particulars BS
No. Rating

1 Employee Attendance and Login with Biometric Authentication:

System should have Login ID and password for each user for logging into
1.1 2
the system.

1.2 System should support biometric based attendance of the employee 2

1.3 System should support biometric based login of the employee 2

System should capture biometric finger print of employees in industry
1.4 2
standard formats like ISO, RAW etc..
System should check duplication of biometrics with the Finger print
1.5 2
database, during enrolment
System should capture minimum six fingers of the employee and store for
1.6 2
authentication purpose
System should be Centralized Server Solution for Storage and
1.7 2
Identification & Authentication
Biometric data must be stored in ISO, Raw etc. standards and there should
1.8 2
be interoperability between scanning devices.

bidder should provide an industry- standard engine to enable de-dup

1.9 functionality. And bidder should have integrated such engine in its 2
solution, for at least 1 client.

1.10 The system should maintain the AIC's attendance regulations 2

Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Personal Administration

S.NO Particulars BS
General Requirements
1 Policy – Pay and Allowances
1.1 Details of pay scales and allowances of all employees 2
1.2 Database of past Settlements 2
1.3 Data on Quantum of Special pay/ Allowance at each stage of pay 2
1.4 Quantum of Dearness Allowance( data) after every fixation 2
Grant of Overtime Allowance to Class III and Class IV - Class wise details of payment of
overtime Allowance to employees in Class III and Class IV ( Data) 2
Data on grant of functional allowances other than Dearness Allowance, House Rent
Allowance, City/Local Compensatory 2
Allowance and Family Allowance (for performing additional duties/specific
functions etc. i.e. outside settlement). 2
Generation of Statement of number of houses/flats on lease for officers, lease rent paid by
AIC and lease license fee recovered from the allottees. 2
1.9 Policy – Employee Benefits

Capturing rules and eligibility conditions for payment of gratuity - information on provisions
of AIC gratuity rules / payment of gratuity act / DCRG rules of Central Govt.
1.11 Capturing rules and eligibility conditions for gratuity as per rationalization scheme 2
Report on number of employees ceasing to be in AIC's service and total amount of gratuity
paid in a given period. 2
2 Policy – Leave

2.1 Capturing rules and eligibility conditions for various kinds of leave available to employees
Report of number of employees availing encashment of leave and expenditure incurred in a
given period. 2
3 Policy – Exit
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Personal Administration

Voluntary retirement, Resignation, normal superannuation, death in harness. Ability to create

3.1 records as per applications received. Identify relevant regulations, record vigilance clearance
and decisions. Issue of Office Orders. 2
Ability to generate retirement review data in respect of different Scale/Class of employees on
a quarterly basis: 2
3.2.1 • Officers - on attaining 50 years and then from 55 yrs onwards 2
3.2.2 • Class III - on attaining 50 years and then from 55 years onwards 2
3.2.3 • Class IV - on attaining 50 years and than from 55 years onwards. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Transfer & Promotions

Sr. No. Particulars AIC's Rating BS

1 Transfer & Promotions

The system should have automation of transfer process and related workflow with facility to configure rules. Transfer details shall
include Transfer Request entry, ackowledgement entry, Place of Request, Transferee Branch, proceedings, relieving Date, Reporting
1.1 2
date, date of taking charge, to record details of discrepancies noted while taking over the charge and generation of various related
reports, details of Temporary transfer, etc.

The system should maintain full transfer history of employee including name of the branch/office with branch type (rural, urban,
1.2 semi-urben, metro) , region wise (surplus/deficit) region wise (within region/ out of region transfer), date of joining, date of 2
relieving etc
The system should be capable of maintaining the date of changes in the nature of branch (rural to semi urban, semi urban to urban,
1.2.1 2
etc) which impacts employee service histrory and promotions
Should maintain number of transfer requests rejected, number of transfer requests/rejections upheld and reason for the
1.3 2
same etc
1.4 The system should identify vacancy posts identfied as per Manpower Plan to be filled through internal transfers 2

The system should generate proposed transfer list on employee seniority levels for transfer based on user defined criteria - such as
1.5 2
completion of tenure in specific RO/2-3 years in deficit area/surplus area, transfer on promotion etc as per AIC's policy

The system should prioritise transfer/redeployment of employees based on their specialization and expertise in a particular area
1.6 2
drawn from the performance appraisal reports
1.7 The system should facilitate generation of note for transfer approval from competent authority 2
The system should facilitate logging of employee transfer request which should follow the automated workflow for sanction if any,
1.8 2
from the competent authority
The system should generate transfer orders to be issued to the present posting controlling authority (Regional Manager/Dept. Head)
1.9 2
to initiate relieving process
1.10 The system should support online updation of joining details from the new place of posting 2
The system should track relieving /joining delays and generate reminder letters for the controlling authorities to follow up on the
1.11 2
transfer implementation
1.12 Recording handing over and taking over charge of branch/office with provision to record remarks (if any) 2

1.13 Intra-RO transfers initiated by Regional managers should be logged online to keep track on intra-regional transfers made 2

1.14 Linkage of transfer type to transfer specific allowances for auto incorporation in the payroll 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Transfer & Promotions

The system should be able to track the details of employees on deputation within/outside AIC (date of deputation, period of
1.15 2
deputation etc)
Should create standard career paths in the organization in terms of various possible moves from the current level / grade in the
1.16 2
The system should support full promotion processes from Class III/IV to Scale I, Scale I to Higher scale and from one scale to
1.17 2
another amongst officer/executive cadres
1.18 The system should support preparation of lists of eligible candidates based on user- defined criteria 2
The system should intimate employees of promotion / rejection through mail / workflow / letters (call letter, promotion letter,
1.19 2
rejection letter etc)

1.20 The system should support advising salary fitment on promotion. The fitment made should automatically go to payroll module 2

The system should have functionality of issuance of posting orders on promotion and updating promotion/posting details of
1.21 2
The system should store all the information related to promotion refusal/reversion and thereto issue necessary letters to candidates
1.22 2
who refused promotion indicating the consequences like barring to participate in next process etc
1.23 The system should maintain and track retirements, resignations, other vacancy positions 2

1.24 The system should update employee profiles on the promotion and new place of posting/rejections/promotion refusal etc 2

1.25 The system should have the capability to handle backdated promotions with due sanction workflows as per policy 2
The system should maintain resource profiles available with AIC (like specialist officers, faculty, IT Officers, ZCCs , Credit officers,
1.26 2
Law officers, Marketing officers, Treasury department employees, etc)
1.27 The system should maintain details of the allocation of resources at various critical departments 2
Maintenance of records for officers transferred out of parent district/RO and also officers to be transferred back to home state on
1.28 2
completion of required tenure
1.29 Maintenance of exemptions given in transfers with a facility to record the reasons for the same 2
Automatic trigger to Core Insurance System for de-activating the User ID once the status is updated by relieving branch on relief of
1.30 1
the employee.
Based on the online updation by the joining branch, automatic trigger to CIS system to re-activate the user ID of the joining
1.31 1
1.32 Provision to enter previous placement (transfer history) record, from, to date, worked branch/office, request, general 1
2 Transfer / Deputation / Attachment Record maintenance
2.1 There should be a provision to generate statement of employees due for rotation based on the cut off stipulated. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Transfer & Promotions

2.2 Maintenance of complete history of employee transfers since his recruitment 2

Identification of vacancies and preparation of transfer list based on the user defined criteria – eg. Officers who completed 3 years/FY
2.3 2
at one place/region etc
Transfer/redeployment / deputation / attachment of officers based on requirement/sanction strength of different
2.4 2
regions including appeal against transfers
2.5 Transfer/redeployment of officers based on their specialization and expertise in any particular area. 2
Maintenance of request transfer register for officers and subordinate / Office Assistant staff separately and facility to generate list of
2.6 2
eligible candidates for transfers based on criteria fixed.
Provision to generate employees who have requested for a given town with special weightage for user defined criterias. Cancellation
2.7 2
of request of the employee as per the option of the employee
2.8 Updation of the request entry once the same is considered and order is issued 2
2.9 Posting / transfer order of officers upon employee‘s promotions 2
Maintenance of records for officers transferred to hardship centres and also officers to be transferred back to preferred centres on
2.10 2
completion of required tenure at hardship centres.
Maintenance of transfer records of specialist transfer, identification of vacancies and issue of transfer orders based on the
2.11 2
recommendations received from the respective specialist departments

Support online updation of relevant particulars (e.g. date of relieving etc.) of the employee by the relieving branch to the joining
2.12 2
branch. The joining branch will provide a second online update for joining particulars / new Departments etc.

Provision to record the transfer orders cancelled/ deferred/ modified and follow up with the respective Regional offices for
2.13 2
2.14 Provision to record Reliving & reporting dates including extensions. 2
2.15 Provide transfer / promotion / confirmation history of employees 2
2.16 The system should be able to track the details of employees deputation 2
The System should be able to review employees qualifications and skills to identify the best qualified candidate to send on
2.17 2
2.18 Provision for recording inter-departmental transfer within the same branch. 2
Maintaining records of attachment of officers with outside agencies such as Name of organisations, tenure of appointment, start date,
2.19 2
end date, brief T&C, etc.
2.20 Maintaining similar records of officers on deputation 2
2.21 Alert one week before date of relieving / end of tenure. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Transfer & Promotions

2.22 Provision to track manpower / transfer details for categories (GEN/SC/ST/OBC, PWD(VH/OH/HH), ex-serviceman, etc.) 2

3 Promotions – Career and Succession Planning

Support full promotion processes from Class III/IV to Scale I, Scale I to Higher scale and from one scale to another amongst
3.1 2
officer/executive cadres. Capturing the channel of promotion - Fast Track/Normal.

System should support Online application for promotions ie

a. Within Class III / IV
3.2 2
b. Class III / IV to Scale I
c. Scale-1 & all cadres

System should have ability to support employee deputation to other organizations and there should be online forms available to
3.3 2
capture and maintain such details

3.4 Ability to define grade advancements within a level on the basis of time based as well as merit based criteria including reservations 2

Ability to define the rules for promotion eligibility in terms of tenure, consistent achievement of high performance grades,
3.5 2
reservation, etc

3.6 Facility to store data related to conducting written tests, interviews, etc for the employees identified as a part of the eligibility list 2

3.7 Ability to generate the roll number for the test based on certain pre-defined rules. 2
3.8 Ability to define out of turn promotions 1
3.9 Ability to capture the list of candidates attended the test 2

Ability to capture results of written test, interview evaluation and preparation of merit list of employees for promotion. System
3.10 should consider previous years promotion written marks, in case candidate does not appear in current written test. In case the 2
candidate opts to appear again in the current year written test, current years written test marks to be considered.

Ability to calculate the marks to be given to each eligible candidate under various parameters like, work records, service,
3.11 2
qualification, previous tests qualified etc., with a cap on each such parameter
3.12 Facility to intimate employees of promotion / rejection through mail / letters/mobile etc 2
3.13 Maintenance of employees who got through the test and could not come within the ranking list 2
Arriving at the final select list taking in to consideration Government guideline with regard to reserved category candidates who are
3.14 2
falling within the region of consideration
3.15 Facility to create offer letter on promotion 2
3.16 Ability to update promotion/Posting details 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Transfer & Promotions

Facility for issuance of letters to unsuccessful candidates including the details of marks obtained by them and their eligibility to
3.17 2
participate in the next promotion process
3.18 Issuance of posting orders on promotion and updating promotion / posting details of employees 2
3.19 Keeping track on promotion refusal / degradation 2
Support issue of letters to candidates who refused promotion indicating the consequences like barring to participate in the next
3.20 2
process etc.
3.21 Support issue letters to candidates who refused promotion/not attended interview etc. 2
3.22 Ability to update promotion/reporting position of promotees etc. 2
Provide transfer / promotion / confirmation history of employees. Provision to track manpower / transfer details categorywise
3.23 2
(GEN/SC/ST/OBC/PWD(VH/OH/HH), EX-Servicemen etc.)
3.24 Ability to do salary fitment on promotion. 2
3.25 Capability to handle Back Dated promotions with respective promotion policy. 1
3.26 Generate letters for appointment of interview committee. 2
3.27 Ability to link Promotions with Promotion Policy. 2
3.28 Ability to update promotion/reporting position of promotees etc. 2

3.30 Facility to store data related to conducting interviews, etc for the employees identified as a part of the eligibility list 2

3.31 Posting details of employees 2

3.32 Keeping track on promotion refusal / degradation 2
3.33 Capturing the details of interview committee members 1

3.34 Recording of competencies and proficiency required for each job matching with the available competencies of employees. 2

The system should facilitate managers to use competency data for recruiting, performance and development, training and
3.35 2
succession planning activities .
4 Seniority Lists
System should be able to give details on the seniority list of Scalewise. Seniority meaning the employee who is working for a longer
4.1 2
time than his colleagues in a particular grade.
4.2 Ability to maintain and generate seniority of employees of different grades and cadres based on certain criteria like: 2
4.2.1 • Promotion (Special / Reserved Category) 1
4.2.2 • Switch-over from category 1
Ability to generate seniority lists on the basis of different parameters viz. years of service, Interview ratings, performance appraisal
4.3 2
ratings, cadre entry date and date of birth.
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Transfer & Promotions

4.4 Using the seniority lists for promotion exercises. Generation of main list and contingency lists. 2
4.5 Ability to change seniority due to: 2
4.5.1 • Promotion (special/reserved class etc.) (Repeat in point no. 4.2.1) 1
4.5.2 • Switch-over from category (Repeat in point no. 4.2.2) 1
4.5.3 • Disciplinary action 1
4.5.4 • Retirement/resignation/dismissal from the service 1
4.5.5 • Fresh appointment 1

4.6 Preparation & Maintenance of Rosters for recruitment , for promotions - for Class III/IV , PTS, Reserved category, PWD separately 2

4.7 Roster for officers/Employees 2

5 Report
5.1 Generation of all related reports and also dynamic query facility 2
5.2 Generation of appraisal reports on confirmation 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Leave Management

Sr. No. Particulars BS
1 Leave Management
1.1 The system should maintain all types of leaves with specific rules but not limited to, like 2
1.1.1 • Earned Leave (EL) 2
1.1.2 • Short-Earned Leave (SEL) 2
1.1.3 • Earned Leave Encashment (ELE) 2
1.1.4 • Casual Leave (CL) 2
1.1.5 • Half Casual Leave (HCL) 2
1.1.6 • Restricted Holiday (RH) 2
1.1.7 • Maternity Leave (ML)/Paternity Leave (PL) 2
1.1.8 • Sick Leave (SL) - Full Pay/Half Pay 2
1.1.9 • Advanced Sick leave - Medical (ASL) 2
1.1.10 • Exam leave (XL) 2
1.1.11 • Special Study leave (SSL) 2
1.1.12 • Loss of Pay (LOP) 2
1.1.13 • Special Sick Leave 2
1.1.14 • Extraordinary Leave (EXL) 2
1.1.15 • Unauthorized Absence 2
1.1.16 • Misc Types of authorized Absence (like Voting/Blood Donation) 2
1.1.17 • Adoption Leave (AL) 2
1.1.18 • Joining Leave (JL) 2
1.2 The system should have provision to add new type of leave with leave rules 2
The system should be able to identify all public holidays and AIC holidays as well as log holidays declared as
1.3 per NIC Act in different states which are automatically identified and taken into account when leave is
calculated. 2
The System should have provision to add an holiday as and when required. And same need to be intimate
through e-mail/sms to all employees. 2
1.5 The System should have provision to credit Leave balance at the year-end. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Leave Management

1.6 The system should have the provision of leave approvals granted post facto and highlight such cases
In case of Sick leave, the system should have the provision of uploading the scanned-copy of the requisite
medical certificate of the employee as per number of leaves based on his cadre 2
1.8 The system should have facility to carry forward unavailed EL/SL to EL/SL balance. 2
The system should have facility to apply the leave for next year in one/two month advance prior to yearly
closing (prior to one month) 2
1.10 The system should have facility to one month time-period before Freezing the Leave Balances 2
The system should credit EL annually based on number of days worked (1:11 days of working) with accrual
limit of 240 or more days and send emailers to employees on the same 2
1.12 The system should maintain leave rules for each categories of employees 2
The system should record leaves availed and balance leave calculation at any point of time and support report
generation employee wise, grade wise etc 2
The system should maintain rules on minimum and maximum no of days at a stretch in a specific type of leave
and track any modification/deviations in leave request cases 2
1.15 The system should link leave record to payroll and employee history 2
1.16 Capability of record keeping and maintenance of historical data 2
1.17 Capability to integrate the time management with leave management 1
Capability to mark attendance through on-line with authentication feature (Manual Intervention to be
allowed with Authentication features) 2
1.19 Capability to integrate with pay-roll module for calculation and recovery of loss of pay etc. 2
Capability to intimate the reporting officer when an employee goes on unauthorized leave (unmarked
1.20 attendance)/returns back from unauthorized leave/extends leave/reports in the middle of the sanctioned
leave period (along with appropriate reduction in sanction) 2
The system should be able to provide alerts on any modification/deviation from the approved leave and
escalate to HR and Reporting manager 2
1.22 The system should support online approval , rejection, intimation of status of application 2
The system should have leave cancellation, leave extension/ amendments advancement and postponement of
leave 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Leave Management

The system should allow Users/Recommendor/Approver to view leave availed/on-hold/balances on any

date (past, current or future) and prospective leave should be based on approved, leave pending approval.
The system should be able to have leave requests altered at any stage, even after the the leave has been
approved, or after the leave was taken. 2
1.26 The system should interface between attendance captured with that of leave record 2

1.27 The system should have linkage between leave record to payroll module to calculate leave liability (loss of pay)
1.28 The system should store record on the lapsed EL for any future consideration if any 2
The system should process leave encashment as per policy defined cadrewise limits and passing necessary
entries in FMS 2
2 Leave Administration
2.1 Maintenance of leave register (service sheets) for all types of leave for all employees 2

2.2 Provision for adding any new leave type(counting or not counting for Increment/Qualifying Service).
Ability to maintain rules for leave - rules for availing or grant of leave, rejection of leave, encashment of leave,
accrual of leave, lapsing of leave, ceiling on accumulation of leave, ceiling on spells of leave during a year, rules
for combination of various type of leave allowed, minimum and maximum number of days of leave per spell,
etc. 2
2.4 Ability to maintain festival / holiday calendar (as per NIA) for different states. 2
Provision to receive leave application online through Self Service Module and recommendation by immediate
supervisor also through Self Service Module. 2

2.6 Ability to assess bad leave record as per rules and review of leave record for sending warning to the employee.
Provision for automatic credit of different type of leave and also provision for manual credit / debit /
modification / cancellation etc. with specified reasons. 2
2.8 Support leave encashment / accumulation as per the rules laid down by AIC. 2
Leave work flow - System should have provision to update the work flow based Location wise/Department
wise/Regional Manger/Head of Department updation. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Leave Management

3 Report
3.1 Provision to generate the following reports :
3.1.1 • Date wise statistics on Leave applications processed 1
3.1.2 • Month wise statistics on Leave application processed 1
3.1.3 • Details LTS more than 2 times during the TAX period 1
3.1.4 • Fortnightly report of unapplied leaves 1
3.1.5 • Balance of all leaves (EL/SL etc) as on date 1
3.1.6 • EL encashed 1
3.1.7 • LTS availed during a given period. 1
3.1.8 • Encashment of EL 1
3.1.9 • Online application through Self Service Module for payment 1
3.1.10 • Calculating amount to be paid based on the user defined criteria 1
3.1.11 • Calculating required TDS 1
3.1.12 • Leave balance also to be reflected as actuals on salary slip 1
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - LTS

Sr. No. Particulars BS
Provision to store LTS details of the employee like Previous/Carry Forward Block Year From, Previous/Carry Forward
1.1 Block Year To and change of the block end date on expiry of the block automatically. System should send an emailer to the 2
Provision to receive the LTS application online along with the leave application and sanction and conveying the same
1.2 2
online or via email.
Provision for splitting the LTS for employee or dependents separately (for example, if employee is not availing the LTS due
1.3 2
to any reason then dependents can avail the LTS without the employee applying for leave)
1.4 Provision to process LTS Encashment and deduction of Income Tax as per rules. 2
1.5 System should enable the administrator to maintain/modify the eligibility rules 2
System should enable employee to view eligibility rules like train/air fare, distance to be travelled, concessional rate for
1.6 2
PH, senior citizens, children etc.
1.7 System should enable employee to make LTS request, advance, reimbursements & claims after availing 2
1.8 System should enable setting up multi-level LTS approvers 2

1.9 System should enable sending notification to the supervisor for approval (LTS can be applied for self and / or dependents) 2

1.10 System should have the facility to integrate with the Finance module 2
System should enable sending notification to the Finance for releasing advance payment, reimbursements and claim
1.11 2
1.12 System should enable employee to view his / her LTS history & current balances 2
1.13 System should enable employee to view his LTS request / LTS claim status 2
1.14 System should enable employee to cancel LTS request, if not availed 2
1.15 System should enable approver to view Employee LTS history & Current balances 2

1.16 System should enable approver to approve/reject/modify LTS request/advance amount or Claim request amount 2

1.17 System should enable sending notification to employee about Approval / rejection of his / her request 2
1.18 System should enable RM/HOD/employee to modify/cancel LTS request after advance is availed 2
1.19 Provision for sending auto-emailer to the employee before expiry of the block 2
1.20 System should enable employee to select multiple mode of transport for a class of employee 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - LTS

1.21 Provision for sending reminder to the employee for selttlement of LTS after a week of resuming the office 2
System should enable sending notification to the Finance/employee/HR department for advance settlement after the
1.22 2
cancellation of the LTS request
Provision to have all the entries authorised by the supervisor without which the transaction will not be saved, with a maker
1.23 2
- checker concept and an audit trail for all the transactions which take place.
2 Report
System should enable to generate Department-wise, location-wise, cadre-wise, employee-wise etc. LTS availed & available
2.1 2
2.2 Adavance settlement, payment of advance, 2
2.3 LTS encashment with tax deducted 2
2.4 LTS tagged leave information 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Staff Re-Imbursement & Welfare

Sr. No. Particulars BS
1 Staff Allowances , Re-imbursements and Welfare
The system should Issue NOC for Passport, VISA, higher studies, outside employment and any other purpose
1.1 including NOC for re-employment of retired employees as well as existing employees by the approval of competent 2

The system should maintain various miscellaneous reimbursement as per cadre like medical lump sum payment,
1.2 newspaper reimbursement, briefcase etc. and generation of relevant reports as per defined rules and by regulatory 2

The system should capture details of Power of Attorney issued/Cancelled to the employees along with the facility to
1.3 scan and store and view the signatures of the officials issued with PA – separately for PA by the approval of 2
competent authority
1.4 The system should maintain and implement GMP rules as defined (including the rules for retired employees) 2
1.5 The system should maintain and implement GPA rules as defined 2

The system should apply and maintain employee-wise medical lump sum payment, newspaper reimbursement,
1.6 2
briefcase etc. details and giving automatic credit on approval as per the employee eligibility

1.7 The system should update the medical lump sum payment limit of the employee based on his cadre 2
The system should maintain register of advances extended and adjust the same during final re-imbursement by the
1.8 2
authorised user.
The system should allow the user to apply for medical ex gratia from the medical welfare fund and also facilitate
1.9 2
sanction as per approved guidelines by the competent authority.
2 General Requirements
2.1 Capturing Rules and Eligibility conditions 1
Maintenance of employee wise medical assistance details for both serving/retired employees who are members of
2.2 1
various Medical Assistance Schema of AIC as well as those who are not members.
Maintaining the medial assistance eligibility for different category of employees, such as schedule of rates for
2.3 1
different category of staff in AIC and Industry.
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Staff Re-Imbursement & Welfare

Capturing the details of rules and eligibility under Medical Assistance Fund, Medical Facilities schemes etc according
2.4 1
to GMP
Medical profile of employees with details of dependents (age, relationship, etc.) eligible for medical facility,
2.5 membership of various schemes, expenditure incurred on medicals per employee and expenditure on employees per 1

Details of Hospitals with whom tie-up arrangements for hospitalisation and/or health checkup facilities have been
made, the details of tie-up and payment rates and terms. Details of medical diagnostic laboratories having tie-up
2.6 1
arrangements and payment details. Database of other reputed hospitals and facilities provided by them, with whom
tie-ups could be explored in future
2.7 Details of medical diagnostic laboratories having tie-up arrangements and payment details 1
2.8 Receipt and disposal of representations/grievances 1
2.9 Maintain the scheme for executive health check-up 2
Sanction of Cash Advance in specific cases on estimates provided by BMO after due certification/recommendation.
2.10 Settlement of hospitalisation bill of employees (in service and retired) based on amount as per the eligibility for self 1
and dependant separately.

Preparation of Budget for Medical expenses and review of expenditure incurred under various schemes of AIC such
2.11 1
as GMP, Medical Assistance Fund, Medical Facilities Scheme, Dispensary facility, Annual Health, Checkup etc.,.

2.12 Monitoring of outstanding Sundry Advances at monthly / quarterly / annual intervals 2

3 Staff Loan and Advances Detail Maintenance
3.1 The system should maintain Loan & advances rules as defined 2
3.2 The system should maintain/update the loan & advance limit of the employee based on his cadre 2

The system should facilitate the employee to apply for loan & advance and maintain employee-wise various loan
3.3 2
details and giving credit on approval by the competent authority as per the employee eligibility

Loan EMI deduction must be directly taken from system & linked with monthly salary computation and with
3.4 2
accounting books.
Effecting monthly regular and one-time (due to voluntary increase, foreclosures, prepayments) recoveries;
3.5 2
incorporating any changes in monthly installments – Linkage with Payroll module
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Staff Re-Imbursement & Welfare

Linkage with Terminal & Separation module for recovering outstanding balances at the time of superannuation and
3.6 2
settlement thereof.
3.7 Calculating perquisite values for Income Tax deductions from salary 2
3.8 Refund/Adjustment of excess recovery of Principal/interest effected, if any. 2
3.9 System should maintain the quarterly outstanding balances of loan and advances 2
3.10 System should facilitate the employee to upload the documents 2
Generation of following Report: Statement of monthly recoveries to be effected after incorporating any changes (due
3.11 2
to voluntary increase, foreclosures, prepayments).
3.12 Facility for Incorporation of Addition / Subtraction facility for amount payable and amount recoverable. 1
3.13 Facility for perquisite calculations. 2
3.14 Entry provisions for Perquisite Details at various levels, defining the master, perquisites information 2
4 TA/DA BILL - Tour
If an employee avails TA DA for a sanctioned bill, system should not accept the same bill / again. This should be
4.1 2
same with advance payments. The system should be capable of checking duplication of bills
4.2 System should be capable of provisioning diem allowance for training for employees 2

4.3 There should be separate menu for Bifurcation of staff as retired and existing on TA/DA bills as per cadre. 2

4.4 Facility of authorization by officers for TA/DA bill entry done by employee. 2

4.5 Facility to allows the calculation of Multiple bills pertaining to particular staff should be allowed on same day. 2

Support online submission of TA Bills, processing, sanction etc. as per User Defined Parameters. Claim passing of TA
4.6 2
bill without tour programme with a defined procedure and defined sanction authority.
Support keeping record history of all TA Bills passed employees wise (individual and categorywise) periodicity
4.7 2
5 Staff Welfare Schemes
5.1 Maintenance of various mutual benefit society details like membership, DRS, RBS etc. 2

5.2 Facility to apply/withdraw online by the employee to join mutual benefit society scheme subject to approval 2

5.3 Generation of relevant reports as per IRDA format, Regulatory Authority etc. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Staff Re-Imbursement & Welfare

Staff Welfare Fund : Capture data of employees enrolled, details of remittance and withdrawals, etc. and automated
5.4 2
flow of deductions from salary module
5.5 I.Tax. : Automatic calculation of IT on SCH/COLL FEE / Medical reimbursement 2
6 Allotment of cars and other vehicles to executives
6.1 Information regarding 2
• Officers claiming conveyance reimbursement on the basis of declaration, petrol/diesel/gas bills in respect of 4
6.1.1 1
wheelers owned by them as per cadre
6.1.2 • Officers staying in their own accommodation and claiming HRA on capital cost basis 1
6.1.3 • Officers claiming HRA on rent receipt basis 1
6.1.4 • Officers claiming HRA on normal rates as applicable to the center. 1
7 Details of Sports persons
7.1 Ability to capture the details of sports persons employed in AIC, their designation, sex, scales etc. 1
7.2 Capture their achievements in various tournaments 1
7.3 Approval for participation in various tournaments 1
7.4 Special leave & expenses details granted to sports persons 1
7.5 Budget sanction & expenditure maintenance in various sports disciplines 1
7.6 Expenses sanctioned for promotion of cultural activities & their details 1
8 Inland/Foreign Tour Bills
8.1 Capturing rules and eligibility conditions 2
8.2 Preparation of Tour program by the employee through Self Service Module 2
8.3 Approval of tour program by competent authority through Self Service Module 2
8.4 Application for tour advance by employee through Self Service Module 2
Scrutiny of application for advance and sanction of advance – System to handle release of advance separately
8.5 depending on certain conditions (i.e., whether all members of family are travelling, and LTC for different blocks but 2
availed in same year should be captured)
8.6 Follow up through emails, system alerts, sms etc. of outstanding advances against bills submitted/settled 2
Submission of bill (upload facility) by employee – online – giving details of items of expenditure, i.e. ticket cost, HA,
8.7 2
Mazdoor hire, conveyance, hotel stay etc.,
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Staff Re-Imbursement & Welfare

8.8 Capturing centre-wise data for distances between two local places in a city or between two cities in a State. 2

8.9 Scrutiny and sanction of bills as per rules – limits as per cadre for different employees 2
9 Statement of employee wise data of sanctioned amount
9.1 Mapping of outstanding advances with sanctioned amount for accounting 2
9.2 Reconcilation of intermediary head of accounts i.e. 2
9.2.1 Sundry Advances a/c - Tour/TA Advance 2
9.2.2 Sundry Advances a/c - Training/TA Advance and 2

9.2.3 Sundry Creditors a/c- Refund of tour with the balances maintained and maintenance of related records/files. 2

9.3 Separate accounts for Chairman/GM 2

10 Generation of Annual Closing statements
Generation of the outstanding position of tour/training advances employee-wise (monthly/quarterly/annually)
10.1 2
department/office wise
10.2 Generation of statement of tour expenses department/office-wise for monitoring of budget 2
10.3 Monitoring of expenses vis-a-vis budget on Quarterly basis for all the departments /office 2

Settlement of payments made by one office on behalf of another in connection with the visit undertaken by the latter's
10.4 2
officials in respect of ticketing/hotel booking and taxi hire and sent to the latter for sanction.

11 Leave / Retirement Travel Concession Bills

Capturing rules and eligibility conditions - for various cadres and various types, set periods, distance limits,
11.1 2
according to the area etc.

11.2 Facility to apply, cancel, extend, or postpone online by employee and approve or reject by competent authority 2

Application for LRTC advance by employee – separate norms for Declaration Scheme and Reimbursement Scheme –
11.3 maximum 2 separate applications for self and family members allowed in a set period; Advance payment for self and 2
dependents should be accepted in LFC in single block.
Scrutiny of leave sanctioned from leave module and eligibility of set period etc. from LTS binder (System to capture
11.4 2
manual binders to electronic-documents)
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Staff Re-Imbursement & Welfare

Scrutiny of application for advance and sanction of advance – System to handle release of advance separately
depending on certain conditions (i.e., whether all members of family are travelling, and LTC for different blocks but
11.5 availed in same year should be accepted.) - Making temporary entry of sanctioned amount in LTC Binder until final 2
settlement .In case of Retirement Travel Concession, communicating to Superannuation desk for retaining an amount
equal to RTC advance, if availed, from the retirement benefits (to be settled only when RTC bill is actually sanctioned)

Monitoring of outstanding advances and/or outstanding refunds, and bills submitted within time limits
11.6 2
Submission of bill by employee – giving details of items of expenditure, i.e., travel cost, incidental amount, etc., for
11.7 2
each member of family
11.8 Checking of dependancy of family members for LRTC purpose from employee database. 2
Scrutiny and sanction of bills as per rules – limits for different category of employees and different pay-scales –
11.9 2
linkage with payroll and leave modules required. Bill payment in part should be possible.

11.10 Maintaining details of TDS due if any and alert for remittance of TDS by 7th of next month, if not done through salary 2

Preparation of taxable amount and transmission of the same to payroll module for recovery from salary, if not done
11.11 2
11.12 Preparation of e-TDS statements on quarterly basis 2
11.13 Updation of LTC Sheet and Bills Register – System to generate e-registers for audit 2
Posting of LTC incidental advance / encashment of leave in respective sheets/binders (entry required also in
11.14 2
respective application forms.)

11.15 Generation of report on pending bills, sanctioned cases, amount,etc. for a month or quarter for monitoring purpose 2

Reconciliation of various heads of account for every month and its submission to AES – Establishment charges a/c-
11.16 LRTC, Sundry creditors A/c - TDS on LRTC, Sundry Advances A/c - LRTC and Sundry creditors A/c-Refund of 2
11.17 Calculating quarterly and annual provision 1
11.18 Monitoring of expenses vis-a-vis budget on Quarterly basis for all the departments / centre 2
12 Group 'III' and 'IV' employees
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Staff Re-Imbursement & Welfare

12.1 Capturing norms of payment, eligibility criteria, etc. 1

12.2 Accepting on-line and manual claims from staff members 1
13 Verification of documents
Adjustment of less/excess amount paid to transferee employees from subsequent payments (to be made at
13.1 1
new location) according to the area/officer cadre

13.2 Preparing statement of payment, sanction note, preparation of vouchers, provisioning of amount to be paid 1

14 Reimbursement of Telephone charges

Capturing payment terms and conditions and eligibility for different types of facilities (landline / mobile / datacards)
14.1 2
and different category of employees (as per grade/cadre/by approval of competent authority)

Online application by employee – link with employee database; capturing additional information relating to
14.2 telephone numbers, service provider, location of phone, and details of charges for the period, amount to be 2
sanctioned according to cadre.
Split up of Telephone(Landline/Datacard/Broadband/Mobile etc) charges into Rent, call charges and taxes - Period
14.3 2
wise (Monthly etc.,)
14.4 Online Scrutiny and Sanction of claims/bills by competent authority 2
14.5 Monthly Preparation of Statement/Voucher as per sanctioned amount as per cadre for Payment 2
Preparing details of payments made to Officers entrusted with special assignments where the cost is borne by other
14.6 2
agencies and paid on reimbursement basis
14.7 Recovery of excess payments beyond annual limits after half-yearly / annual reviews 2
14.8 Statement for Reconciliation with Accounts 2
15 Reports
15.1 Generation of Annual Closing statements as required for Audit/Regulatory Authorities/etc. 2
15.2 Generating Reports employee-wise as well as department-wise / regional office wise (on adhoc basis) 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Conveyance & Lease

Sr. No. Particulars AIC's Rating BS

1 Conveyance Scheme
1.1 System should maintain conveyance scheme of AIC 2
System should enable employee to raise request for sanction of a vehicle and approval by competent
1.2 2
Capture the details of all the vehicles available with AIC and the details of allotments made to different
1.3 2

1.4 The system should facilitate the uploading of the documents relating to the quotation, agreement, bills etc 2

The system should maintain the details of the vehicle (engine no., chassis no, RC, Name of Officer to whom
1.5 2
vehicle is allotted etc)
1.6 Maintenance of related registers of with all details of allotment/exit etc 2
1.7 Maintenance of usage log of cars, mapping of drivers to car 2
1.8 Payment of salary to private drivers, payment of adhoc payments to drivers 2
1.9 System should maintain all insurance details related with all the vehicles available with AIC 2
Capturing the daily employee wise bill payment details in to the database and deducting the consolidated
1.10 amount at the end of the month from employee‘s salary or Issue of Smart cards to the staff members so as to 1
allow them to pay the bills through the card

System should maintain the information regarding Officers claiming reimbursement on the basis of
1.11 declaration, petrol/diesel/gas, repair & maintenance, washing etc. bills in respect of 4 wheelers owned by 1
1.12 System should have a facility to calculate depreciation as per the scheme/income tax rule 2
Conversion of vehicle from conveyance scheme to company loan scheme in case of change of employee role,
1.13 2
passing necessary entries in the books of accounts and recoveries through payroll
2 Reimbursement for Conveyance expenses
2.1 Capturing rules and eligibility conditions 2
2.2 Application by employee through Self Service Module 2
2.3 Sanctioning bill. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Conveyance & Lease

2.4 Maintaining employee-wise as well as department-wise data. 2

Submission of Quarterly Statement to all the departments at AIC HO/ROs for monitoring of budget
2.5 2

2.7 Monitoring of expenses vis-a-vis budget on Quarterly basis for all the departments at AIC HO/Ros 2

2.8 Bills for Out-of-pocket Expenses Capturing rules and eligibility conditions 2
2.9 Online application by employee – link with employee database 2
2.10 Preparation of statement of payment, sanction note, provisioning and vouchers: 2
2.11 Payment on quarterly basis for all officers 2
2.12 Handling queries, clarifications and correspondences from AIC HO/ROs 2
2.13 Statement for Reconciliation with Accounts 2
Preparing details of payments made to Officers entrusted with special assignments where the cost is borne by
2.14 2
other agencies and paid on reimbursement basis
3 Company/Lease Accomodation
3.1 The system should maintain the company accomodation, Lease/Rent policy 2
3.2 Employee can raise a request and enter the details through the system 2
3.3 The system should provide the facility for online sanction by the competent authority 2
3.4 The system should calculate the due date for payment after the details for the first time is entered 2
The system should auto generate alerts/emails to authorised users on the payment process 7 days prior to
3.5 2
the due date for payment
3.6 the system should be able to capture the advances, brokerage, maintenance details etc. 2
system should have a facility to provide an alert/emails to the authorised users for 2 months prior to the
3.7 2
expiry of the agreement
3.8 linkage with payroll for lease license fee, extra rent, HRA etc. 2
4 Reports
Generation of all relevant reports regarding allotment of company accomadation/lease, vehicle under
4.1 2
converyance scheme etc.

4.2 The system should generate the report for company/lease, advances, brokerage, maintenance details etc. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Conveyance & Lease

Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Terminal Benefits & Separation

Sr. No. Particulars AIC's Rating BS

1 Terminal Benefits + Separations

1.1 The system should allow financial accounting of PF, Gratuity, Welfare and leave encashment funds 2
Accounting module for PF, Pension, trust funds and gratuity including daily, quarterly , yearly statement of accounts (Balance sheet,
trial balance. P&L) 2
1.3 The system should map PF accounts with salary of respective employee for payroll calculations 2

1.4 The system should support pooling the monthly contribution of PF,VPF, PF withdrawals in to the PF management system
The system should support reconcilliation of monthly contribution of employee based on any deviations occuring on account of
increments/promotions/Lop status etc 2
1.6 The system should faciliate accurate deductions from employee and employer based on the Pension scheme opted 2

1.7 The system should Support PF settlement process including generation of settlement sheets and relevant vouchers for accounting
1.8 The system should support calculation of periodic interest and crediting the amount to the accounts 2
1.9 The system should maintain nominee details and payment to nominee in case of death of an employee 2
1.10 The input for VPF percentage basis and amount basis to come from user with sanction note of competent authority 2
Should be able to capture the reason for separation such as Enter Reason for separation in system :resignation/VRS/compulsory
retirement/disablement/death/fraud/other issues involving disciplinary action etc 2
In case of a normal retirement process, the system should generate letters to all the branch offices, where the retiring employee has
worked to notify employee liabilities, if any 2
1.13 The system should also facilitate checking of any disciplinary action in process against the employee 2
The system should facilitate online approval/rejection of VRS requested by the employee keeping the personnel department
informed 2

1.15 The system should generate relieving letter to be issued to the employee through the Regional Office/HR department at HO
2 Pension
The system should support pension processing for pensioners - to obtain pension slip/change of nominees/details of pension
during financial year/Tax calculations/updation of personal detailes etc 2
2.2 The system should maintain nominee details to facilitate pension processing 2
2.3 The system should support pension disbursement and support multiple payment modes for pension 2
2.4 The system should calculate family pension and payment 2
2.5 The system should support all related accounting procedures including generation of vouchers and related reports 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Terminal Benefits & Separation

The system should perform Income tax calculation and deduction for pension payment as per govt. guidelines and issuance of form
16. Configurable Master for updation of rates manually as and when required to be present in system 2
2.7 Receipt of application for pension, commutation of pension, etc. for both pension/family pension 2

2.8 Preparation of sanction notes involving calculation of pension/family pension, commutation amount, arrears of pension amount.
2.9 Preparation of Pension / Family Pension sanction letters. 2
2.10 Maintaining details of sanctions of normal pension and family pension 2
2.11 Calculating revised pension and pension arrears payable on account of revision in pay scales/DA. 2

Capture data of Pensioner from employee database of HRMS relating to Name, Grade, UIN, Date of birth, Date of Retirement, Date
commutation, Basic Pension, mode of payment, a/ MICR code on the Payroll Module used for disbursement of pension.
2.13 Capture DA rates in pension module at half yearly intervals 2
2.14 Preparation of pension roll for payment of monthly pension using the software package 2
2.15 Preparation of floppy/CD for ECS payment 2
2.16 Mantaining data base viz. Address, Telephone numbers and PAN of Pensioners. 2
2.17 Provision for Pension Revision and calculation of arrears, if any. 2
No. of pensioners, separately indicating the types of pensioners, the amount of pension, date of retirement, last drawn pay and other
details, for all offices 2
Calculating number of persons retiring at a particular point of time in future and calculating from the same number of persons who
are pension optees. 2
3 Retirement Benefits
3.1 Provident Fund
3.1.1 Allot PF Index numbers to each employee 2
3.1.2 Capturing employee-wise data for exercising option for Subscription(ES), Emp. Additional Subs.(EAS), Recovery 2
3.1.3 Capture details of PF advances/withdrawals of Subscribers 2
Facility to generate recovery advice for payroll desk in case of PF advance – Link with payroll and also monitor outstanding balances
of advance. 2
3.1.5 Employee has to choose option for voluntary contribution to PF along with their rule (with linkage to payroll) 2

3.1.6 Statement detailing the Location & Subscriber-wise opening balances, monthly transactions as well as closing balances for the month
3.1.7 Ability to every Employee to view his PF statement through Self Service Module. 2
Ability to intimate the employees three months before their retirement about PF, Gratuity and Pension claim forms etc. and ability to
capture the required information online through employee self service. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Terminal Benefits & Separation

3.1.9 Should be integrated with payroll system 2

3.1.10 Support PF settlement process including generation of settlement sheets and relevant vouchers for accounting 2
3.1.11 Module for investment of funds of PF, Pension, Gratuity 2
Investment module should include pattern of investment as per Government Policy & MIS including yield on security wise,
maturity wise, type of security wise etc. 2
3.1.13 Facility to calculate revised pension for errors, if any. 2
Supporting NPS (National Payment System) in respect of employees who have joined AIC on or after 01.01.2004-Deduction of
3.1.14 monthly contribution ,uploading of contribution to NSDL (CRA) infrastructure along with AIC contribution , generation of
reports ,MIS etc. 2
3.1.15 The system should have the feature for shifting pensioners from NPS to old pension scheme 2
3.2 Pension Gratuity & PF

3.2.1 Support Terms & Conditions and Calculation Process for Pension Payment, Family Pension, Commutation, Gratuity etc.
3.2.2 Pension payment of executives as per guidelines 2
3.3.1 Keeping track of PRAN Accounts opened with NSDL 2
3.3.2 Transferring of monthly contribution under NPS to NSDL for PRAN holders. 2
3.3.3 Reminder to non PRAN holders for submission of Subscriber Registration Form Calculation of arears, if any. 2

3.3.4 Notification should be generated by the system in case a PRAN holder employee resigns, and appropriate shifting of PRAN.
3.3.5 Provision for interest calculation of funds, not transferred to NSDL. 2
4 Reports
4.1 The system should Generate all types of reports as per request of AIC (like pf ledger etc.) 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Tour & Transfers

Sr. No. Particulars BS
1 Tour Approval
Facility for Online application seeking approval by the employee for official work/Training oustide the
1.1 2

1.2 Facility to provide online sanction by the authority. Generation of sanction number for tracking subsequent activities 2

1.3 Facility to seek online permission from competent authority to travel by a mode of travel other than permitted one 2

1.4 Facility to seek online permission from competent authority to travel other than Eligibility fare 2
Facility to credit the employee‘s account online by the advance sanctioned and passing necessary entries in the
1.5 2
The system should allow online requisition of multiple tours and multiple advances as well as approval of the same
1.6 2
from controling authority as per defined guidelines
The system should facilitate to cancel/modify the tour and recovery of sanctioned tour advance and passing
1.7 2
necessary entries in the system
1.8 the system should have facility to accommodate leaves applied during the tour period 2
1.9 the system should have the facility to auto-reflect the tour period into attendance module 2
2 Claim Processing
2.1 The system should facilitate to fetch the approved tour details for settlement 2
The system should allow uploading requisite documents of claims information for re-imbursment of tour expenses
2.2 2
2.3 System should maintain reimbursement limit masters as per AIC policy 2

2.4 The System should have a facility to calculate the various types of DHA as per various cadre/city type 2

The system should allow updation to re-imbursement limits based on internal organization policy or other
2.5 2
regulatory policies
Facility to recover the credit the employee‘s account online by the advance sanctioned and passing necessary entries
2.6 2
in the system
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Tour & Transfers

2.7 Facility to credit arrears of past availed tours incase of any revision of limit based on time period 2
Provision to process the Claim with all validations and classifying the claim under different category with further
2.8 break up as to Transportation expenses, Lodging Expenses, Boarding Expenses, local conveyance, incidental and 2
other expenses etc.

Facility to adjust the advance (after filing the claim and sanctioning the same by the concerned official) through the
2.9 employee‘s account and passing necessary entries to the employee‘s account and passing necessary entries in the 2
books of accounts
2.10 On full adjustment of advance, sanction number must be closed 2
Support for tour programme of Executive and automatic notification to concerned officials / departments /
2.11 2
offices /other entities in organization.
Facility to generate online reminder letter for the concerned employee/department in case of non submission of tour
2.12 2
expense claim within a fixed time period
3 Transfer Bills
3.1 Capturing rules and eligibility conditions 2
3.2 Online application for transfer advance by employee through system 2
Scrutiny of application for advance and sanction of advance – System to handle release of advance in instalments at
3.3 old or new centre depending on certain conditions (i.e., whether all members of family are shifted, whether vehicle 2
and/or household goods are shifted, etc.)
3.4 Monitoring of outstanding advances against bills submitted within time limits prescribed 2

Submission of bill by employee – giving details of items of expenditure, i.e., travel cost, halting allowance on
transfer, local conveyance, lodging and boarding charges, packing & forwarding charges, transport charges for
3.5 2
household goods & vehicle, insurance, DHA etc., Capturing centre-wise data for distances between airport /
railway station and the place of stay at new centre for calculation of local conveyance admissible at specified rates

Scrutiny and sanction of bills as per rules – limits for different category of employees and different pay-scales –
3.6 linkage with other modules required, like with payroll module (for basic pay, dearness allowance, etc.) and quarters 2
allotment module (for stoppage or payment of halting allowance on transfer)
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Tour & Transfers

Maintenance of Bills Register for statement on employee-wise data of bills due, settled, pending for sanction, etc.
3.7 2
and respective amounts
3.7.1 Sundry Advances a/c – Transfer Advance 2
Sundry Creditors a/c- Refund of Transfer Advance with the balances maintained by respective authority and
3.7.2 2
maintenance of related records/files.
The system should hilghlight transfer cases who are yet to claim transfer re- imbursment and send reminder letters
3.8 2
to ensure claim within a defined period of transfer
4 Reports
4.1 the system should have the facility to upload/enter tour report 2
Generation advances of periodical reports for monitoring of outstanding Reconciliation of intermediary head of
4.2 2
accounts, i.e.
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Payroll

Sr. No. Particulars BS
1 Payroll

1.1 Comprehensive payroll management system which should include all the functions mentioned below but not limited to:

Capability to maintain a single central payroll repository and be able to run and access payroll from any location in a centralized or
1.2 decentralized manner. System to generate salary of all the employees. The salary is determined by bipartite settlement and varies as 2
and when revision is implemented.
1.3 Facility to upload data history from existing system for a number of years/months as decided by AIC and its updating 2

1.4 Support configuration and parameterization of different pay components including facility to add / modify / delete pay components 2

1.5 Ability to make changes to rules, tax updates etc. without any code programming 2
1.6 Support to define pay structure at various levels/cadres/class 2
1.7 Ability to define various pay elements like earnings and deductions using a rules based framework 2
1.8 Maintenance of slabwise details for Basic, DA, HRA, Income Tax, Professional Tax, Transport allowance, etc. 2
1.9 Ability to support multiple reruns, if necessary, after resetting, before final payroll generation 2
1.10 Support main and partial payroll run 2
1.11 Support Bipartite Settlements/salary/allowances revision arrears calculation 2
1.12 Audit trails to capture batch modifications to employee payroll information 2
Capability to define various formulae and ability to link them to other calculation formulae / elements such that when there is a rule
1.13 2
change only the component which has undergone a change will be effected
1.14 Provision to recover other charges as defined and configured by the user 2
1.15 Support of LTS (Leave Travel Subsidy) and also leave encashment on retirement with consequent tax adjustments 2
1.16 Support passing of accounting entries for salary payments and maintenance of related books of accounts, registers. 2

1.17 Increment processing & releasing of increment of employee to be made automatically. System must allow manual intervention 2

Support to view pay details of current month, pay history, net amount paid, unpaid deductions – employee wise and monthwise,
1.18 2
financial year wise
1.19 Capability to group individual earning and deductions and link them to employees as per their eligibilities 2
1.20 Calculation of overtime and linking such payments with Income Tax calculation 2
Ability to run separate payrolls for different locations as well as Company as a whole depending on the eligibilities and rules
1.21 2
applicable for each location
1.22 Provision to Manually adjust taxable earnings (in case of income from other sources, investments, etc.) 2
1.23 Generation of month wise, quarter wise, half year and year wise statement of accounts 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Payroll

Facility to upload the overall salary heads of employees in case of non connected branch (for which fixed format has to be generated
1.24 2
by bidder)
1.25 Facility to provide the authorization for any type of posting in payroll. 2
1.26 Addition/subtraction clause to be included for pay elements i.e. special allowance. 2
2 Tax/deductions

Provision for various deductions including income tax at source/loan/installments/other recoveries, salary deduction for absence
without leaves/half pay leaves, provision of special allowances, increments for professional qualification, Graduation pay, stagnation
increments etc. Details of membership in various trade union, deduction membership fees, Details on insurance and its deduction
2.1 2
loans (No., amount, Installment Balance), Festival advance (sanction, deduction, balance), EPF, NPS, GSLI, Society loan etc.
Increments and generation increment sanctions, increments automatic and manual, generation of salary statement branch wise, head
wise and individual salary slips, accounting, etc.

The dearness allowance is a variable and is determined by the consumer price index declared by the Govt. of India from time to time.
2.2 2
HRA & CCA calculation as per the percentage and location/centre. All other allowances to be included.

2.3 Support calculation of different allowances based on user defined criteria like Single Window allowance, Driver Allowance etc. 1

2.4 Facility to indicate taxable earnings, deduction priority, carryover (carry forward) and partial recovery 2
Facility to maintain tax rates, standard deduction, investment, rebate, notional rent, perquisites, like furniture and accommodation,
2.5 2
2.6 Professional tax deductions with exemptions, arrears and generation of related reports and challans 2
2.7 Calculation of income tax forecast for each employee based on the employee declaration of savings, etc. 2
Facility to allow income tax exemption & deductions, Support calculations of loss of pay, half pay, strike cut, etc. and consequent
2.8 2
adjustment in income tax payment, etc.
2.9 Support Recovery of union contributions (Union wise) 2
2.10 Housing loan recovery of AIC and outside agencies and updation of IT rebate/deductions 2
2.11 Support recovery of all other types of loans with reports like recoveries made, overdue list, etc. 2
2.12 Support calculation and payment of salary arrears as per the industry level settlements with tax adjustments 2
2.13 Calculation of income tax as per rate slabs & standing instructions 2
2.14 Generation of employee‘s individual tax return 2
2.15 Tax rules should be configurable without any additional cost 2
2.16 Payment of medical allowances, recovery and taxation (if any) thereon 2
2.17 Facility for automatic Voucher generation for tax calculation. 2
2.18 Audit trails to capture batch modifications to employee payroll information 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Payroll

2.19 Online page to enable each employee to view/print his pay slip/Income tax estimation. 2
2.20 Facility for online investment declaration along with proofs, which can be attached. 2
2.21 Facility for employee to enroll for various PF, NPS and Pension options like Regular Pension, Contributory pension 2
Facility for various loan deductions through salary like Housing loan, Vehicle loan, Computer loan, personal loan, Festival advance,
2.22 2

2.23 Facility for society subscription deduction, group insurance, LIC premiums, Union fee, etc. deduction through salary 2

Facility for calculation and payment of deputation allowance, officiating allowance and temporary special pay as per no. of days
2.24 2
that employee has officiated
Should handle unlimited number of allowances, deductions. Should be able to configure characteristics for payment, taxability,
2.25 2
computation and so on to suit AIC‘s requirements
The system should compute the Provident Fund, Contributions, Labour Welfare Fund and Professional Tax for all states where
2.26 2
applicable at the correct frequency
2.27 The system should calculate Gratuity and Superannuation for multiple trusts and user definable contributions. 2
The system should capture/access all types of loan details of an employee and the outstanding balance overdue if any through link
2.28 2
with payroll system.

2.29 System should provide link with system to effect the credit of salary, loan installments to their corresponding accounts directly 2

2.30 The system should be configuring various tax rules (e.g. Income tax, Professional taxes etc.) announced by Govt. from time to time. 2

2.31 The system should calculate and deduct Income tax, Professional tax etc., at the time of: Accrual and Payment 2
The system should support for all statutory reports/tax returns, based on, but not limited to Classification of Taxes, Accounting
2.32 2
entity, location/branch, state and nature of transaction (User modifiable format)
3 Salary
3.1 Creation of User defined components of pay like Basic Pay, 2
3.2 Computation of the following items (based on the bi-partite settlements and instructions issued by AIC) like:
3.2.1 • Pay elements applicable to staff 2
3.2.2 • DA on the components of pay as indicated above, 2
• Family Allowance, Local Allowance / city compensatory allowance, House Rent Allowance as % of Basic Pay; in case of Group C
3.2.3 2
employees option for availing allowance on per child norm also
3.2.4 • Fixed split duty allowance and transport allowance for Group B and C staff 2
Capability to arrive at outer limit of basic salary for a given employee and check for variation beyond certain user defined percentage
3.3 2
and generation of exception report on such occurrence
3.4 Support final settlement of salary based on any due etc. for the employee who have resigned/retired/deceased 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Payroll

Release of festival advance and other advances (user defined) against salary. Employee wise recovery position, recovery list and
3.5 2
outstanding balances list – month wise or as user defined
Support calculation and payment of arrear/bonus with consequent tax deduction/adjustments and retrospective benefits, along
3.6 2
with calculation of relief, if any, u/s 89 (1) of Income Tax Act 1961
3.7 Support payment of arrears calculated in user defined installments or in lump sum after deduction of Income Tax 2
3.8 Support payment of salary to special appointees, temporary staff, etc 2
Support calculation and payment of subsistence allowance (along with subsequent revisions in SA) in case of suspended employees
3.9 2
and facility for rephasing various staff loans when on loss of pay and suspension
Support RBS, DRF (death relief fund) and SBS (staff benevolent scheme) or any other such schemes recovery from employee salary –
3.10 2
yearly recovery statement to be given to staff

3.11 Support reimbursement with regard to conveyance, medical (normal & hospitalization), Payment of deputation allowance 2

3.12 Support creation of NPS/PF enrolments, nominations and deduction of Employee contributions to PF and Additional EPF 2

3.13 Support calculation of Employer contributions to NPS/PF including both EPF and FPF part (if applicable) 2
3.14 Pay fixation for all cadres on promotion 2

3.14.1 • Fixed conveyance allowance (physically handicapped) and functional allowance applicable to Group A, B & C staff 2

3.14.2 • Overtime allowance on hourly basis on pay + DA as applicable to the concerned month 2
• Calculation of salary on the basis of pay components as indicated above giving effect to annual increments falling due in respective
3.14.3 months, adjustment of salary on account of sick leave with half pay, extra ordinary leave without pay and allowances, revised pay on 2
promotion, acquiring qualification of JAIIB/CAIIB/PhD.
3.15 Support upload facility of salary through external diskettes viz. CD / DVD 2
3.16 Facility to calculate Bonus payable projections for a given period 2
4 Exceptions
4.1 Effecting various recoveries like :
4.1.1 • PF, APF 1
4.1.2 • House Rent, Lounge/Canteen subscription, medical premium, Group Saving Life Insurance 1
4.1.3 • Statutory deductions - Income Tax and Education Cess, Professional Tax, etc. 1
4.1.4 • Subscriptions for associations/ sports clubs 1
• Installments of loans and advances granted to employees (like consumer, computer, festival, professional, flood relief, vehicle,
4.1.5 1
housing including the interest on the loans, HPF RTA and other loans)
4.1.6 • Charges/court attachments 1
4.2 Updation of recoveries in respect of dues to State-wise AIC Employees Cooperative Credit Societies, LIC, etc. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Payroll

4.3 Facility to effect pay types based on user defined cycles of pay (hourly, daily monthly) 2
4.4 Facility to restrict the administrative functions to a few select salary users 2
4.5 Availability of data uploads facility to upload historical salary data 2
4.6 Maintenance of slab wise details for statutory elements like :
4.6.1 • Income Tax, PF/APF, Professional Tax state wise as well as user defined elements 2
• Calculation of pay elements for Leave encashment and report for IT calculations of the concerned employee – Link to Leave
4.6.2 2
Maintaining information pertaining to investments made by the employee to avail of tax rebates based on statutory legislation-direct
4.7 2
savings declaration
4.8 Support for major statutory reports 2
Calculation/ Recording of employees‘ perquisites (including calculation of revised Perquisites in case of Arrear calculation) and other
4.9 information relevant in computing their tax liability as tax components. Calculation of Perquisites on Loans given by AIC on Gender 2
Defining the tax rules to determine employees‘ tax liability as per changes by the Central Govt.,/ local statutory legislation for
4.10 2
arriving at the actual tax liability of employee
4.11 Automatic calculation and deduction of tax 2

4.12 Capability to provide tax patches /Form 24 Q patches to automatically take care of tax calculations on changes in tax laws 2

Increments, EB increments, sanction / restoration Of increments/basic pay in punishment cases, shifting of the date of increment
4.13 2
due to LOP etc., special increments for CAIIB /Graduation etc.
4.14 Calculation of Tax on Terminal Benefits/ Leave encashment. 2
4.15 Capability to calculate salary as per different dispensation as may be required till regulations are amended. 2
Processing of various staff loans based on user defined eligibility criteria. System should have the flexibility to allow the user to
4.16 2
configure different type of loan products
4.17 Maintenance of loan disbursement details 2
4.18 Capturing of all types of loan details of an employee 2
4.19 Updation of rebate/deduction during recovery of loan andaffecting the employee‘s tax accordingly 2
4.20 Maintenance of loan registers 2
4.21 Loan EMI deduction must be directly linked with monthly salary computation and with accounting books. 2
4.22 Details of indirect liabilities of employees and provision for updation 2
4.23 Details of Spouse : Name ,DOB, Employed or Not. 2
4.24 Details of :
4.25 Sanction / Payment of Normal / CAP Cost HRA. 2
4.26 Sanction of In Lieu of Accommodation. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Payroll

4.27 Generating reports with some variable general columns like EMP NO./PFM NO. Name, Design, Department etc.) 2
Facility of office notes for NOC for PP/ VISA / GOING ABROAD/OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT /studies/ VRS/
4.28 2
4.29 Facility of Staff welfare scheme taxable 2
4.30 Sanction and disbursement of all bills should be centralized or decentralized as per the need of AIC. 2
Sanction amount passed with different checks , parameters, tax service tax rules should be credit in staff account/party account.
4.31 2
voucher should be generated for the same.

4.32 Projection of the tax liability of an employee for the period within a tax calendar and providing tax planners to the employee 2

4.33 Provision to record other table earnings (in case of income from other sources, investments) 2
4.34 Handling of exemptions and rebates as per the Income Tax Rules 2
4.35 Calculation of HRA rebate for income tax 2
4.36 The system should display the status of the salary calculations 2
4.37 Scope for multiple times test run of salary, before finalization to ensure accurate pay computation 2
The system should have the ability to establish the limits for each deduction based on employee, job classification, benefit plan,
4.38 2
The system should have the ability to take deductions in the current period or any pay period or periods selected , in any user
4.39 2
defined frequency selected between user defined start and stop dates, until limit is reached
4.40 Maintaining the start and stop dates for deductions on the employee master file on user defined employee 2
Facility to effect mass changes on deduction amounts, example staff welfare fund deduction, Subscriptions to Association/ Sports
4.41 2
4.42 Reversal of deduction, to be included in next salary if incorrectly withheld 2
4.43 Deduction of amounts is determined by amount of earnings, percent of earnings 2

4.44 Prioritization of deduction based on the separate priority numbers allotted to the deductions (statutory/non-statutory) 2

4.45 Ability to be prompted by system when employee status changes on account of grade change / transfer 2
4.46 For each employee system should use Employee Master Data of HRMS for :-
4.46.1 • Name of employee PF Account No 2
4.46.2 • Employee No for salary purpose 2
4.46.3 • Name of Father/Husband Date of birth 2
4.46.4 • Basic Pay 2
4.46.5 • Designation 2
4.46.6 • Date of joining service Month of Increment Option for pension 2
4.46.7 • Nomination details 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Payroll

4.46.8 • Name & Address of nominee 2

4.46.9 • Age of Nominee 2
4.46.10 • Availability of mandatory forms and reports like the following but not limited to:
4.46.11 • IT declaration form/quarterly ETDS, salary certificate earnings /other income outside salary 2
4.46.12 • PF Form 3A Form 6A 2
4.46.13 • Form F7 Form F8 2
4.46.14 • Salary Register 2
4.46.15 • Leave Register Pay Slip 2
4.46.16 • Form 16 Form 16 AA 2
4.46.17 • Form 24Q - Quarterly returns Form 7 B 2
4.47 The system should have the provision for generation of standard and ad-hoc salary reports 2
4.48 The system should have the provision for generating user defined reports 2
Automatic update of salary database for changes in employee record without interfering with salary processing (eg promotions in the
4.49 2
middle of month)

4.50 The system should have the capability to deduct the loans and advances in subsequent pay periods with a single transaction 2

The system should have the ability to maintain the salary information i.e. Record of all pay of all activity for each employee for a user
4.51 2
specified period
The system should have the ability to link with punishments i.e. Suspension should result in subsistence allowance (user
4.52 2
The system should have the provision for arrears calculation on account of salary revision, refitment, reinstatement, retrospective
4.53 2
release of increments/allowances
For retired employees: Provision for arrears calculation including gratuity, Calculation of Income Tax and Professional Tax during
4.54 2
4.55 The facility to support provisions of IT as applicable to different financial years 2
4.56 The facility to store the income tax computation of past 3 to 5 years data along with the current year 2
4.57 Interface for credit/debit to employees/office accounts 2

4.58 Tax deducted for employee for given month Tax deducted for an employee (HO & RO wise) Income Tax declaration form 2

4.59 Administration of Group Saving Life Insurance 2

4.60 Recovery of monthly premium from salary - towards insurance schemes availed by employees 2
The system must capture at least following insurance details: Policy Number, Risk Covered, Name of the insurer, Period of insurance,
4.61 2
Premium paid, Terminal value of settlement
4.62 Provision for remittance of insurance premium deducted from salary at Branch Level/Head Office Level 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Payroll

4.63 Consolidation of premium and remittance to LIC on a specified period (Monthly, annually, etc) 2
4.64 Reimbursement of premium to employees at specified interval (eg. Quarterly) 2
4.65 Change in premium amount done based on change / revision in policy availed 2
4.66 Change in category of members done at the time of annual renewal 2
4.67 Generation of Master list at the time of annual renewal 2
4.68 Salary attachment :
4.68.1 Maintaining General & Member wise Registers. 2
4.68.2 Starting & stopping deduction. 2
4.68.3 Maintaining member wise and order wise accounts. 2
4.68.4 The system should calculate salary for the employees who are on long absence on actual attended days 2
4.68.5 Previous Months Unpaid salary pay in the current month as Arrears Salary 1
4.68.6 With holding & Release of Salary 2
5 Report
Capacity to provide data to Actuary to arrive The organization‘s future liability in connection with Gratuity Payment, Leave
Encashment payment, LTS available block, Pension payment for employees now in service with additional information with regard to
5.1 projected salary/leave balance for encashment 2
5.2 The system should support all types of report generation such as :
5.2.1 • Checklist summary of changes made in each payroll cycle 2
5.2.2 • Report on earnings and deductions employee wise/region wise 2

5.3 Income tax & estimation reports should be generated on half yearly/user defined periodicity basis along with confirmation reports. 2

5.4 Festival advance reports for individuals and department wise is required to be generated. 2
5.5 Generation of perquisite calculation reports (PF loan, Car loan, OD) 2
5.6 Facility for Generation of tax estimation report as and when required 2
5.7 Facility for Generation of Leave Encashment report(Daily report and memberwise report) 2
5.8 Generation of month wise, quarter wise, half year and year wise statement of accounts 2
5.9 Report on PF deductions recovered from the salary to be submitted to PF section 2
5.10 Report on various other recoveries deducted from the salary to be submitted to various sections 2
5.11 Report on perquisite details paid to the employees 2
5.12 Provision to generate the following reports related to salary:
5.13 Main salary report/ Pay-order for sanctions Component-wise details of main salary 2
5.14 Salary reports (Grade-wise or pay-wise) to be sent to ROs 2
5.15 Details of reports (Grade-wise or pay-wise) sent to ROs with amount 2
5.16 Report (Grade-wise or pay-wise) to be raised on any RO having earnings less than deduction 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Payroll

5.17 Summary report of earnings and deduction for the ROs Total summary of account wise earnings and deductions 2

5.18 Staff no-wise various advances ledger Staff no-wise master earnings report Salary crediting sheets to be sent to Branch/ROs 2

5.19 Provision to generate the following reports related to E-TDS Details of challans remitted:
5.19.1 Particulars of deductees 2
5.19.2 Challan-wise reports (for particular challan with details of TDS remitted through that challan) 2
5.19.3 Reports 27 A - Report for filing of TDS returns Details of employees with PAN particulars 2
5.19.4 Details of salary particulars with investment / rebate details 2
5.19.5 Tax investment report year-wise TDS at source year-wise Annexure to form 12 C 2
5.20 Generation of various reports/certificates (user defined format with reference number) 2
Monthly salary payment calculations and generation of related reports, salary slips, deduction lists, vouchers, tax challans etc. (as per
5.21 2
the user- defined criteria like for a branch/ Region etc.)
The system should give Statutory reports relating to NPS, PF, Pension, Income Tax, Profession Tax whether they are monthly, half
5.22 2
yearly or annual should be available.

5.23 Generation of all types of statutory reports of taxes like Form 16 and Form 24 in the user defined format (16AA, 12BA AND 27A ) 2

5.24 System should support provision for transfer of Loans from external source to AIC. 2
System should support transfer of Housing Loans from Supplementary to Scheme loan and re-calculate the Principle and Interest
5.25 2
accordingly to be recovered from Employee.
5.26 System should support lumpsum repayment of Loans/advances by Users/HR Dept. 2
5.27 System should support bifurcation of Loans into Short-term/Long-term 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Performance Appraisal

Sr. No. Particulars BS

1 Performance Appraisal

1.1 The system should support performance management tools such as:

1.1.1 • Balanced Score Card


1.1.2 • 360 degree feedback for future requirements


1.1.3 • Tracking & reporting.

The system should be able to map the KRAs of the employee based on the his present job posting. Business Targets
specific to Branch and Regional Managers should be acknowledged on the system 2
The system should allow inclusion of weightages for each key parameter and points against each rating attained in the
performance appraisal template 2
The system should be able to generate online performance appraisal for the employee based on his cadre /job posting and
agreed upon performance goals (at the beginning of the year) if any 2
The system should support online secure access to both staff as well as the officers to complete performance self
1.5 appraisals. System should also support offline performance management. It should be possible to upload documents
where online connectivity is not possible. 2
The system should map appraiser and reviewing authority to each employee to facilitate appraisal process. The system
should allow editing of the same in case of special circumstances 2
Facility to review set goals and change them during the performance year - particularly during transfer/promotion in the
middle of the year 2
The system should support online secure access to appraiser and reviewing authority to complete performance self
1.8 appraisals. The system should record and store any comments which should be viewable by the appraiser and their
manager/s 2

1.9 Provision for Unilateral Performance Appraisal

The system should be able to calculate the total marks received based on the point rating and individual parameter
weightages 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Performance Appraisal

1.11 The system should have functionality to compare appraiser and reviewer ratings online simultaneously
Support generation of confirmation number for sign offs made by employee, appraiser and reviewing authority, in
printable form stating the time and date of submission 2
The system should be able to highlight appraisals to be placed before moderation committee in scenarios of rating
mismatch between appraiser and reviewer 2
The system should be able to map the appraisals to the moderation committees specific to the cadre/grade of the
employee 2

1.15 The system should support maintenance of history of performance appraisals and promotions
The system should be able to identify list of employees whose promotion is dropped on account of last 3 years (or user
defined period) performance ratings and track the same on a year on year basis 2

1.17 The system should have direct integration to the training nomination
The system should support memo letters / mails to be issued to the employee in case of unsatisfactory performance
(below average) 2

1.19 Support to generate defaulter's list and also acknowledge submission of performance appraisals
The system should have facility to release of increments for qualifications acquired and also for stagnation increments,
1.20 FPA (Fixed Personal Allowance), PQA (Personel Qualification Allowance) etc. and it should be integrated with the payroll
module and other relevant modules 2
The system should have facility to support generation of increments due for each month or for user defined period for
employees – cadre wise/scale wise/ other user defined combination 2

1.22 Capability to create online Performance documents for employees depending on the cadre / grade in the organization

1.23 Facility to capture information of self appraisal through Self Service Modules.

1.24 Ability to map the reporting officer for a given employee officer
Facility to appraise the performance online by the appraising officer and capture details as given by the appraising
authority (reporting officer), reviewing authority 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Performance Appraisal

Ability to define the period for which appraisal is being carried out (Monthly/Quarterly/Half yearly/Yearly
etc.) 2
Support parameter wise ratings, final ratings, strengths / weakness and suggestions / recommendations for
improvements by the appraising/reviewing authority / accepting authority. 2

1.28 Facility to consolidate the overall points and calculate an overall grade for the appraisee

1.29 Support maintenance of history of performance appraisals

Support to generate reminder letters / mails / workflows to the employees/ appraising authorities in case of non-
submission of self appraisals, etc 2
Support generation of printable list of outstanding appraisals for each reporting and reviewing officer and dispatch to
concerned officer through letter/mail / workflow etc. 2

1.32 Support to generate defaulters list

There should be provision to get acknowledgement to staff members on submission of Performance Appraisal and
Assets and Liabilities statement. 2
Performance Appraisal and Increments, asset and liabilities statement Management (Part of Career & Succession
Planning) 2
System to support online submission of Performance Appraisal and Assets and Liabilities statement (Is this related to
Property Returns?). 2

1.36 Capability for moderation of the marks by the Moderation Committee awarded by Reporting/ Review Authorities
Performance appraisal for Class III/IV – not self should be filled by Branch Head) – Format for Class III/IV as defined by

It has been observed that the Appraisal segment is not being used, since it does not meets AIC’s requirements. Self-
1.38 appraisal comments, Level 1 Reviewer comments and Final Reviewer’s comments are all visible in different windows. It is
not possible to view all three levels of comments in a single screen/window.

1.39 It has been observed that the Organization setup/ hierarchy/ reporting structure is not visible/ available in the system
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Performance Appraisal

Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Training and Development

Sr. No. Particulars AIC's Rating BS

1 Training & Development

Provision to maintain and track the training budget under different training heads (such as inhouse/external , within india/overseas
1.1 2
Training needs from performance appraisal, employee requests, department requests received in predefined format to be considered
1.2 2
during training demand planning
The system should be capable of capturing qualification/training completed by the employee externally or prior to joining the
1.3 organisation. This should include trainings attended internally as well this information should be inputable by the employee/Personnel 2
The system should have accept / reject / hold capability for the registration received. System should also be capable of obtaining online
1.4 2
approval by the competent authority.
1.5 Capability to record competency development needs basis competency assessment done during appraisal process 2
1.6 Capability to publish training calendar for in house and other external trainings within India/Overseas training. 2
Capability to prepare an inventory of national and international training institutes for different verticals (crop insurance, specialised
1.7 2
training, behavioral training etc) linked to training needs assessed
The system should allow viewing of the calendar details /external trainings available including details on course content, location , no.
1.8 2
of days, target group etc
1.9 The system should be capable of capturing external training which has been scheduled, in progress and finalised 2
1.10 The system should facilitate self nomination with due approvals from reporting officer. 2
The system should facilitate generation of note for nomination approval from competent authority and track status of approved training
1.11 2

1.12 The system should generate training letters and emails to be issued to the Training institute, participating employee and reporting officer 2

Capability to of generating letters through print/browser/email/mobile with features of on line confirmation, cancellations, explanation
1.13 2
for non attendance as well as communication on re-scheduling of training courses
1.14 Maintenance of course fees paid to external training institutes 2
1.15 Linkage to overseas allowance disbursement as per policy to employee attending overseas training 2
Track the training budget status under different training heads with tracking of training expenses at employee level, institute level, Head
1.16 2
Office/regional Office etc
1.17 The system should maintain minimum and maximum number of candidates per course. 2
1.18 Provision to create wait list as per course class size and auto enrollment features in case of cancellations 2
Provision to record reason for non attendance and permission granted thereby and also recovery of notional cost for non attendance
1.19 2
without valid reason.
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Training and Development

Provision to maintain employee feedback on training attended and consolidate participant's feedback for evaluation on the course and
1.20 2
faculty effectiveness.
The system should capture details of courses held at different centers, batch-size, faculty and participant details, participant attendance
1.21 2
details, feedback and evaluation
The system should capture and maintain history data of external instructors. External instructors also includes our own staff drawn from
1.22 2
other departments/centres /branches and also their profiles

The system should capture and maintain number of personnel trained - month wise, cadre wise, RO, inhouse-external training wise,
1.23 2
training category wise etc and categories like Sex, Gen/SC/ST/OBC/PWD(VH/OH/HH)/Ex-serviceman and religion etc

The system should maintain a single history of all the training programs taken by the user whether they are class room training or self
1.24 2
study through E - Learning
1.25 Capability to monitor post training utilization in the area trained through reporting officer feedback taken online 2

There should be a facility to update the employees profile upon his/ her successful completion of the training programme and in
1.26 accordancwith the provisions of Recruitment, Induction, Training, Placement, Promotion, Transfer and Exit Policy provisions from time 2
to time. (The system should automatically update the profile and no manual intervention needed)

The system should enable AIC to improve and leverage the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employees. It should facilitate
1.27 2
Management to use competency data for recruiting, performance and development,training and succession planning activities.

1.28 The Software shall support a three level classification of training courses: program, module and course level. 2
Course level details should include number of sessions, maximum / minimum employees that can be enrolled, maximum wait listed
1.29 2
employees, and based on mapping module and program should be automatically updated.
Enrolling an employee into a program could be on the basis of pre requisites or by an organizational policy that details eligibility
1.30 parameters. Eligibility parameters could be years in service, exposure in different business verticals, trainings undergone in recent past, 2
cadre/grade in management, or such other employee profile determining parameters.
Facility for storing the reference material for a program, module or a course with details such as author name, available at (venue),
1.31 2
publications etc should be provided.
Training objectives for program, module, and course should be definable. Session details for capturing the number of sessions to break
1.32 2
up into training time should be captured.

1.33 Infrastructure booking details such as capturing the venue and resources should be possible. Venue can be internal or external. 2

Faculty and resource persons captured in Faculty Master can be internal or external. If faculty is external then, skills are captured
1.34 2
separately. This is mandatory to shortlist faculty to impart a particular course.
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Training and Development

1.35 Training Needs from Performance Appraisal Report, mentors and Self are considered and linked to a suitable training program. 2

1.36 This performance determination should result in an automatic upgrade of employee upgrade profile. 2
1.37 Capability to prepare and publish training calendar and seek nominations/recommendations online. 2
1.38 Capability of conducting in-house/external/customized training programme based on the training need analysis. 2
1.39 Capability of tracking the trainings to employees in institutions including training abroad. 2
Support the process of Induction training for new recruitees by integrating with the recruitment module. Provision to generate letters for
1.40 2
Provision to enroll at individual level as well as group level including facility for self nomination with recommendation from
1.41 2
appropriate authority i.e. management, mentors etc.
Capability to maintain training budget at employee level, unit level,institution level and track the training costs and track various type of
1.42 2
training expenses and income from training to employees from outside organizations.
Capability of generating the training letters through print/Employee Self Service/E-Mail including features like on line confirmation,
1.43 2
cancellations, explanation for non attendance and rescheduling of training courses.
Maintain feedback from employees, faculty, mentor as well as controllers on training for assessment of training effectiveness
1.44 2
and impact.
1.45 Provision to conduct entry level tests and exit tests. 2
Maintenance of history on number of personnel trained- monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly and cumulative-region wise/state
1.46 2
wise/training centre wise separately for all cadres/grades of employees.
1.47 Provision to record the permission for non attendance and reasons thereof. 2

1.48 Tracking training costs for each employee with provisions for total training cost incurred cumulatively for all types of trainings. 2

2 Manpower Training
2.1 Facility to support preparation of yearly (or user defined) training calendar 2
2.2 Track and schedule courses for both in-house and external courses 2

2.3 Facility to receive ―Training Needs Analysis ‖ forms from various regions / branches for the purpose of creating a training plan 2

2.4 Support to identify training needs from the Performance Appraisal system on the basis of the development areas identified 2

2.5 Plan and schedule course sessions either in own facilities or at a bidder‘s premises 2
2.6 Outside institute within country 1
2.7 Institute located abroad 1
2.8 Provision to enroll at individual level as well as at group level 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Training and Development

Provision to maintain minimum and maximum number of trainees per course and create waiting lists if enrollments exceed maximum
2.9 2
number of trainees
2.10 Provision to auto enroll waitlisted trainees 1
Identify competencies that employees gain from completing a course and provide for automatic updation of employee competency
2.11 1
2.12 Generate and email training letters to trainees, including course confirmation, cancellation, and rescheduling 1
2.13 Facility to record test results conducted as a part of the training certification 1
2.14 Record and review trainee feedback for various parameters viz., training facility, instructor, and course materials 1

2.15 Track various types of training expenses, including course expenses, trainee Incurred expenses, and tuition reimbursements 1

2.16 Compare planned and real costs 1

Maintenance of history on number of personnel trained – monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly and cumulative – Region wise / state
2.17 1
wise / training center wise separately for officers / award staff / category wise / scale wise etc
2.18 Provision to record the permission given by the division for nonattendance 2
2.19 Provision to evaluate post training utilization 2
2.20 Provision to record reasons for non-attendance. 1
Ability to capture individual components of training expenditure such as inhouse , external within India, training abroad etc. for
2.21 1
maintaining training costs.

2.22 Facility to access training details of a particular staff by only entering employee number and / or name /or qualification detail . 1

2.23 Facility to access name of employees who have gone for a particular training. 1
2.24 List of staff along with their total number to be segregated based on different criteria like :
2.24.1 • Sex: Male/Female 1
2.24.2 • Religion : Hindu,Muslim,Christian,Parsi,Sikh etc. 1
2.24.3 • SC,ST,OBC etc. 1
2.24.4 • Category : Ex-serviceman, Phy.handicapped etc. 1
2.24.5 • Working hours for PTSK : <3,3<6, etc. 1
2.24.6 • Age wise, scale wise, cadre wise & department wise list of staff. 1
2.24.7 • Retirement for next 05 years. 1
2.24.8 • List of VRS. 1
2.24.9 • List of death, termination , resignation , Voluntary Retirement 2
2.24.10 • List of people on Deputation to/from various institutions 2
2.24.11 • Report of State wise , Office wise, Cadre wise, scale wise staff 2
2.24.12 • Staff at Administrative offices & branches (all types). 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Training and Development

3 Training Administration
3.1 Training including need analysis and feedback assessment 2
4 Training Need
Facility to capture inputs for ―Training Need Analysis (TNA) from employees through Self Service Module for the purpose of creating a
4.1 2
training plan.
4.2 Database of job profile and Training Cards 2
4.3 Identify training needs based on TNA and recommendations in Performance Appraisal system 2

4.4 Facility to generate list of employees to be trained and the area of training based on recommendations by competent authority 2

4.5 Support the process of recording the training requirements identified by Trainees / Employee groups / Training establishments. 2

4.6 Receipt of requests from officers for specific training programme 2

4.7 Training Calendar & Design of Course 2
4.8 Track and schedule courses for both in-house and external courses. 2
4.9 Scope to add programmes outside TNA 2
4.10 Details of calendar of programmes 2
5 Training Programmes
5.1 Facility to capture programmes available 2
5.2 Capturing the course contents of each training course 2
5.3 Programmes conducted by the training establishments/HO/ROs 2
5.4 In-house programmes conducted by training establishments 2
5.5 Programmes conducted for special categories 2
6 Training Infrastructure
6.1 Listing of organizations and maintainence of Institute profiles – 2
6.2 Provision to check training room and instructor availability. 2
6.3 Facility to conduct Entry/Exit tests online and consolidation 2
7 Nominations

7.1 Identification of the staff for programs on the basis of the recommendations in various systems/processes on a set criteria 2

7.2 Participants / nominating authority to verify the pre requisites before enrolling for a course through online module. 2

7.3 Generation of note for approval of nominations by competent authority. Sending nomination advice to the employee, consulate 2

7.4 Obtaining the confirmation of the nomination from both the Dept/HO/ROs/ officer online. 2
7.5 On-line allotment of room – being able to choose a room. 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Training and Development

7.6 Receipt of feedback from officers 2

7.7 Reminder to officers for not submission of feedback/utility reports 2
7.8 Statement of officers deputed abroad for training - Name-wise/ Cadre- wise/ Office-wise/RO-wise 2
8 Participation Details
Provision to capture details of courses held at different centers, batch-size, faculty and participant details, participant attendance,
8.1 2
feedback and evaluation
8.2 Displaying cases of repeat participation trainee-wise during a specified period 2

8.3 Facility to enter data/text in Hindi and generate programme-wise participation certificates in Hindi or bilingually 2

In the database of programme attended introduce separate folders for (i) workshops /seminars and (ii) Training programmes /Exposure
8.4 2
8.5 Include details of workshops conducted by HODs along with list of participants and expenditure incurred. 2
9 Guest Faculty
9.1 Maintaining a panel of guest faculty with various specializations with their biodata and address, tel no., email id. 2
9.2 Sending them mails 2
9.3 Details of the visitors to AIC and reasons of the same. Include expenditure incurred for the visits 2
10 Other features
Maintain and Track instructors, training facilities, contract bidders, standard equipment required for courses and equipment available at
10.1 2
training facilities.
10.2 Details of Books and other study material etc purchased and issued to participants 2
10.3 Capture and analyze sessions handled by Members of Faculty and Guest Faculty 2

10.4 Listing of organisations and maintenance of Institute profiles - programmes offers/level of participation/contact information etc. 2

10.5 Biodata of officers to include profile, qualification, appreciation, special assignments 2

10.6 Design of customised programmes 2
10.7 Database of attachments/personal study visits abroad availed by officers. 2
10.8 Digitalising group photos of participants course-wise and retrieval. 2
10.9 Track the training courses and their schedule 2
10.10 Listing of payments made to visiting faculty - AIC/OUTSIDE 2
10.11 Booking of expenditure under Research&Development fund and other funds 2

10.12 Generating scrutiny note for permission for taking up higher studies - biodata of the officers/Fees and other relevant details. 2

10.13 Monitoring the budget sanctioned and release of funds against sanctions 2
11 Sessions handled
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Training and Development

Total number of sessions scheduled (including outstation programmes, sessions handled jointly in computer lab / presentation skills &
11.1 2
sessions handled in AIC)
Avg. no. of sessions handled per faculty per week No. of sessions handled by outside guest speakers No. of sessions handled by resource
11.2 2
persons from HO/ROs
11.3 Percentage of sessions handled by Guest Speakers 2
11.4 No. of Guest Speakers who received highest rating from participants 2
11.5 Total Amount of honorarium paid (Rs.) 2
12 Studies Conducted
12.1 No. of on-site AIC-specific programmes conducted No. of TNA studies conducted 2
13 Expenditure (Rs.)
13.1 Total cost (both capital and revenue) incurred 2
13.2 Revenue expenditure incurred on account of training, consultancy, research projects, etc. 2
13.3 Whether in case of controllable items, expenditure exceeded budget allocation 2
14 Report
Capability to record and review trainee feedback for various parameters viz. training facility, faculty and course material and
14.1 2
generate consolidated report for information of the management online.
14.2 Support preparation of summary reports based on feedback and evaluation 1
14.3 Generation of all types of related reports and dynamic querying facility across the functionalities 1
14.4 System should generate following reports : 2
Details of candidates who participated in training programs, department- wise, centre-wise, cadre-wise, scale-wise – quarterly, half-
14.5 2
yearly, yearly and cumulative, Institution-wise.
Maintenance of history on number of personnel trained – monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly and cumulative – department-wise /
14.6 region- wise/ Office-wise/RO-wise/ channel-wise/training center-wise separately for officers / award staff / category-wise / group- 2
wise etc.
Maintaining training history (training cards) of all employees with effective dates including programs cancelled /not attended with
14.7 2
reasons – automatic updates once attendance is marked.
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Recruitment

Sr. No. Particulars BS
1 Recruitment
1.1 The system should be capable to define the specifications of the vacancies in terms of
1.1.1 • Qualifications 1
1.1.2 • Work experience 1
1.1.3 • Location considerations 1
1.1.4 • Skills/competencies required 1
1.1.5 • Additional certifications / professional qualifications etc. 1
1.2 Recruitment process to be carried based on number of vacancies and ratio of Category 1

The system should allow provision of special recruitment for SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Sport
1.3 2
Quota, ex-serviceman, Sikh riots, Kashmiri migrants, etc including relaxations to the recruitment criteria

1.4 Provision to define eligibility criteria (including proficiency in local language) for recruitment 1
The system should create advertisement template covering recruitment plan, eligibility criteria, examination centre
1.5 2
information etc

1.6 The system should have function of attaching documents / credentials in soft form as a part of the application 2

1.7 The system should capture detailed information of applicant/candidate 2

1.8 The system should have function to define the evaluation criteria and generation of results of evaluation 2

The system should have the provision to map the interview schedule as per the identified panel members, date
1.9 2
and location of interview
The system should support for generation of call letters for written test/interview and offer letter for finally
1.10 2
selected applicants
The system should facilitate to send letters to previous employers/references etc., asking about the conduct and
1.11 2
character of the applicant
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Recruitment

The system should have the provision to generate letters to receive medical reports, police verification, verified
1.12 and authenticated testimonials, NOC from previous employers, caste certificates and other relevant certificates as 2
per the user defined check list

The system should record the acknowledgement/uploading of medical reports, police verification, verified and
1.13 authenticated testimonials, NOC from previous AICs, caste certificates and other relevant certificates as per the 2
user defined check list
Provision of generation of system driven letters such as offer letter, appointment letter, termination letter etc. It
1.14 2
should also be able to edit and print these documents/templates
The system should be able to automatically transfer applicant information into employee information for
1.15 2
candidates joining
The system should be able to track manpower losses due to retirement, transfer, accident, death, dismissals and
1.16 2
promotion. and other issues.
Provision to define requirement plans (periodic) in terms of specific skills, Qualifications, experience,
1.17 2
designation, etc. in each cadre
Support to analyze the cadrewise / branch or officewise / department – wise staff strength – sanctioned/working
1.18 2
strength and the gap for which recruitment is required
1.19 Facility to capture the data relating to resignations / retirements/VRS/dismissals etc. 2

1.20 Facility to create a standard recruitment template and host it on AIC website for receipt of web based applications 2

Capability of the system to automatically short list candidates based on the specifications at every stage of the
1.21 2
selection process viz., preliminary shortlisting, test, interview, etc

Ability to create / modify / delete /cancel etc. rules / basis / procedure for automatically short listing candidates
1.22 at every stage of the selection process viz., preliminary shortlisting, test, interview, etc. However, manual 1
overriding facility shall also be available where a log shall be maintained with all the changes tracked.

Facility to define the specifications of the vacancy in terms of qualifications, work experience, location
1.23 2
considerations, skills/ competencies required, additional certifications/ professional qualifications etc.
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - Integration

Sr. No. Particulars BS
1 Advances – Festival and Natural Calamities 2
2 Loans – 2/4 Wheeler, Computer and House Building Loan 2
3 Non – Core Benefits - Medical Lumpsum, Briefcase and New Paper 2
4 Leave Encashment 2
5 LTS – Advance, Settlement and Encashment 2
6 Transfer Allowance 2
7 Payroll 2
8 Tour – Advance, Settlement 2
9 Employee Personal Details and workflow 2
10 Conveyance scheme 2
11 Document Management System (DMS) 2
12 Core Insurance Solution 2
13 Any Other Financial settlement 2
14 Integration with Oracle Business Inteligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) - Reports 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - MIS

Sr. No. Particulars AIC's Rating BS

Below is the indicative list of HRMS reports:

22 EOM-4 LLF 2
Annexure 03 : Functional Requirements - MIS


28 EOM-1 LOANS 2

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