The Advice of Luqman The Wise To His Son Sh. Rabi Al Madkhali

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ASH-SHAYKH AL-‘ALLAMAH RABI‘ IBN HADI AL-MADKHALI with added tafsir from Imam Ibn Kathir and Imam ‘Abdur-Rabman As-Sa‘di The Advice of Luqman the Wise to his Son THE ADVICE OF LUQMAN THE WISE TO HIS SON BY SHAYKH RABI IBN HADI AL-MADKHALI With added tafsir from Imam Ibn Kathir (ita5) and Imam Abdur-Rahman As-Sa’di (&i25) ‘TRANSLATED BY: Dr. Abdulilah Lahmami © COPYRIGHT SALAFI PUBLICATIONS 2017 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRINTED OR REPRODUCEDOR —* UTILISED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY ELECTRONIC, MECHANICAL OR OTHER MEANS, NOW KNOWN OR HEREAFTER INVENTED, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPYING AND RECORDING, WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. FIRST EDITION: DECEMBER 2017 CE; MUHARRAM 1438 CE. PUBLISHED BY: SALAFI PUBLICATIONS in.conjunction with MARKAZ MU’AADH IBN JABAL MARKAZ MU‘AADH IBN JABAL // DETAILS: 19 SPACKMANS WAY, SLOUGH, UK, SLI 2SA EMAIL ADDRESS: INFO@MARKAZMUAADH.COM PHONE NUMBER: 00441753533376 WEBSITE: MARKAZMUAADH.COM ‘TWITTER: @MARKAZMUAADH ‘SALAFI PUBLICATIONS // DETAILS: ‘TWITTER: @SALAFIPUBS WEBSITE: SALAFIPUBLICATIONS.COM DISTRIBUTED BY THE SALAFI BOOKSTORE AND ISLAMIC CENTRE // DETAILS: 472. COVENTRY ROAD, SMALL HEATH, BIRMINGHAM, UK, B10 OUG EMAIL ADDRESS: INFO@SALAFIBOOKSTORE.COM PHONE NUMBER: 0121773 0033 WEBSITE: SALAFIBOOKSTORE.COM ‘TWITTER: @SALAFIBOOKSTORE ISBN: 978-1-902727-55-4 Printed by Mega Printing in Turkey 1| The Advice of Lugman the Wise to his Son Preface All praise is due to Allah, we praise Him and seek His aid and forgiveness. I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammad (d) mentioned Salat (prayer) and Zakat (obligatory charity). Likewise, Luqman called his son to be upon Tawhid (maintaining the Oneness of Allah) and forbade him from Shirk (to associate partners with Allah) then after that he ordered him with the prayer and to enjoin good and forbid the evil. This clearly shows his wisdom. From wisdom ‘is to tread the path of the Prophets (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them) in calling the people to Allah and in educating them to know the religion of Allah such that you begin with the most important of all affairs followed by the next most important. There is no doubt that (correct) belief and Tawhid and purifying the intellects and societies from Shirk is the most fundamental affair that one begins with and that it is not allowed to begin with anything else besides that. Whoever transgresses this methodology and invents methodologies that oppose this way then they have strayed from the straight path. fobs cl a7 5 a SY “Do not associate partners with Allah for indeed Shirk is a great wrong.”* There isn’t anything more dangerous than Shirk with Allah because it is a sin that will not be forgiven. Allah said; 8 Sahih Sunan Abu Dawdd: 1584 * Sarah Luqman: 13 15| The Advice of Luqman the Wise to his Son 2155 DS 595 Ue 3ahs5 gy BGM of aks Ya 8 “Indeed Allah does not forgive that partners are associated with Him but He forgives anything besides that to whomsoever He wills.”"5 Allah said: Ge ESI ey HB BEES A ge BL IB 5 “Whoever commits Shirk with Allah, it is as though he falls from the sky and a bird takes him or he is taken by a wind.”* Luqman (it5) said, debe cia apa “Indeed, associating others in worship alongside Allah is a great injustice.” Abdullah bin Umar (g2ii5) and his father said that when this Verse was revealed: bs Bla als oy al “Those who believe‘and do not taint their belief with oppression.”” Jay Ste ras oud Js yess Viaais EH U5 play ale ab foo sl Jos GUST Je cS $e FBR py ale bl po 5,5 “It was very hard for the companions of Allah’s Messenger i said, “The Verse does not mean this. Don’t you hear Luqman’s statement to his son: “Indeed, associating others in worship alongside Allah is a great injustice.””® So he (4