Achieving Maintenance Operations Excellence Through The RCM Program

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Achieving Maintenance Operations Excellence through the RCM

Melissa Rivera Rivera, MSEE, ABM Industries Incorporated
David L. Walker, CFM, ABM Industries Incorporated
Craig Daharsh, CFM, ABM Industries Incorporated

Key Words: reliability, maintenance, root cause, failure mode, FMEA

SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS machinery and facilities maintenance operations motivated

ABM Facilities Services to implement the RCM program at
The aggressive demand that production equipment
the Gulfstream plant in Savannah, GA. ABM’s RCM is a
experiences when the production rates increases and less time
systematic and objective approach to identify issues, prioritize
is available for equipment maintenance activities, turns critical
them, investigate the root cause, implement design changes
equipment maintenance into a challenge. It is then when
and monitor their progress. RCM consists of a seven steps
improvements to existing processes, data collection (tools and
continuous improvement program that was developed and has
techniques), and failure root cause analysis become critical for
been implemented for over a year. As the RCM was
machinery support. This paper presents the Reliability
implemented, challenges and opportunities for improvement in
Centered Maintenance (RCM) as a proven value added and
other areas of the company derived, these are also presented.
cost effective approach to achieve modern day machinery
demands and expectations. The RCM implementation steps
are detailed along with the tools and techniques needed or
improvements made for the effectiveness of the program.
Immediate results are: improved maintenance job plans,
identification and justification of re-design needs, training
updates, and complete materials and documentation available,
all these leading to uptime improvements. Long term results
include revised and available spare parts, materials and tools,
labor savings, and continual uptime improvements.
Two different examples are presented in this paper. In
one of the cases, labor costs were reduced by a 67% and
material by a 75% annually. In the second example, an initial
investment of $11,110 was needed towards machine overall
Figure 1 - RCM Implementation Levels.
condition improvements while annual Preventive Maintenance
(PM) labor reductions of 23% were achieved. Based on the The purpose of the RCM is to create a cost-effective
initial asset improvements and PM changes, the estimated maintenance strategy to address dominant causes of equipment
non-planned jobs for the first six months are expected to be failures and prevent their reoccurrence. It is a systematic
reduced by 50%. On the other hand, given the machine approach to defining a routine maintenance program
sensitivity and constant movement required for operation, the composed of cost-effective tasks with the intention of
calibration activities were determined to be doubled, preserving important functions [1]. Depending on the size of
representing a 100% increase on calibration labor costs. the business, number of assets to be studied, their complexity,
Overall estimated savings for the second machine are 37% and the number of resources available to study these, the level
annually. at which the company implements the RCM will be
Workforce motivation, customer satisfaction, and determined. Figure 1, shows these levels. ABM performs the
communication improvements were also derived from the RCM analysis at the System Level.
RCM program as it seeks to listen to the voice of the
1.1 The RCM main steps are as follow [1]:
customer, get to the root cause, correct the issue, and monitor
the results. Step 1 = Asset Id. This step of the program focuses on
identifying and getting familiar with the asset. It explores
areas as, asset operations, demand history, breakdown records,
The drive for a continuous improvement program for the current machine issues/condition, and documentation

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availability. It involves a high level review of current PM and mitigate a failure, detect an onset of a failure, or capture a
Predictive Maintenance (PdM) activities, materials inventory, hidden failure. It is effective if among all the possible
training of maintenance technicians and operators assigned to recommended corrective actions, the chosen activity is the
the asset, and interviews with them to capture any additional most cost effective option. The applicability and effectiveness
asset concerns or requests. tests are very useful especially in cases where more than one
Step 2 = System boundary definition. The purpose of this possible solution exist.
step is to identify and define boundaries between key Figure 2 shows the RCM Process Flow. Steps 1 to 4 can
subsystems or components. Giving consideration to this at an be internally reviewed by the RCM maintenance team without
early stage of the project enables one to define what will be much interaction from operations. All the information
part of the RCM under study and what not, helping one collected up to this point is then revised, analyzed and
control and avoid scope creep further along when the project resolutions are developed during steps 5 to 7, where
becomes more definitive. It also helps keep the focus when operations involvement becomes critical for the success of the
working on a specific subsystem or component of the asset. program.
Step 3 = System description and functional block
diagram. In this step the asset begins to be decomposed into
sub-systems and components. The breakdown history is
associated with a specific component or section of the
machine. Functional block diagrams are developed to
understand how the parts interact within the sub-systems and
how a failure mode can be mistaken as a symptom from a
different sub-system fault. Identification of key safety,
operational, and redundancy features also takes place in this
Step 4 = System functions and functional failures.
Investigate all asset breakdown history. Document all failure
modes along with their failure classes. By tabulating this
information two things are achieved: a) recurrent issues are
perceived for prioritization, and b) the data is sorted and can
Figure 2 - RCM Process Flow
be easily exported to step 5.
Step 5 = Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). After all previous steps are completed and initial changes
All Failure Modes and its causes are transferred to a FMEA take place, a final presentation to the team is performed
form. All the previous steps up to this point, help the showing all the initial results: initial investment, expected long
reliability or RCM lead engineer to grasp a fundamental term cost savings, and uptime increase.
understanding of the machine behavior, historical data,
recurrent issues, root cause for issues, and the operators and
technicians skills to operate and maintain the equipment. This
facilitates and expedites the long process of completing a 2.1 Critical assessment tool
FMEA. All Failure Modes are presented, and its occurrence,
After defining the RCM program and before analyzing the
severity, and current detection methods rated, for a Risk
assets, an important decision had to be made: Which asset
Priority Number (RPN) by the asset stakeholders (operators,
goes first?. Although there was an existing list of critical
technicians, quality, reliability, and facility and operations
assets in the plant, it was too long to implement the RCM in
management) [2]. For those failure modes with the higher
all of these within a couple of years. Which asset is more
RPN, corrective actions need to be identified and an
critical than the other and Why? A systematic and objective
implementation plan has to be documented.
asset criticality assessment was needed to further prioritize all
Step 6 = Logic Tree Analysis (LTA). This step assists in
of the critical assets. After an extended research a tool was
the further prioritization of the FMEA corrective actions
defined and used to address this. Each one of the critical
implementation. ABM considers this step as optional since it
assets was analyzed by the same team and with the same tool.
depends directly on the complexity and extent of the FMEA.
With a complete rated list of critical assets, the RCM had a
By using the LTA, the priority in which corrective actions are
clear systematic and justifiable projection for its
implemented is objectively defined by examining the Safety
and Outage Risks (Evident or Hidden) as main concerns that
need first attention. 2.2 Technicians Log Notes
Step 7 = Task Selection. This step enforces a final
As RCM began to be implemented many opportunities for
summary of the recommended corrective actions. In this step,
improvements in data collection, specifically the quantity and
reliability engineers verify that the new corrective action
quality, became more and more important [4, 5].
activities meet the applicability and effectiveness test [1]. It is
As part of the RCM Step 3, ABM investigates an average
considered applicable if the new activity will prevent or

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of two years of Work Orders (WO), Preventive Maintenance
(PMs), and Material records (spare parts inventory, emergency
purchases, etc.). Thus, the value of the data is imperative.
The documentation available with regards to the WO’s
was vague and in some cases the description of the nature of
the job requested was not clear or accurate. Accurate records
that could lead us in the right direction are essential for the
success of any reliability program. The first step taken to
Figure 3 - DT Stages [2]
address this was to ask technicians to record WO log notes
detailing what was found while addressing the WO. These Although the incorporation of log notes and failure
logs are entered in Maximo (ABM’s maintenance computer definition codes were a great success, the failure symptoms
based asset management system). reported by the operators when creating a WO where not clear
The advantages of logging the job details in this format or accurate in most of the cases. A brief summary of the
have been impressive. It was found that many of the WO customer claim was recorded as the body of the WO
descriptions were far from the real root cause of the problem. description but, most of the time, the technicians needed to
WOs can be easily understood and improvements can be take additional steps to understand the problem and get ready
implemented and tracked. Several saving and warranty claims to address the situation. Please refer to the first two stages of
have been derived from this change as the day to day issues Figure 3. The first two stages of this diagram capture the:
are brought to management’s attention. Who can repair it? and Diagnose the fault activities. How
could these Down Time (DT) stages be significantly
2.3 Failure Definition
Another opportunity for improvement in data collection Since the operator is the person reporting the incidents
was the recording of a specific failure definition per WO. and has a full knowledge of the machine operation and its
After looking through WOs over and over for the different condition, they are the best resource to help us address this
assets being RCM’ed, a pattern for the type of failures, causes, situation [4]. In an asset specific basis, reliability engineers
and level of emergency of these was observed. If as part of create WO request templates for the operators. In this way,
the WO documentation, description, and log notes, we could every time that a maintenance manager or maintenance lead
incorporate some specific details about the nature of the receives a WO, they know exactly who to send (expertise)
incident in a more systematic form, it would aid significantly with the tools and materials that would be most likely needed
in the method and time that is invested analyzing these later for the job reducing significantly the DT. Now the Failure
on. Thus, the following categories were added to the Maximo Symptoms (Operator Log Notes), and Root Cause (Technician
WO module (in a drop down menu form for easy selection). Log Notes) are being logged under the same WO record along
Category 1= Select a Failure Classification. Technicians with the Failure Classification, Problem Code, Severity Code,
are asked to select a Failure Class for the type of labor needed and Asset DT. The entire WO history is documented.
to correct the asset issue. The failure class menu contains a
2.5 Scope Of Work (SOW)
list of different types of labor required to correct the issue, for
example, electrical, plumbing, software, mechanical, etc. As the RCM effectiveness news spread across the
Category 2= Select a Problem Code. After a Failure company, the credibility on the program and the maintenance
Class is selected, then it is time to select a Problem Code. team grew. Maintenance experience with root cause analysis,
Each Failure Class category has its own Problem Code PM [3] and PdM [5] programs, calibration processes, etc.
categories listed. For example, if a failure class 1- ELEC was motivated other business units to consider maintenance in
selected, possible Problem Codes like: part replacement, their business decisions. The RCM results, data driven
calibration, wiring issue, etc., will be listed. analysis, and asset management experience took the
Category 3= Select a Severity. Finally, after a Problem maintenance department to the next level. ABM began to
Code is selected, it is time to rate its Severity. The four participate in the new asset selection decisions, SOW
categories listed here go from Minor to Severe Impact as development specially for the maintenance aspects (spare
follows: parts, maintenance documentation, technology support and
Minor: Minimal Loss of Operation, No Safety Issue acceptance testing portions). This involvement helped
Moderate: Partial/Intermittent Operation, No Safety Issue significantly on ABM’s training and maintenance costs as
Major: No operation, No Safety Issue when new assets were accepted these already had job
Severe: Safety Issue programs developed and scheduled in Maximo, spare parts,
trained maintenance personnel and maintenance
2.4 WO Customer Log Notes
documentation available.
As the RCM intention is to drive to the root causes of the
2.6 Acceptance Test Procedures, (ATP)
issues and solve them, the more documentation and evidence
available to each case, the easier, accurately and faster that the Since implementation of RCM, ATP have become highly
failure root cause can be obtained. supported by the maintenance department. With the

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knowledge and experience on manufacturing equipment, completion.
maintenance had a better understanding of recurrent,
2.10 Asset Acquisition Review and Approval Team
expensive, and hard to fix machinery design issues that need
to be clearly identified, studied and evaluated at the SOW and As presented in sections 2.5 and 2.6, maintenance
ATP reviews. relationship with operations and the new asset acquisition
processes have brought immeasurable time and monetary
2.7 Spare Parts definition
savings. The knowledge of what and when is coming to the
Maintenance experiences a high involvement in the spare plant, allows ABM to plan and be ready for asset maintenance.
parts definition phase. Before RCM implementation, all Other benefits are: early on understanding of asset expected
manufacturers recommended parts were bought. In some performance, and risks. The new asset set-up has become a
cases, if the list was too long, only extended lead time parts lean process. When new assets arrive, maintenance has
were purchased. After RCM implementation, this process knowledge of their schedule for installation, training
evolved to a very detail oriented review where manufacturer acceptance testing, and validation phases. This allows
recommended spare parts are compared against the Bill Of maintenance to take advantage of the manufacturer presence at
Materials (BOM) and, if history with similar machines is the facilities to address any last minute concerns, questions, or
available, their spare parts demand would also be considered. requests.
Asset criticality and design are also considered. A
combination of critical parts or components with a higher
probability of failure and a higher risk to cause DT and longer
lead times are ordered first. In addition, some of the parts are The impact of an open, systematic, and objective
cross-referenced to cheaper and/or local distributors available approach to machinery maintenance and performance reports
to stock these for us, representing significant cost savings. has greatly impacted our relationship with the customer.
Other considerations when defining spare parts is focused on Before RCM, it was hard to justify the criticality of scheduled
reducing the DT “Repair Time” as shown in Figure 3. DT for PM or PdM jobs. After RCM, the understanding from
Depending on the asset Uptime demand, critical sub- operations about the importance of the maintenance activities
assemblies are purchased as a whole, such that these can be and how these affect the machine’s ability to meet its demand
swapped during repairs and rebuild at the shop for spares at a and expected performance, machine availability is not an
later time. issue. The relationship created during the RCM reviews opens
a door of trust between maintenance and operations.
2.8 New/Updated Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
Another example of customer communication
As the FMEA is implemented, the team is encouraged to improvements is at the time of approving machine upgrades or
be focused on considering Predictive Maintenance (PdM) re-designs. As the changes are driven by the RCM results, the
activities, when applicable and effective, such that the issue approval process is smoother and faster. One of the most
can be captured during a PdM event and addressed during a important benefits achieved has been the ownership and
scheduled job. PdM events are generally more detail oriented interest developed by all stakeholders that take part of a RCM
where specific tools and trained personnel are needed to review. Examples of customer attitude changes are in the
perform them [5]. Some examples of PdM activities that are interest of operations to get somewhat involved in the
being incorporated in the regular job plans are: vibration machinery maintenance. In such cases, maintenance develops
analysis, thermal imaging analysis, lubrication analysis, daily and weekly (when applicable) operator maintenance
machinery laser alignment analysis, etc. procedures [3]. Also maintenance technicians and operators’
are motivated to speak up when something is not properly
2.9 Inspector Checklist
documented in a PM or when the frequency of a task does not
As new PMs and PdMs are phased in, technicians training meet its needs.
is offered. In an effort to monitor the technicians’ The other example of communication improvement is
understanding of the new procedures, PM inspections are when a specific root cause is not found or it is known but it is
implemented. The inspection form entails fifteen questions hard to justify with the machinery manufacturer or material
which are divided into 4 sections: 1) Before PM (Technicians supplier. Operators and technicians understand the
preparation for the job); 2) During PM (Completes the PM as importance of finding a solution and being the first responders
detailed, demonstrates good understanding); 3) After PM to machine issues they become essential in helping to solve
(follows asset validation procedures); and 4) Documenting these. When these opportunities arise, they keep detailed logs
Results (observations, parts used, separate WO created to of the specifics about the asset when the issue re-occurs
address any issues found during the PM, etc). (operating mode, date, time and if applicable, samples are
Another benefit derived from these inspections is the collected and pictures taken) and report these to reliability
visibility that these give to maintenance managers/leads to engineers until a permanent solution is found.
capture PM/PdM issues such as: things that are not clear, not
applicable, missing from the procedures, incorrect frequency,
technicians’ lack of training, or time estimated for the job Two different examples are presented in this paper,

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4.1 Machine 1 Step 6. Given the number of RPNs to be addressed for
Machine 1, it was determined that all the failure modes would
After the completion of Machine 1 RCM project, labor
be addressed thus, no need to perform the LTA analysis.
costs were reduced by a 67% and parts by a 75%. The
Step 7. Table 1 summarizes the results achieved
subsequent paragraphs show how this was achieved.
Step1. Reports from Maximo were collected: Current
Spare Parts, PM Programs, Breakdown history and asset 4.2 Machine 1, 6 Months Follow Up Review:
documentation available (drawings, manuals). All of these are
Table 2, shows a summary of the results and other
stored at a dedicated RCM project folder. Also, technicians
contributions of the program after 6 months from its
and operators were asked about current and past major
implementation. The main improvement can be observed as
machine issues.
the number of issues after 6 months decreased from 15 issues
Step 2. Machine 1 is a small stand-alone asset. Thus,
at 6 components to 3 issues at 3 components. This was
developing the boundary diagram was not complicated. In
accomplished because the improvements driven from the
this case controls, hydraulics, electrical, and mechanical sub-
initial RCM implementation brought many of the asset main
systems were identified and its inputs and outputs defined.
sub-systems back to “like new” condition and with revised
Step 3. A machine operation flowchart was developed
maintenance job plans these were no longer causing the
from the moment that the operator begins to use the asset until
breakdowns but the real root cause of the problem was
the job is completed. This process mapping is very useful
becoming more apparent.
when studying the WO’s root cause. The effect of an issue
with one of the components of an early stage of the machine
operation was actually detected by the operator at a later
operation. Thus, symptoms were tracked to its actual root
In this step also, all the WO breakdown history collected
from step1 was divided into subcategories per its main
subcomponents or functions as defined by step 2 and the
previously flow chart discussed on step 3.
Step 4. As investigations took place on all the WOs as
defined on step 3, these were recorded in a spreadsheet where
the specific components failing, its frequency of failure, and
the failure mode and failure cause were recorded. The more
data analyzed, the better the assessment.
Step 5. Information from Step 4 was exported to the
FMEA template where all the failure modes were studied on Table 2 - Machine 1, 6 months RCM Review Results
an individual basis. To accelerate the review process, the
For the most part, the raw material being used was the
reliability engineer leading the project pre-rated the FMEA
problem, not the asset itself. The material supplier was
with an occurrence rate (based on historical WO records),
contacted about these issues, but they assured us that it was
Severity (Based on Failure Modes from WO records), and
not their fault. A sample collection and documentation
Detection (based on existing PM plans and any operators
processes were then implemented. Every time that there was a
maintenance activities). As meetings with asset stakeholders
failure, samples were collected and machine run time, date,
were held, all of these fields were reviewed and updated as
time, WO, technician, and operator name were logged. After
needed and recommended corrective actions developed for
weeks of collecting evidence, the machine manufacturer and
those issues with the higher Risk Priority Numbers (RPN).
the raw material supplier were brought to a meeting together
along with operations and maintenance. All the evidence was
presented and the raw material vendor took the samples to be
Weeks later the raw material supplier asked to come back
recognizing issues in their production line which explained the
issues occurring at the machine.
4.3Machine 2
This project was divided in two main Stages given the
immediate attention that this asset required.
Stage 1, Immediate Improvements:
 Current System Design Assessment. Facilities,
Maintenance, Operations and Reliability teams met and
Table 1 - Machine 1, RCM Results the asset, recurrent, and major concerns were captured

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along with observations from a walk through. Pictures of available, it is highly encouraged that it be considered. The
current issues and overall machine condition were taken. maintenance costs shown in table 4 are recurrent costs after an
 Re-occurring issues. All the data collected from this initial investment of $11,110.00 to bring the machine back to
meeting were captured in a Pareto chart, where the top good operational condition. PM labor reductions of 23% were
three issues were identified for immediate improvements achieved. Also, based on the initial asset improvements and
[6]. PM changes, the estimated non-planned jobs for the first six
 Immediate Improvements. Follow up meetings were months following the RCM are expected to be reduced by
scheduled and improvements made. These were not long 50%. On the other hand, given the machine sensitivity and
term solutions as the root cause analysis and long term constant movement required for operation, the calibration
correction is still to be researched through the RCM activities were determined to be doubled representing a 100%
program. increase in labor costs. Overall estimated savings for the
Stage 2, RCM Implementation: Machine 2 recurrent costs are 37% annually.
A RCM analysis was performed where all asset
information was collected: spare parts, PM’s, PO records,
WO’s (breakdown history), (RCM Step1). All WO history
was divided into categories per the asset’s main components to
investigate failure modes’ root cause. All sub-system’s
boundaries (inputs and outputs) were defined, (RCM Step 2),
see Table 3.

Table 3 - Machine 2, In/Out Definition Table 4 - Machine 2, RCM Results

Once the WOs were divided per main component, failure REFERENCES
modes per components were grouped based on its re-
1. Anthony M. Smith, Reliability-Centered Maintenance,
occurrence (RCM Step 3). The RCM team developed machine
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993.
components integration block diagrams which were of great
2. John Moubray, Reliability-Centered Maintenance,
help among team members for the understanding and
Butterworth Heinemann, 1991.
investigation of the issues’ root cause (RCM step 4). The team
3. Terry Wireman, Developing Performance Indicators for
developed an enough detailed flow diagram as to be able to
Managing Maintenance, Industrial Press Inc., 1998.
address the WO root causes correctly but not too specific that
4. Terry Wireman, World Class Maintenance Management,
it loses its purpose of understanding the big picture. The
Industrial Press Inc., 1990.
intent is to understand the machine’s components integration
5. Ron Moore, Making Common Sense Common Practice,
well enough that you can discover how a WO description may
Butterworth Heinemann, 2002.
be capturing the reflection of a hidden problem somewhere
6. Ramesh Gulati, Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices,
else in the machine.
Industrial Press Inc., 2009.
As this information was captured, it was collected on a
Failure Reporting template which included: Failure Mode BIOGRAPHIES
(Failure Symptom – Operator Log Notes), and Failure Root
Melissa Rivera Rivera, MSEE
Cause (Technician Log), (RCM Step 4) [1,2].
ABM Facilities Service
Once Step 4 was completed, the information was easily
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
incorporated into the FMEA (RCM Step 5).
500 Gulfstream Road, M/E -02
After performing the FMEA analysis on all the asset
Savannah, Georgia 31408 USA
failure modes, the priority for improvements implementation
was determined by the LTA, RCM Step 6 [1]. e-mail:
Finally the RCM Step 7 was focused on capturing all the
Mrs. Rivera is a Reliability Engineer for ABM Facilities
recommended corrective actions and following up on these.
Services. Rivera implemented the RCM program at ABM
Results after the RCM are summarized in Table 4.
where she currently works executing it and training employees
The cost analysis presented here captures the maintenance
on it. She also supports new assets Statements of Work and
side only since this is the data that ABM controls and has
Acceptance Testing Procedures. Rivera graduated from the
access to. If access and data from operations and quality are

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University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Campus with a MSEE, International Facilities Management Association, in which he
EIT on 2009. Her employment experiences include: Boeing serves on the executive board as President of the
S&IS, Texas Instruments, and Trane Commercial Systems. Manufacturing Council.
Rivera is Lean Six Sigma Certified and a member of the IEEE
Craig Daharsh, CFM
Reliability and EDS Societies.
ABM Facilities Service
David L Walker, CFM Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
ABM Facilities Service 500 Gulfstream Road, M/E -02
Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Savannah, Georgia 31408 USA
500 Gulfstream Road, M/E -02
Savannah, Georgia 31408 USA
Mr. Daharsh is a Senior Equipment Maintenance Manager for
ABM. Mr. Daharsh has 20 years’ experience as a Controls
Mr. Walker is Facilities Director with ABM Facilities Services Technician and 10 years’ experience as a Manager of
and has over 30 years’ experience in Facilities Maintenance. Advanced Automation Equipment. He received his Bachelors
Previous to joining ABM Mr. Walker worked for Boeing of Science in Business Administration from Southwestern
Commercial Airplanes and Spirit AeroSystems in Facilities College and his Associates of Science in Electromechanical
Management roles both from a O&M and Project Technologies from Southeast Community College Milford
Management perspective. Mr. Walker holds a BS degree in Campus. During the past several years Mr. Daharsh has
Technology Management from Pittsburg State University and championed RCM programs within ABM and at Spirit
also holds a certification in Facilities Management from the AeroSystems.

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