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Existentialism, a philosophical perspective rooted in Western thought, and Ikigai, a concept

originating from Japanese culture, share certain connections in their exploration of meaning and
purpose in life. Existentialism underscores the freedom and responsibility of individuals to shape
their destinies, mirroring Ikigai's emphasis on personal agency in finding joy and purpose. Both
philosophies highlight the importance of authenticity, with existentialism encouraging individuals
to live in accordance with their genuine selves and Ikigai urging the pursuit of activities aligned
with one's passions and values. While existentialism often confronts the inherent lack of
meaning in life, Ikigai centers around the quest for purpose and fulfillment. Despite their cultural
and philosophical differences, these perspectives converge on addressing the fundamental
human need for a sense of purpose and offer complementary insights into navigating the
complexities of existence. Integrating these ideas can contribute to a more comprehensive
understanding of how individuals can lead authentic, purposeful lives.

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