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Employee Evaluation Form

Employee Information:
● Name:
● Department:
● Position:
● Date of Evaluation:
● Evaluator:
I. Performance Goals:
​ Goal Achievement:
● Rate the employee's achievement of established goals.
● Exceeds Expectations
● Meets Expectations
● Needs Improvement
● N/A
​ Quality of Work:
● Evaluate the overall quality of the employee's work.
● Excellent
● Satisfactory
● Unsatisfactory
● N/A
​ Timeliness:
● Assess the employee's ability to meet deadlines.
● Consistently meets deadlines
● Occasionally misses deadlines
● Frequently misses deadlines
● N/A
II. Job Knowledge and Skills:
​ Technical Competence:
● Evaluate the employee's technical skills and knowledge.
● Exceptional
● Competent
● Needs Improvement
● N/A
​ Job-specific Skills:
● Assess the employee's proficiency in job-specific skills.
● Proficient
● Developing
● Not proficient
● N/

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