Count Uncount Practice

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Countable and Uncountable Nouns Practice



7 Exercise Which of the parts of these sentences is correct?
1 ‘Did you hear noise / a noise just now?’ ‘No, I didn’t hear anything.’
2 I want to print some documents, but the printer is out of paper / papers.
3 Light / A light is vital for life on our planet.
4 ‘Did you have a good holiday?’ ‘Yes, we had wonderful time / a wonderful time.’
5 There is some room / a room for some new furniture / a new furniture . Don’t you
see it yourself?
6 Sue was very helpful. She gave us some very useful advice / advices.
7 Did you have nice weather / a nice weather when you were away?
8 We were very fortunate. We had good luck / a good b luck.
9 Is it difficult to find a work / job at the moment?
10 Our travel / journey from Paris to Moscow by train was very tiring.
11 When the war broke out , there was total chaos / a total chaos.
12 I had to buy a bread / some bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches.
13 Bad news don’t / doesn’t make people happy.
14 Your hair is / Your hairs are too long. You should have it / them cut.
15 The damage / The damages caused by the storm will cost a lot to repair.
16. Of course you can have some milk. Get glass / a glass out of the cupboard.
17 Don’t put your hot cup on my new table! It’s wood /a wood and I don’t want you
to burn it.
18. He had expected this for some time / a time.

8 Circle the correct word or phrase.

1 Your money is / are on the table in the dining room.
2 The advice you gave me was / were really useful. Thanks!
3 The cakes in that shop looks / look absolutely delicious.
4 There has / have been a lot of bad news recently.
5 Your homework was / were late. Please do it sooner next time.
6 Does / Do the information about the museum include the opening times?
7 We need new furniture in the dining room. It’s / They’re very old and scratched.
8 The fish in this tank all seems / seem to be ill.
9 I love your hair. It’s / They’re really soft.
10 Oh, no! The rice has / have gone all over the floor!





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