Dominican Rebuplic Draft

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Mr Allmann


My name is Jalena Carpenter. I am Johnny and Carolyn Carpenter’s daughter. I live right next to you at 14
Berwyn ln. I am a senior at Calvary Academy High School. Attending Calvary has been a blessing in my life
as I am challenged academically and spiritually. I have harnessed many gifts I’ve been blessed with. Some
of which include being able to sing and play music in worship class, and to engage in sports. Out of all my
gifts I have acquired from this school, the most important gift has been the gift of giving and to help those
struggling. Giving to those who might not have it as good as we do.

Some in particular that are especially struggling are those who live in the Dominican Republic. This is a
third world country where there is a lot of poverty and hardship. The resources are minimal. If we feel like
we are struggling here, they are especially struggling there with constant shortages of food, lack of clean
drinking water and safe shelter. The churches there are very limited for the people and their environment.
The schools are stone buildings and most without furniture, so students sit on the floor or makeshift seats.
Their suffering seems endless there.

From February 25 through March 5, 2024, I will be attending the Dominican Republic missions trip with the
Senior Class and missions staff members. My goal for this trip is to give to those struggling. It may be to
help build the church to its full glory or to reach out to those who may not have a strong relationship with
the Lord. My group could bring the school houses to life with fresh paint or put together desks. I genuinely
just want to help them in everything they will need us to do. To acquire this goal there is a lot that needs
to be completed. Some of which is where you can step in and engage in your gift giving too.

I need to raise $2,000 before February 1 in order to attend this trip and help the people in need over there.
This is a great challenge but if you can help, it won’t be as great an issue. If you are able to help fund for
this trip that would be greatly appreciated. If not, prayers would also be just as beneficial. I am truly
excited for what God has planned for me at this trip and for what you have to offer to help me for this
mission. Thank you.

Donations can be cash, Venmo, or checks made out to Calvary Academy. In the check memo please
include my name, Jalena Carpenter ’24 DR. Please remember that your charitable donation to this mission
is tax deductible which can be claimed on your 2023 tax returns.

Anchored in Christ,

Jalena Carpenter

My Cell - 908-305-7280

John Carpenter Cell – 908-692-6229

Stephanie Cruz, Principal Office – 732-363-3633

Venmo Code –


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