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Self Reflection – Fourth Field Visit

Introduction: Our focused exploration into the heart of the

city's bazaar revealed intricate strategies street food vendors
utilize to foster customer relationships. Drawing from our
observations and interactions, we gained deeper insights into
their approaches to customer engagement and loyalty.
Strategies for Customer Acquisition and Retention:
 Customized Experience: Reflecting on our
discussions, vendors prioritize creating a tailored
experience for each customer. This approach, as seen
with the puchka vendor, involves not just adapting
flavors to taste preferences but also remembering
individual customer's likes and dislikes, enhancing
repeat visits.
 Transparent and Fair Pricing: The sweet corn vendor's strategy of clear, visible pricing
was identified as a crucial factor in building trust and simplifying the purchase process,
minimizing the need for negotiation and thereby fostering a straightforward and reliable
customer relationship.
Building Long-term Relationships:
 Community Engagement: Vendors often participate in local events and activities,
contributing to a sense of community belonging. This engagement helps in solidifying
their presence in the market and building lasting relationships with the local customer
 Feedback Incorporation:
offerings allows vendors to continuously improve and
meet customer expectations, encouraging loyalty.
Challenges and Innovative Solutions:
 Handling Seasonal Variability:
challenges, demonstrating the importance of flexibility
and innovation in maintaining customer interest
throughout the year.
 Competition and Differentiat
unique recipes, presentation, and customer service
excellence, ensuring they stand out in the competitive
Conclusion: Our enriched understanding from this field visit underscores the dynamic interplay
of personalized service, adaptability, and community engagement in cultivating durable customer
relationships. Street food vendors in the bazaar exemplify the essence of entrepreneurial
resilience, navigating challenges with innovative strategies to sustain and grow their customer
base in a vibrant market environment.

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