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Self Reflection – Third Field Visit

Introduction: In our third field visit, we dived into the

bustling bazaars of Kolkata, specifically focusing on the retail
practices of street food vendors. The goal was to draw
comparisons between the vibrant Indian bazaar street food
culture and its Western counterparts. Through this exploration,
we sought to understand the unique retail dynamics, identify
differences from Western street food practices, uncover
challenges faced by Indian street food vendors in practicing
marketing mix, and explore the innovative strategies
employed to overcome these challenges.
1. Street Food Retail Practices in Indian Bazaar: As we
meandered through the narrow lanes, the street food vendors
in the Indian bazaar showcased a rich tapestry of retail
practices. The stalls exuded a sense of informality, with
vendors engaging customers in lively conversations. The
preparation and serving of street food became not just a transaction but a sensory experience,
blending the aroma of spices, the sizzle of pans, and the vibrant colors of ingredients. The
personal touch in interactions stood out as a hallmark of Indian street food retailing.
2. Comparisons with Western Street Food Practices: Contrasting the Indian bazaar street food
scene with Western practices illuminated intriguing distinctions. In Western countries, street food
often adopts a more standardized and regulated approach, with emphasis on hygiene
certifications, fixed pricing models, and pre-determined portion sizes. The personal connections
forged between vendors and customers in Indian bazaars stood in stark contrast to the
transactional nature observed in some Western street food settings.
3. Challenges in Marketing Mix and Street Food Retailing:
Identifying challenges specific to Indian street food vendors
involved navigating through issues such as regulatory
constraints, competition, and the delicate balance between
tradition and innovation. Unlike their Western counterparts
who may face challenges related to compliance with health
codes, Indian vendors grapple with the intricacies of adhering
to union-set prices and maintaining the delicate balance of
flavors inherent in traditional recipes.
4. Overcoming Challenges: The strategies employed by
Indian street food vendors to overcome challenges showcased
resilience and adaptability. Building strong community
relationships, leveraging word-of-mouth marketing, and
embracing social media for wider outreach were notable
strategies. Comparatively, Western street food vendors tended to rely more on branding, clear
pricing structures, and adherence to health and safety standards as mechanisms to navigate
This comparative exploration between Indian bazaar street food retail practices and Western
street food unveiled a captivating narrative of cultural nuances and business dynamics. The
informal, community-centric approach of Indian vendors contrasted with the more structured and
regulated environment of Western street food. As we wrap up this field visit, we carry forward a
richer understanding of how the spirit of the Indian bazaar permeates through every sizzle, spice,
and transaction in the vibrant world of street food. The juxtaposition of these experiences further
enhances our appreciation for the diverse and dynamic nature of global street food cultures.

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