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Understanding Indian Bazar: Second Field Visit

Introduction: Following our initial exploration of New Market, Kolkata, we returned with a
focused objective: to understand the marketing mix in the context of the street food bazaar. This
report delves into the application of product, price, place, and promotion in this bustling
environment and examines the unique challenges and strategies of vendors.
1. Marketing Mix in Action:
 Product: We observed a rich variety of street foods, each
offering a unique taste of Kolkata's culinary heritage.
From the decades-old puchka stall run by a vendor from
Uttar Pradesh to the innovative sweet corn and ice cream
sellers, the market's product range is diverse and tailored
to local preferences.
 Price: The pricing strategies varied notably. The puchka
vendor, bound by union-set prices, highlighted a collective
approach to pricing, contrasting with the sweet corn
seller's individualistic strategy, adjusting prices based on
season and demand.
 Place: The strategic placement of stalls, whether fixed or
mobile, played a crucial role in attracting customers. The ice cream seller's mobility
during off-seasons exemplified the importance of location adaptability in the market.
 Promotion: Promotional strategies were largely informal yet effective. Regular
customers and word-of-mouth referrals were crucial for the puchka vendor, while visible
pricing and product displays helped the sweet corn seller manage customer expectations
and reduce bargaining.
2. Unique Practices and Challenges:
 Unique Practices: The vendors' diverse backgrounds and
experiences bring unique flavors and stories to their
offerings, enriching the market's cultural tapestry.
 Challenges: Key challenges included adhering to union
pricing, managing seasonal variations in demand, and
maintaining customer interest amidst intense competition.
3. Overcoming Challenges:
 Vendors like the puchka seller leveraged customer
relationships and feedback to enhance product quality,
while the sweet corn seller used clear pricing strategies to
streamline transactions. The ice cream vendor's mobility showcased adaptability in
response to seasonal demand fluctuations.
Conclusion: This second field visit to New Market's street food bazaar offered deeper insights
into the complex yet fascinating world of marketing in a traditional Indian market setting. The
resilience and ingenuity of the vendors in navigating their unique challenges underscore the
vibrant spirit of Kolkata's street food culture.

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