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Project Report submitted to


In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Submitted by



Under the supervision of





MARCH 2023





This is to certify that the project report entitled "A Study on

Effectiveness Of Social Media Advertisement Among People At
Irinjalakuda Region" is a bonafide record of project done by PRANAVE RAJ,
Reg. No. CCAUBCM192, under my guidance and supervision in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF
COMMERCE and it has not previously fomed the basis for any Degree,
Diploma and Associateship or Fellowship.

Assoc.Prof. KJ. Joseph Ms. SANDHYAV

Co-ordinator cPARTMENT
Project Guide


I, PRANAVE RAJ, hereby declare that the project work entitled “A

independent and bonafide project work carried out by me under the supervision
and guidance of Ms. Sandhya v Asst. Professor-On contract, Department of
Commerce, Christ College (Autonomous), Irinjalakuda.

The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my
knowledge. The report has not been previously submitted for the award of any
Degree, Diploma, Associateship or other similar title of any other university or

Place: Irinjalakuda PRANAVE RAJ

Date: CCAUBCM192

I would like to take the opportunity to express my preferred thanks and gratitude
to all people who have helped me with sound advice and able guidance.

Above all, I express my eternal gratitude to the Lord Almighty under whose
divine guidance; I have been able to complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my sincere obligation to Rev. Dr. Jolly Andrews CMI
our Principal, for providing various facilities.

I am thankful to Assoc.Prof. K.J. Joseph, Co-ordinator of the Department, for

providing proper help and encouragement in the preparation of this report.

I am thankful to my class teacher, Ms. Teena Thomas, Asst. Professor-On

contract, for providing proper help and encouragement in the preparation of this

I express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Sandhya V , Asst. Professor-On contract,

whose guidance and support throughout the training period helped me to
complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my preferred gratitude to all the faculties of the

department for their interest and cooperation in this regard.

I extend my hearty gratitude to the librarian and other library staffs of my college
for their wholehearted cooperation.

I express my sincere thanks to my friends and family for their support in

completing this report successfully.

Place: Irinjalakuda PRANAVE RAJ















4.1. Table showing gender of the respondents 14

Table showing how often respondents browse

4.2 15

Table showing how respondents usually

4.3 16
access the internet

4.4 Table showing number of respondents clicked 17

an online advertisement before
Table showing why repondents prefer online
4.5 18

4.6 Table Showing what motivates respondents to 19

click on an online advertisement.
Table Showing that does respondents feel

4.7 online advertisement is more effective than 20

traditional forms of advertisements such as
TV, Print, Radio, Etc.
Table Showing respondents who had done
4.8 21
purchasing online as a result of clicking an
online advertisement
Table Showing how many respondents make
4.9 22
purchase after clicking on an online
advertisement on social media.

4.10 Table Showing what type of advertisement 23

respondent find most effective
Table showing what category of 24
advertisements respondents seen mostly

4.12 Table showing respondents view on what 25

makes online advertisements effective.
Table showing what products does
4.13 26
respondents purchase more due to the
influence of social media advertisements
Table showing does respondents trust in
4.14 27
purchasing products is increased by social
media advertisements
Table showing how likely respondent
4.15 28
recommend the product purchased through
online to his friends or family
Table showing weather the respondent click
4.16 29
on an online advertisement if its personalized
to their interests and browsing history

4.17 Table showing does the respondents feel 30

online advertisements disturbing
Table showing does respondents have been
4.18 31
introduced to a new product through social
Table showing the difficulties faced by
4.19 32
respondents while purchasing products
through social media advertisements
Table showing effectiveness of social media
4.20 33
advertising in purchasing a product


4.1. Figure showing gender of the respondents 14

Figure showing how often respondents

4.2 15
browse internet

figure showing how respondents usually

4.3 16
access the internet

figure showing number of respondents

4.4 17
clicked an online advertisement before
4.5 Figure showing why repondents prefer online 18
Figure showing what motivates respondents
4.6 19
to click on an online advertisement
Figure showing that does respondents feel
online advertisement is more effective than
4.7 20
traditional forms of advertisements such as
TV, Print, Radio, Etc..
Figure showing respondents who had done
4.8 purchasing online as a result of clicking an 21

online advertisement
Figure showing how many respondents make
4.9 purchase after clicking on an online 22

advertisement on social media

Figure showing what type of advertisement 23
respondent find most effective
Figure showing what category of
4.11 24
advertisements respondents seen mostly
Figure showing respondents view on what
4.12 25
makes online advertisements effective
Figure showing what products does
4.13 respondents purchase more due to the 26

influence of social media advertisements

Figure showing does respondents trust in
4.14 purchasing products is increased by social 27

media advertisements
Figure showing how likely respondent
4.15 recommend the product purchased through 28

online to his friends or family

Figure showing weather the respondent click
4.16 on an online advertisement if its personalized 29

to their interests and browsing history

Figure showing does the respondents feel
4.17 30
online advertisements disturbing
Figure showing does respondents have been
4.18 introduced to a new product through social 31

Figure showing the difficulties faced by
4.19 respondents while purchasing products 32

through social media advertisements

Figure showing effectiveness of social media
4.20 33
advertising in purchasing a product
1.1 Introduction

Nowadays, social networking sites are becoming more popular for product
purchases. The use of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook,
and Twitter has grown rapidly over time, with many people making
purchases through them. With the introduction of social media sites such
as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, consumers can express their
opinions on various products and share their opinions with family and
friends. As a result, it is critical for businesses to focus on providing a
positive customer experience in order to exploit and lead the market
without using negative words and thoughts. Influencers can generate a
positive attitude by sending out messages and reviews to their social media
followers, which can lead to potential customers.

Social media is now frequently used by many businesses to market their

brands and keep in touch with their clients. The majority of consumers are
aware of new brands on social media. Social media is accessible to the
customer from anywhere in the world. Retailers can easily digitally pursue
customers using social media platforms such as stories, feeds, posts,
videos, etc. With so much information available, it is understandable why
customers of all ages and demographics are visiting online virtual stores.
The customer is only a fingertip away from the products

Customers can buy products more easily and flexibly when they use social
media platforms. The welcoming return policy, free home delivery, and
simple payment methods are what draw them to certain stores.

Social media has a significant impact on modern clothing and accessory

purchases. Customers had responded favourably to the visual appeals,
product variety, pricing, information quality, and social interaction.

1.2 Objectives

1.To know which products are mostly purchased by the influence of social
media advertisement

2.To know the satisfaction level of customers while purchasing product

through social media

3.To improve the efficiency of social media advertisement

1.3 Significance of the study

These study helps to analyze the satisfaction level of customers on

purchasing clothes and other products using social media. It is also helps
to know how the social media may influence the customers for buying

1.4 Research design

1.4.1 Nature of study

Nature of study is descriptive in nature.

1.4.2 Nature of data

Primary data

Secondary data

1.4.3 Source of data

The primary data is to be collected with the help of the well-structured

questionnaire. These secondary data is collected from various Websites,
Journals, etc.

1.5 Sample design

It is not easy to study the entire population of Thrissur district. Because, it

needs more time for study. So, the study is conducted on the basis of
representative samples to emphasize the result.

1.5.1 Sample population

The population for study is the social media users in Irinjalakuda region.

1.5.2 Sample size

A sample of 52 customers are taken as sample size for the purpose of


1.5.3 Method of sampling

Simple random sampling method.

1.6 Tools for analysis

Main tool used for analyzing data are graphs and percentage analysis and

1.7 Chapterization

Chapter 1: The first chapter describes the structure of framework of study.

It deals introduction, statement of study, objective of the study, scope of
the study, significance of the study, research methodology and limitations
of the study.

Chapter 2: The second chapter shows the review of literature

Chapter 3: The third chapter gives the explanation of theoretical overview
of study.

Chapter 4: This chapter illustrate the tables and concerned graph needed

Chapter 5: This chapter gives over all summary and findings, conclusions
and suggestions of the study.

Brendan James Keegan and Jennifer Rowley (2017) contributes to
knowledge regarding social media marketing strategy by developing a
stage model of SMM evaluation and uncovering the challenges in this
process. The research paper has developed a Social Media Marketing
Evaluation framework. This framework has the following six stages:
setting evaluation objectives, identifying key performance indicators
(KPIs), identifying metrics, data collection and analysis, report generation
and management decision making.

Moreover, the paper also identifies and discusses challenges associated

with each stage of the framework with a view to better

understanding decision making associated with social media strategies.

Two key challenges depicted by the study are the agenc y-client
relationship and the available social analytics tools.

Priyanka P.V and Padma Srinivasan (2015) in her research study

identified various factors that determine the purchase of a product using
social media from a customer's point of view. A model from the retailer's
perspective has been developed that explains how social media can be

used for increasing customer loyalty. The study concludes that continuous
customer support services will result in improvement of customer
retention. New applications and social platforms will flourish and allow
even greater personalization and real-time, location-based engagements in

In a recent case study by Christopher Ratcliff (2014) on a global
organization that appears to have mastered its social media strategy, Ford.
In his blog, he explains how Ford has included the key success elements in
its strategy including customized posts, user connectivity through tone of
voice and perhaps most importantly, a social media team that reads and
responds to every single comment made by followers. However,

it is worth noting that Ford has worked out what works for its own business,
and this exact strategy may not necessarily drive the same achievement for
different organizations.

Ates Bayazıt Hayta (2013) in their research paper “A study on the of

effects of social media on young consumers' buying behaviors” determines
the effects of social media networks on purchasing behaviors of young
consumers. The study results indicate that social media tools directly
effects the purchasing behaviors of consumer, depending upon their age
group and educational status.

Benjamin Ach (2013) in their bachelor thesis highlighted the evolution of

the marketing strategies of businesses and more specifically of their
communication strategies, with the important rise of social media
influence, which is changing the way people get informed as well as their

purchasing decision process. This research underlined the fact that

businesses, small or big sized, have to get online and to use social media
and to adapt their business models if they want to stay on top of the
competition on their markets. The research is supported by a case study of

an Australian internet marketing company, in order to get valuable insights
from internet marketing experts.

Hensel and Deis (2010) have recommended that marketers must consider
all possible avenues to positively use social media to increase advertising
and improve marketing. Before implementing a specific social media
strategy, the benefits, drawbacks, and challenges associated with it must be
addressed. The strategy must assist in facilitating the social media inputs
and discussions. In addition, social media strategies should also be used to
track a business presence online, and to make sure that clients are not
degrading the branding value. The Internet-based social media has made it
possible for one person to communicate with hundreds or even thousands
of other people about products and the companies that provide them on
web. Thus, the impact of consumer to consumer communications has been
greatly increased.

A comprehensive study conducted by BusinessWeek (2009) discusses

social media hype and the disadvantages that may affect any business. The
study illustrates the potential risks social media marketing poses. If
employees waste their time on social networking sites instead of on

productive tasks in the interests of the organization. It also forewarns of

blunders that could have a profound negative impact on the business itself.
Providing evidence of failing of many social media campaigns, the study
cites the example of one such campaign by Saatchi & Saatchi's campaign
for Toyota Matrix, which led to a lawsuit of $10 million. The study also

states that it is hard to quantify the outcomes that social media creates, such
as trust and loyalty.

Gil, Andres and Salinas (2007) suggested that the information provided
by a family can affect the formation of brand equity. A person can receive
recommendations to buy certain brands from a family that influence his
action based on the facts how well the family establishes the contacts with
a number of brands used by the family. Consumers often think of the family
as a reliable reference in relation to the purchase of certain products. The
study also reveals that purchase decisions amongst young generation
consumers in particular are influenced by the recommendations of their
virtual friends who serve as opinion leaders. They also refer to the
communications on the internet in determining the products quality prior
to their purchases.

Lempert (2006) says that customers are turning away from the traditional
sources of advertising: radio, television, magazines, and

newspapers. Customers also consistently demand more control over their

media consumption. They require on-demand and immediate access to
information at their own convenience. Customers are turning more
frequently to various types of social media to conduct their information

searches and to make their purchasing decisions

Yoo et al. (2000) combine brand awareness and brand association into
brand image. They claimed that exposing customers to a brands
information through the WOM sources creates, modifies and strengthens
the relationship between the consumer and the brand, to result in WOM

that impacts their brand association with it. The higher the consumer
contact with the brand, the stronger and more the association will be in the
minds of consumers.

Businesses have things to sell. In order to survive and thrive, they need to
find customers who want to buy those things. The earliest recorded
advertisements have been found on ancient Egyptian papyrus, while
modern advertising can be traced back to the invention of the printing
press. When the first regular gazettes and newspapers began to be
published in the 1500s, it started a revolution that ultimately evolved into
the wealth of advertising channels, tools and tactics we see today.

What is an advertisement?

An advertisement, otherwise known as an advert or ad, is generally

considered a public communication that promotes a product, service, brand
or event. To some the definition can be even broader than that, extending
to any paid communication designed to inform or influence.

If these definitions feel vague, it’s because they are – the truth is that
advertisements can be tricky to define, now more than ever. From bus
shelters to search engines to social media influencers, the field of
advertising has never been broader, deeper or more complex.

Definition of advertising

According to William J. Stanton, “advertising consists of all the activities

in presenting to a group a non- personal, oral or visual, openly sponsored

message regarding a product, service or idea." The American Marketing

Association defines advertising as “any paid form of non-personal

presentation and promotion of goods, services or ideas by an identified


The following is a list of the various advertising goals:

1. To declare the launch of a new product.

2. To entice customers to make purchases.

3. To generate interest in the product.

4. To close a sale right away.

5. To inform customers of certain concessions, such as a gift, a price

reduction, or a discount.

6. To increase brand recognition and build customer loyalty.

7. To assist the work and efforts of the sales people.

8. To improve the company's image.

9. To increase market share

10. To let customers know about product updates and changes.

Why are advertisements important?

Advertisements are important for businesses because they are the most
direct and proven way to reach potential customers. They can have an
instant impact on your business in a number of ways, including:

Brand awareness: Advertising can make your target audience aware of
your existence, helping them take the first step into the sales funnel.

Brand reputation: Carefully crafted messages can tell an audience what

your brand stands for and how you work. By sharing your mission,
philosophy, values and track record, you can use advertising to build an
enviable reputation.

Corrections and apologies: Advertising can grant you the opportunity to

apologize for a slip-up or correct the record if you feel as though something
has been misrepresented.

Sales: Last but not least, the overwhelming majority of ads are designed
to increase sales, whether by directly promoting a specific product, service
or deal or by any of the less direct methods listed above.

Online advertisements

Online advertising can be thought of as any advertising served up via the

screen of your smartphone or computer. Unlike its print, broadcast and
outdoor cousins, Online advertising is uniquely interactive – the audience
can click on an advertisement to learn more about the brand or purchase
the product.

Social media advertisements

Social media advertising is effective because it influences purchase

decision on social media platforms. No segment of digital advertising has
grown faster than social media advertising, for one major reason: social
media platforms have deep knowledge of each of their users, which allows

them to offer hyper-targeted advertising. Social media advertising is
important for your business because it's an effective way to get your
message across to people and grow your brand in a short period.

Social media advertisements include sponsored Twitter posts, Facebook

carousel ads, YouTube pre-roll ads, Instagram influencer product
integrations and more.

Effectiveness of social media advertisement

Advertising on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and

Instagram is a great way for brands to connect with their target market.
These advertisements can be customized to the needs and interests of the
user. Additionally, since the advertisements may be interactive, viewers
can interact with the brand's materials.

Many people have doubts about the effectiveness of advertising. They

think that advertisements are annoying and would prefer to skip them
without any hesitation. Businesses are attempting to make their social
media advertisements more conversational and useful by doing so.

Consumers benefit from interactive advertisements because they can

interact more deeply with the brand's content. Advertising on social media
is thought to be a successful strategy for spreading the word about goods.

Table 4.1 Table showing gender of respondents

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Male 34 65.3%

Female 18 35.7%

(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.1 shows that 65.3% are male and 35.7 are female

Figure 4.1 Figure showing gender of the respondents

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.2 Table showing how often respondents browse internet

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Multiple times a day 43 82.7%

Once a day 5 9.6%

Few times a week 3 5.8%

Rarely 1 1.9%

(Source: Primary data)

Above table shows that the respondents browse internet 82.7% multiple
times a day, 9.6% browse once a day, 5.8% browse few times a week and
1.95% browse rarely.

Figure 4.2 Figure showing how often respondents browse internet

(Source:Primary data)
Table 4.3 Table showing how respondents usually access the

Particulars No. Percentage

of Respondents
Desktop computer 4 7.7%
Laptop 4 7.7%
Smartphone 44 84.6%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.3 shows that 84.6% of the respondents are using smart
phones to access internet. laptop and computer are used by 7.7% of them.

Figure 4.3 Figure showing how respondents usually access the


(Source: Primary data)

Table 4. 4 Table showing number of respondents clicked an online
advertisement before

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 44 84.6%

No 8 15.4%

(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.4 shows that 84.6% of respondents clicked an online

advertisement before and 15.4% of them didn’t clicked an online
advertisement before.

Figure 4.4 figure showing number of respondents clicked an

online advertisement before

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.5 Table showing why repondents prefer online shopping.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Offer 8 25%
Low Price 13 15.4%
Wide Selection 23 44.2%
Branded product 5 9.6%
Others 3 5.8%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.5 shows that 44.2% of respondents prefer online shopping
because of wide selection and 25% of them prefer online shopping because
of offers. 15.4% of respondents prefer online because of low price and
9.6% of them prefer online because of availability of branded
products.Only 5.8% prefer online shopping because of other reasons

Figure 4.5 Figure showing why repondents prefer online


(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.6 Table showing what motivates respondents to click on
an online advertisement.
Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
The advertisement is 14 26.9%
relevant to me
The advertisement is 11 21.2%
visually appealing
I recognize the brand 13 25%
Others 14 26.9%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.6 shows that 26.9% respondents click on an advertisement

because it is relevant to them and 25% of them clicks because they
recognize the brand. 21.2% of them click on an online advertisement
because it is visually appealing and 26.9% of them clicks because of other

Figure 4.6 Figure showing what motivates respondents to click

on an online advertisement.

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.7 Table showing that does respondents feel online
advertisement is more effective than traditional forms of
advertisements such as TV, Print, Radio, Etc..

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 37 71.2%
No 15 28.8%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.7 shows that 71.2% of respondents feels online

advertisement is more effective than traditional forms of advertisements.
Only 28.8% feels traditional advertisement is more effective.

Figure 4.7 Figure showing that does respondents feel online

advertisement is more effective than traditional forms of
advertisements such as TV, Print, Radio, Etc..

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.8 Table showing respondents who had done purchasing
online as a result of clicking an online advertisement

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 28 53.8%
No 24 46.2%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.8 shows that 53.8% respondents made purchase as a result
of clicking an online advertisement and 46.2% of them are not.

Figure 4.8 Figure showing respondents who had done purchasing

online as a result of clicking an online advertisement

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.9 Table showing how many respondents make purchase
after clicking on an online advertisement on social media.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Almost every time 6 11.5%
Sometimes 21 40.4%
Rarely 22 42.3%
Never 3 5.8%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.9 shows that 11.5% respondents make purchase almost
every time after clicking the advertisement and 40.4% of them make
purchase sometimes after clicking the advertisement after clicking the
advertisement. 42.3% respondents make purchase rarely after clicking the
advertisement and only 5.8% of them never purchases after clicking the

Figure 4.9 Figure showing how many respondents make purchase

after clicking on an online advertisement on social media.

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.10 Table showing what type of advertisement

respondent find most effective.

Particulars No. of Percentage
Display advertisements 4 7.7%
(banners, sidebars)
Search engine advertisements 5 9.6%
(Google, Bing, etc..)
Social Media advertisements 33 63.5%
(Facebook, Instagram, etc..)
Video advertisements (Youtube, 10 19.2%
Streaming services, etc..)
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.10 shows that 63.5% respondents find social media
advertisement most effective and 19.2% of them find video advertisement
most effective.

Figure 4.10 Figure showing what type of advertisement

respondent find most effective

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.11 Table showing what category of advertisements
respondents seen mostly.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Cosmetics 11 21.2%
Stationary 4 7.7%
Electronics 12 23.1%
Clothes 17 32.7%
Food items 4 7.7%
Others 4 7.7%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.11 shows that 21.2% of respondents see cosmetics product
advertisements mainly.23.1% of respondents see electronics products
advertisements mainly and 32.7% of them mainly see clothes
advertisements. Food products, stationary and other products
advertisements are seen by 7.7% of respondents each.

Figure 4.11 Figure showing what category of advertisements

respondents seen mostly.

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.12 Table showing respondents view on what makes online
advertisements effective.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Clear messaging 8 15.4%
Personalized content 16 30.8%
Eye-catching visuals 20 38.5%
Others 8 15.4%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.12 shows that 15.4% respondents thinks clear messaging
makes online advertisement effective and 30.8% of them thinks
personalized content makes online advertisement effective. 38.5% of them
thinks eye catching makes online advertisement effective and 15.5% of
them thinks other factors make online advertisements effective

Figure 4.12 Figure showing respondents view on what make

online advertisements effective

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.13 Table showing what products does respondents
purchase more due to the influence of social media

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Cosmetics 10 19.2%
Electronics 10 19.2%
Clothes 23 44.2%
Food items 5 9.6%
Others 4 7.7%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.13 shows that 19.2% of respondents purchase cosmetic

products due to the influence of social media and 19.2% of them purchase
electronic products . 7.7% of respondents purchase other products due to
the influence of social media advertisements

Figure 4.13 Figure showing what products does respondents

purchase more due to the influence of social media

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.14 Table showing does respondents trust in purchasing
products is increased by social media advertisements.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 10 19.2%
No 13 25%
Maybe 29 55.8%

(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.14 shows that 19.2% of respondents trust is increased due to
social media advertisement where 25% of respondents trust is not
increased. Buy 55.8%respondents trust maybe increased due to social
media advertisement in purchasing products.

Figure 4.14 Figure showing does respondents trust in purchasing

products is increased by social media advertisements

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.15 Table showing how likely respondent recommend the
product purchased through online to his friends or family.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Very likely 6 11.5%
Somewhat likely 2 44.2%
Neutral 20 38.5%
Somewhat unlikely 23 3.8%
Very unlikely 1 1.9%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.15 shows that 11.5% of respondents are very likely to
recommend the product where 44.2% of them is some what likely to
recommend the product.38.5% respondents have neutral opinion. 3.8%
respondents somewhat unlikely to recommend the product where 1.9 % of
them are very unlikely.

Figure 4.15 Figure showing how likely respondent recommend

the product purchased through online to his friends or family

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.16 Table showing weather the respondent click on an
online advertisement if its personalized to their interests and
browsing history.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 36 69.2%
No 16 30.8%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.16 shows that 69.2% respondents thinks they would click on
an online advertisement if its personalized to their interest and browsing
history and 30.8% wouldn’t click on it.

Figure 4.16 Figure showing weather the respondent click on an

online advertisement if its personalized to their interests and
browsing history.

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.17 Table showing does the respondents feel online
advertisements disturbing.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 13 25%
No 39 75%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.17 shows that 25% of respondents feel online

advertisements disturbing where 75% don’t feel online advertisements

Figure 4.17 Figure showing does the respondents feel online

advertisements disturbing.

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.18 Table showing does respondents have been
introduced to a new product through social media.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 27 51.9%
No 12 23.1%
Maybe 13 25%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.18 shows that 51.9% of respondents is introduced to new

products through social media where 23.1% don’t. 25% respondents
thinks that they may be introduced to new products through social

Figure 4.18 Figure showing does respondents have been

introduced to a new product through social media.

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.19 Table showing the difficulties faced by respondents
while purchasing products through social media advertisement.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Low quality 11 21.2%
Product is not same as 20 38.5%
Change in colour 7 13.5%
Damaged product 4 7.7%
Others 10 19.2%
(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.19 shows that the difficulties faced by the respondents are
21.2% of them faces low quality, 38.5% of them faces product received is
not same as explained,13.5% faces change in colour,7.7% of respodents
faced damaged products.

Figure 4.19 Figure showing the difficulties faced by respondents

while purchasing products through social media advertisements

(Source: Primary data)

Table 4.20 Table showing effectiveness of social media
advertising in purchasing a product.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes, very effective 13 25%

Somewhat effective 19 36.5%

Neutral 16 30.8%

Not every effective 2 3.8%

Not at all effective 2 3.8%

(Source: Primary data)

Above table 4.20 shows that 25% of the respondents thinks it is very very
effective and 3.8% of them thinks it is not at all effective to purchasing
product through social media advertisement.

Figure 4.20 Figure showing effectiveness of social media

advertising in purchasing a product

(Source: Primary data)

5.1 Findings

• 34 out of 52 samples are male.

• 82. 7% of respondents browse internet multiple times a day.
• 44 out of 52 respondents usually use smartphone to access internet.
• 84.6% respondents have clicked on an online advertisement before.
It shows respondents are interested in online advertisements.
• 44.2% respondents prefer online shopping because of the
availability of wide selection.
• All factors in the table almost equally motivates respondents to click
the advertisement such as relevancy, visually appealing, brand, and
other factors.
• 37 out of 52 respondents feels online advertisements are more
effective than traditional forms of advertisement. This shows that
there is a huge scope for online advertisements.
• 53.8% of respondents had purchased through online advertisements.
It shows the effectiveness of social media advertisements.
• Only 3 out of 52 respondents never purchase after clicking on an
• 63.5% of respondents think social media advertisement is most
• 32.7% respondents see clothes advertisement mainly.
• 38.5% respondents thinks eye catching visuals makes online
advertisement effective.
• Clothes are mostly purchased through social media advertisement.

• Only 25% of respondents feels social media advertisements doesn’t
increase their trust in the product.
• Only 25% of respondents feels online advertisements are disturbing
ang annoying.
• Only 1.9% of samples are very unlikely to recommend a product that
purchased through online.
• 69.2% of respondents are more likely to click on an advertisement if
it is personalized to their interests.
• 23.1% respondents have never been introduced to a new product
through social media
• Product is not same as explained is the major difficulty faced by
purchasing through social media advertisement.
• Only 7.6% respondents have felt that social media advertisement is
not effective.

5.2 Suggestions

• More customized and personalized products to be provided

according each customer preference.
• The advertisement should be more clear and short.
• Make it more accessible to local shops to publish advertisement.
• Correct and up to date updates should be provide to customers.
• As most of the users prefer mobile phone to access internet it is
advisable to create advertisement more mobile phone friendly.

5.3 Conclusion

Social media advertising is a fundamental part of every business

marketing strategy. It helps in reaching the right audience with relevant
content at the right time. Social media platforms can be used as tools for
spreading the word about your product or service, building relationships
with potential customers, and generating leads you can convert into sales.

However, social media management should also be thoughtfully planned

out and executed. Social media ads provide an opportunity to reach the
right audience for a specific business. No matter what the business is all
about, social media has become one of the most critical marketing

social media advertisements are very effective in helping internet users find
new products. Social media advertising significantly impacts user
engagement; it's more interactive and engaging than traditional advertising.
Users can engage with advertisements on social media by liking, sharing,
or commenting on them. With the large number of social media users
globally, it’s beyond a doubt that social media marketing is an effective
channel to reach your target audiences online.


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Effectiveness of social media advertisement among people at
Irinjalakuda region


a. Male

b. Female

2.How often do you browse the internet?

a. Multiple times a day

b. Once a day

c. A few times a week

d. Rarely

3.How do you usually access the internet? *

a. Desktop computer

b. Laptop

c. Smartphone

4.Have you ever clicked on an online ad before?

a. Yes

b. No

5.Why do you prefer online shopping?

a. Offer

b. Low price

c. Wide selection

d. Branded product

e. Others

6. What motivates you to click on an online ad?

a. The ad is relevant to me

b. The ad is visually appealing

c. I recognize the brand

d. Others

7. Do you feel that online ads are more effective than traditional forms
of advertising (TV, print, radio, etc.)?

a. Yes

b. No

8. Have you ever made a purchase as a result of clicking on an online ad?

a. Yes

b. No

9. How often do you take action (such as visiting a website or making a

purchase) after clicking on an online ad?

a. Almost every time

b. Sometimes

c. Rarely

d. Never

10. What type of online ad do you find most effective?

a. Display ads (banners, sidebars)

b. Search engine ads (Google, Bing, etc.)

c. Social media ads (Facebook,instagram,etc)

d. Video ads (YouTube, streaming services, etc.)

11. What kind of advertisement is mostly seen in social media?

a. Cosmetics

b. Stationary

c. Electronics

d. Clothes

e. Food items

f. Others

12. In your opinion, what makes an online ad effective?

a. Clear messaging

b. Personalized content

c. Eye-catching visuals

d. others

13. What kind of product do you purchase more due to the influence of
social media advertisement?

a. Cosmetics

b. Electronics

c. Clothes

d. Food items

e. Others

14. Does social media advertisement increases you trust in purchasing a

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

15. How likely are you to recommend a product or service you learned
about through an online ad to a friend or family member?

a. Very likely

b. Somewhat likely

c. Neutral

d. Somewhat unlikely

e. Very unlikely

16. Would you be more likely to click on an online ad if it was

personalized to your interests and browsing history?

a. Yes

b. No

17. Have you been introduced to a new product in market through social
media advertisements?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

18. Do you feel that online ads are disturbing or annoying?

a. Yes

b. No

19. What is the major difficulty you faced while purchasing product
through social media advertisement?

a. Low quality

b. Product is not same as explained

c. change in colour

d. Damaged product

e. others

20. Overall, do you feel that online advertising is effective in getting you
to take action (such as making a purchase or visiting a website)?

a. Yes, very effective

b. Somewhat effective

c. Neutral

d. Not very effective

e. Not at all effective


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