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(For NRP- Intervention)

Catch-up Subject: English Grade Level: 7
Time: 7:30-8:20 Date: January 30,2024
Session Title: The Good Prince
Session Objectives: Use one’s existing knowledge and experience to better understand a text.
Make predictions based on text and illustrations.
Show creativity in accomplishing outputs.
Key Concepts: Maranao Epic/Culture
III. Facilitation Strategies
Components Duration Activities and Procedures
A. Pre- Reading 10 mins

Checking of attendance
Class Rules/Reminders

Activity 1: Watch out!

Let the learners watch a short cultural dance presentation and let them guess
in what region/tribe this cultural presentation belongs. Ask them how they
were able to identify it.

Activity 2: Prediction Game

Let students predict what the story might be about based on the title, cover, or
any provided clues.

Encourage creative thinking and imagination. Process the activity.

The Good Prince Bantugan


Activity 3: Fill in!

Based on the title and the picture, ask the learners what literary genre
does the text belong? Let them share their ideas/insights about it by
filling in the concept map.

B. During Reading 25 mins

Activity 4: Independent Reading

Let each learner read the summary independently.

Activity 5: Read-Aloud

After independent reading, group the learners into two and let them do
the read-aloud. Each group will read aloud the paragraph alternately.

Activity 6: Role Play

After the read-aloud, let the learners choose their favorite part of the
epic and let them do a short role play about it.
C. Post-Reading 15 mins
Activity 7: Your choice

Provide varied activities for the learners to explore. Let them have the
freedom to choose what activity they want to accomplish.

Literary Graffiti
Let the learners transform a part of the blackboard into a collaborative
mural inspired by the story they have read. Let them use colored chalk
to depict symbols, quotes, and images related to the story.

Literary Masks
Let the learners design masks inspired by the characters in the story
using a cardboard, or other craft materials. They can wear their masks
for a short character parade.

Literary Photography Exhibition

Let the learners take photographs inspired by the story's settings,
themes, or characters. They can compile/edit their photographs and
make a collage thru their cellphones.

The learners will share their output with the class.

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