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Over population is a bomb which destroys the economy of any country. Do you agree?

If so, what
effective measures would you suggest for checking the further growth of population in Pakistan.
Overpopulation is not always a bomb which necessarily destroys the economy of any country.
Although the statistics of population growth are alarming such that, in 1800, the human population was
just 2.5 billion. Whereas, the contemporary population is 7 billion.
The rapid growth of the population developed concerns for demographers. In 1798, Thomas
Malthus wrote an essay on the principle of population in which he forecasted the devastating effects of
In Pakistan, rapid population growth has both positive and negative aspects. With the
advancement in technology, there are several effective mechanisms like condoms, IUDs, and other birth
control contraceptives, which can play an essential role in controlling population growth.
However, it is the responsibility of the government to decide whether to control the population
growth or to use it as a human resource capital and consider it an asset to boost its economy.
Is over population really a bomb?
New Malthusians
The new Malthusians are sceptical about rapid population growth. They have a point of view that we
have already exceeded the capacity of this planet to feed human beings. They believe overpopulation
will result in global hunger and starvation.
They follow the Malthusian theorem. In 1798, Thomas Malthus argued that population grows
geometrically (2,4,6) and the food supply increases only arithmetically (1,2,3).

Anti Malthusians
The anti-Malthusians have an optimistic view towards population growth. They argue that the least
industrialized nations do have rapid population growth, but on the other side, industrialized nations have
negative population growth. Industrialized nations are facing a shrinkage of population rather than
population growth.
Without immigration, the economy of industrialized nations cannot survive. They do not have enough
native population to support their economy.
How to control over population?
Promoting girls’ education
Girls’ education plays an essential role in controlling overpopulation. The more a girl is educated the
higher the chances of her getting a job that will make it difficult for her to give birth frequently. Because
by doing this she will not be able to compete in the job market.
Educated girls are aware of health issues and birth control contraceptives. They can express themself
and convince their partners in case of any pregnancy-related problem.

Industrialization is related to a decrease in population growth. The least industrialized nations have high
mortality rates and high fertility rates. Whereas, industrialized nations have low mortality rates and low
fertility rates. One reason for this is the better quality of life in developed countries.
In America and Japan, the average life expectance is 77 and 84 years. Contrary to this, in Pakistan, the
average life expectance is 66 and in Africa, it's 63.

Ensuring accessibility to birth control mechanism

This is one of the major reasons for rapid population growth in Pakistan. Especially in rural areas, women
do not have access to birth control contraceptives. Even if they want a gap in their pregnancies, they
cannot do it because of a lack of access to birth control contraceptives.
In rural areas a woman cannot go alone to doctors and ask them for IUDs or go to medical store
to inquire condoms.
Pakistan and over population
Pakistani value system
Pakistani value system encourages its members for rapid population growth. Firstly, the desire
for a son motivates parents to have many children. Secondly, in Pakistani society, children are considered
as an asset for parents in their elderliness and to contribute to the economic well-being of the family.
Thirdly, a married couple with children earns more respect in Pakistani society than an unmarried
individual or a couple without children.
In Pakistani society, couples are expected to give birth to a child in the first year of marriage. If
they don’t do so, their families and other relatives become suspicious about their fertility.

Youngsters are asset

According to the United Nations development program, 64% of Pakistan’s population comprises youth.
Developed countries are facing the problem of population shrinkage. Contrary to this, Pakistan has an
abundance of youth population. Instead of considering it a nightmare, Pakistan should consider it a
Pakistani youth can go to foreign countries and send remittances that will help to boost Pakistani
economy. Pakistani government can also invest in their unique human capital to achieve economic

If overpopulation goes unchecked, it will be a serious problem for our planet. At the time,
Malthus was theorizing, the European population was increasing rapidly.
However, today’s population trends are different. Industrialized nations do not have enough
population growth to sustain their economy. That is why there are so many immigration programs
available around the world.
Contrary to this, underdeveloped countries have a rapid increase in population growth. This is
somehow creating an overall balance. What is the future of the human population is too early to predict.

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