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Introduction: Trailer

Ashley: A famous quote from a philosopher, Heraclitus says that “the only constant in life is change.”
(Insert the quote)
Change is linked to industrialization. As industrialization is defined as the period of social and economic
change that transforms a human group from an agrarian society into an industrial society. It is one of the
key factors of economic growth and development but with the proper use of natural resources,
utilization of real or physical assets and employment of labor or the population.
(Flash video clips and images visualizing industrialization)
Sunshine: The first industrial revolution or the industrial age occurred from 1700s to the mid-1800s. In
the study of Crafts in 2010, the ever increasing demand of people for more goods led the way to invent
many things that can be used in the production of more products. The first industrial revolution was
marked by a transition from hand production methods to machines through the use of steam power and
water power. In Europe and the United States which was first to adopt such changes, its effects had
consequences on textile manufacturing, as well as iron industry, agriculture, and mining.
(Flash video clips or images in connection to the first industrialization revolution)
Daphne: The second revolution brought about the so-called modern life. It took place from the mid-
1800s to the mid-1900s. During this time, an immense sharing of science and technology emerged like
the canning of food to the study of bacteria. Nature has been vastly studied and used for the production
of goods and services. There were huge migrations from rural to urban areas hence the creations and
expansion of cities. Entrepreneurial capitalisms was introduced as resources and finances had been
growing steadily. Electricity, automobiles and telephony made transactions much easier at this time.
During this period, in Asia, particularly in Japan, there was a significant development in the econimy
which paved the way for more exports, steel production, shipbuilding and factories.
(Flash video clips or images in connection to the second industrialization revolution)
LJ: The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Digital Electronics Revolution, occurred in the late
20th century, after the end of the two world wars. Although the war caused thr slowdown of
industrialization and technological advancement, a decade later, was the beginning of more advanced
digital developments. Japan took over the car manufacturing world market share in the 1960s and
1970s. Because of the internationalization of the manufacturing and servicing operations of the leaders
in this era like the US, Japan and Germany, this led to the transfer of multinational companies (MNCs) to
Asia that positively affected the GDP of the key players in Asia like China, India, Hong Kong, Taiwan,
Singapore and South Korea.
(Flash video clips or images in connection to the third industrialization revolution)
Ashley: The fourth industrial revolution is from the year 2000 to the present time or more commonly
known as the 21st century. This period of industrialization mainly focuses on four aspects.
The first one is biotechnology with the purpose of developing genetic engineering such as DNA
sequencing and gene editing to develop a treatment for some congenital diseases, invent new materials
as inputs to the production of food and medicine and analyze data for future advances in the field of
(Flash video clips or images in connection to biotechnology)
Second is additive manufacturing such as the 3D printing technology mainly targeting the businesses of
automobiles, textile, military, medical, consumer products. Its advantage is to optimize the cost in
manufacturing products and the use of materials.
(Flash video clips or images in connection to 3D..)
Sunshine: The third one is telecommunications where we can all relate to. It is evident that almost
everyone, regardless of social status has one or more smart device or even social media accounts.
According to the latest data published in January 2023, there is now around 90.2 million Facebook users
in Philippines . With male users account for around 46.45% and female users account for around
53.55%. However telecommunications does not only benefit for this purpose as its vast utilization is
applied more on workplace and school related activities.
(Flash video clips or images in connection to telecommunications)
Lastly, is the public transportations that are run by automated technology. It is undeniable that there
are major upgrades in our public transportations today compared to the traditional ones.
(Flash video clips or images in connection to public transportation)
Daphne: And the fifth industrial revolution is a new and emerging phase of industrialization that sees
humans working alongside advanced technology and artificial intelligence (A.I.)
(Flash video clips or images in connection to the fifth industrialization revolution)

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