Central Board Minutes - 17 Jan 2024

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Central Board Meeting, Wednesday January 17, 2024

Present: Dale Earl, Lauren Noonan, Peggie Morris, Nancy Koch, Jack Terrill, Joyce Moser (Moderator),
and Doug Marquart. Absent: Peg Round
Dale offered an opening prayer at 7:05pm.
Minutes of 15 November 2023 CB Meeting were moved for approval by Lauren, second from Peggy, and
unanimously approved. The 17 December 2023 Central Board meeting was cancelled since there were
no pressing matters on the agenda.
Plans for Rev. Judy Arnold last Sunday with Second Church Jan 21st – Dale discussed plans for the after-
church gathering to commemorate Rev. Judy’s time with us from September 2023 to this Sunday, which
will be her last. She will have Theresa put a reminder in the weekly SCC E-news blast, too. Plans for a
coffee cake, breakfast breads, coffee, tea and hot chocolate (K-cups), as well as a small bouquet of
flowers. The Central Board also agreed to get a $200 gift certificate to Theresa’s Prime Steakhouse in
Reading, to show appreciation to Rev. Judy for her time with us (Nancy K to purchase on our behalf).
Rev. Adam Isbitsky first day at Second Church will be Monday Jan 22 2024 and his first Sunday leading
worship would be Jan 28. Nancy K. offered to bake a special coffee cake, and Peggie will bake something
too. Rev. Adam was admiring the 2nd Church wooden replica during a welcome gathering at David
Brandt’s house in December, so Dale will follow up with Jan to acquire one to give to him after church if
Legacy Team Update (Jack) - The Legacy Team met in early January, and will meet via Zoom with Liz
Reinhardt & Co (primary lawyers-LR&C) and Meredith Fine (real estate lawyer) to review the draft zoning
opinion in detail and provide feedback, and to discuss next steps. We have the draft opinion, which
includes outlines of what might be needed for a zoning variance for other building uses, and some older
building descriptions that will need to be updated (e.g. Servv shop has been closed for 20+ years). The
team is also monitoring expenses, mostly lawyers’ fees, which amount to close to $30k vs the $40k
authorization granted during the June 18, 2023 Congregational Meeting.
Dale thanked Jack for the Legacy Team Year in Review article he published in December’s Spire, and
expressed appreciation for the entire Legacy Team and their efforts to date.
Forward Chat 2024 Planning – Dale reminded the CB of the bylaws requirement for a Forward Chat
nominally each quarter. After some discussion, the CB came to consensus on 3 possible topics to start
1) Meet N Greet w/ Adam – Q&A, background etc
2) Mission & Social Action Team present summary of 2023 gifts, including an overview of the
Mission Fund document from 1993 that guides us toward our gifts from the Mission Fund in
addition to pledge tithe giving
3) Ask Adam for his ideas
Dale will follow up with Rev. Adam for items 1 & 3, and Joyce agreed to follow up with Dale Miller
Bouton on item 2.
Worship Team - Nancy shared that she and Suzanne Monroe have stored the church Advent/Christmas
decorations. Next year the Worship Team will need new bows for the wreaths. She also reported
Suzanne and David Brandt had cleaned and organized the sacristy, which was much needed. Dale
seconded Kathy Taylor’s thanks for Suzanne and the Worship Team shared during Sunday’s worship
service for all she has done and continues to do in the Sanctuary to keep it looking beautiful.
Mission/Social Action Team – see Forward Chat item 2) above. Also, Dale raised the topic of the
SNEUCC request for gifts toward their Social Equity Mission Fund (asking for $3k). She will forward the
info to Dale M-B and wait for the Team’s recommendation back to the CB.
Tech Team (Dale): We are still looking for a Sunday morning Zoom tech. Dale spoke with Chris Harvey at
BevCam, who agreed to ask around. It was confirmed the opening is posted at Endicott in addition to
shared with BHS instructors.
Property Team – relayed from Jack:

• Snow removal – SCC is on our plow contractor’s (Josh) list, but not at the highest service level
given critical businesses. Pam from NSCS called early morning, complaining about the lack of
plowing, which was done at 10 am and again after school dismissal when the lot was mostly
clear, and threw salt as well. Jack confirmed the walks and stairs were done (walks mostly dry,
lot 75% dry). Jack threw salt in a few select places, including the front steps. Apparently Essex
Aggie’s school bus picks up in front of Second Church, so non-NSCS students may be on the steps
as they hang around. Generally happy with our contractor’s service.
• Jack, w Dale on copy, has received concerns with NSCS activities in the sanctuary. There were a
few minor examples of a new teacher using the sanctuary over Christmas without coordinating
with MJC, and items moved around, but nothing objectively major in nature. Given that NSCS is
a long standing lessee and contributed approximately $70k toward SCC’s budget in 2023, the CB
agreed with Jack’s plan to follow up with Pam and reinforce prior agreements as to sanctuary
use and monitoring. Any CB members hearing concerns should forward them to Jack and Dale.

Finance (Jack) – The Finance Team received the Annual Treasurer’s report for 2023 from David Varga at
their 1/16/2024 meeting. Pledges and income came in very close to plan; expenses were lower after
Rev. Lisa’s retirement and only limited pastoral expenses for the 2nd half of 2023, due to the extended
search time. This resulted in a $21K deficit vs the $60k projected when the 2023 budget was authorized
by the congregation.
Dale will confirm newer CB members (Peggie M. and Lauren N.) are on the distribution list for Jan
Allen’s Financial reports. Doug forwarded them the 2023 Treasurer’s report and Dec 2023 monthly
expenses for their awareness.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm. The next Central Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday
February 21st at 7:00 pm. Dale will be traveling, so Doug will host, and Jack agreed to take minutes.

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