Bus Correspondence

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Activity 1

To sum it up, let’s see if you can complete the paragraphs below:

When you have developed the skill in writing, you make yourself well versed with the intricacies of
business letter writing. You are unconsciously making a competitive edge over others. It is for this
reason that you should learn the basics of business letter writing.

Take note that when you write a business letter, you are making an official transaction; hence its
tone should be formal and businesslike. The letter you have written to an individual or group of
individuals serves a part of a company's permanent records, written documents, and written contracts.

In general, business letters should be typewritten or encoded to give the letter an official and formal
look. These come in four (4) different formats, like: (a). semi-block style (b). full block style (c). modified
block style (d). NOMA simplified letter style.

Activity 2


1. First impression goes a long way. If this is true, why is it so important that the physical appearance of
a business letter be perfect?

It is very important that the physical appearance of business letter be perfect because it is the best
way to attract the reader's attention. Business letters are made to be read and that, the one who will
create that letter should make sure that it will be read by his/her addressee. It is already understandable
that the one who will read the business letter is a very busy person. Thus, it should be presented in a
very perfect appearance so that it will be most likely to be read particularly by a busy business person. If
the business letter is not well-presented especially with its appearance, it will create an unfavourable
impression and might not get the reader's full attention and worse if it won't be read at all by the
addressee. In addition, it will also influence the reader’s perception of the message.

2. How does the appearance of a business letter enhance a company’s corporate image?

The appearance of the business letter will reflect the company's corporate image. Thus, if it is well-done
or well-presented in a perfect appearance, it will create a good impression to the company's corporate
image. In addition, the appearance of business letter will somehow depend the interpretation of the
addressee about the writer of the letter.

3. Name the parts of a business letter. What are contained in each part?

a. Heading or letterhead - It contains the information that the reader needs to answer the letter and to
file the letter for office reference.
b. Date or Dateline - Only the date is entered.

c. Inside Address - It consists of the name and title of the addressee, the company name, the street
address, the city and country.

d. Attention line - It contains the line which directs the message to a specific person in the company.

e. Salutation - It contains the expression of common courtesy extended in business.

f. Subject Line - It is contains the part the tells the reader what the letter is all about.

g. Body - It contains the message of the letter.

h. Complimentary Close - It contains the message that says “Good-bye.”

i. Signature Block - it consists of the writer’s name, his/her business title (if s/he has one) and his/her

j. Reference Initials - It contains the typist’s or secretary’s initials.

k. Enclosure - It indicates something accompanies the letter in the same envelope or container.

l. Carbon Copy (CC) Notation - This part shows who has/have copies of the letter whom are being sent
to, other than the addressee.

m. P.S. (Postscript) - It contains the part that re-emphasize an important point. It is not to call attention
to something you forgot to say in the message.

4. What impression about the company/writer is made on the reader when (a). full block, (b). semi-
block, (c). modified block, (d). simplified letter style is used?

Using any among the four formats, the reader will definitely make an impression about the company or
writer as a professional and skilled one. These formats are used by the professionals in writing business
letters because they are aware that many experts have recommended these four. Thus, when the
addressee read the letter, he will immediately think that the writer shows formality and professionalism.
These formats are organized and show perfect appearance which will catch the reader's attention. He
will be encouraged to spend time reading the letter because the it is well-presented. So, the addressee
will have a good impression about the company/writer.
Activity 3

Correcting Errors

You correct the errors in the following parts of business letters:

With Errors Answers

a. Ap 4, 1999 April 4, 1999

b. Yours’ truly Truly yours,

c. My dear Idalee Dear Ms. Idalee,

d. Dr. Ma /Alfe G. Banawis, DALL. Dr. Ma. Alfe G. Banawis

e. Yours Very cordially, Very cordially yours,

f. Mr. Philip Reyes Secretary Omega Paper Mills, Mr. Philip Reyes
Inc. Pasig, MM
Secretary, Omega Paper Mills, Inc.

Pasig, Metro Manila

g. John Clemente Consultants, Inc. 123 Makati MM John Clemente Consultants, Inc.
Attention Ms. May Julio
123 Makati, Metro Manila

Attention of Ms. May Julio

h. Alma B. Capri 1234 5 St Sta. Mesa Manila Ms. Alma B. Capri

12345 St.

Sta. Mesa, Manila

i. Dear Sirs: Gentlemen:

j. Yours Sincerely, Sincerely yours,

Activity 4

Vocabulary Exercise

From the pool of words listed in the matrix, you will please fill in the blanks with the appropriate term/s
in the paragraph below:

direct record action message transact

promptness goodwill response message golden rule

stationery language sender substance Receiver

profit jocular technical familiar convenience

literary business adapted

The Business Letter

The business letter may be defined as a written message used to transact business which cannot be
conveniently conducted orally. It is a formal and direct with no literary pretensions. It has a two-fold
purpose: to serve as a record and an attempt to secure action from the reader. A business letter is
effective if it succeeds in building up goodwill and in securing a favorable response. Accuracy, clarity,
conciseness, neatness, and promptness in answering communication and good quality language all serve
to impress the reader.
The three elements of a business letter are the sender, the receiver, and the message . The golden
rule of the business letter is to “adapt the message to the reader” in substance, in language and in tone.
The substance of the message must be adapted to the reader; a businessman is interested in profit, but
an engineer may be interested in technical or efficiency. The language of the message must be more
familiar than one on the same subject to laymen. The colloquial tone would not fit a message
concerning an important business transaction.

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