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"Pay Now" aaa we farre ati oa avant Wie Fea we rerettae we fear ome ont wg cat aera ff aot ain ares fave at ewe fhe Freeh yer we wre a Ea A Ea Published by: KD Publication 1997, Outram’ pee Sard Camp; Delhi - 110009 felstesetoMeay doe 2)st-0 10) Whey yw. peo ent. tues ne deampus. First Edition : June, 2021 Price : ¥ 400/- Typing & Setting : CHANDAN PANDIT All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means- electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author and the publishers. The publishers have taken utmost precaution in publishing the book, yet if any mistake has inadvertently crept in, the publishers shall not be responsible for the same. DEDICATED TO Late. Raj Kishore Choudhary (CEO, KD Campus) ate. Raj Kishore Choudhary You stood by me, Through thick and thin, A gem of a person Who inspired me to win. You suddenly left me, Without a sigh, Hardest is the farewell, Without a good bye. You won't leave me, you said, but you didn't ever know, God has the final say And we all have to bow. I know, you are there, Somewhere, nearby. For a man of word like you, prises never die. tes 1953) LOI) To the First Edition a feara 8 Wt we at Some ware ar wat @ fred BF ait So or ster ai qe wu anern fot are & Formation % aaa wea He English Grammar @t faraTa WaT 3M English ater 3a et wet ha Wat Sa fe fet crac at fara ug at fax dierm ga fea Ho ve aa ate sare & we angen war f1 ang aed F aaa gfeat ar aaa & at & acht-aift angi | sid: Parts of Speech (Noun, Pronoun, etc) 2 yr eet arent ar ot Franco wet ar FF aeaR ware fare ZI 2m Spoken English ¥ am atari Wafet Vocabularies # wt wad z ware tera H tomet wats atte wet cr vats fear war @ ait ga farara & ora 4 89 WH Spoken Dictionary frat ¢ fra AY age Aer B a gH saitg at ¢ fe & fara onvat salted we att satin ore oma Foyt fart 2 grt wget ued = at OR SHS Scan HF Video Wie wat ts oT wiga Fara Sat area ¥ wt Play Store & KD Live Application wt Download wt ait ada du Gila Gi Neetu Singh June, 2021 aARSS 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. roe eras eon By Contents CHARTERS Basic Concept Forms of Verbs Rules for Making Forms of Verbs Use of ‘of & 'Apostrophe' Imperative Sentences Use of ‘it’ & ‘be’ Use of ‘have' & 'there’ Forced Action Modals Intention to do an action Tense Combined Sentences of Tense Exclamatory Sentence Infinitive & Gerund Use of Certain Phrases — Feel like, Keep on, Would like, Needless, Get & Come to know Conditional Sentences Passive Voice Causative Verb ‘WH! family Sentences related to Clock, Watch, Days & Body Parts Noun Pronoun Adjective Determiners Adverb Conjunction Article Preposition Different forms of the same word Numerous interesting stories in simple English PAGE NO. 001 - 008 009 - 016 017-019 020 - 020 021 - 024 025 - 030 031 - 036 037 - 039 040-051 052 - 053 054 - 079 080 - 084 085 - 085 086 - 088 089 - 093 094 - 098 099-113 114-116 117-120 121-126 127 - 134 135 - 138 139 - 149 150-151 152-155 156 - 158 159 - 167 168 - 183 184-197 198 - 234 S.No. CHARTERS PAGE NO. 31. Situational Conversation— 235 - 253 * In Restaurant * In Kitchen + In Theatre * In Bus & Railway Station * In School 32. Telephonic Conversation 254 - 255 33. How to Introduce Yourself & Talk Effectively 256 — 260 34. Some Common Phrases 261 - 262 35. Phrasal Verbs 263 — 268 36. Proverbs 269 - 271 SPOKEN DICTIO} 272-361 Pe Ci iC ICM eK eA SIL NGL «> Ee Pe Te eG Cin Gim SCPC EC MCOC Ma cmc cg rare) ory Cc ae ree LCM ech | BASIC CONCEPT ‘» There are 26 letters in English Alphabet. There are 5 Vowels — (a, e, i, 0, u) The remaining letters are consonant. + These 26 letters have 44 sounds out of which 20 are vowel sounds. CAPITAL LETTERS 4..B. CED LE UF, G Ho Lod NO P Q R S T UV ow SMALL LETTERS fay be A tupw «zy 4 * A sentence starts with a Capital Letter. (ua area Ft esate ‘Capital Letter’ Fat Fl E.g:- Once upon a time, there lived a king. * ‘Proper Noun’ starts with a Capital Letter. (Proper Noun’ #1 {(e3ia ‘Capital Letter’ & eit $1 E.g:- Ram, Delhi, Yamuna etc. * 'T is always in Capital Letter. 'T’ (A) eereM Capital Letter 4 eat e1 * Acronyms are in ‘Capital Letters’. (Acronyms ‘Capital Letters’ # aa #1 Eg: PM, MLA * The first word of the sentence with double Inverted Commas start with Capital Letters. (Double Inverted Comma % Heat & aaa H IES eet H SRA ‘Capital Letter & eet t1 He said, "He and I went to Delhi." There we met the SHO of Mukherjee Nagar. Lo oM K x Y Z@ Four Pillars of Spoken English English 4 area # warae wa wat (Doer) Faw st BH, aT aTeT Active Voice HEATH BI weet STAT (ah) (Doer) Br mA Y (Recipient) ; v ESD 1. boys play ED = football 2, Students read [EXD books 3. Girls tel EX stories 41 love Ec him 5. They told MES the truth Subject does Verb on Object. (wat frat # at ay ETT et) After Verb two questions arise — 'whom' and ‘what'. Th 4 . ‘what! is the object. / (Object Verb & aq 3eteq ‘Fur stk rere ‘woe eae) Identify the Subject, Verb & Object Subject Verb Object 4. deta ERT ver urn amt 2. ahr ter seaR Tea Fl arr wat aaa 3, arta gat We art armas aeret 4 Ftaaa stewing! # hag we 5, wea frard ted 1 ret wae Prod Sev Toset east) Structure of the Sentence in Active Voice :- Subject, + Verb + Object + a1 wt area H fear et object % ag aaa area S (Verb @ at ware Sod & Far site Praar (eee ‘rar ait ‘Perey’ #1 stare Object eat eI) (Tense % 348R) 1. Sugar > (IR 6. Shop > wit 1. Zoo > ¥ (fasarex) 2. Zebra > few 2. Shape> % 7. Shy — WE 3. Zero > art 4, Zoom > 3. Shirt + wé 8, Ship > fa 5. Quiz 5 Rew 4. Chef + &F 9, Shade > 6. Puzzle 2 Tt 7. Poison > thet 5. Shoe > 10. Shadow > st 8. Cousin > ait 9. Wizard — feos (Ign) 11, Sure > wi 10. Wednesday + aaz Bir BUN tte Ow Clim ee Ld 1. You must have optimum speed of speech. . Adopt proper intonation. Speak to express, not to impress. Get rid of mother tongue influence. Have proper eye contact and body language. Learn the correct pronunciation. Learn the correct use of words. kK» (1) See, Watch, Stare, Glance (2) Hear, Listen, Sound (3) Talk, Speak, Tell etc. 8. Start with short sentences, then go for longer ones. Syvcmea Examples | Prite Examples | a cm! NOupeN 1. Tread books. 1. Iread books to learn English. 2. Iwork. 2. I work to earn. 3. I wanted. 3. I wanted to know his identity. 4. Iwill try. 4. Iwill try to meet the officer. 5. Lavoid. 5. avoid cutting trees. Examples _ 1. Iread books to learn English so that I may communicate properly. 2. I work to earn my livelihood so that I may feed and clothe my family. 3. I wanted to know his identity because he wanted to invest in my business. 4. Iwill try to meet the officer to lodge a formal complaint. 5. Lavoid cutting trees because they give us oxygen. 1. Noun (im) ==» Naming word. If comes in the place of Subject & Object. 2, Pronoun (w4aT7) == Replaces Noun. If comes in place of Subject & Object. 3. Verb at ae) = Action/ state word 4. Adjective ( — Qualifies Noun/ Pronoun 5. Conjunction (wea) = Joining word 6. Article : — Precedes Noun 7. Preposition (A7aUqTH HeIA) =» Determines position 8. Adverb (frraraerrer) =~ Qualifies the nearest word 9, Interjection (farrmfeat) <=» Expresses surprise, pain etc. OC rr Basic Concept of All Parts of Speech « Noun is a Naming word. (aa ‘ata &1) . Comes in the place of subject and object. / (Subject Ud object # 21a W HAT 8!) « Article and other determiners should take a noun after them. / (Article ait WT Determiners (no, one, many etc) % ag Noun #1 @all sterart 1) 1 2. 3. 4. Ram is a good boy. 5. To err is human, to forgive divine. Teachers teach students. 6. I did my best. 7. went for a walk. 8. Reading is a good habit Iam fond of music. We prohibit smoking. PRONOUN Replace Noun (Sa % Eula W Ha 8) aoe aa Preceded by Tollowed by x=x=s asa & fer ash & far frroffa aeq ao raat & few 4 wa aT @ (he, she, it #1 4gauet) aa, 3 aT He is a good boy. It is a useful book. Before giving the medicine to the child, shake it properly. (Shake what!) I bought some books. They are useful. VERB. Action / state word (ira alt Hae Tera ATT Wea) I run. They wan Run, Teach & Go -> Action Word You go. I know you. a PpeEe Tam a teacher. } know & am — state word We cannot make a sentence without a verb. (Verb # faa area act dat WHa) ADJECTIVE Qualifies Noun or Pronoun. / (#1 @ Waa H at A FO Tara Cl) He is a good boy. She is suffering from lung cancer. It is a five-star hotel. India is a developing country. This is the revised edition. CONJUNCTION Joining word. / (age aren tea) ESS vein = Ee © ccs =n He is happy. Hoi sic ad Ratipy: QARESED ve is intcuizent. BED @ rem He is lazy. arope He is intelligent but lazy. eh Sat IAL a Ue a PROV byeKyes oy oa Lew b.c bit wrare atta (Bod aera @ aoa et aike sea enews Vocab w are Letter/ Precis pei Hindu & Editorial Essay/ Let ne kanes ease dl A/ An @ Means ‘One! @ Comes with Singular Countable Noun. (S.C.N. 9 81a 3a 1) @ Do not come with Plural Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun. (P.C.N. Ud U.N. & ae at 3a 81) @ Come with Nouns which are getting introduced. (Bra aan ar oes et ere Sah ATT ara) ARTICLE ) Comes before Noun (Noun % 9@@ 3ifeil 8) The @ Can come with Countable as well as. Uncountable Noun. (C.N. Ud U.N, ateit & arr sat 81) Comes with Nouns that have already been introduced. (Bret Sam ar aftaa fear or yar F Sa AT ‘the! 31aT@1) Comes with Nouns that are definite, that can be visualised or pointed out. (Noun & are grat &, Bras aH Ga set BT werd & ar fora ofa arr a wet TT FI) He is a singer. ‘They are a singers. She gave an advice. ] ] Once upon a time, there lived a king. He is a very good dancer. Once upon a time, there lived a saint, nearby the place of the king. EY woe Fill in the blanks with A/An 9 oe 1: orange 9. ____year UCT’ 2. eagle 1062 Mp 3. umbrella 11, = pce 4. European 12; 3 ewe 5. university 13, honorable men 6. one-rupee Coin 14. honesty 7. honest man 15. water ear PREPOSITION * Determines Position (#44 Tava 8) : + There are certain fixed Preposition too (¥& Preposition Fixed aft re Bl) The book is on the table. She is in the room. They insisted on going home. He is addicted to smoking. a Qualifies the nearest word (ftrneam trea & fare waa eat 1) 1. She work honestly. 4, He ran fast. 2. She speaks politely. 5. She touched the baby gently. 3. He acted smartly. When course do you need? Spoken or Compulsory. See the sentences given below and decide. Ose pau we Ta) SINGH eam Pe ies cece Seated FORMS OF VERBS { arash Forms of verbs are gat wife after ana dar ara @ 10 & 20 Verbs | % Forms We Ht) grhl TRA WT Tense Hey 8 saat) aa TH HT | sweat 4 3 11 ver oft wil ae @ aT Verbs % af wd Spoken Dictionary 1 sft fwd wi Aferar Gers HY Boring art F Tara ZI FORMS OF VERBS, GROUP-I (IRREGULAR VERBS) Pang Pr Ere (1st Form) (2nd Form) peor) Arise sat arose arisen arising arises Awake SrTaT awoke awaken awaking awakes Bewy are, Sat was, were been being is/was am V; - Bear Heat aa — bore borne bearing bears Bear wea ear bore born bearing bears Become ‘aaa became become becoming “becomes Begin UR ate ~— began begun, beginning _ begins Bind after bound bound binding binds Bite ala & Feat bit : bitten biting bites Blow eal HT UaaT blew blown blowing blows Break digavecet broke broken breaking breaks Bring arat brought brought bringing _ brings Build aaa built built * building builds wT Burn Fea Fearen burnt burnt burning burns Buy wicat bought bought buying buys Catch vasa caught caught catching catches. Choose rar chose , chosen choosing chooses Come oat came come coming comes Creep war crept crept creeping creeps Dig Gear dug dug digging digs Do aa did done doing does Draw haar drew drawn drawing draws Dream Fact sue = dreamt dreamt dreaming dreams Drink drat drank drunk/drunken drinking drinks eg pte ats.) Drive Eat Fall Feel Fight Leave Lend Shake Shine CARTAUSTIT FAT feoeanferan area war Yea & at Brat saeat art feat ag aa, Aaa olga 3am tat Seana caret at saree % star ‘Ghaverat ware ae freer Frere wart area aaen/asrat Som sae fearer reat bt TF (2nd Form) drove ate fell felt fought found flew forbade forgot froze got gave ground grew hung had hid held kept knelt knew led learnt left lent lay lost made meant met rode rang rose shook shone SO sut driven eaten fallen felt fought found flown forbidden forgotten frozen got given ground grown hung had hidden held kept knelt known led learnt left lent lain lost made meant met ridden rung risen shaken shone rary ect driving eating falling feeling fighting finding flying forbidding forgetting freezing getting giving grinding growing hanging having hiding holding keeping kneeling knowing leading learning leaving lending lying losing making meaning meeting riding ringing rising shaking shining drives eats falls feels fights finds flies forbids forgets freezes gets gives Grinds grows hangs has hides holds keeps kneels knows leads learns leaves lends lies loses makes means meets rides rings Rises shakes shines LS oc paso d (ist Form) ESO de] Boe Te xs Shoot Shrink Sing Sink sit Sleep Speak Spend Spit Stand Steal Stick Stand Strike Swear Sweep Swim Swing Take Teach Tear Think Understand Wear Weave Weep Win Wind Wring Write feraat shot shrank sang sank sat slept spoke spent spat stood stole stuck stood ‘struck swore swept swam swung took taught tore thought understood wore wove wept won wound wrung wrote shot taken taught torn thought understood worn woven wept won wound wrung written shooting shrinking singing sinking sitting sleeping speaking spending spitting standing stealing sticking standing striking swearing sweeping swimming swinging taking teaching tearing thinking understanding wearing weaving weeping winning winding wringing writing shoots shrinks sings sinks sits sleeps speaks spends spits Stands steals sticks stands strikes swears sweeps swims swings takes teaches tears thinks understands wears weaves weeps wins winds wrings writes FORMS OF VERBS, GROU! (REGULAR VERBS) Present ant Past 3rd ing s/es (1st Form) (2nd Form) — Form Form Form Abuse amet ear / abused abused abusing abuses gaat aar Act aI Fa / acted acted acting acts aftaa aa Add sigat added added adding adds Admire wig eT admired admired admiring admires Advise SIU Sar advised advised advising _ advises Allow sepia car allowed allowed allowing allows Answer Seat aT answered answered answering’ answers Appoint forget aT appointed appointed appointing” Appoints Appear were ear appeared appeared appearing - appears Arrive é arrived arrived arriving’ _ arrives Arrest, Prowpat Fat arrested arrested arresting _—_ arrests Ask qeanlagent asked asked asking asks Attack FRAT HT attacked attacked attacking -attacks Bark sitter barked barked barking —barks Bathe Fale ANAT bathed bathed bathing. _bathes Beg ata alate begged begged begging ~=—sbegs. Believe faeare aaT believed believed . believing _ believes Behave wade aT behaved behaved behaving behaves Bleed Ga age bled bled bleeding. _ bleeds Bless anftate @ar blessed | blessed blessing blesses~ Boil saree boiled boiled boiling. _ boils Boast st Anat boasted boasted _ boasting. boasts Borrow. SUR aat borrowed borrowed borrowing _» borrows Call yer called called calling calls. Carry a oat carried carried carrying carries Clean ae BeAr cleaned cleaned cleaning. cleans_.- Close aq ate closed closed closing closes Change aac changed changed changing _ changes Check Veena FAT ~— checked checked checking —_ checks Climb ageT climbed climbed climbing Climbs Clap arch aorta clapped clapped clapping —_—claps Copy HT AAT copied copied copying _copies Collect SHsT AAT collected collected collecting _ collects. a es tied ietiteen a. att Present bt EN bose eras Oo Pe) (2nd Form) rosed Complain. Raa aT complained complained complaining complains Cook TaTAT cooked cooked cooking cooks Count Freer counted counted counting counts Confuse Saga A sq confused confused confusing Confuses ear Consult ware eat consulted consulted consulting —_ consults. Cover ‘Get covered covered covering covers Crow air ware crowed crowed crowing crows Cross OR tar crossed crossed crossing crosses Cry faecren/ cried cried erying cries facet at at Decorate = Hala decorated decorated decorating —_ decorates Dance area danced danced dancing dances ‘Deceive ‘aan ear deceived deceived deceiving deceives Defeat wet defeated |, defeated defeating defeats Decide favla awa decided decided deciding decides Desire 3eOI aT «= desired desired desiring desires Discover ae at discovered discovered discovering discovers Dip yaar dipped dipped dipping dips Die aT died died dying dies Divide aicat divided divided dividing divides Dry quagarnt — dried dried drying dries Drown garat drowned drowned drowning — drowns. Dye wear dyed dyed dyeing dyes Earn are earned earned earning earns Enter weer AAT entered entered entering enters Employ WI X Wat employed employed employing —_ employs Explain wage explained explained explaining —_ explains Face "gmat arat =~ faced faced facing faces Fail wana tat failed failed failing fails Fear aT feared feared fearing fears Feed facet fed fed feeding feeds Fell ‘farrat felled felled felling fells Flee arar fled fled fleeing flees Finish ward eat finished finished finishing finishes Zc ao bss (1st Form) Help Improve Invite Join Jump Kill Knit Lay Lie Laugh Like Listen Look Live Love Marry Melt Mend Name Need Nip Obey Open Order Oppose sravara ela org (2nd Form) fined floated grazed gathered hated hanged heard helped improved invited joined jumped killed knitted laid lied laughed liked listened looked lived loved married moved melted mended mixed named needed nipped obeyed opened ordered opposed paid ER Baya) fined floated grazed gathered hated hanged heard helped improved invited joined jumped killed knitted laid lied laughed liked listened looked lived loved married moved melted/ molten mended mixed named needed nipped obeyed opened ordered opposed paid cnt brea) fining floating grazing gathering hating hanging hearing helping improving inviting joining jumping killing knitting laying lying laughing liking listening looking living loving marrying moving melting mending mixing naming needing nipping obeying opening ordering opposing paying Oia bry fines floats grazes gathers hates hangs hears helps improves invites joins jumps kills knits lays lies laughs likes listens looks lives loves marries moves melts mends mixes names needs nips obeys opens orders opposes pays i ce ecg Pees.) Play Pray Praise Preach Peep Plant Pluck Prepare Pull Prevent Punish Prove Promise Push Quarrel Rain Reply Reach Receive Refuse Rest Resign Repair Remember Return Roar Say Sell Save Saw Select Stay Stop Study Slip Talk sist &taT Soe AT ‘har aaa aisat (st Por Oe, SCT RAT Past (2nd Form) played prayed praised preached peeped planted plucked prepared pulled prevented punished proved promised pushed quarrelled rained replied reached received refused rested resigned repaired remembered returned roared said sold saved sawed selected stayed stopped studied slipped talked played prayed praised preached peeped planted plucked prepared pulled prevented punished proved promised pushed quarrelled rained replied reached received refused rested resigned repaired remembered returned roared said sold saved sawed selected stayed stopped studied slipped talked rR. playing praying praising preaching peeping planting plucking preparing pulling preventing punishing proving promising pushing quarreling raining replying reaching receiving refusing resting resigning repairing remembering returning roaring saying selling saving sawing selecting staying stopping studying slipping talking plays prays praises preaches peeps plants plucks prepares pulls prevents punishes proves promises pushes quarrels rains replies reaches receives refuses rests resigns repairs remembers returns roars says sells saves saws selects stays stops studies slips talks Ps sd ear Crea 2 yd etre a sec) ee B oe} Form Tell wee told told telling tells Tie attra tied tied tying ties Touch wr touched touched touching touches Try Wat aT tried tried trying tries Trust faeart aT trusted trusted trusting trusts Use Seaaa HET used used using uses Walk Weat walked walked walking walks Wash ‘iat washed washed washing washes Wait scien eat waited waited waiting waits Work RT worked worked working works Watch fant att = watched watched watching watches Wish age wished wished wishing wishes Wander ser wandered wandered wandering —_ wanders Waste ae aa wasted wasted wasting wastes Wed faare aT wedded wedded wedding weds Wound UR AAT wounded wounded wounding —_ wounds Worship Yon aear worshipped worshipped worshipping worships Wonder eae gar wondered wondered wondering —_ wonders Wrap wear wrapped wrapped wrapping wraps Yield tae FeT yielded yielded yielding yields Bid ‘ate ore! bid bid bidding bids eer Bet wad aaa bet bet betting bets Burst ‘eat burst burst bursting bursts Cast trepen/srere cast cast casting casts Cost apa ware cost cost costing costs Cut eat cut cut cutting cuts Hurt dist Ware hurt hurt hurting hurts Let ae cet let let Jetting lets Put war put put putting puts Read ugar * read read reading reads Set aa Btar set set setting sets Shed agraleart tt shed shed shedding sheds Shut aq ara shut shut shutting shuts Spread thereat spread spread spreading spreads Thrust Seemencrar thrust thrust thrusting thrusts Quit oar quit quit quitting quits * Read Ud Study 4 3iat 81 Study a7 3h seat ae & cafe Read RT Magazine, Newspaper Sear #t axct &1 a ce RULES FOR MAKING FORMS OF VERBS (ASS Mc Chg ee el COL at) Key Be; Begged Begged Beggin; f Exception ne Fitted Fitted Riese: —_— Hit Hit Hit Hitting - Ending in consonant (last ¥consonant @ ) ~ Consonant preceded by single vowel (Consonant wh Wet! Uh vowel é ) If consonant is preceded by single vowel, the consonant is doubled and 'ed/ing' is added. (3M consonant & Wea single vowel #1, a consonant @i double &t ait saa eI ed/ing wm ) | Vomit — vomiting Target — targeting Heat - Ending in consonant (Last % consonant ) - And Consonant preceded by two vowels ( 3it Consonant # Uget at vowels# ) If consonant is preceded by two vowels, consonant remains single and 'ed/ing' is added. ( 371 consonant.@ Usa Zt vowels #, Wt consonant singular # teat é ) Eg:- Heat Heated Heated Sweat Sweat Sweating Beat Beat Beaten Die Dying Lie Lying Vie (to compete -—uftaa? wet) = Vying If the verb ends in ‘ie’, change ‘ie’ into 'y' and then add ‘ing’. (30K verb ‘ie Fam B, at ie’ at 'y' 8 uftahia wet sas are ‘ing’ oT) hange Changing Same Admiring Generally, we remove 'e' before adding ‘ing’ if a verb ends in 'e'. (ati verb'e' i Ga Bt, Hing’ wT A VES 'e' FeTt ) Exception ( 21val¢ ): Dye + ing = dyeing Een Rule - 5 Panic (St) Panicked Traffic (Illegal ara art ) Trafficked Picnic (Picnic TAT ) Picnicked If the verb ends in'c’, add 'k’ before adding 'ed/ ing’. ( 27 verb'e’ : ae, Wed/ing' wr B uge'k' TTT ) wy vo— cry Cried N — City Cities Adj. — _ Pretty Prettier, Prettiest If Verb, Noun or Adjective ends in 'y' preceded by a consonant, change 'y' into ‘i’ and then its form/ degree changes. (80 Verb, Noun a Adjective 'y'# wat @ ait 'y' & Teel consonant 37 avy aid uftatia at, sad az form/ degree uftatia wt) i voo— Pray Prayed N —_ Boy Boys Adj — Grey Greyer/ Greyest If'y' is preceded by a vowel, we do not change 'y' into ‘i’. (201 'y' B wet vowel @, at'y' aii 8 uftatia Tet Hee ) Exceptions (31a): Say Said Pay Paid Lay Laid CONTRACTED FORMS Peete Pete hee ee eer ce eae [1wil,tshal orn ern Ihave I've had > Pd youare +you're youhave >you've | youhad — you'd | YOu will > you'll heis he's -hehas he's yy neta | he will shen is she’s shehas — she’s | = she had — she’d | She will > she'll weare we're ithas it’s ithad — it'd —_| we will/we shall + we’ itis it's we have — we've they are > they’re they have~ they've we had — we'd | they will there has > there's they had — they'd there will there is — there’ CONTRACTED FORMS Steet eer) PSS Ace etey I would you would he would she would it would we would they would there had there would bebe bbb best Is not Am not Are not Was not Were not Do not ra cannot you'd nea could not she'd dare not ao had not we'd : might not they'd a therera must not there'd need not 4 ga = = can’t ought not > couldn't shallnot > daren’t | willnot = > hadn't —should not > mightn’t used not — mustn’t would not > needn’t maynot > CONTRACTED FORMS CEC Bases Gist het ats — (aren't in Inversion) — aren't — wasn't — weren't = don't Gibran cues oughtn’t shan’t won’t shouldn’t usedn’t wouldn’t mayn’t Does not - doesn't Did not > didn't Has not — hasn't Have not — haven't Had not — hadn't is not Am not Are not Have not Has not een USE OF ‘OF’ & ‘Of is used with Non-living and Apostrophe usually comes with living. (Of #1 WNT Non-living % are get ¢ sit Apostrophe Waread: living eae It shows possession. (2 after aufat #1) 1. eect Ar ve waar i 2.0 ane A Taree A 3.0 aaa ahr 3 4. warn F wreiie 4. 5. water ae aeaht ~ CARRIES et ATT 6. 7. | feed fast 7 8. chad & canara 8. 9. ana Ht aearear 9. 10. ska & atat At wae 10. 11. wah Prove 11. 12. aTeatfts ar TART 12. 13. aexh wT Tae 13. 14, orat ar sftat 14. 15. wR ast a ie 15. 16. after ar ot 16. 17; Ver F aET 17. 18. aya A Peet ao 19. aa Hr tere ae 20. after ar ater 20. 21. ata ér att a 22. afgarait # aver 22 23. 23. wsfrat ar oerat-areoT 24, Praniter afgersit a afta 25. eat # fre ‘APOSTROPHE’ 4 rat 1) A problem of Delhi ‘The population of India The people of India The strategy of the government The President of America ‘The government of Maharashtra The roads of Delhi The ups and downs of life The economy of India ‘The problems of the people of India Ram's book Valmiki's Ramayana Voters’ mandate A student’s life A girl’s choice Rain water Employment opportunities Sun rays Sunlight Rainy season. .. People's demand Women's safety Girls' upbringing Married women's rights Children's education ze tif ¢ @ 1B 3357 LMM OCOD 5S Imperative Sentence 2a 4 Std at Wa & — + Order — (3&1) Eg:- Go away. + Request — (fda) Eg:- Please, help me + Suggestion — (ag) Eg:- Work hard * Advice — (34a%N) Eg:- Take the medicines on time + Prohibition — (fru) aut #1 Eg:- Don't go there * Verb tase form + Object + Adverb of time / place/ manner etc (Positive Sentences) * Do not (Don't) + Verb tase rorm + Object + Adverb of time / place/ manner etc (Negative Sentences) 1. ws eons 22. AY aval ft atel went at 2. Agee Tl ” 23. qu a sare atl 3. freee fret at 24, Mara aie at 4. tae are aT at 28, art eft wenaitl 5. Lawn 4 9g wT atl 26. ast aTATaTel B Aa Tesi 6. we ae or aT atl 27. Has Ot at, Gara Ht Prats at Te 7. at aaa ar atl gee & fare ter at 8. trac amet aa carat 28. aera I was TEA 9, wattage a 29, aah rare front te at 10. sar at atl ~ 80. wager Fr aifer atl 11. Hach waft Jar ahi 31, ear at 12. ad Sc. 9¢4 at 32. Fe HART HY Fe Gla 13. aver dr site cea aT FTA 33. eh aa al 14, aes Earhee Tans 34, saa aren-Rren & fereane Ae STS 15. dar arar whF a 38. seta aa at 16. dam et aT3it! 36. SWAT SUT Het BH Be 17, wa ge aan a at 37. aie 18. grr die atl 38. ANT wea ATA 19, aa OF aR Bt STH 39, feman wat! 20. age on Ft 40, qe Aa Aa! 41, atch Aiea aT Care Tat 21, ara sara at OTe A 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. m1. 72. sta aa aiat FS aa ata wa aati VAT TAT TAT utara at Ve STA te Ag wl Oe 8 aa Re Het BA A Aas THN ‘wet Wy tart atl feet oe faeare Aa aa AM positive WI wel Tea Te Tall ast rr ae ait atten ft tard atl aware Aa A FAI SATE Aa Fatt waren ae ar / Set ae ART age stig a Bt aT tara at et RM ae erat WRF Aa HTT HTT ae are Fat ae a Tee At 1 apt apd aa eet KD Live # & 911 TRH Fa a Fa Ue a wee at eat fare ret I Home work @¥ Portal # 31a a! 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 101 10: 10: tt scan FR Agr sa aa edt 30H AY aneratt H Geet Ae VT fare Het watt wea ee Spare oe era at aN are art HTT FEM TT SAT SAT ae a arg aT ah ar AFA A Peat a vier aa FAT aoe are FUT at ata ar Gra Fat at aed & oa aT Bet Wa Sieh Baa Ae atl at omait Ba wa Tat Raa a at fave ay tae ort at wa & rat fad fre at aa Ata eA Agaral at smite at Be Aa BS / Ta Ha Past ‘ler wat aR agra apt erent FRreTsit are Hat at 0. afgensit ar wea AT 1. gt ater at 2. St Wet atl 103, 38 cet Ha at 104, Set TET Set Aa at 10! 8. pt eer a aft at Bal, SHY AS) aT aN gears wat] PTET ara ae ahah a ral Fo aa Are arate at Berar ae ste cathy wt wag HA a HT AeA A Fife HAI PT ge FT Rat Fat ASAT SU Ea aa wat araeth wtd-aret aareaait wr Fa HT ciel Tee FAT Agee Ae BL AH Ta HT Ae ANH TRA Tete AY FarcoT aT aN Alert ae ETI Stand up. Work hard. Make the bed. Clean the table. Sweep the lawn. 6. Mop the floor. Shave and take bath. . Don't drink and drive. 9, Give bath to the children. 10. Comb your hair. 11. Take off your shirt. 12. Put on your pants/ trousers. 13. Carry your bag and glasses / spectacles. 14. Cook something delicious. 15. Serve my breakfast. 16. Get ready. 17. Get everything ready. 18. Wipe your hands. 19. Board the bus. 20. Switch on the light. 21. Boil the tea and strain it. 22. Plait my hair. 23. Boil the milk. 24. Tie my hair. 25. Drive slowly. 26. Don't drive recklessly. apeonen es Wash the clothes, rinse and wring them. Spread them to dry. Dress decently. Keep your book aside. Try to understand. Pay attention. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't make a noise. Don't go against your parents. Don't lose hope. Don't lose your temper. Have a seat./ Sit. Obey me. Be generous. Don't take revenge. Take care of your health. Don't beg. Don't tell a lie. / Don't lie. Speak the truth. Make your goal. Don't cheat. Exercise daily. Don't suspect. ‘Talk properly. Mind your own business. Focus on your goal. Don't trust anyone. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. Always be positive. Walk on the right path, Put on / Apply some cream. Prepare for the exam. Don't talk nonsense/ rubbish. Don't be too smart/ over smart. Don't boast. Have a sound sleep or sleep soundly. Pay attention. Don't make me angry. Don't fear defeat/ failure. OR, Don't be afraid of defeat/failure. Do your own work. Listen to me. ~ Don't annoy/ irritate me. Don't fool me. Study from KD Live only. Don't get/be angry. Do it once and show me. Don't insist. Upload the homework on the portal. Scan it and sent it to me. Get up/ Wake up early in the morning. Don't meddle in my affairs. OR Don't interfere in my matters. Don’t be obstinate/stubborn, Stay within your limit, ‘78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. Rein/Bridle your tongue./ Mind your language. Obey me Deboard at the next station. Control your anger. Respect the elders. Don't deface the walls. OR Don't make the wall dirty. Mend your ways. Cook for two people. OR Cook for two. Love the children. Don’t scold them. Don’t preach/advise. Go to bed. Don’t stop him. Don’t be cruel. Let me go by lift / on foot. Go by stairs. Write a letter and inform him. Invite the guests. Don’t tease him. Don't worry. Feed the poor. Don’t abuse. Respect women. Let me sleep. Let him eat. Don't let him swim. Don't let them go out. Let me live peacefully. Paragraph (Answer: Get up, don't stop. Move forward. Be optimistic. Don't be pessimistic . Meet people. Think something new, Innovate. Understand the pain and agony of the world, At least try to understand. Then see yourself. Understand the difference. Don't be selfish, Laugh over your minor problems. Don't give them so much importance. Have patience and work hard. Be brave. See the ray of hope. Don't lose hope. eye: USE OF 'IT' AND 'BE’ ( It + is / was / will be + object. ) ‘It’ is used for ‘Non-living’, ‘animal’ and as ‘dummy’ when we have no specific subject to start a sentence, ‘It’ is used to introduce sentence of ‘time’, ‘season’, ‘weather’, ‘morning’, ‘evening’ etc too. at’ at vate fasta seq? a onaay’ & fare tar Fue aa ela E a BAN IT ATT YS HT & fae subject at stl ‘It? ar water sa area & fore sft sar B at aaa, ates, ae, wT care ard ai ‘Be’ and ‘its’ forms are used as linking verb. It connects the Subject with some Adjective or Noun. (Be Ud 54% forms linking verb & wa 4 ward ea J Subject FT frat Adjective U7 Noun @ sigat 1 1. Itis 7 O'clock. 1 wmaawel 2. It is quarter to eight. 2. warewel 3. It is quarter past four. 3. FUN as eI 4. It is around 5 pm now. 4. aft ant 5 pm #1 5. It is half past five. 5. weceatel 6. It is spring now. 6. wate 7. It is rainy season now. 7. raft carer ar ater 8 8, It was winter then 8. aa ee Bq oT 9. It's enough. OR It is too much. 9 Waa 10. It's surprising/ amazing. 10, & areadarre B1 11. It is cloudy today. 2 ee 12. It is dark now. 12. areft sitter 1 . : . 5 ee 13. It is a rainy day today. 14, tHE 14, It is I. 18. ara ate tl 15, It is foggy today. [25] srokenznaoh: Useot ange | 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. ast 33 81 war 2 GFERT Heat FP wart 3 grant rare tP aad aad 2 uw ase ART tr aye aus aaa U1 aanieth wena BI Saree wag FI Sant aac eft dus anda wert 2 wars & fare us Ras BI @ tigers &1 a preaeng $1 a ue fier wr Peer 1 aerate oI a acat aa # cara B1 ag ager aga sy UT ae ae HT AT 2 ats erat t aga ents a afer t1 a aga eee 81 a aga Gra Fl dag arab ‘a aga Bree ‘a area BI & Pretotrr #1 a ware bl 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41, 42. 43. 44, 45. It is cold today. Is it your dog? Is it your book? It was my fault/ mistake. It is a serious issue. It is all yours. It is a request. It is strange. / It is weird. It is midnight. It is mutual understanding. It was a blunder. It is an Indian tradition. It is a headache for the society. It is painful. It is ridiculous. It is a matter of concern. It is healthy. It is prevalent in North India. - It was an excellent/a wonderful/ a very good/ a great experience. It was a horrible experience. It is a bit/ a little light. It is too heavy. It is spooky/ eerie/ haunted. It is too tight. It is too loose. It is very long It is very/ too short. It is circular. It is triangular, It is parallel, ae Spek 46. 2ST BT 1 47. 2 Sar ET I 48, Taonga 49. Twat 50. 2 fret eI 51. ae sore 81 52. Fee Ts 53. Tarw-quT et 54. a aftaréi 55. Taare 56. 2aar 81 57. Y37HTs t1 58. aft 12 at aaer BI 59. aadarel 60. 3 ores ae tI 61. 2 areca eI 62, 3 oT gar ae eI 63. 2 3aeT ET BI 64. a wis & Hare HE agi BI 65. dagarh & sara Fo ae F1 "NEETU SINGH 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 61. 62. 63. 64, 65. It is frozen. It is burnt. It is oily. It is rough. It is smooth. It is bright now. It is dusty/ full of dust. It is neat and tidy. It is wet. It is dry. It is barren, It is fertile. It is noon now. It is foolishness. It is not fair. It is half-cooked. It is uncooked. It is boiled. It is nothing but arrogance. It is nothing but cheating. a> ae aT eon ft Useful for:- Pid Ui the Ly cps iTS DSSSB Al Ublective Exams Ta TT SS CANBE Ima heed ree Simucmencs Simple Present, Simple Past U¢ Simple Future # ‘Be’ % forms #1 Waa Brat a - STRUCTURE Subject + is/ am/ are + object (In sentences of Present) } oN REED ote, tome, sioguer > « You, We, They, Plural Subject + was/ were + object (In sentences of Past) Simple Past You, We, They, Plural I, He, She, It, Name, Singular Subject + Will be / Shall be + object (In Sentences of Future) Shall. I, We 4 aia ta ates 81 : ae adhe ore ah COVID-19 Ua wWatare faa BI Be at aa FBI Bit WER Bl AR ararett Peiar at 1 Ae adh exer ait weer BI arr Gan Ax result F HAC BI wa TA argc BP |. AT GAT a Ie ete . Agt fecerereth are B1 . Far a A duty t 5. aT yt fererar & arararer aid ere a arate atta fare Sher argh reel aeaerpt & Tq He ater yourg El PENAAP He Be i) ee aod roe Sets eS ED au other suvjects 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. # arenas om ‘agi ater arate at ga ae caer aay aT Re ag a1 AT Rraraht feat at ant a Sater ofrecer F a1 a ag Ae ware ee FT ae FERN arch gt ehh aM ga fear tp PRT a WH We B ara met A war Ht eent oehett at aT] wa forrtt ater a1 arvcat athe chet malt ft arco: few at 1 31. 2 aera wet Gt eh 43. afta sa sage a eT 32. % axitta at erm 44, taat sah fae as eM 33. Seat ga Reva a at) 45, wa HRS oT wat gard az eM 34, wet Tet HS at eT 46. ag ATIaTE OT Afra a TE TH 35 daaa 310 & fav sear eT fartan Pratt 36. qa ant aptad 4 os asin 47. ae Ue thera att sik a TH s Sear areal & fare dhe adh 37. Ga Um feet aed oe ot err a8. ear wm wea art ear? 48. sim BS Aga & fae Sw et F git VS wra-Sra & are aT GH Perel Peat 39. 4g UH RX heer eT amt wares F eet 40. ae wa feet ae ater A ath 49. Aged f us aed sree Ft aSaT sit 41. 4 ga Wea ar am at aT AY Ararat aft enh areas 1 42. 3 oir aaa F eit 50. pi efile Rall INT N as 1. India is a democracy. Tam unwell. 3. COVID-19 is a dangerous disease. 4. My mother is in Varanasi. 5. People are wise. 6. My grandfather is not alive. 7. My grandmother is hale and hearty/ healthy and happy. 8. My family is satisfied with my result. 9. Are you dissatisfied? 10, Are you at home? 11. Iam not interested. 12. Is it my duty? 13. Are you not aware/ unaware of the rule? 14, It is not good for your job. 15. My colleagues are supportive/ co-operative but some people are jealous. 16. Iwas surprised. 17. People were strange/ weird there. 18, The train was late. 19, The platform was dirty. coreg een 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Schools were closed. My father was not in Delhi. These people were in Pakistan. Was it my problem? Wasn't it your fault/ mistake? Were you ill/ unwell? You were not at home. We were not aware of the problem. Wasn’t I your neighbour. We were bosom friends. India was China were never good friends. Shops will be open tomorrow. It will not be safe. We will be in Delhi day after tomorrow. Nobody will be here tomorrow. This step will be good for you. You will be in great problem. You will be at a good post one day. Will it be a difficult task? It will be a cruel decision. She will be in a great problem one day. I won’t be a part of this project. The will be in shock. Rohit will be in Jaipur tomorrow. This news will be new for them. All the shops will be closed tomorrow due to curfew. He was careless but now he is a responsible father. She is a irresponsible mother and this is not good for her children, Junk food is not good for health and due to such eating habit you will be in a big problem some day. I shall soon be in a big company and my parents are also very hopeful. My brother was his classmate but they are not friend: ER SENTENCES OF THERE AND HAVE Fee este Gin Usa a) Fae PP a 7. 8. 9. Ceara teed) Noun + at one agr BI a food H wf are EI az apt oreht a6 BI 4. aig ba et 5. ara 4 wg oTferaT Bd 6. watt go ae 8 7 a otra Hag sire rere BI ea ag eel ware wa H fh ae Ore BI 10, wet ag afaure FI 10, ‘There (381) Bg. 1. Stand there. Dummy (ae aT Ye HU % fa There is TA TT) Eg. 1. There is a problem in Delhi, (feroht # wa WET Bl) (ara fare Ser & area Perel cata Teq Fr Atgeeht eer (eet aS Baa) Se at aT There FUE Fe 8) tn : i . (CH TAM EH 2 oe, ae eee ah aha ete a age ah cue ag 8 ae aT (ae sT3t1) &, ag eer ar aaTTa Cr areT a at at Oe area HT There & YB ert El) PRESENT (___ There + is/are + a/ an/ many ete +Noun+in/at+Place. _ | Eetroetsn irs eee Onc ae nes + no + Singular Noun/ Uncoun! + place There is no water. ‘There are many problems is Delhi. ‘There is no water there. There is no solution, ‘There are many castes in India. ‘There is nothing in the box. There are many wild animals is this forest. There is no one in the room. ‘There are only ten students in the class room, There are many facilities here, Serer) / many etc + Noun + prs ‘There + was/ were + a, UGRORG i Ie) at/ in + Place Rimgonrsn ct) with Plural Noun LOR rsTes Negative Sentence! ‘There + was + no + Singular Noun/ Uncountable Geass Noun + at/in + place 1. stg Her argh oT 1. There was no issue. 2. There was extreme/ much poverty 2 7 in India. 3. wage aed dorHs erat a! | 3. There were some children in the a room but there was no teacher. ‘ H nikal Views aot amt 4. There was no virus in India in 5. wet ge at aet om February. ‘ 5. There was nothing here. . a a anak ang-srdiara =| phere were corruption and nepotism in India earlier too. 7. wet var atest eh 7. There was a hut here. —" 8. There were many lions, leopards and & seater We temo tigers in this forest. 9. FART Are Teer STATA TI 9. There was dinosaurs thousands of years ago. 10. There was a minor/ small problem. FUTURE Poe There will be + a/an/many etc + Noun+ at/in (cas ueiemc ined) +Place rae ‘There will be no / will not be any + Singular Noun Gcacicmcice) / Uncountable Noun + at/ in + Place 4. aaa wg aeaare at ST 6. atedh fag arate ait 2. sneer safer a ag eared 7, pT, see, nf Eee UTE RAL 3, Reed a orf oe aig are arét BT 8. sie ft Corona % Fw a variants Fal 4, Ter acer oe ag ater at BVT 9. Fe class # wa ag teacher gift! 5. arr orelt amr aang at eT 10. art aa H 1 10, ver Otel wareaT et +aere will be no racism in India. There will be no discrimination in villages, in future. There will be no tax on water in Delhi. There will be no burden on the state governments. There will be no water supply tomorrow. There will be many changes soon. There will be many tax reforms in a few/ some years. There will be some new variants of Corona soon. There will be a new teacher in class tomorrow. There will be ten new students in class in the next session. ana A ag Caen saree athe Max eee 1 Tel as Tare ae vee 1 ABT Area F vA a a fatResrar A Qatar fait Se Recta F HAUT aa H HS TAEATE af 1 Fa Ore saa F ANG Ste & (AT ware ae Bl Aa H arqafeufe F, wa aw elt site erifer eM wa wars ST ae Re FR oe ram ea Fa Heer ah eee Bet: BH gfaren a ges sft earch gt 81 BY esagaone ° There are many historical monuments and beautiful cities in India, There are many customs and traditions here. There is unity in diversity here. There is beauty in this diversity but there are many problems too in India due to this diversity. There is no time for hatred in this short life. In the absence of hatred, there will be happiness and peace everywhere. Once upon a time, there was a king named Alexander. There was nothing in dead Alexander's hands. Hence there is nothing permanent in this world. Possession of Living beings Pre toe eo ee 1. atoeaaaatl 10. Far geen Rea a seh fore oer ar at 2. sae TT TH Eel BEA aet 8? ; 3. sae Te art & fare Ho ae 11, Tartar grt oe Fat aT ge 4. atataagaatl 12. teh atert MH airondt eat aie et 5. Atagse as creat Pree 8? 6. saat ate 13. aetary wig Ree at 7. Bear eae Tre ae athe heere t BP 14, Sa feo A geet few Hig feeling 8. Fase ag yee wT? att 9. RAC oRT ag Bree BI 15, Fa Grae ore ett Teh 87 I have two houses. He has a car. He has nothing to eat. OR, He does not have anything to eat My mother has a lot of patience. My brother has many friends. He has no manners. OR, He does not have any manners. Do you have an extra pen? Does he have any information? We have many facilities, Don't you have any respect for him? Why don't we have this right? Where do we have such freedom of speech? T have no tension now. OR, I do not have any tension now. She has no feelings for you. OR, She does not have any feeling for you. Do you have some water? Subject + had + object er Sub + had to +Ve — Sub + have/has to i i L | *Ve + Sub + will | | + Ver i +Vee I have to + V,; “Ve Sub+donothave || -Ve — Sub+didnot || -Ve + Sub +will to+ Vir have to + Var} not (won't) Sub + does not have to + Vir _ have to + Vys j BERD tee mame, cinguter —«d| 1. Mata wa wsat 9. rege ailetarger wan oy feat TET ISAT SI 2. gt et wren wee TST BI 10. BHT BH aTS-wanfeet arat BY Tae IFAT FI 3. Rt aaa eas Wot HAT TEA BI 411. See aS aT aT HTT saT BI 4. SUT UL HT ART A HOT FATE 12, Att al wt ara Yae-Aag Soe aE Usa BI 5, sa aoa aval wy Morell Tera TseT BI 18, See are mG ea we ee eet ot 1 6, apt airaraver dat re a Bie Bore Tech BI 14, Ter wr ara ast Terre 7 go wa feet aoe een eet bid wet ret 15. 3 et wt er eee ft ee TET 1 8. ga aaa & fare det ee Tse BI PRM aCe esl ec 1. We have to stay alert. 2, [have to cook everyday. 3. Ihave to do my homework everyday. 4. He has to do all the household/domestic chores every day. 5. He has to teach his children daily. 6. Nowdays I have to hear my father's scoldings every day. 7. We have follow the instructions of the government. 8. We have to struggle to earn. 9. Now we have to rely/depend 6n online classes. 10. The government has to save the flood-affected villages. 11. They do not have to do any work. 12. My mother does not have to get up early in the morning. 13. The government does not have to give subsidy on many things now. 14. Ramesh does not have to drive now. 15. My sisters do not have to travel by bus now. PAST FORCED ACTION 1. 38 Spoken English Fare Join eat 8. sigett at sa 1cu F frre ea STI - 3ST 9. w§ ase a tee Steet TST 2. “Lockdown % R01, 58 KD Live & 10, appt araeht start sect Sar TET sith ctrach fl < 11, gt Seren a SST aE TAT TTI 3. COVID - 19 F HRU, WAN HH AHS | 4 Sy aS gt ‘vdt Ser San ‘ware TST : ais a ah cats a rac af Bree we Et | 13. paabeRaE la ald baa Lockdown ae 8, AR UCHR | ag, garter ata tant se OETA 6. AHR A FE Wet aca TST ul a ae Te are eae ATT ETI oP 15, et ATH BY AEA AEA aE eT TET x Answers (Present Forced Action) She had to join Spoken English Class. She had to learn English from KD Live because of lockdown. ‘The government had to impose lockdown due to COVID - 19. Ihad to help my mother in the kitchen. Ihad to work from home because of lockdown, ‘The government had to distribute free ration. I had to celebrate my birthday at home. The doctors had to shift him to the ICU. Many labourers had to return on foot, [Senta Fresno yeraasene 10. I had to resign from my job. 11. I didn’t have to wait for long. 12. He didn’t have to go to college daily. 13. Many people did not have to wait for vaccine. 14. In America, people did not have to pay many types of taxes. 15. The government didn’t have to be very’strict there. FUTURE FORCED ACTION 1, Agadat a ay aren eh 9. arma sidtsht H Agere eee wBah 2. apt citar at sft err eee aT 10, se wr ara Ue A Tea eT 3. A IEe basics WAT TST! 11, Ha SA UH Oe a HA a aE Teor SAT 4, ag tara edt eet ah 12. Gee ara dae aren at TBAT 5. gt aot Sa eT TST! 13, 3a, BF feor-tra Agata Et eet TS 6. aa, ast ve duets whee hm 14, BRR BT ATeT Tore aE TSAI 7. STR, eet Te Oe Cats Tee BATT 15, 30a, Gre arch aS Pern at Sa SAT 8. camel at ag gatfeal ar ante eat wT ae) 1. I will have to go home in November. 2. Iwill have to work on Sunday too. 3. Iwill have to understand the basics first. 4. Iwill have to marry in December. 5. I will have to lose weight. 6. I will have to buy a laptop now. 7. You will have to mind your language. 8. Businessmen will have to face many challenges. 9. You will have to work hard in English. 10. You will have to stay indoor. 11. He won’t have to live in a small room now. 12. You won’t have to go on foot. 13. Now, we won’t have to work hard day and night. 14. The government won’t have to incur/bear loss. 15. Now, you won’t have to pay the rent from your pocket. (oy: Wuh * Denotes ability of Present & Future. (adara/ stfaea #1 eqarar atta 81) STRUCTURE ] erat ast SYR CIGD) Subject + Should/ must/ ought to + V,,., + object. GES Mesa Ne OR Ueat cat) ‘Subject + Should not/ must not/ ought to not + V,,, + object. MNase SAS ERS EOD) Should / must + Subject + V,,,, + Object? I can come today. 2 oss @ eo we t it of home at 2. wAUTA Maat Aaa wae el pire Lome 3. Haat re weet 3. Icannot write fast. 4. Haaagials aaa 4. Icannot run fast. 5.0 FA GH ga WHF draw FT THe 5. Can you draw it clearly? o sn deo appeamrwamratier | & People cannot use these 59 Apps ‘1 Lil : 4 at earn green a is can ao you clearly. . Og tw eH 8 : Meee ake this disease wat el - 9. ragr rant at soramtet? 9. Can you lift this box? 10, You cannot say anything against 10. ana Farrarfera & ferarw Ho at the Judiciary. CSL Lt) 5. Can I trust you? 6. I can do whatever I want. 7. I cannot study because of internet problem. 8. I cannot take revenge. 1. Can I become an IAS Officer? 2. Icannot help you today. 3. can't wash the dishes. 4. We cannot go there due to Corona. 9. You cannot pluck the flowers. 13. The university cannot conduct any 10.Can you come to meet me exam this year. tonight? 14, We cannot roam here and there 11.We cannot survive without water without mask. and air. 12. We can’t ignore hygiene now. 15.Can I send my videos to you? era ‘Trust - eant eat Revenge - aaa Pluck - agar (art Ft) Survive - fiat Tat Ignore - 7sN3iait HW ~—- Hygiene - AF-WHS Conduct - Wafetat ataT Roam - Waa (FUX-3e) COULD | * Denotes ability of Past. (3{qrare #1 ata #1 aura F1) See EO CO Ran AG mela) Subject + Could + V,,,, + Object. Pee SS eo AE OR ID) Subject + Could not (Couldn't) + V,, + Object. ery Sa AChE CCC) Could + Subject + V,,, + Object? Could + Subject + not + V,;, + Object? Couldn't + Subject + V,,, + Object? =_— ; : (age =a 1. Fea aet aaa 1. Icould not come yesterday. 2. F7atagize mn 2. Icould not get up at 7 O'clock. 3. ‘aa ats wera aT 3. Icould run very fast. 4. Haretaca att at TAT 4. Icould not help you. 5. ag Hoe oer aot TET TAT 5. He could not save his live. 6. @Wlockdown A Tere HT 6. He could not arrange.ration in lockdown. aps ag TTT 7. Our government could not check 7. parti ave community community spread. spread Wage a wT! |g, could not lift the gas cylinder. 8, Haha fereiae at 301 aT 9, Earlier people could live without the 9. aga air ata & fee we aa phone. 10. HF grant aerate aE HT ATI 10. I could not help you. er ee More sentences on Could 1. Icould not sleep alone. 10.1 could not wake up early. 2. He could not clear the SSC exam, 11.1 could not sleep well. 3. She couldn't live without him. 12. She could not save her father. 4. couldn't study in the night. 13. We could not control community 5. Icould not attend the class spread. yesterday. 14, Sushant could not overcome 6. BCCI could not conduct IPL. depression. 7. I could not focus on my studies. 15.I could not celebrate Diwali last 8. The Judiciary could not save them, ¥°#" 9. I could not visit the Red fort. ers Clear - 11H Stat Attend - 30feud eat Conduct - warfera erat Focus - tara @aT Studies - Ta1$ Emergency - 3141 Wake up - S7TaT Overcome - 34a Depression ~ 3481 Celebrate - Hate (3e84, searfe) bs ToUT tds Vol tare) Orb MeL eed 1. Ge ated fra wach G1 gee oes ae fra TE eh 2. TH api agl Oe Aa Bi AM area ae Hr TA 3. Farag PDF fra watt 2 wa A Class wet a TET! 4. Fr OMline af we werd Wl GH Offline Class aE wat ae 1 GER Fo Bet classes Wa 1 SB. Seee SAAT Set aE TAT TAM GH TH SAT TT BVT aT AT Te ee 1. You can get a job. You could not get earlier. 2. You cannot stay here. I could not get permission. 3. Can I get the PDF? I could not attend the class yesterday. 4. You cannot study offline. We cannot conduct/run offline classes. Earlier we could conduct/run such classes. 5. The doctor could not save his life. We cannot trust that doctor. MANAGED TO Managed to V,,, #1 Water Sat wrat & fore ere & foreret aa at ET AT 4 Veg % Fart was/were + able to + V,, a aft sanar Fear ar ae Be a ees fe ore eg et aah ATA I could not/ was AW were unable to STRUCTURE _] { Subject + managed to V,,, / was UT were able to + V,,- + object. ] FREED 1. she, it, name, singular va 1% are k=» you, we, they Wd plural & a1 1, Faas wget a HT TT 7. Br age Sorat oh fer of oe et oe 2. eat ae aaa Fae aaa Sarah ; 3. Fanaa a apa eT 8. ag aenst St sae Ht arerara TET 4. Taare eet Fora 9. ae 30a deal a Rita eet A arrae 5. 3teR Shia at a wl za control SA TP oF ach stunted at aa wot a aoe 6. # fear on fitz sft wat exams 2a F wu Wwe TET 1. I managed to reach on time. Or, I was able to reach on time. 2. We managed to reach home safely. Or, We were able to reach home safely. 3. I managed to convince papa. Or, I was able to convince my father. 4. You managed to perform well. Or, you were able to perform well. 5. The government managed to control Corona. Or, the government was able to control Corona. 6. Iwas ill still I managed to take all the exams. Or, I was ill still I was able to take all the exams. 7. She was weak still she managed to walk up to the train. Or, she was able to walk up to the train. 8. He managed to overcome the obstacles. Or, He was able to overcome the obstacles. 9. He managed to educate his children in a good school. Or, he was able to educate his children in a good school. 10.1 managed to sort out my problems. Or, I was able to sort out my problems. More sentences on Managed To 1, I managed to overcome all the the end of the innings. difficulties of my life. 4, Iam not good at grammar still I 2. I managed to reach the managed to speak survival English. examination centre. 5, I managed to earn my livelihood 3. Somehow, I managed to play till even in lockdown. a 6. Team India managed to win the 11.He managed to save his job in World Cup. recession too. 7. Somehow, I managed to pass the 12. The migrants managed to reach exam, their village. 8. I managed to complete my 13.He managed to cover 500 homework in just two days. kilometres on foot. 9. He managed to maintain his 14, People managed to survive three physical fitness. months without job. 10.CBSC managed to conduct the 15.She managed to see the potholes exams even in lockdown. though the light was dim. aes Somehow - fat aga — Survival - Plat wet aH —_Livelihood - 3rshtfeat Maintain - @ara Tae Conduct - Walaa LAT Recession - Hat Migrants - vant Survive ~ fiat war/fe% Wat Potholes - 7133 Dim - Stat, Ha (tere FH) afte ware & fee (aterara Ht sat A Ought to FT wart aratera: aét erat 2) Syyeynstoy BOTS t ROM C oe oa Subject + Should/ must/ ought to + V,,, + object. ee TAR GOR Cy Subject + Should not/ must not/ ought to not + V,,, + object. Ley sas hla aA Ga a) Should / must + Subject + V,_, + Object? 1. wa oii Praat ar ore eer TTT 5. TTT wt areet fare sft Gos atta TART! 2. get aera woh ate 6. atait wt arash forester warereht enfeT! 3. - IT ay AN Tere wash ABT! 7 Petar at cach ake 4. Saar tara Tae RT 8. Fa ea sera ag ret Barer TT? BESS ee oe 9. Te aKir test F fae Tet aT AT! 10. Fa Ag ara eT change Ft Aa AST? . We must follow/obey the traffic rules. You should work hard. . You must understand my problem. . He should take care of himself. Papa should buy something for himself too. . People must understand their responsibility. . You must not drink and drive. . Should we not understand his pain? . You must go for Corona test. 10. Should I change my subject? f More sentences on Should / Must / Ought To weorngyaraonr 1, She should learn manners. 9. We must speak in English. 2. We must-attend the class regularly. 10.Our government, must solve the 3. We'must not go out in lockdown. border disputes immediately. 4. We miust respect our parents. 11.We ought to obey our teachers. 5. We must empower our nation. 12.We must use sanitizers. 6. We must wash our hands for at 13. She Should introspect. least 20 seconds. 14. The police must investigate the . 7. The government must solve the case impartially. problem of unemployment. 15.The PM'must find some way out of 8. People must wear mask. this difficult situation. Romer Manners — freerany ae Regularly — fata er & Empower — Waa AFT ATA «At least — aS HA Wear — ¢etaT Border — 3a Dispute — arrsifaae Immediately — qt Obey — a Area Introspect — HTeAfeterT Impartially — freqet oT Tt Some way out of — aet fermaet aT HIS WEA Difficult — After ‘ANSLATE INTO ENGLISH 4 xe go at THT Hae area att a wT ATA ea fee | Pa TT va amen § afer 5 We fare tet age! Sa are Prete eRe aet ate ene a are arena Toh at H BTrare Ter Afra Se aft are ATaT-reT wy Tah aLaT afte: 4 a agi ax aera F sae area S ae at ae AeA A saa aT TT! BE ‘Wargre eniee Pe eam ra oe at Be AHS aT Ht aaa Prete aaa Bae 1 EMEC CCN coe ht secu) I cannot do anything now. I cannot convince her again and again. her that I can keep her happy but she should have faith in me. She should not change her decision again and again. I managed to convince my parents but she should also convince her parents. I cannot do this. I cannot talk to her parents. She should do this. We should understand that we cannot step back nor can change our decision. =< I can assure da set wera wa ge at May & Et arta ¢1 WX Might #1 Wart @rTl aa 1. Stet Ue eae after ete 1. It may rain tonight. 2. qAeMaqtageapt points xT | 2. You may/might forget these important ars points. 3. SHe wae ae aT TT 3. They might/may come here today. ic He : 4, He may might not understand the basic 4. =a basic dit ft aaa a at things too. . 5. You may feel that I am at fault. 5. Fee aes rhea at 6. He may or may not overcome the pain. 7. People may consider you wrong. / 6. aeaea Tar ht Baas sth at HH People may think that you are wrong. 7. Sn ae aera Bae THA El 8. Exam may take place next month. 8. aden sare aes Bt aa a1 9. One morning, this virus may disappear. 9. UH eRe a Virus wag array 10. This condition may continue for years. orel * at oft donee at auiar a May at 10. 2 ears WAG at TH IT WI Might aa 21 1. She may take class tonight. 6. India may defeat China in the war. 2. He may be mentally sick. 7. She may be mad. 3. The NDA Exam may take place in 8._ India may launch COVID-19 October. Vaccine soon, 4, The government might lift the 9. Petrol prices may come down after lockdown completely. lockdown, 5. I may take the Civil Services Exam 10, This year, both the UPSC and the in 2023. SSC may change their calendars. om CT 11.This pandemic may stay for the whole year. 12. Online classes may harm our eyes. 13.China may not cross the border in future. are - Wer Re 507 BT 14,We may go to Shimla next year. 15.The government may not take the problem of unemployment seriously. Use of Modals in Past Past #% Modals % Use at same git aH GIFT Past & @ are 3k sam structure afafea erm Past & areal # Can, Will & Shall #1 Wart at Stl gets Past Form Could, Would ¢ Should @e #1 STRUCTURE 1. eae aga a cara caer ae 10. gr rae rach rah aRateiel HT AT TT 2. gee tara ater att aero qa Aer ae aT TEL 3. eet sa a BHT MM 11. Bean @ aiatedra Raval oe wrath 4. Ge adel a dew Sven aie aT sfeaeer aan Sat eA eT 5 Fe ther A aad Set wot wits 12. GFE TIA RT TH arg WaT TART TT 1 qa awa oe 6. qaymarand a 13. AER FSR FANT Tete BI ag 7. Shar at argee a aiafigar 8 Bat TE aT wag 8 ate oe arg ore TET aT e. dares gout tarattat at aaficar M4: UP Weare at athe aft agt crite a ar aise om 15. Sarda BY Tare WY 1945 A CAT] a 9. ama eat arafes } are ae BAT srt reer sift ri anige ath 1. You should have taken care of your health. 2. You should not have slept in the train. 3. The doctor could have saved him. 4. You must have read the instructions carefully. 5. You must have prepared for the exam. 6. You could have come first. 7. China must have taken this virus seriously. 8. Donald Trump must have taken the warnings seriously. 9. Nepal must not have come with a new map. 10.You might have changed your life but you could not work hard. 11. The government must have discontinued international flights in February. mn 12. You should have controlled your anger but you couldn't. 13.The Bihar government must have come with checked/ controlled deaths caused by Corona Virus and flood. 14. The UP government must not have conducted ‘the exam. 15. America must not have dropped Nuclear bomb on Japan in 1945. May/ Would/ Could for Requests Bi ARMS eG RICO Coe RC Rn Mae em IGu 1. Fara sicx a waar §, Sir? 1, May I come in, Sir? 2. wat apt ats wat §? 2, May I sit here? 3. ar A ST TA BETTE HT THAT EP 3. May I use your pen? 4. ore, Fara aT a HO YE HATE? * Paps, may ask you 8. Fara ara ar aa ae waa 7 — g 5. May I know your name? ate: 2 aah are wearer wr Af After aaa 1 Se RG WI URC IC CCCI Ci Seren NG MU mCCr Ce Ce COCR Ca Qos Coscia Cancion Cet E crg Proce Ca Gd use 'would'.) 1. FA Mr. Sharma @ aa #t Hea? | 1. Could I talk to Mr. Sharma? 2. Fa se AT Brae BT taret TA 2. Would you take care of my luggage? 3. ar 3TT Ag Manager H connect FT | 3. Could you connect me to the mw manager? 4. Could you type these letters for me? 5. Would you like to take/have tea or 5. FM HTT TTT aT BE aa TE TA — More imperative sentences of Could / Would q 1. Could I take your bike? 2. Would you mind closing the window? 3. Papa, would you buy a phone for me? 4. Would you like to have something? 5. Would you go to his room? 6. Would you mind switching onthe fan? 7. Could you take your respective seats? 8. Ma'am could you give us some more words? 9. Could you show me your passport? 10. Would you drop me at the airport? Zn i co 4. FAT HTT letters AY fav type FT ari? More sentences on May in Imperative Sentences 1. May I use your phone? 2. Mom, may I go to watch a movie with my friends? 3. May I attend your class? 4. May I help you? 5. May I ask you some questions? MAY 6. 7 8, 9. 1 CS RRP Gu 1. qa areeh fiat & arrara a 1. 2. aarti sa ral 2. 3. qaRa gia dhe ata | 3. 4, Harare are areltaie 21 5. gaan onal 4 6. Sarat He, 2 AEA aes Wer Bl 5. 7. Sararet HY, SATS Evite reg fra sts | 6. Satara tl 7. 8. Maratea at, Ga feaah & ee ata 8. ‘wreraTe eT 9. sararer HY, See HEAT etifet Pret | 9. 10. 10. sroraret BY, FFE HT Age HT TT faa 1, May she recover from the illness.soon. 2. May you become an IAS Officer soon. 3. May you get a government job‘soon, May god give him a peaceful life. May she'be always’ happy'and'safe. May you-get what you deserve. May she{overcémeithis ‘heartache, 8. May you get' married soon. 9. May you'become ‘mother soon, 10. May he overcome his problems, > GO Recerca kc More sentences on May in Optative Sentence May I go to bed/ hit the sack? (ar Hater ot waHT FP) May I go home now? May I talk to you? May I go to market? 0. May I dance with you? Scud] May you succeed in your life. May you live long. May you progress by leaps and bounds, May god bless you. Or God bless you. May you go to hell. Or, Go to hell. May this pandemic finish/end soon. May he meet his fate soon. May you succeed in every sphere of life. May his soul rest in peace. May you reap the fruits of your hard work. USED ks Routine, / (sates # Routine Seen Subject + used to + Vy. + obj Pests 1, Fags ape aT aA TMT 2. Asenést aaa 3. tadteia parm 4, dtr atat dee wor ara A 5. Shr sare emits arr rar ad A 6. At Rar ag aga siet aes M1 7. Ae RATA RR SET Be aA 8. Atal yae 5 wa sor wed et afar at 2x S Sor HAT AT 9, str sare sitrfaearet gar wea A 10. Parana are wall wt tat a ate HTT a 41. A tee wie ore ae 12. A see ta Pron ete aT 13, ag aaa A Heater Ton HAT UT 14, A that carer fara ea eT 15, waa eee H UT G5 TH YE TO HTT am 46, # ator aw aera elt Fre wea TT 17. # eC TS gym GN HA AT 18, H tot sear TET HLA AT 19, A sad merce Paver acct TEN 20. # arcan H eer ae eh . Lused to go to school by bus. ._Lused to play in this park. . This lane used to be/remain quiet. . People used to walk for miles. . People used to do physical work more. 6. My father used to scold me a lot. 7. She used to go to temple every Tuesday. 8. My mother used to get up at 5 in the morning but I used to get up late. People used to be more superstitious earlier. 10. Farmers used to plough their fields by oxen. 11.1 used to go to college on foot. 12.1 used to meet him daily. 13.He used to play football in his childhood. 14,1 used to exercise daily. 15.1 used to get up at 5 am when I was in school. Qaponr 9. 16.1 used to drink lukewarm water every morning, 17.1 used to go to gym every day. 18.1 used to read the newspaper every day. 19.1 used to hate him. 20.1 used to live in Dwarka.

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